Ipca Laboratories LTD. Survey no. 99 – 101, Village Ranu, Taluka Padra, Dist. Vadodara. RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY For proposed plant PREPARED BY VAIBHU SAFETY CONSULTANTS FF-11, Akshat Complex, High Tension road, Subhanpura, Vadodara-390 023 Phone: 9825756467/9427838021 (M) Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 1 00 CONTENTS SECTION NO. 1 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Prepared By HSE Department CONTENTS PAGE NO. Executive Summary Objectives, Philosophy and methodology of Risk assessment Introduction of the unit Company Introduction Details of Unit Project setting Organisational setup List Of product List of Raw material Details of storage of Hazardous Materials and control measures provided Hazardous Properties Of The Chemicals, Compatibilities And Special Hazard Facilities / System for process safety, transportation, fire fighting system and emergency capabilities to be adopted Brief Description of process plant Hazard identification Introduction DOW’s Fire and Explosion Index Identification of Hazardous area Hazard and operatibility studies ( HAZOP) Event Tree Analysis Failure Frequency Evaluation of Process areas Risk Assessment Effects of Release of Hazardous Substances Tank on Fire / Pool Fire Fire Ball UVCE Dispersion cases Identification of High Risk Areas Modes of Failure Damage Criteria for heat radiation 4 6 Ipca Laboratories Ltd. 8 8 8 10 13 13 14 16 20 22 26 27 27 28 29 29 33 33 35 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 40 Page Rev. : : 2 00 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 Prepared By HSE Department Consequence Analysis Consequence Analysis Detail regarding consequences analysis table Conclusions Risk Reduction Measures Design Safety Devices Operation and Maintenance Recommendations Disaster Management plan On site emergency Plan (OSEP) Scope of OSEP Elements of OSEP Methodology Emergencies Identified Others Emergency Organization Emergency Facilities Emergency Escapes Assembly points Wind sock Emergency transportation Emergency communication Warning Alarm/ Communication of Emergency Emergency responsibilities Mutual Aids Mock Drill Ipca Laboratories Ltd. 41 41 80 83 84 84 84 85 85 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 Page Rev. : : 3 00 SECTION I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive Summary M/s. Ipca Laboratories Ltd. is a new proposed industry which will be located at Survey no. 99 – 101, Village Ranu, Taluka Padra, Dist. Vadodara, Gujarat. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Experts from Vaibhu Safety Consultants visited the site on 10.03.2011 and subsequently inspection of site as per site plan and the environs along with collection of relevant information about the proposed installation and the operations of the plant. Also a detailed discussion was held on various aspects including storage facilities, process safety and emergency preparedness with the officers of the company. Petroleum product like Methanol, Toluene, Acetone, etc., will be received through road tanker and will be stored in CCOE approved underground storage tank farm area as per Petroleum Act and Rules. Acetic acid, DNS, Acids, Alkalies, Flammable but non petroleum products will be stored in above ground tank farm area. LNG will be received by Cryogenic container and stored in SMPV explosive tank farm area. All safety measures will be provided at design level and foolproof safety features will be provided. Some flammable/combustible liquid/solid chemicals will be received in drums or bags or in carboys and it will be stored in drum storage area and in warehouse as per its incompatibility and other properties like flammable, toxic, corrosive and reactive. This plant will receive hydrogen cylinders skid through Road trucks. Provision will be made as per explosive licence. Based on the data furnished and the study of the installation, certain hazards have been identified and their consequences are modeled mathematically using HAMSGAP software. Mapping of various scenario are with hazardous distances and safe distances are drawn on site plan for easy understanding of the consequences of the accident/ incident. The study indicates that possible hazards associated with the plant are confined to (a) Underground petroleum storage tank farm (b) Above ground storage tank farm area(c) Hydrogen cylinder road truck area (d) Drum storage area. (e) HSD storage tank area. (f) LNG bullet storage area. Various hazardous scenarios have been identified for Risk Assessment and the consequences modeled. The results of the analysis have been summarized in the table appended. It is observed from the summary that the consequences of hazards associated with any possible spills / leaks for catastrophic failure of storage tanks, road tanker release scenarios would be of large in nature and would be taken care of with the proposed emergency facilities and manpower employed. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 4 00 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 The possibility of occurrence of such hazards and their effects could be further reduced by implementing the suggestions made in this report. Catastrophic failure of storage tanks, road tanker resulting in major disaster due to fire, explosion and toxic releases is very unlikely events barring gross neglect of time tested safety standards and procedures set up by the industry. The possibility of occurrence of major disaster due to fire, explosion and toxic release and mishaps are considered very remote. However considering the potential for major hazards, however remote they may be, associated with storage area, some suggestions are made in the subsequent chapters for further improvement in the areas of safety, environmental impact, Emergency facilities and emergency preparedness plan. Conclusion Based on the 1) Risk Analysis study and information regarding the layout plan and safety systems. 2) Discussions with company officials, Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 5 00 CHAPTER II OBJECTIVE, PHILOSOPHY AND METHODOLOGY OF RISK ASSESSMENT 2.1 Objective : The main objectives of the Risk Assessment (RA) study is to determine damage due to major hazards having damage potential to life & property and provide a scientific basis to assess safety level of the facility. The principle objective of this study was to identify major risks in the manufacture of specialty fine chemicals and storage of hazardous chemical at site and to evaluate on-site & off-site consequences of identified hazard scenarios. Pointers are then given for effective mitigation of hazards in terms of suggestions for effective disaster management, suggesting minimum preventive and protective measures & change of practices to ensure safety. 2.2 PHILOSOPHY : This report is limited to the following: Identification of major risk areas. Hazard identification/Identification of failure cases Consequential analysis of probable risks / failure cases o Evaluation of heat radiation & pressure wave profiles for identified failure cases o Risk assessment on the basic of the above evaluation & risk acceptability o Minimum preventive & protective measures to be taken to minimize risks to maximum possible extent. Giving pointers for effective disaster management Suggesting other measures to further lower the probability of risk 2.3 Methodology The procedure used for carrying out the Quantitative Risk Assessment Study is outlined bellow: Identify Credible Loss Scenarios for the facility under the study by discussion with Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Simulate loss Scenarios to determine the vulnerable zones for toxic dispersion, pool fire, Tank on fire (Thermal Radiation ), Flash fire, Explosion over pressure ( Vapour cloud Explosion, Ball fire using software packages HAMSGAP. Suggest mitigating measures to reduce the damage, considering all aspects of the facilities. The flowchart of the methodology for the present study is shown in following page. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 6 00 RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY METHODOLOGY FLOWCHART START FACILITY, PROCESS AND METEOROLOGICAL DATA COLLECTION LISTING OUT OF HAZARDOUS OPERATIONS & STORAGE DETAILS IDENTIFICATION OF FAILURE SCENARIOS & QUANTIFICATION OF PROBABLE HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THEM DEFINING OF PARAMETERS FOR EACH OF CHEMICALS & EACH OF HAZARDS DEFINING RELEASE TYPE (CONTINUOUS OR INSTANTANIOUS ) & DETERMINE RELEASE RATES SIMULATION OF SELECTED CASES FOR CONSEQUENCE MODELING PREPARATION OF SUMMERY OF CONSEQUENCE RESULTS EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL RISK TO THE SURROUNDING POPULATION DISCUSSION & RECOMMENDATION OF MITIGATIVE / REMEDIAL MEASURES END Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 7 00 SECTION III INTRODUCTION OF THE UNIT 3.1 COMPANY INTRODUCTION M/s. IPCA Laboratories Limited is a proposed bulk drug project, to be located at Survey No. 99 – 101, Village Ranu, Taluka Padra, Dist. Vadodara.. One of the first modern pharma factory of yesteryears was commissioned by IPCA at Mumbai in 1969. The company was originally promoted by a group of medical professionals and businessmen and was incorporated as 'The Indian Pharmaceutical Combine Association Limited' in October 1949. The present management took over in November 1975 when the total turnover of the company was only Rs. 0.54 crores. Currently, this premise where IPCA started its operations, houses the Registered Office of the company. The unit is already manufacturing Guaifenesin, Methocarbamol, Camylofin Dihydrochloride and Prenoxdiazine Hydrochloride. With the increasing demand of its related products in the global market, the company proposes to start its production activities in Gujarat at its proposed site. The proposed project falls under Category : 5(f) A, as per the Environmental Impact Assessment notification, dated September 14, 2006. Proposed site is located at Village Ranu, which is 9 Kms. From Taluka Padra and 18 Kms. From Vadodara Dist. Railway station, Various industries are situated around the unit, most of working on chemical products. 3.2 DETAILS OF UNITS TABLE: 3.1 Sr. No. 1. 2. Particulars Full Name & Address of Unit : M/s. Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Survey no. 99 – 101, Village Ranu, Taluka Padra, Dist. Vadodara, Gujarat. Telephone No. : 07412 – 278321 07412 – 279083 mmittal@ipca.co.in 3. 4. 5. Month & Year of Establishment : Up coming Unit Full name & Address of the : Manoj Kumar Mittal occupier Sr. General Manager ( Corporate ) EHS Ipca laboratories Limited , P.O. Sejavta , Ratlam ( M.P.)- 457002 Full name & Address of the Factory : Manoj Kumar Mittal manager Sr. General Manager ( Corporate ) EHS Ipca laboratories Limited , Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 8 00 6. Man Power P.O. Sejavta , Ratlam ( M.P.)- 457002 : 400 for upcoming unit 7. No. of shift & Shift timing : Upcoming unit 8. Environs (Nearest Facilities) 1. Railway Station, Vadodara 2. Police Station, Padra 3. Fire Station, EICL Umaraya, Padra 4. Hospitals, OHC, Shroff Foundation, Kalali : RANU – 3K : PADRA – 9 KM : Padra – 9 KM : Padra – 9 KM 5. Metrological Data Latitude Longitude 22°13'21.02" N 73° 0'57.95" E Temperature 40 0 C 13 0C Maximum Minimum 9. Total Land at Plant 59.06 Acres 10. Total Built-up area at the Factory 68164 sq.mtr 11. Plant commissioning in the year June 2011 12. Power connection Demand : 2 MW KVA 13. DG Set 2 Nos x 1000 KVA 14. Power plant details : - 15. Water Storage and source 16. TFH 400 M3 from borewell or Narmada Water canal 10 LAC K CAL 17. Boiler Capacity & type & licence: 6 TON X 2 NOS; 10 TONS X 2 NOS 18. Effluent treatment Plant Capacity: 350 M3/DAY 19. Fire water source Bore Or Narmada canal water 20. Fire Water Reservoir capacity : M3 400 M3 21. GPCB/PCB consent (CC & A) New Application 22 Solid waste Disposal Member of Solid Waste disposal site on Nandesari Environment Control Ltd. (NECL) Member of Incinerator of Nandesari Environment Control Ltd. (NECL) Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 9 00 3.3 PROJECT SETTING: Proposed company is located at 73° 0'57.17" East longitude & 22°13'22.89" North latitude in Village: Ranu, Tal: Padra, Dist. Vadodara in Gujarat State. Ranu is located at a distance of 18 km to the West of Vadodara District, The State Highway No. 6 passes about 1 km north of the site. The Vadodara – Jambusar railway line is about 3 km from the site with Ranu as the nearest railway station. Proposal site is shown as Figure 1.1. & Plot plan is shown in figure 1.2. The Gujarat has four distinct seasons: winter (December–March), summer (April–June), rainy season (July–September), and monsoon season (October–November). Air temperatures range from an average daily maximum around 40 C, normally recorded in April and May, to an average daily minimum around 13 C in the winter. Relative humidity is quite high, exceeding 70% during rainy season. The sky is mostly cloudy during the rainy season and less cloudy in the post–monsoon months, with clear sky during the other months of the year. Wind speeds are generally low, though they accelerate during the latter part of summer and early southwest monsoons. Wind speeds range from calm to more than 6 km per hour. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 10 00 Figure 1.1 Google Image Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 11 00 Figure 1.2 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 12 00 3.4 SAFETY ORGANIZATIONAL SET UP SR.G.M. (Corporate EHS) PLANT MANAGER Manager EHS EHS Officer Fire Supervisor-1 OHC Visiting Doctor Male Nurse Word boy Firemen -2 & Safety Supervisor-1 3.5 LIST OF PRODUCTS TABLE: 3.2 Sr. No. Chemical 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Extraction Of Artemisinin Arte Range Products Frusemide – DMF Losartan Potassium Allopurinol Ramipril Lisinopril 4,7, DCQ Amodiaquine HCl / Base Chloroquine phosphate Quetiapine Hemifumarate Gabapentene Mesalamine Mycophenolic acid Rapamycin / Sirolimus Serratiopeptidase Tacrolimus Tramadol Febuxastat R & D Products 3.6 Quantity MT / Month 0.5 4.17 20 10 10 2.5 1.67 50 20 66.67 8.33 8.33 8.33 1.06 0.02 2 0.025 8.33 1.67 0.1 Physical state Liquid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid solid Storage In Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum MOC HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER HDPE /FIBER LIST OF ROW MATERIAL Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 13 00 TABLE: 3.3 Sr. No. 1. 2. Chemical 1-Hydroxy Benzotraizole (HOBT) 2-Chloro ethoxy ethanol Quantity MT / Month 2.50 5.25 3 APC 4,7 Dicholoroquine (DCQ) Acetic Acid Acetone Acetonitrile Activated Carbon Ammonium Sulphate Anhydrous Zinc Chloride Antifoam Artemisinin Artimisinin leaf Azabicyclo Benzylester Bacteriological Peptone Benzoyl Peroxide Boron Trifluoride Etherate 14.58 40.17 12.43 77.25 13.96 23.69 2.00 24.00 0.63 4.53 100.00 2.08 0.38 3.23 0.31 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Bromine (Br2) Br-OTBN Calcium Carbonate Calcium Chloride Casein Casein enzyme hydro lysole Catalyst Catalyst Pd Caustic Soda Flakes CDMA Citric Acid Cotton Seed Meal Cyclohexanone Denatured Spirit (DNS) Dextrin Dextrose Di ethyl ether (DEE) Di Hydro Artemisinin Di Iso Propyl ether (DIPE) Diammonium Phosphate Dicyclo hexyl carbodimide (DCC ) Dimethyl amine HCL Dimethyl Formamide (DMF) Dimethyl Tetrahydro Pyrimidine (DTP) (IDI010) Di-Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate EDTA EMME Ethanol Ethoxy Carbonyl Phenyl 13.50 11.77 1.63 0.38 10.20 4.50 1.06 0.96 10.62 16.00 0.09 6.00 8.78 22.17 26.00 23.67 4.33 13.87 1.47 4.00 3.92 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Prepared By HSE Department Physical state Storage In MOC Solid Drum PVC Liquid PVC Liquid Solid Solid Solid Solid Carbuoy / Drum Drum Bag Tank Tank Tank Bag Bag Bag Drum Drum Bag Drum Drum Drum Carbuoy / Bottle Bottle Drum Drum Bag Drum Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Drum Drum Bag Drum Bag HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE Liquid Liquid Solid Solid Liquid Solid Liquid Solid Liquid Drum Tank Bag Bag Drum Drum Drum Bag carbuoy MS SS HDPE HDPE MS HDPE HDPE HDPE PVC Solid Liquid Solid Bag Drum Drum Woven + PP HDPE HDPE Solid Bag HDPE Solid Liquid Liquid Liquid Bag Tank Tank Drum Woven + PP HDPE MS HDPE 0.5 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 39. 40. 41. Max. Storage At a Time at Site (MT) 6.93 6.38 6.33 1.1 2.9 8.0 20 KL 16 KL 18 KL 4.7 0.4 4.8 0.1 0.9 20.0 0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1 2.7 2.4 0.3 0.1 2.0 0.9 0.2 0.2 2.1 3.2 0.0 1.2 1.8 40 KL 5.2 4.7 0.9 2.8 0.3 0.8 0.8 1.4 1.3 Solid Solid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid Solid Solid Liquid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Liquid Fibre Woven + PP SS MS MS Woven + PP HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE Glass Bottle HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE 1.3 0.90 0.03 26.75 169.33 2.20 0.2 0.0 5.4 40 KL 0.4 Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 14 00 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. Propyl Alanine (ECPPA) Ethyl 2-(3-formyl-4hydroxyphenyl)-4methylthiazole-5-carboxylate Ethyl Acetate Formamide Formic Acid Furfurylamine(FFA) Glycerol Grignard reagent HCl CP grade Hydrochloric Acid Hydrogen Gas Hydroxylamine hydrochloride Hyflow Iodine IPA / Acetone Iso Propyl Amine IPAAC Isopropyl Alcohol Lasamide Light Paraffin Oil Liq. Ammonia L-Proline – 04 Magnesium Sulphate Magnesium turnings Malic Acid Malt Extract Mannich Base MCA Meta bromoanisole Methanol Methyl tertiary Butyl Ether(MTBE) Methylene di chloride N,N Dimethyl Aniline N-Hexane Nitric acid Nitro compound Novaldiamine Para formaldehyde Petroleum Ether Phenol Phosphoric Acid 2.25 19.20 18.83 17.08 20.67 10.45 0.18 0.21 136.42 1.88 0.53 1.60 0.01 10.00 8.83 31.75 170.75 25.75 166.75 154.58 6.25 1.63 2.37 1.15 0.37 12.25 15.75 15.35 319.71 1.05 20.85 2.02 87.40 5.48 12.28 5.25 2.54 0.59 20.00 36.39 0.5 3.8 3.4 4.1 2.1 0.0 0.0 40 KL 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.0 2.0 1.8 6.4 34.2 5.2 33.4 20 KL 1.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.1 2.5 3.2 3.1 40 KL 0.2 4.2 0.4 20 KL 5 KL 2.5 1.1 0.5 0.1 4.0 7.3 Liquid Drum HDPE Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Gas Solid Solid Solid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid Liquid Liquid Solid Solid Solid Solid Liquid Solid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Tank Drum carbuoy Drum Drum Drum Drum Tank bullet Drum Bag Drum Tank Tank Tank Tank Bag Drum Tank Drum Bag Bag Drum Drum Bag Drum carbuoy Tank Drum MS HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE MSRL MS HDPE Poly Bag HDPE MS MS FRP MS Woven + PP MS MS HDPE HDPE Woven + PP HDPE HDPE Woven + PP HDPE HDPE MS HDPE Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid Liquid Solid Liquid Liquid Liquid MS MS MS HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE MS PVC Liquid Tank Drum Tank Tank Bag Drum Bag Drum Drum Tank/car buoy carbuoy Solid Liquid Solid Solid Solid Solid Drum Drum Drum Bag Drum Drum HDPE HDPE HDPE Woven + PP HDPE HDPE Solid Solid Drum Drum HDPE HDPE Solid Solid Drum Bag HDPE Poly Bag 8.8 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. Phosphorous Oxy-chloride POCl3 Piperazine Poly Ethylene Glycerol Poly Propylene Glycol Potassium Carbonate Potassium Chloride Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Potassium hydroxide Proline Benzyl Easter Hydrochloride Silica gel Sodium Acetate Prepared By HSE Department 43.75 6.33 1.70 0.40 2.83 0.38 3.00 3.50 2.08 9.53 42.08 1.3 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.7 0.4 1.9 8.4 1.2 Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. PVC : : 15 00 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 3.7 Sodium Azide Sodium Bi Carbonate Sodium Boro Hydride Sodium Carbonate Sodium Chloride Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Sodium Nitrate Soluble Starch Soya Bean Flour Soya Oil Soya Peptone Succnic Anhydride Sucrose Sulphuric Acid Tetra Butyl Ammonium Bromide (TBAB) Tetra hydro furan TGA Toluene Triethylamine (TEA) Trityl Chloride Yeast Extract Zinc Sulphate Iso Butyl Bromide Sodium Formade 5.88 72.33 2.08 0.83 55.00 61.56 3.10 12.33 30.35 8.40 2.47 2.43 11.60 59.92 2.18 52.67 0.07 439.92 11.08 16.67 0.50 0.04 1.07 0.67 14.5 0.4 0.2 11.0 12.3 0.6 2.5 6.1 1.7 0.5 0.5 2.3 20 KL 0.4 10.5 0.0 20 KL 2.2 3.3 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid Solid Liquid Solid Drum Bag Drum Bag Bag Bag Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Bag Bag Carbouy Drum HDPE Poly Bag HDPE Poly Bag Poly Bag Poly Bag HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE PVC PVC HDPE Fibre Drum Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid Solid Solid Liquid Solid Drum Drum Tank Drum Drum Drum Bag Drum Drum MS HDPE MSRL Tank HDPE HDPE HDPE PVC HDPE HDPE DETAILS OF STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS & CONTROL MEASURES: TABLE: 3.4 NAME OF MAX. PLACE OPERATING TYPE OF CONTROL HAZARDOUS STORAGE OF IT’S STORAGE PRESSURE HAZARD MEASURE PROVIDED SUBSTANCE CAP.[Qty.] Sulfuric Acid Tank Farm Area A/G Tank Tank Farm Area A/G Tank Tank farm area A/G Tank ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient Corrosive Hydrochloric Acid 20 KL X 1 Nos Tank 5 Kl x 1 no Tank 20 KL X 2 Nos Tank Dyke wall will be provided to storage tank Level gauge will provided. Scrubber will be provided Required PPEs will be provided to all employees Double drain valve will be provided to Acid storage tank. Full body protection will be provided to operator during unloading and handling of Acids Caution note and emergency first aid measures will be displayed and train for the same to all employees. Safety shower and eye wash will be provided in storage tank area and plant area. Total close process will be adopted for Sulfuric acid handling. NAME OF MAX. PLACE OPERATING TYPE OF CONTROL HAZARDOUS STORAGE OF IT’S STORAGE PRESSURE HAZARD MEASURE PROVIDED Nitric Acid Prepared By HSE Department AND TEMP. Corrosive Corrosive Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 16 00 SUBSTANCE CAP.[Qty.] Acetic Acid Tank Farm Area A/G Tank Tank Farm Area U/G Tank Tank Farm Area A/G Tank Tank Farm Area U/G tank Tank Farm Area U/G Tank Tank Farm Area U/G Tank Tank Farm Area U/G Tank Tank Farm Area A/G Tank Tank Farm Area A/G Tank Tank Farm Area U/G Tank Tank Farm Area U/G Tank Tank Farm Area A/G Tank Tank Farm Area A/G Tank ATP, Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient ATP Ambient Fire HSD ( As a Fuel) 10 KL X 2 No Tank 16 Kl x 1no Tank 20 Kl x 2nos Tank 20 Kl x 2nos Tank 20 Kl x 1no no. Tank 20 Kl x 1 No Tank 20 Kl x 1nos Tank 20 Kl x 1No Tank 20 Kl x 1 No tank 20 Kl x 2 Nos Tank 20 Kl x 1 No Tank 18 Kl x 1no Tank 10 KL X 1 No. Tank Fire/ Toxic Fire SS storage tank will be provided as per IS code. Dyke wall will be provided to storage tank. Level transmitter will be provided with low level high level auto cut-off provision. Vent will be connected to water trap and vent of water trap will be provided with flame arrestor. Water sprinkler system will be provided to storage tank. Fire hydrant monitor with foam attachment facility will be provided. Dumping / Drain vessel will be provided to collect dyke wall spillage material. FLP type pump will be provided. Nitrogen blanketing will be provided to storage tank. Double static earthing will be provided to storage tank. Double Jumper clip will be provided to pipeline flanges. SCBA sets available . NAME OF MAX. PLACE OPERATING TYPE OF CONTROL HAZARDOUS STORAGE OF IT’S STORAGE PRESSURE HAZARD MEASURE PROVIDED Acetone Denatured spirit Ethyl Alcohol Ethyl Acetate Toluene N-Hexane IPA Iso Propyl Amine Methanol Petroleum Ether Aceto Nitrile Prepared By HSE Department AND TEMP. Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Flame proof plant, pumping transfer, close process, etc. Double Static earthing Dyke wall Tanker unloading procedure. SCBA sets available . Flame proof plant, pumping transfer, close process, etc. Jumper clips on flanges Fire extinguishers Fencing and No Smoking and prohibited area. Tanker unloading procedure. Flame arrestor provided on vent line of the tank Hydrant system Fire Fire Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 17 00 SUBSTANCE CAP.[Qty.] Liq. Ammonia 20 Kl x 1 No Tank Farm Area A/G Tank ATP Ambient Corrosive Toxic Hydrogen Gas Skid H2 road truck skid 1500 m3 Ambient 4 kg/cm2 Explosive LNG ( As a Fuel) Bullet Explosive licenced area Cryogen Storage Explosive Prepared By HSE Department AND TEMP. Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Level gauge will be provided. Scrubber provided Required PPEs will be provided to all employees Double drain valve will be provided to sulfuric Acid storage tank Full body protection will be provided to operator. Caution note and emergency first aid will be displayed and train for the same to all employees. Safety shower and eye wash will be provided in storage tank area and plant area. Total close process will be adopted for Ammonia handling. Dyke wall will be provided to storage tank Hydrogen road skid will be connected to reactor. PRV station with NRV, SV Auto shutoff valve will be provided. Non sparking tools will be used for connecting skid to PRV station. Static Earthing provision will be made. One by one cylinder rack valve will be opened. Storage facilities will be made as per SMPV Rules. Tank farm away from the other facilities. Safe distances will be maintained Double Safety Valve will be provided. Double static earthing will be provided. Level indicator with transmeter will be provided. Pressure gauge will be provided. Page Rev. : : 18 00 3.8 SR. HAZARDOUS PROPERTIES OF THE CHEMICALS, COMPATIBILITIES AND SPECIAL HAZARD Table-3.5 NAME OF CHEMICAL NFPA H F R HAZARDOUS COMBUSTIO N PRODUCT TLV / TWA PPM 1.1 SOLUBI LITY WITH WATER at 20 0 C Soluble 1 3 0 Irritating vapour HAZARD FLASH POINT 0 C BP 0 C LE L% UE L% SP.GR. 20 0 C VD F/T 10 54 5.4 44 0.792 IDLH PPM LC50 CARCINO GENIC CHARACT ERISTIC ANTIDOT 200 6000 LEL 64000 ppm for 4H rat No 10 mg diazepam through injection Diazem – 1 mg/Kg.(Intrav enous), Epinephina, Efidrine Sodium HydroCarbonate (4% Conc.), Milk, Lime Juice, Milk of Megnesia Sodium HydroCarbonate (4% Conc.), Milk, Lime Juice, Milk of Megnesia Sodium HydroCarbonate (4% Conc.), Milk, Lime Juice, Milk of Megnesia Not available 1. Methanol CAS# 67-56-1 2. Toluene CAS # 108-88-3 F 4.0 111 1.1 7.1 0.87 3.2 Insoluble 2 3 0 Irritating Vapour generated 50 2000 400 ppm for 24Hr Rat No 3. Acetic Acid CAS # 64-19-7 T/F 44.4 117.9 5.4 16.0 1.015 -- SOLUBL E 2 2 1 Irritating Vapour generated 10 40 5620 ppm for 1 Hr Rat No 4. Sulfuric Acid CAS # 7664-93-9 C NF 340 -- -- 1.84 -- Water reactive 3 0 2 Non combustible 1 mg/m3 15 mg/m3 510 mg/m3 for 2H Rat No 5. Nitric Acid CAS # 7697-37-2 C NF 121 -- -- 1.408 2.5 Soluble 3 0 0 - 4 67 ppm 260 (NO2)/ mg/m3/30 4H. M Rat Yes 6. Ethyl Acetate CAS # 141-78-6 Acetone CAS# 67-64-1 99 F -4.0 77.0 2.0 11.5 0.902 3.0 1 3 0 400 - 20 56 2.15 13.0 0.791 2.00 Irritating Vapour Irritating vapour - F 1 ml/10ml water Soluble 750 25000 LEL 7. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. 13 0 : : 19 00 200 gm/m3 - No No 10 mg diazepam through injection 8. Isopropyl alcohol CAS # 67-63-0 F 18.5 82.3 2.3 12.7 0.785 2.1 Miscible 1 3 0 Acid smoke & fumes 400 2000 LEL - No Not available 9. Acetonitrile CAS #75-05-8 T/F 42 81.6 4.4 16 0.787 1.4 Soluble 2 3 1 Toxic vapor are generated 2.7 40 ppm 4000 ppm No Cyanide Kit 10. Ammonia liquor CAS #1336-21-6 Toxic - 36 Miscible 3 1 0 Not combustible 25 300 2000 ppm/4-hr No 11. Hexane CAS #110-54-3 F -7 68.7 1.2 7.7 0.659 3.0 - 1 3 0 CO & CO2 50 ppm 5000 ppm - No Wash with Lactic Acid, Apply soframycin Smelling Ethanol or Ether No specific Antidot 12. Hydrogen Gas CAS # 1333-74-0 F/E N.A. - 3.0 74 0.0696 - - 0 4 0 Explosive gas - - - No - 13. Iso Propyl Amine CAS # 75-31-0 F -26.1 32.4 2.3 12 0.691 2.04 Soluble 3 4 0 Toxic oxides of nitrogen. 5 ppm 750 ppm No 14. Petroleum Ether CAS # 8000-05-9 T/F -40 30 1.1 5.9 0.75 2.6 Insoluble 1 4 0 Toxic vapor are generated 400 ppm 1100 ppm No specific Antidot Water & Milk Water 15. Ethyl Alcohol CAS # 64–17-5 F 55 78.3 3.3 19 0.790 1.6 Soluble 0 3 0 CO & CO2 1000 ppm 3300 ppm 3.28 mg/l for 4 hr rat 3400 ppm for 4H rat 20000 ppm for 10H rat 16. Denatured Spirit CAS # 64-17-5 F 55 78.3 3.3 19 0.790 1.6 Soluble 0 3 0 CO & CO2 1000 ppm 3300 ppm 20000 ppm for 10H rat No 17. LNG F&E Highly Flammabl e -161 5 15 0.415 at -162C 0.55 Float on water 1 4 0 Not pertinent Not listed Not listed Not listed No F E BP UEL ER R NFPA Prepared By HSE Department 16 25 0.9 = FIRE T = EXPLOSIVE R = BOILING POINT LEL = UPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT SP.GR = EVAPORATION RATE H = REACTIVE HAZARD BR =NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION-usa N.A Ipca Laboratories Ltd. 1.2 = TOXIC = REACTIVE = LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT = SPECIFIC GRAVITY = HEALTH HAZARD CLASS = BURNING RATE = NOT AVAILABLE Page Rev. : : C STEL PPM VD F TLV N.L 20 00 = CORROSIVE = SHORT TERM EXPOSURE LIMIT = PARTS PER MILLION = VAPOUR DENSITY = FIRE HAZARD CLASS = THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE =NOT LISTED No No 2 gm sodium bi carbonate in 250 ml water, Diazepam 10 mg through injection 2 gm sodium bi carbonate in 250 ml water, Diazepam 10 mg through injection Not applicable 3.9 Facilities / System for process safety, transportation, fire fighting system and emergency capabilities to be adopted Following facilities and system will be installed 3.9.1 Process Safety: 1 Process plant will be made as per USFDA and GMP requirements and safety will be the first priority to make plant full proof safe. Safety measures will be adopted from the design stage. The reaction will be carried by heating, here the heat energy will be conducted vide steam through Jackets/Limpet Coils. Low Pressure Steam Line will be connected to these vessels with jackets /Limpet coils appropriately insulated. The vessels will also be fitted with safety valve, pressure indicator for visual periodic checks. Safety Valve and pressure gauge will be provided on reactor jacket. PRV will be provided from steam boiler high pressure line to control required pressure in reactor jacket. Utility like Chilling, cooling, vacuum, steaming and its alternative will be provided to control reaction parameters in a safe manner. Control of addition of reactants in to reactor by gravity from day tank or by manual addition in continuous watching temperature and other critical reaction parameters. Free Fall of any flammable material in the vessel will be avoided. Powder charging through man hole will be avoided and safe hoper with slotting arrangement will be adopted. Static earthing provision will be made at design stage to all solvent handling equipments, reactors, vessels & powder handling equipments. Any reaction upsets will be confined to the reaction vessel itself as defined quantity of charges of raw materials is issued to the reaction vessel/Day tank by metering pumps. Stirrer On- Off position indicators will be provided. Reactor vent line will be connected with reflux unit or condenser in case of VOC or with scrubber in case of toxic gas generation in reaction. All emergency valves and switches and emergency handling facilities will be easily assessable. Distillations will be carried out under vacuum fractionation distillations. Hence the pressure development within the unit will not occur. However since the distillations will be carried out well above the flash point of the mass, vacuum failure alarm will be provided and non return valves will be incorporated on the main vacuum lines to curb vacuum failure in the system. Further all the vessels will be examined periodically by a recognized competent person under the Gujarat Factory Rules 1963-Rule 61(1). All the vessels and equipments will be well earthed appropriately and well protected against Static Electricity. Also for draining in drums proper earthing facilities will be provided. Materials will be transferred by pumping through pipeline or by vacuum from drums. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 21 00 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 All solvents and flammable material storage tanks will be away from the process plant and required quantity of material will be charge in reactor by pump. Flammable material drum will be also charged by vacuum. Temperature indicators are provided near all reactor and distillation systems. Jumpers will be provided on all solvent handling pipeline flanges. Caution note, safety posters, stickers, periodic training & Updation in safety and emergency preparedness plan will be displayed and conducted. Flame proof light fittings will be installed in the plant. All the Plant Personnel will be provided with Personal Protection Equipments to protect against any adverse health effect during operations, leakage, spillages or splash. PPE like Helmets, Safety Shoes, Safety Glasses, Acid-Alkali Proof Gloves etc. will be provided to the employees. All employees will be given and updated in Safety aspects through periodic training in safety. Material Safety Data Sheets of Raw Materials & Products will be readily available that the shop floor. Hydrogenation Plant: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PLC base process controls and operation of plant will be installed. FLP type area will be provided. Total enclosed process system. Instrument & Plant Air System. Nitrogen blanketing in Hydrogenation reactor. Safety valve and Rupture disc provided on reactor. Cooling Chilling and power alternative arrangement have been made on reactor. Hydrogen and Nitrogen Cylinder bank away from the autoclave reactor. PRV station with shut off valve, safety valve provision will be made for hydrogenation reaction safety. Before Hydrogen Gas charging in to reactor and after completion of reaction Nitrogen flushing will be done. Flame arrestor will be provided on vent line of reactor and it will be extended up to roof level. Open well ventilated and fragile roof will be provided to on reactor. Safe Catalyst charging method will be adopted. SOP will be prepared and operators will be trained for the same. Static earthing and electric earthing (Double ) provided. Rector vent extended out side the process area and flame arrestor provided on vent line. Dumping vessel arrangement will be made. Jumpers for static earthing on pipeline flanges of flammable chemical will be provided. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 22 00 3.9.2 Transportation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.9.3 For Underground storage tank farm : 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 3.9.4 Class A petroleum products will be received through road tanker and stored in underground storage tank as per petroleum rules. Road tanker unloading procedure will be in place and will be implemented for safe unloading of road tanker. Static earthing provision will be made for tanker unloading. Earthed Flexible Steel hose will be used for solvent unloading from the road tanker. Fixed pipelines with pumps will be provided for solvent transfer up to Day tanks/reactors. Double mechanical seal type pumps will be installed. NRV provision will be made on all pump discharge line. Some chemicals will be received at plant in drums by road truck and stored in a separate drum store. Class A petroleum products will be received through road tanker and stored in underground storage tank as per petroleum rules. Tank farm will be constructed as per explosive department requirement and separation distance will be maintained. Static earthing provision will be made for road tanker as well as storage tank. Flame arrestor with breather valve will be provided on vent line. Road tanker unloading procedure will be prepared and implemented. Fire load calculation will be done and as per fire load Hydrant System will be provided as per NFPA std. and Fire extinguishers will be provided as per fire load calculation. Spark arrestor will be provided to all vehicles in side premises. Flame proof type equipment s and lighting will be provided. Lightening arrestor will be provided on the top of chimney. Trained and experience operator will be employed for tank farm area. NFPA label ( hazard identification ) capacity and content will be displayed on storage tank. Solvents will be transferred by pump only in plant area and day tank will be provided. Overflow line will be return to the storage tank or Pump On-Off switch will be provided near day tank in plant. Jumpers will be provided on solvent handling pipe line flanges. Flexible SS hose will be used for road tanker unloading purpose and other temp. connection. For Hydrogen skid : Hydrogen road skid will be received by road and skid will be stored away from process plant. PRV station provided with shut off valve and safety valve . Flame proof light fitting installed. Static earthing and electric earthing (Double) provided. Jumpers for static earthing on pipeline flanges of flammable chemical will be provided. Non sparking tools will be used for hydrogen line fitting. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 23 00 3.9.5 For LNG : 3.9.6 For Drum Storage area : 3.9.7 Only general shift material is being handled. FLP type light fittings will be provided. Proper ventilation will be provided in godown. Proper label and identification board /stickers will be provided in the storage area. Drum pallets will be provided. Drum handling trolley / stackers will be used for drum handling. Separate dispensing room with local exhaust and static earthing provision will be made. Materials will be stored as Compatibility and separate area for flammable, corrosive and toxic chemical drums in store. Smoking and other spark, flame generating item will be banned from the Gate. Safety Measures for Acid storage tank area: 3.9.8 Storage facilities will be made as per SMPV Rules. Tank farm away from the other facilities. Safe distances will be maintained Double Safety Valve will be provided. Double static earthing will be provided. Level indicator with transmeter will be provided. Pressure gauge will be provided. Storage tank will be stored away from the process plant. Tanker unloading procedure will be prepared and implemented. Caution note and emergency handling procedure will be displayed at unloading area and trained all operators. NFPA label will be provided. Required PPEs like full body protection PVC apron, Hand gloves, gumboot, Respiratory mask etc. will be provided to operator. Neutralizing agent will be kept ready for tackle any emergency spillage. Safety shower, eye wash with quenching unit will be provided in acid storage area. Material will be handled in close condition in pipe line. Dyke wall will be provided to all storage tanks, collection pit with valve provision. Double drain valve will provided. Level gauge will be provided on all storage tanks. Safety permit for loading unloading of hazardous material will be prepared and implemented. TREM CARD will be provided to all transporters and will be trained for transportation Emergency of Hazardous chemicals. Fire hydrant system with jockey pump as per TAC norms will be installed. Fire fighting system 400m3store capacity along with a stand by pump also doubles up as emergency water supply in case of any eventuality. Sufficient numbers of Fire extinguishers will be installed in plant and storage area as per fire load calculation. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 24 00 3.9.9 Fire hydrant system as per NFPA norms will be installed in the plant. It is proposed to have a provision for separate Water storage tank for fire water as well as process water requirement. D.G. Sets will be provided for emergency power. Pipelines: The various pipelines to transfer i.e. charging, draining etc. in the plant will be periodically inspected for Support, Vibration, Corrosion conditions, Painting, and Colour Code. Pipelines and Flexible pipeline (SS 316/MS) are appropriately earthed to avoid accumulation of Static Electricity. Periodic Checkups of the pipelines will be conducted to curb any chances of mishap due to leakages. Preventive Maintenance Schedules will be in practice. 3.9.10 Emergency Planning: 1. Transport Emergency planning and training to driver and cleaner will be provided. 2. TREM card will be provided to transporter. 3. On way emergency telephone number list will be provided to transporter. 4. Acetonitril handling & transportation safety SOP will be prepared and trained employees. 5. Emergency siren and wind sock will be provided. 6. Scenario base On Site emergency Plan will be prepared. 7. Tele Communication system and mobile phone will be used in case of emergency situations for communication. 8. First Aid Boxes and Occupational health centre will be made at site. 9. Hydrant system & sprinkler system will be provided as per requirements. 10. Emergency organization and team will be prepared as per On site-Off site emergency planning. 3.10 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS. Process details are provided in EIA report. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 25 00 SECTION IV HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 4.0 INTRODUCTION Risk assessment process rests on identification of specific hazards, hazardous areas and areas vulnerable to effects of hazardous situations in facilities involved in processing and storage of chemicals. In fact the very starting point of any such assessment is a detailed study of materials handled & their physical / chemical / thermodynamic properties within the complex at various stages of manufacturing activity. Such a detailed account of hazardous materials provides valuable database for identifying most hazardous materials, their behaviour under process conditions, and their inventory in process as well as storage and hence helps in identifying vulnerable areas within the complex. Hazardous posed by particular installation or a particular activity can be broadly classified as fire and explosive hazards and toxicity hazards. Whether a particular activity is fire and explosive hazardous or toxicity hazardous primarily depends on the materials handled and their properties. It will be from the above discussion that study of various materials handled is a prerequisite from any hazard identification process to be accurate. Based on this study the hazard indices are calculated for subsequent categorization of units depending upon the degree of hazard they pose. In a Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant main hazard handling of hazardous chemicals like, Flammable solvents, corrosive and toxic chemicals, coal as a fuel in CPP, the primary concern has always been, fire and explosion prevention and control as these are the main hazard posed by such unit. This concern has grown through the loss of life, property and materials experienced after experienced after major disasters, which have occurred over the years. Identification of hazards is the most important step to improve the safety of any plant. The hazard study is designed to identify the hazards in terms of chemicals, inventories and vulnerable practices /operations. The hazard evaluation procedures use as a first step by chemical process industries and petroleum refineries are checklists and safety reviews. Dow and Mond fire and explosion indices, which make use of past experience to develop relative ranking of hazards, is also extensively used. For predictive hazard analysis, Hazard and Operability studies (HAZOP), Fault tree analysis, Event tree analysis, Maximum credible accident and consequence analysis etc are employed. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 26 00 4.1 Dow’s fire and Explosion Index (F & EI) 4.1.1 Steps in fire and explosion index calculation are given below : Select Pertinent Process Determine Material Factor Calculate GPH(F1), General Process Hazards Calculate SPH(F2), special process Hazards Determine Hazard Factor F1 X F2 =F3 F3XMaterial Factor =F & E Index Determine Exposure area 4.1.2 Results of fire explosion and toxicity indices. TABLE- 4.1 Sr No Material stored Storage Qty. (KL) N N N M h f r F GPH SPH FEI Degree of Hazard Radius of Exp. (ft.) Th Ts TI Degree of Hazard 1. Methanol 1 3 0 16 2.55 2.35 95.88 Moderate 78 50 50 5.3 Light 2. 3. Hydrogen Ammonia 0 3 4 1 0 0 21 4 3.0 3.75 2.29 2.91 156 10.9 Heavy Light 135 8 250 75 10.9 4. 1 3 0 24 2.85 1.5 102.6 Intermediate 87 250 125 20.1 Severe 2 3 0 16 2.55 2.35 95.88 Moderate 78 50 50 5.3 Light 6. Sulfuric acid Aceto Nitrile Acetone 1 3 0 16 2.55 2.3 93.84 Moderate 75 125 50 9.2 Moderate 7. Toluene 0 3 0 16 2.55 3 122.4 Intermediate 106 125 50 11.4 Severe 8. IPA 1 3 0 16 2.55 2.4 97.92 Intermediate 79 50 50 5.9 Light 9. Nitric Acid LNG 20 Kl x 2 No. Tank Skid 20 Kl x 1 No 20 Kl x 1 No 18 Kl x 1no Tank 16 Kl x 1no Tank 20 Kl x 1 No Tank 20 Kl x 1 No Tank 5 Kl x 1 no Tank 20 M3 x 2 nos Bullets 2 1 0 4 2.90 3.0 34.8 Intermediate 28 125 75 7.9 Moderate 1 4 0 21 1.85 2.94 76.11 Heavy 63 - - - - : : 27 00 5. 10. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. Heavy Nh Nf Nr MF Ts = NFPA Health rating = NFPA Fire rating = NFPA Reactive rating = Material Fctor = Penalty for Toxicity 4.2 GPH SPH FEI Th TI = General Process Hazard = Special Process Hazard = Fire Explosion Index = Penalty Factor = Toxicity Index Identification of Hazardous Areas: A study of process for manufacturing Drugs as given in chapter 2 of the report indicates the following: Process plant will be Batch process and multipurpose and multi utility base plant due to that at a time inventory of raw material at production area will be very small. All raw material and finished product will be stored in tank farm area and required material will be charged in process through pump and in close circuit. Batch size requirement chemicals will be charged in to day tank or reactor and empty drums will be sent back to RM store for neutralization and disposed off. Thus the inventory of the raw material in process area will be limited and for limited time. Most of reactions are similar type and slight exothermic in nature except hydrogenation reaction area. Hydrogen reaction area segregates from the other process and storage area. Various raw materials used in the manufacturing processes are listed in Table-3.2 in Section-3 along with mode / type of storage & storage conditions. It can be readily seen that raw materials even though hazardous in nature, will be used in small quantities & storage quantities will also very low at process plant. However some chemicals such as Methanol, Toluene, IPA, Acetone, Acetonitrile, Hexane, LPO, Iso propile amine, Petroleum Ether, Ethanol, DNS, etc., will be used in one or more process and therefore their requirement is slightly higher. All Class A petroleum products and flammable chemicals will be stored in underground storage tanks in dedicated Explosive licence premises. Other flammable nature chemicals will be stored in above ground storage tanks as per petroleum rules in dedicated storage tank farm area. Drums will be stored in licenced drum storage area as per petroleum rules. Maximum six days running products raw material inventory will be kept in drum storage area. Hydrogen gas will be used in hydrogenation process and road skid will be used for process and it will be directly connected to PRV station. LNG storage area. List of chemicals stored in larger quantities is provided in Table-3.3. Hazardous properties are provided in Table-3.4 4.3 Hazard and Operability Studies ( HAZOP) 4.3.1 The basic concept of Hazop is to have an exhaustive review of the plant operation. Hazop study highlights the hidden operability problems and identifies hazards, which are likely to result from the expected intention of seemingly safe components or methods of operation. 4.3.2 This work utilizes imagination of team members to visualize ways in which a plant can malfunction or mal-operated. Each part of the plant is subjected to a number of questions formulated around a number of guide words which are derived from method of study technique. In effect, the guide words are used to ensure that the questions which are posed to test integrity of each part of the design to explore every conceivable way in Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 28 00 which that design could deviate from the design intention. This usually produces a number of theoretical deviations and each deviation is then considered how it could be caused and what would be consequences. 4.3.3 HAZOP is a brainstorming approach, which stimulates creativity and procedure for generating ideas. Possible results of this study are :(a) Identify and examining many types of risks. (b) Identifying non-optimum system reliability. (c) Suggestive qualitative recommendations regarding control, strategy, material properties, material releases, alternative design option, operation and maintenance. 4.3.4 A The important t terms pertaining to HAZOP study are:Intention :- The intention defines how the part is expected to operate. This can take a number of forms and can be either descriptive or diagrammatic. In many cases, it will be a flow sheet (P & ID) Deviation :- These are departures from the intention which are discovered by systematically applying the guide words. Causes :- These are reasons why deviation might occur. Once a deviation has been shown to have a conceivable or realistic cause, it can be treated as meaningful. Hazards :- These are the results of the deviations Consequences:- These are the consequences, which can cause damage, injury or loss. List of guide words Guide Words None More of Meanings Comments Complete negation of the intention Quantitative increase No part of the intention is achieved e.g. no flow or reverse flow. More of any relevant physical properties than there should be e.g. higher flow (rate or total quantity) higher temperature, higher pressure higher viscosity, more heat, more reaction etc. Less of any relevant physical property than there should be, e.g. Lower flow (rate or total quantity), lower temperature, lower pressure, less heat, less reaction etc. Composition of system different from what it should be Less of Quantitative decrease Part of Quantitative decrease Qualitative increase More than Prepared By HSE Department More components present in the system that there should be e.g. extra phase present (Vapor, solid), impurities (air, water, acids, corrosion products etc.) Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 29 00 Other than Substitution What else can happen apart from normal operation e.g. Start up, shutdown, high/low rate running, alternative operation mode, failure of plant services, maintenance, catalyst change etc. Guidewords are applied to the design intention. The design intention informs us what the equipment is expected to do. 4.3.5 A flow chart giving HAZOP procedure is given below:- Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 30 00 4.3.6 HAZOP studies for the Hydrogen cylinder skid to reactor is made and the Hazop study sheets are as under. HAZOP – 1 Parameters Temp GW More Causes Consequences Ambient temperature high Hot work/ Flame in near by area. Less Pressure More Less Flow More H2 being lighter gas may expand on heating which may cause cracking, bursting/weakening of pipe. Control Measures Recommendation Provided Safety valve is provided on header PRV provided -- Auto shutoff valve provided No hazard High Temperature. Valve closed, Jammed. Shut off valve malfunctioned. High pressure in cylinder at filling station Low pressure in cylinder, Cylinder empty. Ball valve malfunction or operates at more then set value. Line jammed Less Low pressure Reverse Not applicable No Cylinder Empty Valve closed Process Disturbance Pressure gauge provided. Shut off valve provided. Safety Valve provided PRV station provided Process Delayed No Hazard Process Disturbance In high pressure Exothermic reaction more flow will increase temp. & pressure but alarm/ hooter will be provided with set temp. & flow of H2 Thickness monitoring of pipelines to be carried out. Reliability study for the high pressure pipeline to be carried out. Flow meter needs to be provided. Process Delayed NRV at PRV to be provided Other than Puncture in pipeline, flange joints Explosive mixture will be formed as the line is under positive pressure Hydrogen gas sensor to be provided Power failure GEB failure, Internal system failure Process Delayed D. G. Set provided On line Gas detection system needs to be provided in gas handling area. Conclusion : Above study shown that company has to be adopted and implemented required safety measures to control process hazard and make it safe at maximum level. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 31 00 4.4 Event Tree Analysis 4.4.1 Different outcomes of a leakage or catastrophic failure are possible depending on, if and when toxic release incident occurs and the consequences thereupon. ETA considers various possibilities such as catastrophic and Point source release outcomes to occur. From ETA, following incident outcomes and pathways are identified. 4.5 Failure Frequencies 4.5.1 Hazardous material release scenarios can be broadly divided into 2 categories I) catastrophic failures which are of low frequency and II) ruptures and leaks which are of relatively high frequency. Releases from failure of gaskets, seal, rupture in pipelines and vessels fall in the second category whereas catastrophic failure of vessels and full bore rupture of pipelines etc. fall into the first category. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 32 00 4.5.2 Typical failure frequencies are given below:- Item Atmospheric storage Process Pipelines < = 50 mm dia > 50 mm <=150mm dia < 150 mm dia Hoses TABLE-4.2 Mode of failure Catastrophic failure Significant leak Failure frequencies 10-9 /yr 10-5 /yr Full bore rupture Significant leak Full bore rupture Significant leak Full bore rupture Significant leak Rupture 8.8 x 10-7 /m.yr 8.8 x 10-6 /m.yr 2.6 x 10-7 /m.yr 5.3 x 10-6 /m.yr 8.8 x 10-8 /m.yr 2.6 x 10-6 /m.yr 3.5 x 10-2 /m.yr TABLE-4.3 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 33 00 TABLE-4.4 4.6 Evaluation of Process Areas : Process plant will be Batch process and multipurpose and multi utility base plant due to that at a time inventory of raw material at production area will be very small. All raw material and finished product will be stored in tank farm area and required material will be charged in process through pump and in close circuit. Batch size requirement chemicals will be charged in to day tank or reactor and empty drums will be sent back to RM store for neutralization and disposed off. Thus the inventory of the raw material in process area will be limited and for limited time. Most of reactions are similar type and slight exothermic in nature except hydrogenation reaction area. Hydrogen reaction area segregates from the other process and storage area. Various raw materials used in the manufacturing processes are listed in Table-3.2 in Section-3 along with mode / type of storage & storage conditions. It can be readily seen that raw materials even though hazardous in nature, will be used in small quantities & storage quantities will also very low at process plant. However some chemicals such as Methanol, Toluene, IPA, Acetone, Acetonitrile, Hexane, LPO, Iso propile amine, Petroleum Ether, Ethanol, DNS, etc., will be used in one or more process and therefore their requirement is slightly higher. All Class A petroleum products and flammable chemicals will be stored in underground storage tanks in dedicated Explosive licence premises. Other flammable nature chemicals will be stored in above ground storage tanks as per petroleum rules in dedicated storage tank farm area. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 34 00 Drums will be stored in licenced drum storage area as per petroleum rules. Maximum six days running products raw material inventory will be kept in drum storage area. Hydrogen gas will be used in hydrogenation process and road skid will be used for process and it will be directly connected to PRV station. Considering this, the risk analysis and consequences studies are concentrated on Explosive U.G licenced area, Drum storage area, Hydrogen Skid location, A/G tank farm area and LNG storage area. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 35 00 SECTION V RISK ASSESSMENT 5.1 Effects Of Releases Of Hazardous Substances Hazardous substances may be released as a result of failures / catastrophes, causing possible damage to the surrounding area. In the following discussion, an account is taken of various effects of release of hazardous substances and the parameters to be determined for quantification of such damages. In case of release of hazardous substances the damages will depend largely on source strength. The strength of the source means the volume of the substance released. The release may be instantaneous or semi-continuous. In the case of instantaneous release, the strength of the source is given in kg and in semi-continuous release the strength of the source depends on the outflow time (kg/s.). In order to fire the source strength, it is first necessary to determine the state of a substance in a vessel. The physical properties, viz. Pressure and temperature of the substance determine the phase of release. This may be gas, gas condensed to liquid and liquid in equilibrium with its vapour or solids. Instantaneous release will occur, for example, if a storage tank fails. Depending on the storage conditions the following situations may occur. The source strength is equal to the contents of the capacity of the storage system. In the event of the instantaneous release of a liquid a pool of liquid will form. The evaporation can be calculated on the basis of this pool. 5.2 Tank On Fire/ Pool Fire In the event of the instantaneous release of a liquid a pool of liquid will form. The evaporation can be calculated on the basis of this pool. The heat load on object outside a burning pool of liquid can be calculated with the heat radiation model. This model uses average radiation intensity, which is dependent on the liquid. Account is also taken of the diameter-toheight ratio of the fire, which depends on the burning liquid. In addition, the heat load is also influenced by the following factors: Distance from the fire The relative humidity of the air (water vapour has a relatively high heat-absorbing capacity) Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 36 00 5.3 The orientation i.e. horizontal/vertical of the objective irradiated with respect to the fire. Fire Ball This happens during the burning of liquid, the bulk of which is initially over rich (i.e. above the upper flammable limit.). The whole cloud appears to be on fire as combustion is taking place at eddy boundaries where air is entrained (i.e. a propagating diffusion flame). The buoyancy of the hot combustion products may lift the cloud form the ground, subsequently forming a mushroom shaped cloud. Combustion rates are high and the hazard is primarily thermal. 5.4 “UVCE” UVCE stands for unconfined apour cloud explosion. The clouds of solvent vapour mix with air (within flammability limit 3.0 % to 11 %) may cause propagating flames when ignited. In certain cases flame may take place within seconds. The thermal radiation intensity is severe depending on the total mass of vapour in cloud and may cause secondary fire. When the flame travels very fast, it explodes causing high over pressure or blast effect, resulting in heavy damage at considerable distance from the release point. Such explosion is called UVCE (Unconfined Vapor Cloud Explosion) and is most common cause of such industrial accident. 5.5 DISPERSION CASES : 5.5.1 PLUMES : Plumes are continuous release of hazardous gases and vapours. Smoke from a chimney is an example. Plumes can cause FIRES AND EXPLOSIONS as secondary scenarios. 5.5.2 PUFFS : Puffs are instantaneous release of hazardous gases and vapours. Puffs can give rise to FIRE BALLS and vapour cloud explosions (VCE). A special case of vapour cloud explosion is the Boiling Liquid Evaporating Vapour Explosion (BLEVE). 5.5.3 SPILLS POOL: Spills are liquid pools created by leaking liquid chemicals. Spills cause evaporation and dispersal of toxic gases and if the spilled liquid is flammable, then it can catch fire creating a pool fire also the vapours can cause explosion. 5.6 Identification of High Risk Areas : It is observed that the storage areas pose fire/explosion hazards as it has a substantial inventory of Methanol and Hydrogen, Toxic Gas (Ammonia) and, which may lead to major accident event. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 37 00 Thus the quantitative risk assessment studies are limited to above ground storage tank farm area. 5.7 Modes of Failure: Liquid release due to catastrophic failure of storage vessel or road tanker. Liquid release through a hole/crack developed at welded joints/flanges / nozzles / valves etc. Vapour release due to exposure of liquid to atmosphere in the above scenarios. Gas release due to catastrophic failure of Ammonia cylinder or outlet valve/line failure. Based on the above the following accident scenarios were conceived as most probable failure cases: TABLE-5.1 Event Causes Tank on Fire - Ignition availability Pool fire - Failure of pump outlet-inlet line + Ignition availability Fire Ball/Flash fire - Catastrophic failure of road tanker/ storage tank UVCE - Catastrophic failure of road tanker/ tank / Vapour generation due to substrate and wind Vapour cloud generation and about 15 % of total vapour mass between the UEL-LEL % Ignition availability Considering the quantity of storages & nature of Toxic and Flammable storage, following scenarios were taken up for detailed analysis & safe distances computed : Catastrophic failure of storage tank which on ignition poses heat radiation hazards to nearby areas. Catastrophic failure of road tank and presence of ignition source poses heat radiation hazards to nearby areas. Failure cases considered for consequence analysis are representative of worst-case scenarios. Probability of occurrence of such cases is negligible (less than 1 x 10-6 per year) because of strict adherence to preventive maintenance procedures within the complex. General probabilities for various failure is provided in Table-4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, but consequences of such cases can be grave & far reaching in case such systems fail during life history of the company. Hence such scenarios are considered for detailed analysis. It is to be noted however that such situations are not foreseeable or credible as long as sufficient measures are taken. Also, consequence analysis studies help us evaluate emergency planning measures of the Company. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 38 00 5.8 Damage Criteria For Heat Radiation: Damage effects vary with different scenarios. Calculations for various scenarios are made for the above failure cases to quantify the resulting damages. The results are translated in term of injuries and damages to exposed personnel, equipment, building etc. Tank on fire /Pool fire due to direct ignition source on tank or road tanker or catastrophic failure or leakage or damage from pipeline of storage facilities or road tanker unloading arm, can result in heat radiation causing burns to people depending on thermal load and period of exposure. All such damages have to be specified criteria for each such resultant effect, to relate the quantifier damages in this manner, damage criteria are used for Heat Radiation. TABLE 5.3 DAMAGE CRITERIA – HEAT RADIATION Heat Radiation Incident Flux KW/m2 Damage 38 100% lethality, heavy damage to tanks 37.5 100% lethality, heavy damage to equipment. 25 50% lethality, nonpiloted ignition 14 Damage to normal buildings 12.5 1% lethality, piloted ignition 12 Damage to vegetation 6 Burns (escape routes) 4.5 Not lethal, 1st degree burns 3 1st degree burns possible (personnel only in emergency allowed) 2 Feeling of discomfort 1.5 No discomfort even after long exposure Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 39 00 CHAPTER VI CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS 6.1 Consequence analysis. In the risk analysis study, probable damages due to worst case scenarios were quantified and consequences were analyzed with object of emergency planning. Various measures taken by the company and findings of the study were considered for deciding acceptability of risks. 6.1.1 Maximum Credible loss scenarios ( MCLS) MSCL assume maximum inventory of hazardous chemicals and worst weather condition prevailing at the time of failure. Further, no credit is given for the safety features provided in the facility to determine maximu m possible damage from the scenario selected. In reality, leakage of hazardous chemical will be smaller in magnitude. Also the leakage will be detected immediately by plant operating staff then initiate various mitigation measures to prevent any disastrous situation. The maximum credible loss Scenarios (MCLS) identified for plant base on above criteria are listed below: Table-6.1 Sr. No. 1,2,3 & 4 5 6,7,8 & 9 10,11 12 13 14 15,16,17 & 18 Prepared By HSE Department Failure Type Road tanker catastrophic failure. 20 KL Class A petroleum above ground storage tank fire in A/G storage tank farm area Catastrophic failure of 20 KL storage tank. Drum storage area fire HSD storage tank pool fire Hydrogen cylinder skid to PRV station. Hydrogen cylinder skid to PRV station LNG Bullet Catastrophic failure Failure Mode Unloading arm 100 % failure, Direct ignition source Catastrophic failure Drum spillage Catastrophic failure Rupture of 1.0 cm copper pipe line Rupture of 1.0 cm copper pipe line Catastrophic failure Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Consequence Un confined Pool Fire, Flash Fire, Ball Fire, UVCE(Over Pressure), Tank On fire Pool fire, Flash Fire, Ball Fire, UVCE(Over Pressure), Pool Fire & BLEVE in drums Pool fire Diffusion Jet Fire Over pressure Pool fire, Ball fie, Flash Fire & UVCE Page Rev. : : 40 00 6.1.2 Weather Data: Average wind speed Average Ambient Temperature Average Humidity Atmospheric Stability 6.1.3 : : : : 3 m / sec. 35 deg. c. 60 % D Assumption : Basic assumptions For road tanker release scenario 100 % failure of Unloading arm is considered for 20 KL road tanker while unloading work. Total material drain will spread on floor. Immediate ignition will give unconfined pool fire. If there is no ignition source available nearby area, liquid will evaporate and vapour cloud will travel in wind direction, evaporated vapor mass comes in the contact with any ignition source there will be chances of Flash fire , UVCE and BLEVE in road tanker. Basic assumptions For 20 KL storage tank catastrophic failure Catastrophic failure of 20 Kl storage tank or 100 % bottom valve/ line failure and total material drain in dyke wall. Immediate ignition will give pool fire and delay ignition will give Flash Fire, UVCE and BLEVE. Heat Radiation Damage 37.5 12.5 4.5 1.6 100% lethality, heavy damage to equipment. 1% lethality, piloted ignition Not lethal, 1st degree burns No discomfort even after long exposure For Hydrogen Gas release scenarios Hydrogen cylinder road skid to PRV station line damage and hydrogen gas release and it will be exploid due to any ignition source. Following scenarios can be possible. Jet fire Explosion ( Over pressure) We have calculated following hazardous distance for the above mentioned scenarios. Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level (KW /m 2 ) For LNG release scenarios Catastrophic failure of 20 M 3 storage tank or 100 % bottom valve/ line failure and total material Spread out on floor. Immediate ignition will give pool fire and delay ignition will give Flash Fire, UVCE and BLEVE. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 41 00 Evapouration rate calculation Table : Material Total Maximum Evapouration Evaporated Name capacity of Spillage Rate Vapour mass ( Kg/Sec.) for 15 minutes storage (Kg) Class A ( M3 ) ( KG ) ER-1 ER-2 20 17340 0.328 295 20 17340 0.154 138 20 900 0.18 253 Petroleum Road tanker catastrophic failure Catastrophic failure of 20 KL storage tank. Catastrophic failure of LNG Bullet. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 42 00 MCA Scenario –1 Unconfined pool Fire for 20 KL Class A Petroleum Road tanker catastrophic failure TABLE – A For 20 KL Class A Petroleum Road tanker. Scenario In put Data 20 KL Stored quantity 25(m) Pool diameter 0.1 (m) Pool liquid depth 3 m/s Wind speed 869 kg/m3 Liquid Density : UNCONFINED POOL FIRE Results of Computations 180 Kw/m2 Max. IHR at flame centre height 9.6 meter Flame centre height 9.59 meter Maximum Flame width 1.34 kg/ m2/min. Mass burning rate liquid 58.82 Mims. Flame burnout time Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Effect if IHR at Height of Simulation 13.5 25.0 15.6 12.5 22.1 4.0 39.0 Damage to process equipment. 100 % Fatal in 1 Min. 1 % fatal in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). 100 % fatal in 1 Min. Significant injury in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 % fatal in 1 min. 1 st deg. burn in 10 sec. Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 61.6 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 13.5 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In the 22.1 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 39 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 61.6 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfiture even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 43 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 44 00 MCA Scenario –2 Fire Ball / BLEVE simulation for 20 KL Class A petroleum Road tanker catastrophic failure TABLE – B For 20 Kl Class A Petroleum Road Tanker Catastrophic Failure Scenario : FIRE BALL/ BLEVE Results of Computations In put Data 20 KL 17.11 meter Stored quantity Fire Ball radius Fire ball Intensity of Heat 119 Kw /m 2 Mass of vapour 295 Kgs. radiation between LEL-UEL % 40550 Kj/Kg Heat of combustion Fire Ball rate of energy 703908 Kj/ sec. release 3 m/s Wind speed Fire- Ball total energy 4.9x106 Kj release 6.9 sec. 869 kg/m3 Fire ball duration Liquid Density Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Damage effects 33.0 25.0 45.0 12.5 65.0 4.0 118.0 100 % Fatal . Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact) Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). Significant injury. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 st deg. burn . Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 186.0 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 33 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In 65 meter radius area is considered as 1st deg. Burn in 10 sec. and 1 % fatal in 1 minute. In the 118 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 186 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfort even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 45 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 46 00 MCA Scenario –3 Flash Fire simulation for 20 KL Class A petroleum Road tanker catastrophic failure TABLE – C For 20KL Class A Petroleum Road tanker catastrophic failure Scenario In put Data 20 KL Stored quantity 295 Kgs. Mass of Gas 42267.5 Kj/kg Heat of combustion Fuel-Air volume ratio 0.600 in Flash fire cloud Stochiometric Fuel- 0.133 Air Mixture 3.0 m/s Wind speed Gas Density 1.2928 kg/m3 : FLASH FIRE Results of Computations 54.02 meter Visible Flash Fire Height 27.01 meter Visible Flash Fire Width 6.99 sec. Duration of Flash-Fire in Sec. Radius of fuel-air cloud 17.11 meter mixture 5981125 Kj Total energy release Max. Heat Radiation from 1 m 232.65 Kw/ m2 from Flash Fire Combustion efficiency 0.5 Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation (IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Damage effects 45.0 25.0 56.0 12.5 74.5 4.0 125.0 100 % Fatal. Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact) Significant injury. Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact). Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 st. deg. burn . Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 212 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 45 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In 74.5 meter radius area is considered as 1st deg. Burn in 10 sec. and 1 % fatal in 1 minute. In the 125 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 212 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfort even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 47 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 48 00 MCA Scenario - 4 Unconfined Vapour cloud Explosion (UVCE) For 20 KL Class A petroleum Road tanker TABLE – D For 20 KL Class A Petroleum Road tanker Stored quantity Mass of vapour TNT equivalent Explosion efficiency Wind speed Scenario : UVCE In put Data 20 KL 651 Lbm 2.99 0.1 3.0 m/s Radial Distance in meter 6.66 Over pressure ( psi ) 67.3 % Fatality lung Rupture % Eardrum rupture %Structural damage % Glass rupture 100 100 100 100 8.33 39.5 93.5 100 100 100 15 9.7 0.1 81.4 100 100 35 2.7 0.0 6.7 46.8 100 535 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.2 Results In case of UVCE up to 6.66 meter distance is considered as 100 % fatality and 100 % ear drum rupture radius. Up to 15 meter distance is considered as 100 % structural Damage and up to 25 meter distance for 100 % glass damage area. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 49 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 50 00 MCA Scenario –5 Tank on Fire for 20 KL Class A petroleum storage tank TABLE – E Tank on Fire Simulation for 20 KL tank. Scenario : TANK ON FIRE In put Data Results of Computations 20 KL. 12.50 Kw/m2 Stored quantity Max. IHR at flame centre height 2.35(m) 7.12 meter Pool diameter Flame centre height 3.0 (m) 4.12 meter Pool liquid depth Maximum Flame width 3 m/s 5.1 kg/ m2/min. Wind speed Mass burning rate liquid 3 8.35 Hrs. 869 kg/m Flame burnout time Liquid Density Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Effect if IHR at Height of Simulation 2.8 25.0 3.0 12.5 3.1 4.0 5.5 Damage to process equipment. 100 % Fatal in 1 Min. 1 % fatal in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). 100 % fatal in 1 Min. Significant injury in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 % fatal in 1 min. 1 st deg. burn in 10 sec. Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 8.6 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 2.8 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In 3.1 meter radius area is considered as 1st deg. Burn in 10 sec. and 1 % fatal in 1 minute. In the 5.5 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 8.6 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfort even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 51 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 52 00 MCA Scenario –6 Pool Fire for Class A petroleum storage tank catastrophic failure TABLE – F For Class A Petroleum Storage Tank Scenario : POOL FIRE In put Data Results of Computations 20 KL. 77.07 Kw/m2 Stored quantity Max. IHR at flame centre height 10.0(m) 22.44 meter Pool diameter Flame centre height 1.0 (m) 11.37 meter Pool liquid depth Maximum Flame width 3 m/s 5.2 kg/ m2/min. Wind speed Mass burning rate liquid 3 8.33 Hrs. 869 kg/m Flame burnout time Liquid Density Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Effect if IHR at Height of Simulation 9.8 25.0 12.0 12.5 16.9 4.0 29.6 Damage to process equipment. 100 % Fatal in 1 Min. 1 % fatal in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). 100 % fatal in 1 Min. Significant injury in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 % fatal in 1 min. 1 st deg. burn in 10 sec. Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 46.7 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 9.8 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In the 16.9 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 29.6 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 46.7 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfiture even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 53 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 54 00 MCA Scenario –7 Fire Ball simulation for Class A petroleum storage tank catastrophic failure TABLE – G For Class A petroleum storage tank Scenario In put Data 20 KL Stored quantity Mass of vapour 138 Kgs. Between LEL-UEL% 40550 Kj/Kg Heat of combustion Wind speed 3 m/s Liquid Density 869 kg/m3 : FIRE BALL Results of Computations 13.35 meter Fire Ball radius Fire ball Intensity of Heat 188.53 Kw /m 2 radiation Fire Ball rate of energy 422147 Kj/ sec. release Fire- Ball total energy 2.30035e +006 Kj release 5.45 sec. Fire ball duration Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Damage effects 28.0 25.0 36.0 12.5 54.0 100 % Fatal . Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact) Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). Significant injury. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 st deg. burn. 4.0 92.0 Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 142.0 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 28 meter radius area is considered as 100 % fatality in 1 min. and first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 54 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 92 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 142 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfiture even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 55 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 56 00 MCA Scenario –8 Flash Fire simulation for Class A petroleum storage tank catastrophic failure TABLE – H For Class A petroleum storage tank Scenario : FLASH FIRE In put Data Results of Computations 20 KL 45.73 meter Stored quantity Visible Flash Fire Height 138 Kgs. 22.87 meter Mass of Gas Visible Flash Fire Width 42267.5 Kj/kg Heat of combustion Duration of Flash-Fire in Sec. 5.45 sec. Fuel-Air volume ratio 0.600 Radius of fuel-air cloud 13.35 meter in Flash fire cloud mixture 2797950 Kj Total energy release Stochiometric Fuel- 0.133 Air Mixture 3.0 m/s Wind speed Max. Heat Radiation from 1 m 229.31 Kw/ m2 from Flash Fire 0.5 3.1 kg/m3 Combustion efficiency Gas Density Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation (IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Damage effects 32 25.0 40 12.5 57 100 % Fatal . Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact) Significant injury. Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 st deg. burn . 4.0 100 Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 158 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 32 meter radius area is considered as 100 % fatality in 1 min. and first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 57 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 100 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 158 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfiture even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 57 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 58 00 MCA Scenario –9 Unconfined Vapour cloud Explosion ( UVCE ) for Class A petroleum storage tank TABLE – I For Class A petroleum storage tank storage tank Scenario : UVCE In put Data 20 KL Stored quantity 306 lbm. Mass of vapour between LEL – UEL % 2.99 TNT equivalent 0.1 Explosion efficiency 3.0 m/s Wind speed Radial Distance in Meter 6.3 Over pressure ( psi ) 41.7 % Fatality lung Rupture % Eardrum rupture %Structural damage % Glass rupture 100 100 100 100 6.66 36.9 52.3 100 100 100 11.6 9.7 0.1 81.4 100 100 35 2.1 0.0 3.5 17.8 100 535 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 Results In case of UVCE up to6.3 meter distance is considered as 100 % fatality and 100 % ear drum rupture radius. Up to 11.6 meter distance is considered as 100 % structural Damage and up to 35 meter distance for 100 % glass damage area. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 59 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 60 00 MCA Scenario -10 Unconfined Pool Fire Simulation for Drum Storage Area. TABLE – J Unconfined Pool Fire for Drum Storage Area Scenario In put Data 20 KL Stored quantity 25(m) Pool diameter 0.01 (m) Pool liquid depth 3 m/s Wind speed 867 kg/m3 Liquid Density : UNCONFINED POOL FIRE Results of Computations Max. IHR at flame centre height 143.48 Kw/m2 21.60 meter Flame centre height 21.59 meter Maximum Flame width 5.02 kg/ m2/min. Mass burning rate liquid 1.66 Hrs. Flame burnout time Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Effect if IHR at Height of Simulation 23.1 25.0 28.3 12.5 40 4.0 70.7 Damage to process equipment. 100 % Fatal in 1 Min. 1 % fatal in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact). 100 % fatal in 1 Min. Significant injury in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 % fatal in 1 min. 1 st deg. burn in 10 sec. Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 111.8 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 23.1 meter radius area is considered as 100 % fatality in 1 min. and first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 40 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 70.7 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 111.8 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfiture even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 61 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 62 00 MCA Scenario – 11 BLEVE simulation for Drums Storage TABLE – K BLEVE simulation for Drums Storage Scenario : FIRE BALL/ BLEVE In put Data Results of Computations 20 Kl 11.17 meter Stored quantity Fire Ball radius 80 Kgs. Mass of vapour Fire ball Intensity of Heat 186.59 Kw /m 2 radiation Heat of combustion 40550 Kj/Kg Fire Ball rate of energy 292486 Kj/ sec. release 3 m/s Wind speed Fire- Ball total energy 1.333e + 006 Kj release 4.56 sec. 867 kg/m3 Fire ball duration Liquid Density Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Damage effects 25 25.0 30 12.5 42.5 4.0 76 100 % Fatal . Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact) Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). Significant injury. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 st deg. burn . Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 120 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 25 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In 42.5 meter radius area is considered as 1st deg. Burn in 10 sec. and 1 % fatal in 1 minute. In the 76 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 120 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfiture even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 63 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 64 00 MCA Scenario-12 Pool Fire For HSD Road Tanker MODEL - L For HSD Road Tanker Fire Scenario In put Data 10 Kl Spilled quantity Pool diameter Pool liquid depth Wind speed Liquid Density 17 (m) 1 (m) 3 m/s 841 kg/m3 : POOL FIRE Results of Computations Max. IHR at flame centre 115.29Kw/m2 height 20.094 meter Flame centre height 19.094 meter Maximum Flame width 6.65kg/ m2/min. Mass burning rate liquid 2.11Hrs. Flame burnout time Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Effect if IHR at Height of Simulation 18.5 25.0 22.7 12.5 32.1 4.0 56.7 Damage to process equipment. 100 % Fatal in 1 Min. 1 % fatal in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). 100 % fatal in 1 Min. Significant injury in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 % fatal in 1 min. 1 st deg. burn in 10 sec. Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 89.6 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 18.5 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In the 32.1 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 56.7 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 89.6 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfort even on long exposure Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 65 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 66 00 MCA Scenario –13 Diffusion Jet Fire Simulation for 1.0 cm copper pipe line of Hydrogen cylinder skid to PRV station. TABLE – M For Hydrogen Cylinder Skid To PRV Station. Scenario : JET FIRE Results of Computations Max. IHR at flame centre 52.49 Kw/m2 height 1 cm 63 meter Gas Jet Diameter Flame centre height 12 meter Gas velocity in the 143463 m/s Maximum Flame width leakage hole/ pipe 3 m/s 8.5 Kw/ m2 Wind speed Heat flux 3 3778 m2 0.067kg/m Flame surface area Gas Density In put Data 50 kgs Stored quantity Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Effect if IHR at Height of Simulation 8.3 25.0 10.2 12.5 14.4 4.0 25.4 Damage to process equipment. 100 % Fatal in 1 Min. 1 % fatal in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). 100 % fatal in 1 Min. Significant injury in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 % fatal in 1 min. 1 st deg. burn in 10 sec. Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 40.1 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 8.3 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In the 14.4 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 25.4 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 40.1 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfort even on long exposure Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 67 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 68 00 MCA Scenario –14 Over pressure / explosion for rupture of 1.0 cm copper pipe line of Hydrogen cylinder skid to PRV station TABLE – N For Hydrogen Gas Copper Tube Failure Scenario : FLASH FIRE In put Data Results of Computations 0.52meter 1500 M3 Visible Flash Fire Height Stored quantity 4 kgs 0.26 meter Mass of Gas Visible Flash Fire Width 42267 Kj/kg 2 sec. Heat of combustion Duration of Flash-Fire in Sec. Fuel-Air volume ratio 0.600 Radius of fuel-air cloud mixture 4.19 meter in Flash fire cloud 283720 Kj Total energy release Stochiometric Fuel- 0029 Air Mixture 3.0 m/s Wind speed Max. Heat Radiation from 1 m 750 Kw/ m2 from Flash Fire 0.5 0.067 kg/m3 Combustion efficiency Gas Density Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation (IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Damage effects 19 25.0 24 12.5 32 4.0 57 100 % Fatal . Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact) Significant injury. Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1st deg. burn . Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 89 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 19 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In the 32 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 57 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 89 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfort even on long exposure Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 69 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 70 00 MCA Scenario –15 Pool Fire For LNG 20 M3 Bullet catastrophic failure TABLE – O For LNG 20 M3 Bullet catastrophic failure. Scenario : POOL FIRE Results of Computations 122.66 Kw/m2 Max. IHR at flame centre height 24.207 meter Flame centre height 23.88 meter Maximum Flame width 2.739 kg/ m2/min. Mass burning rate liquid 50 Mims. Flame burnout time In put Data 20 M3 Stored quantity 50 (m) Pool diameter 0.33 (m) Pool liquid depth 3 m/s Wind speed 415 kg/m3 Liquid Density Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Effect if IHR at Height of Simulation 26.0 25.0 28.7 12.5 40.6 4.0 71.7 Damage to process equipment. 100 % Fatal in 1 Min. 1 % fatal in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). 100 % fatal in 1 Min. Significant injury in 10 sec. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 % fatal in 1 min. 1 st deg. burn in 10 sec. Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 113.3 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 26 meter radius area is considered as 100% fatality in 1 min. In the 40.6 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 71.7 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 113.3 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfiture even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 71 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 72 00 MCA Scenario –16 Fire Ball simulation For LNG 20 M3 Bullet catastrophic failure TABLE – P For LNG 20 M3 Bullet catastrophic failure Scenario : FIRE BALL In put Data Results of Computations 20 M3 16.27 meter Stored quantity Fire Ball radius Fire ball Intensity of Heat 636.63 Kw /m 2 Mass of vapour 253 Kgs. radiation Between LEL-UEL% Heat of combustion 55644.7 Kj/Kg Fire Ball rate of energy 2.11902e + 006 Kj/ sec. release 3 m/s Wind speed Fire- Ball total energy 1.40781e+007 Kj release 6.64 sec. 415 kg/m3 Fire ball duration Liquid Density Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation ( IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Damage effects 70.0 25.0 81.0 12.5 115.0 4.0 197.0 100 % Fatal . Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact) Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). Significant injury. Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 st deg. burn . Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 317.0 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 70 meter radius area is considered as 100 % fatality in 1 min. and first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 115 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 197 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 317 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfiture even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 73 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 74 00 MCA Scenario –17 Flash Fire simulation for LNG 20 M3 Bullet catastrophic failure TABLE – Q For LNG 20 M3 Bullet catastrophic failure Scenario : FLASH FIRE In put Data Results of Computations 20 M3 20.41 meter Stored quantity Visible Flash Fire Height 253 Kgs. 10.21 meter Mass of Gas Visible Flash Fire Width 42267.5 Kj/kg Heat of combustion Duration of Flash-Fire in Sec. 6.64 sec. Fuel-Air volume ratio 0.600 Radius of fuel-air cloud 16.27 meter in Flash fire cloud mixture 7039054.55 Kj Stochiometric Fuel- 0.50 Total energy release Air Mixture 2.0 m/s Wind speed Max. Heat Radiation from 1 m 318.32Kw/ m2 from Flash Fire 0.5 415 kg/m3 Combustion efficiency Gas Density Incident Intensity of Heat Radiation (IHR) at ground level KW /m 2 37.5 IHR- Isopleth Distance ( Meters ) Damage effects 49.0 25.0 59.0 12.5 87.0 100 % Fatal . Min. to ignite wood (without flame contact) Significant injury. Min. to ignite wood ( without flame contact ). Min. to ignite wood (with flame contact). 1 st deg. burn . 4.0 137.0 Pain after 20 secs. Blistering unlikely. 1.6 226.0 No discomfort even on long exposure. Results In the 49 meter radius area is considered as 100 % fatality in 1 min. and first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 87 meter radius first degree burn in 10 sec. In the 137 meter radius area will give pain after 20 seconds. Blistering unlikely. In the 226 meter radius area is considered as safe area and no discomfiture even on long exposure. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 75 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 76 00 MCA Scenario –18 Unconfined Vapour cloud Explosion ( UVCE ) for LNG 20 M3 Bullet catastrophic failure TABLE – R For LNG 20 M3 Bullet catastrophic failure Scenario : UVCE In put Data 20 M3 Stored quantity 561 lbm. Mass of vapour between LEL – UEL % 0.6749 TNT equivalent 0.1 Explosion efficiency 3.0 m/s Wind speed Radial Distance in Meter 5 Over pressure ( psi ) 36.3 % Fatality lung Rupture % Eardrum rupture %Structural damage % Glass rupture 100 100 100 100 5.3 31.1 98.1 100 100 100 8.3 10.7 0.1 85.5 100 100 28.3 1.9 0.0 2.9 20.9 100 401.6 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 Results In case of UVCE up to 5 meter distance is considered as 100 % fatality and 100 % ear drum rupture radius. Up to 8.3 meter distance is considered as 100 % structural Damage and up to 28.3 meter distance for 100 % glass damage area. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 77 00 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 78 00 6.2 Detail regarding consequences analysis table TABLE - 6.3 Type of failure considered MCA Scenario – 1,2,3,4 Pool Fire, Ball Fire, Flash Fire and UVCE for 20 KL Class A Petroleum Road tankercatastrophic failure MCA Scenario –5 Tank on Fire for 20 KL Class A petroleum storage tank MCA Scenario – 6,7,8,9 Pool Fire, Fire Ball, Flash Fire and UVCE for 20 KL Class A petroleum storage tank Spill quantity considera tion Max. Credible loss scenario in KL. Evaporatio n vapor cloud mass Btn. LELUEL % for 15 mints release from the source. 20 Pool fire / tank on fire damage radius at various KW/ M2 in meter Fire Ball damage radius at various KW/ M2 in meter Heat Intensity KW/ M2 37.5 12.5 4 37.5 12.5 1.6 91 Kgs. 13.5 22.1 61.6 33 65 20 - 2.8 3.1 8.6 - 20 138 9.8 16.9 46.7 28 Prepared By HSE Department Flash fire simulation radius at various KW/ M2 in meter Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Vapor cloud Explosion ( Unconfined vapor cloud explosion) UVCE peak over pressure in feet. 37.5 12.5 4 100% Fatalit y 186 45 74.5 212 - - - - 54 142 32 57 Page Rev. : : 79 00 100% Structur al Damage 15 100% Glass brk. 6.6 100% Eardru m rupture 8.3 - - - - - 158 6.3 6.6 11.6 35 35 Type of failure considered MCA Scenario 10,11 Unconfined Pool Fire and BLEVE Simulation for Drum Storage Area. MCA Scenario-12 Pool Fire For HSD Road Tanker Scenario–13 Diffusion Jet Fire Simulation for 1.0 cm copper pipe line of Hydrogen cylinder skid to PRV station. Scenario –14 Over pressure / explosion for rupture of 1.0 cm copper pipe line of Hydrogen cylinder skid to PRV station Spill quantity considera tion Max. Credible loss scenario in KL. Evaporatio n vapor cloud mass Btn. LELUEL % for 15 mints release from the source. 20 Pool fire / tank on fire damage radius at various KW/ M2 in meter Fire Ball damage radius at various KW/ M2 in meter Heat Intensity KW/ M2 37.5 12.5 4 37.5 12.5 4 80 23.1 40 111.8 25 42.5 20 - 18.5 32.1 89.6 - 50 Kgs. - 8.3 14.4 40.1 1500 m3 4 Kgs - - - Prepared By HSE Department Flash fire simulation radius at various KW/ M2 in meter Vapor cloud Explosion ( Unconfined vapor cloud explosion) UVCE peak over pressure in meter. 37.5 12.5 1.6 100% Fatalit y 120 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19.0 Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 80 00 100% Structur al Damage - 100% Glass brk. - 100% Eardru m rupture - - - - - - - - - - - - 32.0 89.0 - - - - - Type of failure considered MCA Scenario – 15,16,17,18 Pool Fire, Fire Ball, Flash Fire and UVCE for LNG 20 M3 bullet catastrophic failure Spill quantity considera tion Max. Credible loss scenario in M3. Evaporatio n vapor cloud mass Btn. LELUEL % for 15 mints release from the source. 20 253 Prepared By HSE Department Pool fire / tank on fire damage radius at various KW/ M2 in meter 37.5 12.5 1.6 26 40.6 113.3 Fire Ball damage radius at various KW/ M2 in meter Flash fire simulation radius at various KW/ M2 in meter Heat Intensity KW/ M2 37.5 12.5 4 70 Ipca Laboratories Ltd. 115 197 Page Rev. : : Vapor cloud Explosion ( Unconfined vapor cloud explosion) UVCE peak over pressure in meter. 37.5 12.5 4 100% Fatalit y 49 87 137 5 81 00 100% Eardru m rupture 5.3 100% Structur al Damage 8.3 100% Glass brk. 28.3 6.3 Conclusions The appended table 6.3 summarizes the consequences of the various hazards analyzed under this study. As can be seen from the results of the summary of the Risk Analysis study, the Fatality zone due to burn up to 70 meters in worst case scenario. First degree burn zone up to 115 meter. Due to explosion Fatal distance is maximum 6.6 meters, structural damage zone is up to 15 meters for fire and explosion scenarios. Within the manufacturing processes, no major hazards are for seen due to minimal storage in process area. On site emergency preparedness plan On site emergency preparedness plan will be prepared as per risk assessment findings. Emergency control facilities and resources will be plan and rehearsal / Mock- Drill to be conducted regularly to combat emergency in minimum time. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 82 00 SECTION VII RISK REDUCTION MEASURES Some of the safeties and risk reduction measures adopted and recommended for the safety of the plant are as follows:7.1 Design 7.1.1 During the design stage itself adequate care to be taken for design, selection, fabrication, erection and commissioning of Flammable and toxic liquid handling facilities and other equipment, piping, pipe fittings, electrical equipment etc. Relevant and prevalent international and Indian standards to be followed for design, fabrication, inspection of the storage tanks and other equipment. Civil foundations should suitably designed to take care of earthquakes, cyclones, landslides, flooding, collapse of structures etc. Plant operator and staffs to be selected well experience and qualified for chemical plant operation. All key personals to be trained for emergency handling procedures and regular MockDrills has been conducted on various scenarios. 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.2 Safety Devices Following safety devices will be provided to protect from any malfunctioning of plant equipments: 7.2.1 Storage tanks. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 7.2.2 Pressure ( Maximum and Minimum ) cutoff and gauge provided. Level gauges on storage tanks. Static bonding of pipeline flanges. Dyke wall provided surround above ground storage tanks. Safety valve and other venting system provided on pressure vessels and utility. All pumps flameproof type and double mechanical seal type. Jumpers and static earthing provision made on all flanges and tanks. Caution note and Material identification, capacity displayed on all storage tanks. Pumps a) Required out let valve and NRV on pump outlet. b) Modular fire extinguishers near of most of the pumps. c) FLP type and mechanical seal type pump to be installed for flammable chemicals. 7.2.3 Pipelines a) Jumper connections on flanges to prevent build up of static electricity charge. b) Proper supports and clamping c) Double earthing to all electrical motors. d) Colour code as Per IS -2379 Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 83 00 7.3 Operation and Maintenance Some of the guidelines are as follows:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Periodic testing of hoses for leakages and continuity. Earthing of all plant equipment and earthing of vehicles under unloading operations. Annual testing of all safety relief valves. Planned preventive maintenance of different equipment for their safety and reliable operations. Inspection of the storage tanks as per prefixed inspection schedule for thickness measurement, joint and weld efficiency etc. Comprehensive color code scheme to identify different medium pipes. Strict compliance of safety work permits system. Proper maintenance of earth pits. Strict compliance of security procedures like issue of identify badges for outsides, gate pass system for vehicles, checking of spark arrestors fitted to the tank lorries etc. Strict enforcement of no smoking regime. Periodic training and refresher courses to train the staff in safety, fire fighting and first aid. 7.4 Recommendations 7.4.1 From the Risk Analysis studies conducted, it would be observed that by and large, the risks are confined within the factory boundary walls in case of fire, explosion and spillage of chemicals. On site emergency plan & preparedness plan to be prepared and implemented to combat such situations. To minimize the consequential effects of the risk scenarios, following steps are recommended. Plant should meet provisions of the Manufacture, storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1986 & the factories Act, 1948. Fire hydrant system needs to be installed as per NFPA / GFR 66 A Norms in plant and buildings. Process hazard analysis to be conducted for each process and recommendation to be implemented. On line Gas detectors needs to be provided in tank farm area for early detection of the solvent vapour in case of leakage from anywhere. HSE management system to be implemented. Induction course for HSE to be implemented at very initial stage of the plant employees recruitment. Periodic On Site Emergency Mock Drills and occasional Off Site Emergency Mock Drills to be conducted, so those staffs are trained and are in a state of preparedness to tackle any emergency. Emergency handling facilities to be maintained in tip top condition at all time. Safe operating procedure to be prepared for hazardous process and material handling process. Local call points (LCP) and smoke detectors to be provided in godown/ ware house, office building, drum storage area etc. Safety devices and control instruments to be calibrated once in a year. Proper colour work as per IS 2379 to plant pipeline and tank, equipments to be done once in a six month to protect from corrosion. Preventive maintenance schedule to be prepared for all equipments. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 84 00 Permit to work system to be implemented 100 % for hazardous work in the plant. Safety manual as per Gujarat Factories Rule-68 K & P and Public awareness manual as per Gujarat Factories Rule 41 B & C needs to be prepared and distributed to all employees and nearby public. Emergency siren to be provided in all plant to declare emergency. Fire & Safety organization setup to be planed and implement for batter plant process safety. Static earthing interlocking with pump facility to be provided in tank farm area to avoid static hazard during tanker unloading work. Water Sprinkler system needs to be provided in Ammonia storage area. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 85 00 SECTION VIII DESASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN An onsite emergency in the industries involving hazardous processes or in hazardous installations is one situation that has potential to cause serious injury or loss of life. It may cause extensive damage to property and serious disruption in the work area and usually, the effects are confined to factory or in several departments of factory, premise. An emergency begins when operator at the plant or in charge of storage cannot cope up with a potentially hazardous incident, which may turn into an emergency. 8.1 ONSITE EMERGENCY PLAN 8.1.1 OBJECTIVES OF ONSITE EMERGENCY PLAN A quick and effective response at during an emergency can have tremendous significance on whether the situation is controlled with little loss or it turns into a major emergency. Therefore, purpose an emergency plan is to provide basic guidance to the personnel for effectively combating such situations to minimize loss of life, damage to property and loss of property. An objective of Emergency Planning is to maximize the resource utilisation and combined efforts towards emergency operations are as follows. : 8.1.2 DURING AN EMERGENCY. To increase thinking accuracy and to reduce thinking time. To localize the emergency and if possible eliminates it. To minimize the effects of accident on people and property. To take correct remedial measures in the quickest time possible to contain the incident and control it with minimum damage. To prevent spreading of the damage in the other sections. To mobilize the internal resources and utilize them in the most effective way To arrange rescue and treatment of causalities. 8.1.3 DURING NORMAL TIME. To keep the required emergency equipment in stock at right places and ensure the working condition. To keep the concerned personnel fully trained in the use of emergency equipment. To give immediate warning tooth surrounding localities in case of an emergency situation arising. To mobilize transport and medical treatment of the injured. To get help from the local community and government officials to supplement manpower and resources. To provide information to media & Government agencies, Preserving records, evidence of situation for subsequent emergency etc. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 86 00 8.2 SCOPE OF OSEP This OSEP is prepared for industrial emergencies like fires, explosions, toxic releases, and asphyxia and does not cover natural calamities and societal disturbances related emergencies (like strikes, bomb threats, civil commission’s etc.) 8.3 ELEMENTS OF ONSITE EMERGENCY PLAN The important elements to be considered in plan are 8.4 Emergency organization Emergency Facilities. Roles and Responsibilities of Key Personnel and Essential Employee. Communications during Emergency Emergency Shutdown of Plant & Control of situation. Rescue Transport & Rehabilitation. Developing Important Information. METHODOLOGY. The consideration in preparing Emergency Plan will be included the following steps: Identification and assessment of hazards and risks. Identifying, appointment of personnel & Assignment of Responsibilities. Identification and equipping Emergency Control Centre. Identifying Assembly, Rescue points Medical Facilities. Formulation of plan and of emergency sources. Training, Rehearsal & Evaluation. Action on Site. Earlier, a detailed Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment was carried out on hazards and their likely locations and consequences are estimated following the standard procedure. However the causing factors for above discussed end results may be different and causing factors are not discussed in this plan. 8.5 EMERGENCIES IDENTIFIED Emergencies that may be likely at bulk fuel storage area, process plant, cylinder storage area, and drum storage shed, and autoclave reactor area. There are chances of fire and explosive only. 8.6 OTHERS Other risks are earthquake, lightning, sabotage, bombing etc., which are usually, not in the purview of management control. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 87 00 8.7 EMERGENCY ORGANISATION. Plant organization is enclosed. Based on the plant organization, which includes shift organization, an Emergency Organization is constituted towards achieving objectives of this emergency plan. Plant Manager is designated as Overall in Charge and is the Site Controller. The following are designated as Incident Controllers for respective areas under their control. Shift in charge Engineer (Plant Operations) is designated at Incident Controller for all areas of plant. 8.8 EMERGENCY FACILITIES 8.8.1 EMERGENCY CONTROL CENTRE (ECC) It is a location, where all key personnel like Site Controller, Incident Controller etc. can assemble in the event of onset of emergency and carry on various duties assigned to them. Plant Manager’s Office is designated as Emergency Control Centre. It has P&T telephone as well as internal telephones, ECC is accessible from plant located considerably away from process plant, Storage’s and on evaluation of other locations, Plant Manager’s Room find merit from the distance point of view, communication etc. 8.8.2 FACILITIES PROPOSED TO BE MAINTAINED AT EMERGENCY CONTROL CENTRE (ECC) The following facilities and information would be made available at the ECC Latest copy of Onsite Emergency Plan and off sites Emergency Plan (as provided by District Emergency Authority). Intercom Telephone. P&T Telephone. Telephone directories (Internal, P&T) Factory Layout, Site Plan Plans indicating locations of hazardous inventories, sources of safety equipment, hydrant layout, location of pump house, road plan, assembly points, vulnerable zones, escape routes. Hazard chart. Emergency shut-down procedures. Nominal roll of employees. List and address of key personnel List and address of Emergency coordinators. List and address of first aides, List and address of first aid fire fighting employees, List and address of qualified Trained persons. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 88 00 8.8.3 FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES. 8.8.4 Internal hydrant system Portable extinguishers FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS These systems are proposed to protect the plant by means of different fire protection facilities and consist of 8.8.5 Hydrant system for exterior as well as internal protection of various buildings/areas of the plant. Portable extinguishers and hand appliances for extinguishing small fires in different areas of the plant. Water cum foam monitor to be provided in bulk fuel storage area. Fire water pumps. Two (2) independent motor driven pumps each of sufficient capacity and head are proposed for the hydrant systems which is capable to extinguish Fire or cooling purpose. HYDRANT SYSTEM. Adequate number of fire hydrants and monitors will be provided at various locations in and around the buildings and other plant areas. The hydrants will be provided on a network of hydrant mains drawing water from the hydrant pump, which starts automatically due to drop of pressure in the event of operating the hydrant valves. We are suggesting you to go for TAC approved hydrant system for foolproof safety and benefit from fire policy premium. 8.9 EMERGENCY ESCAPES The objective of the emergency escape is to escape from the hazardous locations, to the nearest assembly point or the other safe zone, for rescue and evacuation. 8.10 ASSEMBLY POINT. Assembly point is location, where, persons unconnected with emergency operations would proceed and await for rescue operation. 8.11 WIND SOCK. Wind socks for knowing wind direction indication would be provided at a suitable location to visible from many locations. It is proposed to install windsocks at plant and Administration Building so as to be visible from different locations in the plant. 8.12 EMERGENCY TRANSPORT. Emergency Ambulance would be stationed at the Administration Office and round the clock-driver would be made available for emergency transportation of injured etc. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 89 00 However, the other vehicles of the company also would be available for emergency services. 8.13 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION. There are two kinds of communication system provided. (a) Regular P&T phones with intercom facility. (b) Mobile phone 8.14 WARNING/ALARM/COMMUNICATION OF EMERGENCY The emergency would be communicated by operating electrical siren for continuously for five minutes with high and low pitch mode. 8.15 EMERGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES: Priority of Emergency Protection. 8.16 Life safety Preservation of property Restoration of the normalcy MUTUAL AID While necessary facilities are available and are updated from time to time, sometimes, it may be necessary to seek external assistance; it may be from the neighboring factories or from the State Government as the case may be. 8.17 MOCK DRILL Inspite of detailed training, it may be necessary to try out whether, the OSEP works out and will there be any difficulties in execution of such plan. In order to evaluate the plan and see whether the plan meets the objectives of the OSEP, occasional mock drills are contemplated. Before undertaking the drill, it would be very much necessary to give adequate training to all staff members and also information about possible mock drill. After few pre-informed mock drills, few UN-informed mock drills would be taken. All this is to familiarize the employees with the concept and procedures and to see their response. These scheduled and unscheduled mock drills would be conducted during shift change, public holidays, in night shift etc. To improve preparedness once in 6 months and performance is evaluated and Site Controller maintains the record. Incident Controller (IC ) coordinates this activity. Prepared By HSE Department Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Page Rev. : : 90 00