أساسيات الدوائر الكهربائية:211 كهر 211EE3 : Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Program/Department Electrical Engineering Program Code EE 1. Course number and name Course Code 211EE3 Course Title Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 2. Credits and contact hours Credit Hours 3 ( 3 , 0 , 1 ) Credit Hours ( theory , Lab/practical , tutorial ) Contact 4 Hours / week for 15 weeks Hours 3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name Name of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdelouahab Amrani Instructor(s) Name of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdelouahab Amrani coordinator 4. Text book, title, author, and year Textbook Introductory Circuit Analysis (12th Edition) by Robert L. Boylestad - Prentice Hall – 2010. Other Lecture notes in Electric Circuit Analysis by Dr Abdulwahab – Najran University. supplemental 1. Electric Circuits (6th Ed.), by James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel, Addison materials Wesley 2. Engineering Circuit Analysis (6th ed.) by W.H. Hayt, J.E. Kemmerly, and S. Durbin 3. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (7th ed.) by R. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky 5. Specific course information Catalog Basic circuit elements and concepts; Basic laws of circuit theory: Ohm's law, description Kirchoff's law; Circuit theorems: superposition principle, Thevenin and Norton theorems; maximum power transfer theorem Techniques of circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis; Sinusoidal sources and the concept of phasor in circuit analysis; Introduction to concept of average, reactive, complex power and power factor. Prerequisites Integral Calculus 106MATH-3 Advanced Physics 105PHIS-3 Co-requisites Indicate whether a required, elective, or Core (required) selected elective 6. Specific goals for the course a. Specific outcomes of instruction (student should be able to: ) Use Ohm's law to determine DC circuit parameters. CLO1 Analyze series/parallel DC circuits using Kirchhoff's laws. CLO2 Analyze circuits using mesh and Nodal methods. CLO3 Analyze circuits using Thevenin's, Norton's, superposition, and maximum power CLO4 transfer. 1 Analyze AC circuits. CLO5 b. Explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other outcomes are addressed by the course. SO CO CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4 CLO5 CO a 1 1 1 1 1 b c d e f g h i j k 1 1 1 1 1 7. Brief list of topics to be covered current, voltage and resistance. Topic 1. Ohm’s law, power and energy calculations. Topic 2. Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws in series/parallel DC circuit analysis. Topic 3. Topic 4. Mesh, nodal analysis and y- transformation. Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and maximum power transfer theorems. Topic 5. Sinusoidal Alternating Waveforms and phasor representation. Topic 6. Phasor relationships for Series - parallel AC circuit. Topic 7. 2