Ultramicroscopy 79 (1999) 35}41 Transfer-matrix and Green-function quantum-mechanical theory of electronic "eld emission applied to the simulation of di!raction by a carbon "ber in the Fresnel projection microscope A. Mayer*, J.-P. Vigneron Laboratoire de Physique du Solide, Faculte& s Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, Rue de Bruxelles 61, B-5000 Namur, Belgium Received 12 September 1998; received in revised form 2 February 1999 Abstract Field emission is described in the framework of both transfer-matrix and Green-function formalisms. The transfermatrix methodology is used to compute the scattering in the di!user and the Green-function formalism to propagate the scattered wave function. The computation procedure takes advantage of the presence of an n-fold symmetry axis. The method is applied to simulate electronic "eld emission from a nanotip and the beam di!raction by a carbon "ber in the Fresnel projection microscope. The in#uence of the voltage and tip-sample distance on the di!raction is studied. The simulations con"rm the existence of Fraunhofer and Fresnel di!raction, that appear in good agreement with the criteria derived from two-dimensional models. A result reveals the fact that the interaction between the parts of the beam traveling, respectively, through and beside the "ber can shape the di!raction "gure in a way not accounted for by simpli"ed models. 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 79.75.#g; 79.70.#q; 02.70.Bf Keywords: Field emission; Fresnel projection microscope; Nanotip; Transfer matrix; Green function; Electron scattering 1. Introduction The subject of this paper is the simulation of "eld emission from nanotips [1}5]. These small tips, whose height is of the order of 2 nm, usually stand on the top of a tungsten larger tip. These tips are those used to operate the Fresnel projection micro- * Corresponding author. Tel.: #32-81-724702; fax: #32-81724707. E-mail address: alexandre.mayer@fundp.ac.be (A. Mayer) scope [6] (FPM), where the extraction bias is established between the tip and a conducting grid a few tens nanometers apart. Field emission from small tips also "nds applications in #at panel displays [7}9], that consist of large arrays of microscopic tips facing a grid. Previous work on electronic scattering in a projection con"guration was achieved within the Fresnel}Kirchho! #at-object formalism [10] or within the Green-function formalism [11]. In these studies, the tip was reduced to a point source and the object described by a two-dimensional mask or 0304-3991/99/$ - see front matter 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 3 9 9 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 7 3 - X 36 A. Mayer, J.-P. Vigneron / Ultramicroscopy 79 (1999) 35}41 a set of di!usive points representative of each atom. In this paper, we present a method that takes us beyond these limits, by bringing into the theory the detailed three-dimensional electron potential-energy distribution between the metallic tip holder and the object support conducting grid. This new technique relies on both the transfer-matrix [12] and Green-function formalisms. The details of our method have been presented elsewhere [13}15]. The local scattering, which includes the "eld emission phenomena, is considered within the transfer-matrix methodology, since this formalism has little storage requirements. The instabilities inherent to this technique are controlled by using the layer addition algorithm [16] with an accuracy estimator [17]. Propagation is considered within the Green-function formalism, since this part of the problem is solved straight-forwardly once the scattered wave function in the di!user is known. Our method is applied to the simulation of electronic di!raction by a carbon "ber, as in the Fresnel projection microscope. The electronic beam results from "eld emission from a nanotip. This simulation aims at illustrating the dependence of the di!raction "gure on the extraction bias and tip-sample distance and at checking the criteria derived by two-dimensional methods [10]. The results reveal situations where the di!raction "gure is shaped by a process that is not accounted for by two-dimensional models. This process is due to the interaction between the parts of the beam traveling, respectively, through and beside the "ber. 2. Theory 2.1. Preliminaries In our analysis, the metal is described using a simple Sommerfeld picture, characterized by empirical values of = (work-function) and E (Fermi $ energy), and delimited by the plane z"0. The metal region z(0, with constant potential energy < , is referred to as `region Ia. The conducting grid is in the plane z"D. The region z'D, where the potential energy is set conventionally to the constant value 0, is referred to as `region IIIa. We refer to the intermediate region 0)z)D, that contains the emission nanotip and the sample, as `region IIa. We could de"ne the peculiar planes z"0 and z"D to be, respectively, inside the metal and beyond the conducting grid in order to deal with situations where the potential energy presents non negligeable variations near the metal surface or the conducting grid. 2.2. Wavefunction representation In order to take advantage of situations where the z-axis corresponds to a n-fold symmetry, the scattering problem is formulated in cylindrical coordinates, by using the polar coordinates (azimuthal angle) and o (radial distance to the axis) in the plane normal to the z-axis. Following the reference [18], the scattering electrons are assumed to remain localized inside a cylinder of radius R in the regions I and II. The following expression can then be used to expand the wave function in these two regions: W(r)" U (z)t (o, ), (1) KH KH KH where t (o, )"J (k o)eK(/ KH K KH (2p0o[J (k o)] do and the wave vectors K KH k are solutions of J (k R)"0. KH K KH 2.3. Local scattering by the transfer-matrix methodology Since the potential energy takes a constant value for z)0 and z"D, U (z) is analytic KH for these values and W(r) can be expanded in terms of the basic states W'! (r)" KH exp [$i((2m/ )(E!< )!k z] t (o, ) for KH KH z)0 and W'''!(r)"exp[$i((2m/ )E!k z] KH KH t (o, ) for z"D, where the roots are positive KH reals or complex numbers with positive imaginary parts. Each outgoing state W'''> can be considered KH individually and propagated backwards from z"D to z"0, by using the SchroK dinger equation and techniques given in references [13,14]. When the corresponding wave function in z)0 is expanded along incident and re#ected basic states, A. Mayer, J.-P. Vigneron / Ultramicroscopy 79 (1999) 35}41 the following set of solutions is obtained: 2.4. Propagation to the screen by the Green-function methodology XW W'> # B W'\ WM > M " A KGK HM KH KGK HM KH KH KG KG X" . " W'''> K HM 37 (2) Due to the linearity of the SchroK dinger equation, these solutions can be combined to derive a set of solutions corresponding to a single incident state W'> in region I: K HM X # t\> M W'\ W> M " W'> K HM KHKH KH KH KH X" " t>> M W'''>, (3) KHKH KH KH where the relevant transfer matrices t>> and t\> are obtained from t>>"A\ and t\>"BA\. The two transfer matrices t\\ and t>\ that describe the solutions corresponding to incident states W'''\ coming from z"#R are obtained KH in a similar way. The accuracy of the transfer-matrix computation is improved when the distance D is split into several adjacent layers and only the transfer matrices associated with each single layer are computed. The transfer matrices corresponding to the whole distance D can be obtained in a "nal step by using the relevant formulae developed by Pendry [16]. The relative accuracy of the computation can be estimated [17] as a function of the number of layers n by the relation: e "2\Le(K 4"L (cond(P)n L #(1#cond(P))n !2 cond(P)), (4) where < is the extraction bias, n the number of binary digits used for the representation of the fractional part of real numbers and cond(P) a number associated with the loss of accuracy due to each combination of adjacent layers. The value of cond(P) is typically around 5. This formula can be used to predict the number of layers to use in order to obtain a good accuracy. We recommend the value n "4(2m/ <D/n ln 2 in order to ob tain results that have three quarters of the represented digits signi"cant. Within the Green-function formalism, it is possible to derive the expression of a wave function at an arbitrary position of space by using its expression on a closed surface S surrounding the position considered. The relevant expression is the following [19]: n ) (G(r, r, E) r W(r)!W(r) r G(r, r, E)) dS Y Y 1 2m "! W(r), (5) where n is a unit vector normal to the surface and oriented to the outside. This formula enables the propagation of the solutions W> to the screen (within the Kirchho! KH assumption [20] that we can use the expression obtained by the transfer matrix method for the wave function and its derivatives in the plane z"D). This is achieved by considering a surface S that contains the plane z"D and is closed at o"R on the surface z"#R. Since the potential energy in the region III is set to be zero and the wave function and its derivatives cancel at in"nite distances in this region, the relevant Green function is G(r, r, E)"!m/2p 1/"r!r"e(K# rY\r. We can use in this last expression the two "rst terms of the expansion "r!r"""r"!r ) r#2 where r is a unit vector with components (1, h, ) in spherical coordinates that points to r from the origin. The computation remains analytic and gives the following expression [17] for W M : KH P eI#P W> M (r, h, ) " t>> M p(h, m, j, E)e ( (6) KH KHKH r KH with k "(2mE/ and: # e\I# F" p(h, m, j, E)"! ((k!k # KH 2 e(I#\IKH" #k cos (h))i\K # (2pp[J (k o)]o do K KH 0 ; do oJ (k o)J (k sin(h)o). K KH K # (7) 38 A. Mayer, J.-P. Vigneron / Ultramicroscopy 79 (1999) 35}41 3. Application: observation of a carbon 5ber in the FPM Under appropriate conditions, the FPM produces Fresnel di!raction "gures strongly correlated with the object di!usion strength distribution under investigation. This essential feature can be traced to the spherical shape and coherence of the electronic waves incident on the object. The necessity to use nanotips with a mono-atomic termination in order to obtain well contrasted di!raction fringes was already demonstrated [21]. The present application aims at illustrating the kind of di!raction "gure that results from the observation of a carbon "ber, for a complete nanotip, depending on the extraction bias and the source}sample distance. According to Ref. [6,10] the resolution limit due to di!raction is given by * "1/2(jd with k the B electronic wavelength and d the tip-sample distance. If * is less than one half of the characteristic B section of the sample, Fresnel di!raction occurs and the image is correlated with the sample. In the other case, Fraunhofer di!raction prevails and the image is a Fourier transform of the sample (provided single scattering dominates multiple scattering). We aim at checking these conclusions obtained within the Fresnel}Kirchho! formalism [10]. To achieve this, let us characterize the bulk of the metal with a Fermi energy of 19.1 eV and a work function of 4.5 eV to represent the tungsten metal. The grid is separated from the metal surface by D"3.5 nm and the extraction bias is 10 V. The tungsten nanotip is represented by a pyramidal protrusion that consists of four atomic layers whose distance is the 0.091 nm separation encountered between two adjacent atomic layers in the bulk of the metal in the 11 1 12 direction. The position of the "rst layer relative to the jellium surface z"0 is obtained by taking into account the 0.0778 nm separation [22] between this surface and the last atomic layer in the bulk. The position of the atoms in each layer of the tip is the same as in the bulk. With these considerations, the "rst atomic layer is made of 12 atoms at 0.013 nm from the metallic surface, the second layer of seven atoms is at z"0.104 nm, the third of three atoms at 0.195 nm. In order to avoid unphysical results in the electron potential energy (i.e. values associated with a repulsion at the top of the nanotip), the last atom had to be moved by 2% of the 0.091 nm inter-layer distance, so it is situated at z"0.289 nm. This displacement can be justi"ed by a tip relaxation. Each atom is represented by a dipole. Following references [13,23], the polarizability attributed to each dipole is an average, weighted by the number of neighboring atoms, of the polarizability of a neutral isolated atom [24] a /(4pe )"7 AQ and the polarizability in the bulk [25] at the Fermi frequency a /(4pe )"1.49 AQ . The "ber on the conducting grid is represented by an in"nitely long parallelepided that is oriented along the x-axis. Its section in the (y, z) plane is a square with a lateral length of 0.4 nm. It is characterized by a dielectric constant [26] of 16.5 and a work function [26] of 4.82 eV. The potential energy distribution, computed with the methods given in Refs. [13,14], is shown in Fig. 1. The current density due to all incident states in the metal was computed on the 10 cm distant screen. For comparison, the current densities obtained, respectively, without and with the carbon "ber are presented in Figs. 2 and 3. A cancelation radius of 3.5 nm and values for m from !16 to #16 were chosen. The "rst "gure shows the Fig. 1. Potential-energy distribution (in eV) in the (y, z) vertical plane. A 10-V bias is applied over the 3.5 nm separation between the metallic surface and the grid. There are 21 contour levels. A. Mayer, J.-P. Vigneron / Ultramicroscopy 79 (1999) 35}41 Fig. 2. Current density (in A/cm) on the 10 cm distant screen. A 10-V bias is applied over the 3.5 nm separation between the metallic support of the nanotip and the grid. There are 21 contour levels. Fig. 3. Current density (in A/cm) on the 10 cm distant screen corresponding to the observation of a carbon "ber with 0.4 nm thickness under 10-V bias. There are 21 contour levels. electronic beam that is emitted from the nanotip. The second "gure is a Fraunhofer "gure, bearing no direct resemblance to the "ber. This is expected from the previous analysis, since * takes a value B around 0.57 nm, which is larger than one half of the "ber diameter. 39 Fig. 4. Current density (in A/cm) on the 10 cm distant screen corresponding to the observation of a carbon "ber with 0.6 nm thickness under 10-V bias. There are 21 contour levels. For a carbon "ber with 0.6 nm thickness, the current density on the screen (presented in Fig. 4) has a shape that is not accounted for by twodimensional models. When electron absorption is introduced, respectively, inside and beside the carbon "ber, we obtain two di!raction "gures that are associated with the part of the beam traveling, respectively, beside and inside the carbon "ber. Fig. 4 turns out to be shaped by the superposition of these two contributions. This process where the di!raction "gure is shaped by the external beam is not accounted for by two-dimensional models, since they do not include in the image formation the contribution of this part of the beam. When a bias of 25 V is applied over the same metal}grid distance, a Fresnel di!raction "gure is obtained. The carbon "ber has a thickness of 1 nm, and we used a metallic tip with a height of 1 nm and a base radius of 0.5 nm. The image this time is correlated with the spatial distribution of the "ber, as shown in Fig. 5. This is in agreement with the previously presented criteria, since * takes a value of 0.36 nm, which is less than one B half of the "ber diameter. This simulation takes into account the electric "eld surrounding the tip and the "ber. It successfully reproduces the sucking-in e!ect, that makes the "ber appear brighter on the screen. 40 A. Mayer, J.-P. Vigneron / Ultramicroscopy 79 (1999) 35}41 external part of the beam, in a way not accounted for by two-dimensional models. Acknowledgements A.M. was supported by the Belgian National Fund for Scienti"c Research (FNRS). The authors acknowledge the national program on Interuniversity Research Project (PAI) and the use of the Namur Scienti"c Computing Facility, a common project between the FNRS, IBM-Belgium, and the FUNDP. Fig. 5. Current density (in A/cm) on the 10 cm distant screen corresponding to the observation of a carbon "ber with 1 nm thickness under 25-V bias. There are 21 contour levels. 4. Conclusion An e$cient technique for the simulation of "eld emission from nanotips is presented. This technique, that relies on both transfer-matrix and Green-function formalisms, takes advantage of a possible n-fold symmetry axis. The method enables an e$cient computation of distant current densities, as required for applications to the Fresnel projection microscope. The practical limits, when considering higher values for the electron energy E"e<!= and metal}grid distance D, are due to the storage space and computation time requirements. The number of basic states to consider turns out to be proportional to RE. To be e$cient, the computation of the coupling coe$cients requires the storage of an array whose size is proportional to RE. The time needed to compute the coupling coe$cients and perform all matrix inversions along the distance D is proportional to DRE. The ability of the Fresnel projection microscope to produce Fraunhofer or Fresnel di!raction "gures, depending on the extraction bias and the nanotip-sample distance, was illustrated. The simulation reveals the existence of an image formation process that includes the contribution of the References [1] V.T. Binh, S.T. Purcell, N. Garcia, J. Doglioni, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 2527. [2] S.T. Purcell, V.T. Binh, N. Garcia, M.E. Lin, R.P. Andres, R. Reifenberger, Phys. Rev. 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