An Overview of Various Grid Synchronization Techniques for Single-Phase Grid Integration of Renewable Distributed Power Generation Systems Rashmi Ranjan Behera Prof. AN Thakur Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur Jamshedpur, India Email: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur Jamshedpur, India Email: Abstract—Due to the increasing penetration of single-phase distributed generations into the utility grid the need of an improved and efficient controller to control the distributed power generating systems (DGs) is also increasing. Therefore the grid synchronization techniques plays a major role in order to maintain the grid requirements in terms of power quality and the frequency of the grid voltage. The informations of grid voltage frequency, amplitude and the phase are the basic requirements for single-phase grid integration. For efficient estimation of these, various synchronization techniques have been proposed. The focus of this paper is to review the different synchronization techniques particularly for grid integration of single-phase renewable DGs based on Phase Locked Loops (PLL) and Non-PLL method. single-phase DG systems can cause adverse effect on reliability, stability and availability of the distributed grid. And in this scenario adequate synchronization scheme play a major role in the control of single-phase grid connected systems. Usually a grid fault exists for a short period of time, so an accurate and fast synchronization method ensures good performance of the whole grid connected systems in the grid fault mode of operation. In some published work Phase Locked Loop based synchronization method is one of the promising methods of synchronization with grid. And to eliminate the delay to synchronize due to PLL the emphasis on PLL less methods is also increasing [20] - [22]. I. I NTRODUCTION II. GRID REQUIREMENTS FOR SINGLE - PHASE GRID The raising concern of rapid depletion of fossil fuels and the government policies of developed as well as developing countries on reducing greenhouse gases emissions, fetching a great interest on more and more distribution generations (DG) plants. Especially those DGs which are based upon renewable energy such as Wind turbines and Photo-voltaic(PV) plants. In recent years, there has been booming installation of singlephase PV systems which are connected to the low-voltage distribution lines, because of the maturity in PV technologies and the declining price of the PV panels. As the penetration and capacities of these DGs is increasing, the need of the hour is to operate and control them efficiently and effectively in order to maintain high power quality and dynamic stability. So pushed by the increasing penetration of renewable energy systems into the grid, to regulate the interconnected renewable power generation, there are many grid requirements have been released [1] - [3]. These grid codes put more rigorous demands regarding the capabilities of the renewable DG systems to track the variations in grid-voltage amplitude and frequency and also to minimize harmonic distortions. Grid synchronization is one of the major issues for distributed generation systems which are connected to utility network through Power Electronics systems. Under grid faults conditions, the disconnection of the large scale grid connected INTEGRATION According to standard IEC 61727,the allowable limit for the current Total Harmonic Distortion is 5%. And also the limit for odd harmonics, 3rd to 9th is 4% and 11th to 15th is 2%. The variation limit for the voltage amplitude is 0.85 pu to 1.10 pu, with frequency variation limit ±1 [1] [2]. There is a need to track phase angle, grid voltage amplitude, frequency for the anti-islanding, over/under voltage protection, and over/under frequency protection respectively. The grid connected renewable distributed generation systems should have accurate, reliable, and fast tracking system to comply with these requirements in case of abnormalities. III. SINGLE - PHASE GRID S YNCHRONIZATION TECHNIQUES For most of the single-phase grid tied power conditioning systems, such as active power filters, dynamic voltage restores, flexible AC transmission systems (FACTs), uninterrupted power supplies (UPS), the most vital informations required to connect with grid are phase-angle and frequency of the utility grid. And to estimate these phase-angle and frequency of single-phase signals, various methods have been proposed in previous literatures. A typical single-phase grid connected renewable DG system as shown in Fig.1, involves various single-phase loads with un- as Inducverter based on Induction motor principle has been published in [20]. A. PLL based techniques Fig. 1. Single-phase grid tied renewable DG systems with overall control structure equal loading of feeders, loads being continuously connected or disconnected, and loads which are nonlinear,unbalanced and distort the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC). Accurate knowledge of phase and frequency of grid voltage under these conditions is hard to obtain but crucial for converter operation and control. Various grid synchronization schemes have been reported to address the grid requirements and comparative studies of some of them have been carried out and published in [10], [13] - [22]. Different single-phase PLL and Non-PLL based techniques has been shown in Fig.2. The mostly accepted synchronization technique to a time varying signal shown by Fig.3. Here the phase difference between the input and output signal is measured by the phase detector (PD), then it is passed through a loop filter (LF), which is a low pass filter. The voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is driven by the output signal of the loop filter (LF) to generate the overall output signal, which will follow the input signal [5]. Fig. 3. Basic PLL structure 1) PLL based on T/4 delay: When the fundamental grid frequency time period is T, using first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer the T/4 transport delay technique can be implemented, by setting its size to one fourth of the number of samples contained in one cycle of the fundamental frequency. Fig. 4. Basic T/4 delay based PLL structure Fig. 2. Classification of single-phase grid synchronization techniques Generally a PLL is a closed loop feedback control system, whose output signal is synchronizes in phase, as well as in frequency, with the fundamental voltage component of the grid. An ideal PLL supposed to provide fast and accurate synchronization informations with a high degree of immunity and insensitivity to disturbances, harmonics, sags/swells, notches and other distortions. PLL based techniques are quite gaining the interest and many methods of single-phase PLL based synchronization techniques has been published in recent literatures. single-phase PLLs are mainly divided into the transport delay based, Park’s transform based, Hilbert transformationbased, all-pass filter-based, SOGI PLL and robust PLL [12] [19]. In recent publications the focus is on eliminating the dedicated PLL structure for synchronization process. Because if there will be any delay in tracking process can cause instability in the whole system. And so a new technique called As shown in Fig.4, considering a input signal which is the component and creating a component by delaying Vi by π/2 i.e T /4 w.r.t. fundamental frequency of the input voltage. And then transforming these Vα and Vβ , from αβ to dq by using Park’s transformation i.e eq.(1), it can be used in detecting the phase error. vd cosθ sinθ vα Vm sin(∆θ) = = (1) vq −sinθ cosθ vβ −Vm sin(∆θ) This technique is a simple one to extract phase-angle in single-phase application. If the input voltage signal is purely sinusoidal waveform at a rated grid frequency then only it works well [10]. Because the orthogonal signal output will not be perfect if the grid frequency changes, and this will rise to errors in synchronization. And also it doesn’t have any filtering capability, so if there is any harmonic components in the input voltage, that will disrupt the PLL. 2) PLL based on Hilbert Transform: Hilbert transform which is also called as ‘quadrature filter’, is a mathematical tool which have some fascinating features like, it can shift the phase angle of the input signal by ±π/2, depending on the sign of their frequency. It affects only the phase-angle without affecting the amplitude of the signal. For a real signal x(t), the Hilbert transform (H) is defined as shown in eq. (2), where P is Cauchy principal value. Z P ∞ x(τ ) x̂(t) = H(x) = (2) π −∞ t − τ Fig. 5. Basic structure of PLL based on Hilbert Transform Hilbert transformer generates a orthogonal signal to the input signal and then transformed it to dq–axis voltages by the help of Park’s transformation, which is then used in the control loop. An ideal Hilbert transformer is not practically realizable as it violates the causality property of a system [6]. 3) PLL based on Inverse Park’s Transform: In this method to build an orthogonal signal generator, which is supposed to generate the ‘β’ component, a loop consisting of direct as well as indirect Park’s transform supported by two low pass filters is created as shown in Fig.6. But here the condition is the PLL should be perfectly tuned to the input frequency to make vα to be in phase with vα0 and in quadrature with vβ0 . And also the nonlinear inner loop must be fast enough to generate the ‘β’ component [9] [12]. The whole technique can be described by these set of equations: " # " # v (s) v (s) d i vdq (s) = = Tp 0 vq (s) vβ (s) " # " # 0 v (s) vα0 (s) d vαβ (s) = 0 = Tp−1 0 (3) v (s) v (s) q β " # " # " # 0 v (s) (s) v v (s) d d d ω = GL (s) = s+ω 0 L vq (s) vq (s) vq (s) Fig. 6. PLL based on Inverse Park’s Transform 4) Enhanced PLL (EPLL): The EPLL is a frequency adaptive nonlinear synchronization approach, based on a simple adaptive filter (AF), introduced in [19]. Its superiority over conventional PLL lies in the phase detector (PD) mechanism, which brings more flexibility and provides informations about five fundamental signal attributes such as harmonic signal, corresponding amplitudes, fundamental components, phase component and frequency component. As shown in Fig. 7, to get the informations regarding the amplitude of input signal to extract the phase error, EPLL PD uses an adaptive filter and a multiplier in such a way that it can increase the information gathering capability. This technique is very much suitable in a variable frequency environment because it can provide very high immunity and insensitivity to harmonics, noise, and imbalance of the input signal. As it can shift the input signal by π/2 rad., so it is a suitable alternative in single-phase system applications [19]. As shown in Fig.7, the objective of the EPLL is to track the input voltage amplitude Vm and phase-angle θ. The adaptive filter estimates the amplitude according to the error signal and locked phase angle. The PD output equation can be written as: pd = Vm V̂m Vm sin(θ − θ̂) + sin(θ + θ̂) − sin(2θ̂) 2 2 2 (4) Considering θ = ωt + ø and θ̂ = ω̂t + ø̂ and when ω̂ = ω Vm V̂m Vm (ø − ø̂) + sin(2ωt + ø + ø̂) − sin(2ω̂t + 2ø̂) pd ∼ = 2 2 2 (5) Where sin(ø − ø̂) ∼ = (ø − ø̂) Fig. 7. Basic structure of Enhanced PLL 5) Robust Single-Phase PLL: By using robust PLL technique we can instantly estimate the phase, frequency, and amplitude information of single-phase signals even in frequency variation, amplitude sag/swell,phase jump, and harmonic distortion. It consists of two-phase signal generator which produce vα and vβ , a vector rotator, a phase synchronizer, a lowpass filter and a multirate sample-holder has proposed in [16]. The phase synchronizer based on “generalized integral type PLL method”, which differentiate it from other type of singlephase PLL methods. In case of transients, the differential type two phase generator is better than the integral type generator. The vector rotator performs the processing as: vγ v T = R (θ̂α ) α (6) vδ vβ Where RT (θ̂α ) is the transpose of R(θ̂α ),which is cosθ̂α −sinθ̂α R(θ̂α ) = sinθ̂α cosθ̂α (7) As shown in Fig.8, the final estimated frequency ω̂α is feedback to the two-phase signal generator through the multirate sample holder, and this reuse of the estimated frequency makes the estimation system to be auto tuning to varying frequency. Fig. 8. Basic structure of Robust PLL 6) Second Order Generalized Integrator based PLL (SOGI PLL): The SOGI-PLL is based on frequency adaptive quadrature signals generation by means of the SOGI-QSG filter [4]. This techniques uses two adaptive filters unlike EPLL, which uses only one weight adaptive filter. Because by using two adaptive filters it gives better performance and behaves like a “sinusoidal integrator” [4]. If ω being the resonant frequency of SOGI, the transfer function of adaptive filter based on the Second Order Generalized Integrator is defined as ωs (8) GI(s) = 2 s + ω2 frequency, using Fourier series principle. And assuming the grid frequency constant and known, the order of the harmonics can be extracted at the output of this filter. The amplitude and the phase angle of this frequency component can the calculated further [4]. 2) Inducverters: Some of in recent publications the emphasis on PLL less synchronization process is being increasing. Because in case of a dedicated synchronization unit specially based on PLL method, if any large delay occur in PLL, the the synchronization unit can cause instability, and so it has a considerable effect on the performance of converter circuit. Under weak grid conditions, islanded conditions, and due to large penetration of DGs into grid, this issue becomes more critical. So using a auto/self synchronization and control of converters without using a dedicated synchronization unit is getting increasing interest. A concept of Inducverters, inspired by Induction machine working principles has been published in [20]. Fig. 10. Basic structure of Inducverter Fig. 9. Phase detector based on second order generalized integrator B. Non PLL methods: 1) Grid Synchronization using Fourier Analysis: Fourier analysis is a mathematical tool which transform a given function from time domain to frequency domain and viceversa. Signal processing techniques can be easily evaluated by using discrete Fourier transform. By using Fourier series, the frequency components of a periodic signal can be obtained by multiplying it by a set of basic sine/cosine functions at different frequencies. It states that a periodic signal v(t) can be expressed by a sum of the following terms: X v(t) = a0 + (an cos(nωt) + bn sin(nωt)) (9) Where the different coefficients are calculated by RT a0 = T1 v(t) 0 RT 2 an = T v(t)cos(nωt)dt 0 RT 2 bn = T v(t)sin(nωt)dt It eliminates the dedicated synchronization process by providing auto start and auto synchronization with the grid without using the grid voltage information, making the controller unit and synchronization unit integrated into one unit. It introduces a current damping unit, which enables the autosynchronization by using local current information and it can thus track grid voltage frequency, angle and amplitude variation while providing constant power supply. This Inducverter has two main parts: 1) an electrical part, consists of converter unit, a filter circuit 2) the control part,which by proper voltage control enables the converter to behave like in induction machine, and generates pulse width modulated gate signals to converter unit. The controller has the same features and characteristics of induction machine such as self and soft start capability and synchronizing automatically with the grid without taking any information from the grid. IV. C ONCLUSION (10) 0 A selective band pass filter can be implemented by multiplying input signal by the sine/cosine functions at the desired A panoptical review of different synchronization techniques particularly for single-phase grid integration has been carried out to explore a broad perspective on their different features and applications. In future grid the single-phase grid connection of DGs will have a dominant role and so it has to be more active and smart. 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