SILICON CONCENTRATOR CELLS IN A TWO-STAGE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WITH A CONCENTRATION FACTOR OF 300x Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Fakultät für Angewandte Wissenschaften der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau vorgelegt von Andreas Mohr aus Stegen Juni 2005 Freiburg im Breisgau Dekan: Prof. Dr. Jan G. Korvink Datum der Promotion: 9.11.05 Erstgutachter: PD Dr. V. Wittwer Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. O. Paul Vorsitzender der Prüfungskommission: Prof. Dr. H. Zappe Beisitzer: Prof. Dr. P. Woias Photography: Silicon concentrator cell together with a loupe. Abstract Photovoltaic concentrators have a high potential to achieve cost reduction for solargenerated electricity. Different studies indicate that energy production cost of photovoltaic concentrators can occur at a fraction of the energy production costs of flat module plants in countries having high direct solar irradiation over the year. This cost reduction is achieved by a reduction of the area of highly-efficient and quite expensive solar cells using cheap optical elements concentrating the light. The fraction of the solar cell cost of the concentrator system decreases with increasing concentration factor, while the fraction of the costs of the optical elements and the tracking system increase. A tracking system is needed in order to collect the direct sun light using optical elements. The concentrator system cost goes up to a higher cost level if two-axis tracking systems instead of one-axis tracking systems are used in order to allow a high concentration factor. Two-axis tracking means usually a more complex mechanical setup and is thus more complicated to control. One-axis tracking systems are usual designed for relatively low concentration levels up to 50x. Fraunhofer ISE developed an one-axis tracking PV concentrator system enabling a high geometrical concentration of around 300x. This concentrator system was optimised and realised in this work. The system uses a parabolic trough mirror and a three-dimensional second stage consisting of compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs). Due to the two stages of this system it is named BICON (BI ≡ Two stages; CON ≡ Concentrator) system. The used CPCs are optimised for concentrating the sunlight by total internal reflection up to a geometrical concentration ratio of 7.7x. Together with the first stage concentration of 40.4x, a geometric concentration of around 300 suns can be achieved. The three-dimensional second stage consisting of the dielectric CPCs has an acceptance angle of +/- 23.5° allowing one-axis tracking from summer to winter solstice. The twostage system is tracked around a polar-oriented axis. For this linear concentrator system and particularly for an easy mounting on the CPCs a rear-line-contacted (RLCC) silicon concentrator solar cell was developed in this work. In order to find an optimum cell structure, a set of masks was designed for processing 85 different RLCC cells on one single four-inch wafer. On this set of masks all the important cell parameters are varied. Extensive data from these solar cells is presented in order to display major trends in cell design and performance. As a result of this optimisation study, a 25% efficient RLCC cell at around 100 suns at 25°C was fabricated. An analysis of the recombination effects in the RLCC cell shows that the carrier recombination is dominated by the emitter recombination due to the highly doped cell regions, which are still in low-level injection, while the base of the cell is in high-level injection. At even higher injection the influence of the Auger recombination in the base Abstract becomes more and more important. In investigating the RLCC cell, a shunting effect at the rear side of the cell and a nonideal diode characteristics become apparent. Both effects could be successfully implemented in an one-dimensional numerical simulation model. Utilising measurements from several runs of the solar cell, a two-dimensional model was implemented in order to investigate physical effects due to the lateral current flow in the RLCC cell. For this the complete cell is divided into three regions: The peripheral bus bars and a inner cell element. Using network simulations of all three elements, the measured cell performance could be represented precisely. The optical performance of the compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs), which are used as second stage in the concentrator, were analysed by using angular-dependent measurements and a laser mapping system. With the laser mapping system twodimensional plots of all optical losses of the CPCs mounted on a RLCC cell are possible including reflection losses at the front surface, absorption losses in the material, internal reflectance losses and coupling out losses at the exit aperture. An averaged high optical efficiency of over 81% of PMMA CPCs mounted on rear-contacted concentrator cells could be realised. Additionally, the CPCs reach the acceptance angle condition (± 23.5°) of the BICON system. As the final part of this work, a complete cell receiver consisting of six rear-linecontacted concentrator cells and six CPCs was successfully integrated into the one-axis tracking BICON system. A high system efficiency of 16.2% could be realised at around 800 W/m2 direct normal irradiance under realistic outdoor conditions (not temperature corrected). This is around 4% absolute higher than system efficiencies of standard commercial available flat-plate modules under PVUSA Testing Conditions (AM 1.5g, 1000 W/m2, 20°C ambient temperature, 1 m/sec wind speed). A detailed analysis of the BICON component efficiencies indicates that the BICON system efficiency should stay nearly stable all year through and efficiencies of over 17.0% may be realised in the near future. Contents 1 Overview of silicon concentrator cells and concentrator systems ...................... 1 1.1 Concepts for silicon concentrator solar cells ........................................................ 1 1.2 Concepts for concentrating sunlight onto the cells ............................................... 4 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems ..................................................... 9 2.1 Characteristic parameters of solar cells ................................................................ 9 2.2 Operation mode of solar cells ............................................................................. 11 2.2.1 The output current....................................................................................... 11 2.2.2 The output voltage ...................................................................................... 14 2.3 Recombination processes in solar cells .............................................................. 15 2.3.1 Recombination in highly doped regions ..................................................... 15 2.3.2 Radiative recombination in the base........................................................... 16 2.3.3 Defect recombination in the base................................................................ 16 2.3.4 Auger recombination in the base ................................................................ 16 2.3.5 Surface recombination ................................................................................ 17 2.4 Current voltage characteristics of solar cells ...................................................... 17 2.5 Series resistance of the RLCC solar cell............................................................. 18 2.6 Concentrator systems .......................................................................................... 23 2.6.1 Optics of concentrators ............................................................................... 23 2.6.2 Tracking modes........................................................................................... 24 3 Cells at high concentration levels ........................................................................ 27 3.1 Recombination .................................................................................................... 27 3.2 Mobility and conductivity................................................................................... 31 3.3 Band gap narrowing............................................................................................ 32 3.4 Current crowding ................................................................................................ 33 i Contents 3.5 Edge losses ..........................................................................................................33 3.6 Temperature coefficient ......................................................................................34 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell ............37 4.1 Design of the concentrator cell............................................................................37 4.2 Set of masks ........................................................................................................42 4.3 Fabrication process..............................................................................................43 4.3.1 Process flow ................................................................................................43 4.3.2 Technology..................................................................................................46 4.4 5 Mounting of the cells...........................................................................................49 Cell testing..............................................................................................................55 5.1 Standard measurement systems...........................................................................55 5.1.1 Dark and light IV curves .............................................................................55 5.1.2 Spectral response and external quantum efficiency ....................................56 5.1.3 Spectral mismatch correction ......................................................................57 5.1.4 Measurement errors at one-sun ...................................................................58 5.2 Determination of the series resistance versus the concentration.........................59 5.2.1 Measurement method ..................................................................................59 5.2.2 Analysis of the measurement error..............................................................60 5.3 Needle array measurement setup.........................................................................61 5.4 Cell testing under concentration..........................................................................63 5.4.1 Measurement setup (KoSim).......................................................................63 5.4.2 Measurement method ..................................................................................64 6 Simulation ..............................................................................................................67 6.1 Simulation process ..............................................................................................67 6.2 Two-dimensional simulation of the three-dimensional RLCC cells ...................68 6.3 Simulation parameters.........................................................................................69 ii Contents 6.3.1 Doping profiles ........................................................................................... 70 6.3.2 Reflection losses and generation profile..................................................... 70 6.3.3 Surface recombination velocity .................................................................. 70 6.4 Simulated trends of the RLCC cell ..................................................................... 71 6.4.1 Variation of the cell thickness on a 1 Ω cm substrate................................. 71 6.4.2 Variation of the RLCC cell thickness on a 100 Ω cm substrate ................. 72 6.4.3 Variation of the contact window width....................................................... 72 7 Experimental trends ............................................................................................. 75 7.1 Position of the bus bars....................................................................................... 75 7.2 Grid geometry ..................................................................................................... 80 7.3 Finger distance and contact windows ................................................................. 81 7.4 Cell thickness...................................................................................................... 83 7.5 Base doping concentration.................................................................................. 86 7.6 Thermal performance of the RLCC cells............................................................ 89 7.7 Determination of the series resistance ................................................................ 92 7.7.1 Analytical calculation ................................................................................. 92 7.7.2 Experimental determination........................................................................ 94 7.8 Summary of the parameter study ........................................................................ 95 7.9 25% efficient RLCC cell..................................................................................... 97 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells.......................................... 99 8.1 Determination of the injection level ................................................................... 99 8.2 Analysis of the recombination mechanism for different concentration levels . 100 8.2.1 Measurement method................................................................................ 100 8.2.2 Analysis .................................................................................................... 101 8.3 cell One-dimensional model for implementing the Voc characteristics of the RLCC 105 8.4 Influence of the bus bars on the RLCC cell performance................................. 109 iii Contents 8.5 9 Summary of the chapter ....................................................................................112 The BICON system..............................................................................................113 9.1 Assembly of the BICON concentrator system ..................................................113 9.2 The construction of the parabolic mirror and of the dielectric secondaries ......115 9.3 Fabrication and characterisation of the CPCs ...................................................120 9.3.1 Lateral homogeneity of the CPCs .............................................................120 9.3.2 Absolute optical performance as a function of incidence angle................123 9.3.3 Determination of the surface roughness....................................................125 9.4 Indoor characterisation of the system under concentration...............................126 9.5 Outdoor measurements of the BICON system ..................................................130 9.6 Summary of the chapter ....................................................................................134 10 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................135 10.1 Summary .......................................................................................................135 10.2 Outlook..........................................................................................................136 11 Appendix:.............................................................................................................139 11.1 Detailed fabrication flow of the RLCC cell ..................................................139 11.2 Shortcuts........................................................................................................144 11.3 Variables........................................................................................................145 11.4 Constants .......................................................................................................149 11.5 Publications ...................................................................................................150 11.6 Danksagung...................................................................................................151 12 Bibliography ........................................................................................................152 iv 1 Overview of silicon concentrator cells and concentrator systems Many basic concentrator cell and concentrator system concepts came off during the seventies due to the 1973 oil crisis. At this time a lot of government efforts were funded for concentrators in the United States of America. In Europe and Japan, concentrator activities were viewed less favourably because of the low direct solar irradiation all year through. During the eighties the oil crisis was overcome, the oil price and the urgency of the energy crisis passed. So, the government efforts and the concentrator activities were strongly scaled back and unfortunately, there was no commercial success in concentrator PV. Since the middle of the nineties the photovoltaic activities are reinforced world-wide. This is again due the eventual spark of reduced availability of fossil fuel in the near future and in contrast to 1973 this time not only the governments but also big oil companies as e.g. Shell or BP are interested in renewable energies. Different governments, especially in Germany and in Spain, push and fund photovoltaic energy and thus the solar industry grew up very fast over the last years. Since the demand for silicon in the PV market increased faster than expected, a lack of the feedstock of the silicon base material between the producer and the PV industry came off and is now present. Using the concentrator technology, less silicon material is needed and this could be the reason why there is so much interest in innovative concentrator concepts world-wide today. 1.1 Concepts for silicon concentrator solar cells The concentrator cell concepts, which are developed over the last 20 years, are based on four main cell designs briefly discussed in this chapter. All these cell concepts are optimised in respect to at least one of the following demands. • Minimised shadowing losses at the front side. • Low series resistance losses in the grid structure. • Small resistance losses due to the lateral current flow in the diffused layer between the grid lines. • Low lateral current in the base. • Low contact resistance and recombination current underneath the contacts. • Good light trapping for the optimal use of the incoming light. One basic cell concept is the V-groove cell (Figure 1.1) [1]. This cell is optimised for reducing the front reflection while keeping the series resistance losses low. The idea of 1 1 Overview of silicon concentrator cells and concentrator systems this concept is to use highly reflective metal on one side of the grooves. The coverage of this metal is unimportant since all incoming light is reflected by the metal to the opposite side of the V-grooves. Due to the structured surface the light trapping of this cell is increased. The fabrication can be easily realised by using metal evaporation at an defined angle to the cell surface. Unfortunately, due to the high metal coverage of the surface without any deep diffusion underneath the contact, the recombination at the contacts and the contact resistance are high. A high resistance limits the cell performance under high concentration levels. This disadvantage is hardly avoidable in a simple process of the cell. Different other groups used similar concepts in order to reduce shadowing losses. Due to the contact problems, the best application field for the V-groove cell concept seems to be low-cost concentrator systems with a geometrical concentration ratio in a range from 5x to 40x. light metal diffusion metal Figure 1.1: A V-groove solar cell which allows all light, reflected from the top contact metal, to impinge the other side of the grooved surface [1]. Another approach to design a cell for the use under concentration is the vertical multijunction cell [2]. The top contact is formed by grooving the surface with a laser or scriber and plating metal into the grooves. light plating p+-diffusion n+-diffusion plating Figure 1.2: The plated vertical junction solar cell [2]. The principle of this cell is presented in Figure 1.2. Using the vertical junctions, the 2 1 Overview of silicon concentrator cells and concentrator systems junction area is increased and all the carriers are generated next to the junctions independent of their generation position. This leads to a high probability of collecting the generated carriers. One disadvantage of this cell design is that the recombination at the large metal semiconductor contact area is high, leading to low open-circuit voltages. The cell may be used for a concentration of up to 40x. The BP Saturn cells are based on this concept and are applied in the EUCLIDES power plant, which will be described in the next chapter. A useful one-sun solar cell design, which can be optimised for high concentration levels, is the p++-n-n++ cell from the Sandia National Laboratories from 1982, which is shown in Figure 1.3. Efficiencies of around 20% were reached from 40 to 200 suns [3]. The cell performance under concentration is limited due to series resistance losses in the front grid, because the geometric dimensions of the front grid must be optimised for two contrary effects. On the one hand the grid fingers must be small for low reflection losses and on the other hand the front fingers must be broad for low series resistance losses. A reasonable application of this cell concept seems to be possible up to 150x. Ag p++ n-doped substrate n++ Ag Figure 1.3: A conventional solar cell optimised for high concentration and developed at the Sandia National Laboratories [3]. The interdigitated back-contact cell (see Figure 1.4) has both electrical contacts on the rear side of the cell [4]. So, there are no shadowing losses at the front side. This design uses alternating n++- and p++-diffusion lines on the rear side so that 50% of the back is covered by diffusions. The lateral series resistance losses due to the current flow in the diffused areas can be neglected. The metal semiconductor contact resistance losses are very small due to the high doping concentration of the diffusion lines. One critical point of this design is that most carriers are generated at the front side and have to diffuse to the rear side of the cell. So, recombination losses in the bulk must be reduced in order to collect most of the generated electron/hole pairs at the rear contacts. If 50% of the rear side is covered by high doping diffusions the recombination losses are high at the rear side. For high voltages the dopant coverage of the rear side must be decreased. 3 1 Overview of silicon concentrator cells and concentrator systems SiO2 SiO 2 n++ p++ n++ p++ p++ n++ n++ metal Figure 1.4: The interdigitated back contacted cell (IBC) has no metal on the front side in order to reduce the reflection losses at the front side [4]. The back-junction point-contact silicon solar cell, developed at the University of Stanford (see Figure 1.5) [5], has also both contacts on the rear of the cell side in the same way as the interdigitated back-contact cell. The major difference between these cell types is, that instead of broad line diffusion underneath the contacts, only small local diffusion points underneath the contacts are used. This leads to high voltages and low contact resistances. The back-junction point-contact cell scheme can be applied in systems with a geometrical concentration of over 200 suns. p++ n n n++ ++ p n p++ p Figure 1.5: A cross section of a textured point-contact solar cell of SUNPOWERTM, which has point contacts at the rear side [5]. 1.2 Concepts for concentrating sunlight onto the cells Over the last 20 years the developed concentrator systems use either reflecting or refracting cheap optical elements in order to concentrate light onto the solar cells. Middle scaled concentrator power plants in the range of some 100 kilowatts peak were built up in order to demonstrate the long time stability and reliability of concentrator systems. A detailed overview of the concentrator activities all over the world is given in [6]. In this work only the most important basic concentrator concepts are summarised and examples are presented. Concentrators with reflecting optical element work either with a parabolic mirror having a focus line (Figure 1.6) or a parabolic dish mirror (Figure 1.8) focusing the light onto a closed packed PV element. 4 1 Overview of silicon concentrator cells and concentrator systems cell receiver parabolic mirror Figure 1.6: Parabolic mirror reflecting the Figure 1.7: EUCLIDES TM concentrator incoming sunlight onto a focus line. plant in Tenerife. Concentrator systems using parabolic mirrors reach a geometrical concentration from 2x up to 50x. The EUCLIDESTM concentrator plant (Figure 1.7) in the south of Tenerife is a project of different solar research groups. It is one of the largest parabolic mirror concentrator power plant world wide [7]. The plant is composed of 14 arrays each 84 meters long and its nominal output power is 480 kWp. The concentration of the system is 38.2x, the modules are cooled with a passive heat sink and the system is one-axis tracked. The used cells are Saturn cells from BP Solar, whose cell concept is based on the vertical junction cell as already described before. solar cell array parabolic dish mirror light Figure 1.8: Dish concentrator concept. The light is reflected by a parabolic dish mirror to a PV array at the focus. Figure 1.9: Dish concentrator system of the company SOLAR SYSTEMSTM in Australia. The company SOLAR SYSTEMSTM in Australia and SUNPOWERTM in the US are developing two-axes tracked reflective dish concentrators and water-cooled close- 5 1 Overview of silicon concentrator cells and concentrator systems packed PV arrays for use in the focus (Figure 1.9). The parabolic reflective dishes have a geometrical concentration of around 340x. The receiver consists of a array of 16 PV modules (each 6 cm x 6 cm) and a power plant of 14 parabolic concentrators was outdoor tested reaching a high electrical system efficiency of around 20% under PVUSA Testing Conditions, i.e. 850 W/m2 direct irradiation, 20°C ambient temperature and 1 m/sec wind speed. Concentrator systems with refractive optical elements work either with Fresnel lenses (Figure 1.10) concentrating the sunlight onto one point or linear Fresnel lenses (Figure 1.12) having a focus line. light Fresnel lens v-trough secondary solar cell Figure 1.10: The incoming light is concentrated by using thin Fresnel lenses. Figure 1.11: Five Mega Modules™ of AMONIXTM assembled on a 20 kWp generating system. linear Fresnel lens cell receiver Figure 1.13: ENTECHTM 100 kW PV power plant Figure 1.12: Linear Fresnel lens concentrator concept. Two-axes tracked point-Fresnel lens arrays are being developed by AMONIXTM, USA. 20 kWp power plants were built up and a system efficiency of 18% at a geometrical 6 1 Overview of silicon concentrator cells and concentrator systems concentration of around 250x was reached. This system uses secondary optical elements called V-trough secondaries in the centre of the lens in order to increase the acceptance angle of the system and to homogenise the illumination on the cell level. V-trough secondaries are hollow pieces with reflective surfaces using multi reflection. The company ENTECHTM fabricates line-focus Fresnel concentrators operating at 20x. 100 kWp power plants are being under development in the US. Module efficiencies of around 15% at 20x under PVUSA were reached. 7 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems In this chapter the theoretical basics of solar cells and concentrator systems are summarised. The main focus is set on recombination effects and series resistance losses, which are the limiting parameters in the concentrator solar cell under high concentration levels. At the end of this chapter, the optical basics of concentrator systems are introduced. 2.1 Characteristic parameters of solar cells Short-circuit current If V = 0 V, the short-circuit current Isc is determined by the division of the short-circuit current density (Jsc ≈Jph) and the active cell area Acell. The active cell area is the region of the silicon, where the solar cell process is applied. I sc = J sc ⋅ Acell ≈ J ph ⋅ Acell Equation 2.1 Open-circuit voltage If Jout = 0 and the surface and SRH recombination are neglected, the open-circuit voltage Voc can be approximated by Voc ≈ kT J sc kT J sc , ln ln + 1 ≈ q J0 q J 0 Equation 2.2 where k is the Boltzman´s constant, T is the absolute temperature, q is the elementary charge and J0 is dark diffusion saturation current density. Efficiency and the maximum power point The efficiency η is the maximum output power divided by the incoming irradiance G [W/m2]. η= J mpp ⋅ Vmpp ⋅ Acell G Equation 2.3 Vmpp and Jmpp are the voltage and the current at the maximum power point of the IVcurve. The efficiency can also be expressed as 9 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems η= J sc ⋅ Voc ⋅ FF ⋅ Acell . G Equation 2.4 The fill factor FF is given by FF = J mpp ⋅ Vmpp J sc ⋅ Voc Equation 2.5 . Cell parameters under concentration In order to deliver a simple insight of the cell performance under concentration C, the solar cell can be described by the illuminated one-diode current characteristics. V − JRs ,total J out = J 0 exp VT − 1 − CJ ph , Equation 2.6 where VT = kT/q and Rs,total is the area weighted total series resistance of the cell. Equation 2.6 is only valid if the base is in low-level injection, which means that Na >> ∆p in a p-doped base or Nd >> ∆n in a n-doped base. If the base is in high-level injection the illumination-dependent changes of some parameters, which are discussed in detail in Chapter 3, must be considered. For low-level injection the empirical cell parameters in dependence of the concentration are listed in Table 2.1 [8]. J sc (C ) ≈ − CJ ph ,one − sun Voc (C ) ≈ VT ln C ⋅ J ph ,one − sun J0 C ⋅ J ph,one − sun ⋅ Rs FF (C ) ≈ (FFone − sun + 0.0035 ln C ) ⋅ 1 − Voc (C ) η (C ) = J sc (C ) ⋅ Voc (C ) ⋅ FF (C ) C ⋅ Gone − sun VT 0.66Ωcm 2 ≈ C max (η max ) ≈ R s ⋅ J ph ,one − sun Rs Table 2.1: Solar cell parameters in dependence of the concentration. The series resistance Rs is weighted by the solar cell area and the one-sun parameters are the values of P, Jph and Jsc at one-sun under Standard Test Conditions. It can be seen that the efficiency of the solar cell increases with increasing concentration due to the increase of the open-circuit voltage Voc with the natural logarithm. The concentration level at which the cell efficiency peaks depends strongly on the series 10 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems resistance Rs. For Jph,one-sun = 40 mA/cm2 and VT = 26 mV at room temperature, a maximum efficiency of around 100 suns can only be reached for Rs values smaller than 6.6x10-3 Ω cm2. 2.2 Operation mode of solar cells 2.2.1 The output current An often shown way to analyse the current behaviour of silicon solar cells is to apply the current density, the drift plus diffusion and the continuity equation. This is a good approach to understand the transport processes in the pn-junction of a device. However, the operation of high-efficiency solar cells is not mainly controlled by current transport processes but by generation and recombination processes. So, Swanson and Sinton [9] use another approach to describe highly-efficient solar cells. For this an integral formulation of the continuity equation is applied describing the relationship between generation and recombination of carriers and brings out the output current at the contacts. Using this approach, high-injection effects, which are needed for describing concentrator cells under high concentration, can be simply introduced. The integral method of Swanson and Sinton is summarised in this chapter. The applied basics of semiconductors and silicon solar cells can be found in [10],[11],[12]. For modelling the steady-state carrier transport in silicon, the standard equations are: • The current transport equations. At a pn-junction an electric field is present in addition to a concentration gradient leading to drift current and diffusion current flow. v v v J e = qµ e nE + qDe ∇n Equation 2.7 v v v J h = qµ h pE − qDh ∇p Equation 2.8 v where E is the electric field, µe,h are the mobilities of the carriers, De,h are the diffusion coefficients and n, p are the hole and electron densities. The total current density is the sum of Equation 2.7 and Equation 2.8. v v v J cond = J e + J h Equation 2.9 • The continuity equations. The number of carriers flowing into a volume minus the carriers which recombine and plus the carriers which are generated in this volume equals the number of carriers flowing out of the volume. 11 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems v v ∇ ⋅ J e = − q ( Rrec − Gl ) v v ∇ ⋅ J h = q ( Rrec − Gl ) Equation 2.10 Equation 2.11 where Rrec and Gl are the recombination and generation rates. • The Poissson equation. The constant Fermi level required at thermal equilibrum results in an unique space charge distribution at the pn-junction. The unique space charge distribution and the electrostatic potential are given by the Poisson equation. v q ∇ 2ψ = − ( p + N D+ − n − N A− ) ε Equation 2.12 where Nd and Na are ionized doping densities and Ψ is the potential referenced to the intrinsic level. • The carrier density equations. The electron and hole densities are in terms of the intrinsic carrier concentration ni and the intrinsic Fermi level Ei E F , n − E F ,i n = ni exp kT Equation 2.13 E F ,i − E F , p p = ni exp kT Equation 2.14 where EF,i is the intrinsic Fermi level and EF,n and EF,p are the electron and hole quasi-Fermi levels. For determining the output current of a solar cell, the continuity Equation 2.10 and Equation 2.11 are integrated over the device volume. v v Equation 2.15 ∇ ∫ ⋅ J e dv = q ∫ (Rrec − Gl ) dv V V v v ∇ ∫ ⋅ J h dv = − q ∫ (Rrec − Gl ) dv V Equation 2.16 V With the Gauss divergence theorem the left-hand sides of Equation 2.15 and Equation 2.16 are converted to surface integrals over the complete device surface S. v Equation 2.17 J ∫ e ⋅ nˆ d s = q ∫ (Rrec − Gl )dv S V v J ∫ h ⋅ nˆ d s = − q ∫ (Rrec − Gl )dv S Equation 2.18 V where n̂ is the normal vector directed outward of the device (see Figure 2.1). 12 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems The complete device surface S can be separated into three single surfaces. The region around the p-contact should be S1, the region around the n-contact should be S2 and the rest should be S3 as shown in Figure 2.1. Iout1 n^ p-contact Jp Jn S1 S3 S2 n^ Iout2 n-contact Figure 2.1: Separation of the complete device surface into three single surfaces. v v v v ˆ ˆ ˆ J ⋅ n ds = J ⋅ n ds + J ⋅ n ds + J ∫ e ∫ e ∫ e ∫ e ⋅ nˆ ds S S1 v ∫J h S2 Equation 2.19 S3 v v v ⋅ nˆ ds = ∫ J h ⋅ nˆ ds + ∫ J h ⋅ nˆ ds + ∫ J h ⋅ nˆ ds S S1 S2 Equation 2.20 S3 At the p contact the current is v v I out1 = − ∫ J e ⋅ nˆ ds − ∫ J h ⋅ nˆ ds. S1 v J ∫ h ⋅ nˆds by Equation 2.20 and Replacing Equation 2.21 S1 S1 v J ∫ h ⋅ nˆds by Equation 2.18 and inserting S this into Equation 2.21 it follows v v v I out1 = − q ∫ Gl dv + q ∫ Rrec dv + ∫ J h ⋅ nˆ ds + ∫ J h ⋅ nˆ ds − ∫ J e ⋅ nˆ ds . V V S3 S2 S1 Since the total current is Iout = Iout1 = -Iout2 and if taking into account that I ph = q ∫ Gl dv (photogenerated current), V I rec ,base = q ∫ Rc dv (recombination in the base), V v I rec , surface = ∫ J h ⋅ nˆ ds (recombination at the surface), S3 v v I rec ,contact = ∫ J h ⋅ nˆ ds − ∫ J e ⋅ nˆ ds (recombination at the contact), S2 S1 13 Equation 2.22 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems it follows from Equation 2.22 I out = I b ,rec + I s ,rec + I cont ,rec − I ph = I rec − I ph . Equation 2.23 Since a negative sign means a positive output power in a solar cell, the output current is the photogenerated current minus the total recombination current which consists of the recombination in the base material, the recombination at the surface and the recombination at the contacts. This equation is valid independent of whether the base is in high-level injection or in low-level injection. 2.2.2 The output voltage A typical band diagram of a high efficient silicon solar cell is shown in Figure 2.2. Such a solar cell consists of highly doped regions near the contacts (leading to an ohmic contact and a reduction of the contact recombination) and a lightly doped base. Taking EF,n and EF,p as constant through the n++- and p++-region and into the edge of the quasi-neutral base near the contacts, then the output voltage as shown in Figure 2.2 is given by Vout = Vi ,n + Vi , p + Vb + Vc + Vm . Equation 2.24 Vc, Vm and Vb are the voltage losses at the contact, in the metal and in the base and they are all negative. Vc and Vm will be discussed in detail in Chapter 2.5. EF,n and EF,p can be taken as constant through the n++- and p++-region, respectively, because these regions are heavily doped leading to an abundance of majorities and to an independence of the quasi-Fermi levels to the illumination. qVi,n and qVi,p are the differences between the quasi –Fermi levels and the intrinsic Fermi level. qVb EF,n EF,i qVi,n qVi,p EF,p metal p++-doped region base n++-doped region metal Figure 2.2: Band diagram of a high efficient solar cell under illumination. Using Equation 2.13 and Equation 2.14, qVi,n and qVi,p can be expressed as 14 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems n qVi , n = E F ,n − E F ,i = kT ⋅ ln ni p qVi , p = E F ,i − E F , p = kT ⋅ ln . ni Equation 2.25 Equation 2.26 If the base, contact and metal voltage losses are neglected and n and p are taken as constant through the base it follows from Equation 2.24 Vout ≈ kT pn ln . q ni2 Equation 2.27 Thus, the output voltage is the separation of the quasi-Fermi levels and can be determined by the pn-product in the base if transport losses are not considered. The details of the high doped p++- and n++-contacts are not of interest for calculating the output voltage. Transport losses decrease the output voltage. These transport losses can be summarised as Vb + Vc + Vm ≈ I ⋅ R s ,total / Acell , Equation 2.28 where Rs,total [Ω cm2] is the area weighted series resistance. Including transport losses, the output voltage is Vout ≈ 2.3 kT pn ln − I ⋅ Rs ,total / Acell . q ni2 Equation 2.29 Recombination processes in solar cells In order to determine the current voltage characteristic of the solar cell, all the recombination terms from Equation 2.23 must be defined. A detailed derivation and description of these recombination terms is given in [11],[12]. 2.3.1 Recombination in highly doped regions The base recombination in Equation 2.23 involves the n++- and p++-doped regions at the contacts, where no analytical solution for this recombination exists. Also no analytical solution exists for the recombination at the semiconductor metal contact. Del Alamo and others [13] found out that this problem can be solved by defining a new arbitrary surface around the highly doped region and the contact area. In order to get the total recombination current density into the highly-doped region and into the contact, only the current density through this arbitrary defined surface must be considered. This assumption is possible because the electrons and holes, which diffuse into the p-contact 15 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems and n-contact region, respectively, either recombines in the doped regions or at the contacts. The complete minority carrier recombination current into a n-doped region can be written as pn J rec ,n −contact = J 0n 2 − 1 ni Equation 2.30 For the p-doped region it is pn J rec , p −contact = J 0p 2 − 1 ni Equation 2.31 where J0n and J0p are temperature-dependent diffusion saturation currents. For the pnproduct the carrier densities at the edge of the space charge region in the neutral base can be applied. 2.3.2 Radiative recombination in the base The radiative recombination is proportional to the excess carrier densities and is given by ( Rrec ,radiative = B pn − ni2 ) Equation 2.32 where B is the radiative rate coefficient. Since silicon is an indirect semiconductor this recombination process is improbable and can be neglected. 2.3.3 Defect recombination in the base Defect recombination in the base can be modeled by using the approach of Shockley , Read and Hall [14],[15], so this recombination is called SRH recombination. Under low-level injection conditions, the recombination rate is proportional to the excess minority carrier density. Rrec , SRH = n − n0 Equation 2.33 τ SRH where τSRH is the lifetime of the minorities. Including the effects of the majorities a more complicated expression can be obtained. Since FZ material is used for the silicon concentrator solar cells, the number of defects in the bulk and the SRH recombination is very small. 2.3.4 Auger recombination in the base The Auger recombination is a three particle process. The energy of an electron-hole recombination pair is given to a free particle either an electron or a hole. 16 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems ( ) ( Rrec , Auger = C n n 2 p − n02 p0 + C p p 2 n − p02 n0 ) Equation 2.34 Cn is the n-type Auger coefficient if the free particle is an electron and Cp is the p-type Auger coefficient if the free particle is a hole. 2.3.5 Surface recombination The recombination at the surface of a solar cell can be described by using a minority recombination current into the surfaces. The recombination current density can be taken as proportional to the excess minority density. J rec , surface = qS (n − n0 ) Equation 2.35 J rec , surface = qS ( p − p0 ) Equation 2.36 at a p-type surfaces. at a n-type surfaces. S is the surface recombination velocity which is in the range of 1 to 103 cm/sec for passivated surfaces. 2.4 Current voltage characteristics of solar cells For a simple analysis of the cell operation the electron and hole quasi-Fermi energies are taken as constant through the base and the voltage drops along the base are ignored. Using the recombination terms from Equation 2.30 to Equation 2.36, the recombination current densities for every single recombination mechanism can be determined. For this first of all the pn-product is expressed by using Equation 2.29 qV pn = ni2 exp . kT Equation 2.37 Under low-level injection and for a p-doped base it is then qV pn = ni2 exp ≈ N An . kT Equation 2.38 By replacing the pn-product in the recombination terms (Equation 2.30 to Equation 2.36) by Equation 2.38, the recombination current densities can be calculated. • Taking Equation 2.30, Equation 2.31 and Equation 2.38, the recombination currents into highly doped regions are qV J rec ,n −contact = J 0n exp − 1 , kT 17 Equation 2.39 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems qV J rec , p −contact = J 0p exp − 1 . kT • Equation 2.40 The recombination current due to the SRH recombination is I rec , SRH = q ∫ n − n0 τn V dv , Equation 2.41 what can be rewritten to J rec , SRH qt c ni2 = N Aτ n qV exp − 1 , kT Equation 2.42 where A is the area of the device and tc is the thickness of the base. • The recombination current due to the surface recombination is I rec, surface = qS ∫ (n − n )dA , 0 Equation 2.43 Asurf I rec, surface qAsurf Sni2 qV exp = − 1 . NA kT Equation 2.44 The radiative recombination and the Auger recombination can be neglected under lowlevel injection conditions. Inserting Equation 2.39, Equation 2.40, Equation 2.42 and Equation 2.44 in Equation 2.23, the current voltage characteristic is under low-level injection J out 2 I out qtc ni2 qAsurf Sni qV = = J 0n + J 0 p + + ⋅ exp − 1 − J ph , A N Aτ n A ⋅ NA kT ⋅ n Equation 2.45 where the ideality factor n is 1. Therefore, neglecting the recombination in the depletion zone, the ideality factor n of the current voltage characteristics of a solar cell is 1 in low-level injection. The IVcharacteristics in high-level injection is considered in Chapter 3. In Chapter 3 the ideality factors for the different recombination mechanism in low- and high-level injection are summarised. 2.5 Series resistance of the RLCC solar cell Besides the recombination losses in a solar cell, the cell performance is mainly limited by the series resistance losses under concentration leading to a decrease of the fill factor (see Table 2.1). The total series resistance Rs,total consists of the series resistance in the base, in the emitter and in the metal as shown in Figure 2.3. In the following the analytical expressions for the series resistance components of the RLCC cell are given. The exact derivation can be found in [16]. 18 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems γ oxide floating emitter (n +) h e base vertical base lateral p-silicon emitter n++ n+ p++ oxide contact metal Figure 2.3: The different components of the series resistance of a rear-contacted solar cell, which is described in detail in Chapter 4.1. γ are the incoming photons and e and h are the generated electrons and holes. Resistance in the base In the RLCC cell the generated carriers must diffuse from the front side to the rear side in order to be separated and collected at the contacts. The resulting series resistance is: Rs*,base ,vertical = ρ base tc , Acell Equation 2.46 where ρbase is the specific resistance of the base, tc is the thickness of the cell and Acell is the active area of the cell. In this work the series resistance R*s is given in Ω and the series resistance weighted by the active cell area Rs is given in Ω cm2. The vertical series resistance weighted by the active area of the cell is then Rs ,base ,vertical = ρ base ⋅ t c . Equation 2.47 The lateral component of the base series resistance is Rs*,base ,lateral = 1 ρ base a f , 6 tc l f Equation 2.48 weighted by the active cell area, it results Rs ,base ,lateral = 1 ρ base 2 ⋅af , 12 t c Equation 2.49 where af is the distance between a p- and p-finger and lf is the length of a finger. 19 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems Resistance of the emitter The series resistance of the emitter (n+-diffusion), which is locally diffused underneath the n-fingers with a depth d, can be calculated by Rs*,emitter = 1 ρ diffusion wd , 6 d lf Equation 2.50 where ρdiffusion is the averaged specific resistance of the diffusion and wd is the width of the n+-diffusion. The area weighted emitter series resistance is Rs ,emitter = 1 ρ diffusion 2 wd . 12 d Equation 2.51 Contact resistance 1 2 3 4 metal diffusion (n++ or p++) contact area Figure 2.4: Cross bridge resistor for measuring the contact resistance between the n++and p++-diffused semiconductor regions and the metal. While generating a constant current between area 2 and 3, the voltage drop between area 1 and 4 is measured for determining the contact resistance. The resistance between the semiconductor and the metal can not be calculated analytically. Therefore, cross bridge Kelvin resistor test structures [17] are integrated into the set of masks allowing to measure the contact resistance by using a four-point measurement method. While generating a constant current between area 2 and 3 in Figure 2.4, the voltage drop between area 1 and 4 is measured for determining the contact resistance. The contact resistance is then 20 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems structure Rstest = ,contact V1 4 I 23 test structure Acontact , Equation 2.52 where Acontactteststructure is the contact area A of the test structure between the semiconductor and the metal. For the solar cell the contact resistance is ( structure test structure Rs ,contact = Rstest , contact , p + + + R s ,contact , n + + ) AA cell , Equation 2.53 contact where Acell is the active cell area and Acontact is the contact area between the metal and the semiconductor. Metal resistance The ohmic losses due to the metallisation can be analytically described as lf 1 ρ metal , 3 hf ⋅ wf Equation 2.54 l bus 1 ρ metal , 3 hbus ⋅ wbus Equation 2.55 Rs*, finger = Rs*,bus = where lbus and lfinger are the half of the length of the bus and the complete length of the finger, wbus and wfinger are the width of the bus and the finger, hbus and hfinger are the height of the bus and the finger and ρmetal is the specific resistance of the metal. For the series resistance weighted by the area it is Rs , finger a f ⋅ l 2f 1 , = ρ metal 3 hf ⋅ wf Equation 2.56 Rs ,bus = l ⋅A 1 ρ metal bus cell , 3 h f ⋅ wbus Equation 2.57 where af is the distance between two fingers. In addition to the presented ohmic losses there are also so called “non-generation losses”, which can not be described analytically [18]. The “non-generation losses” are generated by the different path length of the current through the finger to the contacts. Thereby, the voltage drops along the metal structure vary. Working at the maximum power point of the complete cell, different local regions of the cell work at different maximum power points leading to current losses. The “non-generation losses” can be investigated by using circuit simulation. 21 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems Influence of the total series resistance on the cell performance under concentration The total series resistance is the sum of the series resistance components. Rs ,total = Rs ,base ,vertical + Rs ,base ,lateral + Rs ,emitter + Rs ,contact + Rs ,bus + Rs , finger Equation 2.58 The total series resistance limits the fill factor at higher concentration levels. Some simulated IV-curves for different total series resistances of a 65 µm thick rear-contacted cell are plotted in Figure 2.5 at a concentration of 200 suns. It can be seen that with increasing series resistance the fill factor is strongly reduced. 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 Current [A] -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 concentration = 200 suns; cell thickness = 65 µm; Rs=0.005 Ω cm Rs=0.01 Ω cm 2 Rs=0.02 Ω cm 2 Rs=0.03 Ω cm 2 Rs=0.04 Ω cm 2 2 -1.2 -1.4 FF losses -1.6 -1.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 Voltage [V] 0.6 0.8 Figure 2.5: One-dimensional numerical simulation of a 65 µm thick rear-contacted concentrator cell using PC1DTM. 22 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems 2.6 Concentrator systems 2.6.1 Optics of concentrators The optical and geometrical concentration (Cop, Cgeo) of a system are defined as C op = Gin A = η op ⋅ in = η op ⋅ C geo , Gout Aout Equation 2.59 where ηop is the optical efficiency of the system, Gin and Gout are the irradiances at the entry aperture Ain and at the exit aperture Aout. The efficiency of a concentrator system is defined as the product of the cell efficiency ηcell and the efficiency of the used optics ηop. η sys = η cell ⋅ η op . Equation 2.60 In a two-dimensional space every ray entering through one point of the entry aperture can be described by using a two-dimensional phase-space volume (Etendue) consisting v v v v of x and p . Where x is the ray coordinate and p is the optical direction cosines at the entry aperture. For a homogeneous light source (e.g. sun on earth) the Etendue in the two-dimensional space can be described as ε hom,2D = ∫∫ dpdx = ∫ dp ⋅ ∫ dx = n ⋅ 4a sin θ , Equation 2.61 where n is the refractive index of the surrounding medium, a is the half of the aperture and θ is the half of the aperture angle [19]. Due to the theorem of Liouville [20] the Etendue at the entry aperture of an ideal concentrator must be conserved at the exit aperture (εin = εout). This means for a twodimensional homogenous source using Equation 2.61. ain ⋅ nin ⋅ sin θ in = a out ⋅ nout ⋅ sin θ out . Equation 2.62 Therefore, the geometrical concentration of an ideal two-dimensional concentrator system as shown in Figure 2.6 [20] is C geo = ain nout sin θ out = . a out nin sin θ in Equation 2.63 For the three-dimensional ideal concentrator the geometrical concentration is n sin θ out C geo = out nin sin θ in 2 . Equation 2.64 Taking Equation 2.63 and Equation 2.64 into account, the conservation of the Etendue for an ideal concentrator means • concentrating light by decreasing the aperture results in an increase of the divergence of the outgoing rays in contrast to the incoming rays, 23 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems • the more parallel the incoming light is the higher the possible concentration is, • the maximum concentration can be reached if θout is 90°, • the maximum concentration for a two-dimensional ideal concentrator is 212x and for a three-dimensional ideal concentrator around 45000x, where n = 1, θout = 90°, θin = 0.27° (aperture angle of the sun). θin θout pdirection nin 2ain nout x 2aout loss-free concentrator Figure 2.6: Scheme of a loss-free two-dimensional concentrator. An often used parameter to characterise a real concentrator system is the acceptance angle θacc. θacc is defined as the angle of incident light at which 90% of the maximum signal at the exit aperture is detected by the receiver. Signal (θ acc ) ≥ 0.9 ⋅ Signal max 2.6.2 Equation 2.65 Tracking modes Concentrator systems can only use the direct light of the sun. Thus, concentrator systems have to be tracked with the sun. The two favourite tracking concepts are: • Two-axes tracked concentrator systems which have a vertical and horizontal tracking axis. Because the aperture angle of the sun is θs = ± 0.27°, all the rays of the aperture angle have to reach the solar cell and so, these systems need a minimal vertical and horizontal acceptance angle θacc,v,h of ± 0.27°. Standard two-axes tracking systems using e. g. lenses or dishes reach a high geometrical concentration of 250x up to 500x. • One-axis tracked concentrator systems. These systems are tracked in most of the cases around the polar axis which is tilted by the degree of latitude. Due to the aperture angle of the sun, these systems have also a horizontal acceptance angle of θacc,h = ± 0.27°, while the vertical acceptance angle θacc,v is ± 23.5° because the angle of incident sun irradiation onto a polar tracked system changes between ± 23.5° from the summer to the winter solstice as illustrated in Figure 2.7. Standard 24 2 Basics of solar cells and concentrator systems one-axis tracking systems using parabolic trough mirror or linear Fresnel lenses and reach a geometrical concentration from 2x up to 50x. Figure 2.7: All-season ecliptic of the sun at Fraunhofer ISE, Germany. The system is tilted by the angle of latitude, which is 48° in Freiburg. The angle of incidence onto a polar tracked concentrator system is 23.5° at the summer solstice and –23.5° at the winter solstice. A theoretical comparison between both systems shows that the annual irradiation density is 980 kWh/m2a for the two-axes tracked system and is 930 kWh/m2a for a polar tracked system at Freiburg (48° degree of latitude) [19]. 25 3 Cells at high concentration levels At high incident power densities the concentration of the generated carriers in solar cells exceed the base doping concentration (∆n or ∆p >> ND or NA) and the concentration of free electrons equals the concentration of free holes (∆n = ∆p). In this case the cells are in high-level injection. In this chapter the recombination losses, the conductivity and the band gap narrowing in the highly injected case of the cell are presented, and the effects of high current densities, edge losses and temperature losses on the cell performance are discussed for high incident power densities. 3.1 Recombination Taking the equation for the output current density Jout (Equation 2.23) and the output voltage Vout (Equation 2.27) into account, the current voltage characteristics can be derived under high-injection conditions. If the base is in high-level injection, the number of free electrons equals the number of the holes. This implies that qV pn = n 2 = ni2 exp kT 1 qV n = ni exp 2 kT , . Equation 3.1 Equation 3.2 Under high-level injection conditions the number of light-generated free carriers n is much larger than the number of thermal generated carriers n0, so that n − n0 ≈ n . Equation 3.3 SRH recombination in the base In the base the SRH recombination rate is under high-level injection R SRH = n τ SRH . Equation 3.4 The recombination current due to the SRH recombination is then by using Equation 2.41 and Equation 3.2 J rec , SRH = q ⋅ t c ⋅ ni τ SRH 1 qV exp . 2 kT 27 Equation 3.5 3 Cells at high concentration levels Thus, the ideality factor for the SRH recombination is 2 under high-level injection conditions. Auger recombination in the base The Auger recombination rate is in the base under high-level injection R Auger = C n n 3 + C p n 3 = C A n 3 , Equation 3.6 where CA = Cn + Cp (ambipolar Auger coefficient). Using Equation 3.2 and Equation 3.4, the Auger recombination current is 3 qV J rec , Auger = q ⋅ t c ⋅ C A ni3 e 2 kT . Equation 3.7 Thus, the ideality factor for the Auger recombination is 2/3 under high-level injection. Recombination in the highly doped regions The recombination in the highly doped regions can be treated as the SRHrecombination in the base under low-level injection. This is due to the fact that the highly doped regions are under low-level injection even for very high irradiation. So, the ideality factor of the recombination in the highly doped regions is always 1 (see Chapter 2.4). Recombination in the depletion region In the depletion region the number of electrons equals nearly the number of holes. Thus, the recombination in the depletion region can be seen (if the recombination centre is in the middle of the band gap) as the SRH recombination in the base under high-level injection. So, the ideality factor is 2. Surface recombination The surface recombination mechanisms vary along the rear side of the cell cause of the different local carrier concentrations underneath the rear side. In the red and yellow marked regions in Figure 3.1 the dopant concentration is larger than the concentration of the generated carriers, if the cell is in low-level injection. This leads to an ideality factor of 1 (see Chapter 2.3.5). In the yellow marked region, the surface is under lowlevel injection even for high concentration levels. This leads to an ideality factor of 1 independent of the concentration. Under high-level conditions in the base the generated carrier density in the red marked area exceeds the dopant concentration leading to high–level injection effects in this region underneath the surface. 28 3 Cells at high concentration levels ne>nh ne~nh ne<nh oxide n+ depletion region p-silicon Figure 3.1: Regions with different surface recombination behaviour underneath the rear side of the cell. Since the surface is under high-level injection, it is I rec, surface = q ⋅ S ∫ n dA , Equation 3.8 S surface which results in 1 qV I rec, surface = q ⋅ S ⋅ Asurface ⋅ ni exp , 2 kT Equation 3.9 where Asurface is this part of the surface, which is red marked in Figure 3.1. Therefore, the ideality factor of the surface recombination is 2 in the highly injected case. In the green marked region the depletion region intercepts the surface. In the depletion region the number of electrons equals nearly the number of holes, so that this region can be treated as it is under high-level injection at low and high incident irradiance. This leads to an ideality factor of 2 under low- and high-level injection. Due to the interdigitated pn-structure of the RLCC cell, a large area of the depletion region intercepts the surface, so that the recombination of the depletion zone intercepting the surface can not be neglected in investigating the recombination mechanism. Summary of the recombination mechanism The ideality factors of the different recombination mechanism in a solar cell at different concentrations are listed in Table 3.1. Recombination Injection level in the base Ideality factor SRH-recombination in the base Low-level injection 1 29 3 Cells at high concentration levels SRH-recombination in the base High-level injection 2 Radiative recombination Low-level injection 1 Radiative recombination High-level injection 1 Auger recombination Low-level injection 1 Auger recombination High-level injection 2/3 Recombination in the diffused regions Low- and high-level injection 1 Recombination in the depletion region Low- and high-level injection 2 Surface recombination of the depletion region Low- and high level injection 2 Surface recombination Low-level injection 1 Surface recombination High-level injection 2 Table 3.1: Ideality factors for different recombination mechanism at different concentration levels. Current voltage characteristics under high level injection If any voltage drop in the base is neglected and taking Equation 2.23, the complete current voltage characteristics can be written as q ⋅ S ⋅ Asurface q ⋅ tc ⋅ ni 1 qV J out = + + J 02 exp τ hl A 2 kT qV + J 01 exp kT ( ) 3 qV 3 + q ⋅ t ⋅ C Ani exp − J ph 2 kT Equation 3.10 where tc is the thickness of the cell and S is the surface recombination velocity. Therefore, the current voltage characteristics can be expressed by the photogenerated current minus the recombination terms under high-level injection. This leads to a three diode characteristic of the solar cell as shown in Figure 3.2. 30 3 Cells at high concentration levels Rs n=1 n=2 Iout n=2/3 Iph Rp Figure 3.2: Three diodes characteristics of the cell in high level injection, whereby the series resistance Rs and the parallel resistance Rp are taken into account. Rp can be caused by leakage currents to the surface or in the junction. 3.2 Mobility and conductivity In doped semiconductors in low-level conditions the mobility of the carriers is limited by scattering effects with phonons and impurities. With increasing doping concentration the impurity concentration increases leading to a lower mobility of the carriers. The e/hmobilities are fully presented in the Masetti model [21]. Due to the lower effective mass of the electrons the mobility of the electrons is higher than the mobility of the holes. Using the Einstein-relation, mobilities can be converted to diffusivities for a certain temperature. De , h = kT µ e,h , q Equation 3.11 where µe,h are the mobilities. If the solar cell is in high-level injection, the above mentioned scattering effects are unimportant. The main scattering effect is the carrier-carrier scattering effect due to the high concentration of both carrier types. In addition the interaction between a hole and an electron depends not only on the concentration but also on the relative direction of motion of both carrier types. In rear-contacted concentrator cells most of the carriers are generated at the front side of the solar cell and must diffuse from the front to the rear side of the cell. Therefore, electrons and holes diffuse in the same direction. In this case the diffusivity of the carriers can be calculated as [22] Da = 2kT µ h µ e , q µh + µe Equation 3.12 where Da [cm2/s] is the ambipolar diffusion coefficient. In order to calculate the carrier mobilities, the generated carriers are equated the doping concentration in the Masetti model. The total conductivity of the carriers in the semiconductor is 31 3 Cells at high concentration levels σ total = σ e + σ h = q(ne µ e + nh µ h ) . Equation 3.13 In low-level injection and in a n-doped (p-doped) semiconductor is ne>>nh (nh>>ne), thus the total conductivity is low − injection σ total , n − doped = σ n = qn e µ e for a n-doped semiconductor and Equation 3.14 low − injection σ total , p − doped = σ p = qn h µ h for a p-doped semiconductor. Equation 3.15 Therefore, the total conductivity depends only on the number of majorities in low-level injection. Under high-level injection and if the motion of the electrons and holes is in the same direction, the conductivity can be calculated by using Equation 3.11, Equation 3.12 and Equation 3.13. σ ehigh −injection = σ hhigh −injection = qne,h high − injection = σ ehigh −injection + σ hhigh −injection = 4qne σ total 2µ e µ h µe + µh µe µh µe µh = 4qnh µe + µh µe + µh Equation 3.16 Equation 3.17 From Equation 3.17 it follows that the total conductivity under high-level injection is independent of the base doping concentration and depends only on the number of generated carriers, where nh = ne. 3.3 Band gap narrowing Due to the interaction between electrons and holes and the interaction between free carriers and dopants, the band gap between the valence band and the conduction band is reduced. This is the so called “band gap narrowing”(BGN). In order to take this effect into account, the intrinsic carrier density ni is replaced by the effective carrier density ni,eff. ni ,eff = ni e ∆E g 2 kT Equation 3.18 where ∆Eg is the decrease of the band gap due to the BGN. Using the model of the “apparent BGN” [23] and using fits of measured data of ∆Eg, the value of the intrinsic carrier density ni is 1x1010cm-3 at 300 K [24]. Thereby ∆Eg can be calculated to ( ) N A > N ref E ln N a / N ref if ∆E g = bgn N A ≤ N ref 0 Equation 3.19 where Ebgn = 17.8 meV and Nref = 2.3x1017 cm-3. 32 3 Cells at high concentration levels In simulating RLCC cells, BGN effects due to high-level injection in the base are neglected, because the solving algorithm would be much more complex due to the feedback of ni and ∆Eg. BGN effects due to high doping concentrations are taken into account in simulating the cells. 3.4 Current crowding High local current densities generate “current crowding” problems. High local current densities are generated in conventional solar cells by [25] • a very high resistance of the diffused regions underneath the contact windows in comparison with the metal resistance, • a small contact resistance between the metal and the semiconductor in comparison with the resistance of the diffused region underneath the contact windows. In the RLCC cells the “current crowding” problems are generated in the tips of the fingers next to the bus-bars, because all the electrons (holes) generated above the p-bus bars (n-bus bar) must diffuse into the tip of the n-finger (p-finger) (this is fully discussed in Chapter 8.4). The effect of the “current crowding” is similar to the effect of the “non-generation losses”(see Chapter 2.5). Due to the local high current densities, different voltage drops are generated locally in the solar cell. Working at the maximum power point of the complete cell, local regions of the cell might work not at the global maximum power point leading to fill factor losses of the complete cell. 3.5 Edge losses For our rear-contacted cells FZ material is used. Due to the high lifetime τb of the minorities in FZ material, the diffusion length L of the generated carriers is very long (L = (D x τminority)1/2). This long diffusion length is needed, so that the carriers, which are mostly generated at the front, can diffuse from the front to the rear side. Unfortunately, some carriers diffuse into the edge area outside of the small-sized active cell area (4.5 mm x 4.5 mm), recombine in the bulk or at the saw cut edge of the cell and are lost for the cell. In order to minimise the recombination losses, the distance between the saw cut edge, having a very high recombination velocity, and the active cell area should be two times of the diffusion length of the minorities as shown in [26]. At one sun the generated minority density at the MPP in the cell is around 2x1014cm-3 (see Chapter 8.1) and a cell with a 1 Ω cm base material is in low-level injection. The diffusion length can be estimated to 33 3 Cells at high concentration levels − injection L1low 33 cm 2 / s ⋅ 2000 µ s = 2.6 mm , Ωcm , p − doped ≈ Equation 3.20 where Dh is 33 cm2/s and the bulk lifetime of 2000 µs is taken from measurements in [27]. In the concentrator system, the cells are illuminated with 200 suns. At 200 suns the generated minority density is around 5x1016cm-3 and the 100 Ω cm cell is in high-level injection. The diffusion length for a p-doped semiconductor in the highly injected case can be estimated to high − injection 2 L100 Ωcm , p − doped ≈ 17 cm / s ⋅ 400 µ s = 0.8 mm , Equation 3.21 where 17 cm2/s is the ambipolar diffusion coefficient from Equation 3.12. For an application of the rear-contacted solar cell in the concentrator system, the distance of the active cell area and the saw cut edge of the RLCC cell should be two times of the diffusion length of the minorities. A distance of 1.5 mm is chosen for the RLCC cells in order to minimise edge losses. 3.6 Temperature coefficient The efficiency temperature coefficient of a cell is mostly dependent on the voltage reduction with increasing temperature. But the voltage temperature coefficient is not a constant because it decreases with increasing voltage of the cell. The voltage temperature coefficient is nearly proportional to the difference of the voltage of the cell and the bandgap of the silicon material. Beginning with the standard one-diode current voltage characteristics Voc = I kT ⋅ ln sc + 1 , q I0 Equation 3.22 and taking into account that the saturation current I0 is proportional to ni2 n ~ T ⋅e 2 i 3 − Eg kT , Equation 3.23 the differentiation of Equation 3.22 with respect to T results in [28] E g 3kT 1 dVoc = − − Voc + ⋅ . dT q T q Equation 3.24 The important part of Equation 3.24 is (Eg/q-Voc). For high voltages, which are reached at high concentration levels, Eg stays nearly constant and Voc increases. Thus, the temperature coefficient of Voc decreases with increasing concentration. At one sun the temperature coefficient is around –1.7 mV/°C for highly-efficient solar cells, at 200 34 3 Cells at high concentration levels suns the coefficient is only around –1.4 mV/°C. Measurements of the concentrationdependent temperature coefficient of the RLCC cell are presented in Chapter 7.6. 35 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell In this chapter the design and the fabrication process of the rear-linecontacted concentrator cell developed in this work are described. The cell is designed for an innovative one-axis tracking concentrator system, which is described in Chapter 9. For measuring and applying the cells under outdoor conditions, a special hybrid mounting technology was developed exhibiting a low contact resistance and allowing high heat exchange. 4.1 Design of the concentrator cell The rear-line-contacted concentrator cell, named RLCC cell and developed in this work, has both electrical contacts on the rear side. The cell is designed for an application in an innovative one-axis tracking concentrator system, which is described in detail in Chapter 9. The rear-contacted cells have some advantages in comparison to standard contacted solar cells, which have one electrical contact on the front side and the other electrical contact on the rear side. These advantages are listed in the following. • There are no shadowing losses due to the abundance of a front grid. Figure 4.1: Photograph of the front side of the RLCC cell. The dark region is the active cell area, which is 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm. • Nearly the whole rear side can be covered with metal leading to very low series resistance losses and to a high cell performance under high incident irradiance. Figure 4.2: Different grid structures on the rear side of the cell. • The electrical series interconnection between rear-contacted cells is simplified. 37 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell • The mounting of the massive compound parabolic concentrators, which are used as second stage in the concentrator system, on the cells is strongly simplified since there is no grid on the front side of the cell. light total internal reflectance compound parabolic concentrator optically transparent adhesive RLCC cell electrical contacts Figure 4.3: Sketch of the mounting of a compound parabolic concentrator on the RLCC cell. A schematic of the RLCC cell is shown in Figure 4.4. The design is based on the pointcontacted solar cell developed at the Stanford University, USA [29] and on the LBSF (Local Back Surface Field) solar cell from Fraunhofer ISE, Germany [30]. In the following the main features of the RLCC cell fabricated on a p-doped substrate are briefly discussed. passivation SiO2 -layer local contact windows n+ p++ gap oxide metalisation n+ n++ deep local emitter floating emitter n+ texture for reducing the reflection local back surface field p++ shallow emitter p-silicon antireflection SiO 2 -layer incoming light Figure 4.4: Design of the rear-line-contacted concentrator cell. 38 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell Cell optics For a highly-efficient solar cell it is essential that most of the incoming sunlight is absorbed by the base material. Unfortunately, the base of rear-contacted concentrator solar cell must be kept thin (around 100 µm) in order to decrease series resistance losses in the base and to decrease the diffusion path length of generated carriers from the front to the rear side. Since silicon solar cells are indirect semiconductors and the absorption coefficients are small, the optical path length of the incoming light must be as long as possible in the cell. In order to reduce the reflection losses and to increase the optical path length within the cell, the cell is textured with inverted pyramids as indicated in Figure 4.5. Due to multiple reflection of the light at the textured front side of the cell the probability of coupling light into the cell is increased. Also the optical path through the base of the refracted light is increased and so, the probability of absorption is improved. Figure 4.5: Raytracing of the incoming light through a textured surface (taken from[16]). Additionally, a thermal oxide (n ≈ 1.5) is applied at the front side in order to passivate the front surface of the cell and to minimise reflection losses. The oxide layer, which is used as a antireflection coating, is optimised for 600 nm leading to the lowest total reflection of the AM1.5d spectrum at the front surface of the cell. Using Equation 4.1 the ideal thickness of the oxide layer is 105 nm. n⋅d = λ Equation 4.1 4 Thermally grown SiO2 layer The complete front side and most of the rear side is passivated by using a thermally grown SiO2 layer. Thereby, the open dangling bonds of the silicon crystal at the surfaces can be saturated and the density of the recombination centres are strongly decreased. The surface recombination velocity of a planar surface can then be reduced from around 106 cm/s to 100 cm/s. 39 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell Floating emitter A floating emitter (a shallow n+-diffusion) passivated by a thermal oxide is applied on the front side in order to reduce the surface recombination velocity of the textured front side. First, the non-contacted floating emitter works together with the base as a normal pn-junction collecting the generated minorities (electrons) in the n+-doped region. Since the minorities are not extracted, a potential is generated, which acts as a repulsive electric field for other minorities in the base [31]. So, the surface recombination velocity is reduced effectively. Back surface fields underneath the contact windows Local deep n++- and p++-diffusions underneath the emitter and base contacts are applied. These local high-low junctions or local high concentrations, respectively, reduce the minority carrier recombination at the contacts and also the contact resistance [32]. Emitter of the cell The shallow emitter on the rear side of the cell is used as the pn-junction of the cell in order to separate the generated electron/hole pairs and in order to improve the lateral conductivity of the collected minorities (electrons) to the n-contacts. Simultaneously, since the surface is oxide-passivated the surface recombination of the rear side is very low [33]. The rear-line-contacted concentrator cell The RLCC cell makes use of all the above mentioned benefits. The cell is textured on the front side for reducing reflection and increasing absorption. A floating emitter passivated by a thermal oxide is applied on the front side in order to reduce the surface recombination velocity. The cells were processed on 1 Ω cm and 100 Ω cm p-type FZ base material. On the rear side a large fraction is covered by phosphorus diffusion in order to increase carrier collection. RLCC cells have only narrow line-contact windows in order to reduce the recombination at the metal semiconductor contacts. Local deep n++- and p++-diffusions underneath the emitter and base contact windows are used, respectively. Due to the resulting high surface doping concentration, it is possible to use Ti/Pd/Ag for both contacts. The rear side is passivated by SiO2. On top of the SiO2 layer 50% to 80 % of the cell area is metallised leading to low metal series resistance losses under high concentration levels and to high reflectance of the long wave light coming from the front side back into the cell. The p- and the n-contact of the RLCC cells are both on the rear side of the cell. This leads to an interdigitated metal grid structure as can be seen in Figure 4.6. Since the pnjunction of these cells is on the rear side, carriers generated at the front side have to diffuse from the front to the rear side. Thus, float zone substrates with a high diffusion 40 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell length are used. The active cell area of the RLCC cell is 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm and is optimised for an application in the one-axis tracking concentrator system. The thickness of the substrates was varied between 250 µm and 90 µm. For this, 250 µm thick wafers are thinned by using a special mechanical grinder tool at ISE, Freiburg [27]. n-bus bar p-bus bar n-finger p-finger Figure 4.6: Interdigitated grid structure on the rear side of the cell. p-finger p-bus bar n-Finger contact window contact window p-silicon n+-diffusion p-silicon Figure 4.7: Photography of a part of the metallised rear-side of the cell using a light microscope. In Figure 4.7 a photograph of a part of the RLCC cells is shown. Between the p- and the n-finger the n+-diffusion of the emitter and the blank p-silicon of the substrate are visible. Underneath the Ti/Pd/Ag metallisation the narrow line contact windows can be seen. 41 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell 4.2 Set of masks In order to find an optimum cell structure, we have fabricated a set of mask varying all important cell parameters on it. These cell parameters are • the distance of the grid fingers. The distance between a n- and n-finger (or between a p- and p-finger) is varied from 120 µm to 400 µm, • the width of the contact windows. The width of the contact windows are 4%, 9% or 11% of the finger distance, • the width of diffused areas. The diffusion areas are adapted to the contact windows and to the finger distance, • the width of the non-metallised regions on the rear side. The width of the gap between neighbouring fingers is between 10 µm to 100 µm, • the finger type (tapered and not tapered), • the position of the bus-bars. The bus-bars are inside the active cell area or outside of it. bus-bar 0.8 mm nonmetalised area oxidopening 4.5 mm 4 fingerdistance 4.5 mm or 6.1 mm Figure 4.8: Illustration of the varied cell parameters. The different cell parameters are illustrated in Figure 4.8. The red and green areas represent the n- and p-fingers and the n- and p-bus bars, respectively. The yellow and the blue stripes represent the contact windows of the n- and p-contacts. The complete cell area is 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm if the bus bars are inside of the active cell area or 4.5 mm x 6.1 mm if the bus bars are outside of the active cell area. 42 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell Figure 4.9: Mask for the shallow n+-diffusion on the rear side of the cell. The variations of the cell parameters lead to a set of mask with 85 different solar cells on one single four inch wafer. Different test structures, which allow for the determination of the different contact resistance and the sheet resistances, are integrated additionally (see Chapter 3). The set of mask consists of two masks for the front side, one for the texture and one for the floating emitter. For the p++- diffusion, the n++diffusion, the n+-diffusion, the contact windows and the metallisation on the rear side five masks are necessary. As an example the n+-diffusion mask is shown in Figure 4.9. In order to identify the cells after the fabrication process the cells are numbered consecutively. 4.3 4.3.1 Fabrication process Process flow In order to get an overview of the process sequence, a schematic of the process flow of the RLCC cell is presented and summarised in Figure 4.10 and Figure 4.11. For the local deep p++-diffusion the detailed processing steps are presented in Figure 4.10. The process of the cell starts with cleanings steps. After this, the deep p++-diffusion is applied and then the front surface is textured. Next, the deep n++-and the shallow n+diffusion follow. Before the rear side is metallised the contact windows are etched locally. Due to the small dimensions of the RLCC cells in contrast to other highlyefficient solar cells, the challenges in processing the cells were the optimisation of the different photolithographic transfer processes and the development of the rear-side metallisation. For this purpose new resists were tested. The detailed complete process flow of the RLCC cell is given in the Appendix at the end of this work. 43 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell RCA-cleaning p-silicon masking SiO2 layer masking SiO2 layer p-silicon masking SiO2 layer local SiO-etch of masking oxide rear side local SiO-etch of masking oxide p-silicon spin-on resist exposure of the resist developing of the resist stripping resist SiO-etch of masking oxide front side p++-diffusion p++-diffusion p++ p++ p++-diffusion p-silicon boron oxide and masking oxide p++ p++ p-silicon generation of a thin boron oxide film due to the p++-diffusion boron oxide and masking oxide etching of boron oxide p++ p++ etching boron oxide p-silicon etching of boron oxide masking SiO2 layer p++ p++ masking oxide p-silicon masking SiO2 layer Figure 4.10: Detailed processing steps for the deep p++-diffusion. 44 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell oxide rear side p++ p++ p-silicon inverted pyramids oxide front side oxide p++ n++ p++ p-silicon n++-diffusion oxide p++ n+ n+ n++ p++ p-silicon n+-diffusion floating emitter (n+) oxide contact windows n+ p++ n+ n++ p++ p-silicon contact windows floating emitter (n+) antireflection coating (oxide) local contact windows SiO2 layer n+ p++ gap metalisation n++ n+ p++ deep local emitter shallow emitter floating emitter texture for reducing the reflection local back surface field metallisation p-silicon antireflection coating incoming light Figure 4.11: RLCC cell processing steps after the p++-diffusion. 45 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell 4.3.2 Technology Before starting the fabrication sequence of the cells, the wafer are thinned by using the mechanical grinder tool at ISE, Freiburg. After this, wet chemical etching and cleaning steps are applied in order to solve surface contaminations from the substrates. In our process the first cleaning step is a HNF-cleaning using HNO3 for surface oxidation and HF for etching the oxide. Thereby, most contamination is removed. The next cleaning process step is the RCA cleaning. The RCA cleaning is based on a two-step wet-oxidation and a complexing treatment in aqueous H2O2-NH4OH and H2O2-HCL mixture at 75-80 °C for ten minutes [34]. Between the two-step wet oxidation, two one-minute HF (1%) clean steps are applied in order to remove the formed oxide films. The chemical principles of the RCA cleaning are • H2O2 at high pH-values is a powerful oxidant which decomposes to H2O and O2. • step 1: NH4OH is a strong complexant for many metals. • step2: HCL in H2O2 forms soluble alkali and metal salts by dissolution and/ or complexing. • the mixtures are formulated not to attack silicon. Step1: • due to the wet oxidation organic surface films are removed and due to NH4OH the surfaces are exposed for the desorption of trace metals (Au, Ag, Cu ...). • due to the wet chemical oxidation and the subsequent HF dips, the samples keep forming and dissolving of native oxide films. Step 2: Using HCL • alkali ions and hydroxide of Al+3, Fe+3, Mg+3 are dissolved. • residual metals are desorbed by complexing. • a protective oxide film is left. After these wet chemical cleaning steps the substrates should be free of contamination and the actual fabrication process of the cells starts. Diffusion The sequence of the RLCC cell fabrication process is determined by the different diffusion profiles of the dopant materials. The deep doping profiles for highly- efficient solar cells, were optimised by S. Sterk [35]. In that work, it is shown that very deep doping profiles (5 µm, 32 Ω/) of boron underneath the contact windows lead to the 46 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell desired low contact resistance and to the best open-circuit voltages. Such a local boron diffusion is the first dopant diffusion process in the fabrication of the RLCC cell. After this, a deep phosphor diffusion (2.7 µm, 19 Ω/) follows underneath the n-contacts. The third dopant diffusion process is the shallow emitter diffusion (1.4 µm, 125 Ω/) for the floating emitter on the front side and for the pn-junction on the rear side [36]. All dopant diffusions used here are two-step diffusion processes. First in a pre-deposition step, a diffused layer is formed under constant-surface–concentration condition. The dopants are introduced by using liquid sources (BBr3, POCL3) and they are transported to the semiconductor surface using nitrogen. Then a 30 min long drive-in diffusion is followed under a constant-total-dopant condition [37]. So, all dopant diffusion processes lead to a Gaussian dopant profile. An additional drive-in diffusion of the boron and phosphor dopants is applied in processing the masking silicon dioxide layers, simultaneously. In doping the wafers a thin boron or phosphorus oxide layer is formed on the silicon surface, which has to be etched by a 30 sec wet chemical process step, called SiO-etch step, using a mixture of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and hydrofluoric acid (HF) in water. Oxide layer The silicon dioxide layer on the front side, used as a masking layer or as an antireflection layer, and the silicon dioxide layer on the rear side are fabricated by the thermal oxidation process [37]. Additionally, wettish chlorine (DCE) is introduced into the oxidation ambient to reduce the process time and to remove impurities at the SiSiO2 interface by transforming them into volatile chlorides. The reaction time and the temperature of the thermal oxidation depends on the silicon dioxide thickness. The silicone dioxide layer can then be locally etched for the diffusion processes by using the SiO-etch. Metallisation For the rear side metallisation the electron beam evaporation is used [38]. A deposit thickness of 5 µm can be reached. A disadvantage of the process is the generation of Xrays by the e-beam which causes damage of oxide surface layer. For reducing the damage, the samples are sintered. Sintern At the end of the fabrication process all samples are sintered by an inert gas (N2H2) at 450°C. While sintering the wafers (25 minutes) the passivation of the SiO2 layer is strongly improved. There are two different theoretical models for this effect [39]. Building in atomic hydrogen in the SiO2 layer the open dangling-bonds of the surface are saturated and the recombination is reduced. It could also be that the atomic 47 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell hydrogen displaces the very active recombination centres from the middle of the band gap leading to a lower recombination rate. Photolithography Due to the small dimensions of the RLCC cells in contrast to other highly-efficient solar cells, the challenges in processing the cells were the optimisation of the different photo lithographic transfer processes and the development of the rear-side metallisation. For this purpose several new resists were tested. A detailed description of the single photo lithography steps is given in the Appendix. Process Condition - spin speed - spin-on time positive photoresist SiO2 Si substrate light - front or rear side first - exposure time photomask dissolution of the exposed resist - mixture of developer - developing time etching of the insulating SiO2-layer - etching time - plasma etching or acetone stripping of the resist Figure 4.12: The optical lithographic transfer process in detail using a positive photoresist. Using the optical transfer process, patterns of geometric shapes of the RLCC cell on a mask are first transferred to a thin radiation sensitive resist and then transferred to the 48 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell insulating SiO2 layer. The patterns define the diffusion regions and the contact windows of the RLCC cell. The choice of the right photoresist depends strongly on the dimensions of the defined regions. The resist parameters as for example the baking temperature or the baking time must be optimised for every single photoresist step. A typical photo lithography process, using a positive resist, with a following dissolution of the resist and an etching of the insulating SiO2 layer is presented in Figure 4.12. After forming an insulating layer of SiO2 on the substrate surface, the photoresist is applied to the wafer using a spin-on coating system. The spin speed and the spin time depends on the used photoresist and the desired thickness of the photoresist film. After the spinning step a pre-exposure baking step of the resist is done in order to remove the solvent and to improve the adhesion to the wafer. In an optical lithography system the wafer is aligned to the photomask and the opaque patterns of the mask are exposed to UV-light. The exposed areas of the positive resist are then dissolved in a developer. Using the SiO-etch step the exposed areas of the insulating layer are etched and the not exposed areas are not attacked. At the end the positive resist is stripped using plasma etching or acetone and the insulating layer is left as the inverse image of the opaque mask pattern. 4.4 Mounting of the cells In order to measure the fabricated RLCC cells under Standard Test Conditions the cells are diced out of the wafer for mounting them. For dicing the cells, the cells are scored by a laser system and then mechanically broken. For measuring the RLCC cells up to 300 suns, low electrical losses and a high heat exchange for the mounting system are necessary. The electrical contact resistance between the cell and the mounting system should be a lot smaller than the series resistance of the cell (<< 0.01 Ω cm2). For an estimation of the necessary heat exchange between the cell and the mounting system, while measuring the cell versus concentration, the heat transport equation is used. G =−κ ∂T ∂x Equation 4.2 where G is the incident irradiance, κ is the thermally conductive coefficient, T is the absolute temperature and x is the thickness of the electrical isolator. At the constant light simulator the measuring chuck can be cooled down to 0°C (see Chapter 5). The RLCC cell is measured under STC and so, at 25°C leading to a ∆T of 25 K. For a light concentration of around 200 suns and a taken electrical efficiency of the cell of around 20% it follows by using Equation 4.2 ∆x ≤ 0.25 mm and κ ≥ 2 W/(m K). Leading off the heat from cell is more difficult for purely rear-contacted cells compared to conventionally contacted cells, since it is crucial to avoid electrical shorts between 49 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell the two electrodes while keeping the thermal conductivity high. Different mounting systems were investigated and the results are listed Table 4.1. The used concepts are based on two different mounting methods, whereas the electrically contacting methods were varied. cell n-contact electrical conductor p-contact cavity to be filled with thermally conductive and electrically insulating adhesive copper electrical isolator Figure 4.13: Mounting of the cell using a sandwich material and a copper plate for the heat dissipation (concept 1). In the first concept the cell receiver consists of a electrically isolating thin sandwich material and a piece of copper for heat dissipation Figure 4.13. The sandwich material is on the front side electrical conductive and on the rear side electrical insulating. On the front side a groove is milled in for insulating the n- and p-contact of the concentrator cell. On the rear side of the sandwich material a hole is drilled through the whole sandwich material. The bus bars of the concentrator cell are connected to the electrically conductive side of the sandwich material. The copper plate is connected to the concentrator cell and the sandwich material using thermally conductive and electrically insulating adhesive. The sandwich material is less than 0.5 mm high, thus the cavity filled with thermally conductive adhesive is quite thin for a good heat exchange between cell and copper. In the second concept the rear side of the cell is glued on copper plate using thermally conducting and electrically isolated tape (Figure 4.14). The copper plate is used for the heat dissipation and has two contact windows for the electrical connection of the cell from the rear side. The bus bars of the cell are connected to the rear side of the contact pads using thin conductors. The pads are glued to the front side of the tape and allow an easy interconnection between cells in a concentrator module. 50 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell cell contact pads conductor thermally conductive foil with spacings copper plate with spacings Figure 4.14: Mounting of the cell using a thermally conductive tape and a copper plate for heat dissipation (concept 2). Contact Concept1 Concept 2 thermal Thermally conductive adhesive Thermally conductive adhesive Thermally Thermally conductive tape conductive tape electrical Elecrically conductive adhesive Soldering Elecrically conductive adhesive Soldering Results Heat exchange Cooling Cooling Very good heat problems above problems above exchange 50 suns 50 suns Contact resistance FF losses above << series cell 60 suns resistance Strong FF << series cell losses above 10 resistance suns Electrical Shunting problems No problem No problem Very often Very good heat exchange Careful handling Table 4.1: Different tested mounting concepts. The advantage of the first concept is that the complete bus-bars of the cell can be mounted and electrically connected to the conductive substrate in a way which is known as the SMD (surface mounting device) technology from the micro-electronics. So, the complete bus-bar area can be used for the electrical interconnection, the contact area is large and the electrical contact resistance should be very small. The application of either electrically conductive adhesives or of soldering techniques seem to be possible using this concept. The main advantage of the second concept is the very simple mounting method using highly thermally conductive and both side sticky tape. In the first concept 51 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell the cavity between the cell and the copper plate has to be filled with thermally conductive adhesive. Thermally conductive adhesives are based on polymers which are filled with flakes of silver, gold or other less noble metals [40], where 0.1 W/(m K) ≤ κ ≤ 1 W/(m K) is usual for thermally conductive adhesive and a volume resistivity of ≈ 0.001 Ω cm is usual for the electrically conductive adhesive. Due to the flakes of the thermally conductive adhesive the tested pastes could not be dispensed thinner than 0.2 mm leading to cooling down problems in the first concept above 50 suns in measuring the cells versus the concentration. So, this kind of thermal connection is insufficient. In both concepts the application of electrically conductive adhesives led to higher FF losses of the cells at high concentration levels in comparison to cells mounted with the soldering technique. Figure 4.15: Front side of the mounted RLCC cell using thermally conductive tape. Figure 4.16: Rear side of the RLCC cell which is electrically connected using soldering technique. For very low contact resistance losses in combination with high heat exchange under high incident irradiation (300 suns), only the second concept was successful using thermally conductive tape (T-pcm 910, κ = 2.23 W/(m K), x = 0.25 mm) and the 52 4 Design and technology of the rear-contacted silicon concentrator cell soldering technique. A fully mounted RLCC cell is shown from the front and the rear side in Figure 4.15 and in Figure 4.16. 53 5 Cell testing In this chapter the measurement methods for a detailed characterisation of the rear-line-contacted concentrator cells are introduced. At first some standard measurement methods are described. After this the special measurement methods for the analysis of RLCC cells are presented. 5.1 Standard measurement systems 5.1.1 Dark and light IV curves For measuring the dark current voltage characteristic, a voltage ramp is applied to the shaded RLCC cell by using a power supply. While switching the external voltage, the current and voltage of the cell are measured continuously by using a four-probe measurement. The only difference in measuring the light IV curve in contrast to the dark IV is that the solar cell is illuminated by a sun simulator and the cells are measured under the standard testing conditions (STC). The standard testing conditions define the measurement conditions e.g. temperature, spectrum, irradiation density and allow a comparison between different solar cells. Using the spectral irradiance Eλ(λ) [W/(m2µm)] of the sun simulator, the total irradiance G of this simulator [W/m2] can be calculated as ∞ G = ∫ E λ (λ )dλ . Equation 5.1 0 For terrestrial concentrator cells, there are no official international standard testing conditions. The three largest testing laboratories (NREL, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA; Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA and the Fraunhofer ISE Callab) define the standard testing conditions for terrestrial concentrator cells. • Cell temperature: ϑ = 25°C • Total irradiance: G = 1000 W/m2 • Direct spectral irradiance: AM1.5d [41]. The AM1.5d-spectrum corresponds to the direct light of the sun. The AM1.5 global standard spectrum also includes the diffuse light. In [42] an new direct spectrum for concentrator cell calibration is proposed, which differs slightly from the AM1.5d–spectrum. This spectrum is called low AOD (aerosol 55 5 Cell testing optical depth) -spectrum and should correspond better than the AM1.5d-spectrum to the spectrum of the sun spectrum at sunny days. The RLCC cells are calibrated by using this low AOD-spectrum. Since most of the RLCC cells are fabricated without any lithographic shadowing mask around the active area of the cell, a copper shadowing aperture mask is used to define the cell area size in measuring the cells under illumination. The shadowing mask covers the edge area around the cell, so that only the active cell area is illuminated. 5.1.2 Spectral response and external quantum efficiency The spectral response (SR [A/W]) of a cell is defined as the ratio of the photo current density Jphoto(λ), which is generated at one wavelength, and the incident irradiance G(λ). SR(λ ) = J photo (λ ) G (λ ) Equation 5.2 The external quantum efficiency (EQE) is the ratio of the number of electrons Ne, which generate the photo current, and the number of incident photons Nλ. EQE (λ ) = Ne Nλ Equation 5.3 The external quantum efficiency can be calculated by using the spectral response. EQE (λ ) = hc SR(λ ) qλ Equation 5.4 where h is the Planck´s constant, c is the speed of light in vacuum and q is the elementary charge. The total photo current density Jphoto of a solar cell for a given spectral irradiation density can be calculated by using the spectral response of the test cell and the spectral irradiance of the sun simulator. ∞ J photo = ∫ SR(λ ) E λ (λ )dλ Equation 5.5 0 Since the measurement of the SR is applied at an external voltage of 0V, the photo current density equals the short circuit density: Jphoto = Jsc. In order to determine the internal quantum efficiency of a solar cell (IQE(λ)), the external reflection losses R(λ) at the front surface of the cell are deducted from the EQE(λ). The IQE(λ) can be calculated by using the EQE(λ) and R(λ). 56 5 Cell testing IQE (λ ) = 5.1.3 EQE (λ ) 1 − R (λ ) Equation 5.6 Spectral mismatch correction In order to calibrate a test cell under STC, a reference cell is applied in order to set the correct irradiance of the sun simulator. Normally, the test cell and the reference cell have different spectral responses, so both take a different use of the sun simulator spectrum. For calibrating the test cell under Standard Test Conditions, the concept of the spectral mismatch correction is used. Taking the spectral response of the test cell SRTC(λ) and the spectrum of the sun simulator Esim(λ), the short-circuit current density, JsimTC can be calculated as λ2 J = ∫ E Sim (λ ) SR TC (λ )dλ . TC Sim Equation 5.7 λ1 Normally, this differs from the short-circuit current density under the standard spectrum JSTCTC. λ2 TC J STC = ∫ E STC (λ ) SR TC (λ )dλ Equation 5.8 λ1 For the reference cell, the short-circuit current densities under the sun simulator and the standard spectrum can be calculated in the same way. λ2 J RC Sim = ∫ E Sim (λ ) SR RC (λ )dλ Equation 5.9 λ1 λ2 J RC STC = ∫ E STC (λ ) SR RC (λ )dλ Equation 5.10 λ1 Taking the ratio of JsimTC and JSTCTC, it results λ2 J J TC Sim TC STC = J J ∫E RC Sim λ1 RC λ2 STC STC ∫E (λ ) SR RC λ2 ∫E λ ( λ ) dλ Sim (λ ) SR TC (λ )dλ STC (λ ) SR (λ )dλ 1 Sim (λ ) SR RC ( λ ) dλ λ2 λ1 ∫E . Equation 5.11 TC λ1 Defining the relative spectral response as s (λ ) = SR (λ ) , SR (λ 0 ) the relative spectrum as 57 Equation 5.12 5 Cell testing e(λ ) = E λ (λ ) , E λ (λ0 ) Equation 5.13 (where λ0 is an arbitrary wavelength) and the mismatch factor M as λ2 RC ∫ e STC (λ ) s (λ )dλ M= λ2 λ1 ∫e λ λ2 λ2 Sim (λ ) s TC (λ )dλ 1 ∫ eSim (λ )s RC ( λ ) dλ , ∫ e STC (λ ) s (λ )dλ Equation 5.14 TC λ1 λ1 where typical values for M are in the range from 0.97 to 1.03, Equation 5.11 can be formulated as TZ J STC = RC 1 J STC TC J Sim . RC M J Sim Equation 5.15 Thus, the short-circuit current of the test cell under STC can be calculated by using known measurement data of the test cell and the reference cell, whereas only relative data of the spectrums and of the spectral responses are necessary. Since most reference cells are calibrated to the AM1.5g-spectrum, it is necessary for a calibration to another spectrum e.g. to the low AOD-spectrum to perform an additional correction. In this case an additional correction factor M* is introduced. λ2 M* = ∫e λ spectrum1 ( λ ) s TC (λ ) dλ 1 Equation 5.16 λ2 ∫e spectrum2 ( λ ) s ( λ ) dλ TC λ1 5.1.4 Measurement errors at one-sun Using the equation for the efficiency η of the cell η= FF ⋅ Voc ⋅ I sc , Acell ⋅ G Equation 5.17 the relative measurement error for the absolute efficiency can be estimated. This relative error is not avoidable in calibrating a solar cell at one sun. For the RLCC cell, it can be estimated: ∆FF/FF ≈ 1.0% ∆Voc/Voc ≈ 0.5% ∆Isc/Isc ≈ 0.5% 58 5 Cell testing ∆Acell/Acell ≈ 0.1% (lithographic shadowing mask) or 2.0% (copper shadowing mask) ∆G/G ≈ 3.0%. For keeping the error in measuring the size of the copper shadowing mask (see also Chapter 5.1.1) as small as possible, an averaged size of many measurements was taken. The error of the irradiance G is generated by errors in the mismatch correction and errors of the reference cell. At first view 3.0% relative error of G seems to be large, but there are only a few calibration laboratories in the world, which can measure that precisely. From all this, the relative error in measuring the absolute efficiency at one sun is ∆η η absolute ∆α i = ∑ αi 2 3.2% lithographic mask ≈ 3.8% copper mask Equation 5.18 where α i ∈ {FF , Voc , I sc , Acell , G}. Taking the relative error between two measurements into account, the error of the irradiation density G can be neglected. Only the deviation of the intensity between the two measurements is of interest, since the cells are calibrated in the same way. This error is around 1% relative. Thus, for the relative measurement error between two measurements it can be estimated ∆η η 5.2 relative ∆α i = ∑ αi 2 1.6% lithograhpic mask ≈ . 2.5% copper mask Equation 5.19 Determination of the series resistance versus the concentration In Chapter 2.5 the series resistance of the RLCC cell is estimated by using analytical expressions for the series resistance components. For measuring the total series resistance of the cell, different measurement methods are proposed in [43]. Since the series resistance of the RLCC cells can depend on the irradiation density, a method for measuring the concentration–dependent total series resistance is presented in this chapter. 5.2.1 Measurement method Assuming an one-diode IV characteristic of the RLCC cell, the total series resistance can be calculated by using IV curves under different concentration levels [44]. For this, two light IV curves at two different concentration levels are taken and two points P1,2 having an arbitrary difference in current δd from their Isc are marked. δd is chosen in such a way that the point P2, which is the point of the IV curve at the higher concentration level, is next to the maximum power point of its IV curve (see Figure 59 5 Cell testing 5.1). The total series resistance results from the quotient of the voltage difference ∆V and the current difference ∆I of both points P1 and P2. Rs ,total = V1 − V2 I 2 − I1 Equation 5.20 δd 1.8 cell C3W2I3 P2 1.6 RS=∆V/∆I 1.4 Current [A] Pmpp 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.4 δd @ 265 x @ 172 x @ 109 x @ 63 x @ 52 x @ 30 x @ 18 x @ 11 x @ 5 x 0.5 P1 0.6 0.7 0.8 Voltage [V] Figure 5.1: Determination of the series resistance as a function of the concentration level. 5.2.2 Analysis of the measurement error An analysis of the total series resistance in dependence of the chosen δd is given in Figure 5.2. For this, the total Rs of a RLCC cell fabricated on a 1 Ω cm material is analysed. It can be seen that the relative trend of the total series resistance measured versus the concentration is nearly independent of the chosen δd using this method. The absolute values of Rs,total vary around ± 10%. Taking this into account, the presented method allows the determination of the concentration-dependent total series resistance. 60 5 Cell testing δd= δd= δd= δd= δd= δd= 7 % from ISC 8 % 9 % 10 % 11 % 12 % 2 RS,total [Ω cm ] 0.02 0.01 0.00 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 5.2: Series resistance in dependence of the arbitrary chosen δd [%] from Isc,2. 5.3 Needle array measurement setup In order to find an optimum cell structure, 85 rear-line-contacted concentrator cells, having different design parameters, are integrated on one single four-inch wafer (see Chapter 4.2). Figure 5.3: 85 different RLCC cells and five different test structures on one single fourinch wafer. 61 5 Cell testing A needle array measurement system, called NAMCO based on [45], was developed in this work for a fast and easy preselection of only the best cells for further in-depth characterisation. In this system, all cells of one wafer are contacted simultaneously by 340 (= 85 x 4) spring mounted needles, which means that each cell is contacted by four needles to allow a four-probe measurement. A relay box and a measurement device, controlled by LabView software, allow a sequential measurement of dark and light IV curves of the cells (see Figure 5.4). Thereby, acquisition of dark and light IV curves of all 85 cells is automatically done in less than 90 minutes. At this, the wafer is mechanically fixed between the needles and a solar glass and the cells are then illuminated through the solar glass from the front side of NAMCO. wafer solar glass spring-mounted contact needles computer relay box IV curve Figure 5.4: NAMCO for automated sequential characterisation of all 85 silicon concentrator cells on one four-inch wafer. The NAMCO system delivers only relative measurement results because • the edge area around the active cell area is illuminated if there is no lithographic shadowing mask on the front side of the wafer leading to FF problems of the measured cells, • the cells can not be cooled down to 25°C. However, a relative comparison of the data measured by NAMCO and measurement data under STC shows that a very fast classification of the cells is possible. Only the best cells are then mounted for further characterisation. 62 5 Cell testing Figure 5.5: Photograph of NAMCO. In the centre of the device beneath the solar glass are the 340 spring-mounted needles. 5.4 5.4.1 Cell testing under concentration Measurement setup (KoSim) The IV curve under concentration is measured in the same way as the IV curve at one sun. The only difference is that the light is concentrated onto the cell by using a lens system. The used measurement setup allows a concentration of the light from 5 suns up to 300 suns and the system is called KoSim. In the KoSim setup the test cells are cooled to 25°C by using a Peltier element. Xenonlamp oscilloscope silvermirror voltage lenses solar cell aperture resistance cell current vacuum chuck for cooling the cells to 25°C Figure 5.6: Measurement setup for measuring the cells versus concentration power supply Figure 5.7: Schematic of the test circuit. 63 5 Cell testing 5.4.2 Measurement method Since the open circuit voltage is very sensitive to the variation of the temperature (see Chapter 3.6 and Figure 5.8), the change in Voc due to a change in the temperature is used to measure the cell at 25°C. This is the so called Voc-method. In order to measure the IV curves under different concentration levels the following steps are performed. • Chose concentration factor by using the lens system. • Blocking the light with a copper plate. • Cooling down the cell to 25°C, so that Tcell equals Tpeltier. • Fast removing of the copper plate and continuously measuring of Voc using a oscilloscope. The open circuit voltage of the cell decreases very fast under concentrated illumination, since Tcell > Tpeltier. Using the Peltier element, the test cell is cooled down until the Voc of the test cell equals the open circuit voltage, which was directly measured after removing the copper plate. Then the test cell can be measured at 25°C. • Acquisition of the IV curve. 0.80 Voltage [V] 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time [ms] Figure 5.8: Fast changing of Voc of the test cell at around 120 suns. Measuring the test cell, the light concentration C can be calculated using the ratio of the measured Isc,conc and the calibrated one sun current Isc,one-sun of the test cell. For this, a linear dependence of the light intensity and the short-circuit current is assumed. 64 5 Cell testing C = I sc ,conc / I sc ,one − sun Equation 5.21 One disadvantage of the KoSim system is that measuring cells at e.g. eight different concentration levels takes more than two hours. This is due to the fact that the cells have to be cooled down to 25°C at every concentration level. Another problem is that the measurement method depends strongly on the calibrated one sun measurement results of the test cells. Nevertheless, this measurement guarantees a precise characterisation of the RLCC cells versus the concentration. 65 6 Simulation In the following section the process of the two-dimensional numerical simulation of the RLCC cells is described and first trends of the cell performance in dependence of different cell design parameters are presented. A detailed modelling of the RLCC cell can be found in Chapter 8. The twodimensional simulations were implemented in co-operation with M. Hermle at Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg. 6.1 Simulation process At the beginning of the simulation process, the complete solar cell is divided in so called “symmetry elements” (see Figure 6.1). A symmetry element reaches from the middle of a n-contact to the middle of a p-contact. In simulating one symmetry element, a redundant simulation of the same symmetry elements can be avoided. In the following the numerical simulation of these symmetry elements is described. symWidth frontOxideRegion bulkRegion symThickness frontEmitter pPlusOxideRegion gapOxideRegion rearEmitter p++ rearOxideThickness pContactWidth n+ n++ nContactWidth pContactDopingWidth gapOxide Width nOxideRegion nContact DopingWidth Figure 6.1: Inner symmetry element of the RLCC cell. First, the optical performance and the generation profile of the carriers is calculated. For this the raytracing program “RAYN” is used [46]. In this program different physical parameters are taken into account e.g. cell thickness, texture of the front and rear side and external and internal reflection losses at the front and rear side. Using “RAYN”, the 67 6 Simulation optical losses and the generation profile of the carriers in the solar cell can be calculated. In the next step a discretisation grid is applied to the symmetry element, in order to solve the semiconductor equations at the nodes of the grid. The discretisation grid is generated using the program “MESH”[47]. At the nodes of the discretisation grid the poisson equation (Equation 2.12) and the transport equations (Equation 2.7, Equation 2.8) are solved by using the program “DESSIS”[47]. As result of the numerical simulation by “DESSIS” the IV curves of the symmetry elements are given. In order to simplify the simulation process, a simulation tool in “Mathematica” called “PVObjects” was developed at Fraunhofer ISE, which allows to control of the different used programs. At the end of the simulation process the different symmetry elements are area-weighted connected and in a network simulation the IV characteristic of the complete cell can be simulated. 6.2 Two-dimensional simulation of the three-dimensional RLCC cells In order to apply two-dimensional simulation for the investigated RLCC cells, the solar cell is divided into three symmetry elements: • inner element between two fingers (Figure 6.1) • n-bus bar element • p-bus bar element. inner symmetry element bus bar symmetry element contact windows metalisation Figure 6.2: The different symmetry elements of the RLCC cell. 68 6 Simulation The inner symmetry element is from the middle of a p-finger to the middle of a n-finger. The symmetry elements of both bus bars are 900 µm broad (Figure 6.3). The n+- and the p++-diffusion underneath the bus bars are 800 µm broad. Underneath the contact window of the n-bus bar element, an additional n++-diffusion is applied. Since the finger and the bus bar can not be represented two-dimensional, a very narrow finger representing the tip of the real finger structure was simulated alternatively for generating high current densities. symWidth symWidth frontOxideRegion frontOxideThickness bulkRegion symThickness frontEmitter left nOxideRegion rearOxideRegion nOxideRegion n++ rearEmitter gapOxideRegion p++ n+ rearOxideThickness pContactWidth nContactDopingWidth EmitterdopingWidth gapOxideWidth pContactDopingWidth pPlusOxideRegion Figure 6.3: n-bus bar symmetry element. Itot(V) element area 1 element area 2 element area 3 Figure 6.4: Area–weighted network simulation. In a network simulation the symmetry elements are area-weighted connected in order to simulate the IV curve of the complete RLCC cell (see Figure 6.4). 6.3 Simulation parameters In the following the main simulation parameters are given. In order to minimise the calculation time, edge losses and ohmic losses in the grid structure are neglected, so that the absolute values of the simulated curves should be higher than the experimental results. 69 6 Simulation 6.3.1 Doping profiles The used doping profiles are given in Table 6.1. n++ n+ 2.0x1019 Surface concentration [cm-3] 5.0x1019 5.0x18 Diffusion depth [µm] 4.0 2.3 1.5 Sheet resistance [Ω/sq] 32 19 125 Diffusion p++ Table 6.1: Doping profiles used in the simulation. 6.3.2 Reflection losses and generation profile The generation profile in the solar cell can not be measured. The generation profile is calculated with “RAYN” by using the measured reflection curve of the RLCC cell. Since the area of the RLCC cells is only 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm, it was not possible to measure the reflection curve of the textured front side, because the minimal measurement spot is larger than the active cell area. Therefore, a similar but larger solar cell front side was characterised and used for the simulation. 6.3.3 Surface recombination velocity In order to describe the recombination at the Si-SiO2 surface, surface recombination velocities are used (see Chapter 3.1). Data from the simulation of an one sun rear contacted cell was taken [43]. The different regions in Table 6.2 are shown in Figure 6.1. Region Surface recombination velocity [cm/s] Front side (textured) 1500 Rear side at the contacts ~ 106 Rear side underneath the n+-diffusion 500 Rear side underneath the p++-diffusion 100 Gap 1000 Table 6.2: Surface recombination velocities for the simulation. 70 6 Simulation 6.4 Simulated trends of the RLCC cell In order to get a first insight into the cell performance, some trends of the RLCC cell are displayed using two-dimensional numerical simulation of the middle symmetry element. A comparison between measurements and simulations can be found in Chapter 8. 6.4.1 Variation of the cell thickness on a 1 Ω cm substrate The two-dimensional simulation results in Figure 6.5 are fitted to the one-sun measurements of a 90 µm thick RLCC cell fabricated on 1 Ω cm base material. From the simulation results it can be seen that the best cell performance on a 1 Ω cm substrate should be reached for a substrate thickness between 90 µm and 70 µm. This is mainly due to the fact that the one-sun current density of the RLCC cell reaches its maximum value between 70 µm and 90 µm as shown in Table 6.3. 24.0 23.5 23.0 Efficiency [%] 22.5 22.0 50 µm 70 µm 90 µm 150 µm 21.5 21.0 20.5 20.0 19.5 19.0 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 6.5: Efficiency versus concentration for different cell thickness on a 1 Ω cm material. Cell thickness [µm] Short-circuit current density [A/cm2] 50 36.45 70 36.67 90 36.64 71 6 Simulation 150 36.51 90 (measured) 36.5 Table 6.3: Short current densities at one-sun. 6.4.2 Variation of the RLCC cell thickness on a 100 Ω cm substrate For a cell on a 100 Ω cm material, it can be seen that the best cell efficiency should be reached for a substrate thickness between 70 µm and 50 µm. This is due to the fact that the fill factor on a highly resistive 100 Ω cm substrate is much better for the thinner substrates than for the thicker substrates due to the shorter diffusion path of the carriers from front to back. It can also be seen that the peak efficiency is reached at higher concentration levels than for the cell on the 1 Ω cm substrate. This effect will be explained in Chapter 7.5. 24.5 24.0 23.5 Efficiency [%] 23.0 22.5 22.0 21.5 21.0 50 µm 70 µm 90 µm 150 µm 20.5 20.0 19.5 19.0 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 6.6: Efficiency versus concentration for different cell thickness on a 100 Ω cm material. 6.4.3 Variation of the contact window width In Figure 6.7 and Figure 6.8 the simulation results for different contact window widths on a 1 Ω cm substrate are presented. 72 6 Simulation 24.0 Thickness 90 µm 23.5 Efficiency [%] 23.0 22.5 22.0 21.5 2 % contact window 5 % contact window 9 % contact window 21.0 20.5 20.0 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 6.7: Simulated efficiencies versus concentration for different contact window widths on a 1 Ω cm material. 0.86 0.84 Thickness 90 µm FF 0.82 2 % contact window 5 % contact window 9 % contact window 0.80 0.78 0.76 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 6.8: Simulated fill factors versus concentration for different contact window widths on a 1 Ω cm material. 73 6 Simulation As can be seen the cell efficiency increases a little with increasing contact window width. This is due to the higher fill factors for increasing contact window width. Since the differences in the efficiencies are that small, the recombination velocity beneath the contacts are strongly reduced, so that the contact width plays no significant role in the cell performance. In order to avoid current crowding problems, the 9% contact window width should be applied for very high concentration levels. 74 7 Experimental trends In order to find an optimum cell structure, a set of mask was designed for processing 85 different RLCC cells on one single four-inch wafer. On this set of masks the important cell parameters listed in Chapter 4.2 are varied. In this chapter comprehensive results of these solar cells are presented in order to display major trends in cell design and performance. The chosen cell results display the trends of many measurements. As an result of the parameter optimisation study a RLCC cell efficiency of 25% at 100 suns could be realised. 7.1 Position of the bus bars For measuring the cells versus concentration, the cells are mounted on a copper plate as described in Chapter 4.4. After mounting the cells, the light IV curves under Standard Test Conditions are measured (see 5.1.1). The IV curves under concentration are determined by using the KoSim setup described in Chapter 5.4.1. For this the calibrated one sun current density of the test cell is used, in order to determine the concentration level C by using Equation 5.21. One of the cell parameters, which is varied in the RLCC cell design, is the position of the 4.5 mm x 0.8 mm broad n- and p-bus bar. The different bus bar positions are presented in Figure 7.2. Cells of type A have the bus bars outside of the active cell area and cells of type B have the bus bars inside the active cell area. Figure 7.1: Front side of the RLCC cell. Figure 7.2: Rear side of the RLCC cell. Bus bars outside of the active cell area (left side, type A) and bus bars inside active cell area (right side; type B). The actual area of the cells of type A and B is then 4.5 mm x 6.1 mm and 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm, respectively. The cells of type B have line contact windows underneath the bus bars in order to collect the generated carriers above the bus bar region. Underneath the contact windows of the bus bars, local deep n++- and p++- 75 7 Experimental trends diffusions are applied for reducing the contact resistance. In order to reduce the risk of shunting through the oxide layer and to collect generated carriers, a shallow n+-diffusion is underneath the n-bus bar and a deep p++-diffusion is underneath the p-bus. The design of the bus bars is shown in Chapter 8.4. Measurement results of cells, processed on a 120 µm thick 1 Ω cm p-doped wafer and differing in the position of the bus bars and in the grid finger distance, are shown Figure 7.3 and Figure 7.4. Cells of type A: C3W2I3 C3W2I6 C3W2I8 24 Efficiency [%] 23 22 21 Cells of type B: C3W2B3 C3W2B6 C3W2B7 20 19 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.3: Efficiencies versus incident irradiation for cells of type A and of type B with similar cell parameters. The efficiencies of cells of type B are strongly reduced in contrast to the efficiencies of cells of type A. The efficiencies of the cells of type A, which have different grid finger distances, peak at concentrations between 20 suns and 70 suns before decreasing due to FF losses at higher concentrations. The efficiencies of cells of type B peak at a concentration of around 10x and are strongly limited by FF losses for all concentration levels as can be seen in Figure 7.4. For analysing this effect, the normalised measured IV curves of cell type A and B are plotted in Figure 7.5 and Figure 7.6, respectively. 76 7 Experimental trends 85 Fill Factor [%] 80 Cells of type A: C3W2I3 C3W2I6 C3W2I8 75 Cells of type B: C3W2B3 C3W2B6 C3W2B7 70 65 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.4: Fill factors versus incident irradiation for cells of type A and type B. The FF of cells of type B decreases more strongly than the cells of type A. C3W2I3 (Type A) 1.0 I [normalised] 0.8 0.6 0.2 @ @ @ @ @ @ 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 24.5x 39.1x 69.5x 97.2x 154.0x 210.4x (FF (FF (FF (FF (FF (FF 0.4 82.8%) 82.6%) 81.8%) 80.9%) 78.9%) 76.9%) 0.6 0.8 1.0 V [normalised] Figure 7.5: Normalised IV-curves of a cell of type A for different concentration. For concentrations over 100x the FF decreases due to series resistance losses. 77 7 Experimental trends C3W2B3 (Type B) 1.0 I [normalised] 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 @ 3.0 @ 12.7 @ 22.1 @ 34.1 @ 56.7 @ 102.2 0.2 x x x x x x (FF (FF (FF (FF (FF (FF 0.4 82.0%) 79.2%) 76.9%) 74.0%) 72.1%) 70.7%) 0.6 0.8 1.0 V [normalisedt] Figure 7.6: Normalised IV-curves of a cell of type B for different concentration levels. The cell behaviour shows an untypical deviation for high-efficient silicon concentrator cells. The fill factor of cell type A shows a normal FF behaviour. The FF decreases with increasing concentration due to the series resistance of the cell (Figure 7.5). In contrast to the IV curves of cell type A, the IV curves of cell type B (Figure 7.6) show an untypical deviation from the top, which do not result from series resistance problems. In order to investigate the untypical FF losses in detail, a cell of type B is measured versus incident intensity using different sized copper shadowing masks. With these shadowing masks different regions of the active cell area are illuminated: • First mask: The complete active cell area is illuminated. • Second mask: The n-bus bar is covered by the shadowing mask. • Third mask: The p-bus bar is covered by the shadowing bus bar. • Fourth mask: Both bus bars are covered by the shadowing mask. Schemes of the RLCC cell with different shadowing masks are presented in Figure 7.7. From Figure 7.8 it is obvious that the untypical FF characteristics of cells of type B is generated by the illumination of the n-bus-bar. An illuminated p-bus bar has only a small effect on the FF behaviour. The influence of the bus bars on the cell performance is fully discussed in Chapter 8.4 using two-dimensional numerical simulation. 78 7 Experimental trends incident light copper mask active cell area n-bus bar p-bus bar Figure 7.7: The different copper shadowing masks for a RLCC cell of type B. 82 Type B 80 78 Fill Factor [%] 76 74 72 70 both bus bars are covered n bus bar is covered the whole active area is illuminated p bus bar is covered 68 66 64 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.8: FF versus concentration for a cell of type B. Four different shadowing masks are used to cover the different areas of the cell. Taking the above measurements into account, only cells with bus-bars outside of the active cell area will be measured in the following or if measuring cells with bus bars inside of the active cell, the bus bars are covered by a shadowing mask. Therefore, the measurements in the following chapters are not influenced by bus bar problems and the results display the trends of other interesting cell parameters. In a second set of mask, which was designed after the first three batches, the bus bars are always outside of the active cell area. 79 7 Experimental trends 7.2 Grid geometry In Figure 7.9 the fill factors versus incident irradiation densities are shown for cells with different grid geometries. The fingers of cell C3W2E6 are tapered and the width of the non-metallised region between two fingers is 50 µm. The fingers of the cells C3W2I3 and C3W2C5 are not tapered, whereas the width of the non-metallised region between two fingers is for C3W2I3 50 µm and for C3W2C5 100 µm. The grid finger distance of cell C3W2I3 is 201.7 µm, of cell C3W2C5 is 224.4 µm and of cell C3W2E6 is 149.6 µm. The FF behaviour differs strongly for the different grid geometries: The cells C3W2E6 and C3W2C5 are strongly limited by FF losses at high incident intensities. The FF of the cell C3W2I3 increases with increasing concentration and decreases for concentration levels over 100 suns. From the measurements it can be concluded that tapered fingers and broad non-metallised regions decrease the cell performance. In the following measurements only cells with a non-metallised region between two fingers of 50 µm or less and non-tapered fingers are analysed. In the second set of mask the width of the non-metallised region is strongly decreased up to 10 µm in order to reduce fill factor losses and to improve the cell performance under high concentration levels. Such small non-metallised regions could be reached due to improvements in the technology. Fill Factor [%] 80 75 70 C3W2I3 ( 50 µm spacing between fingers) C3W2C5 (100 µm spacing between fingers) C3W2E6 (tapered finger) 65 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.9: Comparison of fill factors for cells with different grid geometries. 80 7 Experimental trends 7.3 Finger distance and contact windows In order to optimise the grid design of the RLCC cells the grid finger distance between a n- and n-finger is varied from 201.7 µm to 310 µm. The measured cells in Figure 7.10 are fabricated on 140 µm thick 10 Ω cm p-doped substrates. The non-metallised region between two fingers is kept constant at 50 µm for all cells, and all fingers are not tapered. In Figure 7.10 the influence of the finger distance on the cell performance is shown to be significant: The smaller the grid finger distance, the higher the FF at high incident irradiation. As will be shown in Chapter 8.4 this is effected by the shorter lateral carrier diffusion in the base due to the smaller grid finger distances. A shorter lateral carrier diffusion path results in lower series resistance losses leading to higher FF under high concentration levels. Smaller grid finger distances lead to higher recombination losses at the semiconductor metal conducts, because the lateral diffusion path for the generated carriers is reduced for the electrons to the p-contact and for the holes to the n-contact, respectively. From Figure 7.11 it is obvious that the smaller the grid finger distance, the smaller is Voc. From all that it can be concluded that smaller grid finger distances lead to higher FFs and to lower Voc values. Using the cell efficiency measurements versus the concentration, it should be possible to display the optimum of these opposed effects. Fill Factor [%] 80 Finger distance C4W3A7 ( 4% C4W3A8 ( 9% C4W3I3 ( 9% C4W3I4 (11% -----------Finger distance C4W3B2 ( 4% C4W3B3 ( 9% -----------Finger distance C4W3I5 ( 4% C4W3I6 ( 9% C4W3I7 (11% 75 70 65 1 201.7 µm contact contact contact contact window) window) window) window) 244.7 µm contact window) contact window) 310.0 µm contact window) contact window) contact window) 10 Concentration [suns] 100 Figure 7.10: Different grid finger distances and contact windows versus incident intensity. 81 7 Experimental trends 810 VOC [mV] 800 Finger distance 201.7 µm C4W3A7 ( 4% Oxide opening) C4W3A8 ( 9% Oxide opening) C4W3I3 ( 9% Oxide opening) C4W3I4 (11% Oxide opening) -----------Finger distance 244.7 µm C4W3B2 ( 4% Oxide opening) C4W3B3 ( 9% Oxide opening) -----------Finger distance 310.0 µm C4W3I5 ( 4% Oxide opening) C4W3I6 ( 9% Oxide opening) C4W3I7 (11% Oxide opening) 790 780 770 100 200 Concentration [suns] 300 Figure 7.11: Different grid finger distances and contact windows versus incident itensity. 24 23 Efficiency [%] 22 Finger distance C4W3A7 ( 4% C4W3A8 ( 9% C4W3I3 ( 9% C4W3I4 (11% -----------Finger distance C4W3B2 ( 4% C4W3B3 ( 9% -----------Finger distance C4W3I5 ( 4% C4W3I6 ( 9% C4W3I7 (11% 21 20 19 18 17 1 10 Concentration [suns] 201.7 Oxide Oxide Oxide Oxide µm opening) opening) opening) opening) 244.7 µm Oxide opening) Oxide opening) 310.0 Oxide Oxide Oxide µm opening) opening) opening) 100 Figure 7.12: Different grid finger distances and contact windows versus incident intensity. The plot of the efficiency versus the concentration is shown in Figure 7.12. It can be seen that the smaller the grid finger distance is, the higher the efficiency is. It can also be seen that cells with smaller grid finger distances peak at higher concentration levels. 82 7 Experimental trends Thus, the grid finger distance between two n-fingers or p-finger, respectively should be as small as technologically possible. Due to improvements in the technology the finger distances could be reduced from 120 µm to 30 µm. The influence of the width of the contact windows is experimentally not significant in Figure 7.12. If there is no optimum size of the contact width of the RLCC cell detectable, broader contact windows should be preferred in order to avoid current crowding and contact resistance problems at high concentration levels. 7.4 Cell thickness The optimum cell thickness of a rear-contacted silicon concentrator cells should be smaller than 100 µm as shown in the numerical simulations in Chapter 6.4.2. The optimum cell thickness can be found by the optimisation of the following opposite optical and electrical effects: • Light trapping. With increasing substrate thickness the optical path length of the incoming light is increased between the front and the rear side, so that the probability of absorption of infrared light is increased. The thinner the cell is, the better the light trapping of the infrared light must be. Thus, for light absorption the substrate must as thick as possible • Probability of collection of generated electron/hole pairs and series resistance losses due to the base. The probability of collecting generated electron/hole pairs, which are mostly generated at the front side, decreases with increasing cell thickness, because the carriers must diffuse from front to rear without any recombination in the bulk. The base series resistance also increases with increasing cell thickness, because the path length for the carriers increases. This leads to FF problems. Thus, the substrate should be as thin as possible for a high probability of collecting carriers and for reducing the series resistance. The experimental trends of a 250 µm thick, a 120 µm thick and a 90 µm thick cell processed on a 1 Ω cm p-doped substrate are shown in the following plots. The best external quantum efficiency, and therefore the best short-circuit current, is reached with a cell thickness of 120 µm. The short-circuit current density decreases for thinner substrates because the infrared light can not be used by the cell. This can be seen in comparing the EQEs of cell C7W3D7 and C3W2I3 for wavelengths between 1000 nm and 1050 nm. The 250 µm thick cell delivers only small short-current densities because of the SRH recombination of the generated carriers in the thick base. 83 7 Experimental trends 100 90 80 EQE (%) 70 60 50 2 C7W3D7; 90 µm; 37.24 mA/cm 2 C3W2I3; 120 µm; 37.51 mA/cm 2 C2W4I9; 250 µm; 32.0 mA/cm 40 30 20 10 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Wavelength (nm) 1000 1100 1200 Figure 7.13: External quantum efficiency versus wavelength in dependence of the cell thickness at one sun. 85 Fill Factor [%] 80 75 C2W4I9; 250 µm; 11% contact window C3W2I3; 120 µm; 9% contact window C7W4D9; 90 µm, 5% contact window 70 65 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.14: Fill factor versus concentration in dependence of the cell thickness. 84 7 Experimental trends Open circuit voltage [mV] 800 750 700 C2W4I9; 250 µm C3W2I3; 120 µm C7W3D7; 90 µm 650 1 10 Concentration [suns] 100 Figure 7.15: Voc versus concentration in dependence of the cell thickness. The fill factor for the cell on the thinnest substrate is higher than the fill factors for the cells on the thicker substrates between 1 sun and 80 suns (Figure 7.14). Also the opencircuit voltage is higher for the thinnest cell. The higher open-circuit voltage is reached because of the reduced SRH recombination and the higher carrier confinement in the 90 µm thick cell. For very high concentration levels the fill factor of the 120µm thick cell is surprisingly higher than for the 90 µm thick cell. This could be due to the fact that the measured series resistance of the 90 µm thick cell is a little bit higher than the series resistance of the 120 µm cell. A possible reason for this are mounting problems leading to a little higher contact resistance. The higher contact resistance plays a more important role for the total series resistance for concentration levels over 100 suns (see Chapter 7.7). For lower concentration levels, the series resistance in the base is more important and thus, the FF of the 90 µm cell is higher than the FF of the thicker cells. In the efficiency versus concentration plot (Figure 7.16) it can be seen that the highest peak cell efficiency is reached for the 90 µm thin RLCC cell at around 70 suns. Taking all this into account, the best cell performance should be reached for substrates thinner than 100 µm, which is in agreement with the simulation trends. 85 7 Experimental trends 24 Efficiency [%] 23 22 21 20 C2W4I9; 250 µm C3W2I3; 120 µm C7W3D7; 90 µm 19 18 17 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.16: Efficiency versus concentration in dependence of the cell thickness. 7.5 Base doping concentration In order to compare the cell performance on different doped substrates, cells were fabricated on 90 µm thick 100 Ω cm base material and on 1 Ω cm base material. Unfortunately, the inverted pyramids of the cells were not perfect. Small ridge tops between the inverted pyramids increases the reflection on the front side. Thus the absolute efficiencies are lower than expected. Since both cells have nearly the same front surface problem, relative trends should be still visible. The grid structure is equal for both cells. Due to the longer diffusion length in the 100 Ω cm base material, the EQE of the cell on the lightly doped substrate is higher than the EQE of the highly doped substrate. In fact, the one-sun current density under STC and calibrated to the AOD-spectrum is 38.35 mA/cm2 for the 100 Ω cm RLCC cell and 37.1 mA/cm2 for the 1 Ω cm RLCC cell. The open-circuit voltage is given by the pn-product (see Equation 2.27). Thus, Voc is higher for the highly doped cell than for the lightly doped cell at one sun (Figure 7.18). Since the 100 Ω cm cell is in high-level injection for concentration levels over 10 suns (see Chapter 8.1), the open-circuit voltage depends not on the base doping concentration but on the generated carrier densities. This is the reason why the open-circuit voltages of both cells converge for high concentration levels. In Figure 7.19 the fill factors and the total series resistances Rs,total of both cells versus the concentration are presented. The fill factor of the 100 Ω cm cell is much lower than the fill factor of the 1 Ω cm RLCC cell, because the series resistance of the cell with the 86 7 Experimental trends lightly doped base is much higher due to the high resistance of the base at low and medium concentration levels. It can also be seen that the FF of the lightly doped cell peaks at higher concentration levels and the FF of this cell decreases more slowly than the FF of the highly doped cell at very high concentration levels. This FF characteristics accord with the series resistance behaviour of the cells at high concentration levels shown in Figure 7.19. It results: • 1 Ω cm cells reach higher fill factors than 100 Ω cm cells. • 100 Ω cm cells reach higher short-current densities. From the efficiency measurements in Figure 7.20, it can be seen that cells on 100 Ω cm substrates should reach a higher peak efficiency and should have a higher performance under high concentration levels over 100 suns. 100 EQE [%] 80 60 40 2 90 µm; 1 Ω cm; Jsc, AOD= 37.1 mA/cm , C7W1D4 2 90 µm; 100 Ω cm; Jsc, AOD= 38.35 mA/cm ; C7W4D9 20 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 Wavelength [nm] Figure 7.17: Comparison of the EQE of RLCC cells fabricated on 1 Ω cm and 100 Ω cm base material. Small ridge tops between the inverted pyramids reduce the EQE curves. The grid structure is equal for both cells. 87 7 Experimental trends 0.82 0.80 0.78 Voc [V] 0.76 0.74 1 Ω cm 100 Ω cm 0.72 0.70 0.68 0.66 1 10 Concentration [suns] 100 Figure 7.18: Open-circuit voltage versus concentration for the 1 Ω cm and the 100 Ω cm RLCC cell. 0.85 0.05 0.84 0.83 Fill factor 2 1 Ω cm 100 Ω cm 0.81 Rs,total [Ω cm ] 0.04 0.82 0.03 0.80 0.79 0.02 0.78 0.77 0.01 0.76 0.75 1 10 100 0.00 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.19: Fill factor versus incident irradiation density for lightly and highly doped substrates. 88 7 Experimental trends 24.0 23.5 23.0 Efficiency [%] 22.5 22.0 21.5 1 Ω cm 100 Ω cm 21.0 20.5 20.0 19.5 19.0 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.20: Comparison of the efficiencies for the different base doping concentrations. The deviation in the absolute efficiencies may be caused by deviation in the fabrication process, so only the relative characteristics of both RLCC cells should be considered. Th absolute efficiencies are reduced due to ridge tops between the inverted pyramids on the front side. 7.6 Thermal performance of the RLCC cells In this section the thermal performance of the RLCC cells is measured and investigated for different incident intensities. As predicted by Equation 3.24, the open-circuit voltage coefficient decreases with increasing concentration level (Figure 7.21), because the difference of Eg and Voc decreases. At one sun the temperature coefficient of Voc of the RLCC cells is around - 1.78 mV/°C, whereas it is - 1.43 mV/°C at 200 suns. The temperature coefficient of FF stays nearly stable for all concentration levels and is independent of the incident irradiance (see Figure 7.22). At 126 suns the FF is smaller than for other concentration levels. This should be a measurement error. The temperature coefficient of the maximum power point is for the RLCC cell much lower at one sun (-0.013 mW/°C) than for 200 suns (-2.54 mW/°C) (see Figure 7.23). But these coefficients are not of interest if comparing the thermal performance of e.g. a flat-plate and a concentrator module. For this, the percentage power decrease related to the Pmpp at 25°C is much more important, which is at one-sun -0.34%/°C (-0.4%/°C is determined in [48] for standard polycrystalline and crystalline flat-plate systems) and for 200 suns -0.28%/°C . 89 7 Experimental trends The cells in flat-plate modules and the cells in concentrator application are both heated up to around 60°C at 1000 W/m2 global irradiance. Thus, it is apparent from these measurements that concentrator applications of the same cell would produce power more efficiently, because of the smaller percentage power decrease at high concentration levels. For the temperature range tested, all cell parameters show linear behaviour, whereas for simplification the very small Isc temperature coefficient was neglected. This means, the optimum RLCC cell design measured indoor at STC (25°C cell temperature), would also be the best cell design in outdoor concentrator application (60°C cell temperature). Therefore, it is fully sufficient to find the best cell design by using indoor measurements. C 7W 3D2@ Open-circuit voltage [mV] 800 200 s .43 m V/°C; -0.18 %/°C 26 s u ns; -1 C 4W 3 .4 76 mV I7@ 7 C 4W 3 6 s un /°C; -0 I7 @ s; -1.4 .19%/° 32 s u 73 mV C ns; -1 /°C; -0 .513 m .19%/° V/K; -0 C .2%/°C C 4W 3 750 uns; -1 I7@ 1 700 C4W 3 650 I7 @ 1 sun ; -1.7 76 m V/°C ; -0.2 7%/° C 600 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Temperature [°C] Figure 7.21: Open-circuit voltage versus temperature. The temperature coefficient of Voc decreases for increasing temperature. Unfortunately, the analysed 10 Ω cm cell C4W3I7 was damaged at very high concentration levels and the temperature coefficient of the 1 Ω cm cell C7W3D2 was taken instead at 200 suns. But the base doping concentration has no influence on the relative thermal performance of the RLCC cell, which was also investigated. For all the temperature coefficient measurements the short current density is taken as temperature–independent, which is a reasonable approximation as can be found in [28]. 90 7 Experimental trends 80 C 4W 3 C4W 78 I7 @ 1 sun; -0 .091 % /°C; -0 .11 % s ; -0 /°C .0 8 9 D2 @ % /° C; -0 200 s uns; -0 .12 % .093% /°C /C°; -0 C4W .012% 3I7 @ /°C 76 s uns; -0.09 3 %/° C; -0 .12 % /°C C7W 3 76 Fill Factor [%] 3I7 @ 74 72 32 su n 70 C4W 3I7 @ 68 126 su ns ; -0.069 5 %/°C ; -0.1 % /°C 66 64 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Temperature [°C] Figure 7.22: Fill factor versus temperature. The coefficient of the FF is nearly independent of the concentration level. 1.0 C7W 3D2 @20 0 suns; -2.54 mW Powermpp [W] 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 10 C4W 3I7 @ 16 2 suns; -1.4 mW /°C C4W 3I7 @ 76 suns; -0.9 /°C; -0.28%/°C ; -0.28%/°C 9 mW /°C; -0.31%/°C C4W3I7@ 32 suns; -0.43 mW/°C; -0.31%/°C C4W3I7 @ 1 sun; -0.013 mW/°C; -0.34%/°C 20 30 40 50 60 70 Temperature [°C] Figure 7.23: The percentage power decrease of the RLCC cells is much smaller at 200 suns than at one sun. So, concentrator application of the same cell are more efficiently. 91 7 Experimental trends 7.7 7.7.1 Determination of the series resistance Analytical calculation The series resistance strongly limits the fill factor and so the performance of the cell under concentration. For an estimation of the total series resistance the analytical equations from Chapter 2.5 are used in order to calculate the series resistance components. The total series resistance consists of the emitter and base resistance of the semiconductor, the contact resistance between the metal and the semiconductor and the metal resistance of the grid and the bus bars. In this Chapter the investigated cells are 90 µm thick, have a grid distance of 201.7 µm, the contact windows are 9% and the metallisation is 3 µm high. In Table 7.1 the series resistance components of a 1 Ω cm RLCC cell are calculated at a concentration level of 1 sun (low-level injection). Resistance Calculation Result [Ω cm2] Base vertical 1 Ωcm x 90 µm 9 x 10-3 Base lateral 1 1 Ω cm (201.7 µm )2 12 90 µm 3.77 x 10-3 Emitter 1 120 Ω / sq (130.8 µm) 2 12 1.7 x 10-3 Contact 0.2025 cm 2 (7.79x10 Ω cm + 3.38 x10 Ω cm ) x 0.0182 cm 2 4.6 x 10-3 Finger 201.7 µm(4.5 mm ) 1 1.6 x10 −6 Ω cm 3 µm50.9 µm 3 1.43 x10-3 Bus bars 2.25 mmx0.2025 mm 2 1 1.6x10 −6 Ω cm 3 3 µm0.8 mm −5 2 −4 Total 2 2 1.05 x 10-5 0.02 Table 7.1: The series resistance components of a 1 Ω cm RLCC cell at 1 sun. The cell thickness is 90 µm, the grid finger distance is 201.7 µm and the contact windows are 9%. 92 7 Experimental trends 7% 22% base vertical 45% base lateral emitter contact metal 8% 18% Figure 7.24: Split of the total series resistance for a 1 Ω cm RLCC cell at 1 sun (lowlevel injection). Resistance Calculation Result [Ω cm2] Base vertical 0.1822 Ω cm x 90 µm 1.64 x 10-3 Base lateral 1 0.1822 Ω cm (201.7 µm )2 12 90 µm 6.86 x 10-4 Emitter 1 120 Ω / sq (130.8 µm) 2 12 1.7 x 10-3 Contact 2025 cm 2 (7.79x10 Ω cm + 3.38 x10 Ω cm ) x 00..0182 cm 2 4.6 x 10-3 Finger 201.7 µm(4.5 mm ) 1 1.6 x10 −6 Ω cm 3 µm50.9 µm 3 1.43 x 10-3 Bus bars 2.25 mm x 0.2025 mm 2 1 1.6x10 −6 Ω cm 3 3 µm0.8 mm −5 2 −4 Total 2 2 1.02 x 10-5 0.01 Table 7.2: Series resistance components of a 100 Ω cm RLCC cell at 200 suns (around 3 x 1016 1/cm3generated minorities). The cell thickness is 90 µm, the grid finger distance is 201.7 µm and the contact window is 9%. 93 7 Experimental trends 14% 16% 7% base vertical base lateral emitter contact 17% metal 46% Figure 7.25: Split of the total series resistance for a 100 Ω cm RLCC cell at 200 suns (high level injection). In Table 7.2 the series resistance components of a 100 Ω cm are calculated at a concentration level of 200 suns (high-level injection). 200 suns equal a generated electron carrier density of around 3 x 1016 1/cm3 as can be seen in Chapter 8.1. Under low-level injection the conductivity in the base is determined with Equation 3.15 and under high-level injection the conductivity in the base is determined with Equation 3.17. Under low-level injection conditions the series resistance of the RLCC cell is dominated by the vertical base resistance in the semiconductor as can be seen in Figure 7.24. Under high-level injection conditions the total series resistance of the 100 Ω cm cell is dominated by the contact resistance between the metal and the semiconductor (see Figure 7.25). The total series resistance for both cell types at the different injection conditions is in the same order of magnitude (between 0.01 Ω cm2 and 0.02 Ω cm2). 7.7.2 Experimental determination Using the measurement method from Chapter 5.2.1, the concentration-dependent total series resistance can be determined. The measured total series resistance is plotted in Figure 7.26 for different base doping concentrations. For the cells with a high base doping concentration (1 Ω cm, 5 Ω cm) the series resistance is nearly constant for all concentration levels. The series resistance is between 0.01 Ω cm2 and 0.02 Ω cm2. The series resistance of the 100 Ω cm cell decreases from 0.05 Ω cm2 to 0.01 Ω cm2 with increasing concentration. This is due fact that the high resistivity of the base at 1 sun decreases with increasing concentration level, since the number of the generated carriers increases. 94 7 Experimental trends From all that it can be concluded that the series resistance characteristics versus the concentration is dominated by the base series resistance behaviour at low and medium concentration levels. For very high concentration levels (e.g. 200 suns) the contact resistance starts to dominate the total series resistance. 0.05 C4W1A8 C4W3I4 C4W6A6 C3W2I3 Ω cm p-doped) cm p-doped) cm n-doped) cm p-doped) 2 RS, total [Ω cm ] 0.04 (100 (8 Ω (5 Ω (1 Ω 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 10 100 Concentration [suns] 27.05.2005, H:\Dokarbeit\Abbildungen Andi\Measurement results\Rsgemessen.opj Figure 7.26: Measured series resistance versus concentration for different base doping concentrations. 7.8 Summary of the parameter study Using the set of mask, which was designed for processing 85 different cell structures on one four-inch wafer, a cell parameter optimisation study was executed for displaying the major trends of cell design and cell performance. The results from this study are listed in Table 7.3. • In order to minimise fill factor losses and so, to reach a high cell performance under high concentration levels, the bus bars of the RLCC cell should be outside instead of inside of the active cell area. • A tapered finger form leads to lower FFs and thus, non tapered fingers should be applied. • The width of the non-metallised region between two fingers and the finger distance must be kept as small as technologically possible in order to minimise FF losses. • An optimum contact window width could not be found. Due to the deep diffusions underneath the contacts, the recombination currents in the highly doped regions 95 7 Experimental trends seems to be independent of the contact window width leading to the same high open-circuit voltages. Broader contact windows may be favoured in order to reduce contact resistance losses and current crowding problems at very high concentration levels. • The optimum cell thickness is smaller than 100 µm. RLCC cells on substrates thinner than 100 µm have small series resistance losses in the base and as long as the light trapping is high enough, their cell performance should be better than the cell performance of cells on thicker substrates. • Cells on 100 Ω cm base material guarantee high short-circuit current densities and their FFs decreases more slowly than the FFs of RLCC cells on 1 Ω cm substrates at high concentration levels. Thus, RLCC cells on 100 Ω cm peak at higher concentration levels and show higher performance at high concentration levels. • Power losses due to the temperature are significant lower for the RLCC cell at high concentration levels than at low concentration levels. Thus, power will be produced more efficiently in concentrator application than in flat-plate applications. Cell parameter positive negative Position bus bars Outside active cell area Inside active cell area Grid geometry Not tapered Tapered Width non- < 50 µm metallised region > 50 µm Finger distance < 100 µm > 100 µm Contact windows 9% 2% Cell thickness < 90 µm > 90 µm Base doping 100 Ω cm concentration 1 Ω cm Temperature coefficient One-sun Over 100 suns Table 7.3: Optimisation study of the RLCC cell parameters. 96 7 Experimental trends 7.9 25% efficient RLCC cell The best RLCC cell, fabricated in this work, reaches a maximum efficiency of 25% at around 100 suns. The cell was processed on a 90 µm thick 1 Ω cm substrate. The grid finger distance of this cell is only 120 µm instead of the 201.7 µm of the cells reaching maximum efficiencies of around 24 %. The non-metallised region between two fingers is only 30 µm instead of the 50 µm of the 24% efficient RLCC cells. The very small grid finger structure guarantees high fill factors at high concentration levels. Additionally, the textured front side of the 25% efficient RLCC cell seems to be nearly perfect leading to very low reflection losses, very high light trapping and to very high short-circuit densities. 25.0 84 24.5 82 80 23.5 23.0 78 22.5 76 22.0 74 FF [%] Efficiency [%] 24.0 21.5 72 21.0 20.5 70 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.27: The best cell fabricated in this work. Small grid finger distances and a nearly perfect textured front side lead to the very high cell performance. 97 7 Experimental trends 800 780 VOC [mV] 760 740 720 700 680 660 640 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 7.28: Open-circuit voltage versus concentration for the best cell. 98 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells In this chapter the dominating physical effects of the rear-line-contacted concentrator cell are analysed. Investigating the recombination mechanism in the RLCC cell, it is obvious that the recombination processes are dominated by the emitter recombination due to the highly-doped regions, if the base is in high-level injection. A shunting effect in the RLCC between the emitter and the base is successfully implemented in an one-dimensional model and the influence of the bus bars on the cell performance is analysed by using twodimensional network simulations. 8.1 Determination of the injection level Using two-dimensional numerical simulations of the inner symmetry element (see Figure 6.1), the density of the generated carriers can be determined in dependence of the incident intensity. Using the results an estimation of the injection condition in the cell (low- or high-level injection) in dependence of the concentration level is possible for cells with different base doping concentration. 17 electron density at the front side electron density at the rear side base doping concentration 1.25 Ωcm base doping concentration 8 Ωcm base doping concentration 100 Ωcm -3 Carrier density [cm ] 10 16 10 15 10 14 10 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 8.1: Simulated minority density of a 120 µm thick RLCC cell at the maximum power point. The carrier density of the electrons is plotted at the front side (10 µm deep) and at the rear side (100 µm deep). Additionally, the base doping concentrations of the simulated cells are plotted. 99 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells Since the RLCC cell is a rear side contacted cell, the density of the generated minorities at the front is higher than the density at the rear side. In Table 8.1 the injection conditions of the RLCC cells for the different concentration levels are estimated from Figure 8.1. Resistivity [Ω cm] Low-level injection High-level injection 1 < 50 suns > 300 suns 10 < 3 suns > 50 suns 100 > 5 suns Table 8.1: Injection level in dependence of the base doping concentration for different irradiation densities. 8.2 8.2.1 Analysis of the recombination mechanism for different concentration levels Measurement method Using the one-diode IV characteristics and taking a concentration-dependent ideality factor into account, it results Voc ≈ n(C ) kT [ln(J sc ) − ln(J o )] , q Equation 8.1 whereas Jsc/J0 >> 1. Assuming a linear dependence of the light intensity and the short-circuit current (Equation 5.21), it is Voc ≈ n(C ) kT [ln(C ) − α ] , q Equation 8.2 whereas α is a constant. From the derivation of Equation 8.2, it follows ∂Voc ∂n(C ) kT + n (C ) . ≈ [ln (C ) − α ] ∂ ln C q ∂ ln C Equation 8.3 For the investigated RLCC cell the following approximation can be used C ln C ∂n(C ) << n(C ) . ∂C For the concentration-dependent ideality factor it results 100 Equation 8.4 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells n(C ) ≈ q ∂Voc kT ∂ ln C Equation 8.5 Thus, the ideality factors can be determined by plotting the open-circuit voltage Voc in dependence of the logarithm of the concentration. Using the ideality factors, the dominating recombination mechanism of the cell can be investigated. 8.2.2 Analysis Plotting the open-circuit voltage versus the logarithm of the concentration, the ideality factors can be determined (Equation 8.5). Using Table 3.1, the dominating recombination mechanisms of the cell can then be investigated. 1.4 0.82 1 Ω cm p-doped 1.3 Voc [V] 0.78 1.2 0.76 1.1 0.74 0.72 1.0 0.70 50 µm 70 µm 90 µm 150 µm 0.68 0.66 0.64 Ideality factor n 0.80 0.9 0.8 1 10 100 400 Concentration [suns] Figure 8.2: Simulated open-circuit voltages versus concentration for varying cell thicknesses. The idealiy factors on the right hand side are determined by using a polynomial fit of the simulated Voc curves. From Figure 8.2 it can be seen that the ideality factor determined by simulations is around 1 for concentration levels under 50 suns (low-level injection) as predicted by the ideal current voltage characteristics (see Equation 2.45). Over 300 suns (high-level injection) the ideality factor decreases under 1, whereas the ideality factor is close to 1 for the thinner cells and decreases with increasing cell thickness. An ideality factor of around 1 under high-level injection conditions means that the emitter recombination due to the highly-doped regions (the only recombination process with an ideality factor of 1 in high-level injection, see Table 3.1) dominates the recombination behaviour of the 101 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells RLCC cell. An ideality factor smaller than 1 is a sign for Auger recombination (the only recombination mechanism with an ideality factor smaller than one). The influence of the recombination in the volume (base) in comparison to the recombination at the surfaces increases with increasing cell thickness, because the ratio between volume and surfaces increases. This is the reason why the thickest cell approximates most strongly to 2/3 under high-level injection. From all that it can be seen that the emitter recombination dominates the recombination under high-level injection, whereas the influence of the Auger recombination in the base becomes more important for very high concentration levels, especially in thicker cells. 0.82 1.4 0.80 1 Ω cm p-doped 1.3 0.76 1.2 0.74 1.1 0.72 1.0 0.70 50 µm 70 µm 90 µm 150 µm 90 µm (measurement) 120 µm (measurement) 0.68 0.66 0.64 1 10 Ideality factor n Voc [V] 0.78 0.9 0.8 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 8.3: Simulated and measured open-circuit voltages versus concentration for varying cell thicknesses. The idealiy factors on the right hand side are determined by using a polynomial fit of the measured Voc-curves. Comparing the measured ideality factors and the simulated ideality factors in Figure 8.3, three things are apparent: • The ideality factors determined by the measurements are larger than the ideality factors determined by the simulations for low concentration level and are lower at high concentration levels. This is due to the surface recombination in the regions, where the pn-junction of the RLCC cell intercepts with the surface, and this is due to the recombination in the pn-junction. Both recombination effects lead to an ideality factor of 2 (see Table 3.1) at low concentration levels resulting in a ideality factor of the cell of larger than 1. This non-ideal cell characteristics due to the pnjunction is insufficiently represented by the numerical simulation. In Chapter 8.3 an 102 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells one-dimensional model is proposed including additional diodes in order to represent this non-ideal characteristics of the cell. • The simulated open-circuit voltages are lower than the measured for concentration levels over 10 suns. This is due to the fact that the simulations are fitted to the one sun characteristics of the 90 µm cell. Since the measured and simulated open-circuit voltage curves start at the same level at one-sun, but the gradient of the simulated Voc curve is smaller (n ≈ 1) than the gradient of the measured curve (n > 1), the simulated Voc curve ends up at a lower values than the measured curve at higher concentration levels. • The trends of the ideality factors determined by the measurements for different base thicknesses correspond with the trends of the ideality factors determined by the simulation. All the trends of the 1 Ω cm cell can also be found in the results of the 100 Ω cm cell shown in Figure 8.4. 1.4 0.82 100 Ω cm p-doped 1.3 0.78 1.2 Voc [V] 0.76 1.1 0.74 0.72 1.0 0.70 50 µm 70 µm 90 µm 150 µm 90 µm (measurement) 0.68 0.66 0.64 1 10 Ideality factor n 0.80 0.9 0.8 100 C [suns] Figure 8.4: Simulated and measured open-circuit voltages versus concentration for varying cell thicknesses on a 100 Ω cm substrate. The idealiy factors on the right hand side are determined by using a polynomial fit of the simulated and measured Voc-curves. 103 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells Figure 8.5: The different recombination mechanism versus concentration (taken from [49]), whereas 1 W/cm2 equals 10 suns. A comparison with the results of R. Sinton (Figure 8.5, [49]), where the recombination mechanism in a lightly doped base point-contacted concentrator cell were determined, is in good agreement with the results in this work. The cell of R. Sinton is also dominated by the emitter recombination under high-level injection (using lightly-doped base means high-level injection conditions over 10 suns) and the influence of the Auger recombination in the base becomes significant over 200 suns. From all this, it can be concluded that the recombination mechanism in a RLCC cell is dominated by the emitter recombination due to the highly-doped regions if the base is under high-level injection (1 Ω cm base > 300 suns; 100 Ω cm > 10 suns). At even higher injection levels the Auger recombination in the base becomes more and more important, especially with increasing cell thickness. An ideality factor larger than 1 at low concentration levels is generated by the interception of the pn-junction with the surface and by the pn-junction (n = 2). Through this, the two-dimensional simulated open-circuit voltage can not be optimal fitted to the measured open-circuit voltages at high concentration levels. 104 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells 8.3 One-dimensional model for implementing the Voc characteristics of the RLCC cell For implementing an one-dimensional model for the RLCC cell, firstly the deviation between the two-dimensional simulations results and the measurements are investigated. The two-dimensional numerical simulation results, shown in this chapter, are performed for a 90 µm thick symmetry element with a 100 Ω cm substrate. Simulating the cell, the contact and ohmic grid resistance losses are neglected as described in Chapter 6. For comparing simulation and measurement results, the ohmic losses are integrated analytically in the simulation results. For this, the FF losses due to the contact and grid resistance are estimated by using the following equation [10] ∆FF = FF Rs ⋅ J sc , Voc Equation 8.6 where ∆FF [%] is the absolute fill factor loss. The fill factor losses due to the ohmic resistances are integrated in the two-dimensional simulated results in Figure 8.6. The comparison between the two-dimensional simulated and the measured data of the 100 Ω cm RLCC cell, presented in Figure 8.4, Figure 8.6 and Figure 8.7 shows that • the simulated fill factors are essential higher than the measured fill factors for concentration levels up to 150 suns. • the measured open-circuit voltages are higher than the simulated open-circuit voltages over 10 suns. This effect is already analysed in Chapter 8.2. • the measured dark IV curves deviates strongly from the dark IV curve of a standard highly-efficient solar cell. The measured dark IV characteristics in Figure 8.7 is a sign of shunting problems between the emitter and the base. Such shunting problems are described in [50]. In [51] an one-dimensional numerical model is proposed (see Figure 8.8) in order to implement shunting effects between the silicon/silicon dioxide interface and the base at the front side and between the base and the emitter at the rear side. Using this model, the non-ideal diode characteristics of the RLCC cell (n > 1; see Chapter 8.2) can be implemented. The diode and the shunting resistance at the front side is necessary for describing the depletion zone behaviour between 0.1 and 1 suns. These elements are not really of interest in implementing a concentrator cell for concentration levels up to 200 suns. Thus, the values of the diode and the shunting resistance at the front side are taken from [52] (Figure 8.8). 105 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells 0.83 0.82 0.81 100 Ω cm substrate FF 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.77 FF simulated; 90 µm thick cell FF measured; 90 µm thick cell 0.76 0.75 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 8.6: Comparison of the two-dimensional simulated and measured fill factor characteristics (Cell: C7W4D9). 0 10 -1 2 Current density [A/cm ] 10 -2 10 measurement results simulated with PC1D s ti c ris ll e t ac ce ar lar h c so t IV k cien r i a f d ef d ar hly d an ig st f a h o -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Voltage [V] Figure 8.7: Measured and one-dimensional simulated dark IV characteristics in comparison with a standard dark IV characteristics of a high-efficiency solar cell. 106 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells floating emitter n=2 Jshunt2 = Rshunt,floating = 2222.22 Ω cm2 4.5 E-9 A cm 2 100 Ω cm n = 1.6 Jshunt1 = 2.2 E-9 A cm Rshunt,emitter = 666.67 Ω cm2 Rs 2 base emitter Figure 8.8: One-dimensional model for describing the non-ideal diode characteristics and the shunting effects between emitter and base in a 100 Ω cm RLCC cell. Using a shunting resistance (Rshunt,emitter = 666.67 Ω) at the rear side of the model shown in Figure 8.8, the shunting effect of the cell can be described. Using a diode (n = 1.6, Jshunt1 = 2.2x10-9 A cm2) at the rear side of the cell, the non-ideal diode characteristics can be described at low concentration levels. Implementing this model in the numerical simulation program PC1D and fitting the simulated results to the measured dark (see Figure 8.7) and light one sun IV characteristics of the RLCC cell, the one-dimensional simulated open-circuit voltage behaviour equals exactly the measured curve (see Figure 8.9). Due to the shunting effect at the rear side of the cell, the FF behaviour of the cell is strongly decreased at low concentration levels. This explains the deviation between the measured FF characteristics and the two-dimensional simulated values in Figure 8.6. The 1 Ω cm RLCC cell can also be described by this model, whereas the values of the shunting resistance and the diode at the rear side must be changed (n = 1.45, Jshunt1 = 2x10-10 A cm2, Rshunt,emitter = 1x108 Ω cm2). So, the shunt effect is weaker in the 1 Ω cm cell than in the 100 Ω cm. A possible physical explanation of this shunting effect is given in [53]. A small inversion layer is generated between the highly doped n+- and p++-regions due to the positive surface charge in the SiOx-layer (see Figure 8.10). The pcontact and the n-contact are then shunted along this inversion layer. This inversion layer is more effective in lightly doped substrates than in highly doped substrates, because the width of the inversion layer winversion is correlated to the base doping concentration (winversionr ≈ 1/(Na)1/2). Fortunately, such a shunting effect can be neglected in solar cells at high incident intensities, because the shunt current density gets saturated for high concentration levels whereas the generated current density increases. At higher concentration levels the shunt current density is then negligible small versus the generated current density. 107 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells 0.82 Open-circuit voltage [V] 0.80 simulated by using PC1D measurement data 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70 0.68 0.66 0.64 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 8.9: One-dimensional simulated and measured Voc characteristics of a 100 Ω cm RLCC cell (C7W4D9). It should be mentioned that this simple one-dimensional model can only be used for simulating precisely the open-circuit voltage characteristics. The fill factor and the efficiency behaviour can not be exactly described, because the lateral current flow can not be taken into account in the presented one-dimensional model. Nevertheless, this simple model gives a good insight in the operation mode of the RLCC cell. front side shunt p++ oxide ------------+++++++++ n+ metal metal rear side Figure 8.10: Shunting effect between the p- and n-contact due to a weak inversion layer at the Si/SiO2 surface. 108 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells 8.4 Influence of the bus bars on the RLCC cell performance In the following the influence of the position of the bus bars on the cell efficiency is investigated in order to explain the measurement results in Chapter 7.1. The two-dimensional numerical simulations are executed for the cell C4W3A7 (cell type B, see Chapter 7.1), which is fabricated on a 120 µm thick 10 Ω cm p-doped substrate. The distance between a p-finger and a n-finger is 101 µm and the contact window width is 4%. In Figure 8.11 the different fill factor behaviours versus concentration of the symmetry elements are presented. Also network simulations of bus bar elements connected with the middle symmetry element are shown. The simulated fill factor of the inner symmetry element is nearly constant up to 80 suns and decreases slowly with increasing concentration levels over 100 suns. The simulated p-bus bar element shows a decrease of the FF with increasing concentration levels. The FF of the n-bus-bar element shows a minimum at 10 suns and increases for higher concentration levels. Combining the area-weighted IV characteristics of all elements, the IV-characteristics of the complete RLCC cell can be simulated by using a network simulation. 85 80 Fill factor [%] 75 middle symmetry element p-bus-bar network with both bus-bars network without p-bus bar n-bus-bar 70 65 60 55 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 8.11: Simulation of the different symmetry elements and network simulations with the symmetry elements. In Figure 8.12 the measured and simulated FF characteristics are compared. The relative trends are correctly represented by the network simulations. This shows that the two-dimensional model is in good agreement with the reality. 109 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells In order to analyse the different FF characteristics of the p-bus-bar element and the nbus-bar element, the flow of the majorities in the base (holes) are simulated. The simulations are performed under maximum power point conditions at 10 suns (see Figure 8.13 and Figure 8.14). 85 Fill factor [%] 80 75 70 exp. 65 60 sim. n&p bus bar covered p-bus bar covered, n-bus bar illuminated n&p bus bar illuminated 1 10 100 Concentration [suns] Figure 8.12: Comparison of the network-simulated and measured fill factor characteristics. The simulation of the p-bus bar element shows a nearly constant current density of the majorities (holes) from the front side to the rear side. The generated holes diffuse to the highly-doped p++-region and flow along the p++-region to the p-contact. The diffusion path of the majorities equals nearly the thickness of the cell (120 µm) leading to small FF losses due to the vertical base resistance at high concentration levels. Simulating the n-bus bar element, the very inhomogeneous current density of the majorities is visible. The n++-region acts as a recombination centre for the holes. A very high current density of the majorities is generated at the tips of the p-finger. At this the lateral diffusion path length of the majorities in the base can be larger than 800 µm (pay attention to the different scaled axes in Figure 8.14). Due to the long lateral diffusion path of the majorities the lateral current flow through the base strongly limits the fill factor. 110 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells Figure 8.13: Simulation of a p-bus bar element under MPP conditions at 10 suns. The contact width of the p-bus bar is at 450 µm. At 900 µm the narrow n-finger is located. The flow of the majorities is shown. Figure 8.14: Simulation of the n-bus bar element under MPP at 10 suns. The contact window of the n-bus bar is at 450 µm. At 900 µm the narrow finger is located. The flow of the majorities is shown. As can be seen in Figure 8.11 the FF in the n-bus bar element decreases strongly between 1 sun and 10 suns due to the longer lateral diffusion path of the majorities 111 8 Modelling of rear-line-contacted concentrator cells (holes) to the p-contact. At higher concentrations the lateral series resistance losses decreases and the fill factor increases, because the 10 Ω cm cell is in the transition to high-level injection conditions leading to an increase of the conductivity of the base. Taking all this into account, it is important to shorten the diffusion path of the majorities in the cell. This is also the reason why a broad grid finger distance leads to lower fill factors than a small grid finger distance. 8.5 Summary of the chapter The analysis of the recombination effects in the RLCC cells shows that the cell is dominated by emitter recombination due to the highly doped regions, if the base is in high-level injection conditions. For very high concentration levels the Auger recombination becomes significant, especially for cells on substrates thicker than 120 µm. This corresponds to results from the literature [49]. A shunting effect between the emitter and the base and the non-ideal diode characteristics could be successfully implemented in a one-dimensional model of the RLCC cell. Two-dimensional numerical network simulations show that long lateral diffusion paths of the majorities in the base strongly reduce the fill factor of the cell. Therefore, the bus bars must be outside of the active cell area and the grid finger distance must be as small as technological possible. 112 9 The BICON system At the beginning of this chapter the assembly and the operating mode of the one-axis tracking concentrator system, which was developed at Fraunhofer ISE [54], is described. The system is called BICON because it consists of two concentrator stages. After the characterisation of the components of the BICON system, outdoor measurements are presented. Using a string of rearline-contacted concentrator cells, a high system efficiency of 16.2% was reached at around 800 W/m2 direct irradiance under real outdoor conditions. 9.1 Assembly of the BICON concentrator system Sun sun N 23.5° OE W S RLCC-cells solar cells Dielectric dielectric CPC secondaries Parabolictrough mirror Polar tracking Figure 9.1: Concept of the one-axis tracking concentrator system called BICON. Taken from [54]. Figure 9.2: Picture of the BICON system consisting of mirror, CPC and RLCC cell. Fraunhofer ISE designed an one-axis tracking PV concentrator system enabling a high geometrical concentration of around 300x which is shown in Figure 9.1 [54]. This concentrator system uses a parabolic trough mirror and a three-dimensional second stage consisting of compound parabolic secondary concentrators (CPCs). The CPCs are put in one row in the focus line of the parabolic mirror. These CPCs are optimised for concentrating the sunlight by total internal reflection up to a geometrical concentration ratio of 7.7x (see Figure 9.7). Together with the first stage concentration of 40.4x, a geometric concentration of around 300 suns can be achieved. The innovation of this 113 9 The BICON system system is that the high geometrical concentration of 300x can be reached by using only one-axis tracking at the summer and the winter solstice and at the equinox (Figure 9.3 to Figure 9.6). The system is tracked around the polar axis, which is tilted by the degree of latitude, which is 48° in Freiburg. Standard one-axis tracked systems reach just a concentration of around 50 suns. The high geometrical concentration is possible due to the application of the three-dimensional second stage consisting of dielectric CPCs which have an acceptance angle of θacc,h,v = ± 23.5° (see Figure 9.7). Since this concentrator system consists of two stages, it is called BICON system. polaraxis 90° polaraxis Figure 9.3: Front view of the BICON system at the equinox. Figure 9.4: Lateral view of the BICON system at the equinox. The rays impinges perpendicularly on the mirror. polaraxis 23.5° polaraxis Figure 9.5: Front view of the BICON system at the summer solstice. Figure 9.6: Lateral view of the BICON system at the summer solstice. The angle between mirror and rays is 23.5° 114 9 The BICON system Figure 9.7: Crossed θin,c/θout,c compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) mounted on a RLCC cell. The CPCs having a geometrical concentration of around 7.7x are optimised for concentrating the light by total internal reflectance. 9.2 The construction of the parabolic mirror and of the dielectric secondaries In order to realise and fabricate the BICON system, an analytical description of the system geometry is needed. It is also useful to know how the dimensions of the components of the system come off. The CPCs were optimised for an acceptance angle of 23.5° in horizontal and vertical direction [55]. The entry aperture of the CPC is 12.5 mm x 12.5 mm and the exit aperture is 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm leading to the geometrical concentration of 7.7x. In order to avoid shadowing losses by the dielectric CPCs onto the mirror, an asymmetric parabolic mirror instead of a symmetric mirror is used as shown in Figure 9.8. So, the focus line of the mirror is not in the optical path of the incoming sun rays. The secondaries are directed towards the centre of the mirror which has a focus length f. The focus length f is chosen to be 579 mm. Using the standard equation of parabolic mirrors, the shape of the parabolic mirror is then given as r (ϕ ) = 2f , 1 + cos(ϕ ) Equation 9.1 where r is the radius and ϕ the angle as shown in Figure 9.8. The distance of every point on the mirror to the centre of the CPC can now be calculated by Equation 9.1. 115 9 The BICON system horizontal 2 ain 2 aout ϕ vertical f r(ϕ) centre of the mirror centre of the CPC Figure 9.8: The distance r of every point on the parabolic mirror to the centre of the CPC in dependence of the angle ϕ. θacc > θS 2 ain 2 aout horizontal vertical θacc θm θm f Φ centre of the parabolic centre of the CPC mirror Figure 9.9: The construction of the asymmetric mirror with a focus length f. Symbols are explained in the text. The width of the mirror should be chosen in such way that the edge rays of the parabolic mirror should be reflected onto the centre of the CPC with an angle θm of ± 23.5° matching with the horizontal acceptance angle of the CPC. This leads to a symmetric CPC structure because the vertical acceptance angle of the CPCs must also be ± 23.5° due to the ecliptic of the sun. 116 9 The BICON system The CPCs are tilted by the angle Φ when they are directed towards the centre of the mirror and when they are built in the BICON system as shown in Figure 9.9. Using the trigonometric functions and the angle θm of ± 23.5°, the angle Φ is cos(Φ ) = f a out tan(Φ − θ m ) . Equation 9.2 Taking f = 579 mm and aout = 6.25 mm, Φ is 24.07°. The entry aperture of the BICON system 2ain can then be calculated as 2ain = r (Φ + θ m ) sin(Φ + θ m ) − a out cos(Φ) . Equation 9.3 The entry aperture 2ain is 505 mm leading to the geometrical concentration of the mirror of 40.4x. The parabolic mirror should focus all light coming through the aperture 2ain with an acceptance angle of θs = ± 0.27° (aperture angle of the sun) onto the entry aperture of the CPCs (2aout). The horizontal acceptance angle of the system θacc,hor should be greater than the aperture angle of the sun θs, because every tracking system has a small tracking error. Using the entry aperture of the CPC of 12.5 mm x 12.5 mm, an acceptance angle θacc,hor of ± 0.48° can be calculated (Equation 9.4). Thus, the system must have a tracking tolerance of ± 0.2° which can be easily realised by standard tracking systems usually having tolerances from ± 0.05° to ± 0.1°. tan(θ acc ,hor ) = aout cos(θ m ) 1 + cos(Φ + θ m ) . 2f 2 l = 2 f tan(θ acc ,v ) cell string l = f tanθv Equation 9.4 Equation 9.5 vertical θv f horizontal mirror Figure 9.10: The mirror has to be longer than the cell string in order to avoid vertical edge losses. For θv = 23.5° the extension l of the mirror is 251.75 mm. Every one-axis tracked concentrating system has end losses as shown in Figure 9.10 [56]. This means that the mirror has to be longer than the cell string in order to illuminate the complete cell string all year through from the summer to the winter solstice. The overall extension of the mirror 2 l is 503.5 mm using Equation 9.5. For the dielectric compound parabolic concentrators used in the BICON system the following is required: 117 9 The BICON system • A vertical acceptance angle θacc,v of ± 23.5° is needed for the summer and the winter solstice. In order to fabricate a symmetric CPC the horizontal acceptance angle θacc,h should also be ± 23.5° matching with the mirror. • A high concentration with small optical losses is preferred. • A homogeneous light distribution on the cell level should be realised. • Small losses at the interface between CPC and cell lead to a highly efficient system. • A quadratic entry aperture instead of a round entry aperture of the secondaries is used in order to use all incoming light reflected by the mirror in a focus line. • The total internal reflectance condition must be fulfilled in every point of surface of the CPC. This all leads to the concept of the crossed θin,c/θout,c CPC [57] as shown in Figure 9.7. A three-dimensional crossed CPC has a quadratic entry aperture instead of a round entry aperture of the standard CPC. In order to construct the crossed compound parabolic concentrator with a refractive index larger than one some new parameters are introduced. The parabolic surfaces of the secondary are tilted around the constructive entry angle θin,c (see Figure 9.11). θin,c is given by the required acceptance angle of the CPC θin,acc of ± 23.5°. The constructive entry angle θin,c can be calculated by using the Fresnel Equation 9.6, whereas for the BICON system θin,acc, should be a little bit larger than 23.5° due to scattering effects of the mirror and the tolerance of the tracking system. The constructive parameter θin,c differs from the optical parameter θin,acc as shown in Figure 9.11. The edge ray theorem of non-imaging concentrators [58] establishes that if a concentrator couples the edge of the phase-space at the entry aperture and the edge of the phase-space at the exit aperture, then the concentrator couples all the beams at the entry aperture and the exit aperture. Therefore, all the incoming extreme rays with an angle θin,acc are reflected by the surface to one end e of the exit aperture of the CPC as indicated in area A of Figure 9.12. The simple crossed CPC has a maximum output angle θout of 90°. This leads to coupling out losses above the exit aperture of the CPC, because the total internal reflectance condition is not achieved there at the parabolic surface. Using PMMA (n ≈ 1.5) the total internal reflection condition is achieved for angles ≥ 42° to the normal of the CPC surface. Therefore, a constructive exit angle θout,c is chosen to be smaller than 90° and a linear shape instead of a parabolic shape is used above the exit aperture (Figure 9.11). Using this construction, the total internal reflectance condition is achieved everywhere. The maximum angle of the outgoing rays is then limited by θout,c. This means that all the rays of area A in Figure 9.12 are reflected by total internal reflectance to the one end e of the exit aperture of the CPC, and all rays of area B in Figure 9.12 impinging on the linear shape of the CPC are reflected with the angle θout,c. Since not all light is reflected 118 9 The BICON system to the one end e of the exit aperture, a more homogeneous illumination is reached on the cell level as indicated by the raytracing in Figure 9.12. B θin,acc A light 2 ain θ in,c parabolic A θ in,c θ out,c θ out,c linear e B 2 aout Figure 9.11: The construction of the CPCs. Figure 9.12: Ray-tracing of the incoming Taken from [57]. light. Taken from [57] sin θ in ,acc = ncpc sin θ in ,k . Equation 9.6 The optimised θin,c/θout,c CPC has an entry aperture of 12.5 mm x 12.5 mm and an exit aperture of 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm. With θin,c = 16°, θout,c = 50° and ncpc = 1.5 the acceptance angle of the optimised secondaries θin,acc is then 24.4° (Equation 9.6). Using Equation 2.40, the geometrical concentration of the CPC is 7.72x and the geometrical concentration of the BICON system is then 312x (Equation 9.7). C sys = C mirror C cpc = 2a in ,mirror / 2a out ,cpc Equation 9.7 where 2ain,mirror = 505 mm x 12.5 mm and 2aout,cpc = 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm. The very high geometrical concentration of the BICON system of 312x is only reached at the beginning of the autumn and of the spring. Due to the different declination angles of the sun during one year, the angle of incidence ϕ onto the mirror varies from +23.5° to –23.5°. This leads to a entry aperture reduction of cos(ϕ) and so, to a variation of the system concentration between 286x and 312x. 119 9 The BICON system 9.3 Fabrication and characterisation of the CPCs CPCs made of PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) or of silicone (Sylgard 184) are fabricated and their optical performance is tested. The PMMA CPCs are milled and afterwards they are mechanically polished in order to get a high efficient optical surface. The silicone CPC are casted and temperature treated before curing. Due to the thermal extension of the silicone CPC the temperature during the fabrication process has to be optimised. The optimal temperature was found to be 65°C. The averaged refractive index of the used PMMA CPC is npmma ≈ 1.5 and of the silicone CPC nsilicone ≈ 1.5. Both CPCs are mounted on the cells by using an optically transparent adhesive (Delo Photobond 4468, n ≈1.5). A PMMA CPC mounted on a RLCC cell was already shown in Figure 9.7. 9.3.1 Lateral homogeneity of the CPCs In order to characterise the optical performance of the dielectric CPCs, an optical mapping system was built up (see Figure 9.13). For this the CPC is mounted on a concentrator cell and the CPC can be moved by a computer controlled xy-table. The whole entry aperture of the CPC is then scanned by an infrared laser (wavelength = 985 nm) beam. Due to the total internal reflectance, the laser light goes through the CPC and impinges on the cell. While moving the CPC, the short-circuit current of the cell is measured simultaneously by using a lock-in amplifier. These measurements result in a normalised map of all relative optical losses including all losses due to the reflectance at the front side of the CPC, the absorption of the CPC, the non-optimal internal total reflectance and the alignment of the CPC to the cell. The duration of one map depends on the resolution of the measurement. To achieve a reasonable measurement the increment of the xy-table is chosen to be 0.15 mm, resulting in a measurement time of around six hours. In order to test the homogeneity of the used cells, first a LBIC-measurement is done and after it the CPC is mounted on the cell. Using the light beam induced current (LBIC) measurement, the cell is scanned up step by step by a bundled light beam (diameter is around 150 µm) while measuring the short-circuit current of the cell and all local inhomogeneities of the cell are detectable. A detailed description of the LBIC measurement system can be found in [59]. Nevertheless, it is not possible to measure the absolute optical efficiency of the CPC mounted on a cell with the laser mapping system because • the absolute spectral response at 985 nm differs for the mounted cells, • the absolute intensity of the laser is not exactly reproducible. Maps of the different CPCs are presented in Figure 9.14 and Figure 9.15. The maps are divided by four stripes into nine regions and four different types of regions are visible. 120 9 The BICON system The cell is in the centre of the map (region 1) and all incoming light has no total internal reflection before generating current in the solar cell. In region 2 the incoming rays have one total internal reflectance and in region 3 the rays have two or more reflectances before being detected by the RLCC cell. In the edge region 4 the rays have multiple reflection before impinging on the solar cell. This case is indicated in Figure 9.19. aperture CPC cell laser xy-table Figure 9.13: Laser mapping system in order to characterise the optical performance of the CPCs mounted on cells. cell C3W1I6 with silicone CPC 150 15 intensity (normalised) 4 y-axis [mm] 120 12 2 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1 3 90 9 1 4 4 60 6 30 3 4 0 0 30 3 60 6 90 9 120 12 150 15 x-axis [mm] Figure 9.14: Map of the scanned silicone CPC. The inhomogeneity of the plot means low optical performance of the fabricated CPC. 121 9 The BICON system The map of the silicone CPC is obviously more inhomogeneous than the map of the PMMA CPC. This is due to inhomogeneity of the silicone material caused by the fabrication process. During curing the silicone CPC, different gradients of the refractive indices are generated in the silicone material. Additionally, the surface of the silicone CPC is sticky. Dust on these surfaces leads to strong optical for internal reflectance. The calculated averaged optical losses for one total internal reflection is around 6% for the silicone CPC. cell C4W2I9 with PMMA CPC 15 150 intensity (normalised) 4 12 120 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1 3 2 y-axis [mm] 9 90 4 1 4 606 3 30 4 0 0 100 3 6 200 9 300 400 12 15 500 x-axis [mm] Figure 9.15: Map of the scanned PMMA CPC. The homogeneity of the plot means high optical performance of the fabricated CPC. In contrast to the silicone CPC the map of the PMMA CPC is much more homogeneous. This means that the internal reflectance is high and the surfaces of the CPC are well polished. The averaged losses for one total internal reflectance are only around 1.8% as will investigated more precisely at the end of this chapter. The stripes in the shown maps are the highest optical losses of the CPCs. These stripes are due to the application of the optical transparent adhesive in mounting the CPCs on the cells. During this mounting process some of the adhesive accumulates around the exit aperture of the CPC allowing the rays to couple out besides the active cell area and leading to high optical losses. This effect is indicated in Figure 9.16. These losses are hardly avoidable if optical transparent adhesive is used and have to be considered in a calculation of the optical performance of CPCs. 122 9 The BICON system laser scan CPC n = 1.5 edge losses due to accumulation of adhesive active cell area one reflection Figure 9.16: During the fabrication process some adhesive accumulates around the exit area of the CPC leading to coupling out effects of the incoming light. 9.3.2 Absolute optical performance as a function of incidence angle Using the laser scan system only relative measurements are possible. In order to determine the absolute optical efficiency of the CPCs, we built up a measurement system shown in Figure 9.17. incident light aperture cell with CPC Figure 9.17: Measurement system in order to determine the angular-dependent efficiency of the CPC. The angle of incident light onto the CPC, built in the BICON system, varies in the vertical direction from +23.5° at the summer solstice to –23.5° at the winter solstice. In order to measure the absolute optical efficiency of the CPC versus the angle of 123 9 The BICON system incidence, the CPC is tilted between +23.5° and 0° under the sun solar simulator. Using an aperture around the entrance area of the CPC, only light coming through the entrance area of the CPC is measured by the mounted solar cell. The absolute optical efficiency versus the angle of incidence is then calculated by using Equation 9.8 and Equation 9.9. η cpc (ϕ ) = J sc (ϕ ) J sc ,1sun Equation 9.8 Jsc (ϕ) and Jsc,1 sun are the short-circuit current densities for different angles of incidence and the short-circuit current density without a CPC at one sun under Standard Test Conditions, respectively. Jsc (ϕ) is calculated by using the measured Isc(ϕ), which is corrected by the direction cosines between the entry aperture of the CPC and the sun simulator and the CPC area of 1.25 cm2. J sc (ϕ ) = I sc (ϕ ) cos(ϕ ) ⋅ (1.25 cm) 2 Equation 9.9 1.0 0.9 0.8 JSC(ϕ)/JSC,1Sonne 0.7 0.6 silicone C P C PMMA CPC 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 23.5 25 A ngle ϕ [°] Figure 9.18: Comparison of the angular-dependent optical efficiencies of the silicone and the PMMA CPC. The plot of the optical efficiency versus the angle of incidence (Figure 9.18) shows that the optical performance of the PMMA CPCs is much better than the optical performance of the silicone CPC. The PMMA CPC reaches a maximum optical 124 9 The BICON system efficiency of around 84% while the maximum optical efficiency of the silicone CPC is only around 79%. The PMMA CPC achieves in contrast to the silicone CPC the acceptance angle conditions at 23.5° as shown in Figure 9.18. J sc (23.5°) ≥ 0.9 ⋅ J sc (0°) Equation 9.10 The averaged measured optical efficiency for angles of incidence between 0° and 23.5° is 81% for the PMMA CPC and only 75.4% for the silicone CPC [60]. The angular-dependent measurements confirm the two-dimensional maps of the different CPCs. The angular-dependent optical performance of the PMMA CPC is higher than the angular-dependent optical performance of the silicone CPC. Therefore, PMMA is the favourite material for the CPCs in the BICON system. 9.3.3 Determination of the surface roughness The surface roughness of the CPC is another important parameter to characterise the optical performance of CPCs. The surface roughness depends on the quality of the fabrication process and leads to undesirable scattering effects of the rays. Therefore, the surface of the PMMA CPCs are polished several times after milled, however a small surface roughness is not avoidable. The roughness of the CPC surface can be described by using the scattering theory of Breckmann [61]. In this theory the parameter δRMS is very important. The parameter δRMS gives information about the absolute value of the altitude difference of a rough surface in comparison to a smooth surface. If δRMS << λ then it is r * (δ RMS ) = K r (δ RMS ) ⋅ r . Equation 9.11 For an ideal total internal reflection is r = 1. r*(δRMS) is the decreased reflection due to scattering effects. The parameter Kr(δRMS) is given by Equation 9.12. 4πδ RMS cosθ 2 K r (δ RMS ) = exp − , λ Equation 9.12 where θ is the angle of incidence of the light and λ is the wavelength in the dielectric. Equation 9.12 shows that higher angles of incidence θ result in lower scattering effects. Only the PMMA CPCs are investigated by the following method because the optical losses at the surface of the silicone CPCs is not only due to the surface roughness but also due to e.g. dust on the surface as described before. Using the map data of the PMMA CPC shown in Figure 9.15 an averaged optical loss for one reflection can be calculated. For this calculation only laser light with one total internal reflection should be taken in the calculation. The different ways of the laser rays through the CPC are shown in Figure 9.19. Taking only rays with one reflection an averaged optical loss for one reflection is around 1.8%. 125 9 The BICON system The angle between the laser beam and the normal of the surface of the CPC at the constructive output angle θout,c is 73° calculated with Equation 9.13 and shown in Figure 9.19. In every other point of the surface this angle between the normal of the CPC surface and the incident laser light is larger. θ min = 1 (180° − θ out ,c + θ in,c ) 2 Equation 9.13 laser scan multiple reflections CPC n = 1.5 73° edge losses due to accumulation of adhesive θ out,c active cell area one reflection Figure 9.19: Laser light with no and one reflection during the laser scan process of the CPC. Using Equation 9.12, θout,c = 73° and an optical loss of 1.8% for one reflection, the surface roughness of the PMMA CPC δRMS is 36 nm. In another work [57] the surface quality of CPCs was measured using an atomic force microscope. δRMS is around 15 nm. But the measurement spot of the AFM was only around 600 µm2 in that work and it was also shown that the surface roughness depends strongly on the measurement spot. So, a weak improvement of the optical quality of our CPCs should be possible, but the quality of the fabricated CPCs should be high enough to realise a highly efficient concentrator system. 9.4 Indoor characterisation of the system under concentration The angle of incident sun light onto the BICON system varies between –23.5° and +23.5° in the vertical direction. In order to estimate the system performance all year through, the efficiency of a cell mounted on a CPC is measured versus the angle of incidence under a concentration of 200 suns using the constant light simulator (KoSim). For this a CPC together with a cell is mounted on a passive heat sink and the CPC is turned around the axis from 0° to 23.5° as shown in Figure 9.17. There is no active 126 9 The BICON system cooling of the cell, thus the influence of the temperature on the cell performance versus the angle of incidence can be observed as under real outdoor conditions. Additionally, the cell performance is shown under Standard Test Conditions in order to clarify the temperature effects on the cell performance versus the angle of incidence at 200 suns. It should be mentioned that the light of the KoSim impinging on the CPC is not exactly parallel. Thus, the angle between the incoming light and the entrance aperture of the CPC is not exactly determinable and the measurement results give just an estimation of the system performance versus the angle of incident light under realistic outdoor conditions. The light concentration on the cell level decreases with increasing angle of incidence due to the optical direction cosines of the incident irradiation to the normal of the entry aperture of the CPC. The light concentration on the cell level Ccell,indoor is calculated by using Equation 9.14. Ccell,indoor decreases from 198.4 suns at an angle of incidence of 0° to 106.5 suns at 23.5°. C cell ,indoor (ϕ ) = I sc ,indoor (ϕ ) Acell ⋅ J sc ,one − sun Equation 9.14 where Isc,indoor(ϕ) is the measured short-circuit current, Acell is the active cell area and Jsc,one-sun is the one sun current density without CPC under Standard Test Conditions. The cell efficiency ηcell,indoor(ϕ) versus the angle of incident light is shown in Figure 9.20. ηcell,indoor(ϕ) is calculated by using the measured angular-dependent Voc,indoor(ϕ) and by using the angular-dependent measured FFindoor(ϕ). ηcell,indoor(ϕ) is given by inserting Equation 9.14 in Equation 9.15. η cell ,indoor (ϕ ) = Pmpp ,indoor C cell ,inddor (ϕ ) ⋅ G ⋅ Acell Equation 9.15 where G = 0.1 W/m2. η cell ,indoor (ϕ ) = Voc ,indoor (ϕ ) ⋅ FFindoor (ϕ ) ⋅ J sc ,one sun G Equation 9.16 The cell efficiency ηcell,indoor(ϕ) increases with increasing angle of incidence (Figure 9.20) because the light concentration on the cell level comes closer to the cell optimum concentration of around 90 suns for increasing angles of incidence leading to an increase of FFindoor(ϕ) and thus to an increase of ηcell,indoor(ϕ). 127 9 The BICON system 198.4 189 Concentration [Suns] 163.2 150 137 122 106.5 174.8 21.2 21.0 Efficiency [%] 20.8 20.6 20.4 ηcell,indoor 20.2 20.0 19.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 Angle [°] Figure 9.20: Efficiency ηcell,indoor(ϕ) versus the angle of incident light. On the upper xaxis the angular- dependent light concentration on the cell level is plotted. Another interesting effect is that the angular-dependent Voc,indoor(ϕ) stays nearly stable for all angles of incidence. In Figure 9.21 the open-circuit voltage Voc,indoor(ϕ) and the temperature of the cell are plotted versus the angle of incidence and the concentration, respectively. The cell temperature is calculated by using the measured Voc,indoor(ϕ) and the measured temperature coefficient of around –1.47 mV/°C at 200 suns. The angulardependent open-circuit voltage Voc,indoor(ϕ) is constant due to two oppositional effects. The lower light concentration on the cell level leads to lower Voc,indoor(ϕ)-values for decreasing concentration. But with decreasing concentration on the cell level, the temperature also decreases and so, Voc,indoor(ϕ) increases. Due to these oppositional effects, the open-circuit voltage Voc,indoor(ϕ) stays nearly stable for all angles of incidence. As described in [62] an inhomogeneous light intensity on the cell level would lead to strong fill factor losses at high concentrations. This is due to the fact that intensity peaks on the cell level generate locally high current densities leading to high FF losses. In Figure 9.22 the fill factor of the cell under STC (FFSTC) is compared with the angulardependent FFindoor(ϕ) under high concentration. FFindoor(ϕ) is lower than FFSTC due to the higher temperature under high concentration. Since the gradient of both curves does not deviate strongly, the intensity profile should be reasonably homogenous on the cell level for all angles of incidence. This means that the intensity profile on the cell level should be reasonably homogeneous all year through leading to a high cell performance in the BICON system. 128 9 The BICON system 189 137 122 106.5 Voc,STC ~ ln(C) 800 58 56 790 Voc [mV] Concentration [Suns] 174.8 163.2 150 T(ϕ) on the cell level and with CPC 54 780 52 770 Temperature [°C] 198.4 50 760 Voc,indoor,with CPC ~ - 1.47 mV T/25°C * ln(C) 48 750 0 5 10 15 20 25 Angle [°] Figure 9.21: Voc,indoor(ϕ) and the temperature versus the angle of incidence. On the upper x-axis the angular-dependent light concentration on the cell level is plotted. 84 C7W1G2, FFSTC C7W1G2, FFindoor(ϕ) with CPC 82 FF [%] 80 78 76 74 72 80 100 200 300 Concentration [suns] Figure 9.22: Comparison of the FFSTC of the cell measured under Standard Test Conditions versus incident irradiation and the FFindoor(ϕ) of the cell mounted on a CPC measured versus the angle of incidence and the concentration, respectively. 129 9 The BICON system 9.5 Outdoor measurements of the BICON system For an outdoor test of the BICON system a cell receiver consisting of six RLCC cells, six PMMA CPCs and a massive heat sink is built up (Figure 9.23). The six cells are series-interconnected and the BICON system is mounted on the two-axes tracker at Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg. Thus, the angle of incidence of the direct sun irradiance is always 0°. One of the typical efficiency curves of the RLCC cells which are integrated into the cell receiver is shown in Figure 9.24. In contrast to the best cell, fabricated in this work, the used cells peak at a concentration of around 90 suns and reach a maximum efficiency of around 23.3% to 23.6%. The cells used in this experiment were fabricated in previous batches. Figure 9.23: Cell receiver consisting of six RLCC cells, six PMMA CPCs and a massive heat sink. The cells are series-interconnected. Due to shadowing losses on the mirror caused by the massive heat sink the geometrical concentration of the parabolic mirror is 38.4x instead of 40.4x. Together with the geometrical concentration of 7.72x of the CPC the geometrical concentration of the system tested under real condition is 296.5x. A typical measured IV-curve of the BICON system is shown in Figure 9.25. The total system efficiency is 16.2% at a direct irradiance of 797.4 W/m2 and an ambient temperature of 18.5°. The output power of the cell receiver is 4.65 W and a very high system fill factor of 75.4% was reached at the high geometrical concentration of 296.5x. Due to these good results the illumination on the cell level must be quite homogenous and the series resistance of the interconnection of the cells must be very small. In comparison to this result best commercially available flat module efficiencies, measured at PVUSA Testing Conditions (AM 1.5g, 1000 W/m2, 20°C ambient temperature, 1 m/sec wind speed) for mono-crystalline silicon and multi-crystalline silicon, are only 11.7% and 11.2 %, respectively [63]. 130 9 The BICON system 84 23.5 23.0 Efficiency [%] 22.0 80 21.5 78 21.0 20.5 Fill factor[%] 82 22.5 76 20.0 74 19.5 1 10 100 Concentration [Suns] Figure 9.24: Typical efficiency and fill factor curve of a RLCC cell integrated into the cell receiver. The cells were fabricated in one of the previous batches and reach maximum efficiencies of 23.3% to 23.6% at around 90 suns. 5 1400 1200 4 3 800 600 2 FFoutddor= 75.4% 400 Gin,outdoor= 797.4 W/m Pout,outdoor= 4.65 W ηsys,outdoor= 16.2% 200 0 Power [W] Current [mA] 1000 0 1 2 2 3 1 4 5 0 Voltage [V] 09.03.2005, H:\Dokarbeit\Abbildungen Andi\concentrator system\abb_cs_5_2.opj Figure 9.25: Outdoor measurement results of the BICON system. The used cell receiver consists of six RLCC cells and six PMMA CPCs. An system efficiency of 16.2% is reached at a direct irradiation of 797.4 W/m2. A detailed analysis of the efficiencies of the components is given in Table 9.1. The total system efficiency ηsys,oudoort is calculated by dividing the output power Pout,outdoor by the 131 9 The BICON system input power Pin,outdoor using Equation 9.17. The direct irradiation density Gin,outdoor is measured using a pyrheliometer [62]. η sys ,outdoor = Pout ,outdoor Pin ,outdoor = Pmpp ,outdoor Gin ,outdoor ⋅ Ain ,outdoor , Equation 9.17 where Pmpp,outdoor = 4.65 W, Gin,outdoor = 797.4 W/m2, Ain,outdoor = 0.036 m2. The averaged efficiency of the cells ηcell,outdoor integrated into the concentrator and measured under real outdoor conditions is calculated as following: η cell ,outdoor = Pmpp ,outdoor ⋅ J sc ,one sun Σ cell ⋅ I sc ,outdoor ⋅ G , Equation 9.18 where Σcell =6, Jsc,one sun = 36.7mA/cm2, Isc,outdoor = 1367.5 mA, G = 0.1 W/m2. The BICON system is mounted on a two-axis tracking system. Therefore, the optical efficiency of the CPC is given in Figure 9.18 at an incident angle of 0° (81% averaged). Using ηsys,outdoor, ηcell,outdoor and the optical efficiency of the CPC, the optical efficiency of the mirror ηmirror,outdoor is 95.7% (Equation 2.60). Component Efficiency [%] RLCC cell 20.9 CPC 81 CPC and RLCC cell 16.9 Mirror 95.7 System 16.2 Table 9.1: The efficiencies of the components of the BICON system measured under realistic outdoor conditions. The measured cell efficiency is 20.9% instead of the 22.5% under Standard Test Conditions. The cell efficiency loss of 1.6% is mainly due to the increased cell temperature and due to the series interconnection of the cells under realistic outdoor conditions. The averaged measured Voc,outdoor of the integrated cells is 737 mV instead of 806 mV under STC. Taking into account the measured temperature coefficient of – 1.48 mV/°C, the outdoor cell temperature is 46.6°C. Cells integrated into a flat module have typically a temperature of around 50°C at 1000 W/m2 global incident irradiance. So, although working at high concentration there are no temperature problems in the BICON system using only passive cooling. The innovation of the BICON system is the high geometrical concentration in an oneaxis tracking system by using CPCs as secondaries. One-axis tracking of this system 132 9 The BICON system means that the angle of incident light varies between +23.5° and – 23.5° over the year. Therefore, the system performance under different angle of incident light is of interest. For an estimation of the system performance the angular-dependent optical efficiency of the CPC in Chapter 9.3 and of the cell mounted on a CPC in Chapter 9.4 are used. The optical mirror efficiency should be angular-independent and is 95.8%. The system efficiency is calculated by Equation 9.19 and is shown in Figure 9.26. η sys (ϕ ) = η cell ,indoor (ϕ ) ⋅ η mirror ,outdoor ⋅ η CPC ,indoor (ϕ ) Equation 9.19 In Figure 9.26 the system efficiency is set to 16.2% at 0° as measured under outdoor conditions. The system efficiency increases slowly from 16.2% to 16.4% at 10° before decreasing from 16.4% to 15.2% at 23.5°. Thus, the variation of the BICON system efficiency should be relatively small all year through. The parabolic mirror concentrates the light into a line focus and the solar string is mounted along this line. At the summer and winter solstice, when the declination reaches its maximum value of +23.5° and –23.5°, the length of the mirror has to be increased by 2l to obtain a full illumination of the receiver as shown in Figure 9.10. For a 15 m long parabolic mirror the end losses of the system would then be 2 x 0.2632 m. The calculated system efficiency ηsys including these end losses would be 15.6% at 0° (Table 9.2). 0.80 21 Optical efficiency [%] 0.78 20 0.76 0.74 19 optical efficiency 0.72 18 0.70 17 system efficiency 0.68 0.66 Electrical Efficiency [%] cell efficiency 16 0.64 0 5 10 15 20 15 23.5 Angle [°] Figure 9.26: The optical and electrical performance of the BICON system for different angles of incidence. The system efficiency should stay nearly stable all year through. Using the best cells fabricated in this work (25% around 100 suns), a cell efficiency of 22.5% at around 200 suns seems to be realistic under outdoor measurement conditions. 133 9 The BICON system With the 25% efficient cells the outdoor system efficiency could be improved to 17.5% or to 16.9% including the end losses of the mirror. Component Measured system efficiency under outdoor conditions Realistic system potential with our 25% RLCC cells RLCC cell 20.9% 22.5% (≈ 25% under STC) CPC 81% 81% Mirror 95.7% 95.7% System without edge losses 16.2% 17.5% System with edge losses 16.9% 15.6% Table 9.2: The BICON system efficiency estimated for a 15 m long parabolic mirror and for the application of the 25% efficient RLCC cells. 9.6 Summary of the chapter The innovative BICON system reaching a geometrical concentration of around 300x was tested under realistic outdoor conditions. An outdoor system efficiency of 16.2% at 797.4 W/m2 and 18.5°C ambient temperature was reached. For this a cell receiver consisting of six RLCC cells, six PMMA CPCs and a massive heat sink were integrated in the concentrator system. Taking our best 25% efficient cells the system efficiency could be improved to 17.5% under realistic outdoor conditions. A detailed analysis of the angular-dependent efficiency of the BICON system shows that the system performance should stay nearly stable all year through. The measured efficiency of 16.2% is quite high if comparing with 11.7% and 11.2% of best commercially available flat module efficiencies, measured at PVUSA Testing Conditions (AM1.5g, 1000 W/m2, 20°C ambient temperature, 1 m/sec wind speed) for mono-crystalline silicon or multi-crystalline silicon, respectively [63]. The main difference in the system efficiency between the BICON system and the flat modules is due to the application of costeffective solar cells in the flat modules and due to the application of highly-efficient concentrator cells in the BICON system. The cost-effective solar cells are less efficient and have a higher temperature coefficient of -1.7 mV/°C than the RLCC cells resulting in a lower system efficiency. For all these reasons the optimisation and integration of the system components into the concentrator system was successful and led to a highly efficient one-axis tracking concentrator concept which have the chance for a cost reduction of solar generated electricity. 134 10 Conclusions 10.1 Summary The performance of the rear-line-contacted silicon concentrator (RLCC) was investigated experimentally with a series of different cell structures. For this a set of masks was designed for processing 85 different solar cells on one single wafer (Chapter 4). The optimisation study in Chapter 7 and 8 shows that the grid finger distances and the non-metallised region between two fingers should be as small as technological possible. Also, the bus bars must be outside of the illuminated cell area in order to avoid high fill factor losses and RLCC cells on 100 Ω cm substrates should reach higher efficiencies than 1 Ω cm cells at high concentration levels. The substrates should be thinner than 100 µm in order to avoid fill factor losses due to the series resistance of the base. A RLCC cell, which incorporates most of the optimised features, resulted in 25% efficiency at around 100 suns. In Chapter 8.2 it is shown that the recombination mechanism are dominated by the emitter recombination due to the highly doped region of the RLCC cell, since the base is in high-level injection. At even higher injection the influence of the Auger recombination in the base becomes more and more important, especially with increasing cell thickness. This recombination behaviour is in good agreement with results from the literature. For describing the physical effects in the RLCC cell, an one-dimensional and a twodimensional numerical model were developed in Chapter 8.3 and 8.4. The shunting effect between the emitter and the base at the rear side of the cell, the non-ideal diode characteristics of the cell and the influence of the bus bars could be fully described by these theoretical models. The developed models can be used as a guidance and for predictions for future cell designs. The optical performance of the compound parabolic concentrators (CPC) used as second stage in the BICON concentrator system have been fully characterised in Chapter 9.3. Angular-dependent measurements show that the CPCs mounted on cells reach the acceptance angle condition at ± 23.5°, which is necessary for an application in the BICON system. Measurements of the surface roughness show that the optical quality of the CPCs is high. Using a two-dimensional laser mapping system, all optical losses of a CPC mounted on a RLCC cell could be detected. The highest optical losses are generated at the exit aperture of the CPC. In mounting the cells on the CPCs, some adhesive accumulates around the exit aperture of the CPCs allowing light to couple out. These optical losses are hardly avoidable in mounting cells on the CPC and must be considered in an estimation of the optical performance of CPCs mounted on cells. High 135 10 Conclusions averaged optical efficiencies of 81% were reached for PMMA CPCs mounted on RLCC cells. Finally a complete cell receiver consisting of six rear-line-contacted concentrator cells and six CPCs were successfully integrated into the BICON system (Chapter 9.5). A system efficiency of 16.2% at around 800 W/m2 under realistic outdoor conditions could be realised. This is around 4% absolute higher than system efficiencies of standard commercial available flat-plate modules under PVUSA Testing Conditions (AM 1.5g, 1000 W/m2, 20 °C ambient temperature, 1 m/sec wind speed). One reason for this is that the highly-efficient concentrator cells used in concentrator applications are more efficient than the standard low-cost solar cells used in flat-plates. Additionally, the percentage power decrease is in flat-plate modules at one sun higher than in concentrator applications at high concentration levels. A detailed analysis of the BICON component efficiencies indicates that the BICON system efficiency should stay nearly stable all year through and efficiencies of over 17.0% may be realised in the near future if applying the 25% efficient RLCC cells. 10.2 Outlook Taking the results of this work into account, improvements in the cell performance may be reached by • the fabrication of RLCC cells with small grid structures on 100 Ω cm p-doped substrates. • using thinner substrates than 90 µm for decreasing fill factor losses in the base. For this the light trapping in the cell must be further improved by using e.g. a textured rear side or increasing the metal coverage on the rear side of the cell. • using a double-layer metallisation on the rear side of the cell for soldering the complete rear side of the cell on a substrate. For this a thin passivation layer (SiNx) could be applied on the grid structure. On the passivation layer two broad electrically isolated bus bars could be evaporated perpendicularly to the finger structure, whereas one bus bar is contacted through the passivation layer with all pfingers and the other bus bar with all n-fingers. Using a double–layer metallisation, the bus bars can be integrated into the active cell area, leading to a higher cell packaging on the wafer and thus, to lower costs for one cell. Using these improvements, RLCC cell efficiencies of over 26% seems to be possible. For improving the BICON system the following should be tested • A cell string with 25 % efficient RLCC cells should be integrated in the BICON system. 136 10 Conclusions • A double layer antireflection coating could be applied on the cell in order to improve the optical performance of the cell. The double layer antireflection coating leads to a better optical coupling to the CPC material with a refractive index of around 1.5. • In order to improve the UV stability of the system the CPCs could be made of glass instead of PMMA Using these improvements, BICON system efficiencies of over 17% seems to be realistic in the near future. Two-stage concentrator concepts are the concentrator systems of the future, because the application of a second stage allows • to increase the concentration factor. • to flatten the light profile on the cell level and thus, to reduce the fill factor losses in avoiding high local current densities. • to increase the tracking tolerance. • to encapsulate the cell leading to a high durability and reliability of the system. It is hoped that the cell results and concentrator system results in this work will be helpful for further progress in the concentrator technology and for bringing the concentrator technology closer to the commercial photovoltaic market. Deutsche Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit wurde eine rückseitig kontaktierte Silizium-Konzentratorsolarzelle (RLCC) für den Einsatz in einem zweistufigen Konzentratorsystem entwickelt. Die Zellstruktur wurde mit Hilfe einer Zellparameterstudie optimiert. Hierfür wurde ein Maskensatz entworfen, mit dessen Hilfe 85 unterschiedliche RLCC Zellen auf einem 4 Zoll Wafer hergestellt werden konnten (Kapitel 4). Die Optimierungsstudie (Kapitel 7 und 8) zeigte, dass die Fingerabstände und die nicht metalisierten Bereiche zwischen einem p- und einem n-Finger so klein wie irgendwie technologisch möglich gehalten werden müssen. Zusätzlich sollten die Zellbusse außerhalb des beleuchteten Zellbereichs liegen, um hohe Füllfaktorverluste zu vermeiden. Mit Hilfe von hochohmigen Substraten (100 Ω cm) lassen sich höhere Wirkungsgarde bei höheren Sonnenkonzentrationen erreichen als auf niederohmigen Substraten (1 Ω cm). Die Substrate sollten dünner als 100 µm sein, um hohe Füllfaktorverluste durch den seriellen Widerstand in der Basis zu vermeiden. Zum Abschluss der Parameteroptimierungsstudie wurde ein Zellwirkungsgrad von 25% bei ca. 100 Sonnen erreicht. 137 10 Conclusions In Kapitel 8.2 wurde gezeigt, dass die Rekombinationsmechanismen in der RLCC Zelle durch Rekombinationsverluste in den hoch dotierten Bereichen dominiert werden, sobald sich die Basis der Zelle in Hochinjektion befindet. Bei noch höheren Lichtkonzentrationen stieg der Einfluss der Auger- Rekombination an, vor allem bei steigender Substratdicke. Dieses Zellverhalten stimmt mit Ergebnissen aus der Literatur überein. Zur Beschreibung der physikalischen Effekte in der RLCC Zelle wurde ein eindimensionales und ein zweidimensionales numerisches Model entwickelt (Kapitel 8.3 und 8.4). Folgende Effekte konnten mit Hilfe der Modelle detailliert beschrieben werden: das Kurzschlussverhalten zwischen dem Emitter und der Basis der Zelle, die nicht ideale Diodencharakteristik der Zelle und der Einfluss der Zellbusse auf die Zellleistung. Diese numerischen Modelle können in zukünftige Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet genutzt werden. Die sogenannten Compound Parabolic Concentrators (CPCs), welche als zweite Stufe in dem Konzentratorsystem zum Einsatz kommen, wurden in dieser Arbeit optisch charakterisiert. Winkelabhängige Messungen zeigten, dass die CPCs die notwendige Akzeptanzwinkelbedingung von ±23.5° erfüllen. Messungen der Oberflächenrauheit ließen auf optisch hocheffiziente Oberflächen schließen. Mit Hilfe eines zweidimensionalen Laserabtastverfahrens konnten alle optischen Verluste im CPC und zwischen CPC und Zelle detektiert werden. Die optischen Verluste im CPC und zwischen CPC und Zelle lagen unter 20%. Die optischen Verluste wurden hierbei über den Einfallswinkel in den CPC gemittelt. Zum Abschluss der Arbeit wurde ein kompletter Zellempfänger bestehend aus sechs RLCC Zellen, sechs CPCs und einer massiven Wärmesenke aufgebaut. Dieser Zellempfänger wurde in das zweistufige Konzentratorsystem (BICON) eingebaut und unter realistischen Außenbedingungen getestet. Systemwirkungsgarde von über 16% bei ca. 800 W/m2 direkter Sonneneinstrahlung wurden unter realistischen Außenbedingungen erreicht. Diese Systemwirkungsgrade liegen um 4% absolut höher als die Wirkungsgrade von Standard- Flachmodulen unter PVUSA Testbedingungen (AM 1.5g, 1000 W/m2, 20°C Umgebungstemperatur, 1 m/s Windgeschwindigkeit). Eine detaillierte Analyse des kompletten BICON Systems zeigte, dass die hohen Systemwirkungsgrade das ganze Jahr hindurch erreicht werden können und, dass Systemwirkungsgrade von über 17% mit Hilfe der neuesten Generation von Zellen erreichbar sein sollten. 138 11 Appendix: 11.1 Detailed fabrication flow of the RLCC cell At first it should be mentioned that processing highly-efficient solar cells differs strongly from the fabrication of micro-electronic devices due to the fact that both sides of the wafer are used as an active part of the solar cell. In the following the sequence of the fabrication process, especially the photo lithography technique, is listed in detail, whereas the critical fabrication steps are highlighted in the text. For the fabrication process, different resists were tested. After the optimisation study, the complete cell process could be realised with three different resists in combination with two developers: Thin resist: developer 1, Standard resist: developer 1, Thick resist: developer 2. The first optical lithography step transfers the p++-patterns of the RLCC cell to the thin resist on the rear side of the cell, whereas front and rear side of the wafer is firstly arbitrary. The smallest pattern of the p++-mask is 3 µm. The applied resist allows a resolution down to 1 µm. On the front side the standard resist is applied in order protect the front side of the cell against the etching of the insulating layer and so, against the boron diffusion process. The optimised processing steps are listed in Table 11.1. Process: p++-diffusion Condition Grinding both sides of the wafer Thickness of the substrate: 70 µm - 130 µm RCA-cleaning Masking SiO2 layer Temperature: 1050°C, process time: 150 min, DCE, oxide thickness: 200 nm Coating of the front side Resist: Standard resist, spin speed = 2000 rpm and 3000 rpm, spin time = 5sec and 20 sec Pre-exposure baking 138°C, 2 min Coating of of the rear side Resist: Thin resist, spin speed: 2000 rpm and 3000 rpm, spin time: 5sec and 20 sec Pre-exposure baking 110°C, 2 min Exposure of the rear side p++-mask, eposure time: 3 sec, distortion of the wafer = 3° First post-baking 110°, 2 min Developing 30 sec, developer 1, 1:3 139 11 Appendix: Second post-baking 110°, 2min SiO-etch 4 min Stripping resist Plasma etching, 20 min HNF-cleaning Pre-deposition boron Temperature: 870°, process time: 30 min Drive-in diffusion 1075°, 120 min Etching of the boron oxide HF (50%), 2 min Masking SiO2 layer 1050°C, 20 min, DCE, oxide thickness: 80 nm Table 11.1: Processing steps for the deep p++-diffusion resulting in a 32 Ω/ sheet resistance of the boron doped region. In order to align the masks of the RLCC cell to the substrates, symbols must be etched on the front and on the rear side of the wafer using an anisotropic KOH etch. In the RLCC fabrication process the inverted pyramids and symbols are etched, simultaneously. So, only one thermal oxidation process and one anisotropic etch are applied making the fabrication process simpler and faster. For this, it is essential first to coat and exposure the front side of the wafer and after this to process the rear side as presented in Table 11.2. The anisotropic etch of the wafer is a mixture of KOH (8%) and water leading in an orientation dependent etching of the substrate [34]. Process: inverted pyramids and symbols etch Condition Coating of the front side Thin resist Pre-exposure baking 2 min, 110°C Exposure of the front side Inverted pyramids-mask, alignment of the rear side to the front side, 3 sec Coating of of the rear side Thin resist Pre-exposure baking of the rear side, first postbaking of the front side 2 min, 110°C Exposure of the rear side Symbol-mask, 3 sec Developing 20 sec, developer 1, 1:5 First post-baking of the rear side, second postbaking of the front side 2 min, 110° SiO-etch 3 min Stripping resist Plasma oxidation, 20 min Etching of the inverted pyramids and the crosshairs KOH (8%), 80°C, 10 –12 min Etching of the oxide layer HF (50%), 1 min 140 11 Appendix: HNF-cleaning Masking SiO2 layer 1050°C, 150 min, DCE, 200 nm Table 11.2: Processing steps for etching the inverted pyramids and the symbols on the front side and the crosshairs on the rear side simultaneously. For the n++-diffusion on the rear side of the wafer the thin resist is applied and the complete textured front side must be coated two times with the standard resist in order to coat completely the tips of the inverted pyramids (Table 11.3). Process: n++-diffusion Condition Coating of the front side two times Standard resist Pre-exposure baking of the front side 2 min, 138°C Coating of the rear side Thin resist Pre-exposure baking of the front side 2 min, 110°C Exposure n++-mask, 3 sec Developing 20 sec, developer 1, 1:5 SiO-etch 4 min Stripping of the resist Plasma oxidation, 20 min HNF cleaning Diffusion of the deep emitter Predeposition: 30 min, 840°C, drive-in: 30 min 840°C, SiO-etch of the phosphorus oxide 30 sec Masking SiO2-layer 1050°C, 90 min, DCE, 150 nm, drive-in n++-emitter Table 11.3: Processing steps for the deep n++-diffusion resulting in a 19 Ω/ sheet resistance of the n++-doped region. The shallow floating emitter of the front side and the emitter on the rear side are processed in one diffusion process. Since the smallest dimensions of the local diffusions is around 10 µm, the standard resist is applied. For a complete developing of the textured front side a 40 sec long front side exposure is necessary (Table 11.4). Process: n+-diffusion Condition Coating of the front and of the rear side Standard resist Pre-exposure baking of the front and the rear side 2 min, 110°C Exposure of the rear side n+-mask, 7 sec Exposure of the front side Floating emitter-mask, 40 sec 141 11 Appendix: Developing 40 sec, developer 1, 1:3 SiO-etch 4 min Stripping of the resist Plasma oxidation, 20 min HNF cleaning Diffusion of the shallow emitter Predeposition: 30 min, 790°C, drive-in: 30min 790°C, SiO-etch of phosphorus oxide 4 min Antireflection SiO2-layer 38 min, 1050°C, DCE, 105 nm, drive-in n+-emitter and post-oxidation-anneal t= 60 min, Table 11.4: Processing steps for the shallow n+-diffusion on the rear side and of the floating emitter on the front side resulting in a 125 Ω/ sheet resistance of the n+-doped regions. For the contact windows the high resolution resist 1 is used. The plasma stripping process would attack the surface of the antireflection layer. Therefore, acetone is used for stripping the resist (Table 11.5). Process: contact windows etch Condition Coating of the front side two times Standard resist Pre-exposure baking two times 2 min, 138°C Coating of the rear side Thin resist Pre-exposure baking 2 min, 110°C Exposure of the rear side Contact window-mask, 3 sec First post-baking 2 min, 110°C Developing 20 sec, developer 1, 1:5 Second post-baking 2 min, 110°C SiO-etch 3 min Stripping of the resist 3 times acetone Table 11.5: Processing steps for contact windows on the rear side of the cell. The difficulty in processing the rear-side metallisation is that the evaporated metal between the n-finger and the p-finger must be completely lifted off and the nonmetallised area must be free of metallic particles to avoid shunting effects between the n-and the p-contact. Additionally, a high aspect ratio must be achieved due to the 3-5 µm thick rear-side metallisation. Different image reversal resists and positive resists were tested [64]. Using image reversal resists, high aspect ratios and high resolutions are possible, but the exposed areas are not attacked by the remover in the image reversal process in contrast to the positive resist process. The exposed resist is then left as the image of the opaque mask pattern. Since the opaque mask pattern is not completely 142 11 Appendix: transferred to the resist due to hardly avoidable defects of the chromium mask or small particles on the mask the metal can not be lifted off completely between the n- and pfinger leading to shunting effects. Therefore, a positive thick lift-off resist was chosen (Table 11.6). p-finger p-bus bar n-Finger contact window contact window p-silicon n+-diffusion p-silicon Figure 11.1: Photograph of one part of the metallised rear side of the cell. The thick resist for high aspect ratios was applied allowing a high resolution of around 3 µm and a rear side metallisation thickness of up to 5 µm using the lift-off techique with utrasonic. Process: metallisation Condition Coating of the front side two times Standard resist Pre-exposure baking two times 2 min, 138°C Coating of the rear side Thick resist, spin speed = 500 rpm and 2500 rpm, spin time = 5 sec and 60 sec Post baking 3 min, 110°C Exposure of the rear side 90 sec, metallisation-mask Developing of the resist Developer 2, 1:3, 2min 30 sec mask SiO-etch 10 sec Rinser- dryer 20 min Electron beam evaporation 50 nm Ti, 50 nm Pd, 3 µm Ag or 3 µm Al Lift-Off Acetone with ultrasonic Annealing 25 min, 425°C, N2H2 Measurement of the cells Table 11.6: Processing steps for the 3 µm thick rear side metallisation. 143 11.2 Shortcuts Shortcuts Meaning AM Air mass AM 1.5d Terrestrial spectrum of the sun with air mass 1.5 AM 1.5g Terrestrial spectrum of the direct irradiation of the sun with air mass 1.5 AOD Aerosol optical depth BICON Two-stage concentrator system BGN Band gap narrowing CPC Compound parabolic concentrator DESSIS Numerical simulation tool e Electron FZ Floatzone h Hole ISE Institute for Solar Energy Systems IU Current-voltage KoSim Measurement setup under concentration LBIC Light beam induced current LBSF Local back surface field MESH Program for the discretisation in simulating cells MPP Maximum power point NAMCO Needle array measurement system for concentrator cells NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory PMMA Polymethylmethacrylate PVObjects Semiconductor simulation tool RAYN Raytracing program RC Reference cell RLCC cell Real-line contacted concentrator cell Si Silicon SiO2 Silicon dioxide SRH Shockley-Read-Hall STC Standard testing conditions TC Test cell 144 11 Appendix: 11.3 Variables Variable Acell Acontakt Unit Meaning 2 Active cell area 2 Contact area between semiconductor and metal m m Acontactteststructure Contact area between the semiconductor and the metal of the cross bridge Kelvin resistor aF m Grid finger distance ain, aout m Entrance/ exit aperture length Ain, Aout 2 Entrance/ exit aperture 2 m Asurf m Surface area B m2 s-1 Constant for the radiative recombination C suns Concentration Cmax suns Concentration at the maximum efficiency Ca m6 s-1 Ambipolarer Auger coefficient Cop,geo x Optical or geoemtrical concentration 6 -1 Cp/n m s Constants for the Auger recombination of holes and electrons d m Depth of the diffusion 2 -1 De/h m s Diffusivity of the holes and the electrons d m Thickness of the oxide dBasis m Thickness of the base δRMS Gives information about the roughness of a surface r E V m-1 Electrical field E J or. eV Energy Ebgn eV Variable in the BGN model -3 Eλ Wm Spectral irradiance ESim W m-3 Spectral irradiance of the simulator ESTC -3 Wm Spectral irradiance of the standard spectrum EF,i J or eV Intrinsic Fermi level EF,n,p J or eV Quasi Fermi levels of the electrons and holes Eg J or eV Energy of the band gap Ei J bzw. eV Energy of the intrinsic level EQE % External quantum efficiency e Relative irradiance εhom,in,out Etendue at the entrance or the exit aperture FF % Fill factor FFone-sun % Fill factor at one-sun f m G Focus length -2 Wm Irradiance 145 11 Appendix: Gone-sun W m-2 Irradiance at one sun Gin,out W m-2 Irradiance at the entry and the exit aperture -3 -1 Gl m s Generation rate of the elektrons and holes η % Efficiency ηmax % Maximum efficiency ηop % Optical efficiency ηCPC,mirror,sys % Efficiency of the CPC, th mirror or the complete system hf,bu, m Height of the finger and bus bar I A Current ISC A Short-circuit current IQE % Je,h Internal quantum efficiency -2 Current density of the electrons and the holes -2 Am J0, J0p, J0n Am Dark saturation current densities in the diffused regions (total, holes, electrons) J02 A m-2 Dark saturation current density in the depletion zone Jcond JDiff -2 Total current of holes and electrons -2 Stromdichte aufgrund von Konzentrationsgradienten -2 Am Am JDiff,e/h Am Stromdichte der Elektronen bzw. Löcher aufgrund von Konzentrationsgradienten Jph A m-2 Photo current density -2 Photo current density at one sun -2 Current density at the maximum power point Jrec,n -2 Am Recombination current density into the n-doped region Jrec,p A m-2 Recombination current density into the p-doped region Jph,one-sun Jmpp Jrec,surface Am Am -2 Surface recombination current density -2 Am JSim,STCTC,RC Am Short-current densities under different conditions Jout A m-2 Output current density Jphoto Jshunt Jrec JSC -2 Photostromdichte -2 Shunt current density -2 Recombination current -2 Short-circuit current density Am Am Am Am Gives information about the optical reflectivity losses Kr -1 -1 κ Wm K Heat conductive cefficient Le/h m Diffusion lenght of the electrons and holes l m Extension of the mirror lb m Half length of the bus bar lF m Grid finger length λ m Wavelength 146 11 Appendix: Mismatch factor M M* Correction due to the spectrum µe/h m V s NA/D m-3 2 − A N or N D+ -1 -1 Mobilities of the electrons and holes Density of the acceptors and donators -3 m Density of the ionised acceptors and donators Number of electrons and photons. Ne, Nγ cm-3 Nref Constant in the BGN model n̂ Normal vector n Ideality factor n Refractive index of a medium nCPC Refractive index of the CPC Refractive index at the entrance or exit aperture nin,out -3 m n Density of the electrons Normal vector n̂ -3 Density of the electrons in the dark -3 Intrinsic carrier density -3 m n0 m ni ni,eff m Effektive intrinsic carrier density Pin,out W Input/output power Pmpp W Maximum power point -3 Hole density -3 m p p0 m Hole density in the dark Θϖ,η ° Angle vertical or horizontal Θacc ° Acceptance angle Φ ° Angle ϕ ° Angle R* Ω Electrical resistance R * Ω Vertical electrical resistance in the base R * Ω Lateral electrical resistance in the base Ω Electrical resistance of the emitter Ω Electrical resistance of the finger s,base,vertical s,base,lateral R*s,base,lateral,emitter R * s,finger R*s,bus Ω Rs Ω cm Area-weighted series resistance Rs,total Ω cm2 Area-weighted total series resitance Ω cm2 Area weighted contact resistance of the cross bridge resistor Rs,contact Ω cm Area weighted contact resistance of the solar cell Rshunt Ω cm2 Area-weighted shunt resistance Rs,base,vertical Ω cm Area-weighted vertical electrical resistance in the base R Electrical resistance of the bus 2 test structure s,contact 2 2 147 11 Appendix: Rs,base,lateral Ω cm2 Area-weighted lateral electrical resistance in the base Rs,base,lateral,emitter Ω cm2 Area-weighted electrical resistance of the emitter Rs,finger Ω cm2 Area-weighted electrical resistance of the finger Rs,bus Ω cm2 Area-weighted electrical resistance of the bus Rrec Rrec,radiative -3 -1 Recombination rate of the carriers -3 -1 Radiative recombination rate -3 -1 m s m s Rrec,SRH m s SRH recombination rate Rrec,Auger m-3 s-1 Auger recombination rate r [%] Reflectivity r m Radius ρbase,metal,diffusion Ω cm Specific resistance of the base, the metal and the diffusion -1 S ms Surface recombination velocity S m3 Surface of a arbitrary area S1 S2 S3 SR 3 Surface around the p-contact 3 Surface around the n-contact m m 3 m AW Surface around the inner element -1 Spectral response Relative spectral response s σe/h Ω m Conductivities of the elctrons and holes σtotal Ω-1 m-1 Total conductivity T K Absolute temperature tc s Thickness of the cell τ s Lifetime of the carriers τΣΡΗ s SRH lifetime ϑ °C Temperature in °C VT V kT/q -1 3 -1 V m Device volume V V Voltage Vb V Voltage loss in the base Vc V Voltage loss at the contact Vm V Voltage loss in the metal Vi,p,n V Voltage difference between the intrinsic level and the quasi Fermi levels Vmpp V Output voltage at the maximum power point Vout V Output voltage VOC V Open-circuit voltage winversion m Width of the inversion layer wfinger,bus,d m Width of the finger, the bus bar and the diffusion 148 11 Appendix: ψ 11.4 Variable c V Potential Constants Value Unit 299792458 Meaning -1 Speed of light in vacuum -1 Fm Dielectric constant in vacuum Js Planck´s constant ms -12 ε 8,854187817 x10 h 6,6260693x10-34 k 1,3806505x10 -23 q 1,60217653x10-19 -1 JK Boltzman´s constant C Elementary charge 149 11.5 Publications A. Mohr, M. Steuder, A. W. Bett, S. W. Glunz, “Silicon concentrator cells designed for a direct mounting on compound parabolic concentrator“, presented at 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Osaka, Japan, 2003. A. Mohr, T. Roth and S. W. Glunz, “Silicon concentrator cells with compound parabolic concentrators”, presented at the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, 2004. A. Mohr, M. Hermle, T.Roth and S. W. Glunz, “Influence of grid finger and bus bar structure on the performance of rear-line-contacted silicon concentrator cells”, presented at the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, 2004. T. Roth, A. Mohr and S. W. Glunz, “Fast acquisition of the characteristics of silicon concentrator solar cells”, presented at the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, 2004. A. Mohr, T.Roth, M.Epmeier and S. W. Glunz, “Silicon concentrator cells in an oneaxis tracking concentrator system with a geometrical concentration ratio of 300x”, presented at the 31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference and Exhibition (PVSC); Coronado Springs, USA, 2005. A. Mohr, T.Roth, M. Hermle and S. W. Glunz, “Rear-line-contacted silicon concentrator cells on highly and lightly doped substrates”, presented at the 31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference and Exhibition (PVSC), Coronado Springs, USA, 2005. A. W. Bett, F. Dimroth, S. W. Glunz, A. Mohr, G. Siefer, G. Willeke, “FLATCONTM and FLASHCONTM: Concepts for high concentrator PV”, presented at 31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference and Exhibition (PVSC), Coronado Springs, USA, 2005. A. Mohr, G. Siefer, T.Roth, N. Sadchikov, A. W. Bett, S. W. Glunz, G. P. Willeke, “Development of FLASHCONTM-modules”, submitted to the 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 2005. W. N. L. Browne, A. Wheldon, M. Norton, C. Weatherby, R. Bentley, J. Brooker, S. Glunz, A. Mohr, T. Roth, A. Bett et al., ”Progress on CONMAN EU R&D ProjectImprovement of Photovoltaic Concentrator Systems and Technology Transfer to a Manufacturer”, submitted to the 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 2005. 150 11.6 Danksagung An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich bei all denen bedanken, ohne deren Unterstützung während der letzten drei Jahre diese Doktorarbeit nicht zustande gekommen wäre. Bedanken möchte ich mich bei: Herrn PD Dr. Volker Wittwer für die Vergabe und die Betreuung der Doktorarbeit, Herrn PD Dr. Gerhard Willeke für die Aufnahme in seine Abteilung, Herrn Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul für die Übernahme der Zweitkorrektur, Herrn Dr. Stefan Glunz für die angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre in seiner Gruppe und die fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit, Thomas Roth für die sehr gute Zusammenarbeit und die Unterstützung bei der Charakterisierung der RLCC Solarzellen, Martin Hermle für die Zusammenarbeit bei den zweidimensionalen numerischen Simulationen, Gerald Siefer für die wertvollen Diskussionen über die Charakterisierung von Solarzellen, den Mitarbeitern aus Arbeitsatmosphäre, Zimmer D-313 für die lockere und angenehme dem Reinraumteam, welches mich bei der Prozessierung der Solarzellen unterstützt hat, der mechanischen Werkstatt, die einige Konstruktionen für diese Arbeit ausgeführt hat, den Mitarbeitern der Abteilung SWT für das sehr gute Arbeitsklima, meinen Sportkollegen für die angenehme Freizeitgestaltung und natürlich auch bei meiner Familie für ihre Unterstützung. 151 12 Bibliography [1] P. 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