SERVICE MANUAL6132 ADL-256 I/0 TES'i' PANEL CONTENTS Section I. II. III. IV. V. INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL 1.2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 1.2.1 Transistor Interface PCB 1.2.2 Relay Interface PCB 1.2.3 Test Panel Switches and Indicators INSTALLATION 2.1 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 2.2 TEST PANEL PROCEDURES OPERATING PROCEDURES 3.1 OPERATIONAL CONNECTIONS 3.2 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES MAINTENANCE-TROUBLESHOOTING 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.1.1 Maintainer Capabtlities 4.2 BASIC FIELD TROUBLESHOOTING 4.2.1 Recommended Equipment 4.2.2 Recommended Accessories 4.3 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES DRAWINGS AND PARTS LIST ~ 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 15 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 5-1 5-2 5-3 I/0 Test Panel Assembly I/0 Test Panel Schematic P1 Through P3 Cable Assemblies April, 1980 A-80-100-2372-1 17/18 19/20 21/22 UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL DIVISION AMERICAN STANDARD INC. Swissvale, PA 15218 UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL The ADL-256, I/0 Test Panel (N451515-0201) tests the operation of the Auto-Add Data Link (ADL-256) Data Transmission System. The panel is used in conjunction with an ADL-256 System known to be in operating condition. The ADL-256 in turn, is used for troubleshooting purposes. Troubleshooting is basically accomplished by comparing the input and output data of the system. The Test Panel interfaces the transmitter and receiver units of the ADL-256 through three cable assemblies. Sixteen control-input switches located on the I/0 Test Panel provide test data to the ADL-256 transmitter. The output data is displayed on the I/0 Test Panel by means of LED's. Additional switches are also featured on the test panel as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. An alarm indication display Lamp Test switch. Carrier Line Attenuation switch. Relay/Transistor PCB select switch. The Test Panel is powered by a 5 VDC, regulated supply which is mounted behind the Test Panel. Over-current protection is provided by a 2A fuse. 1.2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The ADL-256, I/0 Test Panel (N451515-0201) provides 16 bits of input data to the Opto-Interface PCB (N085722-1001) of the ADL-256 transmitter unit through cable P3. When a control input switch (switches O through 15) is placed in the Logic 1 position, a 5 VDC signal (from the Test Panel) is applied to the corresponding indication input (0 through 15) of the Opto-Interface PCB. The transmitter unit indication inputs as it is interpreted as described in Service recognizes any 5 VDC signal from the Test Panel to its a Logical 1. If no signal is applied to the inputs, then a Logical O. Data processing by the ADL-256 system is Manual 6058. The Test Panel may interface one of two PCB's at the receiver unit of the ADL-256 system. 1. Transistor Interface PCB (N085724-1001) with cable P1. 2. Relay Interface PCB (N085725-1001) with cable P2. The control and output indication signals for the output interface PCB are monitored on the Test Panel with an LED display. 6132, p. 1 m UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL 1.2.1 Transistor Interfacing PCB Output indication signals of a Transistor Interface PCB will be monitored when 5 VDC is applied, by means of the Test Panel, between the collector and emitter of the output transistors located on the PCB. The LED's on the Test Panel are connected in series with the collectors of the transistors. For each output transistor that is switched ON, current flows through a corresponding LED on the Test Panel causing it to light. The LED's in the front row of the Test Panel indicate that the output transistors of the Transistor Interface PCB are switched ON or OFF. 1.2.2 Relay Interface PCB Control output signals of a Relay Interface PCB will be monitored when 5 VDC is applied, by means of the Test Panel, betwen the heel and contacts of the output control relays. The LED's on the Test Panel are connected in series with the front and back relay contacts~ A FRONT or BACK LED will light for each control output signal depending on whether the front or back relay contacts are closed. 1.2.3 Test Panel Switches and Indicators The Relay/Transistor PCB select switch switches the test panel power supply common between cables P1 and P2. This prevents a false indication at the Test Panel should both cables be connected to output interface PCB's at the ADL-256 receiver unit. The Relay/Transistor PCB select switch is placed into the position corresponding to the output PCB under test. An alarm indication on the Test Panel is used to check the alarm circuit relay on the Receiver Housekeeping PCB (N085723-10). The Alarm LED on the Test Panel should light whenever the Alarm LED on the Receiver Housekeeping PCB is lit or when no power is applied to the ADL-256 receiver unit. A Carrier Line Attenuation switch is provided to allow a -26 DBM, H-pad to be inserted in series with the ADL-256 carrier system. The H-pad is switched in to attenuate the carrier signal which allows testing of ADL-256 system sensitivity. A Lamp Test pushbutton checks the operation of the Test Panel LED's. Each panel LED contains a built-in diode, which when its cathode is tied to common lights the LED. By depressing the Lamp Test pushbutton, the lamp test pins of the LED's are tied to common causing all the Test Panel LED's to light. 6132, p. 2 UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL SECTION II INSTALLATION 2.1 2.2 NOTE: REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 1. ADL-256 I/0 Test Panel 2. Cable Assembly P1 3. Cable Assembly P2 4. Cable Assembly P3 TEST PANEL PROCEDURES The ADL-256, I/0 Test Panel must be mounted in a code rack with the ADL-256 transmitter and receiver units mounted directly above and below the Test Panel. It is also recommended that the data sets for the ADL-256 transmitter and receiver units be mounted in the same code rack. The following procedure outlines I/0 Test Panel installation: 1. Mount the ADL-256, I/0 Test Panel into a 19" code rack between the ADL-256 transmitter and receiver units. 2. Connect the 115 VAC power line to TB-D, pins 19, 20, and 17 (GND) on the Test Panel. 3. Connect the transmitting, data-set output to the carrier #1 inputs on TB-D, pins 21 and 23 on the Test Panel. 4. Connect the receiver, data-set inputs to the carrier #2 inputs on TB-D, pins 22 and 24 on the Test Panel. 5. Connect the alarm indication relay contacts from the receiver housekeeping PCB (N085723-1001) at connector A pins 2 and 3 to TB-D, pins 1 and 2 on the test panel. 6. Install a steel retaining bar (N308947-001) or equivalent across the back of the code rack, behind the Test Panel. 7. Secure the three cable assemblies from the Test Panel to the retaining bar in Step 6 to reduce cable tension. 6132, p. 3 ffi m UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL SECTION III OPERATING PROCEDURES 3.1 OPERATIONAL CONNECTIONS Connect the Test Panel, using the following procedure, to check the ADL-256 Data Transmission system. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.2 Install connector P3 to side A of an Opto-Interface PCB located in the ADL-256 transmitter unit. Note the Opto-Interface PCB's position in the transmitter unit and refer to the same position in the card enclosure at the receiver unit. Check the output interface at this position for a relay or transistor PCB. If a Relay Interface PCB is present, install connector P2 to side A of the PCB. Place the Relay/Transistor interface select switch in the test Relay PCB position. If a Transistor Interface PCB is present, install connector P1 to side A of the PCB. Place the Relay/Transistor interface select switch in the test Transistor PCB position. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES To operate the ADL-256, I/0 Test Panel, use the following procedures: 1. 2. 3. NOTE: Connect the Test Panel as described in Section 3.1. Place the Carrier Line Attenuation switch in the OUT position and energize the Power switch. The Power LED on the Test Panel should be lit. Correct operation of the ADl-256 Data Transmission system is indicated when every Logic 1 control input signal to the transmitter unit (Opto-Interface PCB) generates an output at the receiver unit (output interface) and activates a corresponding LED on the front row of the Test Panel (i.e., control bit O when input as a Logic 1 causes LEDO to light on the front row of the Test Panel). When monitoring outputs from a Relay Interface PCB, either a front or back LED is lit for each indication bit. When monitoring outputs from a Transistor Interface PCB, only the front LED's are lit for each control bit which is input as a Logic 1. 4. 6132, p. 4 If all control, input-bit switches are placed in the Logic 1 position, all front row LED's should light. If all the control, input-bit switches are placed in the Logic O position, all back row LED's should light for a Relay Interface PCB. Both front and back row LED's should be off for a Transistor Interface PCB with the control, input-bit switches in the Logic O position. Try all control, input-bit switches separately to ensure that no two signals are tied together. UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL 5. 6. 7. Place the Carrier Line Attenuation switch to the IN position and .repeat Steps 3 and 4. The ADL-256 operation remains unchanged. To check all input and output indications, repeat Steps 1 through 5 for each Opto-Interface PCB in the transmitter unit with its corresponding output PCB in the receiver unit. If the Alarm LED on the Receiver Housekeeping PCB goes on, the Alarm LED on the Test Panel should also light. To check its operation, remove one of the output interface PCB's from the receiver unit. A~er the receiver unit attempts to address the removed PCB three times, the Alarm LED's on the Receiver Housekeeping PCB and the Test Panel are lit. If the Test Panel indicates that the ADL-256 DATA Transmission system is faulty, troubleshoot the symptoms as detailed in Section II of Service Manual 6058. 6132, p. 5 .m UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL SECTION IV MAINTENANCE-TROUBLESHOOTING 4.1 INTRODUCTION This section is provided to aid maintenance personnel in the testing and/or repair of suspect defective I/0 Test Panels. The information provided and procedures detailed herein are based upon the availability of a known working I/0 Test Panel to maintenance personnel. 4.1.1 Maintenance Capabilities Maintenance personnel involved with performing the troubleshooting operations outlined herein should have a basic understanding of electronics and ADL-256 Data Transmission system operation, as well as the first two sections of this manual. 4.2 BASIC FIELD TROUBLESHOOTING The purpose of this guide is to aid field service personnel in locating and replacing defective I/0 Test Panel components. Defective assemblies should be forwarded to shop service facilities for repair. 6132, p. 6 UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL 4.2.1 Recommended Equipment 1 each 4.2.2 Item Minimum Specifications v.o.M. Voltmeter: Voltage Range: OV to 5000V Accuracy: +/-3% Input Resistance: 20K ohm/ Volt DC 5K ohm/Volt AC Ammeter: Current Range: 50 uA to lOA Accuracy: +/-2% Ohmmeter: Resistance Range: 0 to 20M ohm Accuracy: +/-5% Reading at Center Scale (1) RCA Senior Voltohmyst (2) Simpson 260 Recommended Accessories 1 each 4.3 Suggested Model Item Suggested Model PCB, Dual Extender N451441-1201 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES If faulty ADL-256, I/0 Test Panel operation is suspected, the Test Panel may be checked with the following procedures. TEST PROCEDURE Operation Verify 1. Place power switch on the test panel to the OFF position. 2. Install connector P3 to side A of dual extender PCB. Pins A-Z to connector P3 contact side AA-AZ of PCB. 3. Adjust VOM RXl Range Possible Defects 6132, p. 7 m UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL Test Procedure Cont'd. Operation Verify Possible Defects 4. Measure continuity from dual extender PCB Pins AA-AF, AH, AJ, AN, AP,. AR-AW to common (TB-D Pin 10) • 0.15 +/-.15 ohms indicated on VOM. Open wire in cable P3 or at test panel. 5. Measure continuity from dual extender PCB, Pin AA (Common) to +V (TB-D Pin 9). Short does not exist. Defective wire in cable P3 or at test panel. Defective power supply. 6. Place all control bit switches (0-15) to the logic "0" position. 7. Measure continuity from dual extender PCB pins A1-A8 and A12-A19 to +V (TB-D Pin 9). Infinite Resistance indicated on VOM. Defective control input switch, shorted wire at test panel. 8. Place Bit "0" switch to the logic "l" position. 9. Measure continuity from dual extender PCB pins Al-AB and Al2-Al9 to +V (TB-D Pin 9). 0.15 +/-.15 ohms on VOM for Pin Al to +V. All others yield infinite resistance Defective wiring or operation of control input switch, open wire in cable P3. A2-A8 and Al2-Al9 give 0.15 +/-.15 ohms resistance in the stated order. All others yield infinite resistance on VOM. Same as Step 9. 10. Place Bit "0" switch to the logic O position. 11. Repeat Steps 7-10 for control input bit switches 1-15. 12. Remove connector P3 from dual extender PCB and install connector Pl to side A of PCB. 13. Place relay transistor PCB select switch to the relay PCB test position. 6132, p. 8 Pins A-Z of connector P1 contact side AA-AZ of PCB. ,. UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL Test Procedure Cont'd. Operation Verify Possible Defects Infinite resistance indicated on VOM Defective wiring or operations of PCB select switch. 16. Repeat Step 14. 0.15 +/-.15 ohms indicated on VOM. Defective wiring or operation of PCB select switch, open wire on cable P1. 17. Remove connector Pl from dual extender PCB and install connector P2 to side A of PCB. Pins A-Z of connector P2 contact side AA-AZ of PCB. 18. Measure continuity from dual extender PCB pins AlO and A21 to to common (TB-D Pin 10). Infinite resistance indicated on VOM. Defective wiring or operation of PCB select switch. 0.15 +/-.15 ohms indicated on VOM Defective wiring or operation of PCB select switch, open wire in cable P2. 14. Measure continuity from dual extender PCB pins AA-AF, AH, AJ, AN, AP and AR-AW to comon (TB-D Pin 10). 15. Place relay/transistor PCB select switch to the transistor PCB test position •. 19. Place relay/transistor PCB select switch to the relay PCB test position. 20. Repeat Step 18. 21. Remove connector P2 from dual extender PCB. Switch is wired 22. Inspect the wiring and continuity of the carrier as per schematic. line attenuation switch. Defective wiring, switch or shorted or open resistors (R1-R5). 23. Connect 115 volts, 60Hz AC power to test panel. 24. Place power switch to the Power LED on test panel is lit. ON position. Fuse blown, LED or power switch defective, power supply failure. 6132, p. 9 ~ UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL Test Procedure Cont'd. Operation Verify Possible Defects 25. Press lamp test pushbutton·. All LED's on test panel are lit. LED defective, defective wiring or operation of lamp test switch. 26. Install connector Pl to side A of dual extender PCB. Pins A-Z of connector Pl contact --,~de AA-AZ of PCB. '-., 27. Place relay/transistor PCB' select switch to the transi~to_l'.' PCB test position. 28. Insert 'a 'Jum1rer-·wire between pins Al and AA on dual extender PCB. Front LED "0" on test panel is lit. Open wire in cable Pl or at test panel, defective LED. 29. Remove end of jumper wire from pin A1 and connect to pins as listed in Table 4-1. As per Table 4-1. Same as Step 31. 30. Remove connector P1 from dual extender PCB and install connector P2 to side A of PCB. Pins A-Z of connector P2 contact side AA-AZ of PCB. 31. Place relay/transistor PCB select switch to the relay PCB test position. 32. Insert a jumper wire between pins A21 and A1 on dual extender PCB. Front LEDO on test panel is lit. Open wire in cable P2 or at test panel defective LED. 33. Remove end of jumper wire from Pin Al and connect to Pins as listed in Tables 4-2 and 4-3. As per Table 4-2 and 4-3. Same as Step 35. 34. Remove connector P2 from dual extender PCB. 35. Insert a jumper wire bet- Alarm LED on test ween Terminals 1 and 2 on panel is lit. Terminal Board D of the the test panel. END OF TEST 6132, p. 10 Open wire on test panel or defective LED. UNION SWITCH a SIGNAL Table 4-1. Jumper From AA To: Step 29 Jumper Connections Front LEDS on Test Panel Lit A2 LED 1 A3 LED 2 A4 LED 3 AS LED 4 A6 LED 5 A7 LED 6 A8 LED 7 A12 LED 8 A13 LED 9 A14 LED 10 A15 LED 11 A16 LED 12 A17 LED 13 A18 LED 14 A19 LED 15 6132, p. 11 m UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL Table 4-2. 6132, p. 12 Step 33 Jumper Connections Jumper From Front LEDS on Test A21 To: Panel Lit A2 LED 1 A3 LED 2 A4 LED 3 A5 LED 4 A6 LED 5 A7 LED 6 A8 LED 7 A12 LED 8 A13 LED 9 A14 LED 10 A15 LED 11 A16 LED 12 A17 LED 13 A18 LED 14 A19 LED 15 UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL Table 4-3. ·. Step 33 Jumper Connections Cont'd. Jumper From Back LEDS on Test A21 To: Panel Lit AA LEDO AB LED 1 AC LED 2 AD LED 3 AE LED 4 AF LED 5 AH LED 6 AJ LED 7 AN LED 8 AP LED 9 AR LED 10 AS LED 11 AT LED 12 AU LED 13 AV LED 14 AW LED 15 6132, p. 13 / m UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL SECTION V DRAWINGS AND PARTS LIST This section contains assembly drawings, schematics, logic diagrams, component locations, and parts lists for the ADL-256, I/0 Test Panel. .- 6132, P• ·14 UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL nEMIQTY.I PART NO. TS Tl!, .D .. ·c. ~ ---+-+·- .l it w~ &I~ "' - ® --------------------------- --------- ! ! i -, fC"'flh..._ ~ z I m.K@ 9 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 5 ., .. 6 7 6 © © 0:: 2 0 e 0 0 0 9 JO 0:· 0 0 fl, ,----··------J- :™DJCATIO"fl-0-0TPQf,' (!ITS I I I I, I I ' L------------4·H ~~--. \ t~ 3 4 5 0 0 0 II .• - IZ 13 0 0 ~ 7 l5 I 9 0 14 0 ... 10 o~ ;_; ' : _J -----~ CONTROL INPUT BITS + LL _-::_~· if , RELAY PC.I!, TE.ST ~ IN ,---- - , I CM~RIERLINE. "TP.1-NSISTOR PC!!, TEST U--1 0.3 Os °'RR1E.R•1 >-·-· II 14 I?. 12 r· JOSI 174- ISCR <tto·32><¥sFLHo.a11.-sq. ~ 4 UN437606 1835030 3'1 BOIIRD,TERMINI\L &, 5 TAP!S"4W >< "'- SCOTCH BAAHD I I SWITCH. +PDT, MST-4-0SN foe I PANEL. s'kt'xi9" wsHst:c;. SHPltF. LIC. NUT,~-32 HEJC 571.. IJ04s14s 13~ I.J7314!>!5 TERMINAL,CRIMP •csz4 G 6 IUJ47681 WASH£R.1r8 LOCK 7 ~ 1UM30931/ 8265 lHSI NUT,•8 POWER 'SUPPLY_._ S VDC. 8 I µ72570t-00fl! '""514se·n11 ID4s1<1se 2ZICA8L£, Pl ASSY. 9 N4Sl458·Za,ijD4Sl4&8 f2t.lcABLE., PZ. ASSY. 0 0 HOM. fa 2. ~3 ~4 r /rJzs G : ----l----@ :...--- IS ,. \ s1.r I.KG, FOR J3')7144 RErERE.NCE. ONLY I l I TOOL, (RIMPING, HT-~5 .,. I I +1 I I I I I I \powe.R Tl&:., C.A6L£ I .\ ~o :1::~·. 2.4 IJ70~3oz. I I ADL-256 1/0 TEST PANE"_ I ff+~ : )~. 2AFUS4- ~.:f..:.=::- =--= :..:-.::-=-;..-.:-:.:- :."':. L---(12 ~-LAih--~ ~ Rf:rER TO WIRI..<". l)IAG,Rlo.N\ D4513ZO- SH.0101 &C1ac.u1T 01...C.RANI 0451'319-SH,0101 f"OR WIRING, CA6l,.t. COHN&:.C.TIONS TO TERMINAL 'BOAl'l-t>S. C1'8LE C.LAW\I" J700S.,O(IT.Z) IS USED TO FA'S.TEN CABLES ?1,PZ.,a. P3. -c: -'~- _ _;- -z:e-O I &. FOR CABLES Pl, PZ. a P3 E:ACH UNUSED AC.TIV£ INlf!(/£. /5 TO BC CUT TO THE. INSULATION AND HAVE ITS £ND TAPED l/1/0IVIDIJALLY SOTHAT THE CONDUCTOR IS COVE:flt.CCAND 1H£NFOLDE:D 8ACKAHOTAP£D"'Tl> THE BoOY OF tHE:. CABLE. & 8 RESl'STOS!'S (R/-R5)AS!£ NOTTO S£ /NSTM.1.£Dj'5UPPLIED LATER. BY SYSTEMS E:NG, 1"1£.E:.l'llNC,. 24 --· ---.....- -+-- ® ~ ,~) ~ / .d ~ CA.Rll1t.R•Z. 0-+-. I 1/· ow--..._;_~.:.~-& O"jj- -i:"' .!f,C---320 0,3 ar~---C:f'G-3.o 6~- 03s (lJ :i.,O 0,7 037 0 160 019 0 .39 400 Ii II & ~ ~ REVERSE. SIDE. OF TE.P.Mlt-lA.L SOAR.0 •cf & REMOVE. THE.(2.)"E.-32•1/4 FLAT HO. STL.SC.RS. F"RQN\ TE.Rt/llNAL e,0;(1T.9) SIDE. NUM8£REP Z.0-40 AND RE:PL.O.C.E. WITH (t.)•c..-32.><5/& F"L.1-10. SR. S,:::.R'S.(IT.8). CASLE:. C.\..AMP(W/CAe.LEl LOCK WASHER. AND HE.)( j\lUT ARE:. 1N1;TALLE:.O T8 THE" PROTRUDING, SCR.£.W £ND, LOC.KWA'SHE.ll LOC.A"TE:D UNDE.R NIST. TE:ST PER SPEC. E.U-632/. US£ CAl!,I.E. TIE. (IT. Z.S) AS "R£CIIJ\1t£..D TO DRES'S ¥fliUNC",, ALL CONNECTIONS TO LEO<, ,ITEM I, ARE TO Ii!,£ M,IIIDE USING CRIMP TERMINALS , CRIMPING 1'DOL J'!il'll7144 '\ (SEE REFERENCE) I~ RECOMMENDED FOR ASSEMB\.'l. f"l'""T'''"'l"'l"' l"'l"'I" '1"'1"'1'"1 : 4 ' F"USE: 2A • 250 V 6 ~ .~ <lj --Q 2, ,. . -A-, o,, TERMINAL 8~05-A,B,&.C J7100ZI 8 15 ~ I-·• 2.1,~ . -'.:::_rif _,'- --l;0 TE.R.MINA.L l!,OAR!>S (IT,-,)& HOLDE:11.,F"USI: I ·O 2.1 f""\_ o-z11- CABLE CONNECTIONS TO SWITCH.MOMENTARY SPST J07l8&9 TO FASTEN CJ\8L£S PI-P.3 ON T E - I ~ 13,0.0.~S @ 0-2,- UJ7Z5707-0IO: I I I ~ ATTE':-'~~t~O~ ...........--, }--- ~: OUT~-~--: I-IP-eN SWITCH, TGL SPST p ,.., 4- 112 ~ 0 0 UN451515-0201 'I E, Cl.AMP, C.A&L£ IJ700S9o 1a IUJ 725'rf,8 10 .ozc J773078 II I ~ns101-oml 12 I jR41,1s,.,;oiio~045161" 3 112 IJ041113 --~-----=:] - I ~----- ---- -~+i " DESCRIPTION INDICATOR, LED IM4s14sa-u.1!04s1<1se 1-zz.lcA'BLE, P3 Assy. I+ I =t\== t @ WABCO © © 0 9 r-1::: ~ I -IJIB:o I -- --- ---- 0 "' r@ - /9 I ·~,.:~ I i.. -- \ ~ t iS 1 "J lT i3 I+ T \ I ._i_, OWG. SH.I 34 IJ7Zf. lSO-O~ TB TS® m lri IN4Sl,:~~-t~:OI IPANEL, TOLIERANCESON .. ,NtSH«D 0 ~;::.;:~::~~~:1~ 0 T~-:.~ SEE Tl\8 ~ ,/: MAT&'81ALJIIPB:lftCATIOII GE.tit. ow~. oF ADL-2.Stt DA.TA TRAASMISSIOM SYSTEM ~ ;~ u• :I 0 Figure 5-1. I/0 Test Panel Arsembly 61.32, p. 15/16 , ...___ ~ I t~r AOL•l56 I I II " I I O,Bl.£ s Pl-1JN45U'>t -22 11 UN0115724-1001 R=AECE IVER REL.A\' INTERF.ACE PZ-UN4!114511 -HI? PCB UN015725-1001 I i·· FROOT I,, I INDICATION OUTPUT INTERF.ACE P.ANELS T=RECE I VE'R TR.-.NS ISTOR INTERFACE PCB ·PIC,C I I I I I I ,ot -2 56 I ~...:5 TH T PANEL ~•• ., !); ') I CONNECTOR....... INOIC.HION O T-1~) P 1-1 • • TB,.-2 • OUTPUT INOIC,.TION I CONTROL I OUTPUT INOICloTION ' CONTROL 3 ... I I ~~~E:~:r~E~~~ VER ... ' ·-·~>I WOK s I ~) P2-B • GBK CONTROL • I I re.--,., •-s~I)---fil!K_..__._____. 1..0NiROL o>-- TBB-9 I ,-,~) eueK Pl-6 TBB-6 I I -.,>~-·--·-P2-0 ree-a 5 • CONTROL •I 1 TBS- I I 4 6 7 CONTROL ti I •-,~) RW • ree-11 • ·~> t ONTROL • P?-f • ..:ON~ROL TBB-15 ,.,>-----;t_~ 'l 1 TBB-20 D"'"" I . • I '-1::i~) ,, OUTPUT IND IC.AT ION rt" CONTROL I " CONTROL I co~!ROL •• , . ~ ) RBKG : " .~1~1 ~, 111 u, i~ ~ iii ~ Cri c CJ) - ~~ ill > ~ :;;i ;:: ~ ,. Fl ~ ~ ~ Iii 15 ONTROL I5 OBKG Pt-lg • TBB·ll I I I I I • • ~ I <4 §KWQ ,1' 0 AC ~TBO-,<J N-OFF' ;.~ )>----?21 ( ~~11 •J"44~t4):·Z211 ... OUTPUT ~ 8 OUTP\JT G TB,.-J OUTPUT 0 OUTPUT GW OUTPUT P l ~ H OUTPUi >------? Pl~ N OUTPUT T8.A•24 p I ~ S OUTPUT ra ...... u P l ~ T OUTPUT re•-a •• ~ u I TS.-.-30 P l ~ V OUTPUT ~ p't L _ _ L___ ' INC It .A'••'. '~ ::i If,-' I 1 ID,, ,, •N01(,-r1c,, l"ll ,\ ,.T ION t 1N01u• 10N , INOIC.AT 1:>N II INDIC.ATION 9 R'-oU"TPUT -,No,c;;TIONto I 7 1•i01t• .Ar1 Pl•E _:_P~l·N P j ~ p OUTPUT I - ',(J P 1 •0 TB.6-18 TB.A-12 INOtt/.' Pl·B r-~---<>--..Q.G _ re.a-20 re,.-n ~I- CONN£~TOR''.."<coLLr(T!JI'; ~~ Pl~JOUTPUl P2•V OUTPUT W OUTPUT INOJC.ATION II INOIC.AT ION II INDICATION I) IHDIC.ATION 14 INOIC,-TION 15 - R NO :,v 0{ RE!j Pf, ~$ "',.,.,., ~ I HM:~r:. ""' TBI·" #1 [' RESISTOR v.-.LUES (R1-R~) SUPPLlfEO BY svstEMS ENGINEERING. (RESISTORS R.ATEO ,.T I t TVPIC.-,L VALUES SHOWN) w.-.Tt ~ ~ - - - "- -- C.ARR IER NOTE: -l w~ P2·W L_ - - '11'.,.,~n ,~~~~~.:-{-,,JI_, I FUSE >C>--<t-----------1 ~ CONTROL ,::;I " I ~ )·. . , ' I !.I _________--+~~~~ _' I I " Pi; 23 ' P2-10 R CONTROL y ~ I II ttS I PCB .UN08~72S-:,p, I 1.0NNt,. TOR r •. 1·t1 WfL -~>----? 1, P2-2 I TBJ,.•15 CONTROl u ~ ) - ! . R . 9 . I3 P2-U I ()Ml.I,•, I r<•au P1- -~~°1~fiJt~~~::~~~r:rl N TBA-IJ T I I I ~ ~~r co~iROL r ~ > , J ! Y • • r_J_ ___ J TBO .0 TB •17 e-----e--JW.--~~ ( re,.-~ PI-C I I TSA-33 R · l 9 ~ ) OBKG e P'l-lf g TSB-32 I T£STJ co~~kOL s ~ ) - J i ! U S ! . P2-S TBB•25 I !I - I TBC ~. 7 ._ TR~NSISTOR PCB TEST P2-T f. tM._4, •, " Pl-W TB ... -7 P2-18 ~- ..UTPUt I o,cATIDN T · I · ~ > I-'· 0 t-.) I_ 11 R - 1 7 ~ ) t1to<q P2- I 7 ~ rt 1"4l 6 - - - - - 4 , - - . . l ! l l . 0 - - " 7 ~ C OUTPU' 1 I ~ L - - - - e - - """m.-"--7~>----? " '' e-----e,--.!!!10--~>----? BK"G __ ~ __ OUTPUT G l--,.-,.-_;,.-4..i.....i...........i.::;1NDIC.ATION T - 1 8 ~ ) RBK_ 14 Gl Pl-18 ~ 1"-l " rl 188-21 I I o INPUT INPur TB,.-9 o , 0,...,...1 .• ',o >----? , 7 ·v i:.tL!oY PCB O R - 1 6 ~ ) QBKW ,'-11 , I l'iPU! I) , 11MV1 ', C'8Ll P, I--------------. IuN,~14~C"·l21? i,.DL-256 R[lCh£R Hf'-" •, -••' PI• 16 i, INP·Jr Pl TBC•ll CONTROL R ~ ) WBIC'R 1:1 P2-R • - VDn" I (I) .... w a I T-lf>----?) C'urPuT INOICATION T · l 1 ~ ( .... 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" - - < t - - - - - - f " ') P2-.I TBB•i R-2~)---!!TDB-1 P2-2 I • rec- 3 rnc-, T-2~~ TEA-4 P 1-2 P2 ·4 OUTPUT 11\/0IC,.T IOI\/ CONTROL BACK I 2 OUTPUT INO!C!oTION l CONTROL "JL-.+R-1~~ ree-1 PZ-1 rec-1 ---------?~! I CONTROL O AOL-256 TRANSMITTER OPTO INTERFACE PCB UN0857U-1001 J!.K I BK I I I OUTPUT O·th.f P) U~4i:il 4!.16-221 J r·;·i-----~ "' ® ,, I .: I I ""' """''" •;""'"' ""~'\''" I " "' c,~~ .•• , I i ' ""!'.:______ , c z 0 z I ~ Ill en c5 ~ ,- EB UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL :I" l4S1458 l,:~,I CAB,E- ORDER OF AS5EM6LY :>I 45145&1 ,r-'im'iiiirtTT":nor'n:ir.,mi11 I 1. CUT CA81..f-, ,TEM 11 TO U:N<:,Tl-1 Rf:Qu11H,::, .(SE-t.Tl>a) ?. ON ilOTH ENOS OF CABLE-, STRIP. OIS(:ARO "!~ IMC141:-S OF' O\JTER JACl<f:T !!, St-lJl:-\.D. (oo NOT CUT 9·111:-LO DRAIN Nlr.:l.f: Vlr:W''A' CONNE-C.iOR E-ND OF CAlr.LE ON E-ITI-IE-R &MD). r: l&l5Er ..OTE1jlAIOC.349'Z I "l III .030ilJ'l773078 I I OPt-N E-NO OF CAIILE 3 1:1 4 3. FOLD BAC>< SPA1'1E- Wl"ll=S (BOT.\ f:NDS) ANO TAPE- TO ~c,y t l :ONNE<TOR ENI)" r.. • OF CAIJJ.E- JS1NG lTE-M ,Z. ~ APPLY CA8L" CONNECTOR !Tl:M 3, FORM•N6 ACT ve ,,.RK AS Rf;QUll~ED (Re-i!-e,R TO t>W6 C4S,l'?O ·SN.10 FOR ASSEMBLY l"ISTR.UC"TIONS.). (Scc TABLf:- :t). 1 INS&T DUMMY P•NS IN ALL UNUSED PoS1T10NS (9. K, 'ZO&x) e. DRAIN Wll'l\<. 10. APP.'f "TAP!., l"TlrM 'Z, "1"0 OUTER ,AC!<.1:-T 11. ~:,:,,_; e, C°' -~l!.LE. -~ SI-\EET MET1'L. ':>1DE OF' CO!<Ni:.C:"l"OR. W><E.I'< :.~L-LD :-c;;_. .s TO '3E. STI\MPE.D ~"TI\E .S'340.85. 12. ~1-:!.LE FIE.CE 'J~NISE.?. N!.,.H '3t.AC.K 11'<,( '30D'1' ::::, TI\E f, ( \..:, «<~ i2~ SM•E-LD• CASL.E. DESCRIPTION TI I CA·MULTl·CO"IO S~LO· ITAPE-3/4W " ~ sco ! iM 451559 I TB6 .... 1'1TR1<1 S I. lo 1. :w 7 ,. i!'o" 451ss~ 1;,03 L.Al'!>E L _n,,tw. NUMIH BD Cl451170 I to lt001 ICONNE-CTOP.,CAB\.E- 181 .soo:1.ofn4180 I "'""""'"' ' 1 Y -.053 ID IBl4SISS9 13 301 LASE\.. ,-Pi) 4515sq 1'30?. \.ASEL ,Pt.) IBl4SISS"l 1'3 11 (P ;,) • 1a14s1 ss9 •3 I !! ! 1 1 F'OQ C!E-F"cR.E:NCi- ONJ.'( J IJ13'37/J;OI -~ JN SPARE' WIRE- APP1.,'( ~i(a TE-c:'LON 'NS. 'T\JB,N6 1 tTE-M 4, A& ~£QU1Fllf:O 1"0 t 11Nl451l70 !APPLICATION DRAWING (.2)SEE.NOTES ;,e,,.10 - - :t). ~- ,o~ \. 5TR1P E'AC14 ACTIVE, WIRJi, e,>cK 1/'Z INCi-! (Tl-II!, WILL AIO ,NSPE<T,o .... w .. r:N TM£:, CA&Lf:- T~T IS tONOUc:Tf:P)-(sr:-e, TAfiM.E- I I~ ~~~:D ',c...- ,)' ~ ~ m~"" :! ~---- ~ ~=r - -:::/'fS: APPLY .JUMP~S AS ;:!EQu1RE,D US•NC. ,r,Z'Z 81<. w,Re (10 TO 1., \. TO fl, II "TOM. 'ZI TOY. VTO 22 1 'Z'Z TO•) 7. ~:.1.i-::.%?FLON INS. TU81NC!, , JTt;t.l 4 1 AS r-lEQUlRE-D TO 0 ...N 1:,NI)'' ~ -NOTe-54,Slol!o.7 1, 22 m (3.) . o• '..-1 S~ NOTH 3&10 '2 0 I SPARE- v.•RE- ' ,.,.OOL•C'11MP #90017-2 I TOOL-E':)("1"1<.<>C ..4/o.S/95·1 Jl:5971491 (, !i1i£ NOTliS 3 e.. JO SE.L NCTE. \ \ -= ""'O CONNEC''!'10N ,...-\ :::> INSPE-CTION I I I I gn LO CAT ON CF i<EYS IN C.ON\.IE.C,'TO~'!, A) 2 ME':C"1ANICAL•CM£(:I( "THAT Cocota c.ooe-o w,c:ir:s Tli:RMINATE-D l"' CONNt;C"l"Ol'l AGlll!-f: WITM TA&.&' ".!:, • PU\.L Tc!,T i:<>C.H CONNE-("1"01't TE-lo!MINA\.. - u<ECI< ............... CABLf: CONFORMS To NOTE-!, Aeove-. I I c :> 4:> o :> I , I I 3::: e.. - CABLE $HA1.1. ee i:c:ie,i;, OF' N!CKS,Clo!ACK5 suc:i.. s. • C0NNl!<T01't ~Al'lt>wARf: SHALL Sf:- "'"'5TE-NE-C 5i<vRE-LY. s::: i.:> '-> E.EC.Tl'l1CAL· C..!E,CI( F'OR CONTINUITY FO'I AL.L ACTIVE- WlQl:oS. ~ C>-!ECK r=oc:i SHOlo!T5 '3f:TWE:E"i ACTIVE- W•liHANO eeTWE-E-N WIR~ CRAIN WlRf:. a: F) *·FOR Re-::-e:c:ir,,.ice- ONJ.'f '.:N "l">lE, J:'1£,LO "'PP\.ICATIOl<I OF TMIS CAl!ll..E &ACM UN\J5tl) AC:TIVI: WIRf: 1'5 -o '.<!IE. C.UT lh_• TO TfiE, INS\JLATION AND ,il\'I.:. ITS" £.1-lt> TA?E:D '<OIVID.P.L~Y SO THI\T T~C: C.0Nt)UC.T~""- IS" CO\IE.RE.O· !'- Ai:lll\"T,0",1, c.AC.11 "'N\lSll,!:> A&Tl'-'E. 'N\R.E IS TO =,E. ,".lL:,.;.p 13AC.K AND TI\PE.D TOTHc. '30t:,'( OF ,-,_,.:_ - a> I i I I i I I CAl!,\.'E. - :,UFTIX -22.11 4·5 a 10-11 .. -· - 2i,z. 4·5 & 1S·llo ~ - 2'2.1'3 Go-7 I I pu ·~ gvg~ I I II I I ~ ~n •• 7 :> I I ~ . H I I - ... I I Pr. ~ :::> s> J :> 9> KEY PLACE';) 'B-.:.iWE.EI C.ONNEC."1"011-CONTAC.TS a.. ,4,-17 I I K> CA"aU~. TASLE ::t ACTIVf: }§ Wltll.. NO"l"f: 4 ~ CONNKTOR ENO' $U . '.;,- OPEN !::NO.. R ....§. .£.......ll! -- w • 2213 :21.12 -2'2.11 -2210 Ill( .. ·a>< :::._M !IK - u -2205 is ~:::::...-t.-1--.§~~~-ti""- -2204-2203 'ZO 17..,.. 6 1a ~-4+__;:-e~ w _., ?o> x > SK ~§ NO C:.Ol«NELTIOI\ w o CABI.E- FCC! ACL·'l!5'" AUTO.AC>!) OA"l"A UNK. '- '-- _____ ____ ___ .............. __ _____ _TO~:E!if£:r,i~S: l"'l'"l'"l"'l"'l'"l"'l"'l "1'"1"'1"'1 ~ -;; .,fpN;'<Jii'ta.. 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W ~ 0 (5""-RE-) __ ...... .. _ on_,_.,.._ fl!0 iii 50 45 -2209 ·?'208 -2207 -220'" ~ R .t..o:z UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL OIYISION WESTINGNOUSE'AIR IRAKE co••••y SWISSYALE.PA.15211 U.S.A. .t..OJ t--~~. . . ..:-:i::-:J~~:::Jt:::::JJ~~!S~:!~~ r 22 • Pl Through P3 C~ble Assemblies ! 6132, p. 19/20