Red Group Fe > ves Wife-wives Life-lives Leaf-leaves Wolf-wolves Knife-knives Loaf-loaves vowel change foot-feet woman-women mouse-mice tooth-teeth goose-geese no change sheep This week’s words are focusing on deer unusual plurals. When a noun ends in a f/fe, we change the f/fe to ves. In some nouns, we just change the vowels and do not add an s. There are some nouns that we do nothing to them. Yellow Group Au Saucer Author August Autumn Laundry Caution Faucet Sausage Auction Haunted aw awful awkward lawyer awesome gnawed gawking flawless al also always almost although already oddball laughed all right Blue Group -er Speaker traveler prisoner defender believer attacker admirer -or creator visitor decorator director inventor survivor -ian guardian Asian historian Australian librarian civilian -ist artist Finalist terrorist specialist vocalist This week’s words are focusing again on accented syllables (au, aw, al). All three sounds, even though they are spelled different, they are all the same sound. We are still working with noun suffixes. When we add the following endings to nouns, the base word changes from a noun or verb to a type of person. Green Group Quadr/quarQuartet Quarter Quadrangle Quadruped Quadruple Quadruplets quint/pentquintet quintuplets quintessence quintessential pentagon octoctet octagon octave decdecimal decathlon decade decimate We are working with number prefixes. These prefixes come from Greek and Latin words. Quadr/quar-means four, quint/pent-means five, oct-means eight, dec-means ten, centmeans one hundred centcentimeter century centigrade centennial bicentennial percentage