PMCV accreditation standards and demonstration of compliance Rating Scale Assessment will be against a 3‐point rating scale: Met with Merit – in addition to achievement of the criteria, there is a higher level of achievement evident e.g. a culture that strongly supports education, supervision, evaluation and improvement in junior doctor training programs. Satisfactorily Met – criteria have been achieved Not Met – criteria have not been achieved within standard 1. THE CONTEXT IN WHICH PREVOCATIONAL MEDICAL TRAINING IS DELIVERED 1.1 Governance Standard (P,J) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 1.1.1: The governance Organisational executive with authority to make decisions to facilitate of the intern/ PGY2 sustainability of prevocational medical training (EDMS or equivalent). training programs and Outline how the facility ensures integration of the systems for education, assessment roles are support and supervision for all junior doctors. defined. Standard (P) 1.1.2: In the health services that contribute to intern/PGY2 training there is a system of clinical governance or quality assurance that includes clear lines of responsibility and accountability for the overall quality of medical practice. Standard (P) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Confirmation of ACHS/NHQHS accreditation and expiry date. Describe the clinical governance and quality assurance structures in relation to medical practice (not necessarily limited to prevocational training but ultimately impacts on interns/ PGY2s). This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 1.1.3: The health services Comment on how the facility focuses on dedicated medical education and give appropriate priority training relative to other responsibilities (e.g. balance of education and to medical education & service). training relative to other Provision of training across the continuum e.g. Undergraduate/ Vocational responsibilities. training. Standard (P) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 1.1.4: The intern/PGY2 training program Comment on how the intern/PGY2 training programs comply complies with relevant national, state with relevant laws, regulations and guidelines (e.g. MBA, AMC or territory laws and regulations NITF, standard workplace requirements such as safe work pertaining to prevocational training. hours, PMCV guidelines, ACFJD). 1.2 Program management Standard (P) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 1.2.1 The intern/PGY2 training program has a mechanism or structures with the responsibility, authority, capacity and appropriate resources to direct the planning, implementation and review of the intern/PGY2 training program(s) and to set relevant policy and procedures. Outline briefly: The allocated staff with time, experience and qualifications e.g. DME/SIT/DCT roles/EFT. Evidence of strategic planning for medical education and workforce. Any committees with JMO involvement. Policies and procedures specific to JMOs or relevant to this group. Standard (P) 1.2.2 The intern/PGY2 training program documents and reports to the intern training accreditation body (PMCV) on changes in the program, units or rotations which may affect the delivery of the program at a level consistent with the national standards. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Have there been any new posts created (intern and PGY2) or substantive changes (interns) to an existing post as defined in the PMCV Duration of Accreditation and Monitoring Guidelines (revised 2015) which were not notified to PMCV? Standard (P,J) 1.2.3: The health services have effective organisational and operational structures to manage interns/PGY2s. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Organisational structure that shows operational structures for support and administration of interns/PGY2s including medical workforce unit (or equivalent), medical education unit (or equivalent). Term Supervisors (should be a consultant or senior medical practitioner with experience in the management of patients in the relevant discipline) appointed for each rotation/unit and known to interns/ PGY2s (see Section 1.3) and evidence of recognition of specific responsibilities of term supervisors in regards to orientation and assessment (as distinct from clinical supervision by consultants – refer to PMCV Term supervisor position description). 1.3 Educational expertise Standard (P) 1.3.1: The intern/PGY2 training program is underpinned by sound medical education principles. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Comment on: How medical education principles underpin the intern/ PGY2 programs in relation to the teaching and learning practices in medical education, assessment methods in medical education, educational supervision, and common medical education terminology. How analysis of training needs informs the development of education programs. 1.4 Relationships to support medical education Standard (P,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 1.4.1: The intern/PGY2 training Interns/ PGY2s in the training program can complete supervised program supports the delivery of terms in a variety of health care settings (other rotation sites). intern/PGY2 training by constructive Comment on the interaction with rotation sites and educational working relationships with other agencies e.g. Universities, Colleges etc. relevant agencies and facilities. Standard (P,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 1.4.2: Health services co‐ ordinate the local delivery of the intern/PGY2 training program. Health services that are part of a network or dispersed program contribute to co‐ordination and management of the program across diverse sites. Provide a brief overview of how coordination occurs across all the sites involved (including relative responsibilities) in the intern/PGY2 training programs in relation to the following dot points: Organisational policies/processes (who is responsible for governance and what is expected of each site). Orientation (for detail go to standard 3.1.3). Education programs (for detail go to standard 4.1.1). Performance assessment (for detail go to domain 5). Feedback/evaluation and review (for detail go to domain 6). 2. ORGANISATIONAL PURPOSE Standard (P) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 2.1 The purpose of the health services which employ and train interns/PGY2s includes setting and promoting high standards of medical practice and junior doctor training. Comment on: The stated purpose of the facility in relation to medical practice and training. How intern/PGY2 training fits with this purpose. How high standards of medical practice and training are promoted. 3. THE INTERN/PGY2 TRAINING PROGRAM AMC Explanatory Notes: The Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors is an educational template outlining a curriculum for prevocational doctors to apply through their clinical rotations, education programs and individual learning, in order to promote safe, quality health care. It provides a description of the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected of prevocational doctors by the end of the second prevocational year in order to work safely in Australian hospitals and other healthcare settings. These national standards and the proposed global outcome statements for internship take account of this Framework. 3.1 Program structure and composition Standard (P) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 3.1.1: The intern training program, overall, and each rotation, is structured to reflect the requirements of the registration standard (intern specific). Comment briefly on how the intern training program complies with the requirements of the intern registration standard. For detail on terms go to Standard 8.2.1 Standard (P) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 3.1.2: For each intern rotation, the health services have identified the relevant outcome statements and the skills and procedures that can be achieved in that rotation, and the nature and range of clinical experience available to meet these objectives. All intern and PGY2 posts have Term Descriptions (or equivalent refer to PMCV Term Description Guidelines) which set out responsibilities, learning objectives and the clinical content of terms. For PGY2s, that learning objectives align with the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors (ACF). Standard (P,S) 3.1.3a: Interns/PGY2s participate in formal orientation programs, at the commencement of their employment with the health service (including to network campuses/sites), which are designed and evaluated to ensure relevant learning occurs. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Comment briefly on the following points: Annual orientation to overall program and facility including all sites (program & resources). Orientation to the facility at the beginning of each term if the facility is a rotation site. Full orientation for interns/PGY2s who commence at other times. Orientation resources provided to support commencement. Attendance at orientation is monitored. How orientation is evaluated and how this information is collated and used to improve orientation processes. Standard (P,J,S) 3.1.3b: Interns/PGY2s participate in formal orientation programs, at the commencement of each rotation, which are designed and evaluated to ensure relevant learning occurs. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Comment on: The orientation provided to interns/PGY2s for EACH term (unit/ward) including supplementary materials. How unit orientation is evaluated and how this information is collated and used to improve orientation processes. NOTE: The survey team will review this standard and may provide comments at the unit level. Standard (P,J,S) 3.1.3c: Interns/PGY2s are supported and supervised where appropriate to provide safe and effective clinical handover between terms and shifts. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Comment on: Rotation handover: ROVERs (or equivalent) for handover to incoming junior doctor by outgoing junior doctors at the end of term (updates, storage, access). In regards to shift‐to‐shift handover: o Clinical handover policies/protocols/ systems o Time rostered for handover o Supervision of handover 3.2 Flexible Training Standard (P) 3.2.1: The intern/PGY2 training provider guides and supports supervisors and interns/PGY2s in the implementation and review of flexible training arrangements. Available arrangements are consistent with the registration standard. This standard to be achieved by DISCUSS): Describe the process to review requests for flexible training (e.g. not be allocated particular rotations/sites, maternity leave, health issues etc). Outline any examples of flexible training options at intern and PGY2 level. 4. THE TRAINING PROGRAM – TEACHING & LEARNING AMC Explanatory Notes: Structured learning activities would include: sessions with other health professionals, specialists and support services; team‐based activities – e.g. mortality and morbidity audits, quality assurance; multidisciplinary meetings and formal ethical discussions. Formal teaching would include: one‐to‐one teaching with the supervising medical practitioner or the registrar as case discussions or skill acquisition experiences; team educational activities (e.g. a presentation or seminar on a recent case or a journal club); simulation, team reviews of radiology and pathology and other disciplines relevant to the service; medical or surgical service or hospital grand rounds; and group teaching specific to interns. In addition to clinical teaching, there should be opportunities to assist with workload management, identification and management of stress and burn‐out, professional development and peer support. Standard (P,J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 4.1a: Interns/PGY2s have access to formal clinical teaching and structured clinical and non‐clinical learning activities, at the health service level. Outline the formal and structured education program specifically for interns and PGY2s which is overseen by the Director of Medical Education (DME/Supervisor of Intern Training (SIT)/Director of Clinical Training (DCT). Outline any other facility‐wide education provided. Standard (P,J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 4.1b: Interns/PGY2s have access Describe rotation‐level education for interns and PGY2s (e.g. unit to structured clinical learning meetings, ward rounds etc) and who is responsible. activities in addition to informal Unit rosters should be in term descriptions (see PMCV Junior Doctor work‐based teaching and Term Description Guidelines). learning, at the unit/rotation NOTE: The survey team will review this standard and may provide level. comments at the unit level. Standard (P,J,S) 4.2: The intern/PGY2 training program provides for interns/PGY2s to attend formal education sessions, and ensures that they are supported by senior medical staff to do so. 4.3: The health service specifies the dedicated time for teaching and training for interns/PGY2s. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Comment on: Organisational systems/processes (e.g. registrars take pagers) to ensure intern/ PGY2 attendance at education sessions (comment on SMS/ nursing support). How intern teaching (minimum one hour per week) is ‘protected’ and dedicated PGY2 teaching time is achieved (accessibility). Monitoring of attendance of interns/ PGY2s at education sessions. Standard (P,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 4.4 The health service regularly reviews the opportunities for work‐ based teaching and training. Comment on the frequency and opportunities provided to evaluate the program (both overall and within units) and how this information is collated and used to improve education. 5. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING 5.1 Assessment approach Standard (P,J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 5.1.1 The intern/ PGY2 training program implements Interns, mid‐term & end‐term assessments assessment consistent with the intern registration standard, completed for all terms using the AMC the AMC document Assessment, progression and National intern Assessment framework. certification for completion of internship and the PMCV PGY2s, mid‐term assessments encouraged Performance Assessment and Feedback Guidelines 2014. and end‐term assessments completed for 5.1.2: Assessment of interns is based on the achievement of all rotations (aligned to ACF). outcomes consistent with the national standards. For PGY2s assessment is based on the achievement of outcomes aligned with the ACF. Standard (P,J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 5.1.3: The assessment program is understood by supervisors and interns/PGY2s. Comment on communication of assessment processes to interns/PGY2s and their term supervisors (including who is responsible for giving feedback and appraisals, and how this information will be collated e.g. direct observation, reports from supervisors, and information from co‐workers such as nursing and allied health staff). Standard (P,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 5.1.4 Intern/PGY2 assessment data is used to improve the intern/PGY2 training program. Describe how assessment data is used to improve aspects of the training program (Note: this standard focuses on to the use of assessment data to ensure that opportunities to address the training domains are provided by units and what is done to ensure this occurs. It does not refer to evaluation of the education program or rotations). Provide an example of where the outcome of an intern’s assessment was used to change (improve) unit/rotation specific training and learning. 5.2 Feedback and performance review Standard (P,J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 5.2.1: The intern/PGY2 training Comment on the process used by Term Supervisors to provide formal program provides regular, formal feedback (e.g. to discuss learning objectives at the beginning of the and documented feedback to term and to discuss performance at mid and end term and complete interns/PGY2s on their assessments with interns/PGY2s which may include feedback from performance within each other team members (senior medical staff, registrars, nursing staff). rotation. Standard (P) – not applicable to rotation sites 5.2.2: The intern training program (facility) documents the assessment of the intern’s performance consistent with the Registration standard for granting general registration as a medical practitioner to Australian and New Zealand medical graduates on completion of intern training (intern specific). This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Comment briefly on how the following requirements in AMC Assessment, progression and certification of completion of internship are assured: Completion of performance assessments; IPAPs (if relevant); Intern assessment review panel process; Process followed in remediation; and Certification of completion of internship (or other outcomes). Standard (J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 5.2.3: Interns/PGY2s receive timely, progressive and informal feedback from clinical supervisors during every rotation. Explain how interns/PGY2s regularly receive regular, informal feedback from term supervisors/other supervisors. Standard (J,S) 5.2.4: Interns/PGY2s are encouraged to take responsibility for their own performance, and to seek feedback from their supervisors in relation to their performance. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Comment on the two points below: How does the facility ensure the process for initiation of informal feedback and performance assessments is understood by interns/PGY2s and supervisors and acted upon. How does the facility ensure that the process to ensure performance assessment occurs if junior doctors do not seek completion of the form. Standard (P,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 5.2.5: The intern/PGY2 training program has clear procedures to address immediately any concerns about patient safety related to the performance of interns/PGY2s. Describe the process for identifying and managing performance that is below expected level which ensures the safety of patients and the welfare of the intern/PGY2. 5.2.6: The intern/PGY2 training program identifies early junior doctors who are not performing to expected level and provides remediation for them. Provide de‐identified examples of the process and outcomes. Standard (P,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 5.2.7: The intern training program establishes review groups as required to assist with more complex decisions on remediation of interns who do not achieve satisfactory supervisor assessments (intern specific). Explain the format, function and decision‐making protocol of the assessment review group/process. Provide data on intern contact with EAP/VDHP/PMCV. 5.3 Assessors training (supervisor training in assessment) Standard (P,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 5.3.1: The intern/PGY2 training program has Describe how: processes for ensuring those assessing Supervisors who assess interns are evaluated for their interns/PGY2s have relevant capabilities and competence in assessment. understanding of the processes required. Training in assessment methods is provided. 6. MONITORING AND EVALUATION Standard (P,J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 6.1: The intern/PGY2 training provider regularly evaluates and reviews its intern/PGY2 training program and posts to ensure that standards are being maintained. Its processes check program content, quality of teaching and supervision, assessment and trainees’ progress. Comment on How the facility/ training program reviews the orientation, education, supervision, teaching, assessment of interns/PGY2s both overall and for each unit. How the information is collated, analysed and used. (for orientation evaluation refer Standard 3.1.3b and education refer Standard 4.4) Standard (P,S) 6.2: Supervisors contribute to monitoring and to program development. Their feedback is sought, analysed and used as part of the monitoring process. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Describe how supervisors contribute to monitoring and program development e.g. is rotation evaluation data provided to term supervisors and is their feedback sought? Standard (P,J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 6.3: Interns/PGY2s have mechanisms for providing confidential feedback about their training and education experiences in the program overall and in individual posts and rotations. Periodic anonymous feedback regarding overall training (anonymity of junior doctors protected and does not allow identification by supervisor). Regular interaction of interns/ PGY2s with SIT/DCT. One‐on‐one meeting of SIT with interns at least annually (alternatively structured mentor program). Standard (P,J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 6.4: The intern/PGY2 training program acts on feedback and modifies the program as necessary to improve the intern/PGY2 experience for junior doctors, supervisors and hospital administrators. Provide examples of program improvements arising from feedback. How are interns/PGY2 kept informed of program improvements. 7. IMPLEMENTING THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING FRAMEWORK – JUNIOR DOCTORS 7.1 Appointment to program and allocation to rotation Standard (P) – not applicable to rotation sites 7.1.1: The processes for appointment of interns/PGY2s: • Are based on the published criteria and the principles of the program concerned • Are transparent, rigorous and fair. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Describe the process for engagement of interns and PGY2s. Describe the processes for allocation of interns/PGY2s to rotations and specific health services within the training program. Describe the appeals/ review process. Provide de‐identified examples of any appeals and outcomes. 7.2 Welfare and support Standard (P,J,S) 7.2.1: The duties, rostering, working hours and supervision of interns/PGY2s are consistent with the delivery of high‐quality, safe patient care. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Comment on the following: Whether rostered hours reflect the length of time it takes to complete the required work. How the rosters and supervision (refer also Standard 8.1.1) of interns/PGY2s ensure the delivery of high quality, safe patient care during hours and afterhours (nights/weekends/evenings). NOTE: The survey team will review this standard, and may provide comments, at the unit level. Standard (P,S) 7.2.2a: Interns/PGY2s have access to career advice which is publicised to junior doctors, their supervisors, and other team members. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Describe the internal and external roles (vocational supervisors/ mentors). Describe the formal and informal career advice services for interns/PGY2s (e.g. guides, forums, mentors, information on college requirements). Describe the communication of these processes to interns/PGY2s. Standard (P,S) 7.2.2b: Interns/PGY2s have access to personal counselling which is publicised to junior doctors, their supervisors, and other team members. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Describe the internal roles and external roles (e.g. SIT/DCT) and services (e.g. EAP) for personal counselling. Outline the processes for reporting and support services in regards to bullying and sexual harassment. Describe the communication of these processes/services to interns and PGY2s. Standard (P) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 7.2.3: The procedure for accessing appropriate professional development leave is published, fair and practical. Outline the process and protocol for interns/PGY2s to access professional development leave. Outline leave cover arrangements. 7.3 Junior doctor participation in governance of their training Standard (P,S) 7.3.1: Interns/PGY2s are involved in the governance of their training. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Outline how interns/PGY2s are involved in the governance of their training program (e.g. representation on relevant committees or groups). 7.4 Communication with junior doctors Standard (P,S) 7.4.1: The intern/PGY2 training program informs junior doctors about the activities of committees that deal with intern/PGY2 training. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Outline the communication methods with junior doctors regarding committee activities that deal with intern/PGY2 training. Standard (S) 7.4.2: The intern/PGY2 training program provides clear and easily accessible information about the training program. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Outline what information is available to interns/PGY2s and how they can access this information. Facility can provide link to relevant section of facility intranet/ website for survey team. 7.5 Resolution of training problems and disputes Standard (P,S) 7.5.1: The intern/PGY2 training program has processes with appropriate confidentiality to support junior doctors to address problems with training supervision and requirements. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Describe the complaints/ grievance process including staff involved and how confidentiality is assured. Describe how interns/ PGY2s are made aware of these processes. 7.5.2: The intern/PGY2 training program has clear impartial pathways for timely resolution of training‐related disputes between junior doctors and supervisors, or junior doctors and the health service. 8. IMPLEMENTING THE TRAINING FRAMEWORK – DELIVERY OF EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES 8.1 Supervisors and supervision Standard (P,J,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 8.1.1: Interns/PGY2s are supervised at all times at a level appropriate to their experience and responsibilities. Overall and for each intern/PGY2 post: Describe the supervision during and after‐hours provided. Describe the process for review of clinical decisions made by interns/PGY2s. Describe any ‘tailoring’ that occurs for interns to account for their development across the internship year. How interns are involved in the consent procedure. Supervision for each intern/PGY2 term must align with PMCV Supervision of Junior Doctor Guidelines. NOTE: The survey team will review this standard and may provide comments at the unit level. Standard (P,S) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 8.1.2 Supervision is provided by qualified Comment on the qualifications and experience of the medical staff with appropriate supervisors in the three core intern terms with reference to competencies, skills, knowledge, authority, requirements in the PMCV Supervision of Junior Doctor time and resources to participate in Guidelines. training and/or orientation programs. Describe the instruction, support and training senior medical staff and registrars receive for their role as Supervisor qualifications and experience supervisors. for each intern/PGY2 term must align with Comment on credentialing for these roles as well as time PMCV Supervision of Junior Doctor allocation. Guidelines. Standard (S) 8.1.3 Intern/PGY2 supervisors understand their roles and responsibilities in assisting interns/PGY2s to meet learning objectives, and demonstrate a commitment to junior doctor training. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Describe how the facility ensures that supervisors understand their role and responsibilities in relation to the intern/PGY2 training. Note: will also receive feedback from supervisors during survey visit interviews. NOTE: The survey team will review this standard, and may provide comments, at the unit level. Standard (P) 8.1.4 The intern/PGY2 training program regularly evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of supervision of junior doctors. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Describe how the adequacy and effectiveness of supervision is evaluated. Standard (P,S) 8.1.5: Staff involved in intern/PGY2 training have access to professional development activities to support improvement in the quality of the junior doctor training program. 8.2 Clinical experience This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Outline how the facility supports the professional development of supervisors. Standard (P,J) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): 8.2.1a: The intern training program provides clinical experience consistent with the Registration standard for granting general registration as a medical practitioner to Australian and New Zealand medical graduates on completion of intern training (intern specific). For each core intern post: Describe how the clinical learning aligns with mandatory intern training requirements * Could use the Intern Training Checklist in the PMCV Accreditation of Intern Term Guidelines to illustrate) NOTE: The survey team will review this standard and will provide comments at the unit level for each core Each core intern term must align with the PMCV intern post. Accreditation of Intern Terms Guidelines. Standard (P,J) This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): For each non‐core intern post and PGY2 posts: 8.2.1b: The intern/PGY2 training program provides opportunities to Describe how the clinical learning develops knowledge and develop knowledge and skills relevant skills relevant to the domains if clinical management, to the domains of clinical management, communication and professionalism. communication and professionalism. Describe also how welfare and career development are assured. Each non‐core intern term must align with the PMCV Accreditation of Intern Terms Guidelines. NOTE: The survey team will review this standard and will provide comments at the unit level. Standard (P) 8.2.2: In identifying and monitoring rotations for junior doctor training, the training program should consider the following: • Complexity and volume of the unit’s workload • The intern/PGY2’s workload • The experience interns/PGY2s can expect to gain • How the intern/PGY2 will be supervised, and by whom This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Describe how these points are addressed when identifying rotations for JMO training. Describe how these points are addressed in ongoing monitoring. 8.3 Facilities Standard (S, T) 8.3.1: The intern/PGY2 training program provides the educational facilities and infrastructure support to deliver intern and PGY2 training such as access to the internet, library, journals and other learning facilities, and continuing medical education sessions accessible to the junior doctor. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Evidence of educational facilities including: On‐line educational resources Clinical skills facilities Library Standard (S, T) 8.3.2: The intern/PGY2 training program provides a safe physical environment and amenities that support the junior doctor. This standard to be achieved by (DISCUSS): Evidence of required standard of amenities including: Ward environment (computers, office, lockers). HMO common room/staff area. Adequate PC access. Overnight accommodation (where applicable). Amenities (e.g. security) and policies to support a safe work environment.