Title Author(s) Citation Issued Date URL Rights Remineralizing action of CPP-ACP reagents on artificial carious lesions Buckshey, Sakshi. Buckshey, S.. (2011). Remineralizing action of CPP-ACP reagents on artificial carious lesions. (Thesis). University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.5353/th_b4684891. 2011 http://hdl.handle.net/10722/144146 The author retains all proprietary rights, (such as patent rights) and the right to use in future works. Remineralizing action of CPP-ACP reagents on artificial carious lesions a thesis submitted as partial fulfilment for the degree Master of Dental Surgery by Dr. Sakshi Buckshey The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Dentistry Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics 2011 i Abstract Remineralizing action of CPP-ACP reagents on artificial carious lesions Objectives: the objectives of this in vitro study were to evaluate and compare the efficacy of Abstract two CPP-ACP containing pastes; Clinpro® (500ppm tri-calcium phosphate with 950ppm sodium fluoride) and Tooth Mousse Plus® (10% CPP-ACP with 900ppm fluoride) for remineralizing artificial enamel lesions, using a 10-day pH cycling model involving topical applications for three minutes. Methods: Fifty extracted human third molars were cleaned of soft tissue and debris, inspected for any cracks, caries or hypoplasia. The teeth were painted with an acid resistant nail varnish leaving a 1mm window on the buccal and lingual surfaces and then immersed in a demineralizing solution, for 96 hours, to produce artificial carious lesions 90-180μm deep. Subsequently, the teeth were sectioned longitudinally through the lesion to produce sections that were approximately 100-150μm thick. These sections were then painted with an acid resistant nail varnish leaving only the outer surface of the lesion exposed. The specimens were then randomly divided into six groups (n=25) to receive treatment thrice daily. Specimens were treated with either a non-fluoridated paste, Vicco®; or a fluoridated paste, Colgate Total® (1000ppm), or one of the two CPP-ACP containing pastes, namely Clinpro® containing 500ppm tri-calcium phosphate with 950ppm sodium fluoride and Tooth Mousse Plus® containing 10% CPP-ACP with 900ppm fluoride. Clinpro® and Tooth Mousse Plus® were also used in combination with the fluoridated dentifrice. All the specimens were subjected to a 10-day pH cycling model. The lesion depth (LD) and mineral content (Vmax) for each specimen was evaluated using polarized light microscopy (PLM) and microradiography (MRG); both before and after the pH cycle. Paired t-tests and ANOVA tests were employed to make comparisons within and among the different groups. ii Results: Specimens treated with Colgate Total® showed the maximum increase in Vmax followed by the specimens treated by the combination of Clinpro® plus Colgate Total®. On comparing the reduction in the lesion depth between the different treatment groups, there was a trend for the specimens treated with the combination of Clinpro® plus Colgate Total® to show the greatest reduction in lesion depth followed by Clinpro® and then the combination of Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total®, even though the differences were not statistically significant. Conclusions: Statistically significant differences (p< 0.01) were evident when comparisons were made between the pre-treatment and post-treatment LD for all the therapies tested. The combination of Clinpro® plus Colgate Total® proved most effective in decreasing lesion depth, followed by Clinpro® and then the Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total® group, even though the differences were not statistically significant. There was a trend, though not statistically significant, for the three minute application of Clinpro® to exhibit a higher efficacy in remineralizing artificial enamel carious lesions than Tooth Mousse Plus® . Word count: 449 iii Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere heartfelt gratitude to my teacher and mentor, Professor Nigel M King, Professor in Paediatric Dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, for accepting me into this prestigious program and giving me the opportunity to learn and broaden my horizons. His constant encouragement, guidance and support have Abstract helped and enabled me to successfully complete this research project. It has been a privilege to complete my training under his supervision and guidance and I consider myself extremely lucky to have been given this opportunity. The past two years in Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics have been the best years of my life and I have enjoyed every single day, be it the clinical sessions, the GA sessions, or the journal club discussions. None of this would have been possible without the wonderful supervisors and the ever smiling dental surgery assistants and nurses. I would like to express my appreciation to my senior colleague, Dr. Robert Anthonappa, for his patience and guidance that was instrumental in the successful completion of my research project. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. Yip Chui and Mr. Shadow Yeung for their technical expertise and for answering my innumerable queries patiently. To my colleagues and friends: especially Charanya, Sadia and Hajar for helping me cope with this challenge and making the experience enjoyable. A special thanks to all the secretarial iv staff in Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, especially Ms. Frances Chow for her efficient secretarial work. Most importantly this would not have been complete without the love, encouragement, prayers and constant support of my mom and dad to whom I will forever be grateful and also my brother, Arjun for his constant encouragement and love. v Table of Contents Abstract ii Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents Abstract vi List of Tables viii List of Figures ix Abbreviations xii Chapter 1.0 Statement of the problem 1 1.1 Objectives 8 1.2 Null hypotheses 9 Chapter 2.0 Literature review 10 Chapter 3.0 Materials and methods 31 3.1 Formation for demineralizing/remineralizing solutions 32 3.2 Artificial carious lesion formation 32 3.3 Grouping 33 3.4 Agent preparation 34 3.5 The pH cycling protocol 34 3.6 Evaluation techniques 35 3.6.1 Qualitative evaluation 35 3.6.2 Quantitative evaluation 36 3.7 Statistical analysis Chapter 4.0 Results 37 48 4.1 Quantitative evaluations 49 4.1.1 Lesion depth (LD) changes in the artificial enamel vi carious lesions after pH cycling 49 4.1.2 Mineral content changes in the surface zone (Vmax) of the artificial enamel carious lesions after pH cycling. 50 Chapter 5.0 Discussion 60 Chapter 6.0 Conclusions 65 Chapter 7.0 References 70 Chapter 8.0 Appendices Appendix I Lesion depth and mineral content changes before 85 and after pH cycling with different agents. Appendix II Time schedule and pH cycling protocol. 101 Appendix III Statistical analysis and raw data. 108 Appendix IV Abstract of paper presentation at the 23 rd Congress of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry Appendix V in Athens, Greece. 117 List of published studies on CPP-ACP. 120 vii List of Tables Table 3.1: The treatment protocols for the six experimental groups. Table 4.1: Mean values (+SD) of the lesion depth (LD) and the maximum 33 59 mineral content (Vmax) of the samples in the six treatment groups both before and after the 10-day pH cycle. Abstract Table V.1: Evidence from in vitro studies. 121 Table V.2: Evidence from in vivo studies. 124 Table V.3: Evidence from clinical trials that used CPP-ACP and have been 131 published in the English literature. Table V.4: Evidence from literature reviews on the use of CPP-ACP that have 133 been published in the English literature. Table V.5: Evidence from published studies investigating CPP-ACP for more than 136 anticariogenic reasons that have been published in the English literature. viii List of Figures Figure 3.1: The reagents used to prepare the demineralizing solution. 37 Figure 3.2: Dentifrices used in the study. 38 Figure 3.3: Treatment agents. 38 Figure 3.4: The sequence of steps involved in the formation of artificial carious lesions, 39 Abstract (a) painted specimen (b) teeth immersed in the demineralizing solution for 96 hours, and (c) a 1mm wide window left on the buccal and lingual surfaces of the tooth. Figure 3.5: The various steps involved in preparing the tooth sections for the pH cycle, 40 (a) the microtome (Leica® 1600 saw microtome, Germany), (b) the tooth section and (c) the micrometer. Figure 3.6: Quantitative evaluation of the artificial carious lesion using 41 microradiography, (a) the sectioned tooth specimen, (b) X-ray machine (Softex® ISR-20, JIRA, Japan) and (c) microradiograph of a tooth specimen. Figure 3.7: Qualitative evaluation using polarized light microscopy technique showing 42 (a) the sectioned tooth specimen, (b) polarizing light microscope (Nikon Eclipse LV100POL, Nikon®, Japan) and (c) a polarized light photomicrograph of a specimen. Figure 3.8: The pH calibration system. 43 Figure 3.9: The centrifuge machine (Beckman®, Avanti J-251, USA). 44 Figure 3.10: Schematic representation of the six different groups and their respective 45 treatment protocols. Figure 3.11: The reagents used to prepare the remineralizing solution. 46 Figure 3.12: Diagram illustrating the sequence of steps in the pH cycling model. 47 Figure 4.1: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group A treated 51 with the non-fluoridated dentifrice Vicco®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. An increase in lesion depth is evident. Figure 4.2: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group B treated with 51 ix the fluoridated dentifrice Colgate Total®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. An increase in lesion depth is evident. Figure 4.3: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group C treated with 51 Clinpro®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. A decrease in lesion depth is evident. Figure 4.4: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group D treated with 52 Tooth Mousse Plus®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. A slight increase in lesion depth is evident. Figure 4.5: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group E treated with 52 Clinpro® plus Colgate Total®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. A decrease in lesion depth is evident. Figure 4.6: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group F treated with 52 Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. A slight decrease in lesion depth is evident. Figure 4.7: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis 53 in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group A (non-fluoridated dentifrice, Vicco®). Figure 4.8: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis 54 in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group B (fluoridated dentifrice, Colgate Total®). Figure 4.9: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis 55 in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group C (Clinpro®). Figure 4.10: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis 56 in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group D x (Tooth Mousse Plus®). Figure 4.11: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis 57 in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group E (Clinpro® + Colgate Total®). Figure 4.12: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis 58 in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group F (Tooth Mousse Plus® + Colgate Total®). xi Abbreviations CPP-ACP casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate ACP amorphous calcium phosphate TCP tri-calcium phosphate TM Tooth Mousse® TMP Tooth Mousse Plus® PLM polarized light microscopy Ca calcium PO4 phosphate SEM scanning electron microscopy ANOVA analysis of variance CaCl2 calcium chloride CaF2 calcium fluoride F fluoride HKU The University of Hong Kong KCL potassium chloride KH2PO4 potassium dihydrogen phosphate KOH potassium hydroxide kV kilovolt L litre LD lesion depth min minutes s seconds ml mililitre mM milimolar Abstract xii MRG microradiography mV milivolt PLM polarized light microscopy ppm parts per million SD standard deviation Vmax maximum mineral content ΔZ delta z µm micrometer % percent C centigrade w/v weight per volume w/w weight per weight rpm revolutions per minute WSL white spot lesion ◦ xiii Chapter 1 Statement of the problem 1 Dental caries is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases to afflict mankind (Hicks et al, 1993). It has been defined as the localized destruction of susceptible dental hard tissues by acidic by-products produced from the bacterial fermentation of dietary carbohydrates (Marsh et al, 1999). Endogenous bacteria in the biofilm (dental plaque), mainly Streptococci (S. mutans and S. sobrinus) and Lactobacillus species, produce weak organic acids as metabolic by-products of the fermentation of carbohydrates. These acids cause the local pH to fall below a critical value, diffuse through the plaque into the porous enamel or dentine and dissociate to produce hydrogen ions. These ions further dissolve the hydroxyapatite, freeing calcium and phosphate ions (Featherstone, 1983); thus causing demineralization. The resting pH of the saliva determines the caries experience and the salivary buffering capacity of an individual. Individuals who have a resting salivary pH of approximately 7, tend to have either low caries activity or no activity, while those with a pH of 5.5 tend to have a high caries experience. The process of caries development takes place over a considerable period of time, maybe as long as several months or even years (Pearce, 1998; Marsh, 1999; Zero, 1999; Walsh, 2000). With repeated and prolonged exposure to a low pH, the plaque buffering capacity and supersaturation with respect to the calcium and phosphate ions will be compromised, leading to eventual demineralization of the tooth structure. In the early stages, this process can be reversed if the pH of the biofilm is restored by the saliva. The calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions that are present in the biofilm are able to restore the tooth structure by remineralization (Selwitz et al, 2007). Thus, remineralization can be defined as the natural repair process of the body for subsurface non-cavitated carious lesions (ten Cate et al, 1991). It can be explained as being the process whereby calcium and phosphate ions are 2 supplied from an internal or external source, in order to promote ion deposition into the crystal voids present in the demineralized enamel so as to cause a net gain in the mineral content. Human saliva has the ability to remineralize these enamel crystals due to its ability to supply calcium and phosphate ions to the tooth. This process was first studied by Head, in 1912, who reported that lesions would re-harden in the presence of saliva. It has subsequently been confirmed repeatedly in various studies that at a physiological pH, saliva is supersaturated in terms of the presence of calcium ions (Larsen and Pearce, 2003). However, this remineralization maybe small and a very slow process with the maximum level of mineral deposition occurring on the surface of the lesion due to the low ion concentration gradient from saliva into the lesion (Silverstone, 1972). This process of remineralization can be explained as a process that takes place by two main routes: precipitation of calcium phosphates from salivary sources, and the use of salivary calcium and phosphate for the growth of the remaining enamel and dentine crystallites. Conversely, demineralization, can be observed in various forms such as, surface loss or erosion, surface-softening, or white-spot lesion (WSL) formation. The lesion looses as much as half of its original mineral content and appears to be covered by “an intact surface layer” (Silverstone, 1973). If the diffusion of calcium, phosphate and carbonate ions is allowed to continue, without proper remineralization, cavitation eventually occurs (Seow et al, 1998). Fluoride and its various agents have been regarded for many years, as the mainstay of the non-invasive management of non-cavitated carious lesions. The discovery of the reduced solubility of enamel and dentine, after treatment with fluoride, lead to further studies related to the anti-cariogenic properties of fluoride (Volker, 1939). Various in vitro 3 and in vivo studies have highlighted the anticariogenic action of fluoride in drinking water (Newbrun, 1989) and also as a topically applied remineralizing agent. Its anticariogenic action in dentifrices, mouthrinses, chewing gums and professionally applied products has been extensively documented (Marinho et al, 2003). Fluoride acts by inhibiting demineralization, enhancing remineralization (ten Cate, 1999) and inhibiting the growth of plaque micro-organisms (Whitford, 1977). These agents supply fluoride ions, which combine with the calcium and phosphate ions produced during the process of demineralization and lead to the formation of fluorapatite (ten Cate, 1999). However, for every two fluoride ions, ten calcium and six phosphate ions are required to form one unit of fluorapatite [Ca10(Po4)6F2]. For this reason, topical fluoride containing agents may have insufficient calcium and phosphate ions present to produce net remineralization. In spite of the widespread success of fluorides, several new agents have been proposed and recommended for personal and professional applications (Pulido et al, 2008; Reynolds, 2008). Casein phosphopeptides (CPP) with the sequence -Ser(P)-Ser(P)-Ser(P)-Glu-Gluthat stabilizes amorphous calcium phosphate in solution (Cross et al, 2005) are such agents . They form nanocomplexes at the tooth surface, thus providing a reservoir of nonstructurally bound calcium and phosphate ions which favour remineralization during a cariogenic attack (Reynolds, 1998). Calcium and phosphate, either from the saliva, or from other topical sources diffuse into the tooth and build on existing crystal remnants rather than forming new crystals (Featherstone, 2000). Currently, there are three main calcium phosphate based remineralization systems in use, for which the manufacturers claim that the specific form of calcium phosphate present helps to overcome the limited bioavailability of calcium and phosphate ions for the 4 remineralization process. The first technology involves the use of casein phosphopeptide stabilized amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP, Recaldent) where the casein phosphopeptides stabilize high concentrations of calcium and phosphate ions, together with fluoride ions at the tooth surface by binding to the salivary pellicle and plaque. Although the calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions are stabilised by the CPP, they are freely bioavailable to diffuse down the concentration gradient into the subsurface lesions in enamel thereby promoting remineralization in vivo. The second technology which uses unstabilized amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), and is marketed as Enamelon, supplies calcium ions (calcium phosphate) and phosphate ions (ammonium phosphate) separately so that amorphous calcium phosphate, or amorphous fluoride calcium phosphate forms intraorally, that helps to rebuild the enamel through remineralization. This technology is used in bleach-based whitening products. Alternatively, the third technology is a bioactive glass containing calcium sodium phosphosilicate (NovaMin) where the glass particles release calcium and phosphate ions intra-orally to promote remineralization. For the purpose of remineralization CPP-ACP has been used in various forms and incorporated into products such as; xylitol or sorbitol based sugar-free chewing gums (Iijima et al, 2004), milk (Walker et al, 2006), lozenges (Cai et al, 2003) and mouthrinses (Reynolds et al, 2008) and dental creams (Andersson et al, 2007). From the contemporary literature it appears that CPP-ACP may exhibit synergistic effects with fluoride, which reduces the caries activity due to the formation of CPP-stabilized amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate (Cross et al, 2004). This results in increased incorporation of fluoride ions into plaque with increased amounts of calcium and phosphate ions. In an in vitro study by Reynolds and co-workers (2008), the combination of 2% CPP-ACP 5 and 1100ppm F was found to produce the highest level of remineralization. CPP-ACP at 0.5% w/v was found to have a caries preventive effect similar to that produced by 500ppm fluoride and when used together they produced a higher reduction in the caries rate than either of them alone at the same concentrations (Reynolds et al, 1995). CPP-ACP was found to significantly increase the level of calcium and phosphate ions in plaque and to promote remineralization of subsurface lesions in enamel, when delivered in the form of a mouthrinse (Reynolds et al, 2003). It was also found to be superior to other forms of calcium phosphate including unstabilized ACP when used in products such as Tooth Mousse® (Kariya et al, 2004). Various CPP-ACP containing products are available currently such as; Tooth Mousse Plus® (MI Paste Plus®) (10% CPP-ACP with 900ppm fluoride), Clinpro® (950ppm sodium fluoride with 500ppm tri-calcium phosphate), Tooth Mousse® (MI Paste®) (CPP-ACP), Enamelon (ACP) and chewing gums such as Trident Xtracare® (CPP-ACP), Recaldent® (xylitol and CPP-ACP) and Orbit professional® (calcium carbonate). Fluoride containing products exert their remineralizing effect primarily on the surface of a lesion (Reynolds et al, 2008; Cochrane et al, 2010). Products such as Tooth Mousse Plus® contain high levels of calcium and phosphate ions in combination with fluoride. These ions are released into saliva to substantially increase the salivary concentrations of calcium, inorganic phosphate and fluoride. This high concentration of ions is further stabilized by the presence of CPP which prevents spontaneous precipitation, phase transformation and allows penetration of the ions deep into the subsurface lesion causing an increase in remineralization throughout the body of the lesion. Conversely, products such as Clinpro® which contains TCP (tricalcium phosphate) have a low 6 level of available (acid soluble) calcium phosphate. Several studies have demonstrated that fluoride ions are unstable in dentifrice formulations, especially in those containing poorly soluble calcium-based abrasives (Noren and Harse, 1974; Sullivan et al, 2001). The preparation leads to the development of sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP). Clinpro® contains sodium fluoride, which, in the absence of a stabilizer can be susceptible to a decrease in its bioavailability especially in the presence of added calcium phosphate. The calcium phosphate that has been incorporated into Clinpro® is in the form of beta-tricalcium phosphate that has been ball milled with sodium lauryl sulphate to produce particles within the size range of 1–15 µm (Karlinsey et al, 2010).The poor solubility, the large particle size and low amount of calcium phosphate explains the reason for the poor release from Clinpro®, and its inability to significantly increase salivary calcium and inorganic phosphate levels and also the failure to show an enhanced rate of remineralization (Shen et al, 2011). Therefore, in view of the wide range of products available for use, clinicians and patients face a dilemma as to which product should be used, or which product can be expected to produce the highest remineralization rate. After a comprehensive search of the literature, it was found that even though there are many papers in the literature on the efficacy of CPP-ACP as a remineralizing agent and its use in various forms; there is not much evidence based on direct comparisons of the efficacy of one product against another. Thus, at present there is insufficient scientific evidence, based on comparisons and studies, that can be used by clinicians’ to make recommendations to patients and parents. 7 1.1 Objectives The objectives of this in vitro study were to evaluate the efficacy of CPP-ACP containing pastes; Tooth Mousse Plus® (10% CPP-ACP with 900ppm fluoride) and Clinpro® (950ppm sodium fluoride with 500ppm tri-calcium phosphate) for the remineralization of artificial enamel carious lesions using a 10-day pH cycling model when applied: i. as a topical cream for three minutes, ii. as a topical cream for three minutes following a one minute treatment with a 1000ppm F containing dentifrice and to compare all of these findings to a standard 1000ppm F containing dentifrice. 8 1.2 Null hypotheses: I. When applied topically for three minutes, Clinpro® will not exhibit a level of remineralization comparable to a one minute treatment with a 1000ppm F dentifrice. II. When applied topically for three minutes, Tooth Mousse Plus® will not exhibit a level of remineralization comparable to a one minute treatment with the 1000ppm F dentifrice. III. When applied topically for three minutes, following a one minute treatment with a 1000ppm F dentifrice, Tooth Mousse Plus® will not exhibit a level of remineralization greater than that of a one minute treatment with the 1000ppm F dentifrice. IV. When applied topically for three minutes, following a one minute treatment with a 1000ppm F dentifrice, Clinpro® will not exhibit a level of remineralization greater than that of a one minute treatment with the 1000ppm F dentifrice. 9 Chapter 2 Literature Review 10 2.1 Dental caries: initiation and prevention On the basis of its location, dental caries can be classified into coronal and root surface caries. The major difference between these two is the chemical environment of the tissues leading to the generation of the carious lesion. Coronal caries occurs in enamel, which has a higher mineral content and higher crystallinity as compared to dentine, where root caries occurs (Hoppenbrouwers et al, 1987). Due to this reason, under an acid attack dentine would be expected to be more soluble than enamel. Until recently, the conventional treatment of a carious tooth involved the removal of the carious tooth structure and its replacement with the appropriate restorative material. Nowadays, a contemporary non-invasive approach has been adopted for the management of such affected teeth. Lesions can be arrested if the cariogenic challenges are controlled and certain therapeutic agents can be applied to encourage substantial tissue healing to take place (Burke, 2003). Fluoride delivery methods such as varnishes, gels and creams have been in use for several years to remineralize high risk tooth areas. However, certain agents based on milk products have now been developed to enhance the remineralization of enamel and dentine under cariogenic conditions. These new agents may contain calcium phosphate compounds such as amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), casein phosphopeptides (CPP) or bioactive glasses based on calcium sodium phosphosilicate compounds known as Novamin (CSP) (Reynolds, 1997; Featherstone et al, 2007). 2.2 CPP-ACP: introduction In spite of the widespread and long term usage of fluorides, several new agents have been proposed and recommended for personal and professional use (Pulido et al, 2008; Reynolds et al, 2008). In the early 1960’s, dietary supplements of calcium and phosphate were proposed for the prevention of dental caries. Koulourides and his co-workers (1968) in an in 11 vitro study demonstrated that acid softened enamel surfaces would reharden after the application of calcium phosphate solutions. Furthermore, Silverstone (1975) in an in vitro study showed that carious lesions or caries-like lesions showed a significant degree of remineralization after exposure to calcifying solutions. After histological examination, the lesions exhibited features that showed that they were at a much earlier stage in development than they were before exposure to the calcifying solution. In animal studies, it was found that dicalcium phosphates reduced the caries rate by 90% in hamsters (Stralfors, 1961) and calcium lactate significantly reduced the caries rate in rats (McClure, 1960). Reynolds and Black (1987) attempted to incorporate casein into confectionaries in order to decrease their cariogenic effect. Unfortunately, the addition of casein into the confectionary products made them unpalatable. However, when the level of casein was reduced to 2% w/w to make the confectionary palatable, the caseinate was found to be ineffective as an anticariogenic agent (Reynolds, 1989). For several years, dairy products have been linked to good oral health due to their proven anticariogenic properties (Reynolds and Johnson, 1981; Rosen et al, 1984; Harper et al, 1986). Krobicka and co-workers demonstrated anticariogenic effects of cheddar cheese in rats who had their parotid ducts tied and the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands surgically removed. Similarly, Harper and co-workers studied the anticariogenicity of four different cheeses and concluded that their caries preventive properties could be attributed to their phosphoprotein casein and the calcium phosphate content (Harper et al, 1986). Most cheeses contain around 20% w/w casein, that when rapidly degraded by the bacterial proteolytic activity releases phosphopeptides that are relatively stable to further degradation. Therefore, it is likely that the calcium phosphate complexes present in these peptides maybe partially responsible for the cariostatic activity of the cheese and other such dairy products (Reynolds, 1987; Reynolds and Riley, 1989). Casein phosphopeptides were 12 also found to increase the calcification of cultured embryonic rat bone in vitro by increasing the concentration of soluble calcium phosphate (Gerber and Jost, 1986). Furthermore, a decrease in enamel softening was demonstrated with the use of a water extract of cheddar cheese in a human caries model by Silva and co-workers (1987). The cheese extract increased the calcium level in the experimental plaque, thus causing a decrease in demineralization and/or an increase in remineralization. Reynolds (1987) used an in vitro model to show that solutions containing tryptic casein peptides were able to reduce the rate of enamel demineralization significantly. Subsequently, it was concluded that the tryptic peptides responsible for the remineralizing action of the caseinates were the calcium phosphate stabilizing casein phosphopeptides (Reynolds et al, 1995). The anticariogenic properties of milk which have been demonstrated in various in vitro and animal studies (Reynolds, 1998) are attributed to the presence of calcium, casein and phosphate (McDougall, 1977; Morr and Roda, 1983; Reynolds, 2003). Casein is the major protein present in milk and accounts for 80% of the total protein content. This casein forms a protective coating on the enamel surface; thus, preventing demineralization while also providing calcium and phosphate ions that help in remineralization. It also resists the proteolytic action of the enzymes and stabilizes calcium phosphate complexes. However, the majority of these ions are present in the form of micelles and their size and low availability of ions limits their remineralization potential. More recent studies have shown that the addition of 0.2% (w/v) and 0.3% (w/v) CPP-ACP to normal milk results in an extra 6.5mM and 9.75mM of calcium respectively; thus, increasing the remineralization potential of the milk (Walker et al, 2009). 2.2.1 CPP-ACP: structure Casein phosphopeptides (CPP) which contains a cluster of phophoseryl residues, has the sequence -Ser(P)-Ser(P)-Ser(P)-Glu-Glu- , increases the solubility of calcium phosphate by 13 stabilizing amorphous calcium phosphate in solution (Reeves and Latour, 1958; Reynolds, 1995 and 1998). The ability of casein to release calcium and phosphate ions resides in these sequences that can be released as small peptides, called casein phosphopeptides, when they undergo enzymatic digestion. The multiple Ser(P) remain bound to form nanoclusters of ACP in supersaturated solutions, thus preventing the growth of these clusters to the critical size for phase transformation. The mineral deposited in the tooth structure after exposure to CPP-ACP containing agents has been found to have a higher resistance to acid attacks as compared to normal tooth structure (Iijima, 2004). This is due to the fact that the CPP-ACP localizes at the tooth surface, where it buffers the free calcium and phosphate ion activities, and maintains a state of supersaturation in the enamel. As a result, it prevents demineralization and enhances remineralization (Reynolds, 1999). This finding led to the development of remineralization technology based on caseinphosphopeptide stabilized amorphous calcium phosphate complexes (Reynolds et al, 1995; Cross et al, 2005) and casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate complexes (Cross et al, 2004; Cochrane et al, 2008; Reynolds et al, 2008). This complex is a nanocluster of ACP with four multi-phosphorylated peptides that prevent its growth for further phase transformation (Reynolds, 1998; Huq et al, 2004). 2.2.2 Mechanism of action The proposed anticariogenic mechanism of CPP-ACP is by the incorporation of nanocomplexes into the plaque and onto the tooth surface. The CPP-ACP nanocomplexes then buffer the free calcium and phosphate ion activities, maintaining a state of supersaturation with respect to the tooth enamel; this results in the promotion of remineralization whilst preventing demineralization . 14 The activity of the neutral ion species, CaHPO4 is significantly related to the degree of remineralization (Reynolds, 1997). CPP-ACP has been found to be a reservoir of calcium phosphate ions including the neutral ion species CaHPO4, formed in the presence of acid. On the production of acid by the plaque bacteria, the CPP-ACP buffers the plaque pH and dissociates to produce calcium phosphate ions. This increase in the level of calcium phosphate ions counteracts any fall in the pH, thus preventing demineralization. Their mechanism of remineralization is based on the localization and supply of calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions in the correct ratio at the tooth surface by the CPP (Reynolds et al, 2003; Cross et al, 2004) in order to drive the diffusion of the ions into the subsurface enamel. Thus, CPP supplies the ions and also prevents their spontaneous transformation at the enamel surface. This increases the concentration of the ions and results in the formation of hydroxyapatite or fluorapatite at the crystal growth level (Reynolds, 1997). CPP-ACP nanocomplexes have the ability to bind to the tooth surface and the subgingival plaque and significantly increase the levels of calcium and phosphate ions (Reynolds et al, 2003). An in vivo study was conducted to measure the incorporation of calcium and phosphate into the plaque after 5 days of rinsing with either water, unstabilized calcium and phosphate or solutions containing either 2% or 6% CPP-ACP. The results demonstrated similar levels of calcium and phosphate ions after rinsing with water or the unstabilized calcium and phosphate. However, both the CPP-ACP containing solutions caused a higher uptake of calcium and phosphate ions in the plaque (Reynolds, 2003). These findings confirmed the results presented by Rose (2000) who showed that the CPP-ACP nanocomplexes attached to the streptococcus mutans and the plaque to produce a reservoir of calcium ions. This had earlier been demonstrated by Schupbach and co-workers (1996) 15 using an in vitro model and in animal studies. He reached the conclusion that CPP-ACP inhibited the binding of the streptococcus mutans to enamel, leading to its incorporation into the pellicle and plaque. This causes an ecological transition of the bacterial population, which along with the remineralizing action of CPP-ACP changes the cariogenic potential of plaque. The mechanism of the binding of CPP-ACP to plaque has been hypothesised to be either due to calcium cross-linking (Rose, 2000; Reynolds, 2003) or hydrophobic and hydrogen bond mediated interactions (Reynolds et al, 2003). Reynolds and co-workers (2008) in an in vivo study comparing the use of a CPP-ACP and a fluoride mouthrinse versus a fluoride mouthrinse alone showed a greater increase in the supragingival plaque fluoride ion content by the use of the CPP-ACP and fluoride containing mouthrinse than with a mouthrinse containing only fluoride. However, this process could have been driven by the low pH. With the increase in bacterial acid production, the plaque pH decreases, facilitating the release of calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions from the CPP-ACP nanocomplexes. Furthermore, CPP incorporation into the salivary pellicle not only increases its remineralizing potential but also inhibits the incorporation of the cariogenic streptococci by affecting their adherence (Schupbach et al, 1996). This finding confirmed the results of earlier studies by Guggenheim and co-workers (1994) and Reynolds and Wong (1983). Several authors have reported that an inverse relationship may exist between the calcium and phosphate levels in plaque and the caries experience of an individual, with higher calcium and phosphate levels indicating a low caries experience and vice versa (Dawes and Jenkins, 1962; Ashley, 1975; Schamschula et al, 1977; Shaw et al, 1983). Higher levels of calcium and phosphate ions may result in a higher degree of saturation in the enamel leading to an increase in the level of remineralization with a simultaneous decrease in the 16 level of demineralization (Moreno and Margolis, 1988). A significant concern about solutions that affect the mineralization of plaque is the formation of calculus; however, CPP-ACP solutions do not promote calculus formation because they prevent the transformation of amorphous calcium phosphate into the crystalline phase. Instead, they provide a reservoir of soluble calcium phosphate ions that are capable of diffusing into the subsurface enamel and promoting remineralization (Holt and van Kemenade, 1989). 2.2.3 Anticariogenic activity of CPP-ACP The anticariogenicity of the CPP-ACP nanocomplexes was first demonstrated in a rat model by Reynolds and co-workers (1995). Solutions containing different concentrations of CPPACP were applied to the animal’s molar teeth twice daily while the other animals received the same amount of either a 500ppm fluoride containing solution or distilled water. All of the animals were given a high cariogenic diet which did not contain any dairy products. The results showed a significant reduction in the caries activity caused by the CPP-ACP in a dose related fashion. The 0.1% CPP-ACP containing solution caused a 14% reduction in the caries activity compared to a 55% reduction by the 1% CPP-ACP containing solution. The solution containing both 0.5% CPP-ACP and 500ppm fluoride produced a significantly greater reduction in caries activity than either of the solutions alone at the same concentrations. In a human in vivo demineralization study, a 1% w/v CPP-ACP solution used twice daily after frequent sugar solution exposures, produced a 51 +19% reduction in the enamel mineral loss (Reynolds, 1998). It also resulted in a 144% increase in the calcium level and a 17 160% increase in the level of inorganic phosphate. Therefore, these results indicated the anticariogenic mechanism of the CPP-ACP, where the CPP stabilized and localized the ACP at the tooth surface, buffered the plaque pH, thus slowing demineralization of the enamel and increasing remineralization. In plaque, the CPP-ACP probably acts as a reservoir of the calcium and phosphate ions, thus maintaining a state of supersaturation. The anti-cariogenic activity of CPP-ACP is greatest when the peptides are delivered at the same time as the cariogenic challenge. CPP, which is a natural derivative of milk, can be added to sugar containing foods, a property that fluorides do not possess. 2.2.4 CPP-ACP as a remineralizing agent The remineralizing effect of casein phosphopeptides has been illustrated in various in vitro (Reynolds, 1997; Cochrane et al, 2008), human (Reynolds, 1987; Reynolds, 1991; Cochrane et al, 1998; Shen et al, 2001; Cai et al, 2007; Pai et al, 2008; Reynolds, 2008; Wu et al, 2010) and animal studies (Reynolds et al, 1995; Reynolds, 1997; Reynolds et al, 2003). Throughout the published literature, CPP-ACP has been used in in vitro studies in varying forms and for different time periods; as a solution for 10 days (Reynolds, 1997), as a topically applied cream for time periods of 1.5min (Rehder-Neto, 2009), 2min (Pulido, 2008), 3min (Pai et al, 2008) and 5min (Rahiotis et al, 2007) and even as a 10 times diluted solution (Yamaguchi, 2006). The in vitro pH cycling model (ten Cate and Duijusters, 1982) used in all the above mentioned studies replicates the in vivo conditions and hence exposes the specimens to a variety of remineralizing and demineralizing conditions. This system has been used in a variety of studies in order to compare the mineral content and lesion depth of artificial enamel lesions (ten Cate and Duijusters, 1982; Itthagarun et al, 2000; Kumar et al, 2008). Cochrane and co-workers (2008) studied the remineralizing ability of CPP-ACP at different 18 pH values of 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0 and 4.5. On testing tooth specimens, it was found that at pH <5.5 greater levels of remineralization were seen. An in vitro study by Rehder-Nato and co-workers showed that specimens treated with CPP-ACP containing pastes showed a greater degree of remineralization than the controls tested over a 5 day period using a topical application for 90 seconds (Rehder-Nato et al, 2009). A protective effect against demineralization after a 10min application of a CPP-ACP containing paste has also been shown (Yamaguchi et al, 2007). According to Wu and co-workers who treated specimens for 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks with a 5min application of Tooth Mousse® and compared the results to a fluoridated paste, a significant reduction in the grey demineralized areas was seen for both the groups under polarizing light microscopy (Wu et al, 2010). However, this effect was more significant with the CPP-ACP containing paste and when used in combination with a fluoridated paste, the effect was strengthened. This remineralizing ability was further illustrated in an in vitro study by Zhao and Cai (2001), who studied the degree of remineralization and its increase over a period of 10 days. The CPP-ACP containing remineralizing solution replaced 9.19%, 14.27%, 29.07%, 38.45% of the lost mineral after 1, 3, 5 and 10 days respectively. Therefore, an increase in the level of remineralization was seen as the days progressed. This was again reaffirmed in an in vitro study by Pai and coworkers (2009) who evaluated the remineralizing ability of a CPP-ACP containing paste using laser fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy over a period of 14 days. Their results confirmed the higher levels of remineralization seen in samples treated with CPP-ACP. A comprehensive synopsis of similar in vitro studies that illustrated the remineralizing potential of CPP-ACP are shown in Appendix V (Table V.1). This remineralizing ability of CPP-ACP has also demonstrated in various in vivo studies (Shen et al, 2001; Cai et al, 2003; Reynolds et al, 2003; Iijima et al, 2004; Reynolds et al, 2007; Manton et al, 2008; Bailey et al, 2009). The CPP-ACP nanocomplexes are far superior 19 to other forms of calcium phosphate for remineralizing enamel subsurface lesions in situ (Reynolds et al, 2003). This effect is attributed to the their ability to stabilize calcium phosphate in solution, by binding the amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) to their phosphoserine residues and also by localizing the calcium and phosphate ions at the tooth surface so producing an effective concentration gradient into the subsurface enamel. This leads to the formation of small CPP-ACP clusters which suppress demineralization, enhance remineralization or even exert both these effects (Reynolds, 1997). After a 24 month clinical trial to assess the remineralizing ability of a CPP-ACP containing sugar-free chewing gum in comparison to a control sugar-free gum, Morgan and co-workers (2008) concluded that the CPP-ACP containing gum caused an 18% reduction in the caries progression with a 53% greater remineralization of the baseline lesions as compared to the control gum. As far as the use of CPP-ACP in children is concerned, it is apparent that the most commonly used forms are the topically applied remineralizing pastes with the application time ranging from the manufacturer’s recommended time of three minutes and even upto thirty minutes in some studies. Caruana and co-workers (2008) showed that the addition of CPP-ACP in Tooth Mousse® caused a greater reduction in the plaque pH following a carbohydrate challenge. Furthermore, a clinical trial comparing the efficacy of three dentifrices; a placebo, a 1190ppm fluoride preparation and a 2% CPP-ACP with calcium carbonate containing paste showed that approximately 70% of the children using the CPP-ACP containing dentifrice remained caries-free as compared to 53.2% of those who used the fluoride paste and 31.1% of those who used the placebo (Rao et al, 2009). In another clinical trial, a dentifrice containing 2% CPP-ACP was found to have a greater remineralizing potential than a 1100ppm fluoridated dentifrice and the remineralizing potential was similar to that of a 2800ppm fluoridated dentifrice. However, the combination of 2% CPP-ACP with 1100ppm fluoride proved to have superior remineralizing potential (Reynolds, 2008). Similar in vivo 20 studies and clinical trials are mentioned in Appendix V (Tables V.2 and V.3). 2.2.5 Synergistic effect of fluoride and CPP-ACP The synergistic remineralizing potential of CPP-ACP and fluoride has been proven in several animal, in vitro and in vivo studies (Reynolds et al, 1995; Suge et al, 1995; Hodnett, 2007; Cochrane et al, 2008; Reynolds et al, 2008). In the rat model by Reynolds and his coworkers (1995) rats treated with the combination of CPP-ACP and fluoride exhibited a greater reduction in caries activity than rats treated with either CPP-ACP or fluoride alone. This effect maybe due to the formation of amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate at the enamel surface, which results in an increased incorporation of fluoride ions into plaque and an increased concentration of bioavailable calcium and phosphate ions. Therefore, the presence of plaque is essential for the synergistic effect of CPP-ACP and fluoride (Reynolds et al, 2008). Also, fluoride was found to enhance the conversion of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD), a normal component of enamel, dentine and bone to hydroxyapatite. Not only did CPP increase fluoride incorporation into plaque, it also increased the incorporation of fluoride into the subsurface enamel and enhanced the remineralization of subsurface enamel lesions as compared to the use of fluoride alone. The remineralizing ability of these CPP-ACP containing agents is also related to the concentration of the calcium ions even though the remineralizing fluids have an identical calcium to phosphate ratio (1:1.67). The addition of fluoride to the calcifying fluids markedly affects the degree and extent of remineralization (Silverstone 1981, 1983 and 1984). On using 1mM and 3mM calcifying solutions, the addition of a minimal quantity of 1ppm fluoride resulted in a three-fold reduction in the lesion area. This reduction was more marked with the 1mM solution (3.3 fold) as compared to the 3mM solution (3 fold). Without fluoride, the lesion area reduction was 22%, but after the addition of 1ppm fluoride to the 1mM calcium solution, the reduction increased to almost 72%. A similar effect was also seen with the addition of 21 10ppm fluoride. Studies have also shown that the concentration of fluoride in the remineralizing and demineralizing solutions is of more importance than its concentration within enamel (Wefel, 1990). Several studies have shown that not only did CPP increase fluoride incorporation into plaque but also increased the incorporation of fluoride into subsurface enamel and as a result increased the remineralization significantly as compared to the use of fluoride alone (Reynolds et al, 2008). This belief was further strengthened by the work of Schemehorn and co-workers who tested the bio-availability of fluoride from Enamelon toothpaste (Schemehorn et al, 1999). The results indicated that the calcium and phosphate salts delivered by the remineralizing Enamelon dentifrice increased the bioavailability of fluoride to a level that substantially exceeded that of the clinically proven standard dentifrice. Therefore, he stated that the calcium and phosphate ions present in the dentifrice increased the availability of the fluoride ions on the lesion surface; thus, effectively increasing remineralization. The addition of 2% CPP-ACP to a fluoride dentifrice increased the remineralizing potential by 156% when compared to the same fluoride dentifrice alone. This may be due to the fact that the remineralization caused by the fluoride dentifrice may be calcium and phosphate limited and for this reason, not all of the fluoride ions that diffuse into the subsurface lesion get incorporated into the mineral phase and the excess fluoride stays as fluoride ions that eventually got adsorbed onto crystallites (Arends and Christoffersen, 1990). These findings were further confirmed in a study by Lennon and coworkers (2006) who demonstrated a decrease in the level of enamel loss after treatment with a paste containing casein calcium phosphate followed by the use of a 250ppm fluoridated toothpaste as compared to treatment with either of them alone. This may be attributed to the formation of fluorapatite and a subsequent increase in the 22 degree of remineralization. Therefore, the ability to deliver calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions in the correct ratio to a subsurface enamel lesion maybe due to the ability of CPP-ACP to stabilize the ions on the tooth surface in the correct ratio of Ca:PO4:F of 5:3:1 (Cross et al, 2004). The increased remineralization exhibited by dentifrices containing higher levels of fluoride was further illustrated by Biesbrock and co-workers (2001) who showed that a 2800ppm F dentifrice reduced the caries experience by 20.4% which was a 85% greater reduction than that obtained by a 1700ppm F dentifrice. It has also been reported that the CPP-ACP nanocomplexes interact with fluoride ions to produce a novel ACFP phase (Cross et al, 2004; Reynolds et al, 2008). The anticariogenic effect of CPP-ACP nanocomplexes and F may be due to the localization of ACFP at the tooth surface by CPP which also localizes calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions in the correct molar ratio to form fluorapatite. Kumar and his co-workers (2008) in their in vitro study demonstrated a 13% reduction in lesion depth in lesions that received both CPP-ACP and fluoride while the group treated with CPP-ACP showed only a 10% reduction and a 7% reduction was seen in the fluoride group. 2.2.6 Other uses of CPP-ACP Apart from the remineralizing potential, several other applications of CPP-ACP have been studied. These include reduction in erosion, hardening of enamel that has been softened by acidic drinks, reduction in white spot lesions and increase in surface microhardness after micro-abrasion. The demineralization of enamel adjacent to orthodontic brackets is a significant clinical problem with a prevalence between 2% and 96% (Mizrahi, 1982; Mitchell, 1992). Even in a 23 population with a low prevalence of dental caries and with a preventive program in place, almost 61% may develop white spot lesions during orthodontic treatment (Ogaard et al, 2001). This may be due to the irregular surface of the brackets, bands or wires and other such attachments that create stagnation areas for plaque and consequently make tooth cleaning more difficult. They also limit the naturally occurring self-cleansing mechanism such as the movement of the oral musculature and saliva (Rosenbloom and Tinanoff, 1991). This leads to a lower plaque pH, accelerates the rate of plaque accumulation and maturation while also favouring colonization of bacteria such as streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli. The demineralization of white spot lesions may accelerate after the initiation of orthodontic treatment due to alterations in the environment. Some of these lesions may remineralize and return to either normal or, at least to a visually acceptable appearance. Some lesions may persist and even require restorative treatment. Therefore, the optimum management of these lesions involves the prevention of demineralization and/or increasing the rate of remineralization. Topical fluorides are a valuable aid for reducing enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets (Benson et al, 2005). In this regard, it has been proven that fluorapatite formation from either a monthly high dose of fluoride (use of orthodontic elastomeric ligature ties which contain fluoride) or a continuous low dose of fluorides (from fluoride containing adhesive cements) can be advantageous for reducing enamel decalcification during fixed orthodontic appliance therapy (Wiltshire, 1999). Casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate is ideal for the prevention of enamel demineralization as there appears to be an inverse relationship between plaque calcium and phosphate and measured caries experience (Reynolds et al, 2003). These nanocomplexes buffer free calcium and phosphate ions in the plaque, so as to maintain a state of supersaturation of ACP (Reynolds, 1997). 24 Remineralization of these white spot lesions with fluorides, particularly on the labial aspect of maxillary anterior teeth is often calcium limited and ineffective. It has been shown, in numerous studies that the use of products such as Tooth Mousse® (TM) can be beneficial to patients with enamel demineralization because not only does it remineralize existing enamel lesions, but it also prevents the development of further white spot lesions. The combination of topical fluoride gel with TM has provided the greatest preventive effect against white spot lesion development due to the synergistic action of both the fluoride and the TM (Sudjalim et al, 2007). This may minimize aesthetic damage and prevent the need for further restorative treatment. Studies have showed that the fluoride content of the intact surface layer over a white spot lesion in enamel is greater than the adjacent sound enamel, which indicates that the presence of fluoride in solution during demineralization is a significant factor (Dawes and Jenkins, 1957; Little and Steadman, 1966). A clinical trial carried out by Bailey and co-workers (2009) studied the effect of a CPP-ACP containing paste on the regression of white spot lesions in orthodontic patients when compared to a fluoridated dentifrice over a 12-week period. The results showed that the combination of a fluoridated dentifrice and a paste containing CPP-ACP produced a beneficial effect in the reduction of white spot lesions (WSL). A similar effect was reported by Zhou and co-workers (2009) who studied the reduction of WSL’s in the post-orthodontic phase after a twice daily application of a CPP-ACP containing paste after 1 and 2 months. An in vitro study by Andersson and co-workers (2007) compared the remineralizing effect produced by the use of a CPP-ACP dentifrice for three months as compared to a 0.05% sodium fluoride mouthwash followed by a three month period of daily tooth brushing with a fluoridated dentifrice. Clinical scoring and laser fluorescence assessment after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months suggested, that both regimens could promote the regression of WSL after debonding of fixed orthodontic appliances. Therefore, after debonding, saliva-mediated remineralization 25 takes place and this can be further accentuated by periodic topical fluoride applications (Kleber et al, 1999; Alexander and Ripa, 2000; Bergstrand and Twetman, 2003; Bensen et al, 2005). Regular exposure to various forms of fluoride has a more profound effect on the prevention of demineralization than it does on remineralization. This is due to the ability of the fluoride to decrease the solubility of minerals in the enamel crystal lattice with it helping in mineral formation (Jeansonne et al, 1979). This process substitutes hydroxide ions with fluoride ions in the hydroxyapatite and thus decreases the critical pH for the dissolution of enamel containing fluorapatite (Hicks et al, 2004). The visual evaluation of white spot lesions suggests an aesthetically more favourable outcome with the amorphous calcium phosphate treatment. However, some investigators have proved the opposite. Brochner and co-workers (2010) studied the effect of a local application of a CPP-ACP containing paste on WSL’s created during orthodontic treatment; with the results being assessed using laser fluorescence. The mean area of the lesions decreased by 58% in the CPP-ACP group, compared to only 26% in the fluoridated dentifrice group after a four week treatment period. However, the improvement was inferior to the regression noted after the daily use of a fluoridated dentifrice. Another extremely effective method for preventing white spot lesion formation is the use of glass ionomer cements (GIC) in place of composites for bracket bonding (Norevall et al, 1996). However, there are certain drawbacks such as the lower shear and tensile bond strengths of GIC. Studies have shown that the incorporation of 1.56% w/w CPP-ACP into GIC leads to an increase in the compressive and microtensile bond strengths and also enhances the release of calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions thus, leading to an increase in the level of remineralization (Mazzaoui et al, 2003). Therefore, the clinician should take into 26 consideration the benefits of fluoride release from the cement whilst keep in the mind the possibility of increased bond failure of the brackets. In addition to the remineralizing effect, recent literature has shown that casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) containing pastes have a protective effect against erosion. The in vitro study by Ranjitkar and co-workers (2009) tested enamel specimens using a tooth wear machine where the machine was stopped every 120s and a CPP-ACP containing paste was applied for 5min in one group, and was compared to a non CPP-ACP paste of the same formulation in the second group. The results showed that the mean wear rate in the CPP-ACP treated specimens was lower, and the wear facets were smoother and more highly polished. Therefore, they concluded that the remineralizing and lubricating properties of the CPP-ACP paste contribute to the wear reduction in enamel. Similar results were reported by Tantbirojn and co-workers (2008), and Piekarz and co-workers (2008) who showed an increase in the hardness of enamel exhibiting erosion after treatment with CPP-ACP for 48 hours. They concluded that products such as Tooth Mousse®, in addition to preventing erosive demineralization also remineralize eroded enamel and dentine crystals. The ability of CPP-ACP containing dental creams to reduce surface roughness of enamel has been stated in various studies. Mathias and co-workers (2009) compared the surface roughness of enamel after micro-abrasion with and without the application of CPP-ACP containing pastes. They found that a combination of the micro-abrasion procedure and CPP-ACP application reduced the enamel surface roughness to a greater extent than microabrasion alone. In addition, an in vitro study conducted by Kowalczyk and co-workers (2006) showed that Tooth Mousse® had sufficient effectiveness and short-term therapeutic benefit 27 for treating hypersensitivity of dentine. This reduction in pain is probably an additional remineralizing effect of CPP-ACP. This property was utilized by Ng and Manton (2007) who showed that treatment with CPP-ACP decreased tooth sensitivity after bleaching and whitening procedures. The increase in the hardness of enamel after CPP-ACP application was considered to be a benefit after bleaching. This benefit was illustrated in an in vitro study by Bayrak and his co-workers (2009) who found an increase in the microhardness of bleached enamel specimens after local application of CPP-ACP and CPP-ACFP containing pastes. In order to overcome the problems associated with xerostomia, affected patients have adopted different strategies which include sipping water frequently, chewing gum, sucking sweets and using artificial saliva. These therapies may be used either in isolation or in combination with each other (Morton et al, 1997). Whilst, water keeps the oral cavity wet, most patients claim that it is a poor lubricant and has a drying sensation when used as a moistener. It has been reported that casein derivatives with calcium phosphate are equivalent to sodium fluoride in their caries preventive efficacy when used in patients with xerostomia. Since CPP-ACP preparations are non-toxic, they have a clear advantage over fluoride based preparations as they can be swallowed and there are no contra-indications to their use more than three times per day (Hay and Thomson, 2002). According to the study performed by Hay and Morton in 2003, Dentacal (3.6% w/w CPP-ACP complex) when diluted, and used as an atomised spray for mouth moistening provided good lubrication and lasted longer than conventional moisteners. In comparison to sugar free chewing gums and the parasympathetic sialogogue pilocarpine, products containing CPP-ACP offered greater benefits because of their significant anticariogenic effects and mouth moistening properties when used regularly in dentate patients with xerostomia (Hay and Thomson, 2002; Hay and 28 Morton, 2003). 2.2.7 Toxicity of fluoride and CPP-ACP It is well documented that prolonged use of fluoride at recommended levels does not produce any harmful physiological effects. However, there are safe limits for fluoride beyond which harmful effects can occur. The permissible daily dose of fluoride has been suggested to be between 0.05-0.07 mg F/kg body weight (Villa et al, 1999). If the fluoride level in the body reaches 5mg/kg body weight or more, immediate intervention is needed. This has been determined as the toxic dose of fluoride (Whitford, 1996). These harmful effects can be classified into acute and chronic toxicity. The management of an overdose differs on the basis of the level of fluoride and the systemic symptoms. In cases of acute toxicity, symptoms occur rapidly. There is diffuse abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, excess salivation, and thirst. If the level of fluoride is around 5mg/kg body weight, administration of milk and 5% calcium lactate or gluconate to the child to induce vomiting is the treatment of choice. In cases with fluoride levels between 5-15mg/kg body weight, intravenous administration of calcium gluconate and lactate along with milk is suggested and in cases with levels exceeding this range, immediate hospital admission and constant monitoring in addition to the above mentioned measures is required. When ingested in elevated doses over a period of time, fluoride gets deposited in the bones and teeth, causing changes known as fluorosis. It can be described as a diffuse symmetric hypomineralization disorder of the ameloblasts. Fluorosis is irreversible and only occurs with exposure to fluoride when enamel is developing. It is thus, a toxic manifestation of chronic (low-dose, long-term) fluoride intake. Therefore, to prevent fluorosis from occurring in the most prominent and/or most susceptible teeth, the most critical time to avoid 29 fluoride exposure is the first three to six years of a child's life. Hence, it has been recommended that only a pea-sized amount of fluoridated dentifrice should be used by children when brushing; also that they should be under the supervision of a mature adult (Walsh et al, 2010) so as to prevent ingestion of the dentifrice (Marinho et al, 2003). In this regard, one major advantage of CPP-ACP containing products over fluoride containing products, which pose a risk if ingested in a significant quantity (Hawkins et al, 2003) is that they are ingestible. However, the potential side effects from the consumption of casein derived proteins in people with immunoglobulin E allergies to milk proteins should be taken into consideration. However, CPP-ACP is digestible even by individuals with lactose intolerance. In summary, the anticariogenic potential of CPP-ACP has been demonstrated in animal models, in various in vivo and in vitro studies and in human trials. CPP-ACP stabilizes and localizes ACP and ACFP at the tooth surface, buffers the plaque pH and as a result decreases the rate of enamel demineralization and enhances remineralization. When used in combination with fluoride, a synergistic anticariogenic effect is evident as the CPP localizes the calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions on the tooth surface, thus producing a greater anticariogenic effect. 30 Chapter 3 Materials & methods 31 3.1 Formation of demineralizing / remineralizing solutions The demineralizing solution was prepared from 2.2mM calcium chloride (CaCl2), 2.2mM monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4), 0.05 acetic acid and deionized water (Figure 3.1). The pH of this solution was further adjusted using 1M potassium hydroxide (KOH) to 4.4. The remineralizing solution contained 1.5mM calcium chloride (CaCl2), 0.9mM monosodium phosphate (NaH2PO4), 0.15M potassium chloride (KCl) and the pH was adjusted using 5M potassium hydroxide (KOH) to 7 (Figure 3.11). These solutions were similar to the one used by ten Cate and Duijsters (1982). 3.2 Artificial carious lesion formation Fifty extracted human third molars with intact buccal and lingual surfaces were cleansed of any soft tissue and debris and further inspected under a stereomicroscope for any evidence of hypoplasia, cracks or caries. Sticky wax (Model Cement®, Dentsply) was then used to cover the roots of the teeth upto the amelo-dentinal junction, in order to seal the apical foramen and the furcation area. After this, the teeth were painted with an acid resistant nail varnish (Revlon®, USA) leaving a 1mm window on both the buccal and lingual surfaces and left to dry overnight . On the following day, a second coat of varnish was applied, so as to ensure complete coverage. The teeth were then immersed in the demineralizing solution (10ml/tooth) for 96 hours to produce artificial carious lesions varying from 90-180 µm in depth (Figure 3.4). The teeth were then sectioned longitudinally through the carious lesions, using a hard tissue saw microtome (Leica®, 1600 saw microtome, Germany, see Figure 3.5), to produce sections that were approximately 100-150 µm thick. The thickness of each section was then confirmed using a micrometer (Figure 3.5). A piece of dental floss was attached to each section using nail varnish (Revlon®, USA) in such a way that it was placed away from the lesion in order to make manipulation easier. The specimens were then 32 painted under the stereomicroscope using an acid resistant nail varnish (Revlon®, USA). It was essential to coat all the surfaces of the lesion with the varnish, leaving only the superior margin exposed. Following this, the sections were stored in 100% humidity until the start of the pH cycle. 3.3 Grouping One hundred and fifty specimens were randomly assigned to six treatment groups and subjected to the treatment protocols shown in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: The treatment protocols for the six experimental groups. Test groups Group A (negative control) Agent tested Non-fluoridated dentifrice* Group B (positive control) Fluoridated dentifrice (1000ppm F) ** Group C Mode of application Supernatant Time of application 60s Supernatant 60s Clinpro®*** (CPP-ACP with 950ppm fluoride) Topical coating 180s Group D Tooth Mousse Plus®**** (CPP-ACP with 900ppm fluoride) Topical coating 180s Group E Fluoridated dentifrice + Clinpro® Fluoridated dentifrice + Tooth Mousse Plus® Supernatant 60s + Topical coating Supernatant + 180s 60s + Topical coating + 180s Group F 33 * Vicco® Laboratories, Goa, India. ** Colgate Total®, Bangkok, Thailand. *** Clinpro®, 3M ESPE, USA. **** Tooth Mousse Plus® GC Corp, Tokyo, Japan. 3.4 Agent preparation Dentifrice supernatants were prepared by adding 15g of each of the pastes to 45ml of deionized water to achieve a 1:3 ratio (dentifrice: deionized water). These suspensions were then thoroughly stirred for one minute by mechanical agitation using a vortex mixer (Super Mixer®, Lab Line Instruments Inc, Illinois, USA) and centrifuged at room temperature for 20 minutes at 4000rpm (Beckman®, Avanti J-251, California, USA), see figure 3.9. Following this, the higher sediment layer was discarded and only the supernatant solutions were used for treating the specimens. Clinpro® and Tooth Mousse Plus® were directly dispensed (as a paste) onto the surface of the lesions in Groups C, D, E and F respectively. 3.5 The pH cycling model All tooth specimens were subjected to a 10-day pH cycling model. All solutions were freshly prepared before each phase of the pH cycle and the pH values for the demineralizing and remineralizing solutions were checked prior to inserting the specimens during each phase. During pH cycling, all specimens were placed on an orbital shaker (Labnet®, Woodbridge, USA) to ensure that they were fully immersed in the treatment solutions, so as to simulate the oral environment. The daily cycle involved three hours of demineralization twice a day, with two hours of remineralization in between. After the daily cycle, the tooth specimens were placed in a remineralizing solution overnight. The specimens received treatment thrice a day; before the first demineralization and before and after the second demineralization, respectively. The treatment protocol for Groups A and B involved 34 immersion of the specimens in the respective dentifrice supernatant solutions for one minute with an average of 5ml of solution being available per specimen. The sections in Groups C and D were placed directly in contact with the Clinpro® and Tooth Mousse Plus® for three minutes. Whereas, the specimens in Groups E and F were treated with the dentifrice supernatant solution for one minute followed by a topical application of the respective CPP-ACP pastes for three minutes again. After the 10-day pH cycle, the nail varnish was removed carefully from all the specimens using Acetone (Advanced Technology & Instruments Co. Ltd, Hong Kong) so that all of the lesions could be evaluated. 3.6 Evaluation techniques The specimens were subjected to evaluation both before and after the 10-day pH cycling model. Digital polarizing light microscopy (PLM) was used to perform qualitative evaluation while microradiography (MRG) was used to perform quantitative evaluation of the specimens. 3.6.1 Qualitative evaluation: polarizing light microscopy (PLM) A Nikon Eclipse LV100POL microscope (Nikon®, Japan, LV-UEPI) with a rotating stage, polarizer and analyzer was used to qualitatively evaluate the body of the lesion in each of the specimens (Figure 3.7). They were first imbibed in deionized water and then subjected to digital PLM by using this microscope at a magnification of 5X. All specimens were expected to show a clear demarcation between sound enamel and the initial carious lesion (Wefel and Jensen, 1992). The PLM images were taken at a fixed standard magnification for all of the specimens and captured in the computer (software NIS-Elements AR 3.0) before and after the pH cycle to allow visual comparisons between the pre-treatment and posttreatment effects and then analysed for any changes in lesion depth (Figure 3.7). 35 3.6.2 Quantitative evaluation: microradiography (MRG) This MRG technique was used to quantitatively evaluate all of the tooth specimens. Specimens were mounted on high resolution electron microscopy film (Kodak electron microscopy film 4489, Kodak®, USA) and exposed to Cu (Kα) X-rays (Softex® IRS-20, JIRA, Japan) at 10kV voltage and a current of 3mA for 15 seconds (figure 3.6). Subsequently, each film was immersed in the developing solution for 60 seconds, rinsed for 60 seconds in running water, after which they were placed in the fixing solution for 60 seconds. Each microradiograph was washed, air dried and then mounted onto a glass slide. The specimens were subjected to the same procedure both before and after the 10-day pH cycle. The images of the microradiographs were scanned at 12800 dpi resolution using a flatbed colour image scanner (Epson® Perfection 3200 Photo, Japan). Subsequently, the scanned images were used with an image analysis system, Image J software, version 1.37 (Bethesda, Maryland, USA) to plot the mineralization profile and quantify the changes in the LD (lesion depth) and Vmax (mineral content) and mineral distribution of all the specimens before and after the 10-day pH cycling procedure. Changes in both these parameters were expressed as a percentage change in mineral content (Vmax) or lesion depth (LD). The software calculated the relative mineral density on the basis of data from sound enamel (Chow et al, 1991; Jordan et al, 1991). This analysis was carried out for all the specimens within the same group and between different groups. 3.7 Statistical analysis In order to calculate the before and after changes in the LD (lesion depth) and Vmax (mineral content) within the different groups, the paired t-test was used. For between group changes in the above mentioned parameters, One-way ANOVA was employed. All of the statistical analyses were performed using the Graph Pad InstatR software (Version 3.00, Windows 95, Graph Pad Software, San Diego, California, USA). 36 Figure 3.1: The reagents used to prepare the demineralizing solution, calcium chloride (CaCl2), monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4), acetic acid, potassium hydroxide (KOH), and deionized water. 37 (a) (b) Figure 3.2: Dentrifices used in the study: (a) negative control, non-fluoridated dentifrice (Vicco®) and (b) positive control, fluoridated dentifrice (Colgate Total®). (a) (b) Figure 3.3: Treatment agents, (a) Clinpro® (950ppm sodium fluoride with tri-calcium phosphate) and (b)Tooth Mousse Plus® (900ppm fluoride with 10% CPP-ACP). 38 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.4: The sequence of steps involved in the formation of artificial carious lesions, (a) painted specimen (b) teeth immersed in the demineralizing solution for 96 hours, and (c) 1mm wide window left on the buccal and lingual surfaces of the tooth. 39 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.5: The various steps involved in preparing the tooth sections for the pH cycle, (a) the microtome (Leica® 1600 saw microtome, Germany), (b) the sectioned tooth specimen and (c) the micrometer. 40 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.6: Quantitative evaluation of the artificial carious lesion using microradiography, (a) the sectioned tooth specimen, (b) X-ray machine (Softex® ISR-20, JIRA, Japan) and (c) microradiograph of a tooth specimen. 41 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.7: Qualitative evaluation using polarized light microscopy technique showing (a) the sectioned tooth specimen, (b) polarized light microscope (Nikon Eclipse LV100POL, Nikon®, Japan) and (c) a polarized light photomicrograph of a specimen. 42 Figure 3.8: The pH calibration system. 43 Figure 3.9: The centrifuge machine (Beckman®, Avanti J-251, USA). 44 60s supernatant 60s supernatant 180s topical application 180s topical application Specimen n=150 60s supernatant and 180s topical application 60s supernatant and 180s topical application Figure 3.10: Schematic representation of the six different groups and their respective treatment protocols. 45 Figure 3.11: The reagents used to prepare the remineralizing solution, calcium chloride (CaCl2), monosodium phosphate (NaH2PO4), potassium chloride (KCl), potassium hydroxide (KOH) and deionized water. 46 Treatment I Demineralization: 3 hours Remineralization: 2 hours Treatment II Demineralization: 3 hours Treatment III Remineralization: overnight Back to treatment I Figure 3.12: Diagram illustrating the sequence of steps in the pH cycling model. 47 Chapter 4 Results 48 4.1 Quantitative evaluations 4.1.1 Lesion depth (LD) changes in the artificial enamel carious lesions after pH cycling No statistically significant difference was detected between the lesion depths (LD) within and between each of the six treatment groups before the 10-day pH cycle (Group A, p= 0.78; Group B, p= 0.36; Group C, p= 0.43; Group D, p= 0.24; Group E, p= 0.12; Group F, p= 0.24; ANOVA). On comparing the pre-treatment and post-treatment lesion depths between the different test groups, specimens treated with Clinpro® (Group C), with Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total® (Group F) and with Clinpro® plus Colgate Total® (Group E) exhibited statistically significant differences (p<0.01, paired t-test). Conversely, specimens treated with Vicco® (Group A), Colgate Total® (Group B) and Tooth Mousse Plus® (Group D) showed no statistically significant difference between the pre-treatment and post-treatment lesion depths. Though statistically insignificant, these three agents caused an increase in lesion depth, which was greatest for Vicco® followed by Colgate Total® and Tooth Mousse Plus®. On comparing the changes in the lesion depth between the six treatment groups, no statistically significant differences were evident. However, it was seen that three of the groups showed a decrease in the lesion depth while the remaining three showed an increase. The maximum decrease in lesion depth was seen in the specimens treated with Clinpro® plus Colgate Total®, followed by Clinpro® which was followed by Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total® group. The remaining three treatment groups, which were Vicco®, Colgate Total® and Tooth Mousse Plus® caused an increase in the lesion depth with Vicco® causing the greatest followed by the other two test agents in decreasing order. 49 4.1.2 Mineral content changes in the surface zone (Vmax) of the artificial enamel carious lesions after pH cycling. There was no statistically significant difference between the pre-treatment mineral content values within each treatment group and between the six different treatments prior to the 10-day pH cycle (Group A, p= 0.56; Group B, p= 0.21; Group C, p= 0.10, Group D, p= 0.45, Group E, p= 0.58, Group F, p= 0.67; ANOVA). On comparing the changes in the Vmax before and after the 10 day pH cycle, the specimens treated with Colgate Total® showed the greatest increase in Vmax followed by the combination of Clinpro® plus Colgate Total®, Clinpro®, Tooth Mousse Plus®, Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total® and then Vicco®. However, none of the changes in the Vmax were statistically significant. Polarized light photomicrographs, illustrating the changes in Vmax and LD, of the specimens in the different groups before and after pH cycling are depicted in Figures 4.1 to 4.6. Graphical representation of specimens representing the different treatment groups before and after the 10 day pH cycling period are illustrated in Figures 4.7 to 4.12. 50 (a) pre-treatment (b) post-treatment Figure 4.1: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group A treated with the nonfluoridated dentifrice Vicco®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. An increase in the lesion depth is evident. (a) pre-treatment (b) post-treatment Figure 4.2: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group B treated with the fluoridated dentifrice Colgate Total®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. An increase in lesion depth is evident. (a) pre-treatment (b) post-treatment Figure 4.3: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group C treated with Clinpro®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. A decrease in lesion depth is evident. 51 (a) pre-treatment (b) post-treatment Figure 4.4: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group D treated with Tooth Mousse Plus®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. A slight increase in lesion depth is evident. (a) pre-treatment (b) post-treatment Figure 4.5: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group E treated with Clinpro ® plus Colgate Total®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. A decrease in lesion depth is evident. (a) pre-treatment (b) post-treatment Figure 4.6: Polarized light photomicrographs of a specimen in Group F treated with Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total®, (a) before and (b) after the 10-day pH cycling period. A slight decrease in lesion depth is evident. 52 100 90 80 % mineral 70 content 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Lesion depth 0.4 0.5 Pre-treatment Post-treatment Figure 4.7: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) onPost x-axis in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and afterpo the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group A (non-fluoridated dentifrice; Vicco®). 53 100 90 80 % mineral content 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Lesion depth Figure 4.8: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group B (fluoridated dentifrice; Colgate Total®). 54 100 90 80 % mineral content 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Lesion depth Figure 4.9: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group C (Clinpro®). 55 100 90 80 % mineral content 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Lesion depth Figure 4.10: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group D (Tooth Mousse Plus®). 56 100 90 80 % mineral content 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Lesion depth Figure 4.11: Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group E (Clinpro® + Colgate Total®). 57 100 90 80 % mineral content 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Lesion depth Figure 4.12 : Graph showing the relationship between the lesion depth (LD) on x-axis in µm and % maximum mineral content (Vmax) on the y-axis, both before and after the 10-day pH cycle, for a specimen in Group F (Tooth Mousse Plus® + Colgate Total®). 58 Table 4.1: Mean values (+SD) of the lesion depth (LD) and the maximum mineral content (Vmax) of the samples in the six treatment groups both before and after the 10-day pH cycle. Groups n Lesion depth (LD) Pre-op Group 1: 25 Non-fluoridated dentifrice (Vicco® ) Group 2: 25 25 25 Tooth Mousse Plus® + fluoridated dentifrice 35.37+12.14 209.68 +49.95 248.44 +48.21 268.56 +45.80 227.60 +45.47 236.24 +43.19 238.68 +41.70 % change: 1.81 +13.10 25 Clinpro® + fluoridated dentifrice Group 6: 288.84 +41.98 % change: -13.62 +19.38 Tooth Mousse Plus® Group 5: Pre-op % change: 21.52 +19.89 Clinpro® Group 4: Post-op % change: 38.80 +37.18 Fluoridated dentifrice (Colgate Total® ) Group 3: 221.64 +60.18 273.92 +59.03 230.36 +48.14 % change: -13.84 +17.16 25 258.56 +49.01 Maximum mineral content (Vmax) 240.08 +45.64 % change: - 6.63 +9.62 Post-op 33.54 +12.80 % change: -6.19 +11.61 17.89 +10.29 30.23 +9.75 % change: 99.62 +72.14 16.54 +6.78 26.50 +8.11 % change: 74.84 + 62.47 29.39 +11.71 30.39 +9.12 % change: 10.74 +28.18 17.77 +9.88 29.35 +10.82 % change: 95.58 +90.41 28.85 +9.76 30.45 +10.35 % change: 7.08 +21.01 59 Chapter 5 Discussion 60 Several studies have demonstrated the reliability of the pH cycling model for the evaluation of lesion progression and mineral changes of artificial enamel carious lesions (ten Cate and Duijsters, 1982; Damato et al, 1990; Itthagarun et al, 2000). This model is considered to be appropriate for evaluating the extent of remineralization, because it simulates to a major extent the in vivo conditions leading to the process of carious lesion development (Featherstone et al, 1986; ten Cate, 1990; Argenta et al, 2003). Nevertheless, it does not completely simulate the in vivo processes of demineralization and remineralization that occurs in separate phases. Hence, the results from this in vitro study cannot be directly compared to the clinical scenarios (Wefel and Harless, 1984). This maybe due to the fact that under in vivo conditions changes in the pH occur throughout the course of 24 hours, which in turn determines the caries experience of an individual. However, in a pH cycling model, the periodic changes from demineralization to remineralization significantly influence the end product and are therefore likely to exaggerate the final results (Duff, 1976). Furthermore, the deposition of mineral during a shorter period of remineralization would be significantly different from remineralization that occurs for a longer duration. Conversely, in vivo studies have the advantage of an oral environment with the presence of saliva and plaque. However, a potential drawback is the lack of exposure to acid and other demineralizing environments because the participants were instructed to remove the appliances while eating and drinking (Shen et al, 2001; Reynolds et al, 2003; Manton et al, 2008). The pH cycling model which was utilized in this study has been used in several in vitro studies is considered by many authorities to be appropriate for evaluating the remineralizing ability of various caries preventive agents, it also offers a degree of standardization that in vivo studies lack. The process of enamel demineralization is directly 61 related to the pH and the ionic content of calcium, phosphate and fluoride in the oral cavity which in turn determines the degree of tooth mineral saturation (Fejerskov and Clarkson, 1996). Therefore, a subsaturated environment would lead to the dissolution of hydroxyapatite and diffusion of calcium and phosphate ions towards the enamel surface whereas a supersaturated environment would facilitate remineralization, thus stimulating the formation of an intact surface layer (Arnold et al, 2006). In the present study, artificial enamel carious lesions were produced by using solutions similar to those proposed by ten Cate and Duijsters (1982). Similar demineralizing solutions used in the present study have been used in several other in vitro studies (Itthagarun and Wei, 1996; Itthagarun et al, 1999, 2000; Thaveesangpanich et al, 2005; Rana et al, 2007; Kumar et al, 2008; Rana et al, 2008). Artificial carious lesions are considered to be more reproducible than natural carious lesions and thus make the experimental model more reliable (Silverstone, 1983). They facilitate the testing of multiple areas in any lesion at different time intervals, in order to assess the remineralizing phenomena (Arends and Christoffersen, 1986). Prior to the start of the pH cycle the two parameters, lesion depth (LD) and the maximum mineral content (Vmax) were studied and found to be statistically insignificant. This precluded the possibility of a sampling bias at baseline. In the interest of standardization, all of the specimens in the present study were subjected to 10 days of pH cycling which involved three hours of demineralization twice a day, with two hours of remineralization in between. During the pH cycle, the specimens were treated thrice daily; before the first demineralization, and before and after the second demineralization. This also to a greater extent mimicked the daily eating patterns that occur in vivo. 62 The specimens were divided into six different groups with varying treatment protocols, which involved an one minute application of a non-fluoridated or fluoridated dentifrice (supernatant), a three minute topical application of either of the two CPP-ACP containing pastes, (Clinpro® and Tooth Mousse Plus®) or a combination of an one minute application of a fluoridated dentifrice supernatant followed by a three minute topical application of either of the two CPP-ACP containing pastes. The manufacturers’ of the test agents recommended application times for Clinpro® and Tooth Mousse Plus® of three minutes, and these recommendations were followed in this in vitro study. Tooth Mousse Plus®, contains high levels of calcium and phosphate ions that together with the fluoride ion are released into saliva to substantially increase the salivary concentrations of calcium, inorganic phosphate and fluoride. These ions are stabilized by the presence of the CPP, which prevents spontaneous precipitation and phase transformation thus permitting a deeper penetration of the ions into the subsurface of carious lesions. This results in increased remineralization throughout the body of the lesion (Reynolds et al, 2008; Cochrane et al, 2010). Conversely, Clinpro® contains TCP (tricalcium phosphate) which has a low level of available (acid soluble) calcium phosphate. Several studies have demonstrated that fluoride ions are unstable in dentifrice formulations, especially in those containing poorly soluble calcium-based abrasives (Noren and Harse, 1974; Sullivan et al, 2001). Subsequently, this instability of fluoride ions leads to the development of sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP). Clinpro® contains sodium fluoride, which in the absence of a stabilizer would be susceptible to a decrease in its bioavailability especially in the presence of added calcium phosphate. The calcium phosphate that has been incorporated into Clinpro® is in the form of beta-tricalcium phosphate that has been ball milled with sodium lauryl sulphate to produce particles within the size range of 1–15 µm (Karlinsey et al, 2010). The poor solubility, the large particle size and the small amount of calcium phosphate 63 explains the reason for its inability to significantly increase salivary calcium and inorganic phosphate levels and its failure to show an enhanced rate of remineralization (Shen et al, 2011). In the present study, in an attempt to overcome the poor solubility of Clinpro® it was used as a topically applied paste rather than as a slurry or supernatant. However, this was not in accordance with the manufacturers recommended method of usage. The qualitative evaluation which involved imbibing the specimens in water and examining them under the PLM provided qualitative information on mineral loss and gain; however, they are difficult to assess quantitatively (Arends and Bosch, 1992) and this was found to be the case. Therefore, quantitative evaluation was carried out using MRG’s. Statistically significant differences were evident when comparisons were made between the pre-treatment and post-treatment lesion depths within the Clinpro®, Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total® and Clinpro® plus Colgate Total® groups. Though not statistically significant, the combination of Clinpro® plus Colgate Total® proved to be the most effective preparation for reducing the lesion depth, this was followed in effectiveness by Clinpro®, and then the combination of Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total®. Therefore, it appears that the combination of fluoride with CPP-ACP produces a beneficial effect. There was a trend, though not statistically significant, for the three minute application of Clinpro® to exhibit a higher efficacy for remineralizing artificial enamel carious lesions than Tooth Mousse Plus®. This finding could imply that Clinpro®, when applied topically, could be more effective as a remineralizing agent than when applied in a diluted form that occurs when it is used as a dentifrice. Inevitably, certain limitations are associated with in vitro studies such as the present study. These include the lack of saliva, plaque and the salivary pellicle which would be present in 64 the oral cavity. These variations in the characteristics and quantities of these factors, which vary between individuals need equalisation in in vivo studies. Nevertheless, the lack of these factors could have influenced the results of the present study, because the main mechanism of action of CPP-ACP is for it to bind to the dental plaque and provide a reservoir of calcium and phosphate ions. Thus, inhibiting demineralization and enhancing the remineralization process (Rose, 2000; Reynolds, 2003). Another limitation maybe that although the samples were randomly divided into the six treatment groups, to prevent a sampling bias, we cannot exclude the possibility that one group was dominated by multiple sections from the same tooth. Furthermore, some teeth can be expected to have greater susceptibility than others to demineralization due to the age of the donor and exposure to environmental factors such as fluoride. Also, the specimens in the pH cycle were subjected to repeated cycles of remineralization and demineralization (ten Cate and Duijsters, 1982) which is more aggressive than the acid attacks that a tooth is exposed to, on a daily basis, in the oral cavity. Although there are limitations in the methodology in respect of this pH cycling model, and the use of the test reagents which were not used as recommended by the respective manufacturers’, the conditions were at least standardised and repeatable. Conclusions: based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that CPP-ACP agents are effective in remineralizing artificial enamel carious lesions in vitro. Clinical relevance: CPP-ACP pastes such as Clinpro® and Tooth Mousse Plus®, could be useful additions to the clinicians’ armamentarium for the prevention and management of carious lesions, especially for those individuals with a high caries risk. 65 Chapter 6 Conclusions 66 Conclusions: Within the limitations, and based on the findings of this in vitro study, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Statistically significant differences were evident when comparisons were made between the pre-treatment and post-treatment lesion depths (LD) within the Clinpro®, Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total® and Clinpro® plus Colgate Total® groups. 2. Though not statistically significant, the combination of Clinpro® plus Colgate Total® proved most effective in decreasing lesion depth, followed by Clinpro® and then the combination of Tooth Mousse Plus® plus Colgate Total®. 3. There was a trend, though not statistically significant, for the three minute application of Clinpro® to exhibit a higher efficacy in remineralizing artificial enamel carious lesions than Tooth Mousse Plus®. 67 Null hypotheses: It is proposed to consider the following null hypotheses based on the findings of this in vitro study: I. The null hypotheses that stated “When applied topically for three minutes, Clinpro® will not exhibit a level of remineralization comparable to a one minute treatment with the 1000ppm F dentifrice” can be rejected because there was a greater reduction in lesion depth with the use of Clinpro® even though it was not statistically significant. II. The null hypotheses that stated “When applied topically for three minutes, Tooth Mousse Plus® will not exhibit a level of remineralization comparable to a one minute treatment with the 1000ppm F dentifrice” can be rejected because when applied topically for three minutes, Tooth Mousse Plus® produced a greater decrease in the lesion depth. III. The null hypotheses that stated “When applied topically for three minutes following a one minute treatment with a 1000ppm F dentifrice, Tooth Mousse Plus® will not exhibit a level of remineralization greater than that of a one minute treatment with the 1000ppm F dentifrice” can be rejected because even though statistically insignificant, there was a greater reduction in lesion depth with the use of Tooth Mousse Plus® in combination with a 1000ppm F dentifrice. 68 IV. 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Specimen Pre-cycle LD Post-cycle LD % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 257 235 106 124 234 165 206 261 287 108 271 264 254 175 212 276 254 176 308 311 245 267 165 231 149 379 224 251 262 342 287 287 271 309 216 305 284 272 212 287 289 286 267 334 329 321 334 285 345 243 47.47 -4.68 136.79 111.129 46.15 73.94 39.32 3.83 7.67 100.00 12.55 7.58 7.09 21.14 35.38 4.71 12.60 51.70 8.44 5.79 31.02 25.09 72.73 49.35 63.09 n mean SD Max Min 25 221.64 60.18 311.00 106.00 25 288.84 41.98 379.00 212.00 25 38.80 37.18 136.79 - 4.68 89 Group 2: Fluoridated dentifrice (Colgate Total®). Specimen Pre-cycle LD Post-cycle LD % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 194 212 184 242 196 154 251 176 298 203 276 208 114 204 227 176 196 314 235 214 254 237 165 98 214 255 267 242 278 269 198 297 217 253 244 342 244 198 278 291 251 218 362 249 163 234 265 212 143 241 31.44 25.94 31.52 14.88 37.24 28.57 18.33 23.30 -15.10 20.20 23.91 17.31 73.68 36.27 28.19 42.61 11.22 15.29 5.96 -23.83 -7.87 11.81 28.48 45.92 12.62 n Mean SD Max Min 25 209.68 49.95 314.00 98.00 25 248.44 48.21 362.00 143.00 25 21.52 19.89 73.68 -23.83 90 Group 3: Clinpro®. Specimen Pre-cycle LD Post-cycle LD % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 289 198 237 298 276 298 312 345 261 289 254 308 265 268 243 308 279 254 302 311 249 314 176 231 149 278 212 219 184 235 261 258 286 142 180 265 227 236 224 275 248 265 276 178 172 254 276 237 178 124 -3.81 7.07 -7.59 -38.26 -14.86 -12.42 -17.31 -17.10 -45.59 -37.72 4.33 -26.30 -10.94 -16.42 13.17 -19.48 -5.02 8.66 -41.06 -44.69 2.01 -12.10 34.66 -22.94 -16.78 n Mean SD Max Min 25 268.56 45.80 345.00 149.00 25 227.60 45.47 286.00 124.00 25 -13.62 19.38 34.66 -45.59 91 Group 4: Tooth Mousse Plus®. Specimen Pre-cycle LD Post-cycle LD % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 212 232 234 194 321 232 223 226 247 256 186 197 287 226 295 293 194 281 309 198 235 199 276 164 189 214 284 196 203 307 224 213 229 251 249 192 202 274 215 284 289 192 264 299 202 224 208 291 166 295 0.94 22.41 -16.24 4.64 -4.36 -3.45 -4.48 1.33 1.62 -2.73 3.23 2.54 -4.53 -4.87 -3.73 -1.37 -1.03 -6.05 -3.24 2.02 -4.68 4.52 5.43 1.22 56.08 n Mean SD Max Min 25 236.24 43.19 321.00 164.00 25 238.68 41.70 307.00 166.00 25 1.81 13.10 56.08 -16.24 92 Group 5: Clinpro® + Colgate Total®. Specimen Pre-cycle LD Post-cycle LD % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 290 312 237 295 336 294 223 285 234 216 194 368 291 283 394 361 274 312 283 198 297 195 291 231 154 248 224 232 254 225 221 228 175 210 194 165 185 248 278 321 277 298 342 275 185 186 221 175 227 165 -14.48 -28.21 -2.11 -13.90 -33.04 -24.83 2.24 -38.60 -10.26 -10.19 -14.95 -49.73 -14.78 -1.77 -18.53 -23.27 8.76 9.62 -2.83 -6.57 -37.37 13.33 -39.86 -1.73 7.14 n Mean SD Max Min 25 273.92 59.03 394.00 154.00 25 230.36 48.14 342.00 165.00 25 -13.84 17.16 13.33 -49.73 93 Group 6: Tooth Mousse Plus® + Colgate Total®. Specimen Pre-cycle LD Post-cycle LD % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 275 312 204 326 242 287 245 184 232 298 225 235 285 274 312 253 306 252 316 356 248 218 234 181 164 264 291 194 224 238 290 198 178 254 265 234 198 220 227 265 272 289 248 324 328 254 194 224 176 153 -4.00 -6.73 -4.90 -31.29 -1.65 1.05 -19.18 -3.26 9.48 -11.07 4.00 -15.74 -22.81 -17.15 -15.06 7.51 -5.56 -1.59 2.53 -7.87 2.42 -11.01 -4.27 -2.76 -6.71 n Mean SD Max Min 25 258.56 49.01 356.00 164.00 25 240.08 45.64 328.00 153.00 25 -6.63 9.62 9.48 -31.29 94 Changes in the maximum mineral content (Vmax) before and after the 10day pH cycle with different agents. Group 1: Non-fluoridated dentifrice (Vicco®). Specimen Pre-cycle Vmax Post-cycle Vmax % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 43.29 39.60 42.35 44.56 46.75 21.98 62.54 52.34 51.45 33.98 21.34 27.65 44.78 34.56 24.58 21.23 27.68 36.98 32.20 42.31 22.35 17.64 20.70 24.57 46.78 48.91 42.60 39.67 39.72 43.13 23.85 64.83 47.15 47.84 32.90 13.57 24.12 42.74 32.13 22.17 23.12 24.34 32.87 31.23 40.43 21.25 11.24 21.76 22.32 44.54 12.98 7.58 -6.33 -10.86 -7.74 8.51 3.66 -9.92 -7.02 -3.18 -36.41 -12.77 -4.56 -7.03 -9.80 8.90 -12.07 -11.11 -3.01 -4.44 -4.92 -36.28 5.12 -9.16 -4.79 n Mean SD Max Min 25 35.37 12.14 62.54 17.64 25 33.54 12.80 64.83 11.24 25 -6.19 11.61 12.98 -36.41 95 Group 2: Fluoridated dentifrice (Colgate Total®). Specimen Pre-cycle Vmax Post-cycle Vmax % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 43.29 11.23 9.65 11.24 16.57 6.54 14.35 21.45 11.49 7.86 7.34 27.65 11.24 21.20 31.78 21.34 27.69 31.23 19.78 13.27 7.98 8.54 5.68 35.46 23.45 34.73 23.46 24.70 23.88 46.64 20.64 28.65 29.76 41.34 25.64 12.95 34.63 22.86 41.98 42.23 26.47 34.56 42.78 39.34 33.24 17.23 21.27 12.34 41.23 33.25 -19.77 108.90 155.96 112.46 181.47 215.60 99.65 38.74 259.79 226.21 76.43 25.24 103.38 98.02 32.88 24.04 24.81 36.98 98.89 150.49 115.91 149.06 117.25 16.27 41.79 n Mean SD Max Min 25 17.89 10.29 43.29 5.68 25 30.23 9.75 46.64 12.34 25 99.62 72.14 259.79 -19.77 96 Group 3: Clinpro®. Specimen Pre-cycle Vmax Post-cycle Vmax % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 36.81 27.84 12.34 22.46 12.34 21.98 18.53 13.34 8.76 17.35 8.56 9.84 13.56 16.87 22.46 21.24 6.78 13.65 18.68 12.65 15.47 8.76 17.68 14.30 21.34 45.24 22.23 23.88 33.85 21.20 36.54 22.34 37.84 27.65 33.24 28.24 21.23 22.40 26.18 32.56 34.78 12.24 28.75 14.55 19.82 28.65 12.56 32.23 24.27 19.84 22.90 -20.15 93.52 50.71 71.80 66.24 20.56 183.66 215.64 91.59 229.91 115.75 65.19 55.19 44.97 63.75 80.53 110.62 -21.57 56.68 85.20 43.38 82.30 69.72 -7.03 n Mean SD Max Min 25 16.54 6.78 36.81 6.78 25 26.50 8.11 45.24 12.24 25 74.84 62.47 229.91 -21.57 97 Group 4: Tooth Mousse Plus®. Specimen Pre-cycle Vmax Post-cycle Vmax % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 48.19 18.13 32.30 14.21 22.29 33.91 13.93 37.42 12.86 43.01 30.87 45.03 42.07 36.94 39.67 45.48 17.02 38.25 37.50 16.83 23.47 19.40 30.40 22.79 12.80 31.34 22.23 31.23 18.56 24.80 32.12 28.76 32.29 16.90 41.32 32.24 48.60 44.64 39.65 31.23 43.25 24.37 42.24 32.45 26.75 24.30 18.90 32.50 24.50 14.50 -34.97 22.61 -3.31 30.61 11.26 -5.28 106.46 -13.71 31.42 -3.93 4.44 7.93 6.11 7.34 -21.28 -4.90 43.18 10.43 -13.47 58.94 3.54 -2.58 6.91 7.50 13.28 n Mean SD Max Min 25 16.54 6.78 36.81 6.78 25 30.39 9.12 48.60 14.50 25 10.74 28.18 106.46 -34.97 98 Group 5: Clinpro® + Colgate total®. Specimen Pre-cycle Vmax Post-cycle Vmax % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9.54 18.15 7.65 9.70 11.42 7.39 13.65 7.85 34.79 18.65 15.76 17.94 21.48 33.65 36.74 29.60 16.82 39.14 17.53 6.88 13.72 9.46 17.45 21.83 7.54 21.34 25.64 28.64 7.23 24.35 22.65 39.12 22.34 32.34 29.84 22.54 32.14 40.23 29.12 51.23 42.21 42.45 34.56 47.65 22.34 33.76 32.31 22.56 18.56 8.65 123.69 41.19 274.38 -25.46 113.22 206.50 186.59 184.59 -7.04 60.00 43.02 79.15 87.29 -13.46 39.44 42.60 152.38 -11.70 171.82 224.71 146.06 241.54 29.28 -14.98 14.72 n Mean SD Max Min 25 17.77 9.88 39.14 6.88 25 29.35 10.82 51.23 7.23 25 95.58 90.41 274.38 -25.46 99 Group 6: Tooth Mousse Plus® + Colgate Total®. Specimen Pre-cycle Vmax Post-cycle Vmax % change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28.65 19.57 41.62 17.90 23.47 16.53 24.50 23.56 25.96 17.49 43.40 18.96 27.65 51.32 43.71 28.82 39.97 38.55 36.88 32.65 29.70 19.76 21.64 19.83 29.21 32.24 18.35 52.24 18.69 24.34 31.23 18.45 22.45 32.25 18.35 51.37 21.45 28.86 46.89 38.14 32.56 41.67 39.70 38.76 31.60 24.65 22.45 19.87 22.40 32.24 12.53 -6.23 25.52 4.41 3.71 88.93 -24.69 -4.71 24.23 4.92 18.36 13.13 4.38 -8.63 -12.74 12.98 4.25 2.98 5.10 -3.22 -17.00 13.61 -8.18 12.96 10.37 n Mean SD Max Min 25 28.85 9.76 51.32 16.53 25 30.45 10.35 52.24 18.35 25 7.08 21.01 88.93 -24.69 100 Appendix II Time schedule and pH cycling protocol 101 Time 9 am : Treat Group A Treat: Vicco® (60s) Group B Treat: Colgate Total® (60s) Group C Treat: Clinpro® (180s) Wash Wash Wash Wash Demin Place in DEMIN Place in DEMIN Group E Treat: Colgate Total® (60s) + Clinpro® (180s) Group F Treat: Colgate Total® (60s) + TM Plus® (180s) Wash Wash Wash Place in DEMIN Place in DEMIN Place in DEMIN Place in DEMIN Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Remin Place in REMIN Remove REMIN Place in REMIN Remove REMIN Place in REMIN Remove REMIN Place in REMIN Remove REMIN Place in REMIN Remove REMIN Place in REMIN Remove REMIN Treat Vicco®(60s) Treat: Colgate Total®(60s) Treat: Clinpro® (180s) Treat: TM Plus® (180s) Treat: Colgate Total®(60s) + Clinpro® (180s) Treat: Colgate Total® (60s) + TM Plus® (180s) Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Demin Place in DEMIN Place in DEMIN Place in DEMIN Place in DEMIN Place in DEMIN Place in DEMIN Demin Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Remove DEMIN Treat Treat Vicco®(60s) Treat: Colgate Total®(60s) Treat: Clinpro® (180s) Treat: TM Plus® (180s) Treat: Colgate Total® (60s) + Clinpro® (180s) Treat: Colgate Total® (60s) + TM plus® (180s) Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Place in REMIN Place in REMIN Place in REMIN Place in REMIN Place in REMIN Place in REMIN 12 pm: Demin 2pm Remin Treat Wash 5pm Remin Group D Treat: Tooth Mousse Plus® (180s) 102 Time 9 am Group 1a & 1b 2a & b 3a & b 4a & b 5a & b 6a & b Time 12pm Group 1a&b 2a&b 3a&b 4a&b 5a&b Treatment Vicco® supernatant:60s Wash Put in Demin Colgate Total® supernatant:60s Wash Put in Demin Clinpro® paste: 180s Wash Put in Demin TMP® paste: 180s Wash Put in Demin Colgate Total® supernatant:60s Clinpro® paste: 180s Wash Put in Demin Colgate Total® supernatant:60s TMP®: 180s Wash Put in Demin Treatment Remove from Demin Wash Place in Remin Remove from Demin Wash Place in Remin Remove from Demin Wash Place in Remin Remove from Demin Wash Place in Remin Remove from Demin Wash Place in Remin 103 6a&b Time 2pm Group 1a&b 2a&b 3a&b 4a&b 5a &b 6a &b Remove from Demin Wash Place in Remin Treatment Remove from remin Vicco® supernatant:60s Wash Put in Demin Remove from remin Colgate Total® supernatant:60s Wash Put in Demin Remove from Remin Clinpro® paste:180s Wash Put in Demin Remove from remin TMP®: 180s Wash Put in demin Remove from remin Colgate Total® supernatant:60s Clinpro® paste: 180s Wash Put in demin Remove from remin Colgate Total® supernatant: 60s TMP®: 180s Wash Put in demin 104 Time 5 pm Group 1a &b 2a& b 3a&b 4a&b 5a&b 6a&b Treatment Remove from demin Vicco® supernatant:60s Wash Put in remin Remove from demin Colgate Total® supernatant:60s Wash Put in remin Remove from demin Clinpro® paste:180s Wash Put in remin Remove from demin TMP®: 180s Wash Put in remin Remove from demin Colgate Total® supernatant:60s Clinpro® paste: 180s Wash Put in remin Remove from demin Colgate Total® supernatant: 60s TMP®: 180s Wash Put in remin 105 Treatment Prep CENTRIFUGE SUPERNATANT Working solution Preparation COLGATE TOTAL® 150g paste + 450 ml DI (1:3 ratio) Mix in beaker Separate into two containers (by weight) VICCO® 60g paste + 180ml DI Mix in beaker Separate into two containers by weight 4000 rpm; 20 mins; temp 25®C COLGATE TOTAL®: 5ml x 75=375 ml VICCO®= 5 x 25=125 ml 3.4 litres/day 9am: Prepare DEMIN 300ml Demin stock Add water till 3 litres (10 times dilution) Calibrate pH meter with 4 and 7 Measure pH Add KOH till 4.4 pH Add DI till 3.4 litres 12pm: Prepare REMIN 300ml Remin stock Add water till 3 litres (10 times dilution) Calibrate pH meter with 4 and 7 Measure pH Add KOH till 7 pH Add DI till 3.4 litres 2pm: Prepare DEMIN 300ml Demin stock Add water till 3 litres (10 times dilution) 106 REMIN/DEMIN SOLUTION Calibrate pH meter with 4 and 7 Measure pH Add KOH till 4.4 pH Add DI till 3.4 litres 5pm: Prepare REMIN 300ml Remin stock Add water till 3 litres (10 times dilution) Calibrate pH meter with 4 and 7 Measure pH Add KOH till 7 pH Add DI till 3.4 litres GRP 1:250 ML GRP2: 250 ML GRP 3:250 ML GRP 3:250 ML GRP 4:250 ML GRP 5:250 ML GRP 6:250 ML 107 Appendix III Statistical analysis and raw data 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Appendix IV Abstract of the paper presentation at the 23rd Congress of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry in Athens, Greece. (oral presentation) 117 REMINERALIZING ACTION OF CPP-ACP REAGENTS ON ARTIFICIAL CARIOUS LESIONS Sakshi Buckshey1, Robert Anthonappa1, Nigel King1, Anut Itthagarun2 1 Paediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR. 2 Paediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry and Oral Health, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of CPP-ACP containing pastes; Clinpro® (500ppm tri-calcium phosphate +950ppm sodium fluoride) and Tooth Mousse Plus® (10% CPP-ACP+900ppm sodium fluoride) in remineralizing artificial enamel carious lesions. Design: Fifty extracted human third molars were cleaned of soft tissue debris and inspected for any cracks, caries or hypoplasia. The teeth were painted with an acid resistant nail varnish leaving a 1mm window on the buccal and lingual surfaces and then immersed in a demineralizing solution for 96 hours, to produce artificial carious lesions 90-180μm deep. Subsequently, the teeth were sectioned longitudinally through the lesion to produce sections that were approximately 100-150μm thick. The tooth specimens were randomly divided into four groups (n=29) and treated with a non-fluoridated or fluoridated paste (for 1 min), Clinpro® or TM Plus® pastes (for 3 min) in a 10 day pH cycling model. Lesion depth (LD) and mineral content (Vmax) for each specimen were evaluated using polarized light microscopy (PLM) and microradiography (MRG) before and after the pH cycle. Paired t-test, ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls tests were employed to make comparisons within, and between the different treatment groups. Results: Significant differences were evident when comparisons were made between the pre- and post-treatment specimens within each group. When multiple comparisons were made, specimens treated with Clinpro® exhibited the greatest reduction in LD and increase 118 in Vmax as compared to the other treatment groups. Conclusion: A three minute application of Clinpro® exhibited a higher efficacy in remineralizing artificial enamel carious lesions than TM Plus®. Word count: 250 119 Appendix V List of published studies on CPP-ACP 120 Table V.1: Evidence from in vitro studies Author/year Aim Sample Intervention Reynolds, 1997 To evaluate Extracted human third molars Remineralizing solutions for 10 days -the ability of CPPACP solution to remineralize -the effect of concentration -the effect of pH Yamaguchi et al, 2006 To evaluate mechanical properties of enamel remineralized by CPP-ACP using ultrasonic device Extracted bovine incisors Outcome measures Microradiography SEM Conclusion CPP-ACP is effective in remineralization 1% CPP- pH 7 0.1% CPP- pH 7 0.5% CPP- pH 7 0.5% CPP- pH 7.5 0.5% CPP- pH 8 0.5% CPP- pH 8.5 0.5% CPP- pH 9 Microphotometry Dose dependent efficacy and highest at pH 7 All specimens stored in artificial saliva (4 weeks) and subject to 10 min in demineralizing agent twice a day SEM CPP-ACP was effective Sonic velocity of ultrasonic waves -preventing demin -enhancing remin 2 groups: Treatment grp: 10 mins in 10 times diluted CPP-ACP before demin twice a day Yamaguchi et al, 2007 To evaluate mechanical properties of dentine remineralized by CPP-ACP using ultrasonic device Extracted bovine incisors Placebo grp: 10 min in placebo paste before demin twice a day All specimens stored in artificial saliva and subjected to Treatment group: 10 min in 10 times diluted CPP-ACP before demin twice a day SEM Sonic velocity of ultrasonic waves CPP-ACP was effective in -preventing demin -enhancing remin of dentine substrate 121 Oshiro et al., 2007 Rahiotis et al., 2007 To evaluate the Extracted effect of CPP-ACP bovine paste on incisors demineralization of bovine enamel and dentine To evaluate the effect of CPP-ACP paste on Extracted human third molars -Demineralization of sound human dentin -remineralization of artificial caries lesions on dentin surfaces Pai et al 2008 Evaluate remin of incipient enamel lesions by topical application of CPPACP Extracted human premolar s and third molars Placebo group: 10 min in placebo paste before demin twice a day All specimens stored in artificial saliva and subjected to FE-SEM CPP-ACP was effective in preventing demineralization of enamel and dentine substrates compared to placebo Surface analysis CPP-ACP treatment Treatment group: 10 min in 10 times diluted CPP-ACP before demin twice a day Placebo group: 10 min in placebo paste before demin twice a day Group A and B Treatment prior to demin Grp A: TM (5 min) Grp B:no agent Treatment after demin Grp C: TM applied (5 min) Grp D:no agent Test group: once daily -3 min application of tooth mousse for 14 days -decreased dentine demineralization -increased dentine remineralization SEM Laser fluorescence Topical application of CPP-ACP cream results in significant remineralization of enamel lesions 122 Rees et al 2007 To examine whether a single topical application of proenamel or tooth mousse would prevent enamel erosion Extracted unerupte d third molars Three groups with 10 samples each: Grp A:Tooth mousse-15 min Surface profilometry Tooth mousse and proenamel may offer a degree of protection from erosion of permanent enamel Grp B: Proenamel15min Grp C: water (control group) Specimens were then exposed to an erosive challenge of 250 ml of a 0.2% citric acid solution for 1 h. (recommends longer application time) 123 Table V.2: Evidence from in vivo studies Author / year Study design Shen et al, 2001 Aim Sample population Intervention Control Outcome Conclusion Determine the ability of CPPACP in sugar free gum to remineralize enamel lesions 30 subjects 3 types of gum: Crossover trial MRG -Sorbitol based pellet 14 day test period with one week washout between interventio ns Addition of CPPACP to chewing gums produces dose related increase in remineralization Extracted human third molars -Sorbitol based slab removal palatal appliance -Xylitol based pellet Independent of the gum type and the weight Different conc of CPP-ACP: 0.19mg, 10mg,18.8mg, 56.4mg 20 min chewing +20 min exposure Cai et al, 2003 Effect of CPPACP present in a sugar free lozenge on enamel remineralizati on 10 subjects Extracted human third molars 4 times a day/14 days Lozenge containing -56.4 mg CPPACP -18.8mg CPPACP Removable palatal appliance -no CPP-ACP Crossover trial: 14 day test period with a one week washout in between interventio ns MRG Dose related increase in remineralization Lozenges are a suitable system for the delivery of CPP-ACP 124 Reynolds et al 2003 Retention in plaque and remineralizati on of enamel lesions by calcium in a mouthrinse or a sugar free gum 30 subjects Extracted human third molars Control: no lozenge, nil treatment Mouthrinse trial -2% CPP-ACP -6% CPP-ACP -Ca+Po4 slurry Removable palatal appliance -de-ionised water Crossover trial 14 day test period with one week washout between interventio ns Mouthrinse trial -plaque calcium and inorganic PO4 analysis -plaque CPP analysis Chewing gum trial -pellet or slab containing Chewing gum studies: -CPP detected in plaque 3 hrs after chewing Chewing gum study -CPP-ACP superior to other forms of Ca in remineralizing -CPP level in plaque CaHPO4/ CaCo3 Only CPP-ACP mouthrinse increased plaque calcium and Po4 levels -EM CaCo3 CPP-ACP Mouthrinse study: -enamel remineraliz ation Enamel lesions. MRG CPP-ACP gum produced twice Pellet: 20 min chewing 4x day/14 days Slab: 5 min. Chewing 7x day/7 days Iijima et al 2004 Acid resistance of 10 subjects Chewed 2 pellets containing 9.5 mg of CPP-ACP per piece for 20 min 3 x day/ 4 days Treatment: Crossover 125 enamel lesions remineralized by a sugar free chewing gum containing CPP-ACP Extracted human third molars Removable palatal appliance Sugar free gum containing 18.8 mg of CPP-ACP Control: gum with no CPPACP trial the remineralization 14 day test period with one week washout between interventio ns Mineral remineralized with CPP is more resistant to subsequent acid challenge 20 min chewing 4 times a day/14 days Itthagarun et al 2005 Effects of gum containing urea, urea with dicalcium phosphate or urea with CPP-ACP complex for 20 min after food on the remineralizati on of artificial caries lesions 12 subjects Extracted human third molars After each treatment, half of the lesions were acid challenged for 8 or 16 hrs Three gums: All sugar free with 30 mg urea per piece -no calcium phosphate Removable lower appliance 21 day test period -25mg dicalcium phosphate dehydrate -47mg CPPACP 5 day washout between interventio ns MRG Gum containing no calcium showed no significant difference in lesion depth Calcium containing gum decreases lesion depth but to a lesser extent as compared to CPP-ACP containing gum 2 pieces of gum for 20 min (5 times a day) 126 Cai et al 2007 Effect of CPPACP in a sugar free chewing gum on enamel remineralizati on 10 subjects Extracted human third molars Removable palatal appliance Three treatments Crossover trial Sugar free gums (2 pellets) containing 14 days test period MRG Microdensitomet ry -20mg citric acid and 18.8 mg CPP-ACP All gums resulted in remineralization Addition of CPPACP resulted in highest remineralization Level of mineral after acid challenge was significantly greater for gum containing CPPACP -only 20mg citric acid -neither CPPACP nor citric acid Chewed 20 min 4 times/ day x 14 days Schirrmeister et al 2007 determine the effects of 4 chewing gums on artificial subsurface lesions 15 subjects for study Extracted bovine incisors Removable lower appliance with buccal wing Appliance retained for 40 min after chewing. After each treatment period, half of each remineralized block was acid challenged for 16 h at 37◦C 4 chewing Crossover gums: trial Two chewing gums (plus/minus zinc citrate)contain ed: -dicalcium phosphate (3.9%) -calcium gluconate 14 day test period One week washout between interventio ns MRG No significant difference between calcium containing and calcium free chewing gums with regard to mineral change and lesion depth No significant difference between treatment and 127 (1.8%)calcium lactate (0.45%) control group CPP-ACP (0.7%) No calcium Control: No chewing gum Chewed 20 min 4 times/day x 14 days Manton et al 2008 Walker et al 2009 Compare efficacy of three commercially available gums in remineralizing lesions in situ Compare remineralizati on of subsurface enamel lesions in situ after drinking 100 ml of milk containing 0.02% or 0.3% CPP-ACP for 30 sec once daily for 15 days 10 subjects Extracted human third molars Removable palatal appliance 10 subjects Extracted human molars Appliance worn 20 min after chewing Treatment Trident white (CPP-ACP 10 mg per serve) Crossover trial 14 day test period MRG Microdensi -tometry Orbit: xylitol gum Orbit professional: xylitol Chewed 20 min 4 times/day for 14 days Bovine milk containing Treatment Crossover trial 15 day test period MRG Microdensi -tometry Chewing of Trident white gum (10 mg CPP-ACP) produced greater remineralization of subsurface lesions than Orbit and Orbit professional gum Dose related increase in remineralization compared to control 0.2% CPP-ACP Removable palatal appliance 0.3% CPP-ACP Control: No added CPPACP One week washout between interventio ns Addition of CPPACP significantly increases the remineralization potential of milk 100 ml milk 128 sipped (5-8 sips) in 30 secs once a day for 15 days Cai et al 2009 Compare the remineralizati on efficacy of four Sugar-free gums, two containing calcium in a in situ model 10 subjects Extracted human molars Removable palatal appliance Appliance retained in mouth for 40 min following milk Four sugar free gums: Trident Xtra Care: contains CPP-ACP Orbit professional: added calcium carbonate with citric acid Crossover trial 14 day test period MRG Microdensi tometry One week washout between interventio ns No correlation between stimulated saliva flow rates or saliva calcium levels and measurements of enamel remineralization Orbit: sugar free gum Extra: sugar free gum Walker et al 2010 Investigate the potential of CPP-ACP when added to candy to slow the progression of enamel subsurface lesions in an in situ model Study 1: 10 subjects Chewed 20 min 4 times/ day for 14 days Candy containing Crossover trial Study 2: 14 subjects -sugar (control) 65% sugar + 33% glucose 10 day test period Extracted human molars Removable palatal appliance -sugar free (control) -sugar + 0.5% CPP-ACP -sugar + 1.0% CPP-ACP One week washout between interventio ns MRG Consumption of sugar candy containing CPPACP caused significant remineralization of lesions Dose related response with CPP-ACP Sugar + 1.0% CPP-ACP remineralization > sugar free candy -sugar free + 129 0.5% CPP-ACP Consume 1 candy 6 times/day x 10 days (average dissolution time : 10min) Incorporation of CPP-ACP into sugar candy can reduce their cariogenicity 130 Table V.3: Evidence from clinical trials that used CPP-ACP and have been published in the English literature. Author/year Aim Subject Intervention Control Outcome Conclusion Morgan et al 2008 Progression and regression of approximal caries in subjects chewing gum with and without CPPACP 2720 healthy children Treatment grp: Sorbitol based gum chewed 3 times daily for 10 min per session Caries progression or regression at 24 months Treatment group: odds of the surface experiencing caries 18% < control gum Approximal caries diagnosed with bitewing radiograph CPP-ACP sugar free gum slowed progression and enhanced regression of approximal caries Following bracket removal Following bracket removal Laser fluorescenc e Treatment: twice daily application of CPP-ACP as toothpaste (3 months) followed by normal use of F dentrifice (1000 ppm) Conventi onal 0.5% NaF rinse once daily along with standard F dentrifice for 6 months No significant difference in clinical WSL scores but more no. of sites disappeared after 12 months with CPP-ACP Andersson et al 2007 Randomised Test : 1369 Control: 1351 Compare 26 healthy effect of CPPadolescents ACP cream and Fluoride mouthwash on regression of white spot lesions Gum containing 54 mg CPPACP chewed 3 times daily for 10 min per session CPP-ACP has a more aesthetically favourable outcome (3 months) Bailey et al 2009 To test lesion regression in a post 45 healthy adolescents After bracket removal After bracket removal Clinical visual assessment Lesions with severity codes 2 and 3: more 131 orthodontic population using F toothpastes and using F mouthrinses, with a CPPACP cream as compared to a placebo Twice daily application of 1g 10% CPP-ACP (TM) for 12 weeks (after brushing with a 1000 ppm NaF dentrifice) Twice daily similar applicatio n of placebo cream s according to ICDAS II criteria Transitions between examinatio n coded between progressing , regressing and stable regressed with CPP-ACP cream at 12 weeks No significant difference in transition scores between grps Greater remineralizatio n in CPP-ACP grp. 132 Table V.4: Evidence from literature reviews on the use of CPP-ACP that have been published in the English literature. Author/year Aim Reynolds 2008 To determine scientific evidence for 3 remineralization systems in the non invasive treatment of early carious lesions Methods Scientific evidence based on published original studies (papers and abstracts) reporting the -CPP-ACP (Recaldent) testing of the -unstabilized ACP (ACP three systems or enamelon) and their use in -bioactive glass randomised containing calcium control caries sodium phosphosilicate trials (Novamin) Presentation Conclusion Tabulated evidence, quotes, papers and result (yes/no) under: Enamelon: anticariogenic efficacy for root caries Animal studies In-vitro: -promoting remineralization -preventing demineralization In-vivo: promoting remineralization -preventing demineralization Recaldent: slowing progression and promoting regression of coronal caries Calcium phosphate based remineralization technologies as an adjunctive to F therapy Randomised control clinical trial Azarpazooh and Limeback 2008 Systematically review the clinical trials of casein derivatives used in dentistry Includes randomised and quasirandomised controlled trials testing efficacy of casein derivatives in dental applications 12 original studies 9: caries prevention 1: WSL regression 1:survey on relief of dry mouth symptoms 1:effect on dentine hypersensitivity Measured strength and quality of evidence Quantity and quality of clinical trial evidence are insufficient to make conclusions regarding long term effectiveness of casein derivatives, specifically CPP-ACP in preventing caries in vivo and treating dentine hypersensitivity and dry mouth 133 DT Zero 2009 Reynolds 2009 Yengopal and Mickenautsch 2009 To independently confirm findings of the in-situ models using other methods that closely model clinically relevant conditions Included in vivo/in situ studies and clinical trials To determine the scientific evidence to support a role for this CPP-ACP remineralization technology as an adjunct to F treatment Includes original studies in various caries model systems and clinical trials Analyse if CPP-ACP when introduced into oral environment provide caries benefit superior to any other intervention or placebo using meta-analysis English language clinical trials (randomised or quasirandomised; in situ or in vivo) or systematic reviews (with or without meta analysis) of published trials reporting on efficacy of CPP-ACP using any mode of delivery Studies were reviewed and Three in situ demin models Eight in situ remin models Tabulated along with the results discusses remineralization increment and critically views studies in relation to methodology, type of appliance, simulation of actual oral situation Identified and divided studies based on model and factor studied. Includes result as yes/no Five in-situ RCT pooled for meta analysis Pooled results show weighted mean difference of percentage remineralization The clinical effects of CPP-ACP in paste form with or without F have not yet been substantiated by scientific evidence. Topically applied F remains the standard of care for anti-caries effectiveness Evidence exists to support the clinical use of the CPP-ACP technology as an adjunct to F treatment in the non invasive management of early carious lesions Within the limitations of this systematic review with metaanalysis, the results of the clinical in situ trials indicate a short term remineralization effect of CPP-ACP CPP-ACP (18.8 mg)> CPP-ACP (10 mg)> plain gum >placebo In vivo RCT results suggest a caries preventing effect for long term clinical CPPACP use One long term RCT: odds of caries is 18% less in subjects chewing 54mg Further RCT are needed in order to confirm these initial results in vivo 134 quality assessed independently CPP-ACP than controls 135 Table V.5: Evidence from published studies investigating CPP-ACP for more than anti-cariogenic reasons that have been published in the English literature. Author/year Aim Sample population Intervention Outcome measure Conclusions Effect of incorporating CPPACP into GIC Extracted human molars Box shaped cavity filled with GIC acid demin test MALDI-MS (laser desorption/ mass spectroscopy)detect CPP in soln Incorporation of CPP-ACP increased compressive and microtensile bond strength Study design Mazzaoui et al 2003 In vitro study 1.56% CPP-ACP incorporated into GIC Cylinders- to test comprehensive strength Disc-test setting time Lesion formation: 4 days ten Cate &Duijusters 1982 Bar- (half dentine and half GIC): microtensile bond strength Ramalingam Determine concentration of et al 2005 CPP-ACP added to In-vitro a sports drink that study would eliminate invitro erosion Extracted human third molars SEMmicrostructure of cement Compressive strength; microtensile bond strength Specimens exposed to solution for 30 min Powerade sports drink (PA) PA+CPP-ACP at 4 conc 0.063%,0.09%, 0.125% and 0.25% SEM Enhanced release of Ca, P and F ions and enhanced protection of adjacent dentine from demineralization pH increased and titrable acidity decreased with increasing conc of CPP-ACP except 0.063% CPPACP, all other concentrations effectively eliminate erosive step lesions 136 Lennon et al Effect of tooth casein/calcium 2006 phosphate (CaSCP) In vitro against erosion study Extracted lower bovine incisors All specimens rinsed with 1% citric acid (pH 2.3) for 30 min six times a day (14 days) Stylus profilometry Highly concentrated AmF gel can protect enamel against erosion while 5% CaSCP and 250 ppm F provide little protection when used individually or in combination Stereomicrosco py to study enamel TM reduced erosion depth in enamel and dentin/cementum by 30% Rinsed continuously in artificial saliva between erosions Treatment (120 sec twice a day) Grp 1 :control Grp 2:CasCP (120secs) Grp 3: 250 ppm F Grp 4: CasCP +250 ppm F Grp 5:amine F (12500 ppm) Piekarz et al 2008 In-vitro study Tantbirojn et al 2008 In vitro study Effectiveness of TM in reducing erosion of coronal enamel and radicular dentine/cementum in vitro simulating a wine judging session Extracted human maxillary premolars Evaluate if CPP-ACP Extracted bovine can reharden incisors enamel softened by a cola Effect of different Dipped in wine and artificial saliva for 1 min each alternately using dipping machine 1500 times TM effective in reducing wine erosion in both enamel and dentin/cementum Test grp:TM applied every 20 cycles for 4 min, wash for 2 min Phase 1: All specimens immersed in cola for 8 min Knoop hard ness number Softened enamel hardened after 4 applications of CPPACP paste along with continous artificial 137 saliva substitutes on enamel hardness Treatment: saliva for 48 hours CPP-ACP applied: 3 min Presence of 1 ppm F did not enhance hardness At 0,8,24,36,hrs Biotene mouthwash softened enamel further Control: no treatment Phase II: placed in 0.4 ml/min drip with various saliva substitutes( 48 hrs) -saliva with soln (SLS) -SLS with 1 ppm F -Biotene mouthwash Mathias et al 2009 In vitro study Evaluate surface hardness of enamel after micro abrasion with or without using remineralization agent, CPP-ACP Extracted human anterior teeth Three groups: All stored in artificial saliva for 30 days Grp A:Microabrasion (11% HCl acid and fine powdered pumice slurry) Surface profilometric analysis A combination of the micro abrasion procedure and CPPACP application reduced the enamel surface roughness significantly as compared to microabrasion done alone Grp B: microabrasion followed by CPPACP once a day for 3 min x 30 days Grp C: No preparation 138 Srinivasan et al 2010 In situ study Tang and Miller 2010 Clinical trial Compare the remineralization potential of pastes containing CPP-ACP and CPP-ACP with 900 ppm fluoride on human enamel softened by a cola drink Test if a chewing gum containing (CPP-ACP) was effective in reducing tooth sensitivity associated with inoffice whitening procedures Five subjects Three groups: Removable midpalatal appliance CPP-ACP(TM) Extracted human third molars Erosion: Immersed in 5ml of fresh cola drink (Coca Cola, India) (pH 2.3) for 8 min at room temperature 88 healthy patients Surface microhardness CPP-ACP with 900 ppm F (TM plus) Percentage surface hardness increases from post-erosion stage: CPP-ACP +900 ppm F >CPP-ACP >Control Control group: saliva Confirmed the synergistic effect of F with CPP-ACP on remineralization of eroded enamel Single application per day for 3 min Appliance wore 10 hours/day removed during meals Single visit, in office whitening treatment with 15% hydrogen peroxide augmented by light for one hour Three study groups: Grp A: sugar free gum with CPPACP Grp B: no agent Grp C: sugar free gum without CPP-ACP 24 hour post whitening questionnaire Sensitivity following whitening procedure: Presence, duration, intensity of sensitivity and effect of agent Group A and C<group B (no significant difference between Grp A and C) Using sugar free gum (with and without CPP-ACP) could reduce intensity of tooth sensitivity associated with in office whitening procedures Chewing one piece of gum for 10 minutes every hour – 12 pieces 139 Adebayo et al 2009 Evaluate Four groups 20 days (a) the surface morphology of acid etched/conditioned enamel following carbamide peroxide bleaching with/without CPP-ACP containing Tooth Mousse Grp 1:no treatment Applied for 60 min daily for 7 days b) the nature of the bonded resin– enamel interfaces formed with a selfetching primer adhesive. four subgroups for etching/conditioning: Grp 2:16% carbamide peroxide bleaching; Grp 3:CPP-ACP paste; Grp 4: bleaching and CPP-ACP paste Grp A:CSE Primer only; The use of a CPPACP paste with or without prior bleaching did not inhibit enamel etching. Enamel etching/conditioning may help improve bonding efficiency of the self-etching primer adhesive after CPP-ACP treatment. Grp B: 30–40% phosphoric acid and CSE primer; Grp C:15% EDTA and CSE primer; Grp D:20% polyacrylic acid and CSE primer 140