Ricardo Mantilla Department of Civil and Environmental

Ricardo Mantilla (ricardo-­‐‑mantilla@uiowa.edu) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 52242 (319) 335 5941 Professional Preparation University of Colorado at Boulder Universidad Nacional de Colombia Universidad Nacional de Colombia Civil Engineering (Hydrology) Ph. D. 2007 Civil Engineering (Water Resources) M.Sc. 2003 Civil Engineering B.S. 2000 Appointments Assistant Professor, Civil and Env. Eng. Dept. -­‐‑ The University of Iowa, 2014 Assistant Research Engineer, IIHR – Engineering and Hydroscience, 2009 Postdoctoral Research Associate, IIHR – Engineering and Hydroscience, 2008 Postdoctoral Research Associate, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2007 Postdoctoral Research Associate, CIRES – University of Colorado, 2006 Professional Experience 2014-­‐‑Present 2012-­‐‑ 2011 2009-­‐‑Present 2008 Assistant Professor. Civil and Environmental Engineering Department The University of Iowa Adjunct Assistant Professor. Civil and Environmental Engineering Department The University of Iowa Lecturer of graduate level class, “Multi-­‐‑scale Hydrology,” at the University of Colorado and The University of Iowa Assistant Research Engineer The University of Iowa IIHR-­‐‑Hydroscience & Engineering and The Iowa Flood Center Postdoctoral Research Associate at The University of Iowa Project Name: Prediction and Forecasting of Floods Supervisor: Witold Krajewski 2007 Fall 2001 -­‐‑ 2006 Summer 2001 Spring 2001 1998 -­‐‑ 2000 1996 -­‐‑ 1999 Postdoctoral Research Associate at New Mexico Tech Project Name: Hydrological Processes in Semi-­‐‑Arid Environments Supervisor: Enrique Vivoni Research Assistant at the University of Colorado at Boulder Project Name: The Scaling Structure of Floods Supervisor: Vijay Gupta Research Assistant at the University of Colorado at Boulder Project Name: Recurrence Plots and Unstable Periodic Orbits Supervisor: Elizabeth Bradley Teaching Assistant at the University of Colorado at Boulder Course Taught: Fluid Mechanics Professors: John Crimaldi and Vijay Gupta Research Assistant at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia Project Name: ENSO – Malaria Supervisors: German Poveda, William Rojas, and Martha Quiñones Research Assistant at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia Project Name: Water Balances in Colombia Supervisors: Oscar Mesa and German Poveda Peer Reviewed Publications 1. R. Mantilla, W. Navarro, J.M. Ramirez, An analytic expression for a scale dependent geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) and implications for scaling of peak flows, Advances in Water Resources, 2014 (In review). 2. R. Curtu, R. Mantilla, M. Fonley, L.K. Cunha, S.J. Small, L.O. Jay, W.F. Krajewski, An integral-­‐‑balance nonlinear model to simulate changes in soil moisture, groundwater and surface runoff dynamics at the hillslope scale, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 71, Pages 125-­‐‑139, September 2014. 3. T.B. Ayalew, W.F. Krajewski, R. Mantilla, Connecting the power-­‐‑law scaling structure of peak-­‐‑discharges to spatially variable rainfall and catchment physical properties, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 71, Pages 32-­‐‑43, September 2014. 4. T.B. Ayalew, W.F. Krajewski, R. Mantilla, S.J. Small, Exploring the effects of hillslope-­‐‑
channel link dynamics and excess rainfall properties on the scaling structure of peak-­‐‑
discharge, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 64, Pages 9-­‐‑20, February 2014, 5. S.J. Small, L.O. Jay, R. Mantilla, R. Curtu, L.K. Cunha, M. Fonley, and W.F. Krajewski, An asynchronous solver for systems of ODEs linked by a directed tree structure, Advances in Water Resources Research, 2013. 6. Cunha, L. K., P.V. Mandapaka, W.F. Krajewski, R. Mantilla, and A.A.Bradley (2012), Impact of radar-­‐‑rainfall error structure on estimated flood magnitude across scales: An 7.
investigation based on a parsimonious distributed hydrological model, Water Resour. Res., 48, W10515, 2012. T. Ayalew, W.F. Krajewski, and R. Mantilla, Exploring the Effect of Reservoir Storage on Peak Discharge Frequency, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2012. R. Mantilla, V.K. Gupta, and B.M. Troutman, Extending generalized Horton laws to test embedding algorithms for topologic river networks, Geomorphology, 2012. R. Mantilla, L. K. Cunha, W. F. Krajewski, Scott J. Small, Laurent O. Jay, Morgan Fonley, and Rodica Curtu, Simulation of a Distributed Flood Control System using a Parallel Asynchronous Solver for Systems of ODEs, From Proceeding (776) Applied Simulation and Modelling / 777, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2012. R. Mantilla, V.K. Gupta, and B.M Troutman: Scaling of peak flows with constant flow velocity in random self-­‐‑similar networks, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2011. G. Formetta, R. Mantilla, S. Franceschi, A. Antonello, and R. Rigon: The JGrass-­‐‑NewAge system for forecasting and managing the hydrological budgets at the basin scale: models of flow generation and propagation/routing, Geoscientific Model Development, 2011. L.K. Cunha, W.F. Krajewski, and R. Mantilla, A framework for flood risk assessment under non-­‐‑stationary conditions or in the absence of historical data, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 2011. Dunn, W.C., B.T. Milne, R. Mantilla, and V.K. Gupta. Scaling relations between riparian vegetation and stream order in the Whitewater River network, Kansas, USA. Landscape Ecology, 2011 R. Mantilla, V.K. Gupta, and Brent M. Troutman. Testing statistical self-­‐‑similarity in the topology of river networks, Journal of Geophysical Research-­‐‑Earth Surface, 2010. W.F. Krajewski and R. Mantilla, Why Were the 2008 Floods So Large?, A Watershed Year: Anatomy of the Iowa Floods of 2008, Edited by Cornelia Mutel, 2010. V.K. Gupta, R. Mantilla, B.M. Troutman, D. Dawdy, and W.F. Krajewski, Generalizing a nonlinear geophysical flood theory to medium-­‐‑sized river networks, Geophysical Research Letters, 2010. P. Mandapaka, W.F. Krajewski, R. Mantilla, and V.K. Gupta, Dissecting the effect of rainfall variability on the statistical structure of peak flows, Advances in Water Resources, 2009. G. Poveda, J.I. Velez, O.J. Mesa, L.A. Cuartas, O.J. Barco, R. Mantilla, J.F. Mejia, C.D. Hoyos, J.M. Ramírez, B.A. Botero, M.I. Mejia, L.I. Ceballos, M.D. Zuluaga, J.D. Giraldo, and D.I. Quevedo. Linking Long-­‐‑Term Water Balances and Statistical Scaling to Estimate River Flows along the Drainage Network of Colombia, J. of Hydrologic Engineering, 2007. R. Mantilla. Physical Basis of Statistical Scaling in Peak Flows and Stream Flow Hydrographs for Topologic and Spatially Embedded Random Self-­‐‑Similar Channel Networks. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Colorado at Boulder, 2007. G. Poveda, O.J. Mesa, R. Mantilla, and Jorge M. Ramirez. HidroSIG: An Interactive Digital Atlas of Colombia'ʹs Hydro-­‐‑climatology, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2007. R. Mantilla, V.K. Gupta, and Oscar J. Mesa. Role of Coupled Flow Dynamics and Real Network Structures on Hortonian Scaling of Peak Flows, Journal of Hydrology, 2006. 22. R. Mantilla and V.K. Gupta. A GIS Framework to Investigate the Process Basis for Scaling Statistics on River Networks, IEEE -­‐‑ Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2005. 23. E. Bradley and R. Mantilla, Recurrence plots and unstable periodic orbits, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2002. 24. G. Poveda, A. Jaramillo, M.M. Gil, N. Quiceno, and R. Mantilla. Seasonality in ENSO-­‐‑
related precipitation, river discharges, soil moisture, and vegetation index in Colombia, Water Resources Research, 2001. 25. G. Poveda, W. Rojas, M.L. Quiñones, I.D. Vélez, R. Mantilla, D. Ruiz, J.S. Zuluaga, and G.L. Rua, Coupling between annual and ENSO timescales in the malaria-­‐‑climate association in Colombia, Environmental Health Perspectives, 2001. Conferences 1.
Fall AGU (San Francisco) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 ICHE 2012 EGU 2010 Fifty Years of Watershed Modeling Iowa Water Conference 2010, 2011 Co-­‐‑PI in Funded Grants NSF -­‐‑ SGER: Theoretical Design of a Flood Warning System for Eastern Iowa, 2008 ($70,000) NSF -­‐‑ SGER: Anatomy of the 2008 Iowa Flood: Exploring the Interplay Between Successive Storms and Basin Drainage Topology, 2008 ($53,000) NSF -­‐‑ CMG Research: On the Quest for Power Laws in Floods: Developing Numerical and Analytical Tools, 2010 ($705,320) IDOT -­‐‑ Pilot project for a hybrid road-­‐‑flooding forecasting system on Squaw Creek, 2011 ($350,000) IDOT -­‐‑ Federal Highways Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Pilot, 2013 ($210,000) Synergistic Activities 1. Developer and maintainer of the CUENCAS website: http://www.iihr.uiowa.edu/rmantilla/cuencas/ 2. Collaborator on Hydro-­‐‑Kansas activities in Whitewater Basin, KS. 3. Editor of Monograph and Lecture notes on the Multiscale Hydrology program at the University of Colorado 4. Reviewer for: Advances in Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Water Resources Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research, and Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. Collaborators (in Alphabetical order) Christopher Anderson, Iowa State University Luciana Cunha, Princeton University Peter Furey, CORA. William Gallus, Iowa State University Vijay K Gupta, University of Colorado at Boulder. Witold Krajewski, The University of Iowa. Mathew Luck, University of Vermont. Oscar Mesa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bruce Milne, University of New Mexico. Riccardo Riggon, University of Trento, Italy Scott Small, University of Iowa Gene Takle, Iowa State University Brent Troutman, USGS. German Poveda, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Graduate and Post-­‐‑Graduate Advisors Vijay K Gupta, Ph.D. Advisor Oscar Mesa, M.Sc. Advisor Witold Krajewski, Advisor of Postdoctoral Research Co Advisor of Students Pradeep Mandapaka, Ph. D. Luciana Cunha, PhD Tibebu Ayelew, Ph.D. Walter Navarro, Ph. D. Morgan Schiller, Ph. D. Chi Chi Choi, M. Sc. Jared Barr, M. Sc. Travis Baxter, M. Sc. 