Phone (310) 605-5509 Fax Line (310) 605-5598 E-mail: City of Compton Building & Safety Department Non-Residential and Multi-Family Plan Check Submittal Requirements The purpose of this form is to provide submittal requirements for residential construction. This is not a complete list of all required submittals, and additional information may be required to facilitate plan review. Other City departments and/or public agencies may have to review the plans before permits can be issued. The final revised set must be submitted in a CD pdf file version, an additional processing fee is applicable. Design Criteria: Seismic Zone D or provide analysis and calculations from California Registered Engineer. Basic velocity 85 mph 3 second gust exposure C or provide wind speed calculations from California Registered Engineer. 2013 editions of the California Codes: Building (CBC), Residential (CRC), Electrical (CEC), Plumbing (CPC), Mechanical (CMC), Fire (CFC), Green Building standards (CGBSC), 2013 Energy Standards (Title 24), and Health and Safety. Climate Zone 8. Drawing Criteria: Drawing sizes shall be a minimum of 24” x 36” to a maximum of 30” x 42” inches and all pages shall be the same size. Plans must be clear and legible; non-legible plans will not be accepted. Scale shall be 1/4" inch per foot for structural and architectural; 1” inch = 20 feet for site plans. Plans must be wet-signed by the preparer on each page. Architects/ Engineers must affix their seal and wet-sign (cover sheet of supporting documents to be wet-signed). Plans: Two (2) sets of complete building plans/reports and documents are required for the plan check of the proposed construction. One set will be returned to you as the officially approved job copy. Plan size shall be 24" x 36" minimum, and 30" x 42" maximum. All dimensions and scales shall be clearly indicated. No marked, altered, or paste-on plans will be accepted. You may be required to retain a registered architect or professional engineer to prepare your building plans if plans are inadequate or if required by the Business and Professional Code, or if required by the Chief Building Official. The following information, if applicable, shall be included on, or with, ALL plans submitted for buildings and accessory structures: The Designer's Name: When the drawings are prepared by a California licensed architect or registered professional engineer that person must sign and seal all drawings and calculations as appropriate. 205 S. Willowbrook Avenue, Compton, CA 90220 1 Two sets of engineering calculations and reference soils investigations. Two sets of specifications, if necessary. Two sets of Title-24 Energy Conservation Design Calculations (use copies of forms found in State's design manual. Completed set of plans should include the following information: Plot Plan – Show the outlines of the Assessor's Tax Parcel and the locations and use of all existing and proposed buildings. Plan details must include parcel dimensions, building setbacks from all property lines, distance between buildings, off-street parking, driveways, sewer lines locations, percentage of the lot covered by buildings, scale of the drawings, and a north arrow, proposed street widening plan lines, easements, existing and new parking designations, existing and proposed finish grades, and locations and sizes of site storm, sewer, water, gas and electrical connections to off-site utility facilities. Document cover sheet shall include the project address, scope of work, name of owner, date of the plans, the designer’s name and address, square footage of the existing structure, proposed structure, tenant improvement, remodel or addition, current editions of building codes, occupancy group and construction type. Clearly distinguish between what is existing, what is new, what will remain and what will be removed. Show drainage flow lines away from the structure and adjacent properties and location of swales. Show easements including public utilities. Show existing or proposed path of all utilities: electrical, gas, sewer and water location. Grading and Drainage Plan (Civil drawings)- Show proposed grades and all storm sewer lines and inlets. Landscape/ irrigation plan. Plan delineating all landscape areas, features and requirements Planting plan and plant schedule Irrigation plan and equipment legend Landscape installation specifications Elevations - Submit elevations of all sides of the building (north, south, east and west). Show building height in feet, and indicate the difference in elevation between the highest point of the structure (not including antennas, etc.) and the highest and lowest ground elevation at the exterior foundation of the structure. Show exposed materials, canopy projections, roofing, windows, downspout locations and signs. Identify all exterior building materials. Clearly distinguish between existing and proposed construction. Foundation Plan: Show dimensions and depths into bearing soil of all foundation components. Indicate foundation anchoring details, hold-downs, straps, reinforcements. Include structural calculations and specifications for any engineered truss systems. Show separate floor framing for all stories. Include calculations for beams. Show how loads will be transferred to the foundation. Any foundation system that deviates from the standard foundation system described in the California Building Code must bear the seal of a registered civil or structural engineer or architect and have supporting calculations to substantiate the design. Foundation design criteria must be in accordance with data provided in an accompanying soil report. Roof Plans - Show roof slope and roof drains. Indicate roof layout, skylights, pitches, slope directions, types of roof covering, sheathing, and underlayment. Show ridges, hips, valleys, joist, skylights and the size, spacing and span of the structural members. Show the roof pitch. Two (2) signed and stamped sets of engineered trusses are required prior to shear inspection. 205 S. Willowbrook Avenue, Compton, CA 90220 2 Framing Plans: Submit framing plans for floor, ceiling, wall and roof framing indicating dimensions, materials, sizes, spacings, spans and connection details of all structural framing members. Cross Sections: Show cross sections for as many areas as necessary to completely describe the structural layout. Include details for connections, insulation, ceiling heights, framing members, drywall, and/or other necessary or unusual details. Floor Plan - Show locations, sizes and use of rooms, locations of windows and doors, firewalls, and toilet facilities. Also show the following: Show size of all openings/swing of doors Show exiting systems to a public way Identify rated corridor systems Show location of all mezzanines and stairways Show construction information for any tenant walls Show location of all restrooms and provide details & dimensions depicting compliance with disable regulations Identify uses of all rooms Show location of all required International Symbols of Accessibility Signage (ISA) Reference to section details Show smoke detector locations Show location of electric panels Identify exit lights/emergency lighting Show location of fire extinguishers Seating plan within assembly uses Details architectural/structural: Bracing and support details Hardware Framing details Flashing Section details Occupancy separation details Protection of penetrations in rated assemblies Rated corridors, shafts, and rated floor ceiling/roof ceiling assemblies Handrails and guardrails along with support details Door/window schedules (list size and type) Title 24 mandatory measure for the building envelope Construction Details: Detail cross-sections of foundation components, anchoring, structural member connections, seismic connections, and other pertinent construction details. Disabled Access Standards (ADA)- All new construction and additions/alterations shall comply with the Disabled Access Standards (ADA). Incorporate Disabled Access standards into plan pages. CALGreen Building Standards- All new construction and additions/alterations shall comply with the CALGreen Building Standards. Incorporate green building standards into plan pages. Reflected Ceiling Plans. Food equipment plan. Food Equipment Plan and Facility Related Requirements: Make, manufacturer and model number of all food equipment 205 S. Willowbrook Avenue, Compton, CA 90220 3 Water heater information: Type, size, recovery rate, etc. Storage areas for food, employee garments and cleaning supplies Interior room finishes Approved Health Department Plans Fire and life safety plan. Fire and Life Safety (Fire Prevention): Sprinkler plans with hydraulic calculations Fire alarm plans Spray booths High-piled storage plans to include: Draft curtains Heat/smoke vents Exiting, signs, lights, etc. Flammable & hazardous materials Fire hydrant placement Hose lines Existing fire sprinkler design Fire extinguishers Emergency lighting Architectural Details - Show non-structural sections of construction where necessary to show conformance to Building Code. In particular, those areas of fire protection, special wall protection, and specifics of public safety. Finish Schedule - Show materials to be used for floors, walls, and ceilings of all rooms. Door and Window Schedule - Show sizes, types and fire assemblies where required. Structural Plans - Show the foundations, exterior and interior wall construction, roof designs, seismic connections, structural connections (welding, columns, etc) and other details pertinent to construction of the building. Manufacturers' Engineering Reports: These are required for ALL prefabricated structural framing components. Mechanical and Plumbing Plans - complete single line drawing showing positions, materials and sizes of sewer, water, storm, gas, ventilation and heating equipment, fire protection systems, and other miscellaneous mechanical devices. Plumbing plan should include the following: Single-line and/or isometric drawings showing location, materials, size, fixture units and length of: Drains/clean outs Sand and oil/grease interceptor specifications, sizes and location when applicable Water heater/boiler Overflow pan Vents Sewers Medical gases Waterlines Fixtures Supports 205 S. Willowbrook Avenue, Compton, CA 90220 4 Water sizing calculations Condensate lines Back-flow preventer Gas Lines: Provide single-line and /or isometric drawings showing: Location of all equipment Size and length of piping Gas meter location Type of materials BTU/hour demands (use 1,000 BTU/CFH) Mechanical plan should include the following: Size and location of all ductwork, plenums, registers, fire/smoke dampers, smoke detectors, fresh-air intakes, and airflows in CFM. Include support criteria. Size and location of all combustion air openings (when gas equipment is used) Size, type and termination of any gas vents Details of any rated shafts Equipment (show size, weight, attachment details, location and access, and make and model number). (Note: replacement units in excess of 500 pounds require structural calculations) Indicate which rooms are to be conditioned Provide minimum required ventilation per current CBC and Title 24 Walk-in cooler boxes. (Note: Provide specification sheet (s) for manufactured and/or details of any site builts) Title 24 mandatory measures and mechanical equipment schedules Type I/II Hoods (provide the following) Construction details of rated shafts CFM calculations Location, type and size of hood, ducts and equipment CFM of exhaust and make-up air Type of fire-suppression equipment Location of exhaust termination Equipment approvals and listings Electrical Plans - complete electrical layout to show service diagram, load breakdown, size of service, and feeder conductors. Provide a fault current letter (AIC) from electrical service provider (Southern California Edison or Electrical Engineer), incorporate AIC on electrical plan. Electrical plan should include the following: Exit lights/emergency lighting Commercial and industrial buildings services over 800 amps will require engineered electrical plans Single-line diagram (power): Service entrance (conduit and wire size) AIC rating Feeder, conduit, pipe and wire sizes to panels, transformers and fixed equipment Main disconnect size Grounding electrode and grounding electrode conductor size Number of service meters Load calculations: 205 S. Willowbrook Avenue, Compton, CA 90220 5 Complete CEC load calculation (CEC based on square-foot area, including 125 percent for continuous load and largest motor) Complete panel schedules, actual loads (totaled), with fixture and equipment schedules (new and existing loads) Panel schedules: Bus size Voltage, phase and amperage Breaker size, circuit description and connected KW Floor plan showing electrical item location: Lighting fixtures and schedule Fixed and portable equipment HVAC equipment New and existing and to be removed Receptacles and light switches Shop and process equipment Panel locations Title 24 mandatory measures for lighting Exterior lighting plan and fixture details Site plan showing: Utility transformer location Service entrance conduit route Parking lot lighting, including pole mounting, fixture type and wattage Emergency features: Fire pump Emergency generator system Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical Permits: These will be required in addition to the building permit, when applicable. All electrical, plumbing and mechanical plans shall be submitted together with the building plans at the time of building permit application. All plans, specifications, reports, or calculations for buildings or structures required to be designed by an Architect or Engineer licensed by the State of California, shall have his seal, signature and registration number thereon. (Each sheet of plans to have proper signatures.) Architects and Engineers must also indicate when their license expires. Compliance with the above requirements will expedite the issuance of a building permit. An incomplete plan check submittal may result in delays in your plan check. Submittal will expire if permit is not issued within 180 days of approval or if applicant fails to respond to plan review comments. 205 S. Willowbrook Avenue, Compton, CA 90220 6