Electrical Analysis of IC Packaging with Emphasis on Different Ball Grid Array Packages Khouzema B. Unchwaniwala, Michael F. Caggiano Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Rutgers – The state university of New Jersey 94 Brett Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854 Phone: 732-445-5248, Fax: 732-445-2820 khuzem@ece.rutgers.edu, cagg@ece.rutgers.edu Abstract Parasitics associated with integrated circuit packaging are beginning to affect the performance of the integrated circuit with the rise in operating frequencies. Hence it has become necessary to properly model the various components of the package to provide better understanding of these effects. This paper provides equivalent circuit models for the different components of a package, such as the package leads in small outline packages and the Quad flat-packs, the solder balls used in ball grid arrays, through via holes & wire bonds in packages. These electrical characteristics have thereafter been used to model different package types currently used in the industry with major emphasis being on the type of chip connect or the first level interconnection. The electrical parameters obtained confirm that most of the packages have to be flip chip based when compared to wire bonded and overmolded alternatives as the frequencies of operation increases to the high GHz range. 1. Introduction The number of transistors in an integrated circuit are increasing, with certain ASIC’s having up to 10e7 transistors (the INTEL Pentium processor has roughly 3.1x10e6 transistors). With increase in complexity of the devices, the interconnection from the die to the printed circuit board keeps changing. Also the increase in switching speeds, power dissipation and multiple die in package is leading towards the emergence of various new packaging trends. An ‘electronics package’ as defined in [1], is that portion of an electronic structure, which serves to protect an electronic/electrical element from its environment and the environment from the electronic/electrical element and should also allow for the complete testing of the packaged device. Some would say the basic function of a package is to provide signal distribution, heat dissipation, power distribution and circuit support and protection. But with circuits approaching higher frequencies, the function of a package is not just limited to the above-mentioned functions. Initially the electrical performance of the packaged electrical component was limited by the component itself and very little because of the package. But with rise in operating range of frequency, parasitics associated with the package began to affect the performance of the device. A variety of electronic requirements for smaller, lighter, faster, and less expensive products have not only led to better fabrication techniques but also to better packaging techniques. With increase in frequency range of operation, the electrical performance of different packages decides the packaging used for a particular application. Flip chip in packaging is 0-7803-7038-4/01/$10.00 (C)2001 IEEE beginning to be realized as a better packaging alternative for their ability to reduce precious real estate used on the printed circuit (wiring) board and also better electrical performance instead of using the comparatively high inductance wire bonds. Ball Grid Array (BGA) packages from being an alternative solution for high performance and high pin count applications has become a standard choice for medium and high pin count applications. A variety of CSP/BGA packages are flip-chip based due to size and performance advantages when compared to wire bonded and over-molded alternatives. This paper looks into the electrical performance of different types of packages with more emphasis on Flip chip connected silicon die in BGA packages as they are the more likely packaging choice for a mixed signal integrated circuit. This paper models the different components of a package, like the package leads in Dual-in-line package (DIP) and the Quad flat packs (QFP), the solder balls used in Ball grid arrays (BGA), through via holes, wire bonds in packages etc. The electrical characteristics of different shapes and sizes of solder balls have also been sought. These electrical characteristics have thereafter been used to model different package types being currently used in the industry. The Sparameters obtained are general electrical characteristics for the signal route followed from the die pad to the printed circuit (wiring) board. 2. Design Tool The Maxwell Q3D Extractor is an interactive software package that is used to electrically characterize threedimensional interconnect structures such as those found in connectors, PCB’s, MCM’s etc. The software is used to solve capacitance, partial inductance and resistance matrices. It uses the multipole expansion technique for extraction of electrical parameters. The basic operation is to draw the structure, specify material properties for each object, identify conductors, and specify source excitations. The system then generates the necessary circuit parameters used to generate the lumped equivalent circuit models. These circuit models can then be used to give the S-parameters for the different packaging structures. 3. Equivalent circuit models for components that make a package For accurate electrical characterization of an electronic package, it is important to have proper circuit models for the components that make up the package including the wirebond, the on package stripline/microstrip, the package leads as in most Flat-packs and Small outline packages, Through via 2001 Electronic Components and Technology Conference holes, Flip chip attach, and solder balls as in most Ball Grid Array packages. 3.1: First Level Interconnection First level interconnection is the interconnection between the Integrated circuit and the electronic package. It is the connection that provides the electrical contact between the IC and the package. Usually, this interconnection is wire bonded or flip chip attached and in some case tape bonded. Wire bond Most packages, including Quad Flat-packs to Ball Grid Arrays, use wire bonds to connect the silicon die to the package. It is important to get the electrical characteristics of typical wire bond structures, as in fig. 1, that are used in highspeed IC packaging. Maxwell’s Q3D Extractor was used to model the wire bond structure and get the equivalent circuit for the structure. An experimental 1000um * 400um chip (600um thick silicon) was mounted on a substrate having a dielectric of 4.0. Wire bonds of different lengths were structured to observe the effect on overall insertion loss. Gold was used as the material for the wire bonds of diameter 25um. Table 1. provides the electrical parameters for these wire bonds. Cap. Cap. to to Chip Substrate ground ground (F) (F) 1.4 1.02 0.06 25fF 8.5fF 1.7 1.40 0.08 25fF 8.5fF Table 1. Electrical parameters for different lengths of wire bonds with dimensions as specified above Wire ‘L’ (mm) Inductance (nH) Fig. 1 Lumped element representation of wire bonds Resistance (Ω) Wire bond trace lengths were determined by measuring the total trajectory of the wire bond in three dimensions and not simply the lateral distances. Also according to [6], there is no major difference in insertion loss between ball-wedge bonds and wedge-wedge bonds. Hence we shall ignore it for this project. Other important parameters for wire bonds are the mutual inductance and capacitance between wire bonds. The equivalent circuit for the gold wire bond of length 1.4mm and diameter 0.025mm is given in fig. 1. To compare the S-parameter obtained from the equivalent circuit to actual measured insertion loss mentioned in [6], we create an exact 3D model of the wire bonds as described in [6]. The 3D model is as follows: The electrical characteristics of typical wire bond structures that are used in high-speed IC packaging were measured. Measurements were performed up to 20GHz in frequency. A 5000*5000um chip (400um thick alumina (99.6%)) was mounted on a substrate (400um thick alumina (99.6%)). Wire bonds were made from chip to substrate. Gold wire, 25 microns in diameter and 930 microns long, was used. The trace metallization on alumina was Ti. The results of the measured and equivalent circuit model are as shown in fig. 2. 0-7803-7038-4/01/$10.00 (C)2001 IEEE Fig.2 Comparison of Equivalent circuit and measured results Flip Chip Attach Packaging advancements such as flip chip and associated direct chip attachment methods offer many significant benefits to the designer and manufacturer of next generation electronic products. Flip chip attach is a method of attaching the chip on to the package substrate. In this interconnection technology, the chip is mounted upside down onto a carrier, module, or PCB. The solder bumps are located on the surface of the chip in an array so that periphery limitation, such as that encountered in wire bonding, does not limit the I/O capability. The functions of the solder bump are as follows: 1. Electrical connection between the chip and substrate. 2. May also serve as path for heat sink. 3. Also provides structural link between chip and substrate. Electrical characteristics of flip chip attach for different sensitivities were evaluated. The equivalent circuit model for the above flip chip attaches structure with the following parameters: flip chip height = 0.060mm, flip chip diameter = 0.060mm, flip chip material = solder is given below in fig. 3. The flip chip bumps are used to attach a silicon die to a polyamide Quartz substrate 2001 Electronic Components and Technology Conference having a dielectric of 4.0. The solder bumps are placed on aluminum pads on the die, about 0.010 mm thick. This work does not take into account any under bump metallization or under fill. Fig.3 Equivalent circuit for flip chip solder bump Fig. 4 Comparison of S-parameters for different bump heights As can be seen from fig. 4, change of height from 0.030 to 0.100mm makes a very small difference to the S-parameters obtained from the flip chip bump. The thickness of the silicon die is 600um. Similarly change of pitch (fig. 5) also has a small effect on the S-parameters, as can be seen below. The two different plots are for pitches of 0.15mm and 0.25mm (center to center). Since the flip chip attach are much smaller in dimensions as compared to the BGA solder balls, change in height and pitch really does not make much of a difference to the S-parameters. The change in electrical elements of the equivalent circuit model is much too small to make a difference. (PCB). This can be accomplished using a Package pin as used in most early surface mount packages or using solder balls as used in most BGA’s and CSP’s. This paper provides equivalent circuit models for these components. The better option electrically certainly is the BGA solder bump. Package leads The size and shape of Package leads differ from one package to another. QFP’s, DIP’s, SOP’s, SOT’s, SOIC’s and other packages use package leads to connect the package to the Printed circuit board. Using package leads is not a very efficient way of connecting the package to the printed circuit board, as it uses up precious real estate on the PCB, and also the area under the silicon chip remains unutilized. The package lead adds substantially to the inductance between the silicon die and the printed circuit board. Hence, there is a trend to shift to BGA’s and also DCA/Flip chip on Board (FCOB), i.e. if you consider it to be a package. Shown below is the Small outline package (SOP) lead example (fig. 6). This paper employs the dimensions used by Kyocera Corporation to structure the package lead in Ansoft as shown for a Plastic SOP. The package lead adds substantially to the inductance between the silicon die and the printed circuit board. The dimensions are in mm. Fig. 6 Typical SOP package lead The Maxwell Q3D model for the above package lead yielded the following electrical characteristics (Table 2) Inductance AC Resistance (1GHz) Capacitance to ground 1.8nH 0.16ohm 37.1fF Table 2. Electrical parameters for the above-mentioned Package lead Fig.5 Comparison of S-parameters for different bump pitch The average flip chip bump height is around 0.1mm. For example, the Delphi Delco Electronic systems co. uses a flip chip bumping pitch of 0.25mm and a bump height of 0.127mm+-0.005mm. The attachment pad diameter is 0.152mm and the silicon die thickness is 0.65mm. 3.2: Second level interconnection The second level interconnection is the interconnection between the electronic package and the printed circuit board 0-7803-7038-4/01/$10.00 (C)2001 IEEE BGA/CSP Solder ball A significant contributing factor to the weight and size reduction in packaging is the adoption of a structure requiring a small mounting area, such as a Ball grid array (BGA) or a chip scale package (CSP). The BGA package can be identified by the solder bumps on the bottom of the package. The solder bumps can be arranged in a uniform full matrix array over the whole back area of the package or in neat multiple rows along the circumference of the package. The result is a smaller footprint of the package on the PCB. Thus the BGA package is considered the package of choice for high-density and high I/O IC’s. Equivalent circuit models of the solder bump have 2001 Electronic Components and Technology Conference been obtained for different structures of the bump as shown below. Fig. 7 3D models of the barrel type and Sandglass type BGA solder bumps In s e r tio n L o s s (d B ) According to [7], solder bumps of the sandglass type shape showed greater reliabilities than those of the barrel type shape. Both models use the same volume of solder but have bumps of different height The sandglass type has not been applied to products yet because it is not easy to form such solder bumps when soldering many other parts in the reflow process and also because of the better electrical parameters of the barrel type. 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -1 0 -1 2 -1 4 -1 6 -1 8 -2 0 -2 2 -2 4 -2 6 -2 8 B a r r e l ty p e s o ld e r b u m p S a n d g la s s ty p e s o ld e r b u m p 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 F re q u e n c y (G H z ) Fig. 8 Insertion loss for different shapes of solder bumps Through Hole Via Through hole vias are used to connect traces on the front and back of the package in Ball grid array packages. Also in DIP’s and other surface mount packages, the drill hole size of the via is determined by the pin dimensions of the chip to be inserted in the hole. Through hole vias are also used in Cavity down BGA’s for purely thermal purposes. Typical plating thickness of the vias is from 1 to 4 mils. The second attribute is the metal area surrounding the hole for signals. Also the land area covering the via hole in BGA packages is roughly twice the diameter of the via hole. Shown below is the via hole with a pitch of 1mm, via hole diameter of 0.35mm and diameter of the land area being 0.5mm. The height of the through hole via being the height of the package substrate, roughly 0.6mm. Incorporating vias directly below device attach pads or lands can eliminate short traces or stubs from land to drill holes. The elimination of such stubs may reduce EMI emission and sensitivity because the circuit has fewer radiating antennae. This S-parameter difference can be seen below. 0-7803-7038-4/01/$10.00 (C)2001 IEEE Fig. 9 Comparison of S-parameters for via land just below wire bond pads or with inclusion of a trace 4. S-parameters for different packages Let us look at the various types of packages available and how their electrical performances are. Most of the results will be more worst-case analysis and we will also compare them to actual measured results. Early Surface Mount Technology The early surface mount technology can be considered to be the ‘Flat Pack’. This was a thin metal package with leads exiting the body on two sides. They remained in a plane roughly parallel to the bottom of the body. The flat pack was replaced by a plastic package with two rows of leads bent downwards called a DIP or Dual-in-line package. But with the increase in the I/O pin count these were also replaced by the Quad flat-packs, which had leads emerging out from all four sides. The basic path from the IC to the printed circuit board consisted of the wire bond followed by the package trace and the package lead to the contact pad on the printed circuit board. As can be seen, the electrical performance of the package deteriorates with increase in frequency. Hence the need for better packaging technologies that can reduce the high inductances of the package leads. S-parameters for signal lines in different packages are as shown below. The dual in line packages have the worst Insertion loss at high frequencies because of the bulky components that form the package. The package leads add high inductances and along with the bond wire make it impossible for this package to be used for mixed-signal circuit applications. Ball and Column Grid Array Technology The technology used in BGA packages came from the technology used by IBM for flip-chip assembly. The package has found considerable use in small consumer oriented electronics because of the small footprint it forms on the PCB. Electrically the BGA packages are much better as can be seen from the simulation results. The problem being the stress fractures analysis and other mechanical and thermal issues. 2001 Electronic Components and Technology Conference Fig. 10 Dual-in-line package Fig. 13 Wire bonded Plastic Ball grid array Fig. 11 Quad Flat Pack More recently, a cavity down approach has gained popularity. This approach gives better electrical performance, at the expense of somewhat larger area. The vias in these packages are typically used to conduct heat to the top of the package. Ball pitches for BGA packages are decreasing from 1.27mm to 1.0mm to as low as 0.5mm for new chip scale packages. Standard metal trace widths are 0.003” on a 0.006” pitch, and routing vias typically consist of a 0.010” hole on a 0.020” land. Fig. 22 S-parameters for Dual-in-line package (DIP). 5 0 -5 Loss (dB) -10 -15 -20 -25 Return Loss (S11) Insertion Loss (S21) -30 -35 -40 0 5 Frequency (GHz) Fig. 12 S-parameters for Dual in line package 0-7803-7038-4/01/$10.00 (C)2001 IEEE Fig. 14 Flip chip attached Ball Grid Array Package The below results (fig. 15) show that the Flip chip attached BGA would be a better alternative for high frequency Integrated circuit packaging. The cavity down BGA is also a better option as it reduces on two levels of traces and uses just one level of trace and hence the only vias used here are thermal vias, which do not contribute electrically. Hence the cavity down BGA has slightly better electrical performance when compared to normal FPBGA /FSBGA packages. 3.5 Electrical analysis of the TI 48-SSOP Texas Instruments 48-pin SS0P (Shrink small outline package) for Widebus applications, given in [5], has been modeled and the modeled data compared to the electrical measurements provided in its application report. The output drivers drive 0/3.3V digital signals on the package lines. These switching lines would induce noise into neighboring lines. The amount of cross talk induced into a particular package line would be determined by the package parasitics and also by the number of signals switching state. The experimental measurements have been provided in the applications report. This paper models this very package to 2001 Electronic Components and Technology Conference obtain the simulation data from ANSOFT using the physical dimensions provided in the report. -100 -200 Fig. 25 Return Loss comparison for the different Ball grid array packages Return Loss (dB) -10 -20 Wire Bonded Ball Grid Array Cavity Down Ball Grid Array Flip Chip Attached Ball Grid Array -30 -40 Modeled data results Experimental results -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number of bits switching states from low to high -50 0 10 20 30 40 Fig. 16 Comparison of Ansoft versus measured results. Frequency (GHz) Fig. 26 Insertion Loss comparison for different ball grid array packages 0 -2 Insertion Loss (dB) -300 Crosstalk (mV) 0 -4 -6 -8 Wire bonded ball grid array Cavity down ball grid array Flip chip attached ball grid array -10 -12 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency (GHz) Fig. 15 Return and Insertion Loss comparison for different Ball grid array types The simulation results were compared to the Experimental results as shown below. The simulation results varied to 25% or better agreement when compared to the experimental results, but the curve seemed to give a good approximate fit for the experimental data. The data obtained from the Maxwell Q3D Extractor was fed into a spice file to simulate the amount of cross talk induced in a package signal line, which does not change state. The mutual inductance was considered for three adjacent signal lines in the package, not wanting to add more complexity to the spice file, and without taking away from the accuracy of the data to a great extend. The mutual coupling coefficient falls to below 1.5 for the fourth nearest neighbor because of the larger pitch of the 48SSOP packages when compared to other smaller pitch alternatives. To model the whole package in spice would require up to 300 to 400 lines of code. The package signal lines were terminated with 50-ohm loads at the package lead. The wire bonds are 100 mil long wires with a self-inductance of 2nH. 0-7803-7038-4/01/$10.00 (C)2001 IEEE References 1. William D. Brown, “Advanced Electronics Packaging – with emphasis on multi chip module”, IEEE Press series on Microelectronic systems. 2. 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