26 emag BCoC Sept Oct.pub - Bellingen Chamber of Commerce

Issue No. 26
Sept/Oct 2014
Sponsored by
Buy Local, Support Local Businesses
Our mission is to assist the Bellingen business community
to achieve sustainable financial success.
The vision of the Bellingen Chamber of Commerce is to be a market leader
in promoting sustainable business excellence and to provide a supportive
environment for the Bellingen business community to grow and prosper.
The Chamber actively promotes sustainable business practice to all members and has a strong desire to support the youth of Bellingen in terms of
facilities and employment opportunities.
The Chamber aims to be recognised by other Chambers of Commerce and
business organisations as a market leader in promoting business excellence
and sustainability.
w w w . b e l l i n g e n c h a m b e r . c o m . a u
P. O . Bo x 3 9 4 BE LLI N G E N N SW 24 54
Bruce Levy
Vice President: Richard Jennings
Sarah Churchyard
Committee members: Tricia Helyar
Laura Duck
Cassandra Earnshaw
Sue Lennox
Alan Newman
Geoff Tosio
Jason Brown
Richard Smith
Ed it o r and Ad v ertising :
Elisabeth Barrett……….6655 9192
0439 409 131
this issue
The Urge to Own p.4
The Parasite Zapper p.5
To Know another human being...P.8
Infobounce p.9
The Little Things that get under my
skin. P.10
Hemp Seed Oil p.11
Ph balance in the human body p.13
History—The Never Never, Thora,
Front cover photo:
Courtesy Bellingen Historical Museum
Whilst every effort is made to publish accurate information, The Association
Accepts no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed.
From the Editor:
Hello Bellingen
First of all some corrections: The article
“Small Things” I omitted to attribute it
to Charles Eisenstein, and in the article
on Animal Husbandry—Cancer, in the
first part although the original read
“aluminium is an aluminium scavenger”,
I feel that in the context of the paragraph
it should have read “soya is an aluminium scavenger”, it is a question. I also
apologise for the various typos!
I would like to take this opportunity
to say Thank You to all the staff at Bellingen Hospital, particularly the nurses,
they were all wonderful. If I have to be
in Hospital again (I do hope not!) then
our Bellingen Hospital is where I would
want to be.
Surrender, one could say, is the inner transition from “no to “yes”.
When you surrender, your sense of
self shifts from being identified
with a reaction or mental judgement
to being the space around the reaction or judgement. It is a shift from
identification with form—the
thought or the emotion—to being,
and recognising yourself as that
which has no form—spacious
Whatever you accept completely
will take you to peace, including the
acceptance that you cannot accept,
that you are in resistance.
There is now a question as to whether
I have Lyme disease, so health is an ongoing issue and once again means that
distribution of this Bellingen News will
be later than I hoped.
Leave life alone.
Let it Be.
Eckhart Tolle
In ancient times cats were regarded as gods; they have not
forgotten this.
This issue I have included two articles
by Charles Eisensstein, as both are so
interesting for our day and time.
Elisabeth Barrett
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From Charles Eisenstin’s Sacred Economy
We have lived in an Age of Separation. One
by one, our bonds to community, nature, and
place have dissolved, marooning us in an alien
world. The loss of these bonds is more than a
reduction of our wealth, it is a reduction of our
very being. The impoverishment we feel, cut
off from community and cut off from nature, is
an impoverishment of our souls. That is because, contrary to the assumptions of economics, biology, political philosophy, psychology,
and institutional religion, we are not in essence
separate beings having relationships. We are
relationship. I once heard Martin Prechtel,
speaking of his village in Guatemala, explain,
"In my village, if you went to the medicine man
with a sick child, you would never say, 'I am
healthy, but my child is sick.' You would say,
'My family is sick.' Or if it were a neighbor,
you might say, 'My village is sick."' No doubt,
in such a society, it would be equally inconceivable to say, "I am healthy, but the forest is
sick." To think anyone could be healthy when
her family, her village, or indeed the land, the
water, or the planet were not, would be as absurd as saying, "I've got a fatal liver disease,
but that's just my liver I am healthy!" Just as
my sense of self includes my liver, so theirs
included their social and natural community.
The modern self, in contrast, is a discrete
and separate subject in a universe that is Other.
This self is the Economic Man of Adam Smith;
it is the embodied soul of religion; it is the selfish gene of biology. It underlies the converging
crises of our time, which are all variations on
the theme of separation—separation from nature, from community, from lost parts of ourselves. It underlies all the usual culprits blamed
for the ongoing destruction of ecology and polity, such as human greed or capitalism. Our
sense of self entails, "More for me is less for
you"; hence we have an interestbased money system embodying precisely that principle. In older, gift
based societies, the opposite was
The urge to own grows as a natural response to an alienating ideology
that severs felt connections and
leaves us alone in the universe. When
we exclude world from self, the tiny,
lonely identity that remains has a voracious need to claim as much as possible of that lost beingness for its
own. If all the world, all of life and
earth, is no longer me, I can at least
compensate by making it mine. Other
separate selves do the same, so we
live in a world of competition and
omnipresent anxiety. It is built into
our self-definition. This is the deficit
of being, the deficit of soul, into
which we are born.
Trapped in the logic of me and
mine, we seek to recover some tiny
fraction of our lost wealth by expanding and protecting the separate self
and its extension: money and property. Those who lack the economic
means to inflate the self often inflate
the physical self instead, which is one
reason why obesity disproportionately afflicts the poor. Addictions to
shopping, to money, and to acquisition arise from the same basic source
as do addictions to food: both come
from loneliness, from the pain of
merely existing cut off from most of
what we are.
Looking out upon the strip mines
and the clear-cuts and the dead zones
and the genocides and the debased
consumer culture, we ask, What is
the origin of this monstrous machine
that chews up beauty and spits out
money? The discrete and separate self,
surveying a universe that is fundamentally
Other, naturally treats the natural and human world as a pile of instrumental, accidental stuff. The rest of the world is fundamentally not-self.' Why should we care
about it, beyond our own foreseeable utility? So it was that Descartes, a pioneering
articulator of the modern sense of self,
articulated as well the ambition to become
the "lords and possessors" of nature. As
the latter word implies, the idea of property occurs quite naturally to the separate
Our rigid, narrow, self/other distinction is coming to an end, victim of its own
premises. As the mystics have taught, the
separate self can be maintained only temporarily, and at great cost. And we have
maintained it a long time, and built a civilization upon it that seeks the conquest of
nature and human nature. The present
convergence of crises has laid bare the
futility of that goal. It portends the end
of civilization as we know it, and the
instauration of a new state of human beingness defined by a more fluid, more
inclusive sense of self.
Even today, we have a spiritual sense
that our labor is indeed not our own. It
comes through in our desire to work for
something greater than ourselves—that
is, to dedicate our labor to a cause beyond our rational self-interest. Religious
people might describe it as "giving one's
life to God." Another way of putting it is
that we have a need to make a gift of our
labor and its products, and of all the
skills and talents that inform it. We then
feel fulfilled, serene in the knowledge
that we are fulfilling our purpose here on
earth. Intuitively, we know that our gifts
must be given in turn, and not hoarded
for the brief and illusory aggrandizement
of the separate self.
The Parasite Zapper
Are you as healthy as you want to be?
If you could dramatically improve your
health using a parasite zapper in just 5
minutes a day, would you want to know
how to do it?
You would? Listen up, and I will tell
you one of the best health success stories of the last twenty years.
Meet Dr. Hulda Clark
The parasite zapper was the
brainchild of Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark, a
Canadian-born research scientist and
naturopath. Dr. Clark wanted to
empower the average mother sitting at
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kitchen table to care for the health of her
entire family. This care was to be simple,
non-toxic and affordable. She called the
concept “Self Health.”
Why was the parasite zapper developed?
When her tests on thousands of patients
showed parasites to be at the root of
many common diseases, Dr. Clark set
out to find the best safe way to kill parasites. The common drugs for killing parasites were not very effective, and in
many cases were so toxic that there was
almost no margin of safety for the patient.
After years of research, Dr. Clark
discovered a way to inactivate parasites
and bacteria in the body with tuned lowpower electronic signals applied for a
few minutes. But the frequency had to be
set differently for each specific target
Though powerful, this method required a careful diagnosis to identify
each problem organism so that it could
be specifically neutralized. It could take
many hours to diagnose and treat a single
The Big Breakthrough
Dr. Clark’s son Geoff built a batteryoperated frequency generator to replace
the big, expensive units she was using.
When she tested this on a patient, she
found that the battery-operated device
caused pathogens at many different frequencies to die. Yet it was set to only a
The Bellinger Book Nook
single frequency. How could this be?
More tests on the battery-operated
generator showed that it worked by a
completely different mechanism than the
tuned frequency approach. The batterypowered “parasite zapper” (as she named
it) worked by stimulating the body’s
own amazing immune system. It did this
by waking up white blood cells that had
been put to sleep by toxins in our food,
water and air.
This was a wonderful discovery. The
white blood cells that form our immune
system are perfectly designed to be able
to identify any parasites, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens in the blood,
and then to target and kill them. No diagnosis was required to use a parasite zapper. This was the tool she wanted for the
mothers at their kitchen tables. Now any
one could take responsibility for their
own health, and see good results.
How does a parasite zapper work?
At its heart, a parasite zapper is a
simple electronic battery-operated pulse
generator. It makes tiny electrical pulses,
with a positive DC voltage offset, that
are applied to the body. The usual
connection to the body is through copper
pipe handholds, footpads or conductive
wristbands. In a properly designed Hulda
Clark zapper, the amount of current in
each pulse is carefully limited and
controlled. This means that a Hulda
Clark zapper cannot cause electrical
shock or risk of tissue damage. In fact,
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1 block E of PO, across from Info
Centre 6655 9372
only about one person in 1000 can even
feel if the current is flowing or
In the user’s body, these tiny current
pulses pass through all types of tissues,
including muscles, organs and blood
vessels. But their real target is the blood
flow itself. That is why the current is
usually connected to pass from one limb
of the body to another. Then it will intercept major arterial blood flow.
As noted above, the zapper current
achieves its health effects in a very striking and elegant way. Rather than attacking parasites, bacteria and viruses directly by electronic means, the zapper
current activates the white blood cells.
Since the white blood cells form the immune system, this activation is extremely powerful. The activated white
blood cells begin to seek out and destroy
anything that does not belong in the
Do I Need to Program or Tune a Zapper?
Because the white blood cells do the
actual targeting and killing of pathogens,
the zapper takes full advantage of the
inherent wisdom and adaptability of the
body’s immune system. There is no need
to diagnose disease or tune the zapper to
address a particular health concern or
parasite. Simply using the zapper, regularly, will unleash the full defensive resources of the immune system.
How Often Do I Need to Use the Para-
site Zapper?
Regular use is important to get the best
results with a parasite zapper. That is because our bodies are constantly exposed
to bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs on
surfaces we touch, food we eat, and even
in the air we breathe.
Because of this, it is very important to use
the parasite zapper on a regular basis. If
possible, one should use it every day to
keep the immune system strong to overcome challenges right away, before they
can build up in the body.
This has become much easier with the
invention of the AutoZap 5 super-fast
zapper, because the zapping cycle has
been reduced to a mere five minutes
(from the 60-plus minute cycle originally
published by Dr. Clark). That is just the
length of a TV commercial break. Lack of
time is no longer a valid excuse for avoiding daily zapping.
What Should I Look For In A Parasite
Four things are required to maximize the
effectiveness of a Hulda Clark parasite
- Battery operation – Dr. Clark insisted on
this to ensure best results. Avoid ACpowered “zappers” because of the significant shock hazard.
- Proper pulse output – Be sure the zapper
output has a positive-only pulse output
Contd page 15
For friendly, local service
54 Hyde Street, Bellingen NSW
T: 6655 1081 F: 6655 0018
To know another human being in their essence, you don’t
really need to know anything about them—their past,
their history, their story.
We confuse knowing about with a deeper knowing that is
non-conceptual. Knowing about and knowing are totally
different modalities. One is concerned with form, the
other with the formless. One operates through thought,
the other through stillness.
Knowing about is helpful for practical purposes. On that
level, we cannot do without it.
When it is the predominant modality in relationships,
however, it becomes very limiting, even destructive.
Thoughts and concepts create an artificial barrier,
a separation between human beings.
Your interactions are then not rooted in Being, but
become mind-based.
Without the conceptual barriers, love is naturally present
in all human interactions.
Eckhart Tolle
InfoBounce—Ian Gilmore
InfoBounce is a new business that specializes in oneon-one support with technology mentoring, business
mentoring, custom dynamic pdf forms and pdf
document handling, excel
spread sheet development
including Visual Basic
coding, mind mapping and
research. The things we
can do for you are:• Improve your information
handling and study skills
• Mentoring and tuition on
how to use computers, IPad,
tablets and smartphones.
• Mentoring and support to
undertake particular tasks on
computers or tablets.
• Assistance/mentoring to help
complete online forms and
• Assistance/mentoring to help
complete online purchases.
• Provide low cost solutions
through products that are
affordable to small businesses e.g. Novamind 5
(mind mapping software),
MS OneNote, Expensify etc.
Solution finding and
problem solving.
Excel spreadsheet development and deployment.
Ideas Wall (used for
problem solving and idea development).
Implementation of technology like tablets into businesses.
Provide custom form
development via Adobe PDF
• Software setups and registrations.
• Business start-up assistance.
• Business mentoring.
• Running meetings.
• Strategic planning.
• Problem solving.
In short, InfoBounce is about finding and
deploying solutions for you whether you
are an individual, a community organization, a small business or a student. We
specialize in tailoring the solutions to you,
researching and working with you to help
you succeed.
Give Ian at InfoBounce a call on 0408
677971 or email your enquiry to
The Little Things that Get Under my Skin
by Charles Eistenstein
I am sometimes told that my optimism is powerful because I am also no
stranger to despair. My deep conviction that a more beautiful world is possible stands alongside a lot of grief and
pain for what is happening on this
planet, and sometimes that pain wears
the story of "It's all terribly wrong and
hopeless, the world is spiralling down,
every precious thing is being eroded..."
Lately there have certainly been a
lot of events on the world stage that
contribute to that story. Gaza, Ukraine,
Iraq... the mass slaughter of elephants,
the tar sands... but sometimes it is a
small thing, seemingly a trivial thing,
that stabs right through me.
The other day I was walking with
four or five of children in the condominium development where my inlaws reside. My son, my niece, a couple of friends. The development has an
expansive lawn with small trees lining
a long driveway. One of the girls
grabbed a low branch and swung her
legs above her head, hanging upsidedown. A car driving towards us honked
the horn and the lady inside angrily
motioned for her to get down. She
pulled up, rolled down her window,
and said, "I am on the management
board here, and we don't allow that
kind of behavior," or something like
I don't know why that petty incident should hurt more than the carnage around the world, but somehow
it got under my skin. Maybe because
it is not unrelated to the carnage. The
mentality of control, the subduing of
the wild, the emphasis on "security"
at the expense of life, play, and freedom, the conquest of childhood, the
"civilizing" of the Other... all of
these threads wrap together into the
big ball of earth's dominant culture.
Maybe it is because the mentality
that is disturbed by a child swinging
from a tree branch is so far removed
from the kind of world I want to live
in that I felt that intense pang of
hopelessness. What kind of miracle
will it take for the kind of people exemplified by this woman (and there
are many) to change? Probably it
would take a severe shaking of the
foundations of their world. I do not
wish that on anyone, but I do not believe that the social transformation
that we seek writes off some people
and leaves them behind. That kind of
elitism is a recipe for disaster. Everyone has a gift to offer this collective
emergence. But for many people, I
think it will take an enormous dislocation to access it.
Hemp Seed Oil
. Hemp seed and oil has been called
"Nature’s Perfect Food for Humanity" - a
wealth of health for everyone. The oil can
be used as part of a nutritional programme
to maintain and improve good health.
With a pleasant nutty flavour, Hemp Seed
Oil is ideal for use in salad dressings, mayonnaise, dips etc. It is not suitable for frying as this reduces the benefits.
Hemp has had a long-standing relationship with humanity; modern science reveals that it contains all the essential amino
acids and essential fatty acids necessary for
human life, as well as a rare protein known
as globule edestins that is very similar to
the globulin found in human blood
Four years after the Marijuana Tax Act
passed in the US, a researcher writing for a
1941 edition of Science lamented the loss
of access to the hemp seed's rare and important globule edistins; "Passage of the
Marijuana Law of 1937 has placed restrictions upon trade in hempseed that, in effect, amount to prohibition....”
Hemp seeds contain the most balanced
and richest natural single source of essential oils for human consumption. The E.F.
A.'s not only help to restore wasting bodies, but also improve damaged immune
systems, so it is not so surprising that mod-
ern researchers have studied them in relationship to the modern immune attacking
AIDS virus. (Eidlman, M.D., Hamilton,
ED.D, Ph.D 1992).
Hemp oil is natures most balanced oil
for human nutrition (3:1 LA to LNA ratio) and is easily digestible; in fact this oil
could provide all of our Essential Fatty
Acid (EFA) requirements for life, due to
the balanced 80% EFA content of the oil.
Research has shown that this nutritional oil was once a part of worldwide
dietary intake, as it was one of the first
cultivated crops. All natural foods contain
some substances, which are essential to
life. Oils for example, found in nuts and
seeds, contain significantly higher
amounts of essential fatty acids than other
Much information about Hemp has
been systematically removed from written
texts since the 1930's and is now difficult
to find. Many of the myths about hemp,
perpetuated by governments to this day
relating to hemp being a drug crop are
incorrect and simply propaganda created
to make way for synthetic man made
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Membership fees: $ 10 per month, pro rata, or $ 120 p.a., renew 1st January
Payment method: Cheque:
Cheques payable to Bellingen Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 394 Bellingen NSW 2454
Electronic transfer:
Account name: Bellingen Chamber of Commerce Inc.
BSB 704 328 149 884
(Add $ 11.1 if transferring from another BCU account)
The Bellingen Chamber of Commerce can assist you by provide networking opportunities, business and customer referrals and access to our promotional events.:
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Send to: The Editor, Bellingen News, P.O.Box 394, Bellingen, NSW 2454
To cover cost of stamp and envelope for 9 issues include a $6.00 book of stamps.
pH balance in the Human body
From SAFE newsletter
An acidic environment is a breeding
ground for many chronic diseases and
may cause fatigue. The body normally
maintains a pH or acid-alkaline balance
of 7.41. This balance is essential for
wellbeing as it facilitates the proper
functioning of all body processes including bone mineralization, muscle function, nerve transmission, cardiac rhythm,
renal function, liver detoxification, and
the elimination of carbon dioxide. The
body will attempt to clear acidity by increasing its elimination through the kidneys, colon, skin, sinuses and other mucus membranes. The main factors that
influence the body's acid-alkaline balance include:
Food choices - all foods and drinks have
the potential to influence pH balance,
and may be categorised as having an alkaline-forming, acid-forming or neutral
impact on the body.
Stress - cortisol is a hormone that is released during stressful situations, altering kidney function and increasing the
body's acidity.
Intense physical activity - overexertion
causes the rate of conversion and utilization of stored cell energy to increase. .
Without the ability to replenish this energy, the body breaks down muscle tissue to fuel its cellular activity. Increased
breakdown of muscle tissue alters the
body's pH balance to a more acid state.
Emotions - anger, fear, worry and jealousy are all healthy feelings, but when
they remain unresolved they cause the
body's acid level to increase. Negative
moods and emotions alter the digestive
ability of the small intestine, where all
minerals are absorbed. Adequate mineral
supplementation is needed to improve
the body's alkalinity.
Acid levels can be altered by incorporating alkalising foods into the diet.
Highly nutritious foods will boost mineral levels, allowing regulation of the pH
balance. Choosing light exercise and
eliminating stressors (physical, environmental mental or emotional can shift the
body to a more alkaline state.
It has been said that monitoring pH
status is just as important as tracking
blood pressure levels, as pH results reveal how efficiently the body is functioning, and whether action needs to be
taken to improve wellbeing.
The body is constantly working to
maintain a balance between being acidic
and alkaline; the blood, fluids and body
tissues prefer to operate in an alkaline
state, but most metabolic processes (e.g.
energy production, breathing, digestions
create acidic by-products. In modern
society, it is becoming increasingly difficult to easily maintain an ideal pH level:
stress, poor dietary choices, lack of sleep
and environmental pollutants are commonly to blame. Most people are finding
that their pH is too acidic, and that they
are dealing with health problems related
to the excess acidity.
The body's structure and physiology
begins to alter when it remains in an
acidic state for a prolonged period: detrimental cellular changes occur, free
radical damage takes place, and degeneration begins. Conditions commonly
associated with an acid pH level include
fatigue, inflammation, anxiety and depression, digestive dysfunction
hormonal imbalances, and bone, joint
and muscle problems, and more serious
health conditions.
1. Follow a dietary regime that is rich in
alkalising foods. It best to aim for 80%
of those foods known to be alkaline
forming, in order to help counteract the
acidic lifestyle factors that most people
endure. The most alkaline food are fresh
fruits and vegetables, cereal grasses (e.g.
Green Barley Powder, wheatgrass juice)
and leafy green herbs.
2. Limit fluid intake at meal times.
Drinking with a meal can dilute the
stomach's level of hydrochloric acid
which can slow the digestive process and
impact nutrient absorption. The exception to this rule is drinking a small
amount of lemon juice or apple cider
vinegar it warm water just before a meal,
as each have the unique abilities to for-
tify the hydrochloric acid level and
aikalise the body's tissues.
3. Minimise alcohol and soft drinks. In
addition to their naturally acidic composition, these drinks deplete the body
of alkalising nutrients, thereby amplifying the acidic effect they exert on
the body.
4. Address digestive problems. The
pH of each food it partly determined
by the digestive response, which
means that if digestive dysfunction
arises it becomes difficult to maintain
acid-alkaline balance.
5. Use litmus paper to assess pH. This
simple method oil testing acid and alkaline levels has been used for centuries. This allows each person to take
responsibility for their own health and
recognise when their body's pH balance needs adjusting.
History— The Never Never, Thora
From Pioneering in the Bellinger Valley
In the early Bellinger days a large area of land extending from about five miles
above Bellingen and along the upper reaches of the Bellinger River, was called the
Never Never. The name probably originated from the timber getters who worked
amongst the cedar along the river banks before the land was thrown open for settlement.
It was not until many years later when the whole area was under production to about 18
miles from Bellingen that the name was discarded and in its place we now have a series
of names,. They are Thora Road,, Thora, Little North Arm, Upper Thora, Orama,
Bishop’s Creek and more recently—Darkwood and Brinerville. The name of Thora
probably comes from a Victorian song of that name, but it is not clear who recommended it. The land between Bellingen and Never Never ws all under production
New and Secondhand Books
-Positive Alternatives for Today’s Issues
-Local Natural History — Organic Gardening—Permaculture
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105 Hyde Street, Bellingen, Phone: 6655 2249
before the territory above was opened. The first settler at Never Never was Mr. Finegan.
The records of the early years, numerous highlights and incidents that occurred over the
years have been contributed by A.J. Rose.
In 1878 Tom Rose and W. Garrett, hearing of good land available for selection a few
miles above Bellingen, rode over on horseback from the Hastings. After inspection they
decided on land 7-8 miles from Bellingen. The party consisted of Mr. And Mrs Rose and 4
young children, together with Mr. Garrett, and started off in a 2 wheel dray drawn by 4 bullocks. The journey lasted 10 days, during which time they had to travel over rough tracks
and every morning they had to search for the bullocks, sometimes miles away on the back
track. Despite the many difficulties experienced they managed to reach Marx Hill, only 10
miles from their destination before the first serious mishap occurred. They had to go over
the top of the hill and then down a steep ridge. To negotiate the steep grade they had to
drag a tree behind the dray. When near the bottom of the hill the bullocks swerved sharply
and the dray capsized. Remnants of the broken crockery can still be seen where the accident occurred
From page 7 Parasite zapper
with a 0.25 volt positive DC offset, and a
current limited output. Avoid “stabilized
wave” or “constant wave” outputs. They
bypass the current limiting, and can cause
burns or skin irritation.
- Excellent connections – look for wide
conductive wristbands, copper pipe handholds or highly conductive gloves to ensure proper current flow with no skin irritation. Some “zappers” have small metal
contact disks side by side. Avoid them.
- Low battery indication – this is very important to ensure that you are getting the
protection you want from the zapper. Ideally, the parasite zapper should not even
function unless the battery power is adequate for correct output. At a minimum, it
should have a clear signal when the battery is depleted and needs replacing.
1995-2013 Clark Technologies Inc.,
All Rights Reserved.
We provide this material for informational purposes only.
We do not prescribe, diagnose, or
make medical claims.
Your results may vary. We do not offer
or sell any medical
devices. If you use the information in
this site without the
approval of a health professional, you
prescribe for yourself,
which remains your lawful right, but
the authors do not
assume any responsibility.
(Ed. Also worth checking the Rife
Frequency Therapy)
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Commercial cleaning
Bellingen Diary
September 7th Harry Manx concert 3 pm Memorial Hall, 0421 715 815
13th Bellingen Spring Plant Fair
19-21 Bellingen Classical Music Festival
Carpool mid north coast,… www.carpoolmnc.org
2nd & 4th Saturdays, Growers’ Market 8am-2pm Showground
3rd Saturday, Community Market 8am-4pm
First Sunday Free Market 3-4 pm Showground
Sunday afternoons, Chess at The Lodge 241, all levels, newcomers welcome
Fourth Monday: Bellingen Writers’ Group, 1.30-4pm at Bellingen Golf
Club. Enquiries 6655 9246
Wednesdays Free Counselling Service Neighbourhood Centre, 6655 1239
Fourth Wednesday night Jazz at Federal Hotel
Third Thursdays Warrina Women’s Resource and Info Centre 6655 1239
1st, 3rd 5th Fridays Bellopy organic market 8-1pm Anglican Church
Last Friday. Poetry Corner 7-9pm Alternatives Book Shop, (105 Hyde St)
Saturday, from noon Jazz at The Bean, Church St.
Last Sunday Healing garden open day 1-4 pm Info: 6655 0949
Last Sunday, afternoon, at No.5 Transition Forum transitionbellingen@gmail.com
Local radio: Mid North Coast 91.3 FM
Bellingen 2bbb your local community radio station 93.3 FM or 107.3 FM
If you have a local event you wish to publicise here ring Elisabeth 6655 9192 by 12th
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somewhere, so others can read it.
Printed by: Midcoast Printing, 38 Hyde St., Bellingen 6655 9414