X-ray Production Mohammad Reza AY, PhD Department of Medical Physics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Division of Nuclear Medicine, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland X-rays – the Basic Radiological Tool Roentgen’s experimental apparatus (Crookes tube) that led to the discovery of the new radiation on 8 Nov. 1895 – he demonstrated that the radiation was not due to charged particles, but due to an as yet unknown source, hence “x” radiation or “x-rays” Known as “the radiograph of Bera Roentgen’s hand” taken 22 Dec. 1895 2 1 Chapter 5 Lecture Objectives v How x-rays are produced, what spectrum results and what radiographic technique factors affect the spectrum? v What elements comprise an x-ray tube and how they work together to generate x-rays? v How are x-rays collimated and the exposure timed? v What is an x-ray generator, how does it assist in the production of x-rays and how does its design affect the resulting output spectrum? v How does the x-ray tube heat loading and cooling affect the duration and number of radiographic exposures? 3 Photon Interaction with matter Compton Scattering Think of the Compton Effect as the way gamma radiation creates ionization. Gamma radiation, in the form of a medium energy photon, hits an atom. Part of the photon's energy kicks one of the atom's electrons free. The gamma photon continues on but at a deflected angle and lower energy. This continuing photon is referred to as "secondary" or "incident" gamma radiation. The freed electron is called a Compton Electron. 2 Photon Interaction with matter Photoelectric In the Compton Effect, part of a colliding photon's energy is absorbed by an atom, resulting in a freed electron and a secondary gamma ray of lower energy. In comparison, with the Photoelectric Effect, a photon, usually of a lower energy, collides with an atom and all of the energy is absorbed by the atom. An electron is kicked out and there is no secondary gamma radiation. This electron is called a Photoelectron. Photon Interaction with matter Rayleigh Scattering In rayleigh scattering or Coherent scattering the incident photon interacts with and excites the total atom. This interaction occurs mainly with very low energy photons around 15 to 30 KeV. During the coherent scattering event, the electric field of the incident photon’s electromagnetic wave expends energy, causing all the electrons in the atom to oscillate in phase. The atom’s electrons immediately radiate this energy, emitting a photon of the same energy but in slightly different direction. 3 Photon Interaction with matter Pair Production The third way gamma radiation can interact with matter is Pair Production. This occurs when a high-energy gamma photon collides with an atom near its nucleus. The photon's energy is totally absorbed by the atom and two beta particles are kicked out; one positive (positron) and one negative (negatron). The negatron travels through the surrounding matter creating ionizing atoms along its path until it's incorporated into another atom or becomes a free electron. The positron, however, almost instantly collides with a nearby electron. This results in the annihilation of both positron and electron and emission of 2 gamma rays of 511 KeV travelling at 180°from each other. These resulting 511 KeV gamma rays are used in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging systems. The Bremsstrahlung Process Creates a polychromatic spectrum -10 Atom diameter ≈ 10 m -14 Nucleus diameter ≈ 10 m 12 Volume Ratio ≈ 1:10 8 c.f.: Bushberg, Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 99. 4 The Bremsstrahlung Process (1) v X-rays are produced by the conversion of e- KE into EM radiation - Bremsstrahlung (G: “braking radiation”) v A large potential difference is applied across the two electrodes in an evacuated envelope v v Neg. charged electrode (cathode): source of ePos. charged electrode (anode): target of e- 9 c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 98. The Bremsstrahlung Process (2) ve released from the cathode are accelerated towards the anode with a gain in KE as the e drops through the applied potential difference (kilovoltage potential - kVp) v v About 99% of the KE converted to heat via collision-like interactions About 1% of the KE converted into x-rays via strong Coulomb (electrostatic) interactions → Bremsstrahlung 10 c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 98. 5 The Bremsstrahlung Process The peak voltage (kVp) applied across the electrodes of the x-ray tube determines the highest x-ray E (Emax) The lowest E of the unfiltered x-ray spectrum is not easily determined, due to severe attenuation of these photons by the material and thickness of the x-ray tube envelope v X-ray production efficiency is influenced by the target Z and acceleration potential (kVp (kVp)) 11 The Bremsstrahlung Process X-ray efficiency ≈ Emax · Z · 10-6 c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 99. 6 Characteristic X-ray Spectrum (1) v e- of the target atom have a binding energy (BE) that depends on atomic Z (rem: BEK ∝ Z2) and the shell (BEK > BEL > BEM > ... ) v When e-(KE) incident on the target exceeds the target atom e-(BE), it’s energetically possible for a collisional interaction to eject the bound electron and ionize the atom c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 101. 13 Characteristic X-ray Spectrum (2) v Unfilled shell energetically unstable - an outer shell e- with lesser BE fills vacancy v As e- transitions to a lower E state, the excess E can be released as a characteristic x-ray photon with E equal to the difference between the BE of the e- shells v As BE are unique to a given element (Z), the emitted x-rays have discrete energies characteristic of that element 14 c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 101. 7 Characteristic X-ray Spectrum (3) v Within each shell (other than K) there are discrete E orbitals (ℓ = 0, 1, ... , n-1) → characteristic x-ray fine E splitting v Characteristic x-rays other than those generated through K-shell transitions are unimportant in Dx imaging → almost entirely attenuated by the x-ray tube window or added filtration c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 102. c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 101. 15 THE X-RAY TUBE Motor Stator Rotor Anode Vacuum Glass envelop High Voltage connections Casing Bearings Oil Output window Cathode The tube is inserted inside a casing and immersed in oil for electrical insulation and cooling The casing also shields x-rays emitted in all directions 8 X-ray Tube Cathode e- source - a helical tungsten wire filament surrounded by a focusing cup v Filament circuit: 10V, 7A v Electrical resistance heats the filament and releases e- via thermionic emission (also lights up – incandescence – light bulb) v Filament current adj. controls tube current (rate of e- flow from cathode to anode - mA) v Cathode: c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., pp. 104-105. X-ray Tube Cathode: Focusing Cup e- distribution when at same V as filament (unbiased) v Isolation from filament and application of a negative bias V constrains e- distribution further (biased) v Focusing cup slot width determines the focal spot width v Filament length determines focal spot length v Small and large focal spot filaments (usu. 0.6 and 1.2 mm) v Shapes c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., pp. 104. 9 X-ray Tube Cathode: Space Charge Cloud v Filament current (A) → filament temperature (T) → thermionic emission rate v When kVp = 0 an e- cloud (space charge cloud) forms around filament v Space charge cloud shields the electric field for tube voltages of ≤ 40 kVp → only some e- are accelerated towards the anode: space charge limited v ≥ 40 kVp the space charge cloud effect overcome by kVp applied and tube current (mA) limited only by the emission of e- from the filament: emission-limited operation v Tube current about 5-10 times less than the filament current in the emission-limited range c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., pp. 105. X-ray Tube Anode Configuration v Tungsten anode disk Mo and Rh for mammography v Stator and rotor make up the induction motor v Rotation speeds Low: 3,000 – 3,600 rpm High: 9,000 – 10,000 rpm v Molybdenum stem (poor heat conductor) connects rotor with anode to reduce heat transfer to rotor bearings v Anode cooled through radiative transmission (Stefan-Boltzmann law: radiance ∝ T4) v Focal track area (spreads heat out over larger area than stationary anode configuration) c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 107. 10 CASING & COOLING • Non circulating oil, natural air convection • Non circulating oil, forced air cooling (fan) • Non circulating oil, circulation of water, air cooled • Circulating oil and oil-air heat exchanger (CT x-ray tubes) Anode Angle and Focal Spot Size Anode kV mA Actual Focal Spot Filament Heating current Cathode Optical focus Apparent Focal Spot Useful X-ray beam cone The slope of the anode target allows a larger area to be heated while keeping the apparent area from which x-rays are produced as small as possible 11 Anode Angle and Focal Spot Size (1) v Anode angle (θ θ): angle of the target surface with central axis of the x-ray output field v θ range: 7°- 20° v Why are anodes beveled? v 1. Line focus principle (foreshortening of focal spot length) v v “Effective” focal spot size = length and width of the focal spot projected along the central axis of the x-ray field Effective focal length = actual focal length · sin(θ θ) v v x θ x·cos(θ) sin(0°) = 0, sin(30°) = 0.5 For small angles (< 30°): v sin(θ θ) ≈ (θ θ/57°) x·sin(θ) c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 108-109. Anode Angle and Focal Spot Size (2) c.f.: Bushberg, Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 108108-109. 12 Anode Heel Effect v Reduction of x-ray beam intensity towards the anode side of the x-ray field v Although x-rays generated isotropically (4π steradians) Self-filtration by the anode and the anode bevel causes Greater intensity on the cathode side of the x-ray field v Can use to advantage, e.g., PA chest exposure Orient chest to anode side Abdomen to cathode side v Less pronounced as SID ↑ c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 112. Anode Heel Effect % slope 120 Anode 100 80 Filament 60 40 20 +20° +16° +8° +12° 0° +4° -4° -8° -12° -16° -20° 0 Off axis relative dose distribution for a 20°anode slope On the anode side: On the cathode side: Smaller apparent focus and lower dose rate Larger apparent focus and higher dose rate Apparent focus size and dose distribution vary with the position in the field This effect limits the useful maximum field size as a function of the anode slope … … but is used in some examinations to compensate for body thickness variations ( breast, thorax,… ) 13 X-ray Filtration Filtration: x-ray attenuation as beam passes through a layer of material v Inherent (glass or metal insert at x-ray tube port) and added filtration (sheets of metal intentionally placed in the beam) v Added filtration absorb lowenergy x-rays and reduce patient dose (↑ beam quality) v HVL – half value layer (mm Al) v c.f.: Curry, et al., Christensen’s Physics of Diagnostic Radiology, 4th ed., pp. 89, 91. Voltage Transformation v A time varying V (→ timevarying I) through the primary winding creates a time-varying B v If sinusoidal, then Vp(t) = Vp·sin(2πft) and B(t) = B·sin(2πft) v If the time-varying B lines are channeled through a ferromagnetic core, then a timevarying V is induced in the secondary winding: Vs(t) = Vs·sin(2πft) v Magnitudes of Vp and Vs depend on the ratio of the number of primary (Np) and secondary (Ns) transformer windings Rem: f = 1/T sin(2πft) = sin(2πt/T) = sin(360°· t/T) c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 117. 14 Transformer Relationships v Law of transformers: Vp / Vs = Np / Ns or Ns = Np · (Vs / Vp) v Step-up transformer: Ns > Np v Isolation transformer: Ns = Np v Step-down transformer: Ns < Np v Equality v of power output: Vp · Ip = Vs · Is c.f. Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 118. Autotransformer v An iron core wrapped with a single wire v Self-induction rather than mutual induction v Conducting taps allow the input to output turns to vary, resulting in small incremental change between input and output voltages v A switching autotransformer allows a greater range of input to output values c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 118. 15 X-ray Generator Components v High-Voltage v v v power circuit Low input voltage High output voltage Autotransformer allows kVp selection v Filament v v v circuit mA sets the tube current sec sets the exposure duration manual exposure or phototimed c.f. Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 123. Operator Console (Technologist) v The operator selects the peak kilovoltage (kVp), the tube current (mA), the exposure time (sec) and focal spot size v The kVp determines the x-ray beam quality (penetrability) which plays a role in subject contrast v The x-ray tube current (mA) determines the x-ray fluence rate (photons/cm2-sec) emitted by the x-ray tube at a given kVp v mAs = mA · sec (exposure time) ∝ photons/cm2 (fluence) v Low mA selections allow the small focal spot size to be used and higher mA settings require the use of large focal spot size due to anode heating considerations 16 SINGLE PHASE GENERATOR HV Transformer AC Rectifier Historical Not sold anymore HV DC HV AC X-ray Tube kVp = 1.4 average kV 50Hz 2 pulses per period X-ray energy Low cost but: • 100 % ripple • production of undesirable soft X-rays • kV control by steps (stepping transformer) • require high power mains outlet • bulky THREE PHASES GENERATORS HV Transformer AC Rectifier HV AC HV DC X-ray Tube 6 pulse Ripple = 13% 6 pulses per period X-ray energy 50Hz 12 pulse Ripple = 3.5% 12 pulses per period 17 HIGH FREQUENCY GENERATOR Rectifier Chopper HV Transformer Rectifier Tube kV control closed loop AC DC HF HV DC X-ray Tube 25-100 kHz X-ray energy • Very few soft X-rays (fast ramp up) • Accurate and flexible kV adjustment • Small size • Still require high power mains outlet Power and energy (W and J) should always be calculated using kVmean, whatever the ripple is. kVmean and kVp … a confusing story! kVp = 1.4 kV Single phase kV Ripple = 100% kV 3 phase 6 pulses kVp = 1.01 kV Single phase: the large difference lead to define the HU for energy (using kVp): 1J = 1.4 HU 6 pulses: the 5% over calculation leads to say 1J (calculated with kVp) = 1.35 HU Ripple = 3.5% kVp = kV HF Practically, they are often expressed using kVp Ripple = 13% kV 3 phase 12 pulses kVp = 1.05 kV P (W) = kV x mA E (J) = P x s = kV x mA x s 12 pulses or HF: the difference is not significant. Ripple = 0% 18 BATTERY POWERED GENERATOR Charger Battery Chopper HV Transformer Rectifier Tube kV control closed loop Charge / Usage AC HF HV DC Battery X-ray Tube A rechargeable battery stores the electrical energy • Used for Mobile systems • Same performances as fixed HF generators (but lower power) • Large autonomy (20 000 mAs) • Off-operation charging from a low power mains outlet CAPACITOR DISCHARGE GENERATOR Charger Capacitor Chopper HV Transformer Rectifier Tube kV control closed loop AC HF HV DC Small capacity energy storage (capacitor) X-ray Tube A capacitor provides the peak power and smooth the power consumption • Used for Mobile systems • Very short autonomy (ex: 50 mAs @ 100kV) • practically needs mains connection, but low power outlet • Auto re-charge, wait time indicator • Capable of very short pulses (1 ms) • no kV close loop: non constant output (falling load) • Small and light weight • Low cost 19 EXPOSURE SWITCHING During ramp up or ramp down, soft X-rays are produced, not used for imaging and harmful for the patient X-ray energy Ramp up and down times prevent also fast image repetition rate Time 3 1 Primary switching: AC level the simplest but the slowest 2 Secondary switching: HV DC level faster, necessary for Angio 3 1 HV transformer and rectifier X-ray Tube 2 Grid switching the fastest, used in Cine mode Generator Circuit Designs Single-phase (Half-wave & Full-wave) Rectifier Circuit Diodes – either vacuum tube or solid-state device: e- flow in only a single direction (cathode to anode only) v c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 125. 20 Complete Single-Phase Two-Pulse Rectifier Circuit high voltage, low current low voltage, high current c.f.: Bushberg, Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 126. Single-Phase and Three-Phase Generators Single-phase generator Tube current for specific filament current non-linear below 40 keV due to space charge effect: inefficient and contributes to patient dose Cable capacitance smoothes Minimum exposure time = 1/120th sec Three-phase generator v v v v Three single phase waveforms Out of phase by 120 degrees Higher effective voltage Greater control over exposure timing c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., pp. 127-128. 21 Phototimers v Although a technologist can manually time the x-ray exposure (set filament mA and exposure time or the mAs), phototimers help provide a consistent exposure to the image receptor v Ionization chambers produce a current that induces a voltage difference in an electronic circuit v Tech chooses kVp; the x-ray tube current terminated when this voltage equals a reference voltage v Phototimers are set for only a limited number of exposure levels, thus +/- settings c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 134. Factors Affecting X-ray Emission v Quantity = number of x-rays in beam 2 ∝ Ztarget · (kVp) · mAs v Quality = penetrability of xray beam and depends on: kVp generator waveform (%VR) tube filtration (mm Al) v Exposure depends on both quantity and quality v Equal transmitted exposure: c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., pp. 136 and 137. 22 Generator Power Ratings and X-ray Tube Focal Spots v Power (kW) = 100 kVp · Amax (for a 0.1 second exposure) 100 kW = 100 kVp · 1000 mA @ 100 ms exposure v Amax limited by the focal spot: ↑ focal spot → ↑ power rating v Generally range between 10 kW to 150 kW v Typical focal spots v Radiography: 0.6 and 1.2 mm v Mammography: 0.1 and 0.3 mm c.f., Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 139. X-ray Tube Heat Loading v Heat Unit (HU) HU = kVp · mA · sec · factor HU = kVp · mAs · factor factor = 1.00 for single-phase generator factor = 1.35 for three-phase and high-frequency generators factor = 1.40 for constant potential generator v Heat input (HU) ≈ 1.4 Heat input (J) 23 Anode Heat Input and Cooling Chart c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 142. Housing Cooling Chart c.f.: Bushberg, et al., The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed., p. 144. 24 Thanks For Your Attention 25