INDIATOURISM, MILAN Via Albricci 9, 20122 Milan, ITALY. Tel: +39

Via Albricci 9, 20122 Milan,
Tel: +39 02 804952.
Milan, 26th May 2016.
1) To Agencies as per List
2) Indiatourism, Milan: Website:
Subject:- Quotation for Design & Construction of India Tourism Pavilion of
Incredible India Stand in Travel Trade Gazette InContri (TTG InContriRimini Feira):- October 13th-15th, 2016.
IndiaTourism Milan is one of the 14 overseas offices of the Ministry of Tourism,
Govt. of India participating in the TTG In Contri- 2016 scheduled to be held in
Rimini, Italy from 13th- 15th October, 2016. It is charged with the
responsibility of marketing and promoting tourism to India in four countries- Italy,
Greece, Cyprus & Malta. The primary objective of this participation is to depict
India and its multi- faceted tourism products in all its colours & splendours and to
provide a platform for Indian Tour Operators, Travel Trade, Hotels & Wellness
Centres, Hospitality Chain, State Tourism Departments & Airlines to showcase
the tourism potentials & products of India and promote India as a lucrative Tourist
Destination in the International arena through the Incredible India campaigns.
IndiaTourism, Milan has booked a stand Area of 160 sq.mtrs.
(Measurement : 20 mtrs. x 8 mtrs= 160.00 sq.mtrs) – Rimini Fiera- Pavillion: C-2, This office requires the services of a professional agency
having requisite experience in handling work of similar nature of
International Fairs and exhibitions for construction of India pavilion at
TTG Incontri, Rimini Feira-2016 as per the scope of work given below.
It is expected that the design should reflect the variety, culture and
vibrancy of India as a cultural destination with a touch of its new & niche
unique tourism products. The theme of our stand would be “Incredible
India” which is the brand line of our marketing strategies.
NOTE : Please find here enclosed the technical floor plan of our area in
pav. C2. Please note that the two black square in the middle of your
space are two columns. You’ll find the measures on the floor plan. We
would like to remind you that the maximum height allowed is 5 mtrs.
Conceptualization, designing and construction of India Pavilion and
providing other related ancillary services at the TTG, Rimini 2016 to be
held from 13th to 15th October, 2016 at International Fairs and exhibitions
for construction of India pavilion at TTG Incontri, Rimini-2016 as per the
scope of work given below. It is expected that the design should reflect the
variety, culture and vibrancy of India as a cultural destination with a touch
of its new & niche unique tourism products. The theme of our stand would
be “Incredible India” which is the brand line of our marketing strategies.
(1) The area of the stand is 160 sq.mtrs. (Measurement: 20 mtrs. x 8
mtrs= 160.00 sq.mtrs) – Rimini Fiera- - TTG- Rimini, 2016 @ - Pavillion:
C -2. (Please see above NOTE) (DEDICATED HALL FOR INDIA
 It should be functional and project the image of “Incredible India”
 The India Pavilion at TTG-2016 will have altogether 20 individual booths of
4sq.mtrs. preferably located all around the stand for each of the participants
supplied with one table with four chairs, and should have privacy for conducting
business. Each co-exhibitor booth would be individually branded with their logo
graphic and each booth should be equipped with electric point for use of laptop, a
garbage bin and a cabinet with lock and key to keep their materials.
 There should be easy accessibility and visibility. Double sided pictures / signage
are to be produced by the agency, and backdrop with their logos for all participants
/ co-exhibitors in the Pavilion as per the design.
 Each co-exhibitors booth should be properly numbered and displayed prominently.
 The pavilion should essentially reflect Indian décor and ambience and at the same
time a professional and business type lay out best suited for buyer – seller meetings
with effective and adequate branding of the Incredible India as per design.
 Two Reception desks (Required one big in main area at the entrance and
opposite side may be small) / Information Area should be well designed for the
main exhibitor (India Tourism) at the entrance with provision of two high chairs
waste bins, brochure stands and High reception counters along with provision for
display of literature on both sides.
 To Design, fabricate and install the stand
 To provide furniture as per stand design and space,
 To provide Total 2-Big plasma/LED TV Screens (2 TVs at each Reception areas)
with centrally controlled DVD player for continuous screening of tourism films
and other Audiovisual equipment required for presentation
 To provide free Internet connection to all the participants (co-exhibitors).
 To provide plants & beautification and liaison with the fair authorities for setting
up of our stand.
 The stand should depict Indian Culture and Tourism attractions with strong visual
 The design of the stand should include separate storage apprx. 20 sq mtrs, pantry,
VIP lounge area should be with a sofa chairs of good taste and a meeting room
adjacent to VIP lounge with couple of tables with 8 chairs. Sufficient open space
next to pantry area to hold happy hour / create space for cultural demonstrations
with sound system etc.
 Special attention should be given, to our Logo “Incredible India”, which may be
suspended from the roof to be visible from all fronts, some images and Incredible
India Logo will be provided by us.
 All other ancillary works related to India Pavilion like provision of back drops for
Meeting area, adequate Coat Stands, Coffee / Tea machine provision with milk,
coffee, tea and sugar, mineral water with dispenser, Dustbins with bags / Regular
cleaning of the stand etc. are within the scope of work of the agency.
 Construction of the pavilion at site well in time, maintenance activities during the
period of the fair and dismantling of the pavilion after the event.
 All visual display materials produced will be property of India Tourism, Milan and
should be handed over after the completion of TTG-2016.
 Maximum permitted height of the stand is 6 meters including structural elements
and graphics.
 The Agency should source and display high resolution creative’s depicting the
Incredible India images / modern infrastructure of India in the stand.
The tender should be submitted in two covers as follows :
Cover-I :Superscribed “ TTG-Rimini- 2016 - Technical Bid”.
To include the following documents/details:
Details of the Tenderer
 Profile of the Agency / Company.
 Track record - details of involvement in similar events, with copies of
relevant work orders in support of the details furnished. Experience of
setting up Pavilions/ Booths/ Stands at International Fairs / Exhibitions /
Events as well as at International Tourism related Fairs / Exhibitions
Events during the last three years may be highlighted.
 Specific experience relating to the particular event, if any, with copies
of relevant work orders in support of details furnished.
 All bidders should submit a self undertaking that they have never been
blacklisted by any Government of India Ministry/ Department/
Authority/ Organisation/ Agency.
 Details of any awards won for stand design in the past three years.
(ii) The Concept/ Design of the India Pavilion with detailed layout,
decoration plan, etc. In hard copy as well as may be on CD.
Cover – 2 : Superscribing “TTG- Rimini- 2016- Financial Bid”
To include the following documents / details:
(i) A Financial Bid, duly dated and clearly indicating the cost against each
of the following components.
Construction, maintenance & dismantling of the pavillion.
Décoration and Display within the pavillion.
Transportation of material if to the site and back.
Expenditure on other activities as listed in the scope of work
All bidders should indicate separate cost as above as well as the total cost
inclusive of all taxes if any. The financial bids will be evaluated on the
basis of total cost inclusive of taxes or with out VAT.
(ii) The financial bid should be in Euros :(iii) The financial bid should contain an undertaking by the agency that the
agency accepts and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions as
mentioned in this tender document number TTG - Rimini-2016
dated: 26.05.2016.
(iv) Format for submission of Financial Bids is given in Annexure I :
3.The two sealed covers, superscribed : as “Quotation for TTG- Rimini2016- Stand”-* Technical Bid* and ‘TTG- Rimini-2016 Financial Bid’
in Covers I and II respectively should be put up in a separate cover
superscribed “Technical and Financial Bid for TTG- Rimini- 2016”
with the details of the company eg. Full Name, Postal Address, Fax, Email, Telephone number of the Tenderer on the bottom left corner of the
cover and submitted to the Manager, Indiatourism Milan, Via Albricci 9,
-20122 Milano, Italy on or before 1700 hrs. of 27th July 2016. Any prebid enquiries may be addressed to the following e- mail id :
All the documents submitted by the agencies should be signed on
each page by the authorised signatory of the company. The document
should be spiral bound, duly page numbered, and properly indexed. The
agencies who do not submit their bids in the proper format, with required
documents and in the required format would be liable for rejection.
The agencies submitting their bids should also mention that they
agree to the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document.
1. Technical bids will be opened initially by a Constituted Committee
which will evaluate the Technical Bids of the agencies which are
found eligible after initial scrutiny of the bids followed by
Financial Bids by the Constituted committee.
The Technical Bids will be judged following the criteria as
detailed below :
Experience of setting up Pavilions/
10 marks
Booths/ Stands at International Fairs /
Exhibitions / Events during last three
Experience of setting up Pavilions/
10 marks
Booths/ Stands at International Tourism
related Fairs / Exhibitions / Events
during last three years
Awards received for Pavilions / Booths /
5 marks
Stands at events in (i) and (ii) above.
Concept & Design of Pavilion
30 marks
Effective Utilisation of Space
5 marks
Effective Branding in the Pavilion
5 marks
(vii) Innovative ideas and other attractions in
5 Marks
the Pavilion
70 Marks
Whereas, Technical Evaluation will carry a weightage of 70 marks,
financial bids will carry weightage of 30 marks. The agencies scoring 70
per cent marks (49 marks) or above in Technical Evaluation shall be
eligible for opening of their financial bids.
The financial bids of only those agencies that score 70 per cent
marks (49 marks) or above in Technical Evaluation will be opened in the
presence of the constituted committee . Financial evaluation will carry a
weightage of 30 Marks.
The agency which scores the highest aggregate marks on the basis of
technical and financial evaluation (after adding the scores from the
technical and financial evaluation) will be awarded the contract for
construction of the India Pavilion at the event.
E. Terms of Payment: No advance payments will be made. Payment will
be made to the successful bidder as per the following schedule:
(i) Payment of 30% of the total contractual amount will be made by cheque
/ bank draft/ electronic transfer as advance 14 days before the fair.
(ii) Payment of 70% of the total contractual amount will be made through
cheque/bank draft/electronic transfer on completion of the TTG Fair 2016,
dismantling the pavilion and clearing of the site etc.
(i) India Tourism Milan reserves the right to reject or accept any offer
without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
(ii) Incomplete and conditional bids will be rejected outright.
(iii) Any Displays / Translites produced for the India Pavilion at the
event will be the property of the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India,
on completion of the event.
Validity of Tender: Tender shall remain valid for acceptance for a
period of one year from the date of opening of Tender/or till the end of the
event for which the tenders were called for, whichever is earlier
(v) Insurance: Insurance, including transit insurance will be arranged
by the service provider.
(vi) Liquidated Damages: In the event of service provider’s failure to
complete the work within the specified time, and as per the requirements of
standards of quality constructions, as mentioned in the tender document,
India Tourism Milan will recover from the service provider, as Liquidated
Damages, a sum of 10 % of the contract price for every day’s delay.
Besides, if the execution is delayed the IT, Milan may take action to debar
the agency from participation in further tenders and/or blacklist the
(vii) Termination by default: India Tourism Milan reserves the right to
terminate contract of any agency in case of change in the Government
procedures or for unsatisfactory services.
(viii) Risk – Purchase Clause: If the service provider, after submission
of tender and the acceptance of the same, fails to abide by the Terms
and Conditions of the tender document or fails to complete the
work within the specified time or at any time repudiates the contract,
India Tourism Milan will have the right to :
a) In case IT, Milan gets the incomplete job completed through
alternative sources and if price of completing the work is higher,
the service provider shall pay the balance amount incurred by the
office for completing the work, to IT,Milan.
b) For all purposes, the work order accepted by the bidder and issued
by India Tourism Milan (ITM) will be considered as the formal
(ix) Force Majeure: Neither party will be liable in respect of failure to
fulfil its obligations, if the said failure is entirely due to Acts of God,
Governmental restrictions or instructions, natural calamities or catastrophe,
epidemics or disturbances in the country. If there is a delay in performance
or other failures by the service provider to perform its obligation under its
contract due to event of a Force Majeure, the service provider shall not be
held responsible for such delays/failures. If a Force Majeure situation
arises, the service provider shall promptly notify the ITM in writing of such
conditions and the cause thereof providing sufficient and satisfactory
evidence immediately on occurrence of such event. Unless otherwise
directed by the ITM in writing, the service provider shall continue to
perform its obligations under the contract as far as reasonably practical, and
shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented
by the Force Majeure event.
In event of any dispute or difference between the ITM and the
Agency, such disputes or differences shall be resolved amicably by
mutual consultation. If such resolution is not possible, then the
unresolved dispute or difference shall be referred to arbitration of
the sole arbitrator to be appointed by the Secretary, Ministry of
Tourism on the recommendation of the Secretary, Department of
Legal Affairs (‘Law Secretary’) Government of India. The provision
of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (No.26 of 1996) shall be
applicable to the arbitration. The Venue of such arbitration shall be
at New Delhi or any other place, as may be decided by the arbitrator.
The language of arbitration proceedings shall be English.The
arbitrator shall make a reasoned award (the “Award”), which shall be
final and binding on the ITM and the Agency.The cost of the
arbitration shall be shared equally by both the parties to the
agreement i.e.the ITM and the Agency (ies) and the service provider.
However, expenses incurred by each party in connection with the
preparation, presentation shall be borne by the party itself.
(b) Pending the submission of and /or decision on a dispute, difference
or claim or until the arbitral award is published; the ITM and the Agency
shall continue to perform all of their obligations under this Agreement
without prejudice to a final
adjustment in accordance with such award.
Jurisdiction: The contract shall be governed by the Laws of India.
India Tourism Milan
(To be typed on the letter head of the company)
We hereby accept the terms and conditions of the tender number. TTGRimini 2015 dated: 10.06.2015 and provide our financial bid as follows:
Cost (Euro)
Construction, maintenance & dismantling of the pavilion.
Decoration and Display within the pavilion.
Transportation of material if to the site and back.
Expenditure on other activities as listed in the scope of work above.
Applicable rate of Tax or VAT to be clearly stated.
(Signature of Authorised Representative)
Rimini Fiera SPA
TTG 2016
C2 stand 006-015
Misure lati stand (partendo dall'angolo più a sinistra in alto in senso orario) - Stand's size (clockwise starting from left-top corner):
8,00 20,00 8,00 20,00
Area dello stand (geometrica) - Stand's area (geometrical): MQ 160,00
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