POWER SUPPLY - ZXM-2A 3.682” Ø .172” 2.90” The power supply is a current type. Output current is maintained constant, even while the load resistance changes, which is typical of any brake or clutch coil when temperature changes. Output: 0 - 2 Amperes DC. Output current is controlled PDQXDOO\E\WKH.ї&855(17$'-867 potentiometer (knob), or a 0-5 Volt signal. Voltage range: 0 - 24 VDC. 2.596” Input: 30 Volts AC. A transformer is required to reduce line voltage to 30 VAC. Available from Placid Industries: 110 VAC: p/n T2-110, 220 VAC: p/n T2-220 AC30V 0V IN 5V 0V- 0V+ The on-board mini potentiometer is factory set to 2 Amperes maximum output. .155” Input Fuse: 3 Amp, 250V, 5 x 20mm .152” 3.372” 4 holes in corners, for mounting. 8 pcs. #6-32 screws & 1/2” nuts provided. POTENTIOMETER MOUNTING HOLE Ø0.85 Ø.385 &855(17$'-8673RWHQWLRPHWHU .ї:DWW6XSSOLHG Mount on your operator’s panel. Hole Ø.38 Knob A.C. INPUT, 110 VOLTS 110 Volts A.C. Input (50 / 60 Hz.) Line 1 Amp Input Fuse 110 VAC PRIMARY Neutral (0 Volts) AC30V 0V IN 5V 0V- 0V+ 30 VAC 63 VA TERMINAL STRIP SECONDARY TRANSFORMER Placid p/n T2-110 A.C. INPUT, 220 / 230 VOLTS Line 2 220 or 230 Volts A.C. Input (50 / 60 Hz.) 1/2 Amp Input Fuses Line 1 220 VAC PRIMARY For most foreign installations: Omit the fuse on Line 1 when it is grounded at the building’s service entrance. AC30V 0V IN 5V 0V- 0V+ 30 VAC 63 VA TERMINAL STRIP SECONDARY TRANSFORMER Placid p/n T2-220 Placid Industries, Inc. www.placidindustries.com 6/12 139 Mill Pond Drive, Lake Placid, NY 12946 USA Phone 518 523-2422 P1/3 Fax 518 523-2746 POWER SUPPLY - ZXM-2A INSTRUCTIONS - MANUAL (Potentiometer) CONTROL AMMETER $&99,1999 + /,1(92/7$*( +] (for set-up only) SPAN MAX. BLACK TRANSFORMER .9 ORANGE 9$& OPTIONAL YELLOW ї SPAN MIN. + OPTIONAL BRAKE OR CLUTCH CURRENT ADJUST POTENTIOMETER .ї: ADJUSTMENTS - When Using Manual (Potentiometer) Control: CURRENT ADJUST POTENTIOMETER - The remotely mountable potentiometer controls the desired output current, and is adjustable from 0% to 100%. This is used to control output torque. For applications with maximum current less than 1 Ampere, use a 10 turn potentiometer with scale dial for easy, fine control. OPTIONAL SPAN MIN POTENTIOMETER Without a SPAN MIN potentiometer, the CURRENT ADJUST potentiometer must be increased a small amount, EHIRUHFXUUHQWLQFUHDVHVDERYH7RHOLPLQDWHWKLVGHDG]RQHDGGD63$10,1SRWHQWLRPHWHUDVVKRZQ To adjust: Set the CURRENT ADJUST pot to 0. Increase the SPAN MIN pot setting until the output current starts increasing. A SPAN MIN potentiometer is recommended for applications under 750 mAmps, for ease of control. OPTIONAL SPAN MAX POTENTIOMETER OR RESISTOR The SPAN MAX resistor (or potentiometer) sets the maximum output current. For example, with an approximately .UHVLVWRUWKHPD[LPXPRXWSXWFXUUHQWLV$PSHUH6RZKHQWKH&855(17$'-867327(17,20(7(5LV adjusted from 0 to max, the output current varies from 0 to 1 Ampere. Placid Industries, Inc. www.placidindustries.com 139 Mill Pond Drive, Lake Placid, NY 12946 USA Phone 518 523-2422 Fax 518 523-2746 3 POWER SUPPLY - ZXM-2A INSTRUCTIONS - VOLTAGE CONTROL AMMETER AC30V 0V IN 5V 0V- 0V+ 30 VAC (for set-up only) TRANSFORMER 63 KV LINE VOLTAGE 50 / 60 Hz 0 - 5 VOLT SIGNAL FROM YOUR COMPUTER OR PLC BRAKE OR CLUTCH ADJUSTMENTS - When Using Voltage Control: Output current is controlled by a 0 - 5 Volt DC signal from your computer of PLC. At 0 Volt signal: 0 output At 5 Volt signal: Output is 2 Amperes. ,QSXWLPSHGDQFHWHUPLQDOV9,1. Max output voltage to brake or clutch: 32 VDC Placid Industries, Inc. www.placidindustries.com 4/12 139 Mill Pond Drive, Lake Placid, NY 12946 USA Phone 518 523-2422 P3/3 Fax 518 523-2746