FAQ Supplement #1: REED Use and

Oakland Schools Guidance:
Eligibility Determination
for a Specific Learning Disability
FAQ Supplement #1:
REED Use and Documentation
Special Education
2111 Pontiac Lake Road
Waterford, MI 48328-2736
August 2012
Board of Education
Mr. George Ehlert, President
Mr. Connie Williams, Vice President
Dr. Theresa Rich, Secretary
Mrs. Barbara DeMarco, Treasurer
Mr. Marc Katz, Trustee
Dr. Vickie L. Markavitch
For further information on this document, contact:
Special Education
Oakland Schools
2111 Pontiac Lake Road
Waterford, MI 48328
For information on Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), visit:
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Please cite as follows:
“Oakland Schools. (2011). Oakland Schools Guidance: Eligibility Determination for a Specific Learning Disability.
Retrieved from www.oakland.k12.mi.us/sld.
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FAQ Supplement #1
The Oakland Schools Guidance: Eligibility Determination for a Specific Learning Disability (referred to herein as the
OS SLD Guidance) was published in 2011. In addition, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document was developed
as a companion to this document. This supplemental tool provides in greater detail responses to specific questions
raised by stakeholder groups as well as questions introduced by individuals during the review process. The FAQ was
designed to be routinely updated based on changes from case law, ongoing research and policy guidance from the
Michigan Department of Education. At this time, Oakland Schools will release FAQ supplements until there is sufficient
need to issue a revision of the FAQ document.
The OS SLD Guidance document, the FAQ document, FAQ supplements, as well as downloadable forms,
example procedures, PowerPoint presentations and other resources can be found at the Oakland Schools website:
Oakland Schools Guidance: Eligibility Determination for a Specific Learning Disability • July 2012
FAQ Supplement #1
Frequently Asked Questions
Supplement #1:
REED Use and Documentation
Since the release of the Oakland Schools Guidance: Eligibility Determination for a Specific Learning Disability and associated
Frequently Asked Questions document, local districts have been engaging in the redesign of evaluation and identification process
and procedures for Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). This work has produced a number of questions specific to the completion
and documentation of D REED. From these inquiries, the following scenarios were developed as examples of how teams
appropriately complete a Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) form. This Oakland Schools guidance is intended to
enhance and complement policy and procedure developed by local districts. Please consult your local district policies
when completing a REED.
Oakland Schools Guidance: Eligibility Determination for a Specific Learning Disability • July 2012
FAQ Supplement #1
Scenario 1
Scenario 1: During a required reevaluation of the student (typically 36 months), the IEP team decides that there
is sufficient data readily available to determine whether the student continues to have a disability, to generate
the PLAAFP and identify needs, to determine need for special education and related services, and to determine
or modifications
to enable
student to meet goals to participate in general education.
On the basis of
above review, the
educational needs DATA
of the child,
and input from the student’s
parents, identify the additional data needed to determine the following:
 Whether the student has or continues to have a disability.
 The student’s present level of academic performance and related developmental needs.
 Whether the student needs or continues to need special education and related services.
 Whether any additions
or modifications
special education
and relatedPLAN
services are needed to
On the
the and
review, the
needs of the child, and input from the student’s
IEP of
in general
parents, identify the additional data needed to determine the following:
 Whether the student has or continues to have a disability.
student’s present
level of academic performance
if required)
 Whether the student needs or continues to need special
and related
 Achievement
Whether any additions or modifications to special education and related services are needed to
meet IEP goals and participate in general education.
Adaptive Skills
(Note observations if required)
Speech and Language
Adaptive Skills
Cognitive Ability
Speech and Language
The following guidance is recommended for
district procedures and documentation.
• There is no data listed in “Data and
Assessments Needed” section on the REED.
• The box for “Notice of Sufficient Data” is
checked and the required reason is provided.
• You DO NOT need parent consent to evaluate
because there are no additional assessments
Based on the review of the data and input from the parent, it was determined that no additional data is
needed to determine whether the student is or continues to be a student with a disability who has any
special educational and program needs. State reason (required):
Based on the review of the data and input from the parent, it was determined that no additional data is
needed to determine whether the student is or continues to be a student with a disability who has any
special educational and program needs. State reason (required):
Emily has been eligible with a SLD since 2nd grd. in basic reading and reading fluency. After review of
current information, existing data is sufficient to determine Emily’s eligibility. The REED team determined
that current data exists to establish the present level of academic performance. Emily continues to
demonstrate significant academic deficits despite receiving special education services and support.
There continues to be a significant gap between Emily’s actual performance and State-approved gradelevel standards. Emily has made progress towards goals, but continues to require specialized instruction
and accommodations in general education to participate in the curriculum. Based on Emily’s progress,
the IEP team determined that there is no need to modify existing special education and related services.
Therefore, no additional assessments are needed to redetermine eligibility for a SLD.
If you, the parent, do not agree with this plan, you may request an evaluation. Contact (Norma Jean).
• Invitation to the IEP must say that it is a
reevaluation IEP.
• On the IEP, check the reevaluation box. The
date of this IEP becomes the reevaluation IEP
• DO NOT complete a MET.
• The MDE REED Manual indicates the REED
should be attached to the back of the IEP.
It is Oakland Schools recommendation that
you follow your district procedures regarding
attaching forms to the IEP.
If you, the parent, do not agree
with this
you may request
an evaluation. Contact
I, as
Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services and Early Intervention Services
1. Have received a copy of the Special Education Procedural Safeguards.
2. Understand the contents of this plan, and: (Choose one)
I consent to the proposed evaluation plan.
I do not consent to the proposed evaluation plan. (Explain concerns):
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________________________________
Date of Consent __________________
The results of the evaluation identified in this plan will be reviewed at an IEP team meeting to be held on
or before:
GUIDANCE: If the team determines that additional data is needed through an evaluation, the district shall
obtain informed parental consent prior to conducting the assessments. If the district is not able to obtain
parental consent, they may proceed with the evaluation if they can demonstrate reasonable measures
were taken to obtain the consent, and the student’s parent failed to respond.
The team must indicate on the form the proposed the date of the IEP team meeting where the results of
the evaluation will be reviewed with the parent. The date can be no longer than 12 months from the date
of consent.
Oakland Schools Guidance: Eligibility Determination for a Specific Learning Disability • July 2012
Scenario 2
Scenario 2. Your local district practice is to complete a REED to add or dismiss a related service. PRIOR TO
A REQUIRED REEVALUATION, the IEP team decides that it needs additional data to determine the need for a
service like Speech and Language, but their SLD eligibility is not being
The following guidance is recommended The following guidance is recommended
for district procedures and sample for district procedures and sample
documentation. documentation.
REED • The first section of the REED titled
• The first section of the REED titled “Review of Existing Evaluation Data,”
“Review of Existing Evaluation Data,” would establish the need for additional
would establish the need for data and the “Assessment Area/Data
additional data and the “Assessment and Assessments Needed” section of the
Area/Data and Assessments Needed” REED would identify the broad area(s) of
section of the REED would identify the assessment
and the specific data needed.
broad area(s) of assessment and the • Thisspecific data needed. example from the REED highlights
•the need
This example from the REED for an additional Speech and
highlights the need for an additional Language
assessment that involves word
Speech and Language assessment that retrieval.
The IEP team notices poor
involves word retrieval. The IEP team reading
comprehension and small delays
notices poor reading comprehension in word
retrieval during conversations.
The and small delays in word retrieval IEP team needs additional
during conversations. The IEP team assessments
in speech and language
needs additional assessments in to better
understand her language skills
speech and language to better related
to her reading deficits.
understand her language skills related • The to her reading deficits. district must obtain parent consent
assessment. If unable to
• The district must obtain parent obtain parent consent, follow your district
consent for additional assessment. If procedures.
unable to obtain parent consent, follow your district procedures. Assessment
• The assessments are completed.
Evaluation • The evaluations are completed. • A written report is completed summarizing
•the assessment
A written report is completed results.
summarizing the evaluation results. IEP
• The IEP invite would indicate an “Annual/
IEP Review” IEP.
• The IEP invite would indicate an • Paperwork would include the REED, the
“Annual/Review” IEP. Speech and Language Report, and the
• Paperwork would include the REED, IEP.
the Speech and Language Report, and the IEP. 4
Scenario 3
Scenario 3. During a REQUIRED REEVALUATION of the student
(typically 36 months), the
IEP team decides
that there is sufficient data to determine whether the student continues to have a disability; however, additional
assessment is needed to consider adding a service, like Speech and Language.
The following guidance is recommended for The following guidance is recommended
district procedures and sample for district procedures and sample
documentation. documentation.
• The first section of the REED titled “Review
• of
The first section of the REED titled “Review Existing Evaluation Data,” would establish
of Existing Evaluation Data,” would the
need for additional data and the
establish the need for additional data and “Assessment
Area/Data and Assessments
the “Assessment Area/Data and Needed”
section of the REED would identify
Assessments Needed” section of the REED the
broad area(s) of assessment and
would identify the broad area(s) of the
specific data needed. This example
assessment and the specific data needed. highlights
the need for a Speech and
This example highlights the need for a Language
assessment that involves word
Speech and Language assessment that retrieval.
involve word retrieval. box for “Notice of Sufficient Data” is not
• • The
The box for notice of sufficient data is not checked
because assessments are needed
checked because assessments are needed despite
no changes in SLD eligibility.
despite no changes in SLD eligibility. • • The
The district must obtain parent consent for district must obtain parent consent
additional assessment. If unable to
additional assessment. If unable to obtain obtain
parent consent, follow your district
parent consent, follow your district procedures.
procedures. Assessment
Evaluation assessments are completed.
• • The
The evaluations are completed. A written report is completed summarizing • A written report is completed summarizing
the evaluation results. the assessment results.
• A MET form is only required on an initial • AIEP (according to MDE). Follow your MET form is only required on an initial
district procedures to determine the need IEP
(according to MDE). Follow your district
for a MET form. procedures
to determine the need for a MET
IEP form.
• IEPInvitation to the IEP must say that it is a reevaluation IEP. • Invitation
to the IEP must say that it is a
• reevaluation
On the IEP, check the re‐evaluation box. IEP.
The date of this IEP becomes the • On
the IEP, check the reevaluation box. The
reevaluation IEP date. date of this IEP becomes the reevaluation
• Minimally, documentation would include IEP date.
the REED, the Speech and Language • Minimally,
documentation would include the
Report, and the IEP. REED,
Speech and Language Report,
• The MDE REED Manual indicates the REED and the IEP.
should be attached to the back of the IEP. • The
MDE REED Manual indicates the REED
It is our recommendation that you follow should
be attached to the back of the IEP. It
your district procedures regarding isattaching forms to the IEP. our recommendation that you follow your
district procedures regarding attaching forms
to the IEP.
Scenario 4
Scenario 4: During a required reevaluation of the student (typically 36 months), the IEP team decides that there
is sufficient data that the student continues to have a specific learning disability
in basic reading skills, but the
IEP team questions the need for adding a new area (reading comprehension).
The following guidance is recommended for
The following guidance is recommended for district procedures and documentation.
district procedures and documentation. REED
• The first section of the REED titled “Review
The first section of the REED titled of •Existing
Evaluation Data,” would establish
“Review of Existing Evaluation Data,” the need
for additional data and the
would establish the need for additional “Assessment
Area/Data and Assessments
data and the “Assessment Area/Data and Needed”
sections of the REED would
Assessments Needed” section of the identify
the broad area(s) of assessment
REED would identify the broad area(s) of and the
specific data needed. This example
assessment and the specific data needed. highlights
the need for achievement
This example highlights the need for assessments
in reading comprehension.
achievement assessments in reading comprehension. • The notice
of sufficient data is not checked
The notice of sufficient data is not because
assessment is needed to consider
checked because assessment is needed an additional
SLD area of eligibility.
to consider an additional SLD area of • The district
must obtain parent consent
eligibility. for• additional
assessments. If unable to
The district must obtain parent consent obtain parent consent, follow your district
for additional assessment. If unable to procedures.
obtain parent consent, follow your Assessment
district procedures. Observation in general education classroom during reading instruction.
• The assessments
are completed.
Evaluation • A written report is completed summarizing
• The evaluations are completed. the assessment results.
• A written report is completed • A METsummarizing the evaluation results. form is only required on an initial
• (according
A MET form is only required on an initial IEP
to MDE). Follow your district
IEP (according to MDE). Follow your procedures
to determine the need for a MET
form. district procedures to determine the need for a MET form. IEP
IEP • The IEP invite would indicate a • The IEP
invite would indicate a reevaluation
reevaluation IEP. IEP.
• On the IEP, check the re‐evaluation box. • On theThe date of this IEP becomes the IEP, check the reevaluation box. The
date ofreevaluation IEP date. this IEP becomes the reevaluation
IEP date.