Laboratory Experiments Series Experiments with DIGITAL ICs Volume-1 Dr Jeethendra Kumar P K Experiments with Digital ICs 1 2 Laboratory Experiments Series Contents Chapter – 1: Logic Gates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CMOS and TTL Logic Gate Characteristics Demorgan’s Theorems CMOS Crystal oscillator and Frequency Division Schmitt Trigger Using Gates Timing Diagram Of TTLGates Universal Gates P-5 P-14 P-21 P-26 P-28 P-31 Chapter – 2 : Arithmetic Logic Units 7. Half, Full and Binary Adder 8. Half, Full and Binary Subtractor 9. Logic Signal of a Full Adder P-36 P-45 P-55 Chapter – 3: Flip – Flops 10. RS and D Flip-flops using Gates 11. D & JK Flip-flops Using ICs 12. Magnitude Comparator P-62 P-66 P-69 Chapter – 4: Registers and Counters 13. Gray Code Generator 14. Synchronous 4-bit up-down counter 15. Boolean Function Generator 16. Sequential Logic Machine 17. Shift Register 18. Ripple Counter P-75 P-83 P-90 P-97 P-105 P-108 Chapter – 5: Multiplexers and Demultiplexers 19. Decoder 20. Digital Gain Control for Opamp P-115 P-118 Chapter – 6: Digital to Analog Converters 21. Digital to Analog Conversion Using DAC 0808 22. Digital to Analog Conversion Using R-2R network and Opamp P-125 P-135 Chapter – 7: Data Communications 23. Amplitude Shift Keying 24. PSK Modulation and Demodulation 25. FSK Modulation and Demodulation 26. DPSK Modulation and Demodulation 27. Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation 28. Pulse Width Modulator Experiments with Digital ICs P-148 P-153 P-161 P-170 P-179 P-183 3 Laboratory Experiments Series 29. Time Deviation Multiplexing (TDM) P-190 Chapter – 8: Memories 30. Static Ram (SRAM) P-198 Chapter – 9: Microprocessors 31. Display Of Name Using 8085 Microprocessor Kit 32. Digital Stop Clock Using Microprocessor Kit Experiments with Digital ICs P-204 P-211 4 Laboratory Experiments Series Chapter-1 Logic Gates Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 5 Experiment-1 CMOS AND TTL LOGIC GATE CHARACTERISTICS Abstract Transfer characteristic curves of TTL and CMOS logic gates are studied using 74LS00 TTL and 74C00 CMOS ICs. The sink current, source current, noise margins are determined. The transfer curve is displayed on CRO and compared with manufacturer’s data. 1.1 Introduction Logic gates are electronic circuits and building blocks of digital system. It responds to HI-LO logic inputs. Various types of logic gates are available, which performs different logic functions. Among them NAND and NOR gates are known as universal gates. Using these two gates all other gates can be constructed. Depending on the internal circuit logic gates are divided in to two groups namely, 1. Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) family 2. Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor field effect transistor (CMOS) family CMOS is the latest and more advanced logic family. It has variety of variants. TTL family is based on bipolar junction transistor and it is inexpensive and widely used. Among the TTL family TTL-LS series logic gates are widely used. LS refer to Low power Schottky, named after the Schottky diode used along with the transistor in the circuit [1]. The CMOS family consists logic circuits based on P-channel MOSFETs (PMOS) and Nchannel MOSFETs (NMOS). Because of this basic constituent difference, CMOS and TTL logic gate characteristics differ one another. One has to make sure for what application the gates are used and decide which gates to use. For accurate timing and precise operation, CMOS gate is preferred [2]. Figure 1.1(a) and (b) shows basic structure of TTL and CMOS family of logic gates. Figure1.2 shows pin diagram of NAND gate. Both families have same pin configuration and it is 2input quad gate. Any one gate among the four can be used for studying characteristics. 1.2 Noise Margins Logic gates responds to HI-LO inputs. Some times due to switching transients, power supply noise, spikes, coupling between loads can give rise to false signal which may change the logic states. Therefore the logic circuits have to be immune to noise signals. The noise voltage at the input of a logic gate, which causes circuit to malfunction, is called noise Experiments with Digital ICs 6 Laboratory Experiments Series margins. The output can be either LO or HI hence two noise margins are defined as noise margin with “0” output NM (0) and noise margin when the output is “1” as NM (1). VDD V1 PMOS V1 Vout Vout NMOS V2 V2 (a) (b) Figure-1.1 (a) TTL-LS series logic gate basic structure (b)CMOS series logic gate basic structure 1 2 & 3 4 5 6 9 10 8 12 13 11 7400 Figure-1.2, Pin diagram of 7400 NAND gate 1.3 Source and sink currents Logic gates have to drive certain load. In most of the cases, loads are similar gates or other logic circuits or it may be transistor or a resistor. Fan-out tells the goodness of a logic gate in delivering its output to the load. The more load it drives the higher the fan out. It depends on the output current of the logic gate. If the gate drives N number of similar gates without change in its output status, the fan out is N. The load current depends on the structure of output stages of the logic gate circuit shown in Figure-1.1 (a) and (b). The current delivered by logic gate output to a load is called source current. Logic gate output also accepts current from other sources. This current is called sink current. The current sink capacity of the logic gate is higher than its source capacity. Figure –1.3 shows sinking and sourcing of current by the logic gates. Experiments with Digital ICs 7 Laboratory Experiments Series 1 3 4 I source 6 2 5 +5V 9 8 10 12 I sink 1 11 3 13 2 (a) (b) Figure-3(a) Source current driving load (b)Sink current flowing in to the gate 1.4 Transfer Characteristics V out Vout(HI) Vin(LO) The graph relating input with the output is called transfer characteristics. It can be obtained by studying input variation. The transfer curve of a NOT gate is shown in Figure-1.4, where 10% line is the limit for LO state input and 90% is the limit for high state input [3]. In other words all the voltages below the 10% line is called Low state input Vin(LO) and all the voltage falling above the 90% line is called high state input Vin(HI). 90% Vin(HI) VTH Vout(LO) 10% Vin 0 100% VTH Figure-1.4, Transfer characteristics of a inverting gate In between, these two input levels, there is a threshold input voltages that produce equal output voltage and it is designated as VTH. Threshold voltage is the boundary line between logic HI and logic LO. For TTL logic gates using 5-volt power supply, HI lies within 4.5 to 5 Volt and LO lies between 0 to 0.5Volt. 4.5V < HI < 5V …1 0V < LO < 0.5V …2 Experiments with Digital ICs 8 Laboratory Experiments Series VTH = Vin = Vout …3 For proper operation of the logic gates, the noise voltages should be well below the following limits. Vin(LO) + Noise < VTH …4 Vin(HI) - Noise > VTH …5 Hence the noise margin voltages are defined as NM(1) = Vin(LO) max - VTH …6 NM(0) = VTH - Vin(HI) min …7 Where Vin(LO) max is the maximum value of input that produce HI state output Vin(HI) min is the minimum HI state input that produce LO state output. Noise margin voltage is the maximum voltage that can be impressed upon an input voltage Vin at any logic input or output terminals without upsetting the logic or causing any output to exceed the output voltage conditions specified for HI state and LO state input. In this experiment transfer characteristics of 74LS00 and 74C00 logic gates are drawn and the noise margins sink current, source currents are determined. 1.5 Instruments used Dc regulated power supply 5V/0.5A, digital dc milli ammeter 0-200mA, digital dc micro ammeter 0-2000µA, rheostat 0-100Ω and digital dc voltmeter 1.6 Components Used ICs 74LS00, 74C00, resistors 220,330,470,560,680,1K, 2.2K, 3.3K, 4.7K, 5.6K, 10K Ohms, Solder less breadboard. 1.7 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of three parts namely, Part A, Transfer characteristics and noise margin determination Part B, Determination of sink current Part C, Determination of source current Part A, Transfer characteristics and noise margin determination Experiments with Digital ICs 9 Laboratory Experiments Series Rehostat 100 Ohms 14 1 3 5V 2 7400 V Vin 7 V Vout Figure-1.5: Transfer characteristics circuit connections 1. The circuit connections are made as shown in Figure-1.5 using 74LS00 IC. Input voltage is set to zero volt by adjusting the rheostat (or a potentiometer) and the output voltage is noted in Table-1.1. 2. Trial is repeated by varying input in steps of 0.2volts up to a maximum of 5 volts. The corresponding output is noted in Table-1.1. 3. A graph is drawn taking input along X-axis and output along Y-axis as shown in Figure1.6. From the graph threshold voltage, Vth, Vin(LO) Vin(HI) are noted. Vth = 1.35V Vin(LO)max = 0.6V Vin(HI)min = 2.6V 4. Experiment is repeated using 74C00 IC. The corresponding readings are tabulated in Table-1.1 and input variation is plotted in Figure-1.6. Vth, Vin(LO)max Vin(HI)min are noted from the graph. Table-1.1 Output (V) Input (V) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.25 1.28 1.30 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.85 1.9 Output (V) Input (V) 74LS00 74C00 74LS00 4.56 5.02 2.0 4.98 4.70 5.02 2.2 4.93 4.77 5.02 2.4 4.83 4.74 5.02 2.5 4.75 4.10 5.02 2.6 4.56 3.78 5.02 2.65 3.25 2.77 5.02 2..66 2.84 2.30 5.02 2.68 1.27 0.46 5.02 2.7 0.68 0.40 5.02 2.8 0.26 0.11 5.02 3.0 0.11 0.10 5.02 3.5 0 0.10 5.02 4.0 0 0.10 5.00 4.5 0 0.10 4.99 4.9 0 0.10 4.99 5.0 0 Variation of input and output voltages Experiments with Digital ICs 74C00 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 10 Laboratory Experiments Series Vth = 2.5 Vin(LO)max = 1.9V Vin(HI0min = 2.0V Noise margins are calculated for both the ICs. NM(O)LS00 = 1.35-0.6 = 0.76V NM(1) LS00= 2.6 – 1.35 = 1.25V NM(O)C00 = 2.5-1.9 = 0.6V NM(1)C00 = 2.0-2.5 = -0.5V 74LS00 74C00 Output (V) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Input (V) Figure-1.6: Transfer characteristics of 74LS00 and 74C00 NAND inverter Part B, Determination of sink current +5V R 14 0-200mA 1 3 2 7400 7 Figure-1.7, Circuit connections for sink current determination 5. The circuit connections are made as shown in Figure-1.7 using LS00. Resistance R is set to 1KΩ. The inputs of the gates are tied to HI. In this mode maximum current flows in to the output of the logic gate because of low output. The current flowing is noted in Table1.2. Experiments with Digital ICs 11 Laboratory Experiments Series 6. Trial is repeated by varying resistance up to 220Ω. Below this value of resistance the logic output goes above 0.5Volts hence logic status is disturbed. The current flowing in the milliammeter is noted in Table-1.2. 7. Experiment is repeated with 74C00 IC and corresponding resistance and current are noted in Table-1.2. 8. A graph is drawn taking R along X-axis and current along Y-axis as shown in Figures 1.8(a) and 1.8(b). The curves are extrapolated to intercept the Y-axis. At this point R=0. Hence, it is the maximum current that can flow in to the logic gate or it is the sink current. Isink(LS00) = 34mA Isink(C00) = 2.5mA Source Current (mA) Source Current (mA) (a) : Load Variation in 74LS00 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (b) : Load Variation in 74C00 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 Resistance (K Ohms) Resistance (K Ohms) (a) (b) Figure-1.8 (a) and (b), Load variations in 74LS00 and 74C00 Table-1.2 74LS00 74C00 Isink(LS00) Isink(C00) R(KΩ Ω) R(KΩ Ω) 1.00 5.0 10 0.5 0.75 6.5 6.8 0.7 0.56 8.5 5.6 0.8 0.47 10.0 4.7 1.0 0.33 14.0 2.7 1.8 0.22 21.0 Load variation in 74LS00 and 74C00 Part C, Determination of source current 9. The circuit connections are made as shown in Figure-1.9 with 74LS00 IC. The input is varied from LO to HI and the steady state current in the micro ammeter is noted. This is current flowing from the output of gate-1 to input of gate-2. Hence, it is the source current. Isource(LS00) = 240 µA 10. Experiment is repeated using 74C00 IC. Experiments with Digital ICs 12 Laboratory Experiments Series Isource(LS00) = 0 In the case of 74C00, the source is found zero in micro ammeter. This is because of the very high input resistance of MOS device. +5V 14 0-2000 micro 1 4 3 6 2 Rheostat 5 7400 100 Ohms 7400 7 Figure-1.9, Circuit connections for source current determination +12V 1.8K 4 5 8038 3 6 7 8 4.7K 11 10 TO CRO Channel-A 10K +5V BC547 14 1 3 12 2 0.1 560 7400 100K -12V TO CRO Channel-B 7 +12V PT1-10K Figure-1.10, Saw tooth generator feeding NAND inverter (a) (b) Figure-1.11 (a) Transfer curve of 74LS00 (b) Transfer curve of 74C00 The transfer curve also can be plotted on a CRO screen. Feeding the inverter in Figure-1.5, by a time varying ramp signal, does this. Figure-1.10 shows function generator used in displaying transfer curve on CRO screen. The circuit consists 8038 function generator IC producing saw tooth wave. The saw tooth waveform is current amplified by the transistor BC547 and fed to the input of the gate. With CRO in the external position the output of the gate is fed to the channel B of the CRO and saw tooth waveform is fed to the A channel. The Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 13 transfer curve obtained is shown in Figure-1.11 for both the gates. By varying the pot PT1 one can actually plot the curve on the CRO starting from lower end of the curve. 1.8 Results The results obtained are tabulated in Table-1.3 Table-1.3 Parameters 74LS00 74C00 VTH(V) 1.35 2.5 NM(0) Volts 0.76 0.6 NM(1) Volts 1.25 -0.5 Isink (mA) 34 2.5 240 0 Isource(µA) Characteristic parameters of LS00 and C00 Logic gates 1.9 Discussions Looking at the characteristics curves in Figures in 1.6 and 1.11, there is a difference between TTL LS and CMOS IC characteristics. CMOS IC has perfect characteristics with exactly 1/2Vcc as threshold voltage. The threshold voltage in the case of TTL IC is unsymmetrical and equals to ≈ 1/3 Vcc. When gates are used in noisy surrounding, it is better to use high threshold CMOS ICs. Similar characteristic curves can be plotted for any gates. The sink current and source currents are important for circuit design. Higher the noise margin better is the gate. Only merit of TTL is its large (>10 times) sink capacity that makes it better driver. The low noise margin voltages are not a concern for CMOS because of its high threshold voltage. References [1] Malvino A P and Brown J A, Digital Computer Electronics, 3 rd Edn, 1993, Page-50. [2] Jeethendra Kumar P K, CMOS crystal oscillator and frequency division, LE Vol-2, N0-1, June-2002, Page 60. [3] Harris Semiconductor, CMOS Logic Selection Guide 1994, Page 5-5 Experiments with Digital ICs 14 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-2 DE MORGAN′′S THEOREMS Abstract De Morgan’s theorems are verified using HI-LO digital input and square wave input. The logic circuits are implemented using TTL gates. The experiment introduces a new method of studying logic gates using ac signal. The timing diagrams are recorded. 5.1 Introduction De Morgan proposed two theorems before the invention of logic circuits. When logic gates were introduced these theorems are used to simplify logic equations. In algebra 1/6 is the inversion of 6 and 1/A is the inversion of A. In Boolean algebraA is the inversion of A. It is also called as the compliment of A. For example if A = logic HI then A is logic LO. This inversion is performed by NOT logic gate. De Morgan’s theorem applies only to logic circuits. The theorem is based on three terms namely 1. SUM 2. PRODUCT 3. COMPLIMENT In logics the SUM is equivalent of addition. If A and B are two bits then the SUM is represented as SUM = A+B …1 Their product is given by PRODUCT = AB …2 These two logics are performed by an OR gate and AND gates respectively. De Morgan’s stated in his first theorem [1] that, The compliment of the SUM is equal to the PRODUCT of compliments. In the form of logic equation it is written as (A+B) = A B …3 The two words SUM and PRODUCT are interchangeable in the above theorem. By interchanging these two words the second theorem is obtained which states that The compliment of the PRODUCT is equal to the SUM of compliments. In the form of equation it is written as Experiments with Digital ICs 15 Laboratory Experiments Series AB = A + B …4 To verify equations 3 and 4 logic circuits are constructed using logic gates and their function tables are studied using dc and ac signals. 5.2 Apparatus Used Digital IC Trainer DIC201 (KamalJeeth make) consisting of 5V power supply, Logic monitor, Clock system 1KHz and 2KHz, Bread Board and dual trace CRO. 5.3 Components Used IC 74LS00, 74LS04, 74LS02, 74LS08, 74LS32. 5.4 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of two parts Part – A, Response to HI-LO dc input and Part-B, Response to ac input. Part – A, Response to HI-LO DC input 1. To verify De Morgan’s first theorem circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-5.1. The left hand side of equation-3 represents NOR operation hence 74LS02 is used. 2. Pin 14 of LS02 is connected +5V (HI) and pin 7 is connected to GND (LO). +5V 14 A 2 B 3 7402 1 Y1 7 Figure-5.1: NOR gate 3. A & B are the two inputs connected to memory cell, A1 A0 or B1B0 or C1C0 (or HI-LO toggle switch) 4. Output pin 1 is connected to any one of the logic monitors Q0 or Q1…or Q9. 5. Input is set to 00 in the memory cell A1A0 (0,0) and Q0 (Y1) is noted in Table-5.1. 6. Trial is repeated for all input combinations 00,01,10,11 and the corresponding out put is noted in Table-5.1. Experiments with Digital ICs 16 Laboratory Experiments Series 7. The RHS of equation 3 is realized using 74LS04 NOT gate and 74LS08 AND gate ICs as shown in Figure-5.2. Pin 14 of both the ICs are connected to +5V (HI) and pin 7 is to GND (LO). Table-5.1 A B Y1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 NOR Function Table +5V 14 A 1 2 14 1 7404 2 B 3 4 7404 7408 3 Y2 7 7 Figure-5.2: Logic Implementation of Equation-3 RHS 8. Input A and B is connected to A1A0 on the memory cell. Output Y2 is monitored on logic monitor Q0. For different input combinations 00 to 11 the output is noted and tabulated in Table2. Table-5.2 A B Y2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Function Table RHS Equation-3 9. Compare Table-1 and Table-5. 2 for the same input the out is one and the same in both the Tables. Indicating that whatever may be the circuit the input and output remains the same this verifies De Morgan′s first theorem Y1=Y2 or A+B= A B 10. To prove De Morgan’s second theorem circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-5.3 using NAND IC 74LS00. Pin 14 is connected to HI and Pin 7 is connected to LO Experiments with Digital ICs 17 Laboratory Experiments Series +5V 14 A 1 B 2 3 7400 Y3 7 Figure-5.3: NAND Gate 11. A and B are connected to input A1A0 on logic memory cell and output Y3 to logic monitor Q0. 12. For different input combinations 0,0 to 1,1 output is noted and tabulated in Table-5.3. Y3 is LHS of Equation-4. Table-5. 3 A B Y3 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Function LHS Equation 4 13. The RHS of equation 4 is implemented using IC 74LS04 and 74LS32 as shown in Figure 4. Pin 14 of both the ICs are connected to Hi and pin 7 to LO. Input A and B are connected to A1 A0 on memory cell and output Y4 to logic monitor Q0 For different input combinations from 00 to 11 output Y4 is noted in Table-5.4. +5V 14 A 1 2 14 1 7404 3 2 B 3 4 7404 7432 Y4 7 7 Figure-5.4, Logic implementation Equation- 4 RHS 14. Comparing Table 3 and Table 4 it is found that both are identical. Therefore whatever may be the logic circuit both tables are identical. This proves De Morgan’s 2 nd theorem Y3=Y4 AB = A +B Table-5. 4 A B Y4 Experiments with Digital ICs 18 Laboratory Experiments Series 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Function Table Equation-4 RHS Part-B Response to AC input The experimental setup DIC201 consists of 1KHz and 2KHz square waves. These are used as AC signals to verify De Morgan’s Theorems. 15. To verify first theorem Figures-5.1 and 5.2 are combined as shown in Figure-5.5. Inputs are set 1KHz and 2KHz square and the outputs Y1 and Y2 are monitored on the CRO channels one and two respectively. 1KHz A 2KHZ B 2 1 Y1 CRO Channel-1 3 74LS02 1 2 74LS04 1 3 Y2 CRO Channel-2 2 74LS08 3 4 74LS04 Figure-5.5: Verification of De Morgan’s first theorem Y1=Y2, then the waveforms on Channel 1 and Channel 2 are identical proving De Morgan’s first theorem. The Waveforms noted is shown in Figure –5.6. Figure-5.6: De Morgan’s first theorem verification 16. To verify second theorem Figures-5.3 and 5.4 are combined as shown in Figure-5.7. Inputs are set 1KHz and 2KHz square and the outputs Y3 and Y4 are monitored on the CRO channels one and two respectively. Experiments with Digital ICs 19 Laboratory Experiments Series A, 1KHz B, 2KHz 1 3 Y3 CRO Channel-1 2 74LS00 1 2 1 74LS04 3 2 3 4 Y4 CRO Channel-2 74LS32 7404 Figure-5.7: Verification of De Morgan’s second theorem Figure-5.8: De Morgan’s second theorem verification Y3=Y4, then the waveforms on Channel 1 and Channel 2 are identical proving De Morgan’s second theorem. The Waveforms noted is shown in Figure –5.8. 5.5 Results De Morgan’s theorems are verified using HI-LO dc input and ac input. The two identical waveforms in Figures-5.6 verify 1 st theorem and two identical waveforms in Figure-5.8 verify 2nd theorem. A + B =A B AB = A +B Waveforms in Figures 6 and 8 are different indicating that AB ≠ A B Which true in Algebra and not true in Boolean Algebra or in Logic gates. 5.6 Discussion In actual practice of digital circuit design ac signals are involved more than dc signals. Keeping this in mind this experiment is proved using square wave of 1KHz and 2KHz. This method can be applied to any gate experiments. Experiments with Digital ICs 20 Laboratory Experiments Series The square waves 1KHz and 2KHz generate all the four combinations of HI-LO states 00,01,10,11 as shown in Figure-5.9. During the first 0.25msecs of input clock input, 11 appear at the input A and B, during the second 0.25 Seconds 01 appears, during the third 0.25 seconds 10 appears and during fourth 0.25 time 00 appears likewise it takes only 1 msec of time to verify the theorem. The processes continue and a continuous waveform is observed in the CRO. Figure-5. 9 explain the output waveforms Y1 and Y3. B-2KHz A-1KHz 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Y1 Y3 0 1 2 milli sec Figure-5.9, 1KHz and 2KHz signals verifying De Morgan’s theorem Reference 1. Malvino A P, Brown J A, Digital Computer Electronics, 3 rd Edition, TMH, 1997, Page33. Experiments with Digital ICs 21 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-3 CMOS CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR AND FRQUENCY DIVISION Abstract Using quartz crystal and CMOS NAND 74C00 Inverter 10MHz-clock signal is generated. The clock frequency is divided to obtain divide by 2, Divide by 5, divide by 10 and divide by 100 operations using dual decade counter 74LS390. Introduction Clock signals are square wave signals, which give directions to the functioning of any multiplexed system such as ADC microprocessor etc. Clock is also used in timing applications such as to run a stop clock. All these applications require precise timing accuracy. In such applications clock generated by crystal is used. A quartz crystal acts like LCR circuit, which is used in the feedback network of an amplifier. The crystal provides positive feedback signal necessary for the generation of clock. The natural quartz crystal exhibit piezoelectric effect [1] which provide the coupling between electrical circuit and mechanical vibrations of the crystal. Crystals cut along certain axis has fixed frequency. The stability is obtained because of the stable LCR values. R1 150K 1 3 2 CLOCK 74C00 33E 10MHz R2 33pF 33pF Figure-1 Crystal Oscillator Circuit It is very easy to obtain higher frequency crystal in compared to lower frequency. As the frequency decrease the size of crystal increase there by becoming more and more brittle and hard to make. Commercially available crystals are in the MHz range. Frequency division obtains lower frequency clock signals. The decade counter or flip-flops ICs are used to reduce or divide the crystal frequency. Low frequency clock signals of the order of fractions of Hz (0.01,0.1,1..) are obtained in such process. Figure 1 shows a crystal oscillator circuit [2] using CMOS NAND gate. The crystal oscillates at its fundamental frequency. The mechanical vibration of the crystal is converted in to Experiments with Digital ICs 22 Laboratory Experiments Series electrical fluctuations resulting in oscillation. Resistor R2 is used to prevent spurious oscillation mode. Frequency Division Frequency division is obtained using flip-flops or decade counter ICs. Flip-flops are divide by 2, divide 4 etc ICs. Divide by 2, divide by 5, divide by 10 or divide by 100 is obtained using dual decade counter IC TTL IC 74LS390 [3]. Figure-2 shows its pin diagram. Using one IC divide 100 operations is obtained. The IC has two independent decade counters each with section A and B. Section A performs divide by 2 operation and section B performs divide by 5 operation. Combining section A and Section B divide by 10 operation is obtained. 2 1CKA 1 16 VCC 1CLR 2CKA 1QA 2CLR 1CKB 4 + + CTR DIV2 DIV5 3 { CT 2QA 1QB 74LS390 2CKB 1QC 2QB 1QD 2QC GND 1 CT=0 8 9 14 15 2QD 12 CT=0 + + 5 0 6 7 2 CTR DIV2 DIV5 13 { CT 11 0 10 9 2 74LS390 Figure-2, Pin diagrams of dual decade counter 74LS390 Divide by 2 operations To obtain divide by 2 operation only section A is used as shown in Figure-3. The clock input is fed to pin-1 (1CKA) and output is available at pin-3 (1QA) +5V Input 1CKA Frequency Fi 16 1 3 1QA Y2 74LS390 8 2 Figure-3 Divide 2 Operations Divide 5 Operations Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 23 This is obtained by using only the section B. Clock is fed to 1CKB (pin-4) and output is available at pin 7 (1QD) as shown in Figure-4. +5V 16 Input Frequency Fi 1CKB 4 1QD 7 Y5 74LS390 8 2 Figure-4, Divide by 5 Operations Divide by 10 Operations To get divide by 10 operation section A and B are combined as shown in Figure-5. The 1QA output now becomes clock input to section B (1CKB) and divide 10 output is available at 1QD (Pin 7). +5V Input 1CKA Frequency Fi 1 16 3 1QA 4 1CKB 4 74LS390 7 8 1QD Y10 2 Figure-5, Divide by 10 Operations Divide by 100 Operations Divide 100 operation is obtained by combining both the parts of LS390. Each part results in 10X10=100 divisions as shown in Figure-6. Clock is given to 1CKA. The Output 1QA becomes the clock to 1CKB. And 1QD becomes the clock to 2CKA and finally 2QA becomes the clock to 2CKB and the final divide by 10 output is available at 2QD as shown in Figure 6. This is remembered as ″A clock (CKA) is energized by D output (QD) and B clock (CKB) is energized by A output (QA)″. Experiments with Digital ICs 24 Laboratory Experiments Series +5V Input 1CKA Frequency Fi 1 16 12 13 3 1QA 4 1CKB LS390 7 9 15 8 14 2QD Y100 2 Figure-6 Divide by 100 Operations Apparatus Used Digital IC Trainer DIC201 consisting of +15V and +5V power supply, bread board, digital frequency counter and CRO Components Used CMOS NAND gate 74C00, TTL decade counter 74LS390, resistors 150K, 33Ω, ceramic capacitor 33pF, quartz crystal 10MHz. Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of two parts. Part-A, Crystal clock generation, Part-B frequency division Part-A, Crystal clock generation 1. The crystal oscillator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-1. 2. The pin 14 of 74C00 is connected to +15V and pin 7 to GND. 3. The output is monitored on CRO channel-1. The output waveform is observed and its frequency is measured using digital frequency counter. Figure-7 shows 10MHz-clock signal. And 150KHz signals. Figure-7, 10MHz clock signal and 100KHz signal Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 25 Part-B, Frequency division 4. Experiment is repeated by observing waveforms at pin number 3 (divide 2), pin number 7 (divide by 5), pin 13 for (divide 10) and at pin 9 (divide 100) signals are obtained. 5. Taking pin 2(1CLR) and 14 (2CLR) to +5V the counter is disabled hence the out disappeared. For enabling the counter the CLR signals is held LO. Results 1. The frequency of the clock generated by crystal oscillator is =10MHz 2. The dual decade counter is enabled with LO CLR and disabled with HI CLR. 3. Various signals observed indicate very accurate division. Discussions 1. Frequency division is used when clock of low frequency is required. Using LS390 it is possible to get divide by 2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000 etc. 1Hz and 0.1 Hz signals obtained from such frequency division are used in digital stop clock. 2. The 10MHz output observed is not a square wave. It is a sine output. A Schmidt trigger is used to reshape it to square. This can be done using CMOS Schmidt trigger 74HCT14 or 74HC14 [4] References 1. Tayal D C, Electricity and Electronics, Himalaya Publishing House, 1985, Page 152. 2. Web: 3. TTL logic, standard, TTL, Schottky, Low Power Schottky, 1988, Texas Instruments, Page-2-919 4. CMOS Logic Selection Guide – Harris,1994 , Page Experiments with Digital ICs 26 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-4 SCHMITT TRIGGER USING GATES Aim of the Experiment To construct a Schmitt Trigger circuit using NAND gates and to study the variation of Hysteresis and to sketch the wave forms Apparatus Used Digital IC trainer DIC 203, CRO, Oscillator Introduction A Schmitt trigger (ST) has two stable states and belong to the bistable family. ST can be constructed using transistors, Opamp or using gates. It is used to convert a periodic signal in to a rectangular signal. It is also known as a voltage comparator or amplitude sensitive circuit. Figure-1, shows a ST tied using TTL NAND gates. In digital circuits ST is used to convert a slow changing wave form in to a fast changing wave form. At present ST ICs are available in market with 4 inputs (7413), with two inputs (74132) and single input (7414). Ina ST the output will be either LOW (0) or HIGH (1). The change in the states take place a voltage known as threshold voltage. If the output is low and the input is increasing the level of out then changes at threshold voltage known as Upper Threshold Point. When the output is high and the input is decreasing then the change in output level takes place at voltage known as Lower threshold point. The difference between upper threshold point (UTP) and lower threshold point (LTP) voltage is known as Hysteresis. ST ICs have H varying from 0.9 to 1.7 volts. Using gates H can be varied using a potentiometer in place of R4 in Figure-1. Experimental Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. A ST circuit is constructed as shown in Figure-1 A ST variable supply is connected to the input and the voltage is set to 0 Volts. The out is noted using digital voltmeter and recorded in table-1 Input is increased in steps of 0.5Volt and the corresponding output is noted in Table-1 Figure-1: R4= 820 ohms Table-1 Increasing Decreasing Vin(Volts) Vout(Volts) Vin(Volts) Vout(Volts) 0 0.7 5.0 4.2 Experiments with Digital ICs 27 Laboratory Experiments Series 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 5. Input is increased up to a maximum of 5Volts 6. Now the input is decreased in steps of 0.5Volt till 0 Volts and the corresponding output is noted and recorded in Table-1 7. A graph is drawn taking input along X-axis and output along Y-axis. The graph is shown in figure-2 8. From the graph hysteresis is calculated. 9. A sine wave oscillator is now connected to the input in place of DC source. Frequency is adjusted to 1KHz and amplitude 5V. 10. Both the input and outputs are monitored on the CRO screen and the wave forms are recorded. 11. Experiment is repeated for different values of R4 Results R4 820 1000 UTP (V) 2.5 3.0 LTP(V) 2.0 1.5 Hysteresis (V) 0.5 1.5 Note: Any other wave form such as half wave, full wave, interacted, differentiated, triangle input can be fed to the input instead of sine wave and the corresponding out put can be recorded. It is possible to display the Hysteresis curve on the CRO screen by feeding input to Y and output to the X input of the CRO. Experiments with Digital ICs 28 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-5 TIMING DIAGRAM OF TTL GATES Abstract Timing diagrams of TTL NAND, NOR, AND and OR gates studied using 1K, 1K inverted, 2K signal. The logic truth tables are deducted from the timing diagram. The maximum and minimum duty cycles are determined using CRO and digital IC applications experimental setup. Introduction Verification of logic truth table using HI-LO DC inputs are very common, however in digital applications gates are used to control AC signals. A sketch of output wave in comparison with input signal is known as timing diagram. Using 1KHz, 1KHz inverted and 2KHz signals as inputs to 7400 NAND, 7402 NOR, 7408 AND, 7402 OR gates are studied. From the timing diagram truth tables the DC level read and the corresponding truth tables are generated and compared with the standard truth table. Figure-1: Pin diagrams Figure-2: NAND Gate Timing Diagram Experimental Procedure Figure-1 shows pin diagrams various TTL gates. Out of the four gates any one is selected for the study of timing diagram. 1. The two inputs (pin-1) is fed with 1K and (pin-2) with 1K inverted in the 7400 NAND gate and the output at pin-3 in monitored on CRO screen. The output is compared with the input wave form and sketched on a graph sheet. 2. One of the inputs is now changed to 2KHz and output is sketched in comparison with the input. 3. The graph in shown in Figure-2. 4. The experiment is repeated for 7402, 7408, 7432 IC and the corresponding timing diagrams are recorded in Figures-3,4,5 respectively. 5. From the truth table logic table is constructed by reading corresponding input and output level. 6. The table generated are shown in tables-1,2,3 and 4 respectively for NAND, NOR, OR and AND gates. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series Figure-3: NOR Gate Timing Diagram Figure-4: OR Gate Timing Diagram Figure-5: AND Gate Timing Diagram Table-1 INPUTS OUTPUTS A B Y 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 NAND 7400 Table-2 INPUTS OUTPUTS A B Y 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 AND 7408 Table-3 INPUTS OUTPUTS A B Y 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 NOR Experiments with Digital ICs 29 30 Laboratory Experiments Series Table-4 INPUTS OUTPUTS A B Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 OR Results 1. With two signals 1K and 2K four sets of digital inputs 00, 01, 10, 11 is generated as shown in Figure-2 2. From the timing diagram logic truth tables constructed reading corresponding DC levels as shown in Figure-2 and Figure-3. The truth tables are compared with standard truth table. 3. The lowest output frequency in equals to lower frequency (1KHz) among the two signals. 4. The duty cycle of the output is different in different gate. Therefore basic gates can convert a square wave in to a rectangular pulse with duty cycle varying from 25% to 75%. Note: Duty cycle D = Pulse Width/ Period D = W/T For NAND gate D = 0.75 msec/1msec = 75% For NOR gate D = 0.25 msec/1msec = 25% Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 31 Experiment-6 UNIVERSAL GATES Abstract NAND and NOR gates are known as universal gates. Using these two gates other logic gates can be constructed. In this experiment NOT, OR, AND, and XOR gates are constructed using 7400 quad NAND gate and 7402 quad NOR gates. Boolean equations are made use in providing a theoretical background and it is compared with the truth table. After the experiment the student must be in a position to identify the advantages of using 7400 and 7402 in the construction of other logic gates. Introduction In the TTL family of digital ICs 7400 is a quad 2-input NAND gate and 7402 is a quad 2input NOR gate in DIP package. Figure-1 shows the pin configurations of 7400 & 7402. Figure-1: Pin Configuration of 7400 & 7402 NOT Operation In Figure-2 NAND & NOR gates are tied to perform NOT operation. Figure-2: NOT operation using NAND & NOR The Boolean equation governing the operation is given by Y = AB for NAND gate and Y = A + B for NOR gate Since A=B Y = AA = A + A = A and Y = A + A = A This is the basic NOT operation. AND Operation In Figure-3 AND gate is constructed using NAND and NOR gates Figure-3: AND Gates using NAND & NOR The Boolean equation representing above operation is given by Experiments with Digital ICs 32 Laboratory Experiments Series Y = AB = AB is case of NAND and Y = A + B = A⋅B = A⋅B is case of NOR gate. OR Operation Figure-4 shows the construction of OR gate using NAND and NOR gates. Figure-4: OR operation using NAND & NOR gates In above Figure-4, Y output from the NAND is given by Y = A⋅B = A + B = A + B for NOR gate Y = A+B= A+B This verifies or operation. XOR Operation In Figure-5 NAND and NOR are tied to for XOR logic Figure-5: XOR operation using NAND & NOR gates In the case NAND gate Y1 = AB Y 2 = A ⋅ Y1 Y3 = B ⋅ Y1 Y 2 = A ⋅ Y1 = A ⋅ AB = A + AB = A + AB Y3 = B ⋅ Y1 = B ⋅ AB = B + AB = B + AB Y = Y 2Y 3 = Y 2 + Y3 = (A + AB) + (B + AB) = A ⋅ AB + B ⋅ AB = A ⋅ AB + B ⋅ AB Experiments with Digital ICs Y = Y 2Y 3 33 Laboratory Experiments Series = A AB + BBA Y = A B + BA In case of NOR gate Y1 = A + B Y 2 = A + Y1 Y3 = B + Y1 Y 4 = Y 2 + Y3 Y = Y4 ( ) ( ) Y 2 = A + Y1 = A + A + B + A ⋅ (A + B) = A ⋅(A + B) = AA + AB Y 2 = AB Y3 = B + Y1 = B + A + B + B ⋅ (A + B) = B ⋅(A + B) = BA + BB = A B Y 4 = Y 2 + y3 = (AB + A B) Y = Y 4 = Y 2 + Y3 = Y 2 + Y 3 Y = AB + A B Experimental Procedure 1. A NOT gate is rigged as shown in Figure-2 using 7400 NAND gate. 2. Pin-14 is connected to +5 volt and Pin-7 to common. 3. Input is set to 0 levels on logic levels and output is monitored on the logic monitor. The result is tabulated in Table-1. Next input is set to 1 level or logic high on logic monitor and output is recorded in Table-1. Table-1 7400 7402 A Y A Y 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 NOT Truth Table 4. An AND gate is constructed as shown in Figure-3 using 7400. For different input levels A&B output is noted on a logic monitor and tabulated in Table-2. Table-2 A 0 1 7400 B 0 0 Y 0 0 A 0 1 7402 B 0 0 Y 0 0 Experiments with Digital ICs 34 Laboratory Experiments Series 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 AND Truth Table 0 1 5. Now OR gate is constructed as shown in Figure-4 and its truth table is represented in Table-3 Table-3 A 0 1 0 1 7400 B 0 0 1 1 7402 Y A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 OR Truth Table Y 0 1 1 1 6. XOR gate in now constructed using NAND gate and for different inputs output is monitored and recorded in Table-4. A 0 1 0 1 Table-4 7400 7402 B Y A B 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 XOR Truth Table Y 0 1 1 0 7. Experiment of constructing AND, OR, NOT, & XOR is repeated with 7402 NOR gate and its truth table is compared with the one obtained using NAND gate. Results 1. The basic logic gates AND, OR, NOT, XOR are constructed using NAND and NOR gates and their truth tables are compared. 2. Hence NAND & NOR are universal gates. References [1] LS/S/TTL Logic Data Book, National Semi Conductor, 1989,P2-3, 2-5 Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 35 Chapter -2 Arithmetic Logic Unit Experiments with Digital ICs 36 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-7 HALF, FULL AND BINARY ADDERS Abstract Using 7483 binary adder IC, addition of two bits (Half Adder), addition of three bits (Full Adder) and 4-bit binary numbers are added and function tables are verified. Response of binary adder is also studied with 1 KHz and 2 KHz square wave signals. The SUM and CARRY outputs are recorded from CRO. 2.1 Introduction Electronic circuits now perform the fundamental arithmetic operations. Half Adder and Full Adder are the building blocks of arithmetic process. In digital system these operations are performed in the binary or in the hexadecimal form using these building blocks. A single IC 7483 performs addition and Subtraction operations. This contains half and full adder building blocks. The binary addition and subtraction are based on the six truths listed in Table-2.1. Table-2.1 Addition Subtraction 0+0 =0 0-0 = 0 0+1 =1 1-0 =1 1+0 =1 1-1 =0 1+1 =10 10-1 =1 1+1 +1 =11 Fundamental truths governing binary addition and subtraction 2.2 Half Adder (HA) Half adder is logic circuit that adds 2-bits. It consists of two outputs called SUM and CARRY. By observing the function Table-2.1, it is clear that the SUM is XOR operation and CARRY is an AND operation. Hence the Boolean equations governing the half addition are given by SUM = A ⊕ B …1 CARRY = AB. …2 Table-2.2 summarizes the half addition. Table-2.2 Experiments with Digital ICs 37 Laboratory Experiments Series Inputs Outputs A B SUM CARRY 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 Half Adder truth Table 2.3 Full Adder (FA) A full adder is a logic circuit that adds three bits and it contains two outputs the SUM and CARRY. By observing Table-2.1, it is clear that the output SUM is performed XOR gate and output CARRY is obtained by ANDing. Hence the Boolean equations governing the Full addition is given by SUM = A ⊕ B ⊕ C CARRY = AB+AC+BC …3 …4 Table-2.3 summarizes the sequence of Full addition Table-2.3 A 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Inputs Outputs B C SUM CARRY 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Truth Table for Full Adder By constructing HA and FA circuits using gates can verify these arithmetic binary operations. However, performing HA and FA operations using logic gates are only of academic importance rather than of any practical application. Dedicated ICs are now available which finds extensive practical applications [1]. 2.4 Binary Adder A binary adder is a logic circuit that adds two binary numbers. Each of these consists of Full Adder logic circuits. There are two output terminals called the SUM and CARRY as before. Binary adders can add 4-bit numbers at a time; hence there are 8-inputs. The binary number A consists of 4-bits and binary number B consists of 4-bits. Hence the binary SUM consists of 4-bits. The CARRY is a one-bit output as shown in Figure-2.1. Such 4-bit binary adders can be cascaded to obtain 8-bit or 16-bit binary additions. The third input C to the first FA in binary adder is called input carry and denoted as Cin. The final carry from the fourth FA of binary adder is called carry out and denoted as Cout. In between the first and the fourth FA, Experiments with Digital ICs 38 Laboratory Experiments Series the carry flows from first FA to second FA and so on. Hence the flow of CARRY is in the form of ripple. Such a binary adder is also called as RIPPLE CARRY ADDER. 4 -bit bin ary Inp ut - B B3 B2 B1 B0 Output Carry Cout 4 -bit bin ary In put - A A3A2A1A0 Binary Adder Input Carry Cin SUM S3S2S1S0 Figure-2.1: 4-bit Binary Adder 2.5 IC 7483 - Binary Adder-Subtractor IC 7483 is a TTL 4-bit binary adder [2] that is used extensively in digital circuit design. Figure-2.2 shows the pin diagram of IC 7483. It consists of four full adders FA1, FA2, FA3, and FA4. Each of these full adders consists of three inputs and two outputs. Using this IC, HA, FA and Binary additions can be performed. Binary subtraction also can be performed using this IC with additional circuitry. Binary subtraction will be published as a separate experiment in future issues of LE. Vcc 4-bit Binary Input-A 4-bit Binary Input-B Input Carry- Cin 5 10 8 A1 3 A2 1 A3 A4 11 7 B1 4 B2 16 B3 B4 13 C0 GND 9 S1 6 S2 2 S3 15 S4 C4 14 SUM Output Carry- Cout 12 Figure-2.2: Pin diagram of 74LS83 4-bit Barry Adder-Subtractor IC 2.6 HA using 7483 To obtain half adder, IC 7483 is tied as shown in Figure-2.3. Any one of the four FAs can be used to perform this operation. Since HA adds only two bits, the input CARRY is grounded permanently. The output CARRY is taken from S2 and SUM is taken as S1. In Figure-2.3 the first FA is tied to perform half addition operation. A1 and B1 are taken as two binary bits. In general, any among the four FAs can be used to perform half addition operation. Experiments with Digital ICs 39 Laboratory Experiments Series +5V 5 A1 Input-A B1 Input-B Cin 10 S1 9 11 S2 6 13 12 SUM CARRY 7483 GND Figure-2.3: Half Adder using IC 7483 2.7 FA using 7483 Including input carry Cin as the third bit, 3-bit addition is obtained. Figure-2. 4 gives full adder circuit using IC 7483. 5 A1 Input-A B1 Input-B Input carry Cin +5V 10 9 11 6 13 12 S1 S2 SUM CARRY 7483 GND Figure-2.4: Full Adder Using IC 7483 2.8 HA, FA and BA with AC signal We rarely come across with arithmetic operations based on static signals in practice. In digital circuit design, arithmetic operations are performed on pulses (ac signal). Using 1 KHz and 2 KHz rectangular pulses one can generate the 00,01,10,11 sequence of input that can be used as inputs to the adders. The outputs SUM and CARRY are rectangular pulses obeying the fundamental addition and subtraction truths listed in Table-2.1. In one cycle of the lowest frequency, there can be four input states for A and B, as shown in Figure-2.5. 1 KHz square wave is input A and 2 KHz square wave is used as input-B. The SUM will be a square wave, with frequency equal to the lowest frequency among the input. The carry will be a rectangular pulse with pulse width one-fourth of lowest frequency pulse width. (SUM)Frequency = Lowest Frequency (1 KHz) = fA-bit (CARRY)Pulse width = (CARRY)Pulse width = 1 4 f A−bit 3 4 f A− bit …5 for Cin= 0 …6 for Cin= 1 …7 Experiments with Digital ICs 40 Laboratory Experiments Series 1-msec Input-A 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Input-B 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 SUM 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 CARRY 0.25msec pulse width Figure-2.5: Binary addition of 1 KHz (Bit-A) and 2 KHz (Bit-B) signals 2.9 Instruments Used Digital trainer with ZIF socket consisting of 8-HI-LO input switches, 1 KHz and 2 KHz square waves, logic monitors, 5V power supply, DMM with frequency measurement and dual trace CRO. 2.10 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of four different parts Part-A, Half Adder Part-B, Full Adder Part-C, Binary Adder Part-D, Full Adder response to ac signal Part-A, Half Adder 1. The half adder circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-2.3 using 7483 IC. The input CARRY is grounded and only two bits are added. 2. The two inputs are connected HI-LO switches of the digital trainer and the two outputs are connected to logic monitors. 3. The two inputs are set to 0 0 and the SUM and CARRY outputs are noted and verified from the Truth Table-2. This procedure is repeated by setting input as 0 1, 1 0 and 1 1. In each case CARRY and SUM are verified from the Truth Table-2.2. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 41 Part-B, Full Adder 4. The full adder circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-2.4 using 7483 IC. The input CARRY is Cin is connected to HI-LO switches and the switch is set to LO. Cin = 0 5. The two inputs are connected HI-LO switches of the digital trainer and the two outputs are connected to logic monitors. 6. The two inputs are set to 0 0 and the SUM and CARRY outputs are noted and verified by comparing with the Truth Table-3. This is repeated by setting input as 0 1, 1 0 and 1 1. In each case CARRY and SUM are verified from the Truth Table-2.3. 7. The input CARRY is now switched to HI. Cin =1 8. For four different input combinations, the SUM and CARRY are noted from logic monitors and verified from the Truth Table-2.3. Part-C, Binary Adder 9. The binary adder circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-2.2 using 7483 IC. The input CARRY Cin is connected to HI-LO switch and it is set to LO. Cin= 0 The 4-bit Binary input A is connected to four different HI-LO switches and 4-bit Binary input-B is also connected to four different HI-LO input switches. Now there are altogether 9 inputs: Cin, B4, B3, B2 B1, A4, A3, A2, A1. These inputs are set to different values starting from 0 0000 0000 to 1 1111 1111. 10. The four-bit SUM is monitored on four different logic monitors. The final carry or Cout is monitored on another logic monitor. For Cin B4 B3 B2 B1 A4 A3 A2 A1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The final CARRY or the carry out Cout and monitor and are recorded in Table-4. SUM = S4 S3 S2 S1 Experiments with Digital ICs are noted from logic 42 Laboratory Experiments Series Cout S4 S3 S2 S1 0 0 0 0 0 11. This procedure is repeated for different input combinations as under: Cin B4 B3 B2 B1 A4 A3 A2 A1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 The CARRY-SUM is recorded as in Table-2.4. Cout S4 S3 S2 S1 0 0 0 1 0 12. In Table-2.4 the decimal equivalents of inputs and outputs are also recorded and verified with their corresponding binary value. Table-2.4 Inputs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Deci mal Equ. B-bit 0 1 10 14 15 15 15 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 11 15 16 16 16 Input Input B -Bit Carry Cin Outputs Inputs B4 B3 B2 B1 Input A -Bit A4 A3 A2 A1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Deci mal Equ. A-bit 0 1 4 4 4 8 14 15 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 4-bit SUM Decimal Equ. Output S4 S3 S2 S1 bits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 14 0 0 1 0 18 0 0 1 1 19 0 1 1 1 23 1 1 0 1 29 1 1 1 0 30 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Output Carry Cout 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 8 1 1 1 1 15 Verification of Binary Addition 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 13. Experiment is repeated for Cin =1. From the Table-2.4 it is verified that Cin + B4 B3 B2 B1 + A4 A3 A2 A1 = Cout S4 S3 S2 S1 Experiments with Digital ICs 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 15 19 20 24 31 43 Laboratory Experiments Series 0 + 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 0 + 15 + 15 1 = 1 1 1 1 0 = 16 +8 +4 +2 +0 = 30 This verifies the binary addition Cin+B+A= CoutS. Part-D, Full Adder response to ac signal 14. The full adder circuit is rigged, as shown in Figure-2.4. Input-A is fed with 1 KHz square wave and input-B is fed from 2 KHz square from the digital trainer. The SUM output (S1) is connected to Channel-1 of the CRO and Carry output (S2) is connected to channel-2 of the CRO. The exact frequencies of the two input signals are noted using frequency counter fA = 1.02KHz fB = 2.04KHz 15. The SUM output on Channel-1 and the CARRY output on Channel-2 of the CRO are recorded as shown in Figure-2.6 (b) and verified with Figure-2.5. Figure-2.6 (a) shows the Inputs A and B. 16. The pulse width of the CARRY wave form and frequency of the SUM waveforms are recorded from CRO For Cin = 0 CARRYPulsewidth = 0.25msec SUMFrequency = 1KHz For Cin = 1 CARRYPulsewidth = 0.75msec SUMFrequency = 1KHz The pulse width and frequency observed are verified with the equations 5 and 6. In puts Outp uts Cin= 0 Outputs Cin=1 A1 B1 (a) SUM SUM CA RR Y CA RRY (b) (c) Figure-2.6, a) Inputs A=1KHz, B=2KHz b) Outputs Cin= 0, c) Outputs Cin=1 Experiments with Digital ICs 44 Laboratory Experiments Series 2.11 Results The results obtained are tabulated in Table-2.5 Table-2.5 Parameter Experimental Theoretical Carry pulse width (m sec) Cin=0 0.25 0.25msec Carry pulse width (m sec) Cin=1 0.75 0.75msec Sum frequency (KHz) 1 1 Carry output (operation) AND AND Sum output (operation) XOR XOR Experimental Results 2.12 Discussion Using binary adder IC 7483, half, full and binary adder circuits are constructed and truth tables are verified. Response of the full adder circuit to square wave is also verified and the observed pulse width and frequency are compared with the theoretical values. Similar response of the binary adder can be obtained with three input signals with frequency f, f/2 and f/4. References [1] Dr A P Malvino and Jerald A Brown, Digital Computer Electronics, 3 rd Edition, Page79. [2] Texas Instruments, TTL Logic Data Book 1988, Page-2-257. Experiments with Digital ICs 45 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-8 HALF, FULL AND BINARY SUBTRACTOR Abstract Using 7483 binary adders IC, two-bit subtraction (Half Subtraction), three-bit subtraction (Full Subtraction) and 4-bit binary subtraction are performed and subtraction truth tables are verified. 3.1 Introduction Arithmetic addition and subtraction are now performed by integrated circuits that form the backbone of arithmetic logic units in the computers. Various types of addition and subtraction techniques are developed. Among them the fundamental process of addition and substation are performed by single Adder- Subtractor ICs. The process of addition is explained in experiment 156 published in LE [1]. In the present experiment Half Subtractor (HS), Full Subtractor (FS) and Binary Subtractor (BS) circuits are studied using 7483 adder-subtractor IC. The binary subtraction is based on the four truths listed in Table-3.1. Table-3.1 Subtraction Truth 0-0 = 0 1-0 =1 1-1 = 0 10-1 =1 Fundamental truths governing binary subtraction 3.2 Binary Odometer A binary odometer is shown in Figure-3.1 [2]. In this odometer the negative binary numbers are represented by their 2’s complement form and positive binary numbers are represented in sign magnitude form. Hence if A is a binary number then its 2’s complement represents –A. Therefore A+ 2’s complement of A = A + A΄= A + (-A) = A-A=0 Where …1 A is a binary string A΄ is its 2’s complement 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0000 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 Experiments with Digital ICs 46 Laboratory Experiments Series Figure-3.1: Digital binary odometer Adding 1 to its 1’s complement obtains 2’s complement of a number. If A is a binary number then its 1’s complement = A 2’s complement A΄ = A +1 …2 In the odometer shown in Figure-1, if A= 0100 (decimal 4) A = 1011 A΄= A +1 = 1100 which represents -4 on the odometer line. In digital computers subtraction is based on these odometer facts. During the process of subtraction the number to be subtracted Y minuend is converted in to its 2’s complement form and added to the subtrahend X. Hence a same IC that performs addition also can be used to obtain subtraction with additional circuitry. 3.3 Half Subtractor (HS) HS is logic circuits that subtract a minuend Y-bit from a subtrahend X-bit. It consists of two outputs called DIFFERENCE and BORROW. The subtraction depends on the magnitude of the subtrahend and the minuend. If the subtrahend is greater than the minuend X≥Y, then 0-0=0 1-0=1 1-1=0 And if the subtrahend is smaller than minuend then X<Y Or in this case to subtract 0 from 1 (0-1) needs to borrow from the next immediate position. In the decimal subtraction 10 is browed from the next stage. Similarly in the binary subtraction 2 is borrowed from the next stage such that 2-1 =1 Based on these truths a complete HS truth table is presented in Table-3.2. Comparing the outputs in Table-3.2 with the half adder truth table it is observed that the DIFFERENCE output is the same as the SUM output hence the difference output is written as Table-3.2 Inputs Outputs X Y Borrow Difference Experiments with Digital ICs 47 Laboratory Experiments Series 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Half Subtractor truth Table Difference (D) = X ⊕ Y …3 The borrow is given by Borrow (B) = X Y …4 The half subtractor equation is given by D = X-Y …5 3.4 Full Subtractor (FS) A FS consists of three inputs namely two minuends Y and Z, one of which (Z) is a borrow from the previous stage and a subtrahend X. The output of the FS consist the DIFFERENCE and BORROW. Table-3.3 X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Inputs Y 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Z 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Outputs DIFFERENCE BORROW 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Full Subtractor Truth Table DIFFERENCE (D) = X ⊕ Y ⊕ Z BORROW (B) = XY + XZ + YZ …6 …7 The full subtraction equation is given by D =X-Y-Z …8 These arithmetic binary operations can be verified by constructing HS and FS circuits using 7483 Full adder-subtractor IC [3]. 3.5 Binary Subtraction Experiments with Digital ICs 48 Laboratory Experiments Series A 4-bit binary Subtractor is logic circuits that subtract a 4-bit minuend (Y1Y2Y3Y4) from a 4bit subtrahend (X1X2X3X4). The output consists of four-bit difference and single bit borrow as shown in Figure-2. Such 4-bit binary Subtractor can be cascaded to obtain 8-bit or 16-bit binary subtractions. 4 -bit binary In put - Y Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 Borrow to next stage 4 -bit bin ary In put - X X3 X2 X1 X0 Borrow from previous satge Binary Adder DIFFERENCE D3 D2 D1 D0 Figure-3.2: 4-bit Binary Subtractor 3.6 IC 7483 - Binary Adder-Subtractor IC 7483 is a TTL 4-bit binary adder-subtractor which is used extensively in digital circuit design. Figure-3.3 shows the pin diagram of IC 7483. It consists of four full adders FA1, FA2, FA3, and FA4. Each of these full adders consists of three inputs and two outputs. Using this IC, half, full, binary addition-subtraction can be performed. Vcc 4-bit Binary Input-A 4-bit Binary Input-B Input Carry- Cin 5 10 8 A1 3 A2 1 A3 A4 11 7 B1 4 B2 16 B3 B4 13 C0 GND 9 S1 6 S2 2 S3 15 S4 C4 14 SUM Output Carry- Cout 12 Figure-3.3: Pin diagram of 74LS83 4-bit Barry Adder-Subtractor IC 3.7 HS using 7483 To obtain half subtractor, IC 7483 is tied as shown in Figure-3.4. Any one of the four FAs can be used to perform this operation. Half subtraction requires only two bits. Hence the input borrow is not used (NC). The output BORROW is taken from S2 and DIFFERENCE is taken as S1. Experiments with Digital ICs 49 Laboratory Experiments Series 5 +5V 10 X Inputs 1 Y 3 2 11 7486 +5V 9 7483 6 DIFFERENCE 7404 1 Outputs 2 BORROW 74LS86 and 74LS04- Pin 14 to +5V Pin-7 to GND. 7483 Pin-13 NC. 12 Figure-3.4: Half Subtractor using IC 7483 3.8 FS using 7483 Including input Borrow Z as the third bit, 3-bit subtraction is obtained. Figure- 3.5 shows a full subtractor circuit using IC 7483. 5 10 X Inputs Y 1 +5V 2 Z +5V 3 11 9 1 7483 2 7404 Outputs 4 7486 13 6 12 DIFFERENCE 5 6 BORROW 7486 74LS86 and 74LS04- Pin 14 to +5V Pin-7 to GND. Figure-3.5: Full Subtractor Using IC 7483 3.9 Binary Subtraction If X and Y are two binary numbers, their DIFFERENCE is obtained by adding X to Y's 2’s complement. X-Y = X+ Y΄ …9 To generate the complements a controlled inverter is used as shown in Figure-3.6. The Y-bits are passed through a controlled inverter formed by XOR gates. The controlled inverters produce 1’s complement if SUB line is HIGH. Further it adds “1” to the inverted output producing 2’s complement of Y bits. After this conversion the X and Y΄ bits are added by the full adder-subtractor IC 7483. When the SUB line is LOW the Y bits are passed without inversion and 7483 adds the two bits. This is addition process. Hence the circuit in Figure-6 acts both as adder as well as subtractor. Experiments with Digital ICs 50 Laboratory Experiments Series +5V 5 X0 10 8 X1 X2 3 1 X3 7486 7483 1 Y0 3 2 4 Y1 5 9 Y2 10 12 Y3 11 6 7 8 4 11 13 D0 6 D1 2 D2 15 D3 14 1 2 B 7404 16 13 SUB 9 12 7404 and 7486 Pin-15 to +5V, Pin-7 to GND +5V Figure-3.6: 4-bit binary Subtractor Using IC 7483 3.10 Instruments Used Digital IC Applications Expt Setup DIC105 KamalJeeth make consisting of 12-bit memory, logic monitors and 5V power supply. 3.11 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of three different parts Part-A, Half Subtractor Part-B, Full Subtractor Part-C, Binary Subtractor Part-A: Half Subtractor 17. The half subtractor circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-3.4 using 7483 IC. 18. The two inputs X and Y are connected to HI-LO switches of the digital trainer and the two outputs are connected to logic monitors. 19. Inputs X=0 and Y=0 are set on input logic switches and the DIFFERENCE and BORROW outputs are monitored on logic monitors. For X=0 and Y=0 Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 51 DIFFERENCE D = 0 and BORROW B = 0 is obtained. This is continued for 01, 10 and 11 inputs as shown in Table-3.3. Part-B: Full Subtractor 20. The full subtractor circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-3.5 using 7483 IC. The input BORROW is connected to HI-LO switches and the switch is set to LO. Z=0 Entry Condition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X=Y X<Y X>Y X=Y X=Y X<Y X>Y X=Y Table-3.4 Inputs Outputs X B Y Z D 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Full adder input and outputs Comments For Z=0 Output B is inverted 21. The two inputs X and Y are connected to HI-LO switches of the digital trainer and the two outputs D and B are connected to logic monitors. 22. The two inputs are set to 0 0 and the DIFFERENCE = 0 and BORROW = 0 are noted and recorded in Table-4. Borrow is inverted in this case. 23. Trial is repeated for X= 0 and Y=1. In this case D =1 and B =1 is obtained. B is inverted in this case. 0-1 cannot be subtracted directly. Hence a Borrow is obtained from the next stage that makes B=1. This borrowing adds 2 to X and X becomes 0 + 2 = 2. Hence the DIFFERENCE output D = X-Y-Z = 2-1-0 =1 or D =1 as shown in Table-4. For X=0, Y=0 and Z=1 the difference equation D =X-Y-Z= 0-0-1 to subtract 1 from 0 we need to get a borrow from the next stage hence B =1. This adds 2 to X which makes X= 0+ 2 = 2 and the D = 2-0-1=1 or D=1 and B=1 in this case. This is 5th entry in Table-3.4. For X=0, Y=1, Z=1 the subtraction equation D = 0-1-1. In this case also we need to bring Borrow from the next stage that makes B=1 and adds 2 to X. The subtraction equation now becomes: D= 2-1-1=0 or D=0 and B=1. This is 6th entry in Table-3.4. Experiments with Digital ICs 52 Laboratory Experiments Series Finally for X=1, Y=1 and Z=1 D=1-1-1=0-1 to subtract 1 from 0 a Borrow is needed hence B=1. This adds 2 to X making D=3-1-1=3-2=1 Note These fundamental circuits are of theoretical importance rather than any practical application as such. In practice it is the binary subtraction that is used which needs Z=1 for subtraction. Hence one need not correct the FS circuit by introducing an inverter for Z=0 case. Part-C, Binary Subtractor Case-1: X=Y The binary adder-subtractor circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-3.6 using 7483 IC. The SUB line is connected to logic HI to perform subtraction. The X-bits are connected to 4bit memory cells (Or four HI-LO switches). The Y-bits are also connected to another 4bit memory cells of the digital trainer. The four outputs are connected to four logic monitors of the digital trainer and final Borrow (Output Borrow) is connected 5 th logic monitor on the digital trainer so that the output becomes Subtractor Output = B D3 D2 D1 D0 24. By pressing the control switch of the memory cells the 4-bit inputs X and Y are set to equal values X= X3 X2 X1 X0 =1010 Y= Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 =1010 Outputs displayed on logic monitors are also noted. Subtractor Output = B =0 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 This is the first entry in Table-3.5. Experiment is repeated for a few equal values of X and Y. 25. The X-inputs is set to 1111 (=15 in decimal) and Y inputs are set any value less than 15 and the outputs are noted in Table-3.5 as entries 2,3and 4. The subtraction is straightforward in this case. Case-3: X<Y When X input is greater than Y input the output difference is negative hence it is in the 2’s complement form. Experiments with Digital ICs 53 Laboratory Experiments Series Table-3.5 Entry Condition Input-X Input-Y Outputs X3 X2 X1 X0 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 B D3 D2 D1 D0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X=Y 2 3 7 X>Y X<Y 8 Binary subtractor outputs Case-2: X>Y 26. The X-inputs are fixed at 0110 (6 in decimal) and Y-inputs = 0111 are set greater than 6. In each case the five bit outputs are noted in Table-3.5. The subtractor output is given by X = 0110 = 6 Y = 0111 = 7 X-Y = -1 Subtractor Output = B =1 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 1 1 1 Output = 1 1111 1’s complement of the output = 0 0000 2’s complement of the output = 0 0001 = 1 or answer is -1. By taking 2’s complement of the observed output the subtraction result is obtained. 27. Trial is repeated for different combinations of input and corresponding outputs are recorded in Table-3.5. For inputs X =0000, Y= 0001 the output obtained is1 1 1 1 1 which is equivalent to-1 because 1111, 1’s complement =00000, 2’s complement = 00001 =1, or the answer is -1. 3.12 Results When X>Y, irrespective of Z (Z=don’t care) borrow B=0 or borrow is not required for subtraction. Experiments with Digital ICs 54 Laboratory Experiments Series When X=Y and Z=0 B=0 When X=Y and Z=1 B=1 When X<Y irrespective of Z (Z=X) borrow B=1 or borrow is required for subtraction. When B=1 it adds 2 to X. The subtraction is given by the equation D = X-Y-Z is verified in all the cases. Positive binary numbers are denoted by sign-magnitude form and negative numbers are represented by 2’s complement form in arithmetic process in digital computers. By remembering above facts one can verify the subtractor outputs. References [1] Dr Jeethendra Kumar P K and Uma Prasad, Half, Full and Binary Adder, Lab Experiments, Vo-6, No-3, Page-200. [2] Dr A P Malvino and Jerald A Brown, Digital Computer Electronics, 3 rd Edition, Page79. [3] Texas Instruments, TTL Logic Data Book 1988, Page-2-257. Experiments with Digital ICs 55 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-9 LOGIC SIGNATURE OF A FULL ADDER Abstract Logic signature of a full-adder is obtained using 74LS183 and f, f/2, f/4 frequency signals. Using full adder IC, 4-bit binary adder is constructed and the binary addition is verified. 7.1 Introduction A logic signature of a digital IC is the waveform representation of its truth table. It is obtained on CRO by using control signals. For two input logic gates the four possible inputs are 00, 01, 10 and 11. These four inputs can be generated using f and f/2 square waves [1]. For a three input gates we require three rectangular pulses namely f, f/2 and f/4 to display its logic signature. A full adder performs mathematical operations. It consists of three inputs as shown in Figure-7.1. These three inputs are fed with f, f/2 and f/4 pulses to get logic signature. It is also called as timing diagram. SUM A B A B HA Ci SUM FA Co Carry Figure-7.1: Half adder and Full adder In the half adder, shown in Figure-7.1, the outputs SUM and CARRY are given by CARRY= AB SUM = A ⊕ B …1 …2 In a full adder A and B are two bits and Ci is the input carry and CO is the output carry. The full adder equation is given by CARRY = ABCi + ACi +BCi SUM = A ⊕ B ⊕ C i …3 …4 The SUM and CARRY outputs are easy to implement using logic gates. Dedicated chips are also available in the TTL and CMOS family as full adder ICs. 74LS183 is one such full-adder IC. Figure-7.2 gives the pin diagram of 74LS183. It is a dual full adder with input and out put carries. The carries are used for cascading purpose. These ICs perform binary and BCD additions. Experiments with Digital ICs 56 Laboratory Experiments Series Vcc 2A 2B 2Ci 2Co NC S2 1 3 4 74LS183 A B CI 13 12 11 A B CI S CO S CO 6 5 8 10 74LS183 1A NC 1B 1Ci 1Co S1 GND Figure-7.2: Pin diagram of 74LS183 The binary addition is based on four postulates as shown in Table-7.1. Input A 0+0 0+1 1+0 1+1 Table-7.1 Output Comments B SUM CARRY 0 0 Sum zero carry zero 1 0 Sum one carry zero 1 0 Sum one carry zero 0 1 Sum zero carry one Basic postulates of binary addition TTL IC 74LS183 is a dual full adder [2] used for high-speed Wallance-Tree summing networks. The circuit utilizes high-speed, high fan out, TTL logic, and compatible with both DTL and TTL families. It can be cascaded to get full adder or substractor [3] of any length. Figure-3 shows a 4-bit binary adder obtained using two 74LS183 ICs. In the circuit in Figure7.3, the final carry output is the MSB of the adder. The sum is given by Sum = ∑ = S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 B3 12 A3 2Ci 11 13 …5 B2 A2 3 1 1Ci 4 B1 12 A1 2Ci 11 13 Bo 3 74LS183 10 8 S4 S3 1Co 5 6 S2 Ao 1Ci 4 1 74LS183 2Co 10 8 S1 1Co 5 6 So Figure-7.3, 4-bit Binary Adder The function table of LS183 is shown in Table-7.2. From the function table the timing diagram is obtained as shown in Figuire-7.5. Three square wave signals of different frequencies are used to obtain the logic signatures. IC 555 generates [4] the control signal required to view the logic signature on the CRO. Figure-7.5 shows the complete circuit diagram of the control signals. LS107 JK FF divides the square wave frequencies. Experiments with Digital ICs 57 Laboratory Experiments Series Table-7.2 Input B Input A SUM Output Carry Co 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Logic Table of 74LS183 full adder Input Carry Ci 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Inputs Ci f/4 B f A f/2 SUM Outputs Carry Figure-7.4, Timing diagram or the logic signature of LS183 full adder +5V 4 10K 8 13 4 7 1 10 11 8 10K 2,6 10n 12 5 9 3 74LS107 555 4148 4148 3 14 7 5 0.01 1 f f/2 f/4 Figure-7.5, Various control signals for logic signal display on CRO 7.2 Instruments Used Experiments with Digital ICs 58 Laboratory Experiments Series Digital IC trainer containing 5V power supply, Logic monitors, HI-LO switches, Breadboard and dual trace CRO. DMM containing frequency measurements. 7.3 Components Used ICs 74LS183, 555, 74LS107, Resistors 10K, capacitors 0.01µF, 10nF, diodes 4148. 7.4 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of two parts namely Part-A, Determination of logic signature Part-B, 4-bit addition Part-A, Determination of Logic Signature 1. Rigging circuit as shown in Figure-7.5 control signals are generated. 2. The frequencies of the control signals are noted using frequency counter (DMM) f = 5.8KHz, f/2= 2.9KHz, f/4 = 1.45KHz The frequencies are accurately divided. 3. The control signals are fed to one part of the dual full adder as shown in Figure-7.6 +5V 2.9KHz 5.8KHz 1.45KHz A B Ci 1 3 4 1/2-74LS183 14 6 SUM 5 Co Channel-A Chaneel-B 7 Figure-7.6: Circuit connections for logic signature display on CRO The control signals are monitored one compared to other. Finally, the carry is monitored on CRO channel-B and the sum is monitored on CRO channel-A. The CRO waveform is recorded as shown in Figure-7.7. The waveforms obtained are compared with waveforms generated from the function Table-7.2 and shown in Figure-7.4. It was observed that both the waves are identical. Experiments with Digital ICs 59 Laboratory Experiments Series 4. The controls signals are now removed and the inputs A B Ci are connected to the HI-lO switches and the outputs are monitored on logic monitors. For different combinations of input listed in Table-7.2, the outputs are observed and compared with Table-7.2. This verifies functional table of the full adder. Figure-7.7, Logic signature of full adder Part-B, 4-bit addition 5. 4-bit full adder circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-7.3. The inputs Ci is set to logic LO. And input bits B3 B2 B1 B0 and A3 A2 A1A0 are connected to HI-LO switches. The outputs sum and carry are connected to the logic monitors. For different input bits, the output is monitored and recorded in Table-7.3. 6. Trial is repeated for different input combinations in case of Ci =1. In each case the sum, S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 is recoded in Table-7.3 that verifies binary addition. Table-7.3 A3 A2 A1A0 Ci B3 B2 B1 B0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0001 0100 1000 1000 0 1 4 8 8 0000 0100 0010 0010 1000 1 1 1 1 1 0000 0001 0100 1000 1000 0 1 4 8 8 0000 0100 0010 0010 1000 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 Total 0 4 2 2 8 00000 00101 00110 01010 10000 0 5 6 10 16 0 4 2 2 8 00001 00110 00111 01011 10001 0 6 7 11 17 4-Bit addition function table 7.5 Results Experiments with Digital ICs 60 Laboratory Experiments Series 1. The full adder 74LS 183-logic signature is obtained using control signals. The waveform obtained (Figure-7.7) is identical to the waveform generated (Figure-7.4) from function table (Table-7.2). 2. Two ICs are cascaded to get 4-bit binary adder and the binary additions are verified. The final carry is the MSB of the sum. 7.6 Discussion TTL IC 74LS183 is a dual full adder which can be cascaded to get any binary and BCD additions. It also can be used to obtain subtraction using suitable controlled inverters. These applications will be published in the future volumes of LE. The sweep technique used to get logic signature can be applied to any logic gate and similar logic signature of the gates can be obtained. References [1] Sumalatha et al, Logic Function Table Displayer, LE Vol-1, No-1, Nov-2001, Page26. [2] TTL Logic, Standard TTL, Schottky, Low power Schottky Data Book, Texas Instruments, 1988, Page-2-256. [3] Malvino A P, Brown J A, digital Computer Electronics, 3 rd Edn, 1997, Page-86. [4] Dr S R Sawant, LE, Vol-2, No-1, June-2002, Page-29 Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series Chapter-3 Flip-Flops Experiments with Digital ICs 61 62 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-10 RS AND D FLIP-FLOPS USING GATES Abstract The Reset-Set (RS) and D Flip-Flops (FFs) are constructed using universal gates 7400 and 7402. Their truth tables are studied and the FFs are clocked to understand the process of data storage and data retension. After the experiment the student should be in a position to differentiate RS and D FFs, its possible applications, and the importance of CLK control terminal in FFs. Introduction Flip-Flops are memory elements of digital computer. These memory units store binary bits. A FF has two stable states. It remains in one of its stable state until power is on or until it is changed, hence FF store digital data. To control the bits stored control the bits stored control signals are added. Two such control signals R & S are added to get a FF known as RS FF. The RS or the Reset-Set FF is the simplest form of memory elements. FF can be constructed using discrete components gates or FF ICs are also available. A RS FF constructed using gates is shown in Figure-1. A high R reset (Q=0) the FF and a high S sets (Q=1) it. Figure-1: RS FF using Universal Gates When both control signals R & S are zero there won’t be change in the outputs states of the FF. It continues in its last state. A high control signal on R&S will force the memory element to set or reset and this condition is known as race and in this state the output is unpredictable. It can be 0 in some trials and can be 1 in some other trials. The RS FF action is summarized in Table-1 for both the above circuits. R 0 0 1 1 S 0 1 0 1 Table-1 Q Output states NC Last state 1 Set 0 Reset * Race(unpredictable) RS Truth table To co-ordinate the overall action of FF a square wave called clock (CLK) is sent to FF. This signal prevents the FF from changing the states until the right time. Clocked FFs are shown in Figure-2. It is possible to store the FF in order to store information ( set it or reset it) at any time and hold the information for any desired period of time by the clock. In the Figure-2 a high CLK ENABLES the FF and low CLK DISABLE the FF as shown in the Truth Table-2. Figure-2: Clocked RS Flip-Flop Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series CLK 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 63 Table-2 R S Q Description 0 0 0 1 0 0 Disable 0 1 0 Not Operative 1 1 0 0 0 NC Last state 1 0 0 Reset 0 1 1 Set 1 1 * Race Clocked RS FF Truth Table (Note: with CLK=0, Q may be either 0 or 1 depending on the last state of the FF) D Flip-Flop RS FF is susceptible to a race condition. This can be avoided by the use of a inverter as shown in Figure-3. This inverter guarantees that R&S be never the same. Therefore it is impossible to set up a race condition in this FF. And the new FF is known as D FF. Figure-3: Clocked D FF The clock will enable or disable the FF as in the previous case. The D truth table is given in Table-3 CLK 0 0 1 1 Table-3 D Q 0 NC 1 NC 0 0 1 1 D Truth Table Description Previous state Reset Set A low deactivate the FF or in other words FF stores or remembers, when CLK is high D controls the output. A high D sets the FF, while a low D reset it. Experimental Procedure 1. A clocked R-S FF circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-3 2. Pin-14 of 7400 is connected to +5V and pin-7 GND 3. The Q output is monitored on a logic monitor 4. CLK is connected to logic LO Experiments with Digital ICs 64 Laboratory Experiments Series 5. For different combinations of R&S Q is noted and tabulated in Table-4 6. Now CLK is taken to logic high and for different input conditions of R&S Q noted in Table-4 7. Experiment is repeated with 7402, and the corresponding readings are noted in Table-4 8. A D FF circuit is now rigged as shown in Figure-3. Pin-14 is connected to +5V and pin-7 to GND 9. With clock high for different value of D output Q is monitored on a logic monitor and recorded in Table-5. Table-4 CLK 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 NAND R S 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 * CLK 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 NOR R 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 S 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Q 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 * Table-5 NAND CLK D 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Q CLK 0 1 1 1 NC 0 NC 0 D Truth Table NOR D 0 1 0 1 Q 0 1 NC NC 10. Now the clock is taken to low and for D=), 1 the output is noted and tabulated in Table-5. 11. Experiment is repeated with 7402 and the corresponding outputs are recorded in Table-5 Results 1. A RS FF is enabled (activated) when CLK is high. And it is disabled when CLK is low. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 65 2. With high clock, FF can be Reset with high R and low S. 3. With high clock, FF can be set with high S and low R. 4. With R=S=1 the FF output is unpredictable and hence should be avoided. 5. A D FF can be set with high D and reset with low D. This takes place when CLK is high. A low CLK disables the FF. References [1] JD Ryder, Electronic Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 1978, P-428 [2] AP Malvino & DP Leach, Digital Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill Fourth Edition, 1991, P-260. Experiments with Digital ICs 66 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-11 D & JK FLIP-FLOPS USING ICs Abstract Characteristics of dual D FF 7474 and dual JK FF 7476 are studied. Toggling in JK FF, its frequency division and the role of preset and clear inputs on FF are studied. Introduction Logic gates are decision making elements of digital computer. Flip-Flops are memory elements. FF has two stable states. It remains in one of its stable state until external trigger changes it. It remains in its new state even after the removal of the triggering signal and hence it retains the data or it stores the data. There are three basic types of flip-flops can be constructed using logic gates. Ready made FF ICs are now available in the market. A FF consists of two input terminals known as data inputs and two output terminals (Q and Q ). In addition to these terminals FF has a clock (CLK) terminal, a preset and a clear terminal. Computers use thousands of such FFs. To co-ordinate the overall action, a square wave called the clock (CLK) is sent to each flip-flops. This signal prevents the flip-flops from changing states until right time. There are two types of clocking. Level clocking (positive level clocking and negative level clocking) is the simplest way of controlling FFs. More efficient and high speed clocking is known as Edge triggering. In this case FF will be active only at a unique instant of clocking pulse. In edge triggering also there are two types namely positive edge triggering and negative edge triggering. D Flip-Flop This one input FF is a modification of RS FF. In D FF racing avoided by the use a inverter between R & S control inputs. 7474 is a TTL dual positive edge triggered FF with preset and clear terminals. Figure-1 shows pin configurations of 7474. Figure-1: Pin configurations of 7474 The FF accepts data at D input on the positive going edge of clock pulse. A low logic on the preset or clear inputs Set or Reset the FF irrespective of the logic on the D input. JK Flip-Flop 7476 is a dual Master-Slave JK FF with clear and preset inputs. During the positive pulse of the clock. J&K inputs are transferred to the master. On the negative transition of the clock, the data from the master is transferred to the salve. A low logic on the preset or clear inputs set or reset the output. Figure-2 shows pin configuration of7476. Figure-2: Pin Configuration of 7476 Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 67 Experimental Procedure 1. Pin-14 of 7474 is connected to +5V and pin-7 to GND. Out of the two FFs one is selected. 2. With preset PR1 (Pin-4) low and clear CLR1(Pin-1) high output Q1 (Pin-5) is monitored on a logic monitor. The output state is compared with truth table-1. This is the SET state or the FF. 3. Now preset PR1 is held high and clear CLR1 is held low, Q1 output is noted. This is the RESET state of the FF 4. With PR1 and CLR1 both low, the output is found to be unstable. This is observed by repeated trials. 5. Now PR1 and CLR1 both taken to high. A clock signal of 1KHz frequency is introduced at the clock input CLK1 (Pin-3) and D1(Pin-2) is also held high. The output is observed on a oscilloscope with respect to the clock. The output is traced as shown below. In this state D1 control the output. Figure-3: Timing diagram of 7474 6. D1 is taken low and Q1 is traced with respect to clock as shown in Figure-3. In this state D1 control the outputs. 7. The experiment is repeated with 7476. Pin-5 of 7476 is connected to +5V and Pin13 to GND. Out pf the two FFs one selected. 8. Preset PR1 (Pin-2) is held low and clear CLR1 (Pin-3) is held high, the output Q1 (Pin-15) is monitored on the logic monitor. This is the SET state of the FF. 9. With preset PR1 high, clear CLR1 low Q1 is again noted and compared with the truth table given in Table-2. This is the RESET state of the FF. 10. Experiment is repeated as per the Table-2 for various combinations of J, K, CLK1. 11. To observe toggling J&K are held high with both CLR1 and PR1 high. The two outputs Q1 (Pin-15) and Q 1 (Pin-14) are monitored. A 1Hz clock is connected to the clock input CLK1 (Pin – 1). The monitors going on and off repeatedly indicate the toggle. 12. Clock frequency is now increased to 1KHz. And both the monitors going on is noted. This is still the toggle state. The action is so fast the LEDs appears to be on Experiments with Digital ICs 68 Laboratory Experiments Series always. Instead of monitoring Q1 and Q1 on logic monitors, the outputs are connected to a oscilloscope and output wave form is traced with respect to the clock as shown in figure-4 Figure-4: Timing Diagram of 7476 From the timing diagram the division in the frequency is noted. Secondly when Q1 is set (high) Q 1 is reset (low). This set and reset is continuous with the clock demonstrating the toggle. Results 1. The D & JK FFs are SET with a high clear and low preset, and RESET with a low clear and high preset. In the SET or RESET state the clock or the control inputs (D in case of D FF and J, K in JK FF) doesn’t have any effect on the Q outputs. 2. 7474, D FF is a edge triggered FF and 7476, JK FF is a pulse triggered FF. 3. The toggle in JK FF is an indication of the arrival of a clock pulse at the clock input. Therefore, it could be used for counting applications. Further, the output frequency is half the clock frequency hence it act like or frequency divider. 4. There is a state in FFs when the output is found to be unstable. This is obtained for clear and preset both low. This condition has to be avoided when using FFs. References [1] LS/S/TTL Logic Data Book, National Semi-Conductor, 1989, Page-4-75, 4-81. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 69 Experiment-12 MAGNITUDE COMPARATOR Abstract Comparators are decision-making devices in memory related applications. In this paper function tables of 4-bit and 3-bit magnitude comparator are verified using 74LS85 TTL IC. Introduction A magnitude comparator compares two binary numbers or BCD numbers. It consists of two four-bit inputs and three output terminals. TTL 74LS85 is a 4-bit magnitude comparator widely used in industrial applications. These comparators can be cascaded to get higher bit comparators [1]. An analog comparator consists only one output terminal [2] whereas digital comparators consist of three out terminals. 74LS85 Magnitude Comparator B3 A 1 16 Vcc Bin A3 A = Bin B2 A Bin A B out A=B out A Bout GND A2 7485 A1 B1 A0 8 9 B0 Figure-1: Pin diagram of 74LS85 Figure-1 shows pin diagram of TTL 4-bit magnitude comparator IC 74LS85. It can compare two 4-bit binary or BCD numbers. One among the three outputs that is high indicates the result of comparison. For example the Logic HI output on A=B output terminal indicates that both the input numbers are equal. If the A>B output is HI indicating that Number A is bigger than number B. Similarly if A<B output is at HI state indicating that the number A is less than number B. In this manner the two 4-bit numbers are compared. Pins 2,3,4 are input pins used during cascading. Pins 5,6,7 are output terminals. Using these ICs two 24-bit numbers can be compared [1]. It can also compare less than 4-bit numbers. For a 3-bit comparator, the MSB bits B3 and A3 are grounded. For two-bit comparator B3 B2 A3 A2 bits are grounded. In normal 4-bit comparator operation pins 2&4 are grounded and pin-3 is connected to VCC. Instruments Used Experiments with Digital ICs 70 Laboratory Experiments Series Digital trainer contains solderless bread board, 5V power supply, logic inputs (HI-LO switches) and logic monitors. The Digital Trainer DIC-201 KamalJeeth make used in this experiment is shown in Figure-2. Figure-2: Digital Trainer DIC-201 Components Used IC 74LS85, resistors 180 Ohms, LEDs Experimental Procedure 1. 4-bit binary comparator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-3. Pin 16 of the IC is connected +5V supply and pin-8 is grounded. 2. The 4-bit inputs are connected to 8-HI-LO switches of the digital trainer. 3. The three outputs are connected to three LEDs as shown in Figure-3. Or it can be directly connected to logic monitors of the digital trainer. Experiments with Digital ICs 71 Laboratory Experiments Series +5V 16 A3 15 4-bit A2 input-A A1 To HI-LO switches A0 13 12 7 10 6 74LS85 B3 1 4-bit B2 Input-B B1 To HI-LO switches B0 5 A B A=B A B 14 11 180 9 180 180 8 Figure-3: Magnitude comparator circuit Table-1 A3 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 A2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 A-bits A1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 B-bits A0 Dec. B3 B2 B1 B0 Dec. 0 8 0 1 0 0 6 0 12 0 1 0 0 6 0 14 0 1 0 0 6 0 8 1 1 0 0 12 0 8 1 1 1 0 14 0 8 1 1 1 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 8 0 12 1 1 0 0 12 0 14 1 1 1 0 14 1 15 1 1 1 1 15 Function table of 4-bit comparator 74LS85 4. Inputs are set on HI-LO switches as A3A2A1A0 =1 0 0 0 = 8 (in decimal) and B3B2B1B0 = 0 1 0 0 = 6 5. The three output states indicated by the LEDs are noted in table-1. Output A<B = 0 Output A>B = 1 Experiments with Digital ICs Outputs A<B A=B A>B 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 72 Laboratory Experiments Series Output A=B = 0 In the three outputs A>B = 1 which indicates that 4-bit number A is greater than 4-bit number B or in other words 8>6. 16 14 A=B A>B 12 A-bits 10 8 6 A<B 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 B-bits Figure-4: Bit comparison 6. Trial is repeated for different values of A and B. In each case the three outputs are noted in Table-1. A3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 A-bits A1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Table-2 B-bits A0 Dec. B3 B2 B1 B0 Dec. 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 4 0 1 0 0 4 0 6 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 4 0 1 0 0 4 0 6 0 1 1 0 6 1 7 0 1 1 1 7 Function table of 3-bit comparator 74LS85 Outputs A<B A=B A>B 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 7. A graph is drawn taking A-bits on Y-axis and B-bits on X- axis as shown in Figure-4. The straight line belongs to A=B. The area above the straight line belongs to A>B output and area below the straight line belongs to A<B output. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 73 8. The voltage corresponding to HI State output and LO state outputs are also noted using a DMM. It is observed that the HI state and LO state voltages remained the same for all three states of the outputs. HI state output = 3.12V LO state output = 0.12V 9. Experiment is repeated for 3-bit comparator by grounding inputs A3 and B3 throughout the trial. The readings obtained are tabulated in Table-2. Results The results obtained are tabulated in Table-3. Table-3 Input Conditions Output States A=B A<B A>B 1 0 0 A3A2A1A0 < B3B2B1B0 A3A2A1A0 = B3B2B1B0 0 1 0 0 0 1 A3A2A1A0 > B3B2B1B0 Experimental results Discussion The straight line in Figure-3 represents the three output states of the magnitude comparator. The straight line A=B is not a thin line because it is from digital output. One bit (195mV) resolution is present between output states. References [1] Texas Instruments, TTL Logic Data Book, 1988, Page-2-263. [2] Dr Jeethendra Kumar P K, Positive and Negative Peak Detector, Lab Experiments, Vol-7, No-4, Page-255. Experiments with Digital ICs 74 Laboratory Experiments Series Chapter -4 Registers and Counters Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 75 Experiment-13 GRAY CODE GENERATOR Abstract A parallel binary to Gray and Gray to binary code generator is studied using 74LS193/92 binary up-down counter and 74LS86 XOR gates. The timing diagrams are recorded and the conversion is verified. 6.1 Introduction Gray code is one of frequently used code similar to binary, BCD and 8421. It makes use of binary number 0 and 1. The humming distance between two consecutive binary numbers is one. Hence, Gray code is a binary sequence in which only one bit changes per humming distance. Frank Gray invented this and named after him. Originally, the code was known as cyclic-permuted code. The need for different code other than binary became necessary during the vacuum tube era. Digital logic circuits were constructed using relays and vacuum tubes during that era. These electromechanical circuits developed large noise and power requirements especially when the digit is changing from HI bit to LO bit (1111 to 0000, here four bits change their status at once), the back emf from the relay created huge noise. Using gray code, any increment or decrement changed only one bit, regardless of the size of the number. Gray code was a boon at that time. The codes were patented in 1953 in the name of Frank Gray for Bell Labs [1]. At present Gray, code is used for encoding shaft position data from machines such as computer-controlled lathes [2]. An N bit Gary code generator also can produce (N-1) different frequencies, hence used for frequency division. If B3 B2 B1 B0 is 4-bit binary, number then the equivalent Gray code G3 G2 G1 G0 is given by G3 = B3 G2 = B3 ⊕ B2 G1= B2 ⊕ B1 G0= B1 ⊕ B0 …1 …2 …3 …4 Equations 1 to 4 show the relationship between binary and Gray code. These mathematical equalities can be implemented electronically using XOR gates. Such a circuit that converts binary code in to Gray code is called binary-to-Gray code converter. Gray code G0 or the LSB starts with one 0 followed by two 1s and two 0s, G1 or the second LSB starts with two 0s followed by four 1s and four 0s, G2 or the third LSB starts with four 0s followed by eight 1s and eight 0s, G3 or the fourth LSB starts with eight 0s followed by sixteen 1s and sixteen 0s. In general nth LSB of a Gray code starts with 2n-1 0s followed by 2n 1s and 2n 0s. Using this definition one can write Gray code of any width. Based on this definition the Gray codes for first 16 binary states (4-bit) are listed in Table-6.1. Table-6.1 Experiments with Digital ICs 76 Laboratory Experiments Series Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Binary Code Gray Code B3 B2 B1 B0 G3 G2 G1 G0 0000 0000 0001 0001 0010 0011 0011 0010 0100 0110 0101 0111 0110 0101 0111 0100 1000 1100 1001 1101 1010 1111 1011 1110 1100 1010 1101 1011 1110 1001 1111 1000 The first 16 Gray codes The reverse process of converting Gray code to binary code is governed by following equations. MSB B3 G3 1 B2 3 G2 6 G1 8 G0 2 7486 4 B1 5 7486 9 LSB B0 10 7486 Figure-6.1, Four-bit parallel binary to Gray code converter B3 = G3 …5 B2 = G2 ⊕ G3 …6 B1= G1 ⊕ B2 = G1 ⊕ G2 ⊕ G3 …7 B0= G0 ⊕ B1 = G0 ⊕ G1 ⊕ G2 ⊕ G3 …8 Based on these equations (1 to 8) the binary to Gray and Gray to binary converter circuits are shown in Figures-6.1 and 6.2 respectively. Experiments with Digital ICs 77 Laboratory Experiments Series MSB G3 B3 1 3 B2 6 B1 8 B0 2 G2 7486 4 5 G1 7486 9 LSB 10 G0 7486 Figure-6.2, Four-bit parallel Gray to binary code converter 6.2 Gray Code Generator +5V 16 11 Load 7 QD B3 QC B2 G3 1 74LS193/92 6 3 G2 6 G1 8 G0 2 7486 CLK 5 4 2 QB B1 5 CLR 7486 14 8 3 9 10 1 15 D C B A QA 9 B0 10 7486 Figure6.-3, Four bit Gray code generator Gray code generator converts a clock signal in to Gray code signal. Such a generator consists of Gray code converter and a binary counter as shown in Figure-6.3. The clock signal which has to be converted in to Gray code signal is connected to clock input (CLK) of 74LS193 binary up-down counter [3]. The Load terminal (Pin-11) of the counter IC is tied to +5V and the clear terminal CLR (Pin-14) is tied to ground. The preset input terminals DCBA (Pins 10,9,1,15) are also grounded. The Gray to binary code generator circuit is shown in Figure6.4. Experiments with Digital ICs 78 Laboratory Experiments Series +5V 11 Load 16 7 QD G3 QC G2 B3 1 6 74LS193/92 CLK 3 B2 6 B1 8 B0 2 7486 4 5 QB 2 G1 5 7486 CLR 9 3 9 10 1 15 D C B A 8 14 QA G0 10 7486 Figure-6.4, Gray to binary code generator B0 B1 B2 B3 G0 G1 G2 G3 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Figure-6.5, 4-Bit Gray code generated using table-1 The Gray code generated using the Table-6.1 is shown in Figure-6.5. A similar timing diagram can be generated for any bit-width. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 79 The outputs of the binary counter generate 16 logic states listed in Table-6.1; these binary bits are inputs to the Gray code converter. The output of the Gray code generator is rectangular pulses with three different frequencies. Frequency of B1 equal to G0, B2 equal to G1, B3 equal to G2. However, there is 90, 180 and 360 degrees phase difference among them respectively. G3 is 720-degree phase difference with B3 and its frequency is half of G2. 6.3 Instruments Used Digital trainer containing 5V regulated power supply, logic monitors, 1KHz clock and dual trace CRO. 6.4 Components Used ICs 74LS193, 74LS86 6.5 Experimental Procedure Part-A, Binary to Gray code generator 1 Binary to Gray code generator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-6.3. The clock input of the binary up-down counter is fed with 1KHz clock signal. 2 The binary counter output B0 is monitored on CRO channel-B in compared to Clock signal on Channel-A of the CRO. The waveform is recorded. 3 Similarly binary counter output B1 is monitored compared to B0, B2 is monitored compared to B1, B3is monitored compared to B2 and the wave forms are recorded as shown in Figure-6.6. 4 The counter outputs shown in Figure-6.6 generate 16-bit input to the Gray code converter. This is similar to 16 different binary inputs shown in Table-6.1. Figure-6.6, 74LS193 output waveforms Left top B0, bottom B1 right top B2, bottom B3 The Gray code outputs G0 and G1 are monitored on channel-A and channel-B of the CRO and the waveforms are recorded. Similarly, G2 G3 is monitored one compared to other. The waveforms recorded are shown in Figure-6.7. Experiments with Digital ICs 80 Laboratory Experiments Series 1. The waveforms observed matched with the waveform shown in Figure-6.5, indicating perfectness in the conversion. Figure-6.7, Gray code generator output waveforms Left topG1, bottomG0, right top G3, bottom G2. Part-B, Gray to binary code generator 2. The Gray to binary code generator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-6.4. Table-6.2 Binary to Gray code Gray to binary code Decimal converter converter Binary Gray Gray Binary 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 0001 0001 0001 0001 2 0010 0011 0010 0011 3 0011 0010 0011 0010 4 0100 0110 0100 0111 5 0101 0111 0101 0110 6 0110 0101 0110 0100 7 0111 0100 0111 0101 8 1000 1100 1000 1111 9 1001 1101 1001 1110 10 1010 1111 1010 1100 11 1011 1110 1011 1101 12 1100 1010 1100 1000 13 1101 1011 1101 1001 14 1110 1001 1110 1011 15 1111 1000 1111 1010 Gray to binary and binary Gray code conversion 3. The binary counter input is fed with 1-KHz clock signal and the output of the Gray to binary code generator output is monitored on CRO screen. The outputs B0 and B1 are compared and recorded. Similarly, outputs B2 and B3 are compared. The outputs observed are shown in Figure-6.8. 4. The output waveforms obtained are verified by feeding HI-LO inputs. Gray to binary and binary to gray code converter as shown in Figures-6. 1 and 6.2. The inputs are fed from HI-LO switches and the output is monitored on logic monitors. The outputs recorded are tabulated in Table-6.2. Experiments with Digital ICs 81 Laboratory Experiments Series Figure-6.8: Gray to binary code generator output waveforms Left topB1, bottomB0, right top B3, bottom B2. G0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 G1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 G2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 G3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 B0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 B1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 B2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 B3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Figure-6.9, Gray to binary converter output waveforms 5. The waveforms generated from Table-6.2, for Gray to binary converter is shown in Figure-6.9. It is seen that the waveforms generated matched with Figure-6.8, indicating perfect conversion. 6.6 Results Binary to Gray and Gray to binary code generator functioning is verified. The output waveforms agreed with the predicted waveform as per conversion table (Table-6.1). With 1KHz, clock input three different frequencies are obtained at the output of the generator. These frequencies are 62.5Hz, 125Hz and 250Hz. 6.7 Discussion Binary to Gray code conversion was important invention during the vacuum tube technology. At present it is used in heavy duty machines controlled by computer were power is an important considerations such as CMC machine. As such, it is not used in regulator digital Experiments with Digital ICs 82 Laboratory Experiments Series design. Instead of feeding clock signal any digital can be fed and the corresponding Gray, code can be obtained. This is exactly done in machines. References [1] Gray code from FOLDOC, [2] Douglas V Hall, Microprocessors and interfacing, 2nd Edn, Page-3. [3] T Aswathnarayana Rao, Synchronous 4-bit up-down counter, LE Vol-3, No-2, June2003, Page-103. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 83 Experiment-14 SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT UP-DOWN COUNTER Abstract In a 4-bit synchronous up-down counter 74LS193, forward and reverse counting of input pulse is studied. The counter is tested for preset input in both the directions. The functioning of Load, CLR control pins are verified and two such counter ICs are joined to form a 8-bit cascaded counter. The forward and reverse counting is verified. The output waveforms are recorded by applying a square wave signal. 8.1 Introduction SN 74LS192 and 74LS193 are monolithic circuits capable of counting input pulse in both the directions. A control signal called Up makes the counter to count from a pre determined value and count Down signal makes it to count in the downward direction from the pre determined value. LS 192 is BCD counter and LS193 is binary counter. Synchronous operation is provided by having all the flip-flops (FFs) clocked simultaneously so that the outputs change coincidently with each other when so instructed by the steering logic. The outputs of the four master-slave FFs are trigged by a low-to-high level transition of either count (clock) input. The direction of counting is determined by which count input is pulsed while the other count input is high. All the four counters are fully programmable that is each output may be present to either level by entering the desired data at the data inputs while the load input is low. The output will change to agree with the data inputs independently of the count pulses. This feature allows the counters to be used as modulo-N dividers by simply modifying the count length with the preset inputs. A clear input has been provided which forces all outputs to the low level when a high level is applied. The clear function is independent of the count and load inputs. The clear, count, and load inputs are buffered to lower the drive requirements. This reduces the number of clock drivers etc, required for long words. These counters are designed to cascade without the need of external circuitry. Both borrow and carry outputs are available for cascading. The borrow output produce a pulse equal in width to the count down input when the counter under flows. Similarly, the carry output produces a pulse equal in width to the count-up input when an over flow condition exists. The counters can be then be easily cascaded by feeding the borrow and carry outputs to the countdown and count-up inputs respectively of the succeeding counter [1]. The maximum frequency of the count signal is 32MHz. In addition, the maximum power dissipation by the counter is 95mW. Figure-8.1 shows the pin diagrams of LS192 and LS193 counters. Experiments with Digital ICs 84 8.2 Laboratory Experiments Series Input DCBA are binary input to the counter which can be loaded at the output of the counter by taking the load terminal to Logic LO when the Load terminal comes back to HI the counter starts counting from the loaded value and continues to count up to 1111 (15) and resets to 0000 at the arrival of 16th clock pulse. This is very useful input predetermined value. It finds extensive applications in stop clock applications to start system at a predetermined time or shut down the system at a predetermined time. B 1 17 Vcc QB 2 16 A QA 3 14 CLR Down 4 13 BO/ Up 5 12 CO/ QC 6 11 LOAD/ QD 7 10 C 8 9 D GND 74LS192/193 15 1 10 9 5 4 11 14 A B C D QA QB QC QD UP DN LOAD CLR CO BO 3 2 6 7 12 13 74LS193/192 Figure-8.1 Pin diagram of 74LS192/193 Synchronous counter 8.3 Clock input UP and DOWN These two terminals are clock inputs to the counter. A square wave input or a mono pulse at this input initiates the counting. When Up is inputted with clock signal the counters start counting in the upward direction in the increasing order. When the down terminal is inputted with clock signal the counter starts counting downward in decreasing manner. With input load at DCBA terminals, the counting starts from the loaded input value. 8.4 Output QD Q CQ B QA BCD outputs are available at the output terminals QD QC QB QA, which directly drive BCD display. 8.5 LOAD The load terminal is active low. When load terminal is taken to logic LO the input set on the input terminals DCBA is loaded and appears at the output terminals. When load terminal is taken back to HI the counter is ready to count at the arrival of clock pulse. 8.6 Clear (CLR) Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 85 Clear is also active low control signal. A logic HI at the clear input clears the counter and the output becomes 0000. When clear terminal is taken back to LO the counter is ready to count from the beginning. 8.7 Borrow and carry (BO and CO) BO is borrow input and CO is carry input. Both these are used during cascading of LS193/192. BO is active low and is connected to DOWN input and CO is connected UP input. 8.8 Instruments Used Digital trainer DIC201 with 5V power supply, logic monitors, HI-LO switches, monopulse and 1KHz clock signal, breadboard and dual trace CRO. 8.9 Components Used IC 74LS193, 74LS04 8.10 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of three parts Part-A, Down counting Part-B, Up counting Part-C, Cascading counters Part-A, Down counting 1. The circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-8.2 using 74LS193 IC and 74LS04. 2. The input DCBA are connected HI-LO switches and DCBA is set to 0000. The counter is cleared by taking CLR control to Logic HI (5V) and brought back to Logic LO. Now the counter is cleared off its memory. 3. The Load is taken to Logic HI, the counter is now ready to count the pulse. 4. First pulse is applied by pressing the monopulse micro switch. The output now reads as QD QC QB QA = 1111 on the logic monitors. 5. Second pulse is applied and the corresponding output is noted on Table-8.1. Application of pulse is continued until the 15 plusses and the 16th pulse sets counter back to 1111. 6. The load terminal is held at logic LO and input DCBA=0110 is set on the input HI-LO switches. When Load is taken to high the input is loaded in to the counter, hence the counter out put becomes QD QC QB QA = 0110 Experiments with Digital ICs 86 Laboratory Experiments Series 7. Now mono pulse is applied and the down counting starts from 0110. After the first pulse, the output becomes 0l01. Further pulses reduce the count by one. The corresponding outputs obtained are tabulated in Table-8.1. To Logic Monitors +5V Load Input +5V +5V LOAD 16 Reset 7 6 2 4 74LS193/192 74LS04 Pin 14 +5V Pin 7 GND 3 11 Count CLR QD QC QB QA Down 14 Count 8 2 1 Mono Pulse 74LS04 10 D 9 1 C B To HI-LO Input Switches 15 A Figure-8.2, Down counting circuit diagram Pulse 0 1 2 3 15 16 0 1 2 3 6 7 Table-8.1 Load DCBA QD QC QB QA 0 0000 0000 1 0000 1111 1 0000 1110 1 0000 1101 1 0000 0000 1 0000 1111 0 0110 0110 1 0110 0101 1 0110 0100 1 0110 0011 1 0110 0000 1 0110 1111 Pulse down counting 8.11 Output waveforms The clock input is replaced by 1KHz square wave signal instead of monopulse. The counter starts counting down ward. However, the entire monitor LED glows, you will not be able to see the change in the states because of high frequency. Using a CRO the output can be now recorded one by one compared to previous. 8. The monopulse is replaced by 1KHz clock signal. The clock signal is monitored on channel-A of the CRO, one among the four outputs is monitored on channel-B at time, and the waveforms are recorded as shown in Figure-8.3. After sketching one of the Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 87 outputs the next output, waveform is monitored and the waveforms are recoded for all the four outputs. It is seen from the waveform the frequency of the output is given by f ox = 1 2x …2 f CLK Where x = 1,2,3,4 and fCLK is the clock frequency Clock 1KHz QA 500Hz QB 250Hz QC 125Hz QD 62.5Hz Figure-8.3, Output waveforms Part-B, Up counting Pulse 0 1 2 3 15 16 0 1 2 3 7 8 Table-8.2 Load DCBA QD QC QB QA 0 0000 0000 1 0000 0001 1 0000 0010 1 0000 0011 1 0000 1111 1 0000 0000 0 1000 1000 1 1000 1001 1 1000 1010 1 1000 1011 1 1000 1111 1 1000 0000 Pulse up counting 9. The experiment is continued by connecting the clock to Up input. Clock terminal is connected to monopulse, load is taken to LO, and input DCBA is set to 0000. When load comes back to HI the counter is ready for counting. The first pulse is applied and the output QD QC QB QA = 0001 is noted in Table-8.2. 10. Input is now set to 1000 and load is taken to LO. This loads the input and the output now becomes QD QC QB QA = 1000. Load is taken back to HI and pulse is applied. The output Experiments with Digital ICs 88 Laboratory Experiments Series is incremented by one and process continues with the application of pulses. The output observed is recorded in Table-8.2. Part-C, Cascading counters 11. The circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-8.4 with two LS193 ICs. This becomes 8-bit updown counter. Count +5V Load Input To Logic Monitors +5V QH QG QF 16 7 6 2 +5V 11 3 4 74LS193/192 5 8 10 H 9 G 1 15 F E To HI-LO Input Switches To Logic Monitors SW SPDT QE 11 DOWN BO UP 14 CO 16 QD QC QB QA 7 6 2 74LS04 Pin 14 +5V Pin 7 GND 3 13 2 4 74LS193/192 12 Mono Pulse 74LS04 8 14 1 Down 10 D Clear +5V Count 9 C 1 15 B A To HI-LO Input Switches SW SPDT Figure-8.4, Cascaded 8-bit up-down counter 12. Mono pulse is fed through the inverter to Down input. Pin 14 CLR is taken to logic LO and when CLR returns to HI the counter is ready to count and the output becomes 1111 1111. Table-8.3 Pulse Load HGFE DCBA Q H QG QF QE QD QC QB QA 0 0 0000 0000 1111 1111 1 1 0000 0000 1111 1110 2 1 0000 0000 1111 1101 255 1 0000 0000 0000 0001 256 1 0000 0000 1111 1111 0 0 1100 0011 1100 0011 0 1 1100 0011 1100 0011 1 1 1100 0011 1100 0010 2 1 1100 0011 1100 0001 3 1 1100 0011 1100 0000 8-bit cascaded down counting 13. The inputs 0000 0000 (HGFE DCBA) is set on HI-LO switches. And LOAD (Pin 11) is taken to HI. First monopulse is applied by pressing monopulse micro switch. The output now reads 1111 1110. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 89 14. Application of monopulse is continued and the corresponding output is noted in Table8.3. 15. After reaching 255th pulse, the counter resets at the 256th pulse to 1111 1111. Now the LOAD signal is set to LO and input is set to 1100 0011 on the HI-LO input switches. LOAD is taken back to HI and output now reads 1100 0011. 16. Monopulse is applied and corresponding out put is noted in Table-8.3. 17. Feeding monopulses to UP input is continued and the outputs are recorded in Table-8.3. 8.12 Results 1. The 4-bit up down counter is reset with HI CLR signal and when CLR comes to LO the counter is ready to count. 2. The preset inputs are loaded to the counter, by taking LOAD to HI and when LOAD comes back to LO counting starts from the loaded input value. 3. When clock pulses are fed, to UP input the counter starts counting towards the upper side and when the clock pulses are fed to DOWN input counter starts counting down. 8.13 Discussion Fundamental principles of counter operation are studied in this experiment. Cascading the counter to count more number of bits is verified. In actual practice instead of DC, inputs AC inputs are used. In this experiment by feeding time varying signal to the inputs the counting process is verified. References [1] Texas Instruments, TTL logic Standard TTL, Schottky, Low power Schottky Data Book,1988, Page 2-633 Experiments with Digital ICs 90 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-15 BOOLEAN FUNCTION GENERATOR Abstract A Boolean function generator circuit is constructed using a multiplexer and an analog to digital converter. The output pulses are recorded and output voltage is estimated from the output pulse waveform. 9.1 Introductions A Boolean function generator [1,2] is logic circuit which converters 0-5Volt dc signal in to a pulse waveform. For a given voltage range there is a definite number of logics states each of that is represented by a pulse waveform. A Boolean pulse generator consists of a analog to digital converter (ADC) [3] and a multiplexer (MUX). The input is the continuously variable dc voltage is fed to ADC and the output of the ADC drives the MUX. The MUX output is a serial output and it is called Boolean function. Such function generator is useful in digital lab for data communication experiments. 9.2 TTL Multiplexer-74LS151 A multiplexer is a data selector. It has many inputs and one output terminal. TTL series 74LS151 is a eight-to-one data selector with eight input lines and one output line with its compliment. Figure-1 shows pin diagrams of LS151 [2]. In Figure-9.1 terminals D7 – D0 are the eight input lines and Y is the out with its compliment W. ABC are the control signals which guides the MUX to select any one input line from the eight inputs. ABC varies from 000 to 111. There are an eight logic state between 000 to 111 each of this state represents an address to the MUX. Depending on this address corresponding input is steered to the output.G is the strobe control, Vcc 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 A B C G 16 W Y 6 5 8 74151 GND Figure-9.1, MUX74LS151 Pin diagram and it is active low. When strobe is high the MUX is inactive. Table-9.1 shows the functional table of MUX. With low strobe, input is steered to the output. ABC decides which input is to be connected to the output. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series Table-9.1 B C Y G X X 1 0 0 0 0 D0 0 1 0 D1 1 0 0 D2 1 1 0 D3 0 0 0 D4 0 1 0 D5 1 0 0 D6 1 1 0 D7 Function Table LS151 A X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 91 W 1 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 The output voltage of the Boolean function generator is given by Y= G [(CBA) D0 + (CB A) D1 + (C BA) D2 + (C B A) D3 + (CBA) D4 + (CB A) D5 + (C B A) D6 + (C B A) D7] W = Y 9.3 Control Signals ABC Two bits A and B have four different states 00,01,10 and 11. Using HI-LO switches it is possible select any one state out of the four different states. The same thing is also done by two square wave signals of frequency 1KHz and 2KHz [3]. In general a rectangular pulse of frequency f and f/2 generate four different states of the 2 bits. Similarly three bits require f, f/2 and f/4 frequencies to generate eight different states. ABC is selected as f, f/2, f/4 respectively. The fundamental frequency f is termed as clock. In this experiment f is selected around 5KHz. Any frequency in the range 1 to 10KHz is suitable for this purpose. Further clock frequency need not be very accurate because it is divided exactly to its half and onequarter value by flip flop ICs. The division is very accurate. Figure 2 shows three rectangular pulses generating eight different states. ABC acts like steering signal or the address line to the MUX. To read the content of the input, MUX takes only four clock cycles. Hence within four-clock pulse cycle all the eight inputs are steered to the output of the MUX. Hence the output of the MUX look like a pulse train. If the inputs to the MUX is D7…. D0 equals 11011001 the output looks as shown in Figure-3. For 8-bit input there are 256 different states hence there are 256 different pulse trains similar to the one shown in Figure 3. Hence it is called Boolean function generator. To get 256 different waveforms the input to the MUX is fed from ADC [4]. Experiments with Digital ICs 92 Laboratory Experiments Series The control signals are generated using a 555 IC and divided using JK flip flop 74LS107 as shown in Figure-9.4. The frequency of the rectangular pulse generated by the 555 IC is given by [5]. The first half of FF divide A in two half resulting in B, C is half B and G/ (G ) is half of C. T 5.57KHz A 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2.78KHz B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1.39KHz C 690Hz 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 G/ Figure-9.2: Various control signals generating 8 different logic states D0 1 D7 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Figure-9.3: A Boolean function waveform +5V 10K 7 10 8 1 4 10K 4148 4 3 555 13 14 LS107 12 3 11 1 8 4 LS107 9 5 13 14 LS107 12 3 4148 2,6 A 1 5 7 B C 7 G 0.01uF 0.01uF Figure-9.4: Various control signals f = 1.44 C(R A + R B ) …1 Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 9.4 93 Instruments Used DC regulated power supply 5V/1A,digital multimeter and CRO. 9.5 Components Used IC 555, 74LS107, 74LS151, ADC0804. Resistors 10K, Capacitors 0.1µF, 0.01µF, 150pF, diodes 4148 and 10K 10 turn 3296 type trim pot and solderless bread board. 9.6 Experimental Procedures The experiment consists of three different parts. Part –A: Generation of control signals ABC and G Part –B: Response of MUX Part –C: Boolean Function Generation Part –A: Generation of control signals ABC and G 1 To generate controls signal the circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-9.4. The Signals are observed on CRO and its frequency is noted. The fundamental signal A is called the clock. The various signals are sketched using graph sheet as shown in Figure-9.2 A – 5.57KHz B – 2.78KHz C- 1.39KHz G - 696 Hz Part –B: Response of MUX 2 The circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-9.5. The control signals are connected to the MUX. The strobe signal G is monitored on CRO channel A. The output Y of the MUX is monitored on CRO channel-B. 3 Input D0 … D7 is set by connecting few inputs to GND and few to VCC. The input set is 10011011 Connecting D0 D3 D4 D6 D7 to +5V and D1 D2 D5 to GND does this. 4 The output Y and W are recorded in compared G . In the CRO D0 appears first on the left-hand side of the screen. 5 Trial is repeated by setting different inputs and the corresponding outputs are verified on CRO screen. Experiments with Digital ICs 94 Laboratory Experiments Series G 7 +5V 16 GND 8 C B A 9 10 11 Y 5 74LS151 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 D7 6 4 W D0 Figure-9.5: MUX producing sequence of pulses C B A 9 10 11 G G 7 +5V 16 GND 8 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 6 4 PD0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 +5V DAC 0804 Vin 6 W D0 PD7 TP1 10K 3296 Type Y 74LS151 D7 SF 3 5 20 1 2 5 7 19 10K 4 8 10 150pF +5V Figure-6 Boolean Function Generator Part –C: Boolean Function Generation 1. To get Boolean function generator an ADC added as shown in Figure-9.6. A 10-turn 3296 type trim pot is selected to vary the input to the ADC0804. 2. The input Vin to the ADC is set around 1 volts by adjusting the trimpot PT1. The output of the MUX is monitored on Channel-B and channel-A A of the CRO is connected to G . Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 95 The output noted is recorded as shown in Figure-9.7. From the pulse position on CRO the input dc voltage producing the pulse train is calculated using equation. Vo = R [27D7 +26D6 +25D5 +24D4 +23D3 +22D2 +21D1 +D7] …2 Where R =19.53 mV is the resolution of ADC 0804. The readings obtained are tabulated in Table-9.2. The pulse sequence on the CRO screen in Figure –9.7 is read as 001000110 the input dc voltage corresponding to this pulse waveform is Vo = 19.53 [128x0 +64x0 +32x1 +16x0 +8x0 +4x1 +2x1 +0] mV = 0.742volts. 8. Experiment is repeated by setting different input and from the resulting pulse train input producing it is calculated. Table-9.2 shows few such calculations. The values calculated tallies with actual dc voltage measured using DMM. Figure-9.7 A pulse sequence Table-9.2 Pulse Sequence Estimated Output(V) Vin(V) 0.75 01100100 0.742 4.50 00010111 4.53 0.45 00011000 0.468 4.04 11010011 3.96 5.00 11111111 4.99 Voltage estimated from pulse sequence 9.7 Results 1. Boolean function generator converts dc input voltages into pulse train just like a VCO generating waveform. Pulse is generated with LO G . When the input is zero volts there is no pulse output and when the input is 5V the pulses waveform appears like G (inversion of G . Experiments with Digital ICs 96 Laboratory Experiments Series 2. In the CRO pulse train on the left corresponds LSB. It reads as D0 D1 D2 … D7. The estimated input coincides with the actual input voltage. 9.8 Discussion Boolean pulse generator or sequence generator or digital signal generator produces pulse train. It is a very useful instrument for digital electronics lab. Instrument finds applications in digital communication and data communication experiments. References 1. Malvino A P, Brown J A, Digital computer electronics, 3rd Edition, 1995, Tata McGrawHill, Page 58. 2. Texas Instruments, TTL logic standard TTL, Schottky, Low Power Schottky, Page-2-457. 1988. 3. Dr Jeethendra Kumar P K, De Morgan’s Theorem, LE Vol-2, N0-1, June 2002, Page-47. 4. Uma Prasad B K, Analog to digital conversion using ADC0804, LE vol-2, No-1, June 2002, Pasge-48. 5. Dr S R Sawant, Wide range duty cycle variation in 555 astable multivibrator, LE Vol-2, No-1, June 2002, Page 29. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 97 Experiment-16 SEQUENTIAL LOGIC MACHINE Abstract Basic counting sequence of 10-output sequential logic circuit is studied using CD4017 decade counter IC. The output waveforms are recorded and function of RST is studied in obtaining different mod-N counting. Two ICs are cascaded to get mod-20 counter. 20.1 Introduction A counter is a sequential logic machine, the output of which depends on the past and current input values. Flip-flops are the fundamental building blocks of a counter. The D and JK flipflops are used in the construction of counter circuits. In such a counter, each of these flipflops contains Preset (PR) and Clear (CLR) terminals. The counter output can be preset (Q=1) or cleared (Q=0) using these control terminals. Such counters are called asynchronous counters. Asynchronous counters are slow. A synchronous counter waits for a clock edge (either positive going or negative going) to change its state. Such counters does not have preset terminal only clear terminal is provided. Synchronous counters are faster. It is widely used counters in electronic circuits. Counters constructed using flip-flop ICs are asynchronous counters and counter ICs are synchronous counters. 20.2 Family of digital counters The LS and CD family of ICs are frequently used in electronics circuit design. Among them the LS series, LS90, LS160, LS190 and CD 4000 series, ICs such as 4017 and 4022 are frequently used. Table-1 lists the various counter ICs. Important operational aspect of a counter is the clock signal. Clock signal becomes the control input to the counter and instructs the counter to change its state. A bad clock will make counter behave poorly. Hence, clock signal has to be perfect square wave. It is better to pass the clock through an Schmitt trigger and get it signal conditioned before feeding to the counter [1]. A counter is called good if it satisfies the following basic requirements. 1. Feasibility of making Mod-N counter (N=2,3,4,5,6…) 2. Cascading options If the counter IC fulfills these basic requirements then it is a very good counter. For example, LS90 is a divide by 2 (Mod-2), divide by 5 (Mod-5) and divide by 10 (Mod-10) counter. Experiments with Digital ICs 98 Laboratory Experiments Series CD4017 has 10 output terminals hence one can get Mod-N (N=2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) counting sequences hence 4017 is better compared to LS90. Both the ICs can be easily cascaded to get higher bit counting. Table-20.1 Family 74LS90 74LS192 74LS160 74LS190 74LS290 74LS390 74LS490 74LS590 74LS592 74LS690 CD4017 CD4022 Part No LS90 LS192, LS193 LS160, LS163 LS190, LS193 LS290, LS293 LS390, LS393 LS490 LS590, LS591 LS592, LS593 LS690, LS691, LS693 4017 4022 Description TTL decade counter TTL 4-bit ripple counter TTL 4-bit synchronous counter TTL synchronous up-down counter TTL decade 4-bit binary counter TTL dual 4-bit decade counter TTL 4-bit decade counter TTL 8-bit binary with output registers TTL 8-bit binary with input registers TTL Synchronous counters with out put registers and multiplexed 3 stage output CMOS Counter with 10 output terminals CMOS divide by 8 counter with 8 output terminals CMOS presentable up/down counter with binary or BCD decade outputs CMOS decade counter with 7 segment display outputs Dual Up counter with BCD outputs Various counter ICs CD4029 4029 CD4033 4033 CD4518 4518 When we require a large bit counting two or three counter ICs are cascaded. In such cases clock for the second IC is taken from the MSB output of first IC. In the case of 4017, a separate terminal is provided for cascading purpose. This pin provides required clock (fin /10) signal for the next stage. Another important factor that decide the goodness of counter performance is the up down counting process and counting from the predetermined value. ICs 74190/193 are up-down presetable counters [2]. These counters are called advanced counters. In general, TTL counters are slower compared to CMOS counters. In this experiment the basic operations of 4017CMOS counter is studied. 20.3 CD4017 CMOS Counter/divider with 10 decoded outputs CD4017 is a 16-pin IC quite different from other counter ICs. Out of the 16 pins two are used for supply, 10 output terminals; the remaining four form the control terminals. Lesser the control terminal easier is the usage. Hence, it is one of the easy to use IC. The four control terminals are 1. Reset (RST) Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 99 2. Clock (CLK) 3. Clock enable (ENA or CE) 4. Carry out (CO) Figure-20.1 shows pin diagram of CD4017. 14 13 15 CLK ENA RST Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 CO 3 2 4 7 10 1 5 6 9 11 12 Figure-20.1: CD4017 pin diagram The counter counts on the positive edge of the clock signal applied to the CLK input, provided the clock enable (ENA or CE) is low. A high on any of the output terminals indicate the count. For example, if only Q7 is high then the counter is counted 8 clock edges. If Q3 only is high then the counter has counted only 4 clock edges. At the 10th clock edge the counter reset and repeats counting. Like wise it can count from 0 to 9 or it is decade counting. The counting is similar to ring counting hence it is also a ring counter. The carry out terminal CO provides a rectangular clock for cascading purpose. This clock frequency is fin/10. If the input clock frequency is 1MHz then 100KHz square wave appear at pin CO. 20.4 MOD-N counter Any modulo N counting with N = 2 to 9 can be obtained by connecting respective output pin to the RST control pin. For example to get Mod-7 counter Q7 output pin is connected to RST (pin 15). To get Mod-3 counting pin Q3 is connected to RST. 20.5 Instruments Used Digital IC trainer containing 5 or 15-volt power supply, logic monitors, clock signals, CRO. 20.6 Components Used CD4017 IC 20.7 Experimental Procedure The experiment is divided in to three parts Part A- Decade counting Experiments with Digital ICs 100 Laboratory Experiments Series Part B –Mod-N counting Part C- Cascading counter ICs Part A- Decade counting 1. The circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-2. +5V 16 CLK 3 14 Q0 2 4 +5V Reset RST 7 15 Outputs to logic monitors 10 1 Count NC CO CE CD4017 12 5 6 9 13 11 8 Q9 Figure-20.2: decade or ring counter circuit using CD4017 2. The RST terminal is connected to Logic-HI and the counter resets to Q9 , Q8, … Q0 = 0, 0, …0 3. RST is brought back to Logic –LO and the first monopulse is applied to the clock input. The changes in the output states are noted in Table-2. 4. Trial is repeated by applying monopulses one at a time and the outputs are recorded in Table-2. The process of pulse counting is similar to ring counting. Hence, the counter can also be called as ring counter. 5. To record the output waveforms, the monopulse connected to the CLK input is replaced by 1KHz square wave and the input clock is monitored on CRO channel-A. At a time one output among Q9 , Q8, … Q0 is monitored on CRO channel-B in compared to input clock. The waveforms are recorded as shown in Figure-3. Transition taking place at the positive going edge is verified from Figure-3. 6. With 1KHz clock input the output at C0 pin is monitored and its frequency is noted. fCLK = 1Khz =1msec Experiments with Digital ICs 101 Laboratory Experiments Series fCO = 100Hz = 10msec Table-20.2 Monopulse (CLK) Output (Q9, Q8, … Q0) RST is held HI counter is reset 00 00000000 RST is held LO counter ready for counting 00 00000000 First monopulse is applied 00 00000001 Second monopulse is applied 00 00000010 Third monopulse is applied 00 00000100 Fourth monopulse is applied 00 00001000 Fifth monopulse is applied 00 00010000 Sixth monopulse is applied 00 00100000 Seventh monopulse is applied 00 01000000 Eighth monopulse is applied 00 10000000 Ninth monopulse is applied 01 00000000 Tenth monopulse is applied 10 00000000 Eleventh monopulse is applied 00 00000000 Counting sequence of Cd4017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CLK Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Figure-20.3: Output waveforms of the counter Experiments with Digital ICs 9 10 102 Laboratory Experiments Series Part B –Mod-N counting 7. To get Mod-5 counter the circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-4. The RST pin is connected to output Q5. By applying monopulses, the counting is observed as recorded in Table-3. 8. Experiment is repeated for different mode counting by connecting respective output to the RST pin. Table-3 Monopulse Output (Q9, Q8, … Q0) - 00000 0000 0 1 00000 0000 1 2 00000 0001 0 3 00000 0010 0 4 00000 0100 0 5 00000 1000 0 6 00000 0000 0 Mode-5 Counting +5V 16 RST 3 15 Q0 2 4 CLK 7 14 10 Q5 1 NC CO CE CD4017 12 5 Outputs to logic monitors 6 9 13 11 8 Q9 Figure-20.4: Mod-5 Counter Part C- Cascading counter ICs Experiments with Digital ICs 103 Laboratory Experiments Series 9. Two 4017 ICs are cascaded to form Mod-20 counter as shown in Figure-5. The CLK input of second counter is fed from CO of the first counter. This acts like clock to the second counter IC. +5V +5V 16 RST 3 15 14 Outputs to logic monitors CO CE 12 CLK CO 9 13 11 8 4 7 14 Outputs to logic monitors 10 1 5 6 Q0 2 IC1 10 CD4017 3 15 4 7 1 NC RST 2 IC2 CLK 16 Q10 CE CD4017 12 6 9 13 Q19 5 11 8 Q9 Figure-20.5: Cascaded Mod-20 Counter 20.8 Results 1. The counting sequence shown in Table-2 is similar to ring counting hence it is called a decade/ring counter. 2. Counter counts when count enable CE is low. 3. Mod-2 to 9 counting is obtained by connecting respective Q output to reset RST pin. In Figure-4, Mod-5 counter is shown. 4. The frequency of CO output is fCLK/10. 20.9 Discussions CD4017 is a wonderful counter because of its 10 outputs using which ten systems or gadget can be activated or deactivated. Disconnecting respective outputs can perform deactivation of the output from the load to which it is connected. Secondly cascading is extremely easy and more reliable because of the terminal CO. As soon you feed the clock at CLK input there exists clock at CO, which makes the cascading easy. Minimum numbers of control pins further make the designer’s job easy. Experiments with Digital ICs 104 Laboratory Experiments Series References [1] Dr D Sudhakar Rao, Schmitt trigger using comparator, Lab Experiments, Vol-4, No1, March-2004, Page-30. [2] T Aswathnarayana Rao, Synchronous 4-bit Up-down counter, LE Vol-3, No-2, June2003, Page 103. Experiments with Digital ICs 105 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-17 SHIFT REGISTERS Abstract The TTL 4-bit parallel shift register 7495 is tied to perform left and right shift operations with serial and parallel data. The arithmetic operations resulting from the left and right shift operations are illustrated. Introduction A register is a group of memory elements that work together as a unit. The simplest register stores binary and others modify the stored data shifting it left or right. It is also used for arithmetic operations. Shifting the data stored in a shift register to the right is equivalent to divide by 2 and shifting the data to the right is equivalent to multiply by 2. TTL IC 7495 is a universal 4-bit shift register containing four RS FFs and other functional blocks. Figure-1 shows pin configurations of 7495. Figure-1: Pin Configuration of 7495 In Figure-1 serial input the serial data input terminal, and parallel data are loaded at A, B, C, D inputs. Mode control MC directs the register load or shift the data. CLK1 & CLK2 are the clock inputs for left and right operations. Left Shift Operation 1. 7495 is connected as shown in Figure-2 to perform left shift operation. The serial data Din=1 is loaded at Pin-2. 2. Mode control MC (Pin-6) is held low. Now the register is ready to load serial data at the arrival of clock. CLK1 1 2 3 4 Pulse 5 6 7 8 Table-1 MC Din QD QC 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Left Shift Truth Table Experiments with Digital ICs QB 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 QA 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 106 Laboratory Experiments Series 3. A clock signal (manually operated) is connected CLK2 (Pin-8). And one clock pulse is passed. This loads the serial data at QA. The Q outputs are monitored on logic monitors. The second clock pulse shifted QA to QB. This process of shifting is continued at the arrival of next clock pulse. The readings are tabulated in Table1 of Din=1 and Din=0. Right Shift Operation 4. 7495 is reconnected as shown in Figure-3 to perform right shift operation. Figure-3: Right Shift Operation 5. Now the serial data Din is fed at D input (Pin-5). 6. Mode control MC held high and D is set to logic high. Clock is applied at CLK1. The first clock pulse applied. This loads the serial data at QD. Successive clock shifts the data to the right as shown in Table-2. CLK1 1 2 3 4 Pulse 5 6 7 8 MC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table-2 Din QD QC 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Shift Truth Table QB 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 QA 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 7. From Table-1, it is noted that shifting to left is equivalent multiply by 2. And from Table-2 shift right is equivalent divide by 2. Parallel Loading and Shifting 8. Figure-4 shows circuit connection for parallel loading and shifting. Figure-4: Parallel Data Loading & Shifting 9. The 4-bit data ABCD-1110 are loaded at parallel data inputs. And clock is connected to CLK1 Mode control to 1. This loads ABCD and displayed at the outputs. When MC is taken back to 0 the data is ready for left shift operation. The successive clock pulses shifts data left as shown in Table-3. Data A 1 B 1 C 1 D 0 Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 107 Table-3 MC QD QC QB QA 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Parallel Loading & Left Shift Truth Table CLK2 Results 1. 7495 accepts serial data at serial input and 4-bit parallel data at its parallel data input. 2. Serial input can be shifted left or right by controlling clock and mode control signals. Pulse on CLK2 and low MC perform left shift operation on serial data. This is also equivalent to multiplication by 2 – arithmetic operation. Pulse CLK2 and a high MC shifts the data to the right and the operation is equivalent to divide by 2. 3. 4-bit parallel data can be loaded at ABCD and a low MC and pulse on CLK2 perform left shift of parallel data. A high MC and pulse on CLK2 perform to right shift of parallel data. Reference [1] LS/S/TTL Data Book, National Semiconductor, 1989, Page 4-101. Experiments with Digital ICs 108 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-18 RIPPLE COUNTER Abstract Using two dual JK master slave flip flop a 4- bit forward and reverse ripple counters are constructed. The counters is modified to count 0 to 10 (Mod-10) and 0 to 5 (Mod-5). The various output waveforms of the FFs are studied on a oscilloscope at high clock frequency, and frequency division is illustrated. Once doing this experiment the students must be in a position to construct counters with any modules. Introduction A counter is a register capable of counting the number of pulses that arrive at its clock input. In a JK FF with J=K=1, the FF toggle once per clock. This toggling is made use here in the counting applications. The JK FF 7476 is provided with SET and RESET terminals plus complimentary outputs Q and Q. This makes it possible to construct forward (Up) and or reverse (Down) counter. In figure-1 pin configurates of 7476 is shown. Figure-1: Pin Configuration of7476 Figure-2: Forward Ripple Counter Figure-3: Reverse Ripple Counter In Figure -2 two 7476 s are tried to form a 4-bit up counter. When CLR goes low it resets the output. Therefore the Q outputs Q = Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 = 0 0 0 0 When CLR returns to high the counter is ready to count. The FF on the right and (LSB) first receive a clock pulse and toggle. Then the output becomes. Q=0001 The remaining FFs toggle less often became they receive their clock pulse from the preceding FF. When Q0 goes from 1 to 0 it sends a clock pulse to Q1 FF, hence the second FF toggle resulting in a output. Q=0010 Now the first FF has toggled twice and second FF once. This process continue until Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 109 Q = 1111 Now the counter can be reset with low CLR. In this process of binary counting the carry moves through FFs like a ripple on water. In other words, Q0 FF must toggle before Q1FF, which in turn must toggle before Q2 FF and hence forth. Here each FF act like a wheel of a binary odometer. Whenever it resets to 0, it sends a carry to the next higher FF making it equivalent to a binary odometer. To get reverse counter the FFs are tied as shown in Figure-3. The set terminal is made use for setting Q= 1111 t o start with. And preceding FF clock inputs are driven by Q instead of Q. The process of counting is similar to up counter. MOD-10 COUNTER The FFs can be programmed to SET or RESET after a desired count. The above binary counter counts from 0 to 15 with 16 states. Figure-4: Mod-10 Counter Figure-5: Mod-5 Counter Hence it is Mod-16 counter. A Mod-10 counter counts from 0 to 9 and resets at the 10th clock pulse. Similary Mod-5 counter counts from 0 to 4 and resets at 5th clock pulse. Figure -4 & 5 shows Mod-10 and Mod-5 counter tied over 7476. In Figure-4 & 5 the counter can be reset with low CLR or low Y. Intially CLR taken low and counters reset. When CLR goes back to high counter is ready to go. The Y output Y = Q 3 Q1 is high for first nine states from 0 0 0 0 to 1 0 0 1. Therefore, nothing serious happens when the counter is counting from 0 to 9. However, on the 10th clock pulse the Q output. Q= Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 = 1 0 1 0 Which means that Q3 & Q1 are high. Almost immediately Y goes low forcing the counter to reset to Q=0000 Y then goes high and the counter is ready to start again. In case of Mod-5 counter shown in Figure -5 Y = Q2 Q0 Experiments with Digital ICs 110 Laboratory Experiments Series When the counter is counting from 0 0 0 0 to 0 1 0 0, Y is high. At the instant of 5th clock pulse the output becomes Q=0101 This takes both Q2 Q0 high, hence Y = 0 and the counter is reset to Q=0000 Again the counter starts as before. Experimental Procedure A. Forward Ripple counter 1. A forward ripple counter is rigged as shown in Figure -2. Pin-5 is connected to +5 V and pin-13 to GND of both the ICs 2. Q0 Q1 Q2 & Q3 are connected to logic monitors 3. A mono pulse is connected to the clock input (Pin- 1) 4. CLR is taken low and all the FFs reset In this state clock pulses doesn’t have any effect on FF 5. CLR is taken to high and the first clock pulse is applied by pressing the mono pulse Microswitch 6. The output Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 = 0001 is noted and recorded in Table -1 7. Experiment is repeated by sending more pulses and the outputs are recorded in Table-1 CLK 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLK X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table-1 Q2 Q3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Q1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Q0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 1 1 1 0 13 14 15 X 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 111 1 0 1 0 8. Instead of mono pulse a 1KHz clock is connected to clock input (Pin -1). The first FF output Q0 is connected to oscilloscope and compared with the clock signal. The oscilloscope traces are noted. Next Q1 Q2 & Q3 are also compared with clock and recorded as shown timing diagram. Figure -6: Timing Diagram of forward Counting B. Reverse Counter 1. A reverse counter is constructed as shown in Figure -3. Pin- 5 is connected +5V and pin -13 to GND both of the ICs. 2. The Q outputs Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 are maintained on logic monitor. 3. A mono pulse is connected to clock input. 4. PRE is taken low. This SETS the Q outputs to Q = 1111. Then PRE taken back to high and the counter is ready to count down. 5. First mono pulse is applied by pressing mono pulse switch. The decrement in the out put is noted and recorded in Table-2. CLK 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 CLK X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 X Table-2 Q2 Q1 Q3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Down Counting Q0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Experiments with Digital ICs 112 Laboratory Experiments Series 6. Instead of mono pulse 1KHz clock signal is fed to clock input and Q outputs are monitored on oscilloscope one by one with respect to clock signal. The wave forms are recorded in timing diagram below. Figure-7: Timing diagram of count down C. Mod -10 Counter 1. A mod -10 counter is connected as shown in Figure -4 pin -5 of 7476s are connected to +5V and 13 to GND. Pin -14 of 7400 and 7408 are connected to +5V and pin -7 to GND. 2. The Q outputs are monitored on logic monitors 3. A mono pulse is connected to clock input. 4. The counter is reset taking CLR low 5. CLR is bought back to high and first pulse is applied. The output is noted and recorded in Table -3. Resetting of the counter at the arrival of 10th pulse is noted. CLK 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Table-3 CLK Q3 Q2 Q1 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 4 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 6 0 1 1 7 0 1 1 8 1 0 0 9 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 Decade Counter Truth Table Q0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 D. Mod -5 Counter 1. A mod -5 counter is constructed as shown in Figure -5 and experiments are repeated as in previous case. The counting sequence is presented in Truth Table -4. Results 1. A forward and a reverse ripple counter is constructed using JK flip flop. This Mod -16 counter is modified to count from 0 to 10 or 0-5. This is done by providing a reset pulse obtained by NANDing selective Q outputs. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 113 2. Other modules counter can be constructed by suitably selecting reset pulse. 3. The frequency divisions of ripple counter is noted for forward and reverse counter. References 1. LS/S/TTL logic Data Book. National Semi conductor, 1989, P 4-81. 2. Digital Computer Electronics, 2nd Ed., AP Matrino, TMH Edition, 1983, P-112. Experiments with Digital ICs 114 Laboratory Experiments Series Chapter-5 Multiplexers and Demultiplexers Experiments with Digital ICs 115 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-19 DECODER Abstract The basic line selection function of a3to 8-line decoder is studied using 74LS138 TTL IC. The function of enable control in the line selection process is verified. 4.1 Introduction A decoder [1] is a logic circuit, which identifies each combination of input and sets an output corresponding to each of these input combinations. Figure-4.1 shows 2-to-4 decoder. It has two input lines A and B and four output lines. The two inputs can assume four output combinations 00,01,10,11. The output lines 0,1,2,3 identify each of these combinations respectively. If the input is 10 the output line 2 goes HI and all other output lines remains at LO. Table-4.1 summarizes the line selection process. Decoders can be constructed either using universal gates or ready-made ICs are also available. A INPUT 3 2-to-4 2 DECODER 1 B OUTPUT 0 Figure –4.1: 2-to-4 Decoder Logic symbol 4.2 74LS138 The TTL IC 74LS138 is a 3-to-8-line decoder widely used for high performance memory and data routing applications. This 16 pin TTL IC has three input lines S0S1S2 and eight output lines Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7. And it is controlled by three control signals G1, G 2A and G 2B. The signals G1 are active HI and G 2A and G 2B are active LO. Figure-4.2 shows pin configurations of LS138 [2]. Table-4.1 Input A 0 0 1 1 Output B 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Function Table 2-to-4 Decoder Experiments with Digital ICs 3 0 0 0 1 116 Laboratory Experiments Series Two active low ( G 2A and G 2B) and one active HI (G1) enable inputs reduce the need for external gates or inverters when expanding. A 24-line decoder can be implemented without external inverters and a 32-line decoder requires only one inverter. An enable input can be used as data input for de-multiplexing applications [23]. 1 2 3 A B C 6 4 5 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 G1 G2A G2B 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 74LS138 Figure-4.2: Pin diagram of 74LSD138 4.3 Apparatus Used Digital IC trainer DIC 201 KamalJeeth make Consisting of 5V power supply, Logic monitors, HI-LO memory input switches and HI-LO toggle switches and breadboard. 4.4 Components Used IC74138 4.5 Experimental Procedure 1. Using LS138 decoder circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-4.3. Pin 16 is connected +5V and Pin 8 is connected to GND. +5V 3 Inputs 2 1 G2A S2 16 S1 7 Y7 S0 9 Y6 10 Y5 11 Y4 74LS138 12 Y3 13 Y2 14 Y1 15 Y0 4 5 Outputs 6 G2B 8 G1 Enable Disable Figure-4.3: Decoder Circuit diagram Experiments with Digital ICs +5V 117 Laboratory Experiments Series 2. Input S0, S1, S2 is connected memory cells and Outputs are monitored on the logic monitor LEDs. 3. The control signal G1 is connected HI-LO toggle switch and it is set to HI position. 4. The output is noted for various combinations of S2S1S0 starting from 000 to 111 and the corresponding outputs are noted and recorded in Table-4.2. Table-4.2 S2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Input S1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 S0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Output Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Function Table LS138 Decoders Y2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Y1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5. With G1 set to LO the output is noted for various combinations. There is no change noticed in the output (remains 11111111) hence the decoder is disabled. 4.6 Results The TTL MSI IC 74LS138 is a 3-to-8-line decoder is enabled with HI G1 and disabled with LO G1. The output of the 74LS138 is active low. References 1. Microprocessor Architecture Programming Applications, Goankar, Wiley Eastern Limited p-46, 1992. 2. TTL Logic Data Book Texas Instruments p2-45, 1988. Experiments with Digital ICs 118 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-20 DIGITAL GAIN CONTROL FOR OPAMP Abstract Using CD4051B 8-channel multiplexer demultiplexer IC, Opamp feedback resistance is switched and digital gain control is provided. Function of an 8-pole, 1- way digital switch is demonstrated in this experiment. 17.1 Introduction Among the linear integrated circuits, Opamp is one of the widely used IC in electronic circuit design. It has replaced most of the transistor-based circuits. Wide varieties of Opamp applications [1] are published in various textbooks and literature. One of simplest applications of an Opamp is the inverting and non-inverting amplifier. In these amplifiers changing the feed back ratio varies gain. While constructing instruments using Opamps, such gain variations are done with a help of a rotary switch as shown in Figure-17.1. These manual and bulk switches are now replaced by electronic switches. +12V 7 3 Vin 2 6 Vout 4 -12V + Rfs S1 S2 Ri S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 Figure-17.1: Gain selection using rotary switch An analog multiplexer is used in this experiment to select gain automatically. The digital input to the multiplexer connects various feed back resistors across pin-2 and pin-6 of the Opamp in the feedback loop. Experiments with Digital ICs 119 Laboratory Experiments Series 17.2 4051B 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer A multiplexer performs the function of many-into-one and demultiplexer performs the function of one-into-many [2]. CMOS multiplexer CD 4051B is a digitally controlled analog bi-directional switch that can be used as a rotary switch. These switches have a common INHIBIT control terminal which disable all the switches to their OFF state when held in HI state. CD 4051B is an 8-channel multiplexer or it can be used as 8 independent switches. In the B series of ICs, the input leakage current is 100nA that means there is no loss of power in the OFF state [3]. Figure-17.2 shows the pin diagram of 4051B. Manual switching from S1 to S8 will connect the feedback resistors one by one to the feedback loop. In/outputs 8 7 16 0 VSS VEE VDD 13 1 14 2 15 3 12 4 1 5 5 6 2 7 4 INH 6 3 Out/input CD4051B 11 10 9 A B C Figure-17.2: Pin diagram of CD4051B The voltage gain of the non-inverting amplifier is given by, V0 = (1 + RF )Vi RI …1 By using S1 V0 = 1 + R F1 Vi , etc. RI …2 The manual switches S1….. S8 are replaced by electronic switches in Figure-17.3. Table17.1 lists various resistor selections and respective amplifier gain. 17.3 Control Signals to Analog Switch To generate the control signal ABC, circuit shown in Figure-4 is used. One can also use 3 high-low switches to set ABC inputs. However with memory cell shown in Figure-4, only one micro switch controls ABC. The LED’s LD1, LD2, LD3 will display the ABC status. Experiments with Digital ICs 120 Laboratory Experiments Series 0.1 +12V 7 Vin 3 + 2 - 6 Vout LF356 4 -12V 0.1 8 Rfs Ri 10K 100K 150K 10K GND 220K 390K 470K 560K 1M -5V +5V 7 16 13 14 15 12 3 1 5 2 4 6 CD4051B 11 10 9 A B C Figure-17.3: Digital gain control for non-inverting amplifier Table-17.1 Control Signal C B A 0 0 0 Gain Voltage 2 Comments R F is connected 1 0 0 1 11 0 1 0 16 R F2 is connected R F is connected 0 1 1 23 R F4 is connected 1 0 0 34 R F5 is connected 1 0 1 48 1 1 0 57 R F6 is connected R F is connected 1 1 1 101 3 7 R F8 is connected Amplifier gain and control inputs 17.4 Apparatus Used ±5V, ± 12V RPS, Function Generator and CRO. 17.5 Components Used IC CD4051B, LF356, 74LS107, 555,Microswitch (PMS1), Resistors 220Ω, 10K, 33K, 47K,56K,100K, 470K, Capacitors 0.01µF,1µF 17.6 Experimental Procedure Part A: Generation of ABC control signals Part B: Opamp gain variation Experiments with Digital ICs 121 Laboratory Experiments Series +5V 8 1 9 3 2 Micro switch Trigger 8 10 555 3 6 5 6 5 7 470K 7400 pin-14 to +5V pin-7 to GND 4 4 2 7400 Mono-Pulse 7400 0.01 1uF 1 +5V 1/2- LS107 1 3 9 1/2- LS107 11 6 12 2 8 5 4 10 1 12 1/2- LS107 2 4 10 13 1 3 5 7404 B LD2 74LS107 Pin-7 GND 7404 Pin-14 to +5V pin-7 to GND A 2 4 6 C LD3 CLK LD1 Figure-17.4: Control signal for the analog switch Part A: Generation of ABC control signals 1. The circuit is rigged as shown in Figure – 17.4 2. By pressing the micro-switch the monopulse generated at the pin-3 is monitored on CRO 3. The clock signals at the FF ICs are also observed on CRO by pressing the micro-switch. 4. As the micro-switch is pressed the counting will increase as indicated by three LEDs. The counter can be reset by taking the reset terminal to active low. 5. The ABC control inputs are now connected to the CD4051B and control signal ABC is set to 000. For this control signal resistor R Fi = 10K is connected across pin-2 and pin-6 of LF 356. This provides a gain of 2. Part B: Opamp non-inverting amplifier gain variation 6. The input to the non-inverting amplifier is set about 50mV and frequency is set to 10 kHz. The output of the non-inverting amplifier is monitored on the CRO and output is noted and gain is calculated for CBA =000 Experiments with Digital ICs 122 Av = Laboratory Experiments Series V0 0 .1 = = 1.92 V1 52mV C B A Table-17.2 Output (V) Gain 0 0 0 0.10 1.92 0 0 1 0.60 11.50 0 1 0 0.84 16.15 0 1 1 1.20 23.07 1 0 0 2.10 40.38 1 0 1 2.60 50.00 1 1 0 3.00 57.69 1 1 1 5.10 98.07 Output voltage and gain at 10 KHz frequency. Input 52mV 7. Experiment is repeated by setting CBA = 001 and so on. In each case output voltage is measured and gain is calculated and presented in Table-2. Results The results obtained are tabulated in Table-17.3. Table-17.3 Control Signal Non-inverting Voltage Gain C B A Theoretical Experimental 0 0 0 2 1.9 0 0 1 11 11.5 0 1 0 16 16.15 0 1 1 23 23.07 1 0 0 40 40.38 1 0 1 48 50.00 1 1 0 57 57.69 1 1 1 101 98.07 Experimental Results 17.8 Discussion In this experiment use of analog switch is demonstrated by varying the gain of the Opamp in non-inverting mode. The switching mechanism acts like 1-pole, 8-way rotary switch. Since the input current drawn by these analog switches is very low there is no effect on Opamp gain. The experimental and theoretical gains are found to agree within ±5% in all the eight cases. To conduct the experiment one need not rigg the circuit in Figure-17.4. One can as well use HI-LO switches of digital trainer or else the switches can be selected manually. References [1] National semiconductor corporation, Linear Application Hand Book, P-79 [2] Dr. Jeethendra Kumar P.K, Analog Multiplexer LE Vol- 4, No-4, Dec 2004, P- 273 [3] CMOS logic selection guide 1994, Harris, PP-. 5-9. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series Chapter-6 Digital to Analog Converters Experiments with Digital ICs 123 124 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-21 DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERSION Abstract Using 8-bit digital to analog converter IC DAC0808, resolution, accuracy, fullscale error, offset error, linearity error are determined. The transfer characteristic of the DAC is displayed on CRO screen. 18.1 Introduction Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) is a process in which a signal having two definite states (0 and 1) are converted in to a signal having theoretically infinite number of states (analog). Present day computers, communications and electronic industries are based on digital technology. In such a system, DACs are used frequently. DAC can be obtained in two different ways [1]. Weighted resistor method R-2R ladder method RF R 2 3 R D0 Vo 7 D1 2R 6 + 2R -12V 4 D2 2R - D3 +12V 2R R 2R Figure-18.1: DAC circuit using R-2R ladder network. In both these methods, an Opamp is used as active device. In the weighted resistor, method different values of resistors are used to get DAC. Depending on the bit width, the number and value of resistors will increase. In practice, it is very difficult get different values of precession resistors. Hence, this method has only theoretical importance. In the second method only two different values of resistors are involved hence getting them is a not a problem. Figure-18.1 shows a R-2R network DAC circuit. Experiments with Digital ICs 125 Laboratory Experiments Series The D inputs to the DAC are either 0 or 1. Such a discrete component DAC is not used in practice. Instead, monolithic integrated circuits based on R-2R networks are available in form of ICs. A DAC is specified by its bit capacity, which indicates the number of inputs. DACs with 8 or 16 bit capacity are frequently used in electronic circuits. DAC0808 is an 8-bit converter IC [2]. 18.2 DAC0808 Figure-2 shows pin configurations of DAC0808IC. It is available two dip packages with 0.20% accuracy. It requires a spilt power supply for energization. Wide supply voltage range from ± 5 volts to ± 15volts can be used. However, best results are obtained with +5V and – 15V combination. DAC0808 Vcc 1 16 Vref+ 2 Vref- 3 compensation DAC0808 LSB NC 1 16 Compo 15 GND 2 15 Vref- 14 VEE 3 14 Vref+ Io 4 13 4 13 VCC NC 5 12 MSB-A8 5 12 A1 GND 6 11 A7 6 11 A2 VEE 7 10 A6 7 10 A3 Io 8 9 A5 8 9 A4 Wide DIP package MSB Standard regular 16 pin package Top view Top view Figure-18.2: Pin configurations of DAC0808 IC There are 19 parameters defined [3] to specify and speak the merits and demerits of a DAC. Among them, few important parameters are defined and estimated experimentally here. 18.3 Resolution Resolution describes the smallest standard incremental change in the output voltage of a DAC. It is defined as the amount of output voltage change for a consecutive code change. For example, an 8-bit DAC can resolve 1-part in 28 states (1-part in 256 states) or 0.39% of full scale. If the full-scale voltage is 10 volts then the resolution is R= 10V 2 8 = 10V = 0.039V = 39mV = 0.39% of full-scale voltage. 256 This refers to 1-LSB or one-step height of the DAC output. The resolution of a DAC is connected with IC design. It is nothing to do with its performance. Another parameter called accuracy is defined to specify the performance of the DAC IC. 18.4 Accuracy Experiments with Digital ICs 126 Laboratory Experiments Series It is the difference between the actual output voltage and the full-scale weighted equivalent of the binary output code. As the bit size, increase in weighted difference increase. However, the difference per bit remains the same. V − VExpt Accuracy = 100% − Thet x100 VThet …1 Where VThet is the weighted or the value of input bits. VExpt is the experimental value of output voltage For example an 8-bit DAC with 10V reference voltage, for input bits 1111 1111, the actual output measured is 9.9 volts. The full-scale weighted equivalent of the binary out put is 10 volts. D = 10V-9.9V =0.1V A = 10V-0.1V = 9.9V = 99% The conversion is 99% accurate. Accuracy varies with bit width. Maximum difference is ±1 LSB. 18.5 Full-scale error Full-scale error is the actual difference between output voltage and its equivalent weighted value at the MSB. In the above calculations, 0.1V difference is obtained at the MSB hence full-scale error is 0.1V. 18.6 Offset error Some negative voltage due offset error 0 Figure-18.3: Transfer curve and offset error. Offset error is the output voltage of a DAC with zero code input. The internal difference amplifier of the Opamp usually causes offset error. This can be eliminated by offset adjustment pot. The results of offset can be viewed on the transfer curve on CRO as shown in Figure-3. On the other hand, it is the output voltage measured with 0000 0000 input. Experiments with Digital ICs 127 Laboratory Experiments Series 18.7 Linearity The transfer curve of DAC on equal X and Y-axis has 45º slope. However, some times the slope varies slightly. This is due to various error factors. A percentage variation in the slope is called non-linearity. In addition, linearity is defined as L = 100 − N …2 Where L is linearity in % N is non-linearity Figure-4 shows non-linearity effect. For example if the slope of the transfer curves are 50º instead of 45º, then 50 − 45 5 = = 0.111 = 11.1% 45 45 Or the linearity is Non linearity = L= 100-11.1= 89.9% Slight variations in the slope of transfer curve due to lnon-linearity error Figure-4, Transfer curve with its slope 18.8 Monotonicity Non-monotonicity in the curve Figure-18.5: Transfer curve with non-monotonicity Figure-5 shows the non-monotonicity in the transfer curve. The steps of the transfer curve increase monotonically then the monotonicity is 100%. If it does not increase monotonically then non-monotonicity results as shown in the Figure-5. Monotonicity is measured in terms of LSB. The allowable value of non-monotonicity is ±½LSB. Experiments with Digital ICs 128 Laboratory Experiments Series 18.9 Slew rate Slew rate is an inherent limitation of the output amplifier of a DAC, which limits the rate of change of output voltage from 0.2 to several volts/µs. Delay in reaching final value of DAC output voltage is the sum of slew time and setting time as shown in Figure-6. Delay in reaching final state Settling time Figure-18.6: Settling time and delay time resulting in slewing of the transfer curve Slew rate SR = Settling time delay + delay in reaching final stage The settling time delay is much smaller than delay in reaching final stage hence SR = delay in reaching final stage If I0 is the output current the SR = dI o dt …3 If RL is load resistance connected to the output terminal and Vo is the output voltage measured then slew arte is given by SR = dI o dVo = dt R L dt …4 dVo Is measurable from CRO hence slew rate can be determined. dt 18.10 DAC Circuit Figure-7 shows DAC0808 IC connected perform DAC. A8…A1 is an 8-bit input terminal. Pin 4 is the out pin connected to the Opamp. C is the compensation capacitor. The reference voltage is set by trim pot TP. LF 356 Opamp is used as current to voltage converter. The out put current of the DAC is given by A A A A A A A A I O = I REF 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 2 Experiments with Digital ICs …5 129 Laboratory Experiments Series Where IO is the output current of the DAC IREF is the reference current A1…A8 is input bits The reference current is given by I REF = VREF R REF Substituting for IREF we get IO = VREF A1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 A 8 + + + + + + + R REF 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 MSB A8 REF=100K IREF +15V +5V 10.00V Vref 13 5 6 10K TP 14 15 7 8 5.6K 2 RF=100K 1 9 DAC0808 10 RI=10K 2 3 16 0.1 6 Vo LF356 7 3 + Io - 4 11 12 4 LSB A1 -15V +15V -15V Figure-18.7: DAC circuit The Opamp out put is given by V0 =RF I0 VO = R F VREF A1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 A 8 + + + + + + + R REF 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 Selecting resistance RF =RREF = 100K the output can be written as A A A A A A A A VO = VREF 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 2 Experiments with Digital ICs …6 130 Laboratory Experiments Series 18.11 Instruments Used Digital trainer containing split power supplies with ±5V/0.4A and ±15V/0.4A, logic monitors, clock signal and HI-LO switches, dual trace CRO, Digital dc voltmeter 2V/20V dual range and DMM. 18.12 Components Used DAC0808, 74LS193,Opamp LF 356, resistor 100K, 10K and 5K, capacitors 0.1µF 18.13 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of three different parts Part A, Verification of DAC equation Part B, Display of transfer curve Part C, Determination of slew rate Part A, Verification of DAC equation 1. The circuit rigged as in Figure-7 on breadboard of the digital trainer. The supply voltages verified by measuring it with a DMM. 2. The eight input terminals are connected to HI-LO switches on the digital trainer. And digital dc voltmeter is connected to Opamp output. The input bits are set to A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 = 0000 0000 The output voltage is noted in the dc voltmeter and recorded in Table-1. This voltage for 0000 0000 input is the offset error Vo offset =0.007V = 7mV 3. The reference voltage is now set to exactly 10.00 by varying trim pot TP. This sets the full-scale output voltage. 4. Now the input is set to 0000 0001 using HI-LO switch and the output is noted. Trial is repeated for different inputs and the corresponding output voltage is noted in Table-1. The output voltage noted for 0000 1000 input is –312mV tallied with the output voltage calculated using DAC equation. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VO = 10.00 + + + + + + + = 0.3125 V=312.5mV 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 5. Trial is repeated till the final input 1111 1111. In each case, output voltage is noted and theoretical output is calculated using DAC equation and presented in Table-1. The final output noted is 10.00 volts. Hence the resolution is Experiments with Digital ICs 131 Laboratory Experiments Series R= 10.00 28 = 10.00 = 39.06mV 256 6. Experiment is repeated for 5.00 volts reference. In this case the resolution obtained is 19.55mV Table-18.1 Input Bits Decimal Output Voltage Difference Accuracy A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 (V) % Expt (V) Thet (V) 0 0000 0000 0.0007 0.0 0.0007 Offset error 1 0000 0001 0.0391 0.0390 0.0001 99.74 2 0000 0010 0.0778 0.0781 0.0003 99.61 4 0000 0100 0.1562 0.1562 0.0000 100.00 8 0000 1000 0.3125 0.3125 0.0000 100.00 16 0001 0000 0.625 0.6250 0.0000 100.00 32 0010 0000 1.248 1.2500 0.0002 99.84 64 0100 0000 2.498 2.5000 0.0002 99.99 128 1000 0000 5.00 5.0000 0.0000 100.00 256 1111 1111 10.00 10.000 0.0000 100.00 Table-18.1: Output voltage variation with input bits. Expt Thet Output (V) 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Input bits (decimal) Figure-18.8: Transfer curve of the DAC Accuracy is calculated using equation-1 V − VExpt 0.0390 − 0.0391 Accuracy = 100% − Thet x100 = 99.74% for 0000 x100 = 100% − VThet 0.0390 0001 input. It is observed that the conversion 100% accurate in all trials. A transfer curve is drawn taking input bits along X-axis and output voltage along Y-axis. The graph is shown in Figure8. It is seen from the graph that both the experimental and theoretical curves coinciding indicating 100% accuracy in the conversion. The slope of the straight line gives linearity. Experiments with Digital ICs 132 Laboratory Experiments Series Slope = 45˚ 45 − 45 0 = = 0% 45 45 L = 100-0=100% Non linearity = Part B, Display of transfer curve 7. To display the DAC curve on CRO. The input bits are fed from a counter so that there is continuous change in the input bits. The 8-bit DAC converted in to 4-bit DAC by grounding the four upper MSB bits as shown in Figure-9. The 4-bit binary counter 74LS193 [4] is connected four lower bits of DAC. The counting is initiated by a 1KHz clock signal from the digital trainer. CLOCK 1KHz 8 14 2 6 2 3 11 12 -15V 4 Io RI=10K 2 3 1 15 16 0.1 6 Vo LF356 7 3 10 9 RF=100K 4 74LS193 5.6K 1 9 DAC0808 10 7 5 15 + 560 Ohms 14 7 8 16 10K TP - 11 10.00V Vref 13 5 6 +5V REF=100K IREF +15V +5V +15V -15V Figure-18.9, Binary counter feeding the DAC Figure-18.10: Transfer characteristics curve of DAC0808 (4-bit input from binary counter. The curve showed 89.9% linearity) 8. The output is monitored on CRO channel B. The transfer curve obtained is shown in Figure-10. The sixteen-step stair case generator as seen from the figure is having linearity distortion. The four output waveforms from the counter IC not always has equal Experiments with Digital ICs 133 Laboratory Experiments Series amplitude hence slight linearity distortion is seen in the curve. The slope of the transfer curve is measured using a protractor it is found to equal to 50˚. 9. No non-monotonicity is observed in transfer curve. Hence monotonicity is100% Part C, Determination of Slew rate 10. To determine the slew rate DAC is connected as shown in Figure-11. The reference input is fed with 1KHz clock signal. The output at pin-4 is monitored on CRO screen. A distorted square wave appeared on the output. Figure-12 shows reference input and output signal. The slewing time and peak-to-peak voltage are noted. +5V 2V VREF 0V 1K-TP2 A8 13 5 6 14 15 7 8 5.6K 2 1 9 DAC0808 10 A1 4 11 12 3 16 0.1 0 To CRO Slewing time -15V Figure-18.11: DAC0808 circuit connection for slew rate determination Figure-18.12: Reference input and slewed output Peak to peak out put voltage = 3 volts Slewing time = 200µA dV 3V SR = = = 0.015V / µs dt 200µs Experiments with Digital ICs 134 Laboratory Experiments Series 18.14 Results The results obtained are tabulated in Table-18.2. Parameters Resolution Accuracy Full scale error Offset error Linearity Monotonicity Slew rate Table-18.2 Experimental 39.10mV 99.59% (-1LSB) 0.32mV (-1LSB) 0.4mV 100% Not observed 0.015V/µs Standard 39.04mV ±1LSB ±1LSB ±½LSB 99.98% ±½LSB 0.2 to few hundred V/ µs [3] DAC0808 Characteristics experimental results 18.15 Discussions The characteristic parameters obtained by experiment are in very good agreement with the DAC0808 standard values as per the manufacturers data. This indicates that the IC is well optimized with minimum deviation in its parameters. In order to observe large values for these parameters one need to perform the experiments using Opamp and discrete component R-2R network. The experiment introduces a method of determining various parameters associated with DAC/ADC in general and DAC in particular. By varying the reference voltage the full scale, voltage can be set to desired value. References [1] A P Malvino and Jerald A Brown, Digital computer electronics, 3rd edition, Page 483. [2] National Semiconductor, National data acquisition data book, Page 3-15. [3] Jim Sherwin, National Semiconductor, Application Note-156, Linear applications handbook, Page-413. [4] T Aswathnarayana Rao, Synchronous 4-bit up-down counter, LE Vol-3, N0-2, June2002, Page-103. Experiments with Digital ICs 135 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-22 DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERSION USING R-2R NETWORK AND OPAMP Abstract Using R-2R network and Opamp digital to analog conversion is performed. The characteristic parameters such as resolution, accuracy, full-scale error, offset error, linearity, monotonicity and slew rate distortions are determined. The transfer characteristic of the DAC is displayed on CRO screen. The number of steps in the staircase is controlled by suitably programming the counter input to the DAC. 19.1 Introduction Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) is a process in which a signal having two definite states (0 and 1) are converted in to a signal having theoretically infinite number of states (analog). The fundamental building block of DAC IC is the Opamp based R-2R network shown in Figure-1. 24K 2R 12K -15V R 4 C R=RF=12K 24K 2R 2 3 12K Vo LF356 +15V 12K LSB A R 6 7 B 24K 2R + D - MSB R 24K 2R 2R 24K Figure-19.1: DAC circuit using R-2R ladder network. Present day computers, communications and electronic industries are based on digital technology. In such a system, DACs are used frequently. DAC can be obtained in two different ways [1]. Weighted resistor method R-2R ladder method Experiments with Digital ICs 136 Laboratory Experiments Series In both these methods, an Opamp is used as active device. In the weighted resistor, method different value of resistors are used to get digital to analog conversion. Depending on the bit width, the number and value of the resistors increase. In practice, it is very difficult to get different values of precession resistors. Hence, this method has only theoretical importance. In the second method only two different values of resistors are involved hence getting them is a not a problem. The DCBA inputs to the DAC are either 0 or 1. For TTL IC the HI state input is 5V and LO state input is 0V. This need not be the case always. CMOS DAC ICs have 10V as HI state and 0V as LO state. Therefore, in general Vref denotes the HI state input to the DAC. A discrete component DAC is important in lab experiments to study the characteristic of the conversion. In practice, monolithic integrated circuits based on R-2R networks are used in electronic circuits. A DAC IC is specified by its bit capacity, The DAC shown in Figure-1 is a 4-bit wide converter. 19.2 DAC characteristic parameters Various parameters connected with the process of digital to analog conversion refer to both the weighted resistor and R-2R network hence it applies to both the types of conversion. The output voltage of the DAC as shown in Figure-1 is given by V R D C B A Vo = − ref F + + + 2 R 1 2 4 8 Where …1 Vref is the reference voltage or the HI state digital input RF is the forward feedback resistor R is the one of the ladder resistor DCBA are input digital bits. For R=RF the equation is rewritten as V D C B A Vo = − ref + + + 2 1 2 4 8 …2 The width of the input bit can be in multiples of 4 such as 4,8,12,16 etc. However, one can have any width within the practical limit of Opamp supply voltage. 19.3 Resolution Resolution describes the smallest standard incremental change in the output voltage of a DAC. It is defined as the amount of output voltage change for a consecutive code change. R= Vo (full) …3 2n − 1 Experiments with Digital ICs 137 Laboratory Experiments Series For example, a 4-bit DAC can resolve 1-part in 16 states or 6.6% of full scale. If the fullscale voltage is 5 volts then the resolution is R= 5V 24 − 1 = 5V = 0.333V = 333mV = 6.6% of full-scale voltage. 15 This refers to 1-LSB or one-step height of the DAC output. The resolution of a DAC is connected with number of input bits. It is nothing to do with its performance. Another parameter called accuracy is defined to specify the performance of the digital to analog converter. 19.4 Accuracy It is the difference between the actual output voltage and the full-scale weighted equivalent of the binary output code. As the bit size, increases the weighted difference also increase. However, the difference per bit remains the same. V ~ VExpt Accuracy = 100% − Thet x100 % VThet …4 Where VThet is the theoretical output voltage. VExpt is the experimental value of output voltage For example in a 4-bit DAC with 5V reference voltage, for input bits 1111, the actual output measured is 4.9 volts. The full-scale weighted equivalent of the binary output is 5.0 volts. D = 5V - 4.9V = 0.1V A = 5V - 0.1V = 4.9V = 98% The conversion is 98% accurate. Accuracy may vary with bit width. Maximum difference is ±1 LSB. 19.5 Full-scale error Full-scale error is the actual difference between output voltage and its equivalent weighted value at the MSB. In the above calculations, 0.1V difference is obtained at the MSB hence full-scale error is 0.1V. 19.6 Offset error Offset error is the output voltage of a DAC with zero (DCBA=0000) code input. The outputoffset voltage of the Opamp usually causes offset error. This can be eliminated by offset adjustment pot. The results of offset can be viewed on the transfer curve on CRO as shown in Figure-2. On the other hand, it is the output voltage measured with 0000 input. Experiments with Digital ICs 138 Laboratory Experiments Series Some negative voltage due offset error 0 Figure-19.2: Transfer curve and offset error. 19.7 Linearity The transfer curve of DAC on equal X and Y-axis has 45º slope. However, some times the slope varies slightly. This is due to the tolerance of R-2R resistor network and Opamp parameters. A percentage variation in the slope is called non-linearity. In addition, linearity is defined as L = 100 − N …5 Where L is linearity in % N is non-linearity Figure-3 shows non-linearity effect. For example if the slope of the transfer curves are 50º instead of 45º, then 50 − 45 5 = = 0.111 = 11.1% 45 45 Or the linearity is Non linearity = L= 100-11.1= 89.9% Slight variations in the slope of transfer curve due to lnon-linearity error Figure-19.3: Transfer curve with its slope 19.8 Monotonicity Figure-4 shows the non-monotonicity in the transfer curve. The steps of the transfer curve increase monotonically then the monotonicity is 100%. If it does not increase monotonically then non-monotonicity results as shown in the Figure-4. Monotonicity is measured in terms of LSB. The allowable value of non-monotonicity is ±½LSB. Experiments with Digital ICs 139 Laboratory Experiments Series Non-monotonicity in the curve Figure-19.4: Transfer curve with non-monotonicity 19.9 Slew rate Slew rate is an inherent limitation of the output Opamp of the DAC, which limits the rate of change of output voltage from 0.2 to several volts/µs. Delay in reaching final value of DAC output voltage is the sum of slew time and setting time as shown in Figure-5. Delay in reaching final state Settling time Figure-19.5: Settling time and delay time resulting in slewing of the transfer curve Slew rate SR = Settling time delay + delay in reaching final stage The settling time delay is much smaller than delay in reaching final stage hence SR = delay in reaching final stage. If I0 is the output current then SR = dI o dt …6 If RL is load resistance connected to the output terminal and Vo is the output voltage measured then slew rate is given by SR = dI o dVo = dt R L dt …7 dVo Is measurable from CRO hence slew rate can be determined. dt 19.20 Instruments Used Experiments with Digital ICs 140 Laboratory Experiments Series Digital trainer containing ±15V and 5V power supplies, HI-LO switches, logic monitors, clock signal and breadboard. Digital dc voltmeter 0.2V/2V/20V multi range and dual trace CRO. 19.21 Components Used Opamp LF356, binary counter 74LS93, resistors 12K and 24K. 19.22 Experimental Procedure 1. The reference input to the DAC (logic HI state input) is measured from HI input using digital dc voltmeter HI input = 5.01V = Vref LO input = 0V 2. DAC circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-1. All the four inputs DCBA are connected to LO state and the output voltage is measured using dc voltmeter. This voltage is the output offset error. VO(off) = -7.2mV This offset error can be nullified using offset adjustment terminal of the Opamp and a trim pot [2]. 3. The input DCBA is now set to 1111 and the output is measured. This is the full-scale output voltage Vo(full) = -4.71V Resolution is calculated using equation-3. R= Vo (full) n 2 −1 = 4.71 4 2 −1 = 4.71 = 0.314V 15 4. For different input bits varying from 0000 to 1111 the corresponding output, voltage is measured and tabulated in Table-1. Theoretical value of output voltage is calculated using equation-1. For 1010 input the output voltage is given by V D C B A 5.01 1 0 1 0 Vo = − ref + + + = − + + + = −2.50x1.25 = −3.125V 2 1 2 4 8 2 1 2 4 8 The value calculated agreed very well with experimental value -3.131V, indicating the perfectness in the conversion. Accuracy is calculated using equation-4 at MSB (1111). Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 141 V ~ VExpt Accuracy = 100% − Thet x100 % VThet = 100% - 4.687 ~ 4.71 x100 = 99.5% 4.687 Full-scale error is calculated at DCBA=1111. It is the difference between theoretical output and experimental output Full scale error = VThet − VExpt = 4.687-4.71=0.023V. This 23millivolt full error is <½LSB Table-19.1 Decimal Binary Output Voltage (V) LSB Input (Thet) Thet Expt 0 0000 -0.000 -0.0072 1 0001 -0.312 -0.312 0.310 2 0010 -0.625 -0.626 0.316 3 0011 -0.937 -0.931 0.313 4 0100 -1.250 -1.264 0.312 5 0101 -1.562 -1.569 0.314 6 0110 -1.875 -1.883 0.313 7 0111 -2.187 -2.187 0.317 8 1000 -2.500 -2.513 0.315 9 1001 -2.812 -2.817 0.315 10 1010 -3.125 -3.131 0.313 11 1011 -3.437 -3.467 0.314 12 1100 -3.750 -3.780 0.314 13 1101 -4.060 -4.080 0.314 14 1110 -4.375 -4.400 0.312 15 1111 -4.687 -4.710 0.313 Average LSB = 0.3136 Input bits and DAC output voltages 5. A transfer characteristic curve is plotted taking input bits along X-axis and DAC output voltage along Y-axis. The curve is shown in Figure-6. From the curve the slope of the straight lines are calculated. Slope of Experimental curve = 0.3136 = LSBExpt Slope of Theoretical curve = 0.3125 = LSBThet The slope of the straight lines gives the LSB of conversion. Difference in the slopes = 0.0011 = 0.352% ∴ Non linearity N = 0.352% ∴ Linearity L = 100-0.352 = 99.64% <½LSB. Experiments with Digital ICs 142 Laboratory Experiments Series Thet Expt 0 DAC Output (V) -1 0 5 10 15 20 -2 -3 -4 -5 Input Bits Figure-19.6: Transfer characteristics of DAC Part-B, Display of Characteristic Curve on CRO 6. Feeding DAC inputs with time varying clock signals from a binary counter the transfer characteristic curve is viewed on a CRO. The 74LS93 binary counter is used as shown in Figure-7. By connecting the DAC output to CRO channel-B, the transfer curve is observed.1 KHz Clock signal is fed from the digital trainer. The counter produce QA = 500Hz, QB = 250Hz, Qc = 125Hz, QD = 62.5Hz signals. These signal generate 0000-1111 sequence of inputs continuously [3] +5V QD D 24K 2R 11 C 24K 2R 2 3 14 12K 9 QB B 24K 2R 12 Vo LF356 +15V 12K 3 10 R 6 7 74LS93 2 4 QC 8 -15V R + 12K 1KHz Clock 5VPP R=RF=12K - 5 QA A R 24K 2R 1 2R 24K Figure-19.7: Binary counter feeding the DAC 7. The output of the Opamp is connected to CRO channel-B and the staircase waveform is observed as shown in Figure-8. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the staircase is measured by switching the time/div knob of the CRO to the external position. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 143 Figure-19.8 (a), Fifteen step staircase waveform (b) Peak-to-peak amplitude 8. The CRO channel-B is switched to GND- position and the centerline is coincided with the CRO centerline. When the channel is switched back to DC position, the transfer curve appears on the screen. The first step is now shifted just below the centerline as shown in Figure-.9, the shift is measured on Y-axis. This is the offset error. Offset error = -8mV. This agreed well with the -7.2 obtained in part-A. Figure-19.9: Offset error causing shift in the start of staircase waveform 9. The peak-to-peak value of the staircase waveform is measured by turning the time/div knob of the CRO to the external position as shown in Figure-8 (b). The total number of steps in the staircase waveform is also noted. Peak to peak output = 3.5V Number of steps = 15 ∴ Resolution Rac = 0.233V This is one-step height. This can be verified by reconnecting the circuit as shown in Figure-9 The three upper bits BCD = 000 are set LO by disconnecting them from counter and grounding them. The LSB (A input of the DAC) of the DAC is fed with QA that can have only two states hence produce a single step staircase (square wave) as shown in Figure-11. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the square wave is the LSB for ac signal. Experiments with Digital ICs 144 Laboratory Experiments Series +5V QD D 24K 2R QC C 24K 2R 2 3 14 12K 9 QB B 24K 2R 12 LF356 +15V 12K 3 10 R 6 7 74LS93 2 4 8 -15V R + 12K 1KHz Clock 5VPP R=RF=12K 11 - 5 QA A R 24K 2R 1 2R 24K Figure-19.10: Circuit producing single step staircase or a square wave Figure-19.11: Single step staircase or a square wave Peak-to peak output 230mV Three step and seven step staircase waveforms Figure-12(a), Three step staircase (QA= A,QB=B, QC = 0, QD= 0) Figure-12(b), Seven step staircase (QA= A,QB=B, QC = C, QD= 0) Table-19.2 Input Output (V) No of Steps Step height Rac A=QA, B=C=D=0 0.230 1 0.230 A=QA, B=QB, C=D=0 0.700 3 0.233 A=QA, B=QB,, C=QC D=0 1.700 7 0.242 A=QA, B=QB,, C=QC D=QD 3.500 15 0.233 Average Rac =0.2345V Different inputs to the DAC and resolution to ac signal (Step numbers are counted vertically) Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 145 10. By reconnecting QB to B input and QC to C input three step and seven step staircase waveforms are obtained. In each case, the step height is calculated by noting peak-to-peak amplitude of the staircase and number of steps. The readings obtained are tabulated in Table-2 19.23 Slew rate 11. The staircase waveform is observed on a smaller time scale as shown in Figure-13. There is no measurable slew rate distortion observed in the waveform Figure- 19.13: Extended 15 step staircase waveform without slew rate distortion 19.24 Monotonicity 12. The perfect 15 step staircase waveform observed as shown in Figure-8(a) doesn’t show any discontinuity in the staircase wave which indicate zero monotonicity. 19.25 Results The results obtained are tabulated in Table-19.3. Table-19.3 Parameters Expt Resolution (dc) V/bit 0.314 Resolution (ac) V/bit 0.234 Accuracy (%) 99.5 Full scale error 23mV Offset error -7.2mV Linearity (%) 99.64 Slew rate Not observed Monotonicity Not observed Experimental results Thet 0.312 0.233 ±1LSB ±1LSB ±½LSB 99.85 ±½LSB 19.26 Discussions Basic functioning of the DAC and the various characteristic parameters associated with the DAC are studied in this experiment. The various characteristics parameters obtained are in very good agreement with the theoretical value indicating the perfectness in the conversion. Using DAC with HI-LO input the transfer characteristic curve obtained matched with the theoretical curve. The transfer curve is displayed on a CRO using binary counter that Experiments with Digital ICs 146 Laboratory Experiments Series generate 0000 to 1111 sequence of inputs. Programming the counter output as indicated in Table-2 suitably controls the numbers of steps. The resolution obtained in ac case (0.230) is lower than the dc case because the full-scale output in ac itself is 3.5V in compared to 4.7V in case of dc. In practice Opamp and R-2R based DAC is not used in electronic circuit applications. However, all the DAC ICs are based on R-2R network. Hence, it is the fundamental building block of DAC IC. References [1] K V Acharya, Digital to analog conversion, LE Vol-3, No-4, Dec-2003, Page-329. [2] Jeethendra Kumar P K, Universal offset balancing techniques, LE Vol-3, No-4, Dec2003, Page-348. [3] Jeethendra Kumar P K, Boolean function generator, LE Vol-2, No-2, Sept-2002, Page-47 Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series Chapter-7 Data Communications Experiments with Digital ICs 147 148 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-23 AMPLITUDE SHIFT KEYING Abstract Multiplication of a carrier with a pulse sequence is studied in amplitude shift keying (ASK) using analog switch. The ASK signal is demodulated using Norton’s amplifier. The modulated and demodulated signals are observed on CRO. 10.1 Introductions Data communication began with the use of public switching telephone network to carry voice signals. The band of frequencies these voice signals occupy is between 300Hz to 3400Hz. A train of rectangular plusses has its frequency below the lower limit (300Hz). If these pulses are asked to carry by the telephone line then, these pulses will be of very highly distorted shape. Hence it is difficult to send unmodified train of pulse through telephone line. Pulses are modified and asked to carry by the telephone line. The process of modification is called as Modulation and at the receiving end signal is DEMoulated (MODEM) to obtain back the original signal. An instrument called MODEM does the entire process. At the transmitting end modem converts digital pulses in to voice and transmits through telephone line. At the receiving end the modem converts the voice in to digital pulses. This process of transmission of signal is called as data transmission or data communication. There are three basic types of modulations in data communications, namely 1. Amplitude shift keying (ASK) modulation and demodulation. 2. Phase shift keying (PSK) modulation and demodulation 3. Frequency shift keying (FSK) modulation and demodulation. 10.2 Amplitude Shift Keying ON OFF OFF ON ON No-Signal Signal OFF ON ON N-S Signal Signal OFF N-S Signal Signal Figure-10.1: ASK modulated signal A binary pulse train is represented by ON-OFF sequence. During the ON time a sinewave carrier signal (f c) is allowed to pass and during the OFF time no signal is allowed to pass. Hence the resulting pulse train consists of sine wave signal followed by no signal as shown in the Figure-10.1. This is called ASK modulated signal. If fc is the carrier and P (t) is the pulse Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 149 train then the multiplication these two results in ASK [1]. The resulting ASK signal is represented by A (t) = P (t) Cos (2πfct) …1 To get ASK modulated signal the carrier and the pulse train is multiplied as per Equation 1. This is done in general by an analog switch that switches ON passing the carrier when there is HI state and switches OFF not allowing the carrier to pass when there is LO state in the pulse train. This process results in ASK modulated signal. The carrier (1.8KHz) is taken from an audio oscillator and signal to be transmitted is converted in to Boolean function and multiplied by the carrier. The analog switch used in the present experiment consists four independent JFET SPST switches as shown in Figure-10.2. It is available in 16-pin DIP package from National Semiconductor or Harris [2,3]. 3 S D G 1 Q1 2 4 8 6 Q2 7 5 9 11 Q3 10 12 16 14 Q4 13 15 AH5012/IH5012 Figure-10.2: Analog SPST switch AH/IH 5012 pin diagram The JFET switches are operated in the current mode hence placed generally in series with other elements. The drain of each JFET is held near the ground potential by the diode. The IC acts like a one pole –4 way rotary switch. Figure –10.3 shows analog switch tied to form ASK modulator. The Opamp is used as inverting amplifier with closed loop voltage gain given by A V ( CL ) = Where R 2 + rDS ( on ) 2 …2 R1 + rDS ( on )1 rDS(on)1 is the drain-source resistance of JFET Q1 Experiments with Digital ICs 150 Laboratory Experiments Series rDS(on)2 is the drain-source resistance of JFET Q2 Q2 1/4-5012 D S 8 6 G +15V Q1 1/4-5012 3 1 3 R1 10K 2 R2 6 + 2 - 10K 4 Sine Carrier 1.8KHz 7 ASK Output LF356 7 1 4 -15V 0 Modulating Pulse Figure-10.3: ASK modulator circuit In general the drain-source resistances are nearly equal and selecting R1 = R2, the closed loop gain is taken as unity. The carrier sine wave is fed through R1 and the pluses are fed at the gate as shown in Figure10.3. ASK demodulation is the reverse process of getting back the pulse waveform. This is done in different ways. In this experiment demodulation is obtained using a Norton’s amplifier [4]. 10.3 Norton’s Amplifier +5V 10uF ASK Input 1 + 14 14 1 6 7 LM3900 LS04 2 Demodulated ASK 7 10K Figure-10.4: ASK Demodulator circuit 10.4 Instruments Used Norton’s amplifier is class of Opamps designed for single supply applications. Norton’s amplifier makes use of current feedback instead of voltage feedback. It is used to perform all the basic applications of Opamp and it is used as a special amplifier with specific application which Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 151 are not possible with Opamp. One such application is the present ASK demodulator circuit. Figure-10.4 shows ASK demodulator circuit. The circuit appears very simple. An inverter is added to reshape the demodulated output in to perfect rectangular pulse. Digital signal generators, regulated power supply 5V/1A, split power supply ±15V/0.5A, sine wave oscillator 10-100KHz, Dual trace CRO. 10.5 Experimental Procedures The experiment is divided in to two parts Part A: Part B: ASK modulation ASK demodulation Part A: ASK modulation 1. The circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-10.3. A sine wave oscillator is connected as carrier signal. Its amplitude is set to 10VPP and frequency is set 1.8KHz. 2. The digital signal generator is connected to JFET gate and the pulse train is monitored on CRO channel-B. It is the modulating pulse. 3. The output of the Opamp is monitored on Channel-A of the CRO in comparison with the modulating signal. 4. The ASK modulated signal is observed as shown in Figure-10.5. 5. The ASK modulated signal is observed for all input pulse train. The carrier frequency is also varied up to 100KHz to observe the functioning of the circuit. It is found that without any changes in the circuit ASK modulated signal is obtained with carrier frequency up to 100KHz. Figure-10.5: ASK modulated signal (Upper modulating signal, lower ASK modulated signal) 10.6 ASK demodulation Experiments with Digital ICs 152 Laboratory Experiments Series 6. The demodulator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-10.4. The ASK modulated signal is fed to the input of the Norton’s amplifier. And the output is observed on CRO channel-A in comparison with the modulating pulse train. The output observed is shown in Figure10.6 Figure-10.6 ASK demodulated signal (Upper one demodulated, lower modulating signal) 10.7 Results ASK modulated and demodulated circuits are tested and their waveforms are recorded. Clearcut waveform with sharp cuttings at the falling and rising edge of the pulse is observed. It is also observed that carrier frequency up to 100KHz is acceptable by the circuit. The demodulation is made simpler by Norton’s amplifier. 10.8 Discussion The process of ASK modulation and demodulation is studied. The circuit presented is the first time for both ASK modulation and demodulation. The experiment requires a digital signal generator to set the modulating signal. In the absence of which a rectangular pulse generated by a 555 is also can be used. KamalJeeth make digital function generator is available. References 1 2 National Semiconductor, National Data Acquisition Data Book, Analog Switch & multiplexer Page 8-13. 3 RCA Component Data Catalog 1987, Page 8-65. 4 National Semiconductor, National Operational Amplifier Data Book, 1995 Edition page- 1-432. Experiments with Digital ICs 153 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-24 PSK MODULATION AND DEMODULATION Abstract Phase shift keying (PSK) modulation is studied using a JFET SPST switch. And demodulation is obtained using PLL. The modulated signal is passed through 100 meters twisted wire and the characteristic parameters of PSK namely bias distortion and jitter are determined. 11.1 Introduction Phase shift keying (PSK) is one of the most popular data communication techniques through which digital data is transmitted through telephone lines. Figure-11.1 illustrates a PSK modulated signal by 101100111-pulse sequence. PSK encodes two distinct signals of same frequency with 180-degree phase difference between the two. The Logic HI is represented by flead, phase lead signal and flag, phase lag signal, represents Logic LO. A modem [1] performs PSK modulation and demodulation. The modulated signal is passed through telephone lines. Therefore the lead and lag signal frequency should be within the bandwidth of telephone line (3.1KHz). The spacing between the lead and lag frequencies depend on the demodulation techniques used [2]. 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Figure-11.1: PSK modulated signal In this experiment a sine wave of 880Hz is selected as carrier and 180-degree phase shift is obtained using an Opamp shown in Figure-11.2. Different techniques are used to demodulate PSK. The popular analog scheme is the phase locked loop (PLL). The demodulation process results in several degradations to the originally transmitted data. Bias distortion, out put jitter are the two parameters, which decide the quality of the demodulation circuits. Figure-11.3 shows a 0101 sequence of input transmitted via PSK and demodulated signal. The demodulated signal is found to have more than 50% duty cycle in the pulse sequence at certain time. Experiments with Digital ICs 154 Laboratory Experiments Series 10K-R2 -15V 4 !0K-R1 2 Sine input 3 + lag 0.1 f - f lead 6 LF356 7 0.1 +15V Figure-11.2: The lead and lag carrier signals 1 0 1 0 T1RX TORX 1 0 Bias Distorsion Resulting in variation in the duty cycle Figure-11.3: Bias distortion resulting variation of duty cycle This is the result of distortion that had resulted in duty cycle variation in the demodulated output. Such a distortion is called bias distortion. And it is given by Bd = 0.5T1RX x100% T1TX + TORX Where …1 T1RX is high state time of the receiving (demodulated) pulse T1TX is high state time of the transmitted pulse TORX is low state time of the demodulated pulse TOTX is low state time of the transmitted pulse Bias distortion is represented in % in general. The smaller the value of bias distortion better is the demodulated circuit. The second figure of merit of the PSK demodulation is the jitter. Jitter is illustrated in Figure-11.4. This is similar to phase variation in sine wave form. However, the phase difference is not continuous here. It is the discrete phase difference occurring due to mismatch in the timings of the falling and trailing edges of the pulse waveform. The jitter is defined as Experiments with Digital ICs 155 Laboratory Experiments Series Tb 1 0 1 Mismatch Tmin 0 Mismatch 1 0 Mismatch Matching Tmax Figure-11.4: Jitter in the demodulated signal J= Tmax i Tmin x100% Tb Where …2 Tmaxi is maximum time delay between the transmitted and receiving pulse Tmin is minimum time delay between transmitted and receiving pulse Tb is the half period of the transmitting pulse called time frame bit. When Tmaxi = Tmin jitter is zero indicating that the received signal is jitter free. Smaller value of J, better is the receiving signal or more perfect is the PSK demodulation. 11.2 PSK Modulation PSK modulation is obtained using a JFET analog switch. The quad JFET analog switch IC5011/5012 pin diagram is shown in Figure-11.5 [3]. The lead and lag carrier signals produced by Wien Bridge oscillator [4]. Y and W are the ADC outputs [5], which control the JFET switch. Y= W …3 The JFET switch is ON when its gate is at logic HI (+5V), the switch is OFF when the gate is at logic LO (0V). When the modulating signal is fed to the gate the lead and lag signals are passed from the source to the drain during high state of the pulse sequence. During the low state of the pulse sequence the switch is of. Consider a HI state appearing at the gate of Q1 JFET in Figure-11.6, then the W input to the Q2 JFET is LO hence Q2 switch is off. Q1 switch that is closed now passes the lead frequency to the Opamp hence Opamp output has lead frequency signal. Alternatively, if Logic LO appears on the gate of Q1 JFET then Q1 is off. Simultaneously Q2 is ON this passes the lag frequency to Opamp or the Opamp out put now contains lag frequency. In this manner the lead and lag frequencies are passed through the analog switch to obtain PSK modulated signal. Figure-11.6 shows PSK modulator circuit. The Opamp is tied in the inverting amplifier mode. The closed loop voltage gain of the Opamp is given by Experiments with Digital ICs 156 A V ( CL ) = Where Laboratory Experiments Series R 2 + rDS ( ON )3 …4 R 1 + rDS ( ON )1, 2 rDS(ON)3 is the drain-source resistance of Q3 FET rDS(ON)1,2 is the drain source resistance of the conducting FET (Q1 or Q2) The drain-source resistance [7] of the JFET is of the order of 100 Ohms and in the integrated form these resistance of individual JFET are almost equal, hence one can write rDS(ON)1 = rDS(ON)2 = rDS(ON)3 = rDS(ON)4 = rDS(ON)5 …5 Thus closed loop gain reduces to AV(CL) = - 1 for R1 = R2 3 S 1 D G Q1 2 4 8 6 Q2 7 5 9 11 Q3 10 12 16 14 Q4 15 13 AH5012/IH5012 Figure-11.5: JFET analog switch Q3 8 6 -15V 7 IC- 5011/5012 R2 1 2 3 2 10K 10K TP 14 W 6 LF356 7 4 R1 10K + 3 Q1 - 10K 4 R1 16 Q2 +15V 15 13 IC- 5011/5012 Y Figure-11.5: PSK Modulator Circuit Experiments with Digital ICs PSK Output Laboratory Experiments Series 157 11.3 PSK Demodulation PSK demodulation or decoding is done with 565 PLL IC as shown in Figure-11.7 [7]. Since the input is single, ended pin-3 of 565 is grounded and the PSK modulated signal is fed to the input pin-2. The demodulated output appears at pin-7. +15V 10 PSK Input 2 3 4 565 5 7 1 Demodulated Output -15V Figure-11.7: FSK Demodulator Circuit 11.4 Instruments Used Split power supplies ±15, dual trace CRO, and Digital Signal Generator (DSG), frequency counter. 11.5 Components Used IC 5011/5012, IC 565, LF 356, Resistors 10K, 51K, 510K, 100K, 18K, Capacitors, 0.1, 0.047µA, 4400pF. Trim pot 10K 3296 types. Solderless breadboards. 11.6 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of two parts. Part-A; PSK modulation Part-B; PSK demodulation Part A; PSK modulation 1. The PSK modulator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-6 and carrier is obtained as shown in Figure-11.2. Frequency of the carrier is noted using frequency counter. Flead = flag = 880 Hz 2. The Y and W outputs of the DSG are connected to the two analog switches. These are modulating signals. The output of PSK is monitored on CRO channel-2 in comparison Experiments with Digital ICs 158 Laboratory Experiments Series with modulating signal Y. The output noted is shown in Figure-11.8. The trim pot TP is adjusted so that amplitude is uniform in the PSK signal. Figure-11.8: Input modulating signal and PSK modulated signal (Digital photograph is taken with 880 Hz signal ) 3. The waveform observed coincided with the pulse waveform indicating perfect ness in the modulation process and no distortion is observed. 4. Trial is repeated by varying the wave from in the DSG. In each case FSK waveform is coincided with the pulse waveform to see the perfect ness of modulation. Part-B; PSK demodulation 5. The PSK demodulator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-11.7 using 565 IC. The PSK modulated signal is fed to the demodulator at PSK input terminal. Output of the demodulator is observed on CRO channel-2 in comparison with the PSK signal as shown in Figure-11.9(a) and modulating signal Y as in Figure-11.9(b). (a) (b) Figure-11.9(a): PSK modulated and demodulated signal 11.9(b): PSK demodulated with modulating signal 6. The PSK modulated signal is passed through 100meters twisted wire before getting it demodulated by 565. After passing the signal through the twisted wire, it demodulated to see the difference in demodulated signal. Photograph in Fogure-11.10 shows the demodulated signal in compared to Y. Distortions are seen in the waveforms. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 159 Figure-11.10, PSK demodulated signal after passing through 100 meters twisted wire ( Bottom modulating signal Y, Top PSK demodulated signal) 11.7 Determination of Bias Distortion 7. The modulating signals Y and W are now replaced by 0101-sequence square wave Y′ and W′ from the DSG. The modulating and demodulated signals observed on CRO as shown in Figure-9. From the CRO waveform following time period is noted. T1RX = 0.6msec T1TX = 0.5msec TORX = 0.2msec TOTX = 0.6msec Bias distortion is given by Bd = = 0.5T1RX x100% T1TX + TORX 0 .5 x 0 .6 0 .3 x100% = = 43% 0.5 + 0.2 0.7 11.8 Determination of jitter From wave form in Figure-11.9, the following time period are recorded Tmaxi = 0 Tmin = 0 Tb = 0.4msec. Jitter J is given by J= Tmax i − Tmin 0 .0 =0 x100% = 0 .4 Tb 11.9 Results Experiments with Digital ICs 160 Laboratory Experiments Series PSK modulation is obtained using analog switch and PSK demodulation is obtained using 565 PLL IC. The modulated and demodulated waveforms are recorded. From the CRO waveform, bias distortion and jitter are calculated. Bd = 57% J=0 11.10 Discussion A perfect PSK modulated signal is obtained using JFET analog switch 5012. Demodulation is obtained for modulated signal varying from 00000000 to 11111111. Demodulation of PSK is obtained using 565 PLL IC. The modulated signal is passed through 100 meters of twisted wire and when demodulated, clear-cut distortions are observed in demodulated signal as shown in Figure-11.10. This indicates that the modulated signal has to be conditioned before sending through telephone line. This also gave an idea of the distortion parameters discussed above. The jitter and bias distortion observed are within the limits of experimental error. References 1. Jeethendra Kumar P K, ASK modulation and demodulation, Lab Experiments, Vol-2, N02, Sept-2002, Page 42. 2. Modem Basics, EXAR data book, 1987, Page 3-2. 3. National Data Acquisition data book, 1995, Page 8-9. 4. Jeethendra Kumar P K, Wien Bridge Sine-wave Oscillator, Lab Experiments, Vol-2, N02, Sept-2002, Page-54. 5. Uma Prasad B K, Analog to digital conversion using ADC0804, Lab Experiments, Vol-2, N0-1, June-2002, Page-48. 6. J Anil Kumar, JFET Characteristics, Lab Experiments, Vol-1, N0-1, Nov-2001, Page-32. 7. Malvino A P, Electronic Principles, 1989, Pare 707. Experiments with Digital ICs 161 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-25 FSK MODULATION AND DEMODULATION Abstract Frequency shift keying (FSK) modulation is studied using a JFET SPST switch. And demodulation is obtained using PLL. The characteristic parameters of FSK namely bias distortion and jitter are determined and compared with the theoretical values. 12.1 Introduction Frequency shift keying (FSK) and phase shift keying (PSK) are the most popular data communication techniques through which digital data is transmitted through telephone lines. Figure-12.1 illustrates a FSK modulated signal by 0101 sequence. FSK encodes two distinct frequency signals called mark and space. Mark is the high frequency signal represents logic HI and space is the low frequency signal represents logic LO. A modem [1] perform FSK modulation and demodulation. The modulated signals are passed through telephone lines. Therefore the mark and space frequencies should be within the bandwidth of telephone line (3.1KHz). The spacing between the mark and space frequencies depends on the demodulation techniques used [2]. 1 Mark 0 Space 1 Mark 0 Space 1 Mark 0 Space Figure-12.1: FSK modulated signal In this experiment a sine wave of 1KHz and 1.2KHz are used as space and mark frequencies respectively. Different techniques are used to demodulate FSK. The popular analog scheme is the phase locked loop (PLL) or using narrow band filter and envelope detectors [3]. In PLL type of demodulator, the PLL locks to the incoming FSK frequencies and produce two different DC voltages at the phase detector output. The voltages are then reshaped to obtain 0 and 1. The demodulation process results in several degradations to the originally transmitted data. Bias distortion, out put jitter are the two parameters that decide the quality of the demodulation circuits. Figure-12.2 shows a 0101 sequence of input transmitted via FSK and demodulated signal. The demodulated signal is found to have more than 50% duty cycle in the pulse sequence at certain time. Experiments with Digital ICs 162 Laboratory Experiments Series 1 0 1 0 1 T1RX TORX 0 Bias Distorsion Resulting in variation in the duty cycle Figure-12.2: Bias distortion resulting variation of duty cycle This is the result of distortion that had resulted in duty cycle variation in the demodulated output. Such a distortion is called Bias distortion. And it is given by Bd = 0.5T1RX x100% T1TX + TORX Where …1 T1RX is high state time of the receiving (demodulated) pulse T1TX is high state time of the transmitted pulse TORX is low state time of the demodulated pulse TOTX is low state time of the transmitted pulse Bias distortion is represented in % in general. The smaller the value of bias distortion better is the demodulated circuit. The second figure of merit of the FSK demodulation is the jitter. Jitter is illustrated in Figure-12.3. This is similar to phase variation in sine wave form. However, the phase difference is not continuous here. It is the discrete phase difference occurring due to mismatch in the timings of the falling and trailing edges of the pulse waveform. The jitter is defined as Tb 1 0 1 Mismatch Tmin 0 Mismatch 1 0 Mismatch Matching Tmax Figure-12.3: Jitter in the demodulated signal J= Tmax i Tmin x100% Tb Where …2 Tmaxi is maximum time delay between the transmitted and receiving pulse Experiments with Digital ICs 163 Laboratory Experiments Series Tmin is minimum time delay between transmitted and receiving pulse Tb is the half period of the transmitting pulse called time frame bit. When Tmaxi = Tmin jitter is zero indicating that the received signal is jitter free. Smaller value of J, better is the receiving signal or more perfect is the FSK demodulation. 12.2 FSK Modulation FSK modulation is obtained using a JFET analog switch. The quad JFET analog switch IC5011/5012 pin diagram is shown in Figure-12.4 [4]. The input mark and space signals produced by Wien Bridge oscillator [5]. Y and W are the ADC outputs [6], which control the JFET switch. Y= W …3 The JFET switch is ON when its gate is at logic HI (+5V), the switch is OFF when the gate is at logic LO (0V). When the modulating signal is fed to the gate the mark and space signals are passed from the source to the drain during high state of the pulse sequence. During the low state of the pulse sequence the switch is of. Consider a HI state appearing at the gate of Q1 JFET in Figure-12.5, then the W input to the Q2 JFET is LO hence Q2 switch is off. Q1 switch that is closed now passes the mark frequency to the Opamp hence Opamp output has mark frequency signal. Alternatively, if Logic LO appears on the gate of Q1 JFET then Q1 is off. Simultaneously Q2 is ON this passes the space frequency to Opamp or the Opamp out put now contains space frequency. In this manner the space and mark frequencies are passed through the analog switch to obtain FSK modulated signal. Figure-12.5 shows FSK modulator circuit. The Opamp is tied in the inverting amplifier mode. The closed loop voltage gain of the Opamp is given by A V ( CL ) = Where R 2 + rDS ( ON )3 …4 R 1 + rDS ( ON )1, 2 rDS(ON)3 is the drain-source resistance of Q3 FET rDS(ON)1,2 is the drain source resistance of the conducting FET (Q1 or Q2) The drain-source resistance [7] of the JFET is of the order of 100 Ohms and in the integrated form these resistance of individual JFET are almost equal, hence one can write rDS(ON)1 = rDS(ON)2 = rDS(ON)3 = rDS(ON)4 = rDS(ON)5 Thus closed loop gain reduces to AV(CL) = - 1 for R1 = R2 Experiments with Digital ICs …5 164 Laboratory Experiments Series S 3 D G 1 Q1 2 4 8 6 Q2 7 5 9 11 Q3 10 12 16 14 Q4 15 13 AH5012/IH5012 Figure-12.4: JFET analog switch IC-5011/5012 8D Q3 S6 G7 -15V IC-5011/5012 1 2 2 3 + Q1 - 3 4 R1-10K Mark-1.2KHz +15V 14 Q2 16 Space-1.0KHz LF356 0.1 W R1-10K 6 7 4 IC-5011/5012 15 13 Y Figure-12.5: FSK Modulator Circuit Experiments with Digital ICs R2-10K 0.1 FSK Output 165 Laboratory Experiments Series 12.3 FSK Demodulation FSK demodulation or decoding is done with XR2211 FSK demodulator/tone decoder IC. There are various ways one can demodulate FSK. In the discreet method [3] the modulated signal is passed through two narrow band filter circuits centered at mark and space frequencies. The output of the filter is fed to an envelope detector. The output of the envelope detector is the required demodulated output. Table-12.1 FSK Band Component Value 300 Baud CO=0.039µF, CF=0.005µF, fmark = 1270Hz C1=0.01µF,RO= 18K, R1=100K fspace = 1070Hz 200 Baud CO=0.022µF, CF=0.005µF, fmark = 2225Hz C1=0.0047µF,RO= 18K, R1=200K fspace = 2025Hz 1000 Baud CO=0.027µF, CF=0.0022µF, fmark = 2200Hz C1=0.01µF,RO= 18K, R1=30K fspace = 1200Hz FSK demodulator component values for three different bands XR2211 is a PLL especially designed for data communication applications [2]. It is well suited for FSK modem applications. It can accept input signal as low as 2mV to 3 Volts with frequency as high as 300KHz. Figure-6 shows XR 2211 tied to form FSK decoder. The resistance RO and CO set the PLL center frequency and R1 sets the bandwidth. C1 sets loop filter time constant and loop damping +5V 0.1 FSK Input 1 2 7 74LS04 51K 1 2 3 4 0.1 510K 13 XR2211 CF 0.0047 CO 0.039 100K 14 4 Demodulated Output 8 11 C1 0.01 10 12 R1 100K 0.1 RO 15K TP1-1K Figure-12.6: FSK Demodulator Circuit Experiments with Digital ICs 166 Laboratory Experiments Series factor. CFRF form one-pole post-detection filter for the FSK comparator to facilitate rapid feedback between output logic states. Table-1 lists various component values for three different FSK band used in modem. 12.4 Instruments Used Split power supplies ±15, 5V-power supply, dual trace CRO, and Digital Signal Generator (DSG), frequency counter. 12.5 Components Used IC 5011/5012, IC XR2211, LF 356, LS00, Resistors 10K, 51K, 510K, 100K, 18K, Capacitors, 0.1, 0.047µA, 4400pF. Trimpot 10K 3296 type. Solderless bread board. 12.6 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of two parts. Part-A; FSK modulation Part-B; FSK demodulation Part-A; FSK modulation 8. The FSK modulator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-12.5. Frequencies of the mark and space signals are noted from the output of digital signal generator using frequency counter. fmark = 1.285 fspace = 1.012 9. The Y and W output of the DSG is connected to the two analog switches. These are modulating signals. The output of FSK modulator is monitored on CRO channel-2 in comparison with modulating signal Y. The output noted is shown in Figure-12.7. Figure-12.7: Input modulating signal (Top Y) and FSK signal (Digital photograph is taken with 1KHz and 3KHz signal for easy identification) Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 167 10. The waveform observed coincided with the pulse waveform indicating perfectness in the modulation process and no distortion is observed. 11. Trial is repeated by varying the wave from in the DSG. In each case FSK waveform is coincided with the pulse waveform to see the perfectness of modulation. Part-B; FSK demodulation 12. The FSK demodulator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-12.6 using XR2211 IC. The FSK modulated signal is fed to the demodulator at FSK input terminal. Output of the demodulator is observed on CRO channel-2 in comparison with the FSK signal as shown in Figure-12.8. Figure-12.8: FSK modulated and demodulated signal 13. The trimpot TP1 is adjusted to get faithful reproduction of the demodulated signal. Figure-12.8 shows FSK demodulated signal and modulating signal Y. Figure-12.9: FSK demodulated (upper) and modulating signal Y 12.7 Determination of Bias Distortion 14. The modulating signals Y and W are now replaced by 0101-sequence square wave Y′ and W′ from the DSG. The modulating and demodulated signals observed on CRO as shown in Figure-12.9. From the CRO waveform following time period is noted. Experiments with Digital ICs 168 Laboratory Experiments Series T1RX = 0.8msec T1TX = 0.5msec TORX = 0.2msec TOTX = 0.5msec Bias distortion is given by Bd = = 0.5T1RX x100% T1TX + TORX 0.5 x 0.8 0.4 x100% = = 57% 0 .5 + 0 .2 0.7 Determination of jitter 15. From wave form in Figure-12.9, the following time period are recorded Tmaxi = 0 Tmin = 0 Tb = 0.5msec. Jitter J is given by J= Tmax i Tmin 0 .0 x100% =0 Tb 0.5 12.8. Results FSK modulation is obtained using analog switch and FSK demodulation is obtained using 2211 PLL IC. The modulated and demodulated waveforms are recorded. From the CRO waveform bias distortion and jitter are determined. Bd = 57% J=0 12.9 Discussion 1. A perfect FSK modulated signal is obtained using JFET analog switch 5012. Modulated signals have sharp changeovers as shown in Figure-12.7. Demodulation is obtained for modulated signal varying from 00000000 to 11111111. With 00000000 modulating signal zero volt dc line is obtained and with 11111111 modulating signal square waveform is obtained. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 169 2. Demodulation of FSK is obtained using 2211 PLL IC. This particular IC is optimized for modem applications. The component values listed in Table-12.1 and Figure-12.6 are to be very accurate for proper operation of the demodulator. 3. The jitter observed is zero. However, time delay is observed between modulating and demodulated output as shown in Figure-12.9. For better determination of these parameters, The modulated signal may be passed through 100 meters twisted wire before getting it demodulated by the PLL. We have not done this in this part. References 8. Jeethendra Kumar P K, ASK modulation and demodulation, Lab Experiments, Vol-2, N02, Sept-2002, Page 42. 9. Modem Basics, EXAR data book, 1987, Page 3-2. 10. Gabriel M Rebeiz, EECS Dept, The University of Michigan, Experiments. 11. National Data Acquisition data book, 1995, Page 8-9. 12. Jeethendra Kumar P K, Wien Bridge Sine-wave Oscillator, Lab Experiments, Vol-2, N02, Sept-2002, Page-54. 13. Uma Prasad B K, Analog to digital conversion using ADC0804, Lab Experiments, Vol-2, N0-1, June-2002, Page-48. 14. J Anil Kumar, JFET Characteristics, Lab Experiments, Vol-1, N0-1, Nov-2001, Page-32. Experiments with Digital ICs 170 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-26 DPSK MODULATION AND DEMODULATION Abstract Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) is studied using JFET- SPST switch and demodulation is obtained using PLL. The characteristic parameters such as bias distortion and jitter are determined. 13.1 Introduction DPSK is a common form of phase modulation conveys data by changing the phase of carrier wave. In Phase Shift Keying (PSK) [1], within one pulse width of logic high state or logic low state only one cycle of the carrier is imposed. This sometimes confuses because, at the falling edges of the modulating pulse, the modulated output will have same carrier voltages for logic Lo and Logic HI as shown in Figure-13.1. To avoid this confusion, in DPSK, in one pulse widths of the high or low state of the modulating signal one and half carrier is superimposed. By this modification, for high state logic the carrier appears like a letter M and for low state logic the carrier appears like W in the modulated signal. Figure-1 shows both PSK and DPSK modulated signal by pulse train. 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 Digital Modulating Signal 10101111010 DPSK Modulated Signal m w m w m m m m w m w PSK Modulated Signal Figure-13.1: DPSK and PSK modulated signals This experiment requires two 180 degree out of phase carriers and a modulating signal. Sine wave from a oscillator is selected as carrier signal. The modulating signal is taped from a Digital Signal Generator (DSG) that converts DC voltage in to 8-bit pulse train [2]. These 8bit pulse trains are taken as modulating signals. In actual practice modulating signal is digital form of data. Sine wave is selected as carrier and 180 degree phase shift is obtained using Opamp as shown in Figure-13.2. Demodulation of DPSK signal is obtained using a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) circuit. Experiments with Digital ICs 171 Laboratory Experiments Series 10K-R2 -15V 4 !0K-R1 2 Sine input 3 + lag 0.1 f - f lead 6 LF356 7 0.1 +15V Figure-13.2: Generation of two carrier signals The demodulation process results in few degradation of original transmitted signals. Bias distortion, output jitter are the two parameters, which decide the quality of the demodulation circuit. Figure-3 shows pulse sequence 101010 of input transmitted via DPSK and demodulated signal. The demodulated signal is found to have more than 50% duty cycle in the pulse sequence at certain time. This results in duty cycle variation in the demodulated output. Such a distortion is called bias distortion and it is given by, 1 0 1 T1RX 0 1 0 TORX Bias Distorsion Resulting in variation in the duty cycle Figure-13.3: Bias distortion resulting in the variation of duty cycle Bd = 0.5T1RX x100% T1TX + TORX Where …1 T1RX is high state time of the receiving (demodulated) pulse T1TX is high state time of the transmitted pulse TORX is low state time of the demodulated pulse TOTX is low state time of the transmitted pulse Experiments with Digital ICs 172 Laboratory Experiments Series Tb 1 0 1 Mismatch Tmin 0 Mismatch 1 0 Mismatch Matching Tmax Figure-13.4: Jitter resulting in the mismatch of leading and training edges Bias distortion is represented in % in general. The smaller the value of bias distortion better is the demodulated circuit. The second figure of merit of the DPSK demodulation is the jitter. Jitter is illustrated in the Figure-13.4. This is similar to phase difference in sine waveform. It is the discrete phase difference occurring due to mismatch in the timing of the falling and trailing edges of pulse waveform. The jitter is defined as J= Tmax i Tmin x100% Tb Where …2 Tmaxi is maximum time delay between the transmitted and receiving pulse Tmin is minimum time delay between transmitted and receiving pulse Tb is the half period of the transmitting pulse called time frame bit. When, Tmax = Tmin jitter is zero indicating that the received signal is free from Jitter, smaller the J value better is the receiving signal or more perfect is the DPSK demodulation. 13.3 DPSK Modulation DPSK modulation is obtained using a JFET analog switch. The quad JFET analog switch [3] IC 5012 pin diagram is shown in the Figure-13.5. The carrier signal is taken from the function generator and is passed through a inverting amplifier as shown in Figure-13.2, these two carrier lead and lag signals are input to the two switches. Y and W are the ADC output which control the JFET switch Y=W …3 JFET switch is ON when its gate is at logic HIGH (+5V); the switch is OFF when the gate terminal of the JFET is at logic LOW (0V). When the modulating signal is fed to the gate the lead-lag signals are passed from source to the drain during high state pulse sequence. During low state of pulse sequence the switch is OFF. Consider a high state of Q1 JFET in Figure13.6, then the W input to the Q2 JFET is low hence Q2 switch is OFF. Q1 switch that is closed now passes the lead frequency to the Opamp hence Opamp output has lead frequency signal. Alternatively, if logic LOW appears on the gate Q1 JFET then Q1 is OFF. Simultaneously Q2 is ON this passes the lag frequency to Opamp or Opamp output now contains lag frequency. In this manner the lead and lag frequencies are passed through the analog switch Experiments with Digital ICs 173 Laboratory Experiments Series to obtain DPSK modulated signal. Figure-13.6 shows DPSK modulator circuit. The Opamp is tied in the inverting amplifier mode. The closed loop voltage gain of the Opamp is given by …4 R I + rDs(on)1,2 rDS (on) 3 is the drain- source resistance of Q3 FET rDS (on) 1,2 is drain-resistance of the conducting FET(Q1 or Q2) S 3 D G 1 Q1 2 4 8 6 Q2 7 5 9 11 Q3 10 12 16 14 Q4 15 13 AH5012/IH5012 Figure-13.5: Analog switch pin configurations Q3 8 6 -15V IC- 5011/5012 10K 3 Q1 R2 1 2 3 2 10K 10K TP 14 W 6 LF356 7 4 R1 10K 4 R1 16 Q2 +15V 15 13 IC- 5011/5012 7 + Where R F + rDS(on) 3 - A V(CL) = Y Figure-13.6: DPSK Modulator circuit Experiments with Digital ICs PSK Output 174 Laboratory Experiments Series The drain source resistance is of the order of 100Ω which is very small compared to RF and RI hence the closed loop gain is decided by the resistors RF and RI. 13.4 DPSK Demodulation DPSK demodulation is obtained using PLL IC 565 [3, 4, 5]. DPSK modulated signal is given as input to PLL as shown in the Figure-13.7. Demodulation doesn’t require free running oscillations of PLL. Free running frequency may further modulate the demodulated signal. Hence pins 8 & 9 are left free. A capacitor C is connected between pin-7 and supply point to form a low pass filter with internal resistance of 3.6K. The capacitor C should be large enough to eliminate variations in the demodulated output voltage and filter the carrier signal. The cutoff frequency of low pass filter is made equal to carrier frequency. Hence the C value is given by C= 1 2 πRf H …5 +15V 1K 10K 3nF C +5V -15V 5 14 6 741 Demodulated output 1 7414 2 7 7 3 4 3 + 565 2 - 2 7 10K 4 DPSK Modulated Signal 10 +15V 1 -15V Figure-13.7: DPSK demodulator circuit 13.5 Instruments Used Split power supply ± 15V, dual trace CRO and Digital Signal Generator which consists of Y and W signals. Y and W are the ADC outputs which is used as modulating signals. It is eight bit pulse train controlled by SET PULSE knob of DSG. The output of ADC is indicated by eight LEDs. Hence one can set input from 00000000 to 11111111 just by adjusting the SET PULSE knob. Figure-8 shows DSG used in this experiment. 13.6 Components Used IC5012, LF356, 10K resistors, IC741, 2nF Capacitors, Trim pot 10K-3296 type, Solder less Breadboard . 13.7 Experimental Procedure Experiments with Digital ICs 175 Laboratory Experiments Series The experiment consists of two parts. PART A; DPSK Modulation. PART B; DPSK Demodulation. Figure-13.8: Digital Signal Generator Used in this experiment Part –A, DPSK Modulation 1. The modulating signal Y from the DSG is connected to the CRO and Pulse sequence 1000 0000 is set by adjusting the SET PULSE Knob of the DSG. The width of the pulse is noted as shown in Figure-13.9(a). Pulse width = 80µsec. (a) (b) Figure-13.9: (a) Pulse width of the modulating signal, (b) The two carrier signals Within this 80µsec pulse width, one and half cycle sine wave (carrier) is modulated. Hence the frequency of the carrier is set as fcarrier = 80 = 53.3 µsec = 18.7 KHz 1.5 Hence carrier frequency is set to 18.7 KHz by adjusting frequency dial of the function generator. The amplitude is set to above 4V (PP). Two carrier signals are as shown in the Figure-13.9(b). Experiments with Digital ICs 176 Laboratory Experiments Series 2. The DPSK modulator circuit is rigged as shown in the Figure-13.6. The Y and W, outputs of DSG are now connected to the two analog switches. And two carrier signals are also fed to the analog switches. 3. The modulated output signal is monitored on CRO screen. The carrier frequency is slightly adjusted so that during high state of the modulating signal, modulated signal appears like letter M and during low state of the modulating signal, it appears like letter W. The output observed is shown in the Figure-13.10 with respect to the modulating signal. The waveform observed is coincided with the pulse waveform indicating the perfectness in the modulation process and no distortion is observed. Figure-13.10, DPSK modulated signal compared to modulating signal Y 3. Trial is repeated by varying the waveform by adjusting SET PULSE knob of DSG. Part B; DPSK Demodulation 4. DPSK demodulator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-13.7 using PLL 565. The output from DPSK modulator circuit is connected to DPSK input terminal. (a) (b) Figure-13.11: (a) Bottom PLL output, Top Opamp output, (b) Demodulated output from ST in compared to modulating signal Y=10101010. 5. To remove the carrier from modulated signal a low pass filter capacitor is selected as Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series C= 177 1 1 = = 2 nF 2 πRf H 2 π 3.6 Kx18.7 K 6. The output of the demodulator is observed on CRO channel-2 in comparison with the modulating signal Y on channel-1. 7. An Inverting amplifier and Schmitt Trigger (ST) [6] circuits are added to get proper demodulated output without which there may be slight distortion as shown in the Figure13.11(a). Figure-13.11 (b) shows the demodulated signal coming out from the ST. The final demodulated signal appears at the ST output. 13.8 Determination of Bias Distortion 9. Modulating signal Y is now placed in 10101010 sequences (which appear like square wave) by adjusting the SET PULSE knob of the DSG. The modulating and demodulated signals are observed on CRO. From the CRO waveform following time period is noted. TIRX = 100µs TITX = 80µs TORX = 80ms TOTX = 80µs Bias distortion is calculated using equation-1, Bd = 13.9 0.5 T1 RX 0.5 x 100 µsec x 100% = = 0.31 = 31% T1TX + T0 Rx 80 µsec+ 80 µsec Determination of Jitter 10. From waveform in Figure-13.11(b), the following time period are noted Tmax = 15µs Tmin = 10µs Tb = 80µs J= 13.10 Tmaxi − Tmin 15 µsec− 10 µsec x 100% = = 0.065 = 6.5% Tb 80 µsec Results DPSK modulation is obtained using analog switch and DPSK demodulation is obtained using PLL IC 565. The modulated and demodulated waveforms are recorded. From the CRO waveform bias distortion and jitter are calculated. Bd = 31% J = 6.5% Experiments with Digital ICs 178 13.10 Laboratory Experiments Series Discussions The experiment can be repeated for AC input signal from microphone controlling the ADC. Further the DPSK signal can be transmitted using simple transistor or MOSFET transmitter. The response of DPSK for AC signal [voice] will be published in future LE. References 1. Dr. Jeethendra Kumar P.K, PSK Modulation and Demodulation, Lab Experiments, Vol-2, No-3, March 2003, P-48. 2. Dr. Jeethendra Kumar P.K, Boolean Function Generator, Lab Experiments, Vol-2, No-2, Sept 2002, P- 47. 3. Linear Applications, Hand book, National Semiconductor Corporation, AN-46, AN146. 4. A P Malvino, Electronic Principles, Third Edition, P-703. 5. Ramakanth A Gayakwad, Opamp And Linear Integrated Circuits, Second Edition, P399. 6. CMOS LOGIC Selection Guide -1994, P-1-15. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 179 Experiment-27 PULSE CODE MODULATION & DEMODULATION Abstract Pulse code modulation and demodulation is studied using codec ICs ADC0804 and DAC0808. The demodulated waveform is compared with input waveform. The demodulated waveform is observed for different sampling frequencies. 14.1 Introduction Pulse code modulation (PCM) is a digital scheme [1] of transmitting analog (continuous) data such as voice, music, image etc. PCM is the basis of pulse modulation or digital modulation. Sampling process results in PCM. In this process the analog signal is sampled (measured) at a fixed rate called sampling rate. The process is also known as quantization. Figure-14.1 shows the process of quantization. Quantization takes place during the falling edge of the sampling signal. At the instant of falling edge the instantaneous value of the ac signal is coded and transmitted. For example at the instant A in Figure-1, quantized value 0110 (corresponds to 6th quantized level) is transmitted. At the instant of second falling edge 0111 is transmitted, and at the instant of the third falling edge 0110 is transmitted and process continues. A continuous sine wave is converted in to a train of pulses. This conversion is an approximation because certain portion of the input sine wave is lost during quantization. Comparing 8 level quantization and 13 level quantization, as the number of the quantization level increase less and less information is lost. Hence A 256 level or 8-bit quantization has almost negligible loss. ADC performs quantization [2] it is also called coder. The ADC requires a sampling signal SF to its write (WR) input. The analog input is sampled as per SF. This process of sampling and coding an analog signal is called pulse code modulation. The PCM signal is received at the receiving end and digital signals are reconstructed to obtain original analog signal. Almost the reverse processes takes place at the receiving end this reconstruction of the original signal is called PCM demodulation and it is done by a digital to analog converter (DAC). The output of demodulator is analog signal and its magnitude is given by [1] A1 Vo = VREF [ ----- + Where A2 A3 ---- + ---- + … 2 22 23 An + ---] …1 2 n VREF is the reference voltage to the DAC An is the Input bits Using Equation-1 output voltage is calculated. Experiments with Digital ICs 180 Laboratory Experiments Series A Analog Input Sampling Signal 7 6 Falling Edges Actual Input 5 0111 8 Quantized Levels 4 Digitised Input 3 2 0001 1 0 0000 13 13 Quantized Levels More Accurate digitization 0 Figure-14.1: Basic Process of PCM; Analog input, Sampling signal, 8 quantized levels, 13 quantized levels. Figure –14.2 shows a PCM modulator-demodulator circuit. To drive input sine wave an Opamp buffer is used. Input is fed to the ADC along with dc to clamp the dc level. With this the lower level of the sine input ≈0 (-0.5 volts to be very exact). At the output of the DAC again Opamp drive is used to reconstruct the analog signal. 14.2 Instruments Used Digital communications experimental setup DCT301, consisting of ADC 0804, DAC0808, sampling frequency 4KHz, Regulated power supply 5V, ±15V, and 10K-10-turn trimpot. Sine wave oscillator 0-200KHz, CRO and DMM. 14.3 Components used ADC0804 (20pin IC), DAC0808 (16pin IC) LF 356, LM 741. Resistors 150K, 10K, 100Ω, 4.7M and 5.6K. Capacitors 150pF, 0.01µF. Experiments with Digital ICs 181 Laboratory Experiments Series 14.4 Experimental Procedure The PCM modulator demodulator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-14.2. Supply voltages to 0804, 0808, LF356, LM741 is checked with the DMM. And verified with value printed in Figure-14.2. +5V -15V +15V +5V 0.1 150K 4 2 1 3 7 Vi 100 6 + 10K 20 -15V - -15V 10.00V 3 16 6 2VPP 741 ADC0804 +15V 3 19 150pF 4 7 1 2 8 12 11 13 10 14 9 15 8 16 7 17 6 18 10 5 14 TP1 10K 4.7M 4.7M DAC0808 -15V 4 150K 2 3 7 10K 12 Vref 4 2 Sampling Frequency 4KHz 11 13 2 15 6 + 10K - 1 LF356 +15V 5.6K Figure-14.2: PCM Modulator demodulator circuit 2. The clock signal to the ADC is observed at pin 19 of 0804 using CRO. 100KHz clock signal is observed Figure-14.3: PCM demodulated output and input waveform 3. 4KHz, 5VPP Sampling signal is connected to ADC at pin 3. 4. The reference voltage to the DAC is set 10.00 exactly using DMM and adjusting trimpot TP1. Experiments with Digital ICs Vo 182 Laboratory Experiments Series 5. The output Vo is observed on CRO channel-B in comparison with the input. The demodulated out put is observed. The output is shown in Figure-14.3. 6. Trial is repeated by varying sample signal frequency to 3KHz, 2KHz, 1KHz and 500Hz. The corresponding demodulated signal is observed in comparison with in put signal. 7. Best-demodulated signal is obtained for 4KHz. And below 3KHz sampling frequency the demodulation is not good. 14.5 Results PCM modulation and demodulation is studied using 0804 ADC and 0808 DAC ICs. The demodulated waveform is shown in Figure-3. Best-demodulated output is obtained for 4KHz sampling frequency. 14.6 Discussion PCM modulated signal is not observed in the above experiment on CRO. In order to observe PCM output a MUX is required. The MUX is connected to ADC and MUX output is serial data, which can be observed on CRO. Addition of MUX and observation of pulse code modulated signal will be discussed in a separate experiment in the December volume of LE. References 1 http:// www. 2 National semiconductor, National Data Acquisition Data Book, Definitions terms A/D converters Page2-4, 1995. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 183 Experiment-28 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR Abstract Pulse width variation with control voltage is studied in a pulse width modulator (PWM) based on dual timer NE556. T he PWM is used to drive a 12-volt bulb using mosfet. Power variation with control voltage is recorded. The PWM waveform is recorded. 15.1 Introduction Pulse width modulator generates pulse train having varying pulse width. Such pulse train used for controlling power in electrical appliances and speed of a dc motor. PWM is not used for communication purpose. However, the PWM signal also can be demodulated. Demodulation is the process in which varying pulse is converted into varying voltage by an integrator. PWM based power supplies are frequently used. The Switch mode power supply (SMPs) based on PWM is used in PCS. For such applications, dedicated ICs are available. XR494, 495 are PWM ICs. A dual timer also can be used to produce PWM. NE 556, XR2556, are dual timers that can also be used to generator PWM signals. Figure-15.1 shows base diagram of NE556 dual timer [1]. It contains two independent timer sections. The common between two timers is the power terminal. Each timer section is equivalent to a 555-timer section with control, trigger, threshold, reset, output and supply terminals [2]. Each output terminal is capable of sourcing 100mA current and operates over wide range of voltage 2.5V to 15V. 15.2 Output Pins (5&9) The output logic level is normally LO state and goes to HI state during timing cycle. Each output terminals are totem pole capable of sourcing 100mA current. 15.3 Trigger Pins (6&8) The timing cycle is initiated by lowering the dc level at the trigger pin below (2/3) VCC 15.4 Control Pins (3&11) The timing cycle or frequency of oscillation can be controlled or modulated by applying a dc control voltage to these pins. This terminal indirectly biased at (2/3) VCC. The control signal for frequency modulation or pulse width modulation is applied to these terminals. When not used these pins are dc grounded through 0.01µF capacitor. 15.5 Discharge Pins (1&13) Experiments with Digital ICs 184 Laboratory Experiments Series These terminals correspond to collector of the discharging capacitor. During charging cycle, this terminal behaves as an open circuit, during discharge it becomes low impedance path ground. 15.6 Reset Pins (4&10) The timing cycle can be interrupted by grounding the reset terminal. When the reset signal is applied, the output goes low and remains in that state while the reset set voltage is applied. When the reset signal is removed, the output remains low until re-triggered. When not used the reset terminal is connected to VCC to avoid any false triggering. 15.7 Basic Operations The timer can be operated in the monostable and astable mode. In the monostable, it uses one resistor (R) and one capacitor (C) similar to 555[2]. In the monostable mode R and C decide the ON time or the pulse width. Applying dc voltages to the control input also further increase the ON time. R and C decide the minimum pulse width. The minimum pulse width is given by TW=1.1RC …1 In the stable, mode two resistors RA and RB and C1 decide the frequency. Addition of one more resistance gives rise to duty cycle. The frequency of oscillation and duty cycle is given by f = 1.44 C1 (R A + 2 R B ) …2 D= RB R A + 2R B …3 To get a square wave RA<<RB is selected. Discharge Threshold Control Reset Output Trigger GND 1 2 14 13 3 12 NE556 11 4 10 5 Vcc 6 7 Output 9 8 Discharge Threshold Control Reset Trigger Figure-15.1: Pin diagram of NE556 dual timer To get PWM output one half of the 556 is used as monostable and other half is used as a stable mode. The astable output is inputted to the trigger input of monostable. The Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 185 modulating signal is fed to control input. Figure-15.2 shows PWM circuit. While designing PWM the following frequency, relations are followed. 1. First, decide the frequency fm of the modulating signal. 2. The astable frequency (fT) for triggering monostable is selected such that fT>10 fm 3. The minimum pulse width TW is taken >TT/2 where TT = 1 fT …4 The pulse width modulator is used to drive a power mosfet connected 12Volt auto lamp. The average power variation is recorded in this experiment. 15.8 Instruments used Regulated power supplies 5V/0.4A, decade capacitor box, dual trace CRO 20MHz, and digital dc voltmeter 0-20V and DMM with frequency measurements and regulated battery eliminator 1.2 to 12V/1A. 15.9 Components Used IC NE556, Capacitors 0.01µF, 0.033µF, 0.047µF, 70kpF, resistor 10K, 6.8K, 560Ω. 15.10 Experimental Procedures The experiments consists of five different parts Part-A, Astable clock frequency variation with capacitor C1 Part-B, Monostable pulse width variation with capacitor C Part-C, Variation of pulse width with control at input (pin-3) Part-D, Sine wave pulse width modulation Part-E, Light intensity control using PWM. Part – A, Astable clock frequency variation with capacitor C 1 1. Using second half of the dual timer a astable multivibrator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-15.2 with C1 replaced by a decade capacitor box. The capacitance in box is set to 10KpF. The potentiometer POT-1 is set to its maximum value so that pin-3 is at +5V. 2. The output at pin-9 is monitored on CRO channel-B. The peak-to-peak amplitude and frequency of the square wave is noted. The reading obtained is tabulated in Table15.1. V0=5V, fT=10KHz 3. Trial is repeated by changing C1 in suitable steps and the corresponding frequency of the square output is noted. In Table-15.1. Experiments with Digital ICs 186 Laboratory Experiments Series +5V 10K RL PWM Output 10K R 4 5 10K RL 10 2 1 13 C 70pF 1/2 556 1/2 556 3 6 RA 560 9 +5V 10K POT-1 14 RB 6.8K 12 8 7 11 C1 0.033uF 0.01uF Figure-15.2: Pulse width modulator circuit Table-15.1 Clock Frequency fT C(KpF) Pulse width TW (msec) (KHz) Expt Thet Expt Thet 10 10.00 10.16 60 0.28 0.257 20 4.97 5.08 70 0.32 0.300 30 3.36 3.38 80 0.36 0.343 40 2.52 2.54 90 0.40 0.386 50 2.03 2.03 100 0.44 0.429 60 1.68 1.69 200 0.92 0.858 70 1.45 1.45 300 1.30 1.287 80 1.27 1.27 400 1.80 1.711 90 1.12 1.12 500 2.20 2.145 100 1.01 1.01 600 2.80 2.574 Astable RA=560Ω,RB=6.8KΩ Monostable R = 3.9KΩ,fT=2.14KHz Frequency of the square wave generated by monostable and pulse width obtained in the monostable operation C1(KpF) Part-B, Monostable pulse width variation with capacitor C 4. Using the second part of the dual timer monostable multivibrator circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-2. The trigger input pin-6 of the monostable fed by astble output from pin-9 of astble multivibrator. The trigger frequency is noted. f T = 2.14KHz (R A = 560Ω, R B = 6.8Kand C1 = 0.033µF) 5. The capacitor C in the DCB is set to 60KpF and by varying C the width variation is noted. With C=60KpF the pulse width in noted from the CRO screen. The pulse width obtained is recorded in Table-15.1. Experiments with Digital ICs 187 Laboratory Experiments Series 6. Varying C in the box in suitable steps and the corresponding pulse width in noted in Table-15.1 repeats trial. Part-C, Variation of pulse width with control voltage at control input 7. In this part of the experiment both C = 70KpF and C1=0.033µF is fixed. The clock frequency and pulse width is noted f T = 1.6KHz, t W = 0.70m sec 8. The control voltage to pin is slowly reduced by adjusting the POT-1. The variation in the pulse width is noted. Using digital voltmeter control voltage is measured. The readings obtained are tabulated in Table-2. Figure-3 shows pulse width variation with control input. 9. Trial is repeated by varying control voltage up to 1 volt. Finally, the trim pot is disconnected from the control input and pulse width is noted. Table-15.2 VCon(V) TW(µsec) 5.0 820 4.5 700 4.0 520 3.5 420 3.0 320 2.5 250 2.0 180 0.9 125 Open 60 Pulse width variation with control voltage 900 Pulse Width (Micro sec) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Control Voltage (V) Figure-3, Pulse width variations with control voltage (RA=1K, RB=10K, C1=0.033µF, R=6.8K, C=50KpF) Experiments with Digital ICs 6 188 Laboratory Experiments Series 10. The POT-1 connected to the control input-3 is removed in its place a sine wave oscillator is connected. It is the modulating signal. The frequency of the modulating signal is set to 200Hz. The modulating signal is monitored on channel-A of the CRO. The amplitude of the modulating signal is slowly varied until the PWM signal is appears on CRO channel-B as shown in Figure-15.4. Figure-15.4, Pulse width modulation of sine wave (a) fm=200Hz, fT=2.14KHz(b)fm=250Hz,fT=2.14KHz. 11. Trial is repeated for different frequency modulating signal. Figure 4(b) shows PWM signal obtained for 250Hz sine wave modulating signal. Part-E, Light intensity control using PWM. 12V/3A 12V Auto lamp D 2 4 PWM Signal IRF540 1 3 G IRF 540 S GDS Figure-15.5: PWM is used to vary light intensity The PWM signal produced is bused to control light intensity of 12V auto lamp. Power Mosfet IRF540 is used as driver. The PWM signal is fed to the gate of the Mosfet and the load bulb is included in the drain circuit as shown in figure-5. By varying the control voltage intensity found to vary. The power across the load varied from 14watt to 30watt for pulse width variation from 60µsec to 820µ second. 15.11 Results For a given value R and C pulse width varied more than a decade from 60µsec to 820µ second as shown in Table-15.2. The pulse width variation with the control voltage non-linear as shown in Figure-3 15.12 Discussion The dual timer produced PWM signal. It is observed that pulse width of the monostable section depends on two parameters 1. The R and C time constant 2. The control voltage at pin-3 Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 189 R and C decide the minimum pulse width. Control voltage varies pulse width above this minimum value. The pulse width variation is exponential as shown in Figure-3. PWM signal obtained for sine wave is shown in Figure-4. The signal can be demodulated and one can get back the original signal using an integrator combination References [1] EXAR data book, Exar corporation, page 5-131, 5-141. [2] Robert F coughin and Frederick F Driscoll, Operational amplifier and linear integrated circuits, 3rd Edn, Page-333. Experiments with Digital ICs 190 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-29 TIME DIVISION MULTIPLEXING Abstract Time slot is studied in Time Division Multiplexer (TDM) circuit using CD4052 analog multiplexer. In a given time slot three different sets of input signals are fed to four different channels of the multiplexer and output waveforms are recorded. Using dc voltage, amplitude variation of TDM signal is also studied. 16.1 Introduction Time division multiplexing (TDM) is widely used multiplexing technique is digital communication. Fiber optics cables use TDM for transmission of multiple signals, so the extensive use of fiber optics has increased the use of TDM worldwide. Time division multiplex access (TDMA) is used in third generation (3G) mobile communication, which allocates unique time slot for each user. This gives access to many users within same channel without interfacing one another. Global system for mobile communications (GSM) makes use of TDMA and now it has become the standard technology for mobile communication [1]. A given period is divided in to equal parts and each part of time is allotted to particular user in TDM. TDM allows many signals to be placed on a single high bandwidth channel. For example, a single mode fiber optics cable containing 75,200Mbits/sed wave –guide can transmit bits of information. 75x200x106 =15Gbits/sec. A telephone connection requires 3400Hz bandwidth, it is sampled at the rate of 8000bits/sec, and each sample is pulse code modulated by 8-bits/sec. Then 8x8000 =64000bits/sec must be transmitted for each telephone conversation. The capacity of the TDM is given by 15 x109 = 2,34,375 64000 Two lakh thirty four thousand telephone conversations could be carried over a single optical cable. This is amazing and it is the strength of TDM. TDM is a form of digital modulation the demodulation of which is also very simple. Nyquist’s sampling theorem is always be the fundamental consideration in TDM, which says the signal to be transmitted through TDM shoul have sampling rate more than twice the highest frequency of the signal. For telephone conversation the highest frequency is 3400Hz, twice of which is 6800 sample/sec. in practice, 8000samples/sec is the standard sampling rate, which is slightly above the Nyquist’s limit. TDM is used in three important practical applications namely, Experiments with Digital ICs 191 Laboratory Experiments Series 1. Optical fiber telephone line 2. Mobile communications 3. Data acquisition in instrumentation +5V 14 1 14 1 CLK 4 3 2 10K 7 16 B9 3 4 A 10 12 1 Cha-4 11 3 4 fin V3 Cha-2 14 V2 Cha-1 12 V1 10K 5 6 7 8 10K POT 10K Cha-3 15 2 1/2- LS107 7 7400 V4 10K 6 5 7400 13 10K CD4052 10K Figure –16.1: TDM Circuit In data acquisition it is used to acquire data from different sensors and pass through a common channel for analysis. A multiplexer out put is TDM signal. There are two types of multiplexer namely the digital multiplexer and the analog multiplexer Digital multiplexer respond to HI-LO inputs whereas an analog multiplexer responds to any voltage level and wave shape. Figure-16.1 shows TDM circuit tied using analog multiplexer 4052. Figure-16.2 shows pin diagram of dual multiplexer 4052. CD4052 is a dual 4-channel CMOS multiplexer (MUX). In this experiment, only one part of the MUX is used. The JK flip flop 74LS107 is used to divide the clock frequency by 2. The two control signals A and B generate 00,01,10,11 sequences of inputs at the control input of the MUX. 12 14 15 11 1 5 2 4 6 10 9 X0 X1 X2 X3 X Y 13 3 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 INH A B 4052 Figure-16.2: Pin diagrams of CD4052 dual MUX In the TDM circuit shown in Figure-1, the four input channels are fed from a voltages divider. Therefore, at different channels the voltage is different. These voltages V1, V2, V3, V4 are passed to MUX out put during different interval o time. During the period 0-t1 seconds, 00 (AB) appears on the control input, this connects the channel-1 to the output terminal 13, hence the input at the channel-1 is transmitted to the output of the MUX and MUX output becomes V1. Experiments with Digital ICs 192 Laboratory Experiments Series During the period t1-t2, 01 appears on the control input, this connects the channel-2 to the output terminal 13, hence the input at the channel-2 is transmitted to the output of the MUX and MUX output becomes V2. During the period t2-t3, 10appears on control input, this connects the channel the channel -3 to the output terminals 13, hence the input at the channel -3 is transmitted to the output of the MUX and MUX output becomes V3, During the period t3-t4, 11 appears on the control input, this connects the channel-4 to the terminal 13, hence the input at the channel -4 is transmitted to the output of the MUX and MUX out put becomes V4. During one full cycle of the clock (A) period all the four channels are connected to the outputq` of MUX for 1/4th of the clock period. Hence, the output of MUX will be different voltage levels at different interval or it is a staircase waveform as shown in figure –16.3. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 A 0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 4V Vo 4V 3V 3V 2V 1V 2V 1V 0V Figure-16.3: TDM output for dc inputs In telephone applications instead of dc voltage at the different cannel inputs different subscriber will speak. Each subscriber will be connected to common transmission line once per clock period for time of 1/4th of clock period. Alternatively, the speakers will be connected and disconnected from the common transmission line. This Processes of connecting and disconnecting takes place at very fast rate so that the speaker will not experience it. That is the beauty of multiplexing. In this experiment, we have used three sets of inputs for multiplexing namely 1. DC input through voltage divider network. 2. AC voltage through voltage divider network 3. sine, square, triangle and dc, four different wave forms Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 193 The TDM output is recorded for all these three sets of inputs. If fin is the frequency of the clock input (control signal A) to the TDM the time slot is given by Ts = 1 2 fin The Time slot appears as step width in the output waveform shown in figure –16.3. Hence, step width of the stair case waveform. T w = Ts If V1, V2, V3,V4 are the inputs to the four different channels, then the step height of the staircase wave form is given by Vs =Vn where n=1,2,3,4 is inputs to different channels. 16.2 Instruments used Regulated power supply 5V/1A, split power supply ±12V/0.4A, dual trace CRO 20MHz, function generator 1Hz -200KHz and DMM. 16.3 Components used ICs 4052, 74LS107, 74LS00, 8038 resistors 10K, capacitors 0.1µF, pot 10K carbon metal shaft. 16.4 Experimental Procedure The experiment consists of three parts Part –A, TDM response to dc input Part –B, TDM response ac input Part-c, TDM response to mixed input PART-A, TDM response to dc input 1. The TDM circuit is rigged as shown in figure-16.1. 2. A function generator is connected to the CLK input of the TDM and square wave amplitude is set to 5Vand frequency 1KHz. The clock signal is monitored on CRO channelA. The inverses are required to get TTL input. 3.The control signal B from the JK flip flop is also monitored on CRO channel-B and the frequencies of the two control signals to the MUX is noted. The control signals are shown in figure-16.4. Experiments with Digital ICs 194 Laboratory Experiments Series Frequency of the control signal A= 1000Hz Frequency of the control signal B= 500Hz Figure-16.4: Control A (top) and control signal B (bottom) 4. The pot is set to its maximum position and the voltages at four input channels are measured using DMM. The Voltages V1,V2,V3,V4 measured are recorded in Table-16.1. 5. The output at pin13 of the MUX is monitored on CRO channel –B in comparison with control signal –A (CLK). The output obtained is shown in figure-16.5. Figure-16.5: TDM response for DC signal 6. The height of the each step is measured on CRO scale and the width of the step is measured and recorded in Table-16.1. 7. Trial is repeated by varying the input to the voltage divider by varying pot. The voltages V1, V2, V3, V4 again measured and recorder in Table-16.1. 8. To confirm the signal selection by the MUX, pin-11 of the MUX is connected from the voltage divider. This disconnection removes the highest step in staircase. Like other channels are disconnected one by one and signal is confirm by disappearance of step in the staircase output. By removing all the four channels, CRO showed zero dc level. 9. By varying frequencies of the input square wave, time slot is determined in each case and presented in Table-16.2 Table-16.1 In put of different channels Step Height V1(V) V2(V) V3(V) V4V) Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 1.00 2.00 3.01 4.03 1.10 2.10 3.20 0.80 1.59 2.39 3.20 0.90 1.80 2.50 0.61 1.22 1.84 2.45 0.60 1.35 1.90 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 0.50 1.10 1.60 0.30 0.61 0.92 1.23 0.28 0.34 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TDM signal step height variation with input voltage Table-16.2 Input Clock Clock period Time slot Step width frequency (fin) Tin TiS TW 1 1msec 500µsec 500µsec 2 500µsec 250µsec 250µsec 3 333µsec 166µsec 180µsec 4 250µsec 125µsec 130µsec 5 200µsec 100µsec 105µsec Time slot variation with input clock period Part –B, TDM response to ac input Experiments with Digital ICs Step-4 4.20 3.40 2.50 2.10 1.25 0.00 195 Laboratory Experiments Series +12V TP1 4.7K 6 4.7K 10K 4 5 9 7 3 10K 8038 8 Square 4.5V 10 12 2 TP2 Triangle 4.5V 20K 11 TP3 0.1uF 82K 20K Sine 4.5V -12V Figure-16.6: Function generator 8038 producing sine, square and triangular outputs 10. The Potentiometer top terminal connected to the +5V supply is disconnected and instead of DC voltage a sine wave form generated by 8038 is fed to the pot as shown in figure –16.6. with 4.5V sine input to the potentiometer the TDM output is monitored as shown in figure16.7 (a). Figure16.7 (b) shows TDM output for square input fed to pot input. The Period of the input sine (160µsec) is kept well below the clock period (500µsec). Figure –16.7: TDM outputs (a) for sine input (b) to square input Part C, TDM response to mixed input 11. Four different inputs are selected similar to four different telephone line for this part of the experiment. The outputs shown in Figure-16.7 and the fourth input is taken as dc voltage. These four inputs are connected to four different channels of the TDM. Channel-1 sine wave, 3KHz, 4.5V Channel-2 Dc input 3.5V Channel -3square input 3KHz, 4.5V Channel-4 Triangular input 3KHz, 1.5V By feeding these, signals TDM output is monitored on CRO channel-A. The output observed is shown in figure –16.8. Figure -8, TDM out put for four different inputs 16.5 Results In a TDM circuit obtained using analog multiplexer CD4052, the time slot (Ts) observed is found to half input clock period (Tin) in all the trials as shown in Table –16.2. For a dc input the TDM output is staircase waveform as shown in figure- 16.5, the step width is equal to time slot. Experiments with Digital ICs 196 Laboratory Experiments Series 16.6 Discussions A Mux is used to produce TDM output in this experiment. The staircase output of the TDM is one of best I have come across with provision of varying step height and step width. Such a waveform is useful in studying three terminal semiconductor devices. In such case, staircase wave form is used as base or gate drive. Response of the TDM to four different inputs verifies the concepts multiplexing of telephone signal and sending it through a common transmission line. One can study a 8-channel TDM using 4051 CMOS multiplexer. References [1] All about the latest mobile technologies, mobile.htm [2] Time –Division Multiplexing, Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series Chapter-8 Memories Experiments with Digital ICs 197 198 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-30 STATIC RAM (SRAM) Abstract Using 74LS189 static RAM, 4-bit binary data is stored in 16- different memory locations. The stored data is read by applying suitable address and control signal. 21.1 Introduction Random access memory (RAM) is temporary storage device in computer where the operating system, application programs and data in current use are kept for the easy and quick access of the processor. Because of its speed, it is easy to read from and write in to RAM, in compared to other storage devices such as hard disk, floppy disk and CD-ROM. However, the data stays in RAM only till the computer is on. When the power is off RAM data is lost. Hence, it is a volatile memory. Nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) is special kind of RAM that retains data when the computer is turned off. A battery backup inside the computer makes it non-volatile. The computer hard disk can become full with data and further it may not accept any data. Whereas a RAM does not become full, it always accepts data. However, its speed becomes slow as its capacity is reached. Based on the structure there are two types of RAM [1] namely 1. Static RAM (SRAM) 2. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) Based on applications there are numerous RAMs, such as Burst Static RAM (BSRAM), Fast Page Mode DRAM (PPMDRAM), Enhanced DRAM (SDRAM), Extended Data Output RAM or DRAM (EDO RAM, EDO DRAM), Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) [2] etc. Table1 lists the merits and demerits of two type RAMs. Both these RAMs are used in computer depending upon the application. The name RAM is called random access because any storage location can be accessed directly. Features Simplicity Speed Cost Size Table-20.1 SRAM DRAM Does not require refresh circuit to retain Requires refresh circuitry to data retain the data Faster Slow Expensive Cheap Big Small Comparison of SRAM and DRAM 21.2 74LS189 SRAM 74LS189 SRAM is simplest and cheapest RAM available and selected for this experiment. It is a group of addressable registers. After placing address on the address line, one can read the Experiments with Digital ICs 199 Laboratory Experiments Series data from or write the data in to the RAM. It is a read-write memory. Core RAM was the earlier magnetic version and SRAM and DRAM are its semiconductor versions. Commercially available RAMs have three state outputs. Because of this, one can connect, disconnect and float the output with suitable control signals from the data bus. Figure-1 shows a typical RAM, and Table-2 gives the basic functions of a RAM. Address WE Data Input Di Data Output SRAM Do CE Figure-21.1: Basic RAM structure CE 0 0 1 Table-21.2 Operation Write Read Hold Basic RAM operations WE 0 1 X Output Floating Connected Floating Vcc A2 A1 A0 D0 D0 D1 D1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 74LS189 1 2 3 A3 CE WE 4 5 6 7 8 D3 D3 D2 D2 GND Figure-21.2: Pin configurations of 74LS189 The address bits select memory locations and the control signals CE and WE select write, read or do nothing operations. The output is bubbled input Dout = Din …1 74LS189 is a 64-bit SRAM organized in 16 bit words of 4-bit each [3]. Figure-2 shows pin configurations of 74LS189. A3 A2 A1 A0 are the four address lines, D3 D2 D1 D0 are four input lines and D3 D 2 D1 D0 are the four output lines. To program the chip a set of address Experiments with Digital ICs 200 Laboratory Experiments Series and data are applied to the respective lines and WE taken to LO. This loads the data and WE taken back to HI data is stored in the respective memory location. 21.3 Instruments Used Digital trainer with 5V power supply, logic monitors and HI-LO switches. 21.4 Components Used IC 74LS189 21.5 Experimental Procedure Address A3 A2 A1 A0 1 15 14 13 Input Data Set on HI-LO Switches D0 12 D1 10 D2 6 D3 4 11 D0 9 D1 7 D2 74LS189 5 Outputs to logic monitors (LEDs) D3 WE 16 8 2 3 +5V HI= READ LO= WRITE CE +5V Figure-21.3: Circuit connections for read write operation 1. The circuit is rigged as shown in Figure-3 on the digital trainer. The control signal CE is held LO. 2. WE is set to HI on HI-LO switch 3. 4-bit address and 4-bit data are also set on HI-LO switches Address = A3 A2 A1 A0 = 0 0 0 0 Data = D3 D2 D1 D0 = 0 0 1 0 4. WE is taken back to LO. This loads the data 0 0 1 0 in memory location 0 0 0 0. The data and address is tabulated in Table-3. 5. Trial is repeated by incrementing the address to 0 0 0 1 and corresponding data to be stored is set to 0 1 1 0. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 201 6. This process of addressing and storing the data is continued until all the memory locations are addressed from 0000 to 1111. Address A3 A2 A1 A0 Table-21.3 Input D3 D2 D1 D0 Output D3 D 2 D1 D0 0000 0010 1101 0001 0110 1001 0010 0100 1011 0011 0101 1010 0100 0101 1010 0101 1001 0110 0110 1011 0100 0111 1001 0110 1000 1101 0010 1001 1111 0000 1010 0000 1111 1011 0001 1110 1100 0101 1010 1101 1101 0010 1110 0101 1010 1111 0010 1101 Data stored at various memory locations 21.6 Reading stored data 7. To read the data from the memory location 1100, address line is set to 1100 and WE is set to LO on HI-LO switch. The content of the memory location 1100 is displayed on the output lines connected to the logic monitors. Address =1100 Output = 1010 which indicate stored data as 0101 Which tally with data in Table-3. 8. Similarly by applying corresponding address and taking WE is to HI stored data can be read on the monitor as inversion. 21.7 Results In 74LS189 4-bit SRAM, data addresses are set with LO WE and when WE is taken to HI the data is stored at the location. This is the write operation With WE is HI address is applied to the SRAM and when WE is taken back to LO the logic monitors display-stored data as the inverse of the input. When CE is held HI the outputs are floated or the IC is disabled. 21.8 Discussion Experiments with Digital ICs 202 Laboratory Experiments Series Fundamental function of SRAM is studied in this experiment by writing binary data in to 16 different memory locations. The stored data is read by applying address and control signal. Two 74LS189 can be connected in parallel to get 8-bit data storage. In such cases, the address lines to both the ICs are the same [1]. With WE is HI, address and data are applied, and when WE goes LO the logic monitors where the outputs are connected goes off irrespective of the input. This indicates the functioning of the IC. When WE is HI again the monitors should indicate inverse of the input stored. References [1] A P Malvino and J A Brown, Digital computer electronics, Page-133. [2] Fast Guide to RAM-a definition [3] A P Malvino and D P Leach, Digital principles and Applications, Page-396. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series Chapter-9 Microprocessors Experiments with Digital ICs 203 204 Laboratory Experiments Series Experiment-31 DISPLAY OF NAME USING 8085 MICROPROCESSOR KIT Abstract Using seven segment LED displays of the 8085-microprocessor kit a program is written to display ones name. The possible letters and its codes are worked out. Introductions Microprocessor is the brain of a computer. But it can not be compared with the human brain. Human brain is much much more than a microprocessor or a computer. One may surprise if I say that 70% of the world best brains are of Indians! However, Indians brains are sparingly used. Hence it is always fresh and demanded one in the world. A microprocessor is a central processing unit (CPU). It is available in the integrated circuit (IC) form. Among the microprocessor 8085 IC is most familiar and it is the last 8-bit microprocessor manufactured by Intel Semiconductor Corporation. To understand the functioning of a microprocessor (µP), its architecture is studied first. Architecture give the details of various functional blocks of the µP and their control signals and conditions. Once you understand these functional blocks and control signals, it is easy to use the µP in the circuit. To get use out of the µP it has to be programmed. Programming is a set of instructions to µP, which tells what to do. These sets of instructions are called software. Without the software the µP is a dead brain. Microprocessor can not understand English. Therefore a separate language is developed to make the µP understand the instructions. This language is called machine language or assembly language. Further to feed the machine language to the µP keys are required. The alphanumeric keyboards can not understand machine language. Hence a special type of code and keyboards are developed to feed the data to the µP. This code is called opcode. Therefore one need to connect the English instructions in to machine language and machine language in to opcode. Therefore to use the µP or to design circuit with µP one need to study the instructions and its opcode first. The opcode is different for different processor. Among them the instructions of 8085 are the simplest and the most familiar one. Inside 8085 µP there are 10 separate registers namely register A, B, C, D, E, H, L, PSW, and PC and register SP. Among these register A is also called accumulator. Accumulator is just like a drama stage where things come, go and perform. Here the processes of addition, subtraction etc takes place and the results of these operation remains there or can be transfer to other registers or to some memory locations. Experiments with Digital ICs 205 Laboratory Experiments Series The µP trainer kit consists of address field and data field. For example the address field is contains four 7-segment displays to indicate the memory location. And the data field contains two 7-segment displays to indicate the content of the memory location. Totally there are six 7-segment displays. Using these 6 displays it is possible to write a program to display 6-letter word or name. In this experiment a program is written to display ones name and the codes of the letters to be displayed are worked out. 7-Segment LED Display A common anode seven segment display is shown in Figure-1. The seven segments of the display are named as a, b, c, d, e, f, g and dp. Each of these segment will glow when the corresponding segment terminal is connected 0 volt or logic LO. The decimal point indicator dp makes it totally 8-segment display. For examples by grounding segment a, d, e, f and g to logic LO we get letter E as shown in Figure-1. To get letter E segments b, c and h are held HI (+5V). This can be written as an equation in Table-1. Similarly one can work out and generate code for possible alphabetic letters. Theses 8-bit code is in the binary form. Microprocessor work on hexadecimal numbers. Hence these binary codes are converted in to hexadecimal codes. g f a a b +5V f b g e d c dp e +5V Front View c d dp Figure-1, Common anode display and its pin configurations Table-1 Segment dp a b c d e f g Logic Status HI LO HI HI LO LO LO LO Code 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 8-bit Code for letter “E” Letter E is represented by 1011 0000 these 8-bit code is split in to four upper bit and four lower bit. The four lower 1011 bits are equivalent to 11 in decimal and B in hex decimal. The Experiments with Digital ICs 206 Laboratory Experiments Series four upper bits 0000 are equivalent 0 in both decimal and hexadecimal. Hence the code for E is now written as BO. Similar conversions are done for all possible letters and presented in Table-2. 1011= B, 0000 = 0 or 1011 0000 = B 0 Not all the alphabet letters are possible to display using seven-segment display. Letters such as M, N, Q, K, V, W, X and Z are not possible. To display the name AJEYA.P the codes are Table-2 Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code A 88 E 86 I F9 P 8C U C1 b 83 F 8E J F1 r AF Y 99 C C6 G 90 L C7 S 92 - BF d A1 H 89 O C0 t 87 . 7F Letters and their codes Table-3 A J E Y A. P 88 F1 86 99 08 8C Here the code for A is 88 but for A. it is 08 (the decimal dp should glow to indicate.) Is worked using Table-2. Programming the µP Kit To write a program to display alphanumeric one need to know how exactly the displays are connected to the µP trainer kit. A programmable keyboard display controller IC 8279 [1] controls the keyboard and the display in the trainer kit. 8279-Programmable keyboard display controller 8279 is a programmable display and keyboard controller used in the trainer kit. It scans and encodes up to 64-key keyboard and controls 16-digit numerical display [2]. An internal 16x8 RAM called display RAM controls the 7-segment display. Display RAM stores the codes of the letters to be displayed. The codes are loaded at certain memory locations. One by one these codes are transferred to the accumulator from which it is transferred to the display RAM. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 207 To perform these transfers two instructions called control address is made use. D1 is the control word address of 8279 and D0 is the data address. The control word pattern used for writing in the display RAM is given by 100 AI AAAA Where …1 100(H) is the write command to the display RAM AI is the command to increment or decrement the address bit in the display RAM. AI=1 increments and AI=0 decrements the address bit. If AI=1, then address specified by the RAM will be incremented after each write operation. AAAA is the address bits, which point to the RAM address. The control word in the equation now reads as 100 1 0111 9 …2 7 This is the control word to display alphanumeric. Here AI =1 and AAAA= 0111 the last four bits is taken as 7 so as to remember the IC number 8279. During this auto increment mode is set and display RAM is made to point the 7th location of the display RAM. The letter corresponding to that location is displayed. In all the interactions the same memory location (0111) is used to write in to the display RAM. Algorithm Algorithm is the logical set of functions given as instructions to the microprocessor to perform. The microprocessor performs these instructions. Once name to be displayed is selected (the sweetest word that one think is his name) one can start writing the program. We have selected name AJEYA.P the codes of this name are stored at memory location F900 called memory location MAD. Microprocessor is asked to read these codes. The total number of letters to be displayed (N) is also given to the microprocessor as instruction. • Move immediately the total number (N=06) of 7-segment displays in the µP Kit to register C. Register C now loads number 06. • Load register HL with the codes of the six letters to be displayed, with the first letter code starting at specified memory location called MAD .HL registers loads the codes of the word to be displayed from the memory location starting at MAD=F900 Experiments with Digital ICs 208 Laboratory Experiments Series • Move the control word of 8279 (equation 2, 1001 0111) to the register B. Register B is loaded with control word 97. • Move the contents of the register B in to the register A or the accumulator. The data from register B is transferred to register A. • Output the content of A through port D1. Control word is now sent to the display RAM to receive data. • Move the contents of the HL register pair to accumulator so as to perform next operation. The first letter (A=88) code is moved to the register A. • Out the contents of the accumulator through the port D0. The content (A=88) is moved to the display RAM to active the segments of the display and letter A is displayed. • Increment the content of the HL pair. This loads second letter code from the memory location F903, code corresponds to letter J. • Decrement the contents of the register B. Control word is decrement by one (96). • Decrement the contents of the register C. Program counter is decrement from 6 to 5 • Jumps to step 4 if there is no zero from the previous step else go to the next step. • Stop. Experimental Procedure 1. The microprocessor kit is connected to the power supply and supply is switched on. The sign on message ISU-85 appears on the monitor. 2. The code data (Table-3) is stored at the memory location starting at F900 by pressing SUB.MEM key as shown in Table-4. This loads all the codes of the letter to be displayed. 3. The program is now loaded at a memory location starting at F800. The contents and the operations performed by the µP are listed in Table-5. Table-4 SUB MEM. . F900 F900 NEXT F900. Experiments with Digital ICs 209 Laboratory Experiments Series 88 F900.88 NEXT F901 F1 F901.F1 NEXT F903 86 F903.86 NEXT F904 99 F904.99 NEXT F905 08 F905.08 NEXT F906 8C F906.8C NEXT F907 RESET ISU-85 Table-5 Label Address Mnemonics Opcode Register Contents A Start LOOP1 4 B C HL F800 MVI C,N OE,06 06 F802 LXI H,MAD 21,00,F9 06 F900 F805 MVI B,97 06,97 97 06 F900 F807 MOV A,B 78 97 97 06 F900 F808 OUT, D1 D3,D1 97 97 06 F900 F80A MOV A,M 7E 88 97 06 F900 F80B OUT, D0 D3,D0 88 98 06 F900 F80D INX H 23 88 98 06 F901 F80E DCR,B 05 88 97 06 F901 F810 JNZ, LOOP1 C2,07,F 8 88 98 06 F901 F813 STOP 76 88 98 06 F901 After feeding the data and program, to see the results the microprocessor is executed as follows RESET Experiments with Digital ICs 210 Laboratory Experiments Series GO TO F800 EXEC. By pressing these keys the name AJEYA. P is displayed as shown in Figure-2 Figure-2, The name AJEYA.P is displayed on the monitor Results 1. A program is written by understanding the process of the 7-segment display connection to 8279-keyboard display controller. 2. The codes of the possible letter are generated and listed in Table-1. Letters W, X, Y, V, Z, Q, R are not possible to display. Discussions 1. Ones name is the sweetest word for him. Hence displaying his name is the best word for this experiment. This program gives an idea that how the big big advertising sign boards near the city bus stand or railway station work displaying series of words. References 1. 1 Ramesh S Goanker, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085, 4th Ed, Page-436. 2. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 211 Experiment-32 DIGITAL STOP CLOCK USING MICROPROCESSOR KIT Abstract A classic experiment that converts an 8085 microprocessor kit in to digital stop clock is presented here. It is programmed to count railway time (24- hours’ clock), regular time (12-hour clock) and further it is programmed to start or stop at prescribed time. Introduction Microprocessors since its invention revolutionized human life in various ways. It has been taught to students at various levels starting from the post graduate level to polytechnic levels. Now it is the time to experiment it at the plus-two level. The 8085 microprocessor kit stood firm in the electronic curriculum because of its wide applicability, easy to understand and easy to program capability. It is both malleable and ductile microprocessor. The latter versions (8086) did not become as popular as 8085 in educational curriculum. Many experiments based on 8085 are presented in various text books and journals. However, this particular experiment is a classic experiment that can not be forgotten. The accuracy of counting time using microprocessor kits depend on the propagation delays due to various ICs involved in the process of counting. For laboratory practical purposes it is an accurate time counting machine which can be used for process control and display applications. Programming the 8085 µP kit To write a program to set stop clock one need to know how exactly the displays are connected to the µP trainer kit. A programmable keyboard display controller IC 8279 controls the Keyboard and the display in the trainer kit. The software uses the monitor routines DELAY, UPDDT, UPDAD to provide Hour, Minutes and Seconds display in the address and data fields. UPDAD: Updad is used in the keyboard and serial modes to update the address field display using the current address stored at locations FFF7h and FFF8h. UPDDT: Upddt is used in the keyboard and serial modes to update the data field using the current data at location FFF9h. DELAY: The procedure used to design a specific delay by loading an appropriate number into one of the register. A register is loaded with number depending on the time delay required and then the register is decremented until it reaches zero by setting up a loop with a conditional jump instruction. The loop causes the delay depending upon the clock period of the system. To count in one second, 0.5 µsec delay is provided. Experiments with Digital ICs 212 Laboratory Experiments Series Algorithm 1. Initialize the register B, which is used to set the Seconds. 2. Initialize the HL register pair. Register L is used to set the Minutes and H is used to set the Hours. 3. Move the content of register B into the Accumulator. 4. Push the content of register pair BC onto the stack. 5. Push the content of register pair HL onto the stack. 6. Push PSW onto the stack. 7. Store the content of HL register pair in memory location FFF7h. 8. Call the UPDAD instruction which has been already stored in the address 06BC in the system permanently. 9. Pop off the stack to the PSW. 10. Push the PSW onto the stack. 11. Store the content of accumulator in the memory location FFF9. 12. Call the UPDAD instruction which has been already stored in the memory address 06D3 permanently. 13. Push the HL pair onto the stack. 14. For specific delay load the appropriate number into the H register. 15. Call the delay program in step (40). 16. If register H is not zero jump to step (14). 17. Pop off the stack to the HL pair. 18. Pop off the stack to the PSW. 19. Pop off the stack to the HL pair. 20. Add immediately the number 01 with the content of accumulator and the result is in accumulator. 21. Adjust the content of accumulator to its BCD number. To set seconds 22. Compare the content of accumulator with a number 60. 23. Jump to the step (5) if there is no zero resulted due to step (22). Else follow the next step. 24. Pop off stack to the BC register pair. 25. Move the content of register L into the accumulator. 26. Add immediately the number 01 with the content of accumulator and the result is in the accumulator. 27. Adjust the content of accumulator to its BCD number. 28. Move the content of accumulator to its BCD number. To sets a minutes 29. Compare the content of accumulator with the number 60. 30. Jump to the step (3) if there is no zero resulted due to step (29). Else follow the next steps. 31. Initialize the accumulator. 32. Initialize the register L. 33. Move the content of register H into the accumulator. Experiments with Digital ICs Laboratory Experiments Series 213 34. Add immediately the number 61 with the content of accumulator and the result is in accumulator. 35. Adjust the content of accumulator to its BCD number. 36. Move the content of accumulator into register H. To set hours 37. Compare the content of accumulator with the number 24. 38. Jump to step (3) if there is no zero resulted due to the step (7). Else follow the next step. 39. Jump to step (1). 40. Load the DE register pair with number FFFF. (FFFF is one part of delay count to give exact one second delay). 41. Call the delay subroutine in the address 04BE permanently. 42. Load the DE register pair with number F000 (F000 is other part of delay count to give exact 1 sec delay). 43. Call the delay subroutine in the address 04BE permanently. Program Description The program to count from 00-59 and reset to 00 at 60th count with a one second delay between counts is listed below. At the instant of 60th count, the counter resets itself to zero and the sequence of counting repeats. This is true for seconds and minutes counting. To count time in hours, 12 hour (conventional time) the resetting is done at the instant of 12th count and for the 24 hours clock (railway time) the resetting is done at the instant of 24th counts. • To set 12 Hours clock the number 24 is replaced by 12 in step 37 (at the memory location F741). • To start the clock at certain prescribed time such as 10hours, 30minutes and 30 Seconds the respective hours, minutes and seconds counts are changed (at the memory location F701 for Seconds, F703 for Minutes, F704 for hour). To set the time delay the default delay which is at address 04BE is used. This provides a delay – returns to calling routine after input argument is counted down to zero. INPUT: D, E 16 bit quantity for loop count. In this case, using one loop (DE register pair) we can provide a time delay one second maximum. To provide more than 1second delay, the delay routine is called, using another loop (register H). For example to set 5 seconds delay for counting, The register H is loaded with number 05h (at the memory location F719). Register H is decremented until it reaches zero by setting up a loop with a conditional jump instruction. Within this loop there is another loop which contains DE register pair. A register pair DE is loaded with number FFFF (at the memory location F749) and F000 (in memory location F74F). This loop provides 1 second delay. Register H LOOP calls the DE register pair LOOP, 5 times (register H is loaded with count 05h) and 5 second Delay is obtained. Experiments with Digital ICs 214 Laboratory Experiments Series Experimental Procedure The microprocessor kit SDA8085 is powered and following program is entered starting at the memory location F700. Press Keys RESET Sub. Mem F700 NEXT Display -sda 85 . F700 Enter the Opcode in the program Program Label Start Loop2 Loop1 Loop4 Address F700 F702 F705 F706 F707 F708 F709 F70C F70F F710 F711 F714 F717 F718 F71A F71D F71E F721 F722 F723 F724 F726 F727 F729 F72C F72D F72E F730 F731 F732 F734 Mnemonics MVI B,00 LXIH 00,00 MOV A,B PUSH B PUSH H PUSH PSW SHLD FFF7 CALL UPDAD POP PSW PUSH PSW STA FFF9 CALL UPDDT PUSH H MVI H,01h CALL loop3 DCR H JNZ loop4 POP H POPPSW POP H ADI 01h DAA CPI, 60 JNZ loop1 POP B MOV A,L ADI , 01h DAA MOV L,A CPI ,60 JNZ loop2 Experiments with Digital ICs Opcode 06,00 21,00,00 78 C5 E5 F5 22,F7,FF CD,BC,06 F1 F5 32,F9,FF CD,D3,06 E5 26,05 CD,48,F7 25 C2,1A,F7 E1 F1 E1 C6,01 27 FE,60 C2,07,F7 C1 7D C6,01 27 6F FE,60 C2,05,F7 215 Laboratory Experiments Series Loop3 F737 MVI A,00 F739 MVI L,00 F73B MOV A,H F73C ADI 01h F73E DAA F73F MOV H,A F740 CPI 24 F742 JNZ loop1 F745 JMP start F748 LXID FF,FF F74B CALL delay F74E LXID F0,00 F751 CALL delay F754 RET Program for counting time 3E,00 2E,00 7C C6,01 27 67 FE,24 C2,07,F7 C3.00,F7 11,FF,FF CD,BE.04 11,00,F0 CD,BE,04 C9 Figure-1: Twenty four hour railway clock: starting time 10hrs 20minutes 30secs When the program is executed, the OUTPUT is seen on the six seven segment displays of the kit. Figure-1 shows a 24-hour clock started at 10 hours 20 minutes and 30 seconds. Note To stop the clock at a particular time permanently, the RET (F754) is replaced by HALT instruction. In case of conditional return instruction the sequence return to the main program if the condition is met. Otherwise the sequence in the subroutine is continued. Therefore we replace RET instruction by HALT instruction. Results 1. A program is written by understanding the Delay and Counting process. 2. The clock can be made to count time in 12-hours mode or 24 hours mode by changing entry at memory location F741. 3. To start the clock at a predetermined time the entry at the memory location F701 for seconds, F703 for minutes, F704 for hours can be altered. Experiments with Digital ICs 216 Laboratory Experiments Series References [1] Ramesh S Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Application with 8085, 4th Ed, Page-251. [2] A P Malvino and D P Leach, Digital Principles and Application 4th Ed, Page-327. Experiments with Digital ICs