SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE1 OFll SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 102313 SECTION INCLUDES A. Fire pump package. B. Electric fire pump motor engine. C. Electric jockey pump. D. Controllers. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 23 04 00 - General Conditions for Mechanical Trades. B. Section 22 05 00 - Common Work Results for Plumbing C. Section 23 05 48 - Vibration Isolation and Seismic Restraints. D. Section 23 07 00 - Mechanical Insulation. E. Section 21 13 13 - Fire Protection Piping. F. Section 21 13 13 - Sprinkler Systems. G. Section 22 40 00 - Plumbing Fixtures H. Section 21 08 00 - Commissioning Requirements I. Division 26 - Electrical. REFERENCES A. Factory Mutual System (FM) - Approval Guide. B. NEMA MG-1 - Motors and Generators. C. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volt Maximum). D. NFPA 13 - Installation of Sprinkler Systems. E. NFPA 20 - Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps. F. NFPA 24 - Private Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances. G. NFPA 70 - National Electric Code. H. NFPA 37 - Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines. I. UL - Fire Protection Equipment Directory. PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 2 OF 11 UL 448 - Pumps for Fire Protection Service. UL 778 - Motor Operated Water Pumps. UL 1478 - Fire Pump Relief Valves. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Electric motor horizontal, in-line, fire pump with jockey pump. System will include electric controllers and automatic transfer switch. B. 1.05 Piping and equipment arrangements indicated on the contract documents are diagrammatic. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to fully coordinate piping and equipment locations with all other trades. SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Division 1 and Section 23 04 00 B. Where the terms "authority having jurisdiction" is used within this specification, it is intended to include the Insurance Underwriter and all regulatory agencies having vested interest in this project. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate detailed layout, general assembly, components and accessories, dimensions, weights, clearances, and methods of assembly. D. Product Data: Provide manufacturers literature including general assembly, pump curves showing performance characteristics with pump and system, operating point indicated, NPSH curve, controls, wiring diagrams, and service connections. E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate support details, connection requirements, and start-up instructions for fire pump system. F. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that fire pumps meet or exceed specified requirements at specified operating conditions. Submit summary and results of shop tests performed in accordance with NFPA 20. G. Field Reports: Indicate summary of hydrostatic test and field acceptance tests performed in accordance with NFPA 20 H. All drawings shall bear the seal of a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Con necticut. 1.06 1.07 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to NFPA 20 for installation and testing of fire pumps, drivers, and controllers. B. Provide certificate of compliance from authority have jurisdiction indicating approval of field acceptance tests. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. 102313 Submit under provisions of Division 1 and Section 23 04 00. PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 3 OF 11 B. Record actual locations of equipment and deviations of piping from drawings. Indicate drain and test locations. 1.08 1.09 1.10 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit under provisions of Division 1 and Section 23 05 00. B. Operation Data: Include manufacturers instructions, start-up data, trouble-shooting check lists, for pumps, drivers, and controllers. C. Maintenance Data: Include manufacturers literature, cleaning procedures, replacement parts lists, and repair data for pumps, drivers and controllers. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Workmanship and Qualifications: All materials and equipment shall be installed in accordance with NFPA Standard 20 and all applicable local codes and ordinances. The Sprinkler Contractor shall be state licensed to install sprinkler systems. The Sprinkler Contractor shall make sure that all work and materials conform to the requirements set forth bythis Specification. Fire protection equipment shall be installed to conform to NFPA Standard 20 as applicable, and devices used shall be listed and approved by Underwriters laboratories (UL) and/or Factory Mutual (FM). B. Codes and Standards: All work shall be equal or superior to that required by codes, regulations, ordinances, and laws imposed by the jurisdictional authorities. Nothing in the Specifications permit violations of such directives, and where conflict occurs, the directive shall govern, except where superior work is specified or indicated. C. In addition to complying with the above codes and regulations, comply with the requirements of the following: 1. NFPA Standard 20. 2. State Building and Fire Codes. 3. Local Jurisdictional Authorities. D. Maintain one copy of document on site. E. Installer: Company specializing in performing work of this Section with minimum five years experience. F. Design sprinkler system under direct supervision of a Professional Engineer experienced in design of this Work and licensed in the State where the project is located. G. All items of similar class shall be the products of the same manufacturer. All valves, accessory items, etc., shall be from the same source. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION A. Delivery, store, protect and handle products to site under provisions of Division 1 and Section 23 04 00. B. 102313 Accept fire pumps and components on site in factory packing. Inspect for damage. Comply with manufacturers rigging and installation instructions. PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 4 OF 11 C. Store products in shipping containers and maintain in place until installation. Provide temporary inlet and outlet caps. Maintain caps in place until installation. D. Fire Pump and all equipment, valves, alarms, gages and etc., shall be covered and protected from physical damage including effects of weather, water, and construction debris during the execution of the work. All equipment shall be protected from freezing. Labeling 1o remain in place. E. All unloading, hauling, and handling of materials shall be the responsibility of the Sprinkler Contractor. F. 1.11 1.12 The Sprinkler Contractor can obtain information on available storage space on site from the Owner when making examination of the site. EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish under provisions of Division 1 and Section 23 04 00. B. Provide one set of gaskets, screens and seals for each pump type and model supplied. MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Furnish service and maintenance of fire pump, driver, and controller for one year from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Peerless Pumps. B. Armstrong Pumps. C. Aurora Pumps. D. Substitutions: Shall be approved by the Architect/Engineer and shall follow the provisions outlined in Division 1, Section 23 04 00 and Section 23 05 00. 2.02 102313 HORIZONTAL BASE MOUNTED PUMPS A. Pump shall be Peerless, Model 5AEF14 B. Type: UL 448 and UL 778, horizontal shaft, single stage, double suction, direct connected, horizontally split casing, for 250 psig (1 720 kPa) maximum working pressure. C. Casing: Cast iron, with suction and discharge gage ports, renewable bronze casing wearing rings, seal flush connection, drain plug, flanged suction and discharge. D. Impeller: Bronze double suction fully enclosed, balanced and keyed 1o shaft. E. Bearings: Grease lubricated ball bearings, replaceable without opening casing. F. Shaft: Alloy steel with replaceable bronze shaft sleeve. PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 5 OF 11 Seal: Packing gland with minimum four rings graphite impregnated packing and bronze lantern rings, 230 degrees F (110 degrees C) maximum continuous operating temperature. Drive: Flexible coupling with coupling guard. Baseplate: Cast iron or fabricated steel with integral drain rim. Performance: K. 2.03 1. Flow: 750 gal/min, at 60 feet head. 2. Motor: 40 hp, 460 volt, three phase, 60 Hz. 3. The fire pump shall deliver a maximum of not less than 150% of rated capacity and not less than 65% of rated pressure. Motor: Squirrel cage induction type; in open drip proof NEMA MG-1 enclosure, 3500 rpm, maximum. Refer to Section 23 05 00. The fire pump shall be capable of delivering not less than 150% of rated capacity at not less than 65% of rated pressure. FIRE PUMP ACCESSORIES Eccentric suction reducer and OS&Y gate valve on suction side of pump rated for 175 psig. B. Concentric increaser and check valve in pump discharge and OS&Y gate valve on system side of check valve rated for 175 psig. C. Fire pump bypass fitted with OS&Y gate valves and check valve rated for 175 psig. D. Main relief valve, UL 1478, and open type waste cone. E. Suction pressure gage, 4 1/2 inch (110 mm) diameter dial with snubber, valve cock and lever handle. F. Discharge pressure gage mounted on board attached to pump, with snubber, valve cock and lever handle. 2.04 G. Casing 3/4 inch relief valve. H. Float operated 1/2 inch (20 mm) automatic air release valve. I. Flow metering system for closed loop testing, Victaulic style 735. Provide with 6" diameter flow readout dial. Meter shall be rated for 175 psig. FIRE PUMP CONTROLLER The fire pump controller shall be Autotransformer, or approved equal. Motor starter shall be wye-delta type. The withstand rating of the fire pump controller shall be 100,000 amps. The fire pump controller shall be house in a NEMA 4 enclosure. The controller shall incorporate the 102313 PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 6 OF 11 display and printer module PRS99 accessible through a hinged operator door and microprocessor based controller ATS99. The fire pump controller shall be wired for manual stop only. The controller shall be supplied with the following externally mounted components approved to match the NEMA rating of the enclosure. 1. One common operating handle for both isolating switch and circuit breaker mechanically interlocked with the enclosure door to prohibit access to the interior in the "On" position complete with an interlock defeater screw and padlock provision in the "Off" position.. 2. One pump "Start" pushbutton and one "Stop" pushbutton. 3. One "Emergency" start and run handle mechanism latch able in the "On" position. 4. Manual and Emergency starts command shall be independent of micro-controller ATS99. The controller shall incorporate a Display/Annunciator & Printer module accessible through a hinged operator door. The Digital display shall have a precision of 2%, be back lighted and show the following: 1. All 3x line-to-line voltages 2. System frequency. 3. All 3x line-to-line amperages 4. True elapsed run time (based on current read out) 5. Pressure system settings and system pressure in PSI 6. Alarm conditions: a. b. c. d. Pump starting failure Over current problem Under current problem Pressure transducer problem Annunciator shall be powered by high luminosity LEDS indicating: 1. Power available 2. System trouble 3. Phase reversal 4. Low system pressure The printer shall be accessible without opening the main controller door and allow for: 1. 102313 Previous seven (7) days events & alarm summary (using print button) PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 7 OF 11 2. Previous seven (7) days pressure over time fluctuations (using print button) Cut-in and cut out pressures shall be live settable without opening main controller door. The Display/Annuciator & Printer module shall also incorporate an Alarm Reset and a Paper feed push button. The following control components shall be mounted inside the controller: 1. One pressure transducer rated for 300 psi. One micro controller module ATS99 factory set and mechanically protected and shielded. This micro controller shall provide: Lock rotor protection set at 300% and automatically tripping within 8-20 seconds at 600% of full load current. Phase sequence / loss monitoring and alarms. Minimum run period timer (disarmable) Sequential start timer (adjustable) Weekly test (electrical initiation) Voltage and current sensing (all phases) Pressure sensing (300 psi transducer) Automatic start sequence System trouble fail safe alarm Two control terminals to provide for the connection of a momentary remote start contact. 4. Individual alarm contacts (10A. 250VAC): Power or phase failure and / or circuit breaker in open position DPDT Pump run 1 N/O-1 N/C Phase reversal DPDT Trouble (alarm condition) DPDT Power Circuit Components: 1. The controller shall be supplied with the following power components: One molded case isolating switch One molded case circuit breaker rated at a minimum of not less than 115% of full load motor current. The circuit breaker magnetic trip shall be adjusted to a minimum of 13 times the fire pump full load motor current with provisions for higher settings. The molded case switch and circuit breaker shall be of the same frame size. One reduced voltage automatic autotransformer closed transition type motor starter. Automatic Transfer Switch: The transfer switch shall be housed within the full service fire pump controller enclosure separated by a dividing wall and accessible by an individual access door. 102313 PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 8 OF 11 The automatic power transfer switch assembly shall meet the requirements of the NFPA 20-1999 and UL218 standards and be listed and approved for fire pump service by cULus and FM. The transfer switch shall be supplied with the following externally mounted components match the NEMA rating of the associated fire pump controller. One operating handle for the molded case isolating switch of the alternate power supply, mechanically interlocked with the enclosure door to prohibit access to the interior in the "On" position, complete with defeater screw and padlock in the "Off" position. One alarm buzzer energized when the isolating switch is left in the "Off" position. The Display/Annunciator & Printer module in the fire pump section of the controller shall also contain the following features for the transfer switch a. The Annunciator shall be powered by high luminosity LED's indicating: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Normal power available Alternate power available Normal position Alternate position System trouble Phase reversal Low system pressure Isolating switch in "Off" position Micro controller module ATS99 mounted inside the fire pump controller section shall indicate individual alarm contacts for: Generator start, DPDT, (10A.250VAC or 5A.24VDC) Isolating switch in "Off" position, DPDT (10A.250VAC) Automatic transfer switch in normal power position, 1N/O Automatic transfer switch in alternate (emergency) power position (1N/O) The following components shall be mounted inside the transfer switch section: One alternate power molded case isolating switch complete with auxiliary contacts One automatic transfer switch mechanically held and electrically operated. Manual operation of the transfer switch shall be provided by means of a manual operating handle The automatic transfer switch shall provide: Voltage sensing on each phase of the normal power supply factory set at 85% to initiate actuation of the generator set start contact Voltage and frequency sensing of the alternate power source factory set at 90% to initiate transfer to alternate power. Voltage sensing on all phase of normal power factory set at 90% to initiate retransfer to normal power One timing function to override momentary normal outages before activating engine start contact, factory set at 3 seconds. 102313 PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 9 OF 11 e. f. One timing function to delay retransfer to the normal power supply, factory set at 5 minutes. Transfer to normal power shall be instantaneous in case of alternate power failure One timing function to allow engine generator cool down after retransfer to normal power source, factory set at 5 minutes Power: 480 volt, three phase, 60 Hz. Approved Manufacturers 1. Firetrol, Inc. 2. TornaTech, Inc. 3. Master Control Systems, Inc. Remote Alarm Panel: TornaTech Model APE with 120 volt, single phase operating voltage, 24vac supervisory power and (4) alarm SPDT relays. Provide recesses enclosure. 2.05 PRESSURE BOOSTER (JOCKEY) PUMP Electrically operated, horizontal type with standard open drip-proof horizontal motor. Performance: 1. Flow: 5 gal/min, at 162 feet head. 2. Motor: 1.5 hp, 460 volt, three phase, 60 Hz. Control by automatic jockey pump controller, NEMA enclosure with full voltage starter and minimum run timer to start pump on pressure drop in system and stay in operation for minimum period of time. Fire pump shall start automatically on further pressure drop or on jockey pump failure. D. Pump shall be Webtrol, Model 391-4 or approved equal. E. Jockey pump controller shall be of the same manufacturer as that of the main fire pump controller. F. Provide with suction and discharge gauges and casing relief valve. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 102313 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Provide access space around pumps for service. Provide no less than minimum as recommended by manufacturer. C. Decrease from line size with long radius reducing elbows or reducers. Support piping adjacent to pump such that no weight is carried on pump casings. For base mounted PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 10 OF 11 pumps, provide supports under elbows on pump suction and discharge. Refer to Section 21 13 13. D. Provide drains for bases and seals, piped to and discharging into floor drains. E. Mount unit on vibration isolators. Refer to Section 23 05 48. F. Insulate piping associated with pump, pump casing and exhaust silencer. Refer to Section 23 07 00. 3.02 3.03 G. Provide for connection to electrical service. Refer to Division 16 - Electrical. H. Lubricate pumps before start-up. I. Check, align, and certify base mounted pumps by qualified millwright prior to start-up. A. The fire pump shall be hydrostatically tested to b,vice the working pressure, but in no case, less than 250 psig. B. The fire pump shall be given a complete factory performance test and characteristics curves prepared from the test results shall be furnished. C. Provide Fire Pump remote annunciator, locate at main entrance to building or adjacent to fire alarm control panel or as directed by the local authority having jurisdiction. D. Provide full size bypass with check valve and OS&Y gate valve on fire pump suction side to fire pump discharge side. E. Provide test loop separate from bypass, provide with flow meter and butterfly valve FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform field inspection and testing under provisions of Division 1. B. Perform hydrostatic flow test on entire system in accordance with NFPA Standard 20. C. Require test to be witnessed by authority having jurisdiction, Owner's insurance underwriter, Architect/Engineer, Pump Manufacturer Representative. COMMISSIONING A. Engage a factory-authorized service representative, to perform startup service as per functional test sheets and requirements of Section 21 08 00 Commissioning. B. Verify that equipment is installed and commissioned as per requirements of Section 21 08 00 and manufacturer's written instructions. C. Complete installation and startup checks and functional tests according to Section 21 08 00 and manufacturer's written instructions. D. 102313 Operational Test: After electrical and control systems have been energized, start units to confirm proper unit operation. Rectify malfunctions, replace defective parts with new one and repeat the start up procedure. PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR SECTION 21 30 00 FIRE PUMPS PAGE 11 OFll Test and adjust controls and safety devices. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment. END OF SECTION 102313 PROJECT NO. BI-RT-844-CMR