Southeastern Louisiana University Dual Enrollment Program--Industrial Technology The Southeastern Dual Enrollment Industrial Technology Program is a dual enrollment program whereby high school students are given the opportunity to take University Industrial Technology courses at their high schools and to receive credit on their high school and Southeastern Louisiana University transcripts. Southeastern is offering two courses in Industrial Technology during the 2016-2017 academic year. Both of the courses can be taught in a year-long format. The courses are: DDT 113. Architectural Drafting. Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: Industrial Technology 111. Principles and practices of architectural drawing, terminology, and construction through residential planning and design, including floor plans, elevations, sectional details and plat plans. IT 111. Engineering Drafting. Credit 3 hours. The basic elements of drafting: selection and use of instruments, lettering, applied geometry, freehand sketching, orthographic projection, sectioning, dimensioning, isometric and oblique pictorial representation, fastener symbols and simple auxiliary views IT-111 is a pre-requisite for DDT-113. The school may choose to offer all or any combination of these courses; however, any school offering DDT-113 must also offer its pre-requisite IT-111. Program Requirements • • • • • • • • Both courses require access to a PC that has AutoCAD software installed for carrying out assignments. Instruction would require at least an instructor’s computer connected to a projector. Students must have access to PCs with AutoCAD in the classroom or in a school lab in order to carry assignments. The high school must have AutoCad software license for IT 111 and DDT 113. Any teacher wishing to teach this course for the first time must attend a 2-3 day workshop during the summer at Southeastern’s main campus in Hammond. All teachers (new and returning) must attend a half-day workshop at the end of the summer to copy online course materials, receive any revisions to the Program Guidelines, and pick up textbooks. The teacher agrees to follow the rules of the program as given by Southeastern and outlined in the Dual Enrollment Eligibility Framework. They should also consult with the principal who has a copy of a fully executed Memorandum of Understanding. Teachers must be certified in the discipline for the course they wish to teach. The full retail cost of any lost or damaged textbook will be billed to the high school. The school, in turn, can request the cost from the student that lost or damaged the book. Reduced tuition of $150 per 3-credit hour course will be charged for each dual enrollment course. Year-long courses will be billed in the spring. Program Benefits • • • • • • • Academic Endorsement is received for each eligible student that enrolls in the Dual Enrollment Program. Ongoing support is provided, via telephone, email, site visits and guest lectures from the Southeastern Instructor of Record throughout the duration of all dual enrollment courses. All necessary course materials are provided, including all assignments, quizzes, practice tests, tests, and final exams. High school teachers may need to copy exams or administer the assessments online. All grading and grade book calculations for the Southeastern grade will be done by the Southeastern Instructor of Record. Upon request, a Professional Development certificate can be obtained for any summer training sessions attended by the teacher. Students receive regular periodic feedback and evaluations of their work by their Southeastern Instructor of Record throughout the semester/academic year Students are given free access to Southeastern’s Learning Management System (Moodle). 2016 Summer Workshops: Session Title New Teacher/DDT 113, Architectural Drafting New Teacher/IT 111 Engineering Drafting Dates June 6-7 9am-3pm June 13-14 9am-3pm ½ Day Workshop June 20 9am-12pm Audience Mandatory for all new Dual Enrollment DDT teachers Mandatory for all new Dual Enrollment IT teachers Mandatory for all Dual Enrollment CTEC/DDT/IT teachers Note: Once a teacher has completed the workshop for a particular course, he or she does not have to repeat that workshop in subsequent summers. The only mandatory workshop for returning teachers who do not wish to teach any new courses is a ½ Day Workshop at the end of the summer. This ½ Day Workshop must be repeated every summer. Industrial Technology 111 – Engineering Drafting Southeastern Dual Enrollment Program 2016-2017 Textbooks: (1) Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2013, by James Bethune; Pearson, Saddle River, New Jersey (2) Technical Graphics Communications, by Bertoline, Wiebe, Hartman, Ross; McGraw Hill, New York, New York Topics Covered: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction and AutoCAD fundamentals Geometric Construction AutoCAD layer control and Object Organization Orthographic Projections and Multiview Constructions Pictorials and Sketching Dimensions and Notes Tolerancing and Fits Symmetrical Features in Design Sectional Views Threads and Fasteners Hardware/Software: AutoCAD version 2009 or later. Homework • Readings from the assigned textbook and freehand sketching. Quizzes • Student will have quizzes on Drafting fundamentals and standards • Tests worth 100 points each. Tests Projects • Drawings produced in AutoCAD a minimum of 40 completed assignments. Industrial Technology DDT 113 – Architectural Drafting Southeastern Dual Enrollment Program 2016-2017 Textbook: Architectural Drafting and Design, Jefferis, Alan , Madsen A. David, Delmar Cengage Learning ISBN # 13: 9781435481626 Chapters Covered: PART 1: INTRODUCTION TO ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND DRAFTING. 1. Professionals Architectural Careers, Office Practice and Opportunities. 2. Introduction to Construction Procedures. 3. Architectural Lines and Lettering. 4.. Computer-Aided Design and Drafting in Architecture. PART II: RESIDENTIAL DESIGN. 5. Construction Specifications. 6. Guidelines and Required Codes that Affect Building Design. 7. Room Relationships and Sizes. 8.. Exterior Design Factors. PART III: THE FLOOR PLAN. 9. Floor Plan Symbols. 10. Floor Plan Dimensions and Notes. 11. Floor Plan Layout. PART IV: ROOF PLANS. 12. Roof Plan Components. 13. Roof Plan Layout. PART VI: ELEVATIONS. 14. Introduction to Elevations. 15. Elevation Layout and Drawing Techniques. PART VII: FRAMING METHODS AND PLANS. 16. Structural Components of Framed Construction. 17. Design Criteria for Structural Loading. 18. Sizing Joist and Rafters Using Span Tables. 19. Drawing Framing Plans. PART VIII: FOUNDATIONS PLANS. 20. Foundation Systems. 21. Floor Systems and Foundation Support. 22. Foundation Plan Layout. PART IX: SECTIONS AND DETAILS. 23. Sectioning Basics. 24. Section Layout. 24. Alternate Layout Techniques. 26. Stair Construction and Layout. 27. Fireplace Construction and Layout. SUPPLEMENTAL FLOOR PLAN DRAWINGS. 28. Electrical Plans. 29. Plumbing Plans. SITE PLANNING. 30. Site Orientation. 31. Legal Descriptions and Site Plan Requirements. 32. Site Plan Layout. 33. Millwork and Cabinet Technology, Cabinet Elevations and Layout. 34. Environmentally Friendly Framing Methods. Hardware/Software: Minimum requirements: PC running Windows XP/Vista/7, Auto CAD V.20,V.11 or V.12. Tests: There will be a test containing the information from each chapter which will be given either in written or practical format. Tests, including the final, will comprise 30% of the grade Papers/Reports: The student is assigned drawings relating to the material from chapters 3 thru 9. These drawings will comprise the other 70% of their grade.