POWER DISTRIBUTION 450 Series Modular Plug Boxes PBS-3-2PGFLDUP pictured Plug-in Boxes are wiring devices containing the nu mber of pigtails or outlets as by the purchaser. Normally mounted to a wall or pipe these devices are used to convert multi-conductor cable or conduit fed wires to single circuit connectors. Specifications subject to change without notice PLUG-IN BOXES Features t 18 gauge steel enclosure provided with a plurality of knockouts t Flush mounted receptacles or 18" pigtails t All mounting hardware included with pipe-mount devices t Available in a multitude of sizes and t Pigtails provided with DIN rail spring type terminals, all others direct wire to recept. t” Diecut white numberring standard. Other options available t1#U1#0Qrovided with U-#olt clamps; pipe clamp optional t Black epoxy sandtex, electrostatic application t U .L. and c.U.L. listed t Made in the USA Model: 450 Style: - Connector Qty. - - Connector Type Blank Panels DMX Modules - - Submittal - Project: Approval Date: Location: Type: 57 Alexander Street, Yonkers, NY 10701 Tel: 914.476.7987, 212.569.7777, Fax: 914.963.7304, Toll free: 800.4.ALTMAN or Visit our website at http://www.altmanltg.com © 2003 Altman Stage Lighting Company, Inc. Altman Lighting, Inc. is a subsidiary of Altman Stage Lighting Company, Inc. Submittal Drawings Finish Options - Outlet Box Ordering Format: (A) Connector Types Example 1: 1 450 PBS 4 2PGFL Code 2PGFL 2PGPT 302PGFL 302PGPT 602PGFL 602PGPT 515R 515DUP 515PT 520R 520DUP 520PT L515R L515PT L520R L520PT L620R L620PT 20MPB 20FCBPT 32MPHC Above is the basic format of the model number. The above example is qty 1. 450 PB Series, Surface Mount, with 4 flush stage pin connectors. Black Finish and no submittal drawings required. Additional Circuits & Connector Types For additional circuits and connector types on the same connector strip the basic format is the same, except group circuit quantity, connector quantity, and connector types in parenthesis ( ) to avoid confusion. Example 2: 1 450 PBS 4 2PGFL HW 1 DMXDC 1 XLR5 SDR The above Example 2 is the same as Example 1 , however there is an added DMX output and the requirement for submittal drawings. Circuits Other Than 15/20 Amp Amperage of circuits is identified by the connector type in Chart A. Terminal blocks and wire sizes will meet the rating of the connector type chosen. For connectors not listed in Char A, use the manufacturer's part number in place of Altman connector type ordering code. All connectors must be UL listed. Data/DMX in 450 Series Boxes Select data quantity (universes), type, number of panels, and input/output option. See 450 Series data sheet for information about data options. Ordering Notes 450 Series minimum connector spacing is 3". Where a mechanical splice must occur, connector location will be moved a maximum of 6". Connectors and pigtails will be spaced evenly from center line outward unless otherwise specified by submittal or layout drawings. Submittal Drawings: If Submittal Drawings are required, add suffix SDR to the end of the ordering code. Job name, location and project manager information are required. Allow 2 week lead time for submittal drawings. Numbering: Standard numbering is 2" high vinyl on upstage side of connector strip. For additional numbering options call factory. ALTMAN Lighting, Inc. B R I N G I N G I M AG I N AT I O N TO L I G H T Description 20A Stage Pin Flush 20A Stage Pin 18" Pigtail 30A Stage Pin Flush 30A Stage Pin 18" Pigtail 60A Stage Pin Flush 60A Stage Pin 18" Pigtail 15A Female Edison Flush 15A Duplex Female Edison Flush 15A Female Edison 18" Pigtail 20A Female Edison Flush 20A Duplex Female Edison Flush 20A Female Edison 18" Pigtail 15A 125V Twist Lock Flush 15A 125V TTwist i t LLockk 18" Pi Pigtail t il 20A 125V Twist Lock Flush 20A 125V Twist Lock 18" Pigtail 20A 250V Twist Lock Flush 20A 250V Twist Lock 18" Pigtail 20A PowerCON Female Flush 20A PowerCON Female 18" Pigtail 32A PowerCON Female Flush 450 Series Data Options (C) Input Types Code Description HW Hard Wire Access (Standard) WCTS Wireless SHOW RDM Receiver WDMX Wireless WDMX RDM Receiver XLR 5 pin XLR In/Out (D) System Types Code Description DMXDC DMX Passive Terminal Block Input DMXOS DMX 4 Way Opto Isolated Splitter RDMOS RDM 4 way Opto Isolated Splitter NETDC EtherNET Card (E) Output Connector Types Code Description XLR5 DMX XLR 5 Pin Female BPS DMX By Pass Switch Module RJ45 Eth EtherNET NET RJ45 Style *Pigtail Details *18" Standard Pigtail. For other lengths, use PTXX where XX is length in inches. Example: 2PGPT24 PGPT 4 ((24") 4 ) HW DMXDC XLR5 XLR WCTS/WDMX DMXOS BPS RDMOS RJ45 450-PBU* UNDER HUNG PLUG BOX 3 GANG W/3-520DUP SHOWN 450-PBR* RECESSED PLUG BOX 3 GANG W/3-520DUP SHOWN 5 316 " [8.5] 3 16 1 8" 641 " [15.9] 75 8" [19.4] 641 " [15.9] 1 8" 3" [7.6] AS REQUIRED 5 316 " [8.5] BACK BOX 1 GANG = 2 GANG = 3 GANG = 4 GANG = 5 GANG = 6 GANG = BOX LENGTHS 1 GANG = 3.156 2 GANG = 6.156 3 GANG = 9.156 4 GANG = 12.156 5 GANG = 15.156 6 GANG = 18.156 LENGTHS 3.156 6.156 9.156 12.156 15.156 18.156 BOX LENGTHS 1 GANG = 3.156 2 GANG = 6.156 3 GANG = 9.156 4 GANG = 12.156 5 GANG = 15.156 6 GANG = 18.156 5 316 " [8.5] AS REQUIRED [0.3] TRIM PLATE WELDED TO BACK BOX AS REQUIRED ADD 2" BACK BOX LENGTH BOX LENGTHS 1 GANG = 3.156 2 GANG = 6.156 3 GANG = 9.156 4 GANG = 12.156 5 GANG = 15.156 6 GANG = 18.156 5 316 " [8.5] AS REQUIRED 3.000" 3" [7.6] 641 " [15.9] 981 " [0.3] 641 " [15.9] [23.2] 450-PBR* RECESSED PLUG BOX 3 GANG W/3-520DUP SHOWN 450-PBO* OVER HUNG PLUG BOX 3 GANG W/3-520DUP SHOWN 57 Alexander Street, Yonkers, NY 10701 Tel: 914.476.7987, 212.569.7777, Fax: 914.963.7304, Toll free: 800.4.ALTMAN or Visit our website at http://www.altmanltg.com © 2003 Altman Stage Lighting Company, Inc. Altman Lighting, Inc. is a subsidiary of Altman Stage Lighting Company, Inc. 093013