Issued by the Administrator of Vehicle Standards in consultation with the Australian Motor Vehicle Certification Board comprising Commonwealth, State and Territory representatives CIRCULAR 0-12-3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CALIBRATION OF TEST EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION This Circular is relevant to the Third Edition of the Australian Design Rules gazetted as National Standards under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 Issue 2: Page 1 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 Page 2 of 19 Issue 2: TEST PROCEDURES CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION 5 2 DEFINITIONS 2.1 True Value 2.2 Accepted True Value 2.3 Accuracy 2.4 Uncertainty of Measurement 2.5 Measurement Standard 2.6 National Standard 2.7 Traceability 2.8 Calibration 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 REQUIREMENTS 5 4 CALIBRATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 4.1 Calibration Intervals 4.2 Personnel 4.3 Traceability 4.4 Uncertainty of Measurement 4.5 Repairs, Servicing and Maintenance 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 DOCUMENTATION 5.1 Calibration Procedures 5.2 Calibration Records 5.3 Calibration Schedule 5.4 Labelling 6 6 6 6 6 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6 7 REFERENCES 7 ANNEX 1 General ADR Tests 8 ANNEX 2 Vehicle Emission Tests 15 Issue 2: Page 3 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 Page 4 of 19 Issue 2: TEST PROCEDURES the measuring instrument. 1 INTRODUCTION The basic requirement for measurements made in Test Facilities for demonstration of compliance with Australian Design Rules is that the measurement should be of an accuracy such that compliance is clearly demonstrated. In order to assure this, it is necessary that test equipment and instruments be calibrated with traceability to a National Standard and that the uncertainty of measurement should be known. The following calibration requirements are based on those specified in Australian Standard 2415-1980, Calibration Systems Requirements. This Standard is compatible with United States Military Standard MIL-STD-45662-June 1980. 2 DEFINITIONS The following definitions are provided so that inspectors may have a clear understanding of the requirements expressed in this Circular. Inspectors should be aware that test facilities may use other nomenclature but in such cases the same principles should apply. 2.1 True Value “True Value” is the value which characterizes a quantity perfectly defined. 2.2 Accepted True Value “Accepted True Value” is a value found by measurement approximating the true value of a quantity such that, for the purpose for which that value is used, the difference between them can be neglected. 2.3 Accuracy “Accuracy” is a qualitative term describing the degree of closeness with which the indications of a measuring equipment approach the true value of the quantity measured. 2.4 Uncertainty of Measurement “Uncertainty of Measurement” is that part of the expression of the corrected result of a measurement which defines the range of values within which the accepted true value is estimated to lie. 2.5 Measurement Standard A “Measurement Standard” is a measuring instrument or equipment which physically defines a unit of measurement or value of a quantity. 2.6 National Standard A “National Standard” is a standard recognized by a national decision as the basis of fixing a value in a country of all other standards of that quantity. 2.7 Traceability “Traceability” is the concept of establishing a valid calibration of a measuring instrument by step by step comparison with better standards up to a National Standard. 2.8 Calibration “Calibration” is all the operations in the process which is necessary to ensure that a measuring system is producing a known acceptable accuracy including determining the values of the errors and uncertainty of measurement of Issue 2: CIRCULAR 0-12-3 3 REQUIREMENTS The principle used to assess whether a measurement provides demonstration of compliance with the Australian Design Rules is that the accepted true value of the measured quantity plus the uncertainty of measurement must be within the requirements of the ADR. To meet this requirement all measuring equipment must be in a known state of calibration at the time that a test is conducted. In order to minimize the effect of this requirement on test facility operations, it is not required that calibration of measuring equipment be undertaken before each test. Where a particular piece of measuring equipment is used infrequently it need not be maintained in a state of calibration and thus calibration before each test will be required. However, when equipment is being used regularly it is acceptable that a calibration was done within a period for which the test facility is confident that the calibration data remains valid. 4 CALIBRATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS A calibration management system should be planned, established and maintained to provide effective control over all measuring equipment and standards. Calibrations may be conducted either internally or externally but where the calibration service is provided by an external service the test facility must nevertheless maintain control over the equipment’s calibration interval, maintain appropriate records and ensure by means of assurance from the calibration service that calibrations are conducted to correct procedures. 4.1 Calibration Intervals To aid in the orderly inspection and assessment of Test Facilities carrying out tests demonstrating compliance with Australian Design Rules, tables have been prepared listing the equipment and instrumentation expected to be encountered in such testing together with suggested calibration intervals, and standards and references, where appropriate, for the calibration method. Where the measuring instrument is of a design for which there is a substantial body of experience these guidelines or any alternative period given by the equipment manufacturer will provide the test facility with the necessary confidence that the calibration will remain valid for the period. If the test facility uses measuring equipment for which it does not have experience or cannot make use of experience gained elsewhere it should undertake a program to build up such confidence. The quality of the equipment will be a factor in the determination of an appropriate calibration interval. The calibration periods given in the tables are provided as guidelines. If inspectors find that a test facility uses longer periods they should seek a justification for the period used. Such longer periods are acceptable if the facility is able to justify them by means of a history of calibrations which show that the measuring instrument Page 5 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 TEST PROCEDURES retains valid calibration data over that period. Most calibrations, in the attached tables, will be carried out by test facility staff experienced in such work and are marked with an asterisk in the tables. Calibrations usually of a specialist nature may also be carried out by an accredited Testing Facility The listings consist of General ADR Tests Annex 1 Vehicle Emission Tests Annex 2 The calibration frequency and standards referred to in the tables are similar to those employed by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) in Australia when assessing laboratories for registration in appropriate fields of testing. 4.2 Personnel The person in charge of calibration work should be suitably qualified for and experienced in the work involved. All other personnel engaged in calibration work shall be suitably trained for effective performance of their duties and be competent in those duties. 4.3 Traceability All relevant functions of the measuring equipment used by a test facility shall be calibrated over the ranges of values for which they are used, against measurement standards whose calibration is traceable to a National Standard. 4.4 Uncertainty of Measurement Where measuring equipment is calibrated against measurement standards which are themselves calibrated against other standards traceable to a National Standard the uncertainty resulting from each step in this process shall be taken into account in determining the uncertainty of measurement of the test equipment. There is no specific requirement that measurements taken for the purpose of demonstration of compliance be of any particular accuracy provided that, as stated above, the accuracy is such that the accepted true value plus uncertainty fall within the ADR requirement. However it would normally be expected that a reasonable commercial level of accuracy was achieved in those facilities conducting ADR tests. 4.5 Repairs, Servicing and Maintenance All items of measuring equipment should be handled so as to reduce to a minimum the possibility of damage. Where calibration of an equipment requires an adjustment, such adjustment should be sealed to prevent the adjustment from being inadvertently changed or tampered with. The calibration management system should ensure that any repair which affects the measuring function of an instrument or any evidence that a calibration adjustment has changed results in a further calibration being conducted. A programme of preventive maintenance for test and measuring equipment should be established and maintained to ensure continued reliability. CIRCULAR 0-12-3 New equipment should not be placed in service until its accuracy, performance and calibration has been checked. 5 DOCUMENTATION A Calibration Management System should ensure that calibrations are done when required and to the appropriate procedure and that the calibration status of the test equipment should be readily apparent to the user. 5.1 Calibration Procedures Documented procedures should be prepared and used for the calibration of all measuring equipment used by the test facility and for all corresponding measurement standards. The procedures should be published standard practices where these are available and appropriate, and should, in addition, be compatible with the equipment manufacturer’s instructions. 5.2 Calibration Records A calibration record should be maintained for each item of test equipment. It should include the following: 5.2.1 Description of the equipment i.e. manufacturer’s name, model, serial number 5.2.2 The means by which the equipment can be uniquely identified i.e. an identification or serial number. 5.2.3 Calibration interval and date due for next calibration 5.2.4 The applicable calibration procedure 5.2.5 A history of calibrations including any adjustments performed during calibration 5.2.6 Calibration values i.e. accuracy class or uncertainty 5.3 Calibration Schedule A schedule of the times at which calibration should be done on the various items of test equipment used by the facility should be maintained. Where the schedule includes instruments which should be calibrated on a routine basis it should be monitored to ensure that such instruments are calibrated at the appropriate interval. 5.4 Labelling The calibration status of each item of test equipment should be readily available to the user of the equipment. One means by which this can be achieved is to attach a label to the equipment which gives its identification number, calibration interval and the date when the next calibration is due. 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Certain parts of this document are based on Australian Standard 2415-1980 Calibration System Requirements. The Calibration data given in the Annexes has been collated from recommendations made by the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia and published in its “Guides to Assessors”. Page 6 of 19 Issue 2: TEST PROCEDURES Australian Standards 3903-1987/ISO 9003-1987 Quality Systems for Final Inspection and Test 7 REFERENCES Australian Standards 3901 - 1987/ISO 9001 - 1987 Quality Systems for Design, Development Production, Installation and Servicing Australian Standards 3904-1987/ISO 9004-1987 Quality Systems - Guide to Quality Management and Quality System Elements. Australian Standards 3902 -1987/ISO9002-1987 Quality Systems for Production and Installation Issue 2: CIRCULAR 0-12-3 Australian Standard 2415 - 1980 Calibration System Requirements Page 7 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 TEST PROCEDURES ANNEX 1 GENERAL ADR TESTS Standards for Test Facility Equipment, Instrumentation and Calibration CONTENTS Accelerometer Ammeters Balance Barometer Dial Gauges Extensometers Force Testing Machines Type 1 Mechanical Force Measuring System Type 2 Hydraulic or Pneumatic Force Measuring System and Vacuum Testers Type 3 Electrical Force Measuring System Gauge Blocks Hardness Testers for Metals Hardness Testers for Rubber, Plastics and Ebonite Load Cells Masses Micrometers Photometers Pressure and Vacuum Gauges and Gauge Testers Proving Devices for Calibration of Force Testing Machines Relative Humidity Sound Level Meters Steam Generators Stop Watches Thermometers Tachometers Vehicle Speed and Distance Velocity Voltmeters CIRCULAR 0-12-3 Page 8 of 19 Issue 2: TEST PROCEDURES ITEM MAXIMUM PERIOD BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE CALIBRATIONS CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE REFERENCE STANDARD ANNEX 1 GENERAL ADR TESTS ACCELEROMETER 1. Reference Five years, Check every two years Calibrate against a known acceleration over complete operating range 2. Working Five years, Check annually Calibrate against standard accelerometer ‘turn over’ check (± one ‘g’) * Each use AMMETERS One year BALANCE Constant load, Substitution weighing, Three years Mechanical loading * Six months By a calibration authority using Standard Masses For procedure refer to ASTM E319 in addition * Three months Full scale deflection and linearity check. Other types with mechanical loading of all weights * Two Years Standard Masses No inbuilt weights over 100 mg * Three Years Standard Masses Electronic One Year By calibration authority * One month Full scale deflection and linearity check using Standard Masses Five Years (cleanliness of mercury, vacuum space and scale error) ASTM D3631; * One Month (single point) Comparison with standard barometer in the same location; alternatively Telephone comparison with nearest meteorology bureau. Five years ASTM D3631; * One Month (single point) Comparison with standard barometer in the same location; alternatively Telephone comparison with nearest meteorology bureau. Three Years ASTM D3631; * One Month (single point) Comparison with standard barometer in the same location; alternatively Telephone comparison with nearest meteorology bureau. BAROMETERS Fortin, mercury in glass Aneroid Electronic Issue 2: Page 9 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 ITEM DIAL GAUGES TEST PROCEDURES MAXIMUM PERIOD BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE CALIBRATIONS * Two years or less depending on use CALIBRATION PROCEDURE REFERENCE STANDARD Gauge Blocks Australian Standard 2103 - 1978 EXTENSOMETERS 1. Lever and Mirror Five years Australian Standard 1545 - 1976 Grade D (for proof stress test and load-extension curves for pre-stressing wires) or equivalent. 2. Micrometer Screw Five years Australian Standard 1545 - 1976 Grade B (for modulus of elasticity) or equivalent 3. Dial Indicator Two years 4. Recording types with electrical output Two years FORCE TESTING MACHINES (tension, compression, universal) Type 1 Mechanical Force Measuring System 1. Dead Weight Five years 2. Knife Edge Lever and Steel yard Five years 3. Pendulum Dynamometer Two years 4. Elastic Dynamometer (e.g. spring, ring and dial gauge) Two years Australian Standard 2193 - 1978 “Methods of Calibration and Grading of Force Measuring Systems of Testing Machines" or equivalent. Type 2 Hydraulic or Pneumatic Force Measuring System 1. Mechanical system incorporating a pneumatic or a hydraulic link e.g. proportioning cylinder Two years 2. Bourdon tube or diaphragm Pressure gauge as force indicator Six months 3. Type 2 fitted also with a master gauge which can be disconnected during normal testing One year (plus frequent checks by user of working gauge against Master gauge) 4. Bourdon tube or diaphragm gauge used only as a null detector for a mechanical system Two years 5. Bourdon tube with electrical transducer Two years CIRCULAR 0-12-3 Australian Standard 2193 - 1978 “Methods of Calibration and Grading of Force Measuring Systems of Testing Machines" or equivalent. Page 10 of 19 Issue 2: TEST PROCEDURES ITEM MAXIMUM PERIOD BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE CALIBRATIONS CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE REFERENCE STANDARD Type 3 Electrical Force Measuring Systems Two years Ditto GAUGE BLOCKS Used as reference standards Four years Used as working equipment Two years Against standard HARDNESS TESTERS FOR METALS 1. Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell machines including portable testers. * Routine check each day tester in use Inspection of indenter One year (partial calibration) Three years (complete calibration) Time to apply force Use of hardness blocks 2. Portable Brinell Microscopes One year Calibrated graticule 3. Diamond Indenters One year Inspection Three years Complete calibration (Rockwell, Vickers) HARDNESS TESTERS FOR RUBBER PLASTIC AND EBONITE 1. Dead weight testers for rubber Three years 2. Dead weight testers for plastics 3. Meters (durometers) Three years BS 903 Methods N A L M * Frequent checks by user on reference hardness blocks Standard hardness block LOAD CELLS Strain Gauge Load Cell * before each test Against calibrated universal force testing machine. Piezo Electric Load Cell * One year Calibrate against known load input One Year AS 2080 - 1983, Illuminat ‘A’ of CIE LUMINOUS TRANSMITTANCE MASSES 1. Reference masses of integral construction, stainless steel or nickel-chromium alloy Five years initial; Ten years subsequent 2. Reference masses, screw knob, stainless steel or nickel-chromium alloy Three years 3. Working masses, class B, stainless steel or nickelchromium alloy or integral, plated * Three years ASTM E617 4. Working masses, class B, not stainless steel or nickel-chromium alloy * One year ASTM E617 5. Working masses of accuracy below Class B including large masses used for proof tests on lifting gear. Five years Issue 2: Page 11 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 ITEM MICROMETERS (hand) TEST PROCEDURES MAXIMUM PERIOD BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE CALIBRATIONS CALIBRATION PROCEDURE REFERENCE STANDARD * Monthly or less dependent on use Check zero and anvil condition Five years Complete calibration to Australian Standard 2101 -1978 or 2102 - 1978 using Standard reference gauge blocks. PHOTOMETERS See Circular 0-12-5 PRESSURE AND VACUUM GAUGES AND GAUGE TESTERS Working gauges * One year Australian Standard 1349 - 1986 or BS 1780 (Part 2) . Test gauges used for calibration of working gauges Five years Pressure Transducers * Six monthly Manometer Ten years BS 1780 Dead weight Ten years BS 1780 PROVING DEVICES FOR CALIBRATION OF FORCE TESTING MACHINES Type 1 Elastic Devices 1. Dial Gauge for deflection measurement Two years 2. Micrometer Screw for deflection measurement (mechanical or optical indication) Five years 3. Electrical Deflection Measurement Two years Type 2 Proving Levers Five years Type 3 Masses Ten years RELATIVE HUMIDITY Standard 1. Assman hygrometers Ten Years (complete) * Six monthly CSIRO Division of Applied Physics Technical Paper 3,4 & 5 or equivalent 2. Sling type hygrometers * Six monthly (compare thermometers at room temperature with wick dry) ASTM E104-51 Recorders accurate to + 1% RH Two Years ASTM E77 Working recorders * Weekly Against standard Hygrometer * Each test Use piston phone Two years full frequency and amplitude spectrum as required by IEC 179 and IEC 651 One year Output frequency and level SOUND LEVEL METERS Sound Level Meter Piston phone CIRCULAR 0-12-3 Page 12 of 19 Issue 2: TEST PROCEDURES ITEM STEAM GENERATOR (ADR 15/00) MAXIMUM PERIOD BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE CALIBRATIONS CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE REFERENCE STANDARD * Yearly See Circular 15/00-9-1 Demisting of Windscreen Mechanical * Three Months Comparison against broadcast standard time signals over ten minutes minimum Quartz * One year Comparison against broadcast standard time signals over ten minutes minimum THERMOMETERS Liquid in Glass Reference Ten Years (complete) CSIRO Division of Applied Physics Technical Paper 4 & 5, ASTM E77 or equivalent STOPWATCHES * Six months (zero or ice point) Working AC Resistance Bridge * Six months (one point) Ten Years (complete) Platinum Resistance Ten Years (complete) Thermocouples Three Years TACHOMETERS Mechanical Reference Working Quartz Oscillator CSIRO Division of Applied Physics Technical Paper 4 & 5 or equivalent against reference thermometer CSIRO Division of Applied Physics Technical Paper 3 BS 1041 Five years * One year * in built check before each measurement. * on first commissioning or after major maintenance Strobe light against mains frequency * Three months Check against surveyed road distance * Each use Check against surveyed road distance * Three months Check against surveyed road distance * Each use Check against surveyed road distance (Using ‘gates’ and timer) * Each use Functional check Distance Five years if fixed; each use if set up Calibrated tape Timer One year Standard time signal VEHICLE SPEED By Fifth Wheel Mechanical Electronic (by Doppler signal) VEHICLE DISTANCE By Fifth Wheel Mechanical Electronic (by Doppler signal) BS 3403 SAE(Australasia)-T5033 VELOCITY Issue 2: Page 13 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 TEST PROCEDURES VOLTMETERS ITEM MAXIMUM PERIOD BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE CALIBRATIONS CALIBRATION PROCEDURE REFERENCE STANDARD Mechanical One year Against voltage standard Electronic One year Comparison with Standard meter CIRCULAR 0-12-3 Page 14 of 19 Issue 2: TEST PROCEDURES CIRCULAR 0-12-3 ANNEX 2 VEHICLE EMISSION TESTS Periodical Calibration of Reference Equipment for Vehicle Emission Testing Laboratories CONTENTS Constant Volume Sampler Correlation Car Density Measurement Dynamometers Dynamic Gas Blending Device Fans Flowmeters Gas Analysers Potentiometers Reference Gases SHED (Sealed Housing for Evaporative Determinations) Accuracy of Instrumentation for CVS Calibration Issue 2: Page 15 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 ITEM TEST PROCEDURES MAXIMUM PERIOD BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE CALIBRATIONS CALIBRATION PROCEDURE REFERENCE STANDARD ANNEX 2 VEHICLE EMISSION TESTS CONSTANT VOLUME SAMPLER Positive Displacement Pump * 500 Hours of use after stabilising period or major maintenance ADR 37/00 - Appendices 5 and 12. Critical Flow Venturi * As indicated by CVS system verification Reference Standard; Air Flow Meter (Laminar Flow Element, Subsonic Venturi or Orifice plate) Calibration traceable to National Standards. Accuracy 1% of air flow. System Verification Propane Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide * Weekly or after maintenance or servicing of system Using CP Propane (C3H8), Carbon Monoxide or Carbon Dioxide. System accuracy in the order of 2% Critical Flow Orifice or ‘bomb method’. NOTE: Precautions for use of pure carbon monoxide. CORRELATION CAR * As required to supplement other system verification methods. Approved in-house laboratory methods. Initial Australian Standard 2026 - 1977. glass * one year IP160; ASTM E126, metal * six months ISO R649. Density Bottles * two years BS 733; ASTM D941. DENSITY MEASUREMENT Hydrometer Reference Working DYNAMOMETERS Chassis Load scale * Knife edge - Five years * Pneumatic or Hydraulic link - Two years * Electronic - Two years * Bourdon tube - Six months Roller speed * Three monthly As part of power absorption calibration or more frequently if regular checks dictate. Power absorption * Monthly ADR 37/00 Appendices 4 and 12. Performance Check * Weekly Distance Measurement * Six Monthly Engine Load scale Speed r/min CIRCULAR 0-12-3 * Six monthly * Three Monthly Page 16 of 19 Issue 2: TEST PROCEDURES ITEM MAXIMUM PERIOD BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE CALIBRATIONS CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE REFERENCE STANDARD DYNAMIC GAS BLENDING DEVICE Standard Gas Divider * Yearly Using gas analyser and primary gas standards for each gas type. * Each use Single point * On commissioning or major overhaul Anemometer. Laminar Flow Element (LFE) 100 hours of use or 5 years whichever occurs first Cleaning and Calibration with calibration traceable to US National Standard within 1%. Unit should be sent to approved laboratory Smooth Approach Orifice Plate Ten years Cleaning and Calibration with calibration traceable to US National Standard within 1%. Unit should be sent to approved laboratory Venturi Flow Meter Ten years Cleaning and Calibration with calibration traceable to US National Standard within 1%. Unit should be sent to approved laboratory Anemometers Two years FANS Engine Cooling FLOWMETERS Air Flow Meter Rotameters (see Note) reference High flow more than 1 l/minute * Two years ASTM D3195 Low flow less than * Two years Soap bubble flow meter 1 l/minute NOTE:- In vehicle emission testing (gas analyser and CVS) rotameters are used as indicators of flow rather than a flow measuring device. Fuel Flowmeters * Six monthly GAS ANALYSER For motor vehicle exhaust emissions * span and zero check before and after each analysis on each analyser ADR 37/00 Appendices 10, 12 and 13 ADR 36/00, * Monthly. Recalibration of all analysers Minimum of six points at nominal 15,30,45,60,75,90 percent of range. (Not including zero) Calibration on all instruments. Using standard gases referenced to NBS or SAA Standard for Traceable Reference Gases (AS 2719-1984) Dynamic gas blending devices such as Standard Gas Divider with an accuracy of within 1% may be used for calibration. * Weekly ADR 37/00 - Appendix 10. NOx Converter Issue 2: Page 17 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 CIRCULAR 0-12-3 ITEM TEST PROCEDURES MAXIMUM PERIOD BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE CALIBRATIONS CALIBRATION PROCEDURE REFERENCE STANDARD Flame Ionization Detector HC Optimisation of Performance * On first commissioning yearly and after major maintenance HC oxygen quenching effect ADR 37/00 - Appendix 10 SAE J1094a Constant Volume Sampler System for Exhaust Emissions or instrument manufacturers recommendations. CO Analyser Interference of CO2 and H2O Exhaust Emissions of Engines at Idle NDIR CO, CO2 and HC * On first commissioning, yearly and after major maintenance ADR 37/00 Appendix 10. * Electrical check before each reading Manufacturers instructions * Weekly span and zero Gas check to manufacturers instructions Multi point calibration check using standard gases. * Monthly NOTE:- Non-linear instruments such as NDIR are not considered to be ‘linear’ when fitted with linearising circuits. POTENTIOMETERS Reference Five Years Working * One Year BS 9130 REFERENCE GASES Australian Standard 2719-1984 or Primary standards with traceability to NBS SRM preferably using SAA or EPA protocol. SHED (Sealed housing for evaporative determinations) Background emissions * Yearly H.C. retention check * Yearly H.C. Analyser (F.I.D.) * Monthly Minimum of six point calibration (not including zero)(see Gas Analysers). Homogeneity test * on commissioning or major service To ensure a homogeneous hydrocarbon concentration throughout SHED. Response time * on commissioning or major service Time to achieve homogeneity. Propane Recovery * on commissioning or major service Volume of SHED * on commissioning or major service CIRCULAR 0-12-3 ADR 37/00 Appendices 11 and 12. Page 18 of 19 Issue 2: TEST PROCEDURES CIRCULAR 0-12-3 ACCURACY OF INSTRUMENTATION FOR CVS CALIBRATION Calibration Data Measurement - for a Constant Volume Sampler (CVS) of: (i) Positive Displacement Pump (PDP) Type; or (ii) Critical Flow Venturi (CFV) Type PARAMETER SYMBOL TOLERANCE INSTRUMENT Atmospheric pressure PB ± 30 Pa Barometer Ambient Temperature TA ± 0.3oC Thermometer Air Temp. into LFE ETI ± 0.15oC Thermometer Pressure depression upstream of LFE EPI ± 10 Pa Manometer Pressure differential across LFE EDP ± 0.1 Pa Manometer PDP inlet; or PTI ± 0.3oC Thermometer CFV inlet TV ± 0.3oC Thermometer PDP inlet; or CFV inlet PPI ±10 Pa Manometer Pressure at PDP outlet PPO ±10 Pa Manometer Air temperature at PDP outlet (optional) PTO ± 0.3oC Thermometer PDP revolutions during test phase N ± one Revolution counter Elapsed time for test phase t ± 0.1 seconds Stopwatch or equivalent Air Flow (litres/minute) Qs ± 0.5 percent Laminar flow element or Air Temperature at: Pressure depression at: Sub-sonic Venturi flowmeter Issue 2: Page 19 of 19 CIRCULAR 0-12-3