Robust Networking Lab, Dept. of Information & Communications Technology, Graduate school of Engineering, Osaka University, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan Tel. : +81-6-6879-7742 Email : Gender: Male Nationality: Bangladesh Date of Birth: 10th December, 1978 Mobile: +81-80-4018-4554 Email : KHONDOKAR HABIBUL KABIR RESEARCH INTERESTS I am currently interested in wireless delay tolerant networks (DTNs). • Successfully developed self-organized data aggregation mechanism among selfish behaved sensor nodes. • Developed optimal visiting order among isolated clusters to minimize the mean delivery time of data. • Analyzing self-organized mechanism among the devices in ambient networks. EDUCATION Ph.D. (continuing) Thesis Title: Self-organized data aggregation and optimal visiting order of isolated clusters in delay tolerant wireless sensor networks Advisor: Prof. Tetsuya Takine, University: Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. Apr, 2007 - Present Master of Engineering Thesis Title: Modeling of Continuous time Sigma Delta modulator with delay compensation Advisor: Prof. Kenji Taniguchi, University: Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. Apr, 2005 - Mar, 2007 Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Thesis Title: A PC based Digital Heart Beat Monitoring System Advisor: Prof. Saifur Rahman, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh University: Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh (a subsidiary organ of Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)) Remarks: (1st Class 1st), GPA Major: 5.00/5.00, Minor: 4.96/5.00 Jan,1999 - Nov, 2002 Higher Secondary Certificate Remarks: 17th position in the combined merit list in Jessore board with 87.1% marks School: Jhenidah Cadet College 1997 Secondary School Certificate Remarks: 21st position in the combined merit list in Jessore board with 86.5% marks School: Jhenidah Cadet College 1995 HONORS AND AWARDS Recipient of Best Poster Presentation Award Ambient Network, GCOE, Osaka University Mar, 2011 Recipient of Best Workshop Paper Award BioAmbIS of Bionetics 2010, Boston, USA. Dec, 2010 Recipient of Travel Grant of “Global COE (Centers of Excellence) Student Support Program” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and technology, Japan. Dec, 2010 Recipient of Young Scientist Research Grant of “Global COE (Centers of Excellence) Program” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and technology, Japan. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Recipient of Research Assistantship (RA) of Ambient Network Group of “Global COE (Centers of Excellence) Program” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and technology, Japan. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Recipient of Scholarship of ICOM Electronics and Communication Engineering Foundation, Japan. 2010 - 2011 Recipient of Japanese Government MonbuKagakuSho Scholarship as a Bangladesh Government Scholar. 2004 - 2010 Recipient of OIC Gold Medal, the Highest University Award for the brilliant result in Undergraduate degree in Islamic University of Technology (IUT). 2002 Recipient of Distinguished Cadet award from Jhenidah Ex-Cadet Association (JEXCA) for the outstanding result in Undergraduate degree. 2003 Recipient of Full government scholarship as well as three years Full scholarship in IUT for the outstanding result in HSC examination. 1999-2002 Recipient of Bangladesh Talent Pool Scholarship for Higher Secondary Certificate. 1997-1998 Recipient of Bangladesh Talent Pool Scholarship for Secondary School Certificate. 1995-1997 Recipient of Bangladesh Talent Pool Scholarship for Primary School Certificate. • Obtained first position in Jhenidah district, Bangladesh. 1990-1992 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Graduate Research Student (Ph.D candidate) Robust Networking Lab, Dept. of Information & Communications Technology, Graduate school of Engineering, Osaka University, Supervisor: Prof. Tetsuya Takine Responsibilities: •Analyzing wireless delay tolerant networks and its future improvements. •Developing self-organized data aggregation technique for selfish node in isolated clusters. •Analyzing optimal visiting order of isolated clusters by the message ferry. Apr, 2007 Present Research Assistant (RA), Ambient Network, Osaka University Supervisor: Prof. Tetsuya Takine Project Leader : Masayuki Murata Responsibilities: •Analyzing the automatic data accumulation from the environment in ambient network. •Determine the self-organize mechanism of the device in ambient network. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Graduate Research Student (Master) Quantum Electronic Device Lab, Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Graduate school of Engineering, Osaka University, Supervisor: Prof. Kenji Taniguchi Responsibilities: •Analyzing the digital to analog conversion’s performance by sigma delta modulator. •Analyzing the finite gain bandwidth induced errors in CIFF sigma-delta modulator. Apr, 2005 Mar 2007 Undergraduate Research Student (Bachelor) Electrical and Electronic Dept. Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh Supervisor: Prof. Saifur Rahman, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh Responsibilities: •Analyzing PC based heartbeat monitoring system. •Developing user friendly software for PC based monitoring system. 2002 ACADEMIC TEACHING EXPERIENCE Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh. Responsibilities: • Lectured Sophomore Level Undergraduate Courses (Electronic Circuit, Digital Circuits, Networking). • Arranged a number of Technical Workshops. • Developed and administrated the Campus Intranet Based Network. Teaching Assistant (TA), Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Osaka University, Japan. Responsibilities: • Assisted and conducted laboratory work of Undergraduate Course (Digital Circuits Designs, Basic Electrical Circuits). Dec, 2002 - Present (on study leave) 2007, 2008 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP AND AFFILIATION • • • • Associate Member, IEEE (41341802) Associate Member, (IEB) The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. Associate Member, Bangladesh Computer Council Life Member, Jhenidah Ex-Cadet Association (JEXCA) LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY • Native: Bangla • Fluent: English • Conversational: Japanese (6 months Intensive Japanese Language course, Osaka University, 2004) Hindi • Read: Arabic Extracurricular Activities • Selected as the representative of Bangladesh to participated 4th Asian Youth Forum 2002, Bangkok, Thailand. • Selected as the representative of IEEE Bangladesh to participated IEEE Region 10 Student Congress 2002, NUS, Singapore. • General Secretory, Osaka University International Student Association, (OUISA) Bangladesh Part. • Recipient of 2nd prize for the “Logo design competition” of Osaka University International Student Association, (OUISA) . • Participating different cultural activities and international exchange programs around Kansai area, Japan. • Student Mentor, IEEE student branch, IUT, Bangladesh. 19 - 25 May, 2002 16 - 20 July, 2002 2005 2004 2004 - present 2002 - 2004 • Chairman of IEEE IUT Student Branch, Bangladesh Section. 2001 - 2002 • Cultural Prefect, Jhenidah Cadet College. 1996-1997 • Participate in various cultural, music, art, sports and athletics activities and received various prizes during studying in Jhenidah Cadet College. • Member of Inter school debate team. 1991 - 1997 1989 - 1990 PUBLICATIONS • Journal Papers 1. K. Habibul Kabir, Masahiro Sasabe, and Tetsuya Takine, “Evolutionary Game Theoretic Approach to Self-Organized Data Aggregation in Delay Tolerant Networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E93-B, no. 03, pp. 490-500, March, 2010. 2. Saifur Rahman, R Parveen and K H Kabir, “The technique of detecting systolic and diastolic pressure from the transducer output of a PC-based blood pressure monitoring system,” Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 409–417, December, 2007. 3. K. Habibul Kabir, Masahiro Sasabe, and Tetsuya Takine, “Optimal Visiting Order of Isolated Clusters in DTNs to Minimize the Total Mean Delivery Time of Bundles,” Journal of Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization of American Institute of Mathematical Science (AIMS), December, 2011. 4. K. Habibul Kabir, Masahiro Sasabe, and Tetsuya Takine, “Evolutionary game theoretic scheme for stable and resilient data aggregation in DTNs,” International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS), 2011, (to be appeared). • International Conference Papers (Peer Reviewed) 1. K. Habibul Kabir, Masahiro Sasabe, and Tetsuya Takine, “Self-Organized Data Aggregation among Selfish Nodes in an Isolated Cluster,” in Proceedings of 5th International ICST Conference on BioInspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems, Boston, MA, USA, December, 2010 (recipient of “Best Workshop Paper Award”). 2. K. Habibul Kabir, Masahiro Sasabe, and Tetsuya Takine, “Design and Analysis of Self-Organized Data Aggregation Using Evolutionary Game Theory in Delay Tolerant Networks,” in Proceedings of The Third IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications, Kos, Greece, June, 2009. 3. K. Habibul Kabir, Daisuke Kanemoto and Kenji Taniguchi, “Modeling of CIFF Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulator with the Influence of Finite Gain Bandwidth Induced Errors and Its Compensation,” IEEE International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai (IMFEDK), Osaka, Japan, April 2007. • Others 1. K. Habibul Kabir and Faria Mahmud, “Flourishing IEEE student branches in Bangladesh: Activities, Present and Future plans,” IEEE Region 10 Student Congress, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, July, 2002. 2. K. Habibul Kabir, “Education for Information Age,” 4th Asian Youth Forum (AYF), Bangkok, Thailand May, 2002. Book for school level kids • “Play with Numbers, Two Digit Multiplications and Advance Multiplications - An easy introduction of Mathematics to Kids,” (currently under construction), Jointly working with Future of Energy, Osaka, Japan. REFERENCES Prof. Tetsuya Takine Robust Networking Lab, Dept. of Information & Communications Technology, Graduate school of Engineering, Osaka University, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan Tel. : +81-6-6879-7740, Email : URL: