paper pulp manufacturing register march 2011

Company Name
Public Report Year
Opportunity Category
Equipment type
Amcor Limited
Optimisation of compressed air operations. High and low pressure compressed air systems must be kept in balance to minimise blow -off from low
pressure machines. This is now regularly checked as part of routine maintenance.
Changes in maintenance practices
Electric motors – air
Amcor Limited
Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) to machine cooling fan motors. VSDs have been fitted to 2 motors and are currently being evaluated for
performance. To date energy savings are being realised, but there have been some problems with motor bearings. This needs to be resolved before
any further VSDs are installed
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Electric motors – variable
speed drives
Air pre-heat to # 4 Boiler. Preheat combustion air with waste heat from blow down via a water to air heat exchanger
Amcor Limited
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Boiler for steam
Amcor Limited
Maximise low pressure steam extraction from turbine. Operator training to ensure maximum quantity of steam is put through the turbineto
generate electricity.
Changes in the staff operation of
Stationary gas turbine
engines - electricity
Amcor Limited
Insulate stock tanks. Changes to processes required stock tanks to operate at higher temperature than original design. Insulation is now cost effective
and so will be retrofitted.
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Chemical processing plant
Amcor Limited
Flexibles Acacia Ridge ChW Temperature Optimization. Optimize chilled water temperature of process cooling water. So far ChW temperature has
been increased 3C without any effect on extrusion plant performance
Improvement in process control
Electric motors – HVAC and
refrigeration equipment
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
Improvement in energy
measurement and monitoring
Other direct combustion
thermal equipment
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
Improvement in process control
Own use
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
Investment in the same but more
efficient technologies
Lighting systems
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Own use
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
Investment in the same but more
efficient technologies; Investment
in new technologies or new
configurations of technologies not
used before
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
Opportunity Description
Gas Minimisation: Carter Holt Harvey's site at Oberon produces Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF). Most of the site's thermal energy comes from
renewable biomass, a near zero greenhouse gas emitting fuel source. In some of the many processes biomass is supplemented with natural gas. An
extensive gas sub metering system has been installed at a cost of over $40,000. Sub-meter data has enabled the site to pin-point specific end
users of gas and respond more effectively to variances. Since installation overall gas use indicators suggest annual savings of about 10,000 GJ per
year have been achieved.
By-pass of mill: Having changed the nature of its particleboard process over many years, CHH's Tumut site identified that some older equipment could
be by-passed and replaced. One such item was a chipping mill. Disconnecting and by-passing that mill's input to another line is projected to deliver
annual savings of more than 800 MWh.
Lighting Reduction: Lighting represents a major cost for all Carter Holt Harvey facilities. Eliminating unnecessary lighting and switching lighting off
when not needed provides immediate and low cost benefits. CHH's Sawmill at Myrtleford is progressively replacing older lamps with new brighter lamps.
That means up to 20% of the old lighting fixtures do not need to be replaced. The site is also introducing PLC control on its lighting circuits so that non­
essential lights can be switched off when shifts end and maintenance is not needed. The lighting project is expected to save over $10,000 per year.
Chipper Optimisation: Mechanical processing of timber (e.g. chipping and sawing) is a major energy user. Chipping functions in CHH's Morwell sawmill
were being performed by two large chippers, each more than 150 kW. Analysis of the process led engineering and maintenance staff to determine that
chipping in this area could be performed by a single chipper. A new conveyor was installed to re-direct material previously processed in chipper 2 into
chipper 1. The project is expected to save over 500 MWh of electricity and over 600 tonnes of C02e.
Kiln efficiency upgrade : Carter Holt Harvey uses renewable biomass to generate most of its thermal energy. There are processes that use natural gas
to supplement biomass like the Tumut Sawmill which has dual fuel for heating its kilns. A recent major project around the kilns has involved
replacement of heating coils and fitting of separate temperature zones. This has reduced drying times and energy consumption. The reduction has
preferentially been applied to the natural gas supply as this has the greater cost and produces greenhouse gas emissions. The project has so far cut
gas use in half saving an estimated 2.5 TJ and 170 tonnes of C02e per month.
Motion Sensors: Oberon can be a cold place in winter. Keeping staff warm can be a challenge in an industrial work space. To minimise electricity use in
the many heater units, motion detectors for heater activation were installed in the Site 1 Holtec building. Consumption monitoring of before and after
installation showed a 25% reduction. Estimated annual saving of 7500 kWh over the year have been estimated for this project. Expansion to other
areas is under investigation.
Plate Coolers: Press platens need to be cooled before they enter a new cycle. This duty was being performed by six electric fans. These fans have
been replaced by three evaporative coolers. The evaporative coolers use only 25% of the energy used by the fans saving around $1500 per year.
Air Survey and Leak Detection: The site engaged the services of a specialty compressed air company to complete an ultrasonic leak detection
survey. The results showed that the leak rate was not critical however capacity for improvement was identified. The site’s maintenance team has tagged
and repaired the leaks. Maintaining leak rate within the “Best operating practice” range should deliver annual savings of more than $5000 per year.
Investment in new technologies or
Electric motors – HVAC and
new configurations of
refrigeration equipment
technologies not used before
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Electric motors – fans
Changes in maintenance practices
Electric motors – air
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
Building Supplies Group
Holdings Pty Ltd
D & R Henderson Pty Ltd
D & R Henderson Pty Ltd
D & R Henderson Pty Ltd
D & R Henderson Pty Ltd
Gunns Limited
Gunns Limited
Gunns Limited
Gunns Limited
Gunns Limited
Gunns Limited
Gunns Limited
Gunns Limited
Gunns Limited
Lighting Upgrades: Various lighting improvements have been made at the Tumut Saw mill. These include installation of photo-cell sensors in external
areas, override switches and control systems. It is estimated that these changes have saved over $20,000 per year.
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Lighting systems
Lighting Timer: A timer system has been installed to replicate the standard operating roster. For safety reasons some lights remain on to illuminate
passage ways. If lighting is required outside the normal roster period (e.g. plant maintenance) a manual override switch is available at the maintenance
work shop to switch on the mill lighting. The change has reduced consumption by around 15%.
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Lighting systems
Fitting of inverters to three large fan motors
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Electric motors – fans
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Electric motors – fans
Improvement in energy
measurement and monitoring
Own use
Renewable Energy Plant: Installation of 1 MWH Bio Mass (Pyrolysis) Energy Plant would reduce our electricity consumption from the grid by 29,028
GJ pa by generating part of our own on-site energy requirements. Requires 8200 tons of bio-mass pa, this can be 100% supplied from excess sander
dust generated on site in the manufacturing process (currently being used to supplement our heat energy requirements for drying) By product is bio­
char, a synthesized carbon product which significantly improved crop yields (and sequesters carbon) Estimated project cost is AUD$1.5-$2.0 Million
installed using new Australian Made Technology
Inverters for Jet Dryer: Install inverters onto Jet Dryer. This would enable power to fans to adjust up and down based on load balancing to evaporation
requirements. This would reduce our electricity consumption by approximately 2300 GJ pa. Estimates cost is AUD $70,000 installed
Energy Monitoring System: Perform 'discovery' exercise for all site electrical devices and install energy monitoring software to provide
recommendations to reduce consumption by installing or upgrading current technology. It is estimated this system would reduce our electricity
consumption by more than 1000 GJ pa. Estimated project cost is $100,000
Lighting Upgrade: Electricity is the second largest energy source used by Gunns and is also the most costly, providing potential for significant cost
savings to be recognised. At each site a considerable portion of electrical energy is used for lighting. Gunns commissioned CB&M Solutions to
Investment in the same but more
undertake a detailed lighting audit at all three participating sites. This was conducted by walking through and physically identifying and counting each
efficient technologies
individual light fitting. CB&M Solutions then provided recommendations on lighting efficiency opportunities which included refurbishment of light fittings
and lamps to energy efficient types and also investigating daylight harvesting and occupancy sensors.
Kiln Efficiency: At the Tarpeena mill, more than 90% of the site's energy is consumed in the Kilns area. Kilns are thermally insulated chambers in
which controlled temperature regimes are produced to dry the timber. Gunns have engaged Windsor Kilns Pty Ltd to audit both Lindsay Street and
Changes in management systems
Tarpeena sites and provide recommendations on improving the energy efficiency of the Kilns. Windsor Kilns are a privately owned company based in
New Zealand with more than 30 years experience in manufacturing drying kilns
At Triabunna the air compressor accounts for an estimated 11% of the sites electricity use. An opportunity to upgrade the air compressor to a unit
which would use only one third of the electricity to run in comparison to the incumbent unit was identified. Overall, the opportunity would reduce the Investment in the same but more
efficient technologies
sites electricity use by approximately 7%, with a payback period of less than 3 years.
A mobile plant audit was undertaken at Ling Siding with the aim of identifying if there were any nonā€essential forklifts or loaders which could be made
redundant to reduce diesel use on site. After reviewing operations, the audit found it would be possible to remove 3 forklifts and 1 log loader from
operations. This has an annual energy saving of >8800 L diesel per year. Similarly, mobile plant audits at Kalangadoo, Tarpeena and Smithton found
opportunities to either downsize mobile plant when upgrading; remove some forklifts from operation; or upgrade to more fuel efficient motors to reduce
diesel consumption
At Hampshire, lighting use was reviewed and it was identified that standby lighting could be reduced on weekends through altering the phasing of the
lighting configuration. This change is estimated to reduce standby lighting by 30%.
Lighting systems
Electric motors – air
Improvement in process control
Forklifts, front end-loaders,
and other machinery
Improvement in process control
Lighting systems
The infeed and debarker operation at the Hampshire woodchip mill accounts for approximately 25% of energy used on site. An opportunity was Investment in new technologies or
recognised to bypass a section of the debarker via a process change. This process change was estimated to save >10% of the sites total energy
new configurations of
consumption per year.
technologies not used before
Power factor is the relationship between what power is drawn by the user, compared to what is actually used. In simple terms, it is a measurement of
how efficiently the business is using the electrical power supplied to the site. A power factor of anywhere between 0.9 and 1 ensures the business is
Investment in new technologies or
using its energy effectively. However a power factor of below 0.9 may mean a higher than necessary kVA demand. At Lindsay Street, Smithton and
new configurations of
Hampshire the power factor is below 0.9. Hence an opportunity was identified to install power factor correction to ensure the electrical energy
technologies not used before
supplied to the site is being used effectively. Ultimately this will reduce ‘loss’ of electricity to the site and less electricity will need to be purchased. The
payback period on these units is generally 2 years.
New re-conditioning chambers were installed at Lindsay Street in October 2008. This has significantly reduced heat loss experienced in the ageing
Investment in the same but more
chambers and resulted in reduced wood waste and electricity consumption
efficient technologies
A consultant from Steam Systems provided advice on a range of boiler modifications at Ling Siding to improve the efficiency of both wood waste and
Investment in new technologies or
electricity. Some of the modifications implemented have included: Installation of steel ducting, air nozzles and a fan controlled by a variable speed drive
new configurations of
to allow controlled placement delivery of air. Control over the amount of air being drawn in and distributed around the furnace has increased the steam
technologies not used before;
load capacity and furnace temperature by 30%. Review of storage and infeed of fuel has allowed a drier mix of fuel (wood waste) to enter the boiler to
Improvement in process control
improve burning efficiency.
Own use
IT, communications and
other elctronic equipment
Heat losses
Boiler for steam
Hyne & Son Pty Limited
Hyne & Son Pty Limited
Hyne & Son Pty Limited
Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty
Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty
Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty
Norske Skog Industries
Australia Limited
Norske Skog Industries
Australia Limited
Norske Skog Industries
Australia Limited
Lighting Management: As part of Hyne's capital expenditure program, energy efficiency initiatives are being reviewed at the design stage of capital
projects such that energy efficiency opportunities can be assessed, and where financially justifiable, are 'built' into the project. An example of this
process is a "Lighting Management Opportunity" at the site where the design team identified an opportunity to reduce the lighting energy consumption
Investment in research and
of an industrial storage building to be built at the site. The building is utilised to store by-product prior to sale with the by-product being transferred to the
development, testing and trialling
building by a materials handling system. As part of the design process, the building use, use of ambient lighting, lighting levels, and lighting controls
were studied. This resulted in a lighting design that utilised ambient lighting panels as part of the structural cladding, base line illumination to comply
with BeA requirements, and controlled lighting for loading operations. This opportunity is calculated to reduce the energy consumption of this building
by up to 37% as compared to a traditional lighting design, saving up to 45.1 GJ of energy for this building per year. This opportunity has been implemented
Secondary hot oil loop flow management: Kilns and reconditioners are utilised to dry and condition the green sawn material produced at the site. Kiln
drying involves the accelerated evaporation of the water from the green sawn material under controlled conditions until the moisture content reaches a
desired level. To accelerate the drying process and evaporate the water in the kiln, hot air is circulated within the kiln. This air is heated by a thermal
heat transfer medium which is hot oil. The hot oil is circulated between the heat plant (which produces heat energy from combusting biomass) and the
Investment in research and
kilns through a primary hot oil circulation system. Each kiln has its own secondary loop that takes heat energy from the primary loop. The oil is
development, testing and trialling
circulated in each secondary loop through the use of secondary loop circulation pumps. These pumps are powered by electrical energy. Conventionally,
secondary oil loops are a constant flow loop with a bypass valve to control the oil flow through the kiln so as to maintain a set primary loop flow for safe
heat plant operation. Through research and development, Hyne have developed an energy demand flow management secondary loop oil system where th
Utilisation of Kiln Residual Heat:Kilns and reconditioners are utilised at the site to dry and condition the green sawn material produced. The
reconditioner is utilised following the kiln drying process to equalize and condition the dry sawn material. As per the kiln, the reconditioner also utilises
thermal energy. This energy is utilized to produce the equalizing/conditioning high humidity environment. As the kiln drying process is aided by a low
humidity environment, conventionally the moisture is ejected to atmosphere from the kiln as part of the drying process (just like a clothes dryer). This
Investment in research and
moisture laden air has low grade residual energy content. Heat recovery systems are sometimes utilised in kilns for air pre-heating for low temperature
development, testing and trialling
drying operations but have not conventionally proven viable for ultra high temperature drying operations. Hyne investigated different ideas to improve
kiln and reconditioning energy efficiency and identified an opportunity to harness and utilise the residual energy content from the moisture laden air
ejected from the kiln. Through research and development trials, Hyne was able to transform this idea into an opportunity through developing a system to e
The main focus in 2007 for the SA mills was to implement a more thermally efficient process for providing electricityto the SA mill complex. At the
same time an analysis of the future cost of power was undertaken in light of the new emissions trading scheme and the expanded mandated renewable
energy target.
Two options have been identified as providing some insulation against the expected increases in electricity and gas prices expected when gas becomes
the preferred energy source for new power generation in the region and the cost of carbon emissions is added to the cost of power.
The two options are:­
Investment in new technologies or
* For a biomass power plant to be built adjacent to the SA mill complex which will use biomass from forest waste and other fibre based wastes. The
new configurations of
target is to eliminate the carbon emissions resulting from the generation of electricity needed by the mills. It is also possible that some of the mill steam
technologies not used before
needs could be sourced from the biomass plant, resulting in an increase in on site thermal efficiency. This secondary option needs to be investigated
In theory, this option is unlikely to reduce the thermal efficiency in generating the power needed on site by the mill complex, but its main attraction is that th
This option is likely to result in lower costs than expected in the future using traditional supplies of electricity (with the various premiums for CPRS, MRET,
* Should the biomass project not proceed KCA has identified that a gas fired cogeneration project could be commercially a better solution than using conv
This option is likely to result in lower costs than using traditional supplies of electricity for future needs (with the various premiums for ETS, MRET, etc) but
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l t KCA
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a program
continuous improvement addressing energy use. This program has resulted in a number of small energy saving projects being implemented over
many years.
For the period being reported on, due to a change in product mix, and some negative aspects faced by the SA Mill complex during the year, the
benefits of these energy saving programs were largely offset and there was no overall increase in energy efficiency. It is expected that this continuous
improvement program will provide a long term benefit, and is therefore required to remain as part of normal operations.
In addition to its continuous energy improvement program, KCA also implements a triennial assessment of energy efficiency at its mills, and
benchmarks performance on an international basis against all similar plants operated by Kimberly Clark Corporation. The next triennial review for KCA
is to be carried out during 2009.
Optimisation of heat recovery systems to reduce steam demand
This project involved reviewing operation and maintenance of process heat recovery equipment to increase waste recovery and thereby reduce steam
demand. Some engineering changes were required, as well as improved monitoring and cleaning of equipment. The upfront investment cost to enable
optimisation was around $100,000. To date heat recovery has improved by 27TJ per annum. The goal is to continue to increase the amount of heat
recovered through refinement of operating practices and cleaning frequency during 2009. This opportunity is being implemented
Waste steam recovery re-boiler
An opportunity has been identified to install a steam recovery reboiler on a new thermo mechanical pulping plant. The new plant is to be installed in
2009 to replace an existing chemi-mechanical pulping process. It is anticipated that the introduction of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme will
provide sufficient financial incentive to justify investment in additional steam recovery equipment. This will have an upfront cost of around four million
dollars and provide energy savings of around 500TJ per annum, through a reduction in steam load on the existing boiler. This opportunity is under
Advanced process control of thermo mechanical pulping
This project involves the installation of advanced process control technology to improve process stability and product quality with lower energy
consumption. Suppliers have been evaluated and a 12 month trial is to be conducted in 2009. Based on estimated savings and experiences elsewhere,
energy savings of around 50TJ could be realised. If the trials prove successful, project costs of over one million dollars will be required for full
installation. This opportunity is to be implemented.
Lighting systems
Changes in management systems
Own use
Changes in management systems
Own use
Improvement in process control
Boiler for steam
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Boiler for steam
Investment in research and
development, testing and trialling
Own use
Norske Skog Industries
Australia Limited
PMP Limited
PMP Limited
PMP Limited
PMP Limited
PMP Limited
PMP Limited
Pratt Consolidated Holdings
Pratt Consolidated Holdings
Pratt Consolidated Holdings
Pratt Consolidated Holdings
Pratt Consolidated Holdings
Pratt Consolidated Holdings
Optimisation of heat recovery systems to reduce steam demand
Update: The heat recovery system has been further optimised. Modifications to piping, revised cleaning strategies and improved performance tracking
have been implemented. Heat recovery rates have improved from 1.0 to 1.2 GJ per tonne of pulp processed to 1.4 GJ per tonne (+ 15-20%). This is
equivalent to an achieved improvement of ~50 TJ per year. Optimisation and performance monitoring will continue. This opportunity has been
Quick Bake Ovens:
The opportunity identified relates to imprinting of aluminium plates used on the pre-press activities at the Moorebank site. The proposed quick bake
ovens decrease overall drying time of the plates and provide a reduction in energy associated with electricity usage used to power the drying equipment
as well as water that is used in the process. The opportunity has been implemented at Moorebank. It will also be implemented at Clayton.
Virtualization of Servers:
The opportunity identified applies to the development servers used on site in Clayton and involves a significant server reduction through the use of
virtualization software. This reduction in physical hardware is expected to translate into significant power savings as a result of reducing server
hardware which runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The opportunity has been implemented. The opportunity has also been implemented at our IT
Hub in New Zealand.
Power Correction Factor Upgrades:
The opportunity identified relates to improved energy efficiency resulting from an improved power factor correction and reduced network charges.
Upgrades are intended to improve energy efficiency by matching the supply of energy to the power requirements of the current equipment installed.
The improved efficiency is also expected to result in cost savings in the form of minimal or nil surcharges passed on to the site by energy suppliers in
relation to penalties and surcharges associated with power factors that fall below the ideal range. This has been implemented at Clayton & Moorebank.
Compressor Upgrades
Voltage Control Meters (upgraded metering program)
LED Lighting replacement of Fluorescent lighting.
Paper machine 3 which is one of two machines located at the Smithfield site currently uses rotating siphons on all drying cylinders. Blow through steam
(steam used to evacuate condensate from the dryer) from the first section is cascaded to cylinders 1 and 2 with any additional steam requirement made
up from live steam. However as the first drying group runs at significantly higher pressures than the first two cylinders, on most grades there is excess
steam available which leads to a small amount being vented to atmosphere to maintain differential pressure in the first dryer group.
Following a steam optimization clinic conducted by Kadant Johnson in the US and attended by a Visy engineer, stationary siphons are now being
investigated as an alternative. As stationary siphons don’t have to lift the condensate against centripetal force, significantly less blow through is
required, which could eliminate the need to vent steam from the first section.
Process water is cleaned by passing it through a PETAX filter before being used as a fresh water substitute on high pressure machine showers. Any
shortfall in production of PETAX water is made up with fresh water and steam is then used to heat the water to minimize any thermal shock. In
reviewing steam users it was found that the steam use for this system had increased since the installation of gravity strainers which are a requirement
for the new effluent treatment plant currently being constructed. The increase in steam use was traced to the addition of gravity strainer shower water to
the PETAX water users. An alternative line has now been installed that supplies the gravity strainer showers with gravity strainer accepts. This
has had the effect of significantly reducing the fresh water make up required and as a result has also significantly reduced the steam requirement.
The Kadant Vortech rotor is being investigated as an alternative for the existing rotor on the batch pulper. The manufacturer claims a 20%
reduction in power consumption for the same defibering is possible or additional defibering may be achieved for the same power. Given that the pulper
currently processes well in excess of its original design capacity it is likely that a compromise position of some additional defibering with a less than
20% reduction in energy consumption would be reached.
Two roof heaters are employed at the Visy Paper 4 paper machine, both of which source the supply air from the boiler house and this air is heated to
75-85°C with 11 bar live steam - this occurs to maintain adequate building temperature and humidity conditions which prevent condensations within the
building (severe condensation can occur due to the large amount of water evaporated in a paper mill). The amount of live steam used in the roof
heaters was calculated based on the air flow and the temperature rise from the measured temperature to 75°C. During warmer months where there is
lowered risk of condensation within the machine hall, a lower roof heater temperature set point could be employed. Tests were conducted to ensure
that this temperature setting could be safely achieved without compromising mill building condensation levels. Subsequently, control logic was
implemented to lower the set point on warmer days to reduce the steam consumption.
Pocket ventilation air aims to optimise the performance of the dryer section by introducing hot dry air at points of evaporation in the paper machine
drying section. Higher than required pocket air temperature operating ranges results in higher steam consumption with limited gain in drying rate. After
testing, the target pocket ventilation temperature control range was reduced for particular drying sections so that drying rate was not compromised
while ensuring no excessive steam usage.
A feed pump to a turbo separator is controlled to maintain desired pressure and flow rate. A control valve which was used to control pressure and
flow rate was replaced with a variable speed drive which was installed to reduce the speed of the electric motor and therefore pump to obtain the
desired pressure. Following the installation, reduction in motor loading was observed and therefore the installation resulted in higher electric motor
energy efficiency and slightly improved process control
Improvement in process control
Boiler for steam
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
IT, communications and
other elctronic equipment
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
IT, communications and
other elctronic equipment
Investment in the same but more
efficient technologies
Electric motors – air
Improvement in energy
measurement and monitoring
IT, communications and
other elctronic equipment
Investment in the same but more
efficient technologies
Lighting systems
Investment in research and
development, testing and trialling
Boiler for steam
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Own use
Investment in research and
development, testing and trialling
Own use
Improvement in process control
Boiler for steam
Improvement in process control
Dryer; Boiler for steam
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Electric motors – variable
speed drives
SCA Hygiene Australia Pty Ltd
SCA Hygiene Australia Pty Ltd
SCA Hygiene Australia Pty Ltd
SCA Hygiene Australia Pty Ltd
Stock Pump Variable Speed Drive Upgrade:
This project involved replacing a fluid coupling type drive for a large stock pump with an electronic variable speed drive. The total cost of this project
was around $450,000 and is expected to save around 2700 GJ per year of electrical energy. Initial measurements of the energy consumed indicate that
this will be achievable along with other significant business savings included in the project from maintenance, waste and downtime reductions. The cost
of the project included the supply and installation of a new motor and variable speed drive as well as the necessary spare parts.
Drying Process Optimisation:
This opportunity considers improvements to a direct gas fired drying system. It involves upgrades and modifications to ductwork, drying hoods and
exhaust flows to optimize consistency of the drying process and minimize heat loss from the exhaust system and drying hoods. This project has been
split into two stages with the Stage 1 - ductwork upgrades and modifications being completed at a total cost of $55,000. Investigation into Stage 2 work
will continue in 2009. The estimated energy saving from the total project is in the order of 20,000 GJ per year of natural gas.
Update: Vacuum Pump Optimisation:
This opportunity relates to optimising the operation of multiple vacuum pumps on two key production lines. Shutting one pump was previously trialled
the first production line and was not successful as product quality and output could not be maintained. Consequently shutting one of the vacuum pumps
was attempted on the second production line and has been very successful. This line is now able to run at the required production output and quality
standards for about 70% of the grades manufactured. The energy savings from this opportunity is approximately 2000 GJ/annum of electrical energy.
Further work on the vacuum system for this line is planned for early 2010 and it is expected that similar savings will be achieved.
Air Conditioning Economiser System:
One of the production areas uses a large chilled water system for area cooling as well as some process equipment cooling. It was identified that
significant energy savings could be made by adding an economiser mode to the system. This would be achieved by introducing outside air into the area
when the external ambient temperature was favourable. This will reduce the resultant temperature due to the high internal heat load from process
machinery. It is estimated that this could reduce the running time for the chiller by up to 40% resulting in energy savings of approximately 1500
GJ/annum of electrical energy. Engineering and design work for this project is presently underway and implementation is planned for mid 2010.
Investment in new technologies or
new configurations of
technologies not used before
Electric motors – variable
speed drives
Investment in the same but more
efficiency technology;
Improvement in process control
Improvement in process control
Electric motors – pumps
Investment in new technologies or
Electric motors – HVAC and
new configurations of
refrigeration equipment
technologies not used before
Compressed Air System Pressure Reduction:
This opportunity identified that the plant's compressed air system runs at a higher pressure than is be required for most process equipment. Work has
Electric motors – air
been carried out to eliminate restrictions in compressed air pipe work that would cause pressure drops and extended trials have successfully been
Improvement in process control
SCA Hygiene Australia Pty Ltd
conducted at reduced operating pressures. These trials identified that it is possible to operate the plant with the compressed air system pressure
reduced by 10%. Following a final confirmation that all process machines are able to operate at the lower plant air pressure this opportunity will be
implemented on a permanent basis in the first quarter of 2010 and will save approximately 1000 GJ/annum in electrical energy.
Disclaimer. The material contained in this document is general in nature. Details of energy efficiency opportunities have been sourced from corporations' Energy Efficiency Opportunities public reports and is made available on the understanding that the Commonwealth is not thereby
engaged in rendering professional advice. Before relying on the material in any important matter, users should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for their purposes, and should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular
circumstances. Information collated in this document by the Commonwealth is done so for convenience and does not constitute endorsement of the material within corporations' public reports or any associated organisation, product or service. Corporations' complete public reports can
be accessed at
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence. To the extent that copyright subsists in third party quotes and diagrams it remains with the original owner and permission may be required to reuse the material. This work
should be attributed as the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Significant Opportunities Register. Inquiries regarding the licence and any use of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Significant Opportunities Register are welcome at: Manager, Energy
Efficiency Opportunities, Energy and Environment Division, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Level 9, 10 Binara Street, Canberra, ACT 2601.