Student Learning Outcomes page from the PCC Intranet (June 2016) Links have been removed as employee sign-in is required to access Intranet material. At Pima Community College, there are three levels of student learning assessments. Course SLO – A Course SLO is a clear statement or statements of what a student should learn and be able to demonstrate upon completing a course that can be assessed. Program SLO - A Program SLO is a clear statement of a student's proficiency level and the ability to reliably demonstrate achievements on the completion of the program of study, which can be assessed. A Program is defined as a credit subject area or set of subject areas that culminates in a degree, certificate, or a concentration or set of concentrations within a degree and/or certificate. General Education SLO – The College has five General Education SLOs which are meant to assess a student’s proficiency and abilities at the completion of College Catalog identified general education coursework. The five General Education SLOs are: 1. Communication – Effectively communicate information, ideas and/or arguments appropriate to the audience and purpose. 2. Critical and Creative Thinking – Identify and investigate problems and develop creative, practical, and ethical solutions by evaluating information and using appropriate methods of reasoning. 3. Quantitative and Scientific Literacy and Analysis – Use mathematical and scientific processes, procedures, data, or evidence to solve problems. 4. Information Literacy – Locate, evaluate, and use information from diverse sources in an effective and ethical manner. 5. Diverse cultural, historical, and global perspectives - Demonstrate understanding of the values and influence of diverse cultural, historical, and global perspectives. Integrating Student Learning Outcome information into all aspects of the College data-driven decision-making processes provides a culture of on-going continuous improvement in student learning and success. Assessment information is collected at all three levels of assessment: Course, Program, and General Education. Assessment Office The Assessment Office supports the College’s student learning experiences. It promotes positive student experiences and student learning though ongoing improvement of instruction. The Assessment Office provides and coordinates professional development for faculty and staff to implement and maintain an assessment system at all levels of learning assessment: course, program and general education. Spring Semester Calendar (Due Dates) The Calendar will be updated regularly with new due dates and other SLO activities. Program Maps Program Maps, or program SLOs mapped to courses, are retained in the Assessment Office. Report Forms • 2015-16 SLO Discipline Leader Report of Completed Tasks • All SLO Course Data Report (Feb. 3, 2016) • Templates: Map of General Education Map of Occupational Program Map of Transfer Program Program Assessment Evaluation & Plan Program Outcome Modification Course SLO Narratives (Fall - by course prefix): A-C | D-E | F-H | I-K | L-P | R-W SLO Discipline Leader Information • • • • 2015-2016 Process for Program Level SLO Submission 2015-2016 SLO Discipline Leader Listing SLO Discipline Leader Job Responsibilities Process for completing SLO Course & Program Reports (Draft) Sample CHM course SLO report - Fall 2015 Sample WLD program assessment evaluation & plan Other Information • • How to Create and Use Rubrics* SLO Resources Bibliography * PDF of PowerPoint presentation Links to external assessment websites are available to help inform your assessment development. Contacts Contact the Assessment Office • Carol Hutchinson: 520.206-4901 • Wendy Weeks: 520-206-4649 • Jody Goetten: 520-206-4901