welcome to mt - Mt Olive Lutheran Church

2103 Mt. Olive Church Rd., Newton, N.C.
Website: www.mtolivenewton.org
Email: mtolivenewton@bellsouth.net
Facebook: www.mtolivenewton.org/facebook
Rev. Ralph Abernethy, III, Pastor
2987 Kay Street, Conover, NC. 28613
Office Phone: 464-2407
Home Phone: 464-0026
[Jesus said:] “ What then is this that is written: 'The
stone that the builders rejected has become the
cornerstone’ ? Everyone who falls on that stone will be
broken to pieces, and when it falls on anyone, it will
crush him.” St. Luke 20:17-18.
The Fifth Sunday in Lent
March 17, Anno Domini 2013
Today at Mt. Olive we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. In
this Sacrament we receive, in repentance and faith, Christ’s true Body and
Blood for the forgiveness of sins. To partake of the Sacrament here is to
give a public confession to our unity in the teachings of the Christian
Faith. It is a statement that the communicant agrees with the Faith as it is
believed and taught at Mt. Olive. Members of sister congregations of the
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod are asked to announce themselves to the
Pastor before the service if communing here for the first time. Members
of non-LCMS churches are invited to come forward during the
distribution of the Sacrament for a pastoral blessing.
The burgundy Lutheran Service Book will be used this morning
Divine Service Setting Two
The Hymn of Invocation “Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain” # 435
The Confession of Sins………………………………………...pg. 167
The Introit (Chanted,
whole verse by whole verse: see insert)
The Kyrie..............................................................................pg. 168
The Salutation………………………………………………pg. 172
The Collect of the Day
(see insert)
The Scripture Readings
The Gradual (Chanted after the First Reading: see insert)
The Hymn of the Day
The Sermon:
“Jesus, I Will Ponder Now”
“Killing the Heir”
St. Luke 20:9-11
# 440
The Apostles’ Creed……………………………………………pg. 175
The Prayers
The Offering and Offertory…………………………………. pg. 176
Service of the Sacrament ………………………pg. 177 and following
The Communion Hymn (sung during the Distribution)
“Christ, the Light of All the Living” # 420
Post Communion Collect ……………………………………...pg. 183
The Benediction…………………………………………….pg. 183
The Departing Hymn
“The Church’s One Foundation”
Notes & Announcements
# 644
March 17, 2013
Welcome to Mt. Olive Lutheran Church! We are happy
that you are here to worship with us this morning. Our prayer
is that you will be strengthened in your faith through the
Gospel of Christ. Please sign our Friendship Rite pad and
join us again whenever you can.
Supper & Lenten Services - A light supper is served prior
to our evening Lenten services, beginning at 5pm. The
evening Lenten services follow at 6pm. This week’s meal
will be provided by our Board of Church Properties.
A door offering will be collected today to help defray the
medical expenses of a fellow member of the Body of Christ.
The Board of Education will meet following the service.
Are you a Thrivent member? If so, you may have Choice
Dollars. Each Thrivent member is allocated $25 to $500
annually which can be contributed to Mt. Olive. To allocate
your funds to Mt. Olive, even if you have called in the
past, you need to call again to have your 2013 funds
allocated. If you qualify for Choice Dollars (you can find out
if you qualify by calling), please call 1-800-847-4836 and
follow the steps below.
When prompted, say, “Thrivent Choice.”
When prompted say, “Choice Dollars.”
Say or enter your social security number. (Have your
member number handy as well as Thrivent is changing
from social security numbers to member numbers.)
Press 1 to direct Choice Dollars.
A representative will than work with you to direct
Choice Dollars.
The deadline, due to the Easter holiday schedules, is
Wednesday, March 27, 2013!
Our annual Easter egg hunt will be held on Saturday, March 30th
at 3pm. We need donations of candy to fill the eggs. A box is
placed at the back of the church for the donations. Please, no
hard candy.
I would like to sincerely thank our Mt. Olive family for all the
expressions of love and concern you have shown to us
during these past few weeks. We cannot begin to express
what this has meant to us in such a difficult time. Also, we
deeply appreciate our Pastor Abernethy’s loving pastoral
care exhibited to the family and especially to I.A. As he said
in this wonderful and uplifting funeral sermon, he is now
experiencing wonders that we can only imagine in the
presence of Jesus and all the Saints.
-Love, Betty Travis & family
Gifts were given to the General Fund by Joe & Rosie Bolick,
Bobby & Linda Howard, and Annie Hass, in loving memory of
Martha Johnson. A gift was given to the General Fund by Annie
Hass in loving memory of I.A. Travis.
+We extend Christian sympathy to the family and friends of
Johnny Goforth. Johnny joined the Church Triumphant this
past Friday.
+We extend Christian sympathy to Annie Lee Sigmon and
family upon the death of her uncle, Ray Smith.
........Roger Goforth, moved to Brian Center on Tate Blvd.
Phyllis Goforth, Ulrike Wright, Jessica Huffman, Lydia Mathis,
Henry Musaeus, Inez Baird, Joe Dale Bolick,
Georgia Goforth, Ray Bowman, Betty & Mark Wallace,
Cooper Zesiger, Arman Sajjad, and Daisy Owens.
……Lucille Price, aunt of Lloyd Bailey;
……Alyssa Clark, niece of Jessica Huffman;
……Stephanie Clark, sister of Jessica Huffman;
……Silver Abernethy, mother of Pastor Abernethy;
……Jon Ryan Powers, grandson of Bonnie Payne:
……Bill Watts, friend of Harold Unger;
……Jean Brooks, mother of Lloyd Bailey;
……Steven Tisi, dad of Jessica Huffman;
……Phyllis Watson, niece of Larry Teague;
……Janice Bolick, sister of Lydia Mathis;
……Kevin McKee, grandson of Harold & Barbara Unger;
……Harvey Catchings, friend of Kenneth & Ulrike Wright;
……Rebecca Goble, sister of Betty Jones;
……Elizabeth Nichols, friend of Lloyd & Tammy Bailey;
……Tia Duncan-Wright, niece of Kenneth & Ulrike Wright;
……Michael Sigmon, nephew of Linda Howard;
……Loy Punch, brother of Betty Travis;
……Nelda Lee, cousin of Linda Howard.
Serving in the Military: Steve Foxx, Derek Gregory,
Bryan Gregory, and Kent Caldwell. Nursing homes & shut-ins:
Roger Goforth, Allen Lester, and Betty Howard.
*Note: Bold denotes newest additions to the prayer list.
Palm Sunday (March 24th), in the Christian calendar, the Sunday
before Easter, sixth and last Sunday in
Lent, and the first day of Holy Week. It
recalls the entry of Jesus into
Jerusalem riding upon a donkey, when
his followers shouted “Hosanna” and
scattered palms in his path.
service will begin with a procession of
worshippers carrying palm branches into the church.
worshippers who are able are asked to kindly wait outside until the
Pastor comes to begin the service. The procession will move from
there into the church.
Maundy Thursday is the day on which
Jesus celebrated the Passover with his
disciples, sharing a meal with them which
we call the Last Supper. Our Maundy
Thursday Communion Service will begin at 6pm.
Good Friday - According to the Gospels,
Jesus was put to death on the Friday before
Easter Day. Our Good Friday service will
be held at 6pm.
Vigil of Easter– Our Easter Vigil Service
will begin at 8:00pm.
Sunrise Service
The worshippers will gather inside the
sanctuary. If weather permits, we will
process across the street to the cemetery.
Our service will begin at 7am. Breakfast
will be held following the Sunrise service.
There will be no Sunday school.
Easter Festival Service
Our Easter Festival Service with Holy
Communion will begin at 10am. We hope
you will join us as we celebrate the
resurrection of our Lord.
“He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.
Come, see the place where the Lord lay. –Matthew 28:6
The chancel flowers are given by Larry & Nancy Jo
Teague, to the glory of God, and in celebration of the
wedding of Lauren Yoder and Kyle May, which will take
place on Saturday, March 23rd. Flowers for next Sunday will
be provided by Joe & Rosie Bolick.
Serving in the Lord’s House during March:
Elders Assisting with Holy Communion:
Randy Moose & Harold Unger
Audra Goforth
Greeter: Mary Carpenter
David Goforth, Robin Goforth,
Robert Moose & Larry Teague
(Ushers, please collect attendance sheets)
Chancel Care:
Peggy Miller & Barbara Unger
Activities this week:
Today…………..9:00am-Sunday school
10:00am-Divine Service with Holy
after service/Board of Education
5:00pm-Lenten Meal (Board of Prop.)
6:00pm-Lenten Service
Tuesday….....1:00pm-LWML Meeting
(Devotions – Bonnie Payne)
Thursday…...6:30pm-Bible Study