2008 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, Chongqing, China, November 9-13, 2008 Single-phase auto-reclosure studies: secondary arc model research including a 500kV line experimental circuit Câmara Alessandra S.B.1, Goncalves, Ricardo A. A.1, Rodrigues Marcelo G.2, Oliveira F. Orsino2, Portela Carlos M.3, Tavares Maria Cristina(portelac@ism.com.br) 4 1 Furnas Centrais Eletricas R. Real Grandeza 219 – Botafogo Rio de Janeiro RJ 22281-900, Brazil CEPEL Electric Power Research Center Av. Olinda s/n – Adrianópolis Nova Iguaçu RJ 26053-121, Brazil 3 COPPE/UFRJ-Federal University of RJ, Brazil 4 DSCE-FEE/UNICAMP - SP, Brazil 2 Abstract - Brazilian electrical transmission system has radial sub-systems and not much meshed long EHV/HV lines, a profile that suggests single-phase auto-reclosure (SPAR) as usual procedure. Since year 2000, the national electrical energy regulatory agency (ANEEL) has required the use of SPAR in the design, construction and operation of new transmission lines. Analysis of SPAR success is basically related to secondary arc extinction in a reasonably short time. So, secondary arc modeling became an important issue on defining optimized solutions. In 2003, FURNAS, UFRJ and CEPEL − transmission utility, university and research center, respectively − started a research project related to secondary arc modeling. A test infra-structure was set up at CEPEL´s high power laboratory, including an out door real 500 kV line piece, with three towers and two spans and necessary measuring devices (electrical parameters, visual – films - and wind records), where arcs have been generated and monitored. The main purpose of this research project is to obtain and validate a robust model of the primary and secondary arcs in a transmission line, allowing to investigate the interaction between the arc and the “network”, at arc terminals, and the evaluation of SPAR procedure success (or not). This work presents: the basic aspects of the laboratorial work conception; some difficulties related to the accuracy quality of arc parameters evaluation, of some usual measurement and data processing procedures; the adopted solutions to overcome such difficulties. The results already obtained support the basic conception of a gray type arc model, developed previously, allowed the establishment of adequate research type procedures for measurements and data processing, supplied a huge amount of data for arc modeling, giving basis to obtain arc parameters in an important range of conditions. New results are still expected to complete the range of conditions covered by the research project. I. INTRODUCTION Although the Brazilian national power system represents a natural scenario for single-phase auto-reclosure (SPAR) usage, only after year 2000, when the national electrical energy regulatory agency (ANEEL) imposed the SPAR procedure for every new line project, specific studies became a national concern and the most used studies/analysis philosophies were questioned. While line projects must be optimized, such optimization is restricted by conservative (or even mistaken) criteria of analysis for SPAR main phenomenon, which is the secondary arc extinction. Such criteria are used to indicate whether and which kind of strategy can be used to assure successful SPAR switching, or, in other words, secondary arc extinction during “dead time”. Inaccurate calculation can lead not only to overdimensioned solutions, but even to wrong or inappropriate ones. FURNAS, UFRJ and CEPEL - utility, university and research center, respectively − started a research project aiming to produce a robust and reliable model of electric arc in air. Special installations were designed and built at CEPEL’s high power laboratory, including two 500 kV line spans (Fig.1). II. THE ELECTRIC ARC MODEL ADOPTED The electric arc behavior analysis, specifically secondary arc extinction, is the main concern in single-pole switching studies, since secondary arc extinction dictates whether the reclosure will be a successful one or not. The arc starts by a single-phase fault, at any transmission line point. By the faulted phase circuit-breakers opening, the initial (fault) current is reduced from kA levels to the so-called secondary arc, which is sustained by electromagnetic interphases coupling, and rarely exceed 102A (rms) magnitude order. In fact, higher values of secondary arc may be observed in very long lines, with no intermediate substations and low compensations levels (or none) – a very rare configuration, but only if adequate procedures to reduce secondary arc current are not taken. At initial arc transitory period, it can be observed also an unidirectional component decay. Such initial transitory duration depends on system and arc characteristics, besides fault occurrence and phase opening instants. Secondary arc extinction analysis takes place under three basic phenomena related to arc behavior: thermic extinction, dielectric reiginition and arc-grid interaction. The arc model determination shall consider criteria with physics consistency, namely arc parameters independent of values and shape of small disturbances, and a dynamic model that satisfies the static characteristic. For a particular operation point, many of the most used models are, in fact, “equivalent”, with chosen parameters’ adjustment, and it is useless try to define a “black-box” model, according to experimental data limitations. A black-box model can not have enough information to consider simultaneous relevant phenomena, which, by the way, The authors thank the financial support received from CNPq - National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (Brazil) and FAPESP – The State of São Paulo Research in part of research work in which this paper is based. 978-1-4244-2810-6/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 490 Figure 1 - 500kV experimental spans still are difficult to be detailed even by more complex models, such : - Cathodic and anodic regions are affected by many phenomena that are completely different from central region of the arc channel. - Arc channel can be divided in two very unlike regions, a central one, with high temperature and small thermic inertia, and an external one, with lower temperatures and higher thermic inertia. The best approach is to adopt a “gray-box” model, searching for models that report the main physics phenomena, with a minimum of independent parameters, avoiding parameters strongly dependent on operation point, and using experimental data covering a large range of disturbances. III. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT Brazilian policy, electric arc modeling state-of-art, and a promissory arc model concept motivated a research in basis mentioned bellow. A. Experimental activities conception The model under development follows a Gray-Box Model philosophy [1], where transfer functions relating electrical entities are joined with parameters that report some basic physics phenomena and/or empirical characteristics observed. In outlines, the research works under the following strategy: (1) Analysis of the stationary and dynamic arc behavior by experimental data information; (2) Definition and adjustment of model parameters and (3) Validation of the proposed model by system conditions reproduction. The steps (1) and (2) mentioned above are defined as Phase I, where different power frequency arc values and impulses with different amplitudes, waveforms and polarities are produced. Besides arc voltage and current measurements, wind conditions and visual recordings are processed. The impedance frequency response of experimental circuit is also measured. The aim of Phase I is to establish a robust and reliable arc model. At Phase II the model generated by Phase I is validated considering also system conditions (arc-grid interaction). At this very moment the research is in its Phase I. In the next sections, it will be mentioned some measurement procedures, experimental structure adaptations and data preprocessing cares. B. Laboratorial structure The necessary experimental data to develop and validate a robust and consistent model of the primary and secondary arcs shall be obtained under conditions as close as possible to the on site conditions, as far as the transmission line components and geometry are concerned. To meet this requirement, a testing set up including two 500 kV line spans was installed at CEPEL’s high power laboratory, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2, representing part of a typical FURNAS 500kV transmission line. Four arc sites have been considered to produce the arc:: at a diagonal insulator string at Tower 1, at the horizontal insulator string of Tower 2 and across the clearance between one phase-conductor and ground-wire, as indicated in Fig.2. Figure 2 – Arc generation sites at the laboratory tests arrangement The diagram of the electric circuit used to carry out the tests is shown in Fig. 3 and its main components are: a) two single phase test power transformers (T1) in series, connected to the 138 kV substation bus, providing 50kV open circuit voltage; b) circuit breaker CB to switch the test current; c) switch S; d) making synchronous switch MS to establish the test current at a chosen phase angle; e) Reactors XL and resistors R to limit test current; f) One auxiliary test power transformer T2, used for test current up to 300A, to provide 250kV open circuit voltage. Such voltage level was found to be the minimum necessary to sustain the arc under acceptable stability conditions; g) Transmission line TL; h) Voltage dividers VD1 and VD2 to measure the voltage at the live and at the earthed arc sides related to the ground potential; i) Current transformers CT1 and CT2 to measure the arc power frequency current and impulse current injected to the arc; j) Impulse generator. Figure 3 – Circuit for generation of arc and impulse currents. C. Tests Characteristics The tests consist of generating and monitoring electric arcs with different amplitudes of power frequency electric current ranging from 10 to 10 000 A(rms) (60Hz). To evaluate the arc dynamic behavior and investigating the associated time constants, current impulses with different waveforms, polarities and amplitudes have been injected into the sustained arc at different specific time within the period of the arc power 491 frequency current. Impulse current front times of 1 µs, 5 µs and 10 µs, peak values of 5, 10 and 20% of 60 Hz current component amplitude, and of positive and negative polarity, have been used. The data considered useful for the arc modeling process, recorded during each test, are: Voltages and currents: measurements of arc terminal voltages (Varc), power frequency arc current (I60Hz) and impulse current (Iimp) with sampling time ≤ 100 ns and time window of 1s; Wind: measurements of the wind speed and direction close to the arc region with sampling time ≤ 1 s; Dynamic images: records of arc movies from two view points with rate ≥ 1000 frames/s; Environmental conditions: Atmospheric pressure, relative humidity and temperature. Circuit parameters: Impedance of test circuit components in frequency domain up to 10 MHz. D. Critical Experiments Aspects Taking into account the quite complex experimental work and the great number of tests required for the project, some critical aspects and challenges have been faced at the laboratory since the beginning. Some of them are listed bellow together with the action to overcome them: Arc ignition across the 500 kV insulator string that is about 25 m above the ground: Before each test, a crane lifts a person to connect a fuse wire in parallel to the string. The arc ignition is provided applying 250 kV(rms) (for test current up to 300 A(rms) or 50 kV(rms) (for test current above 300 A) between the string terminals, during 1 s. The test transformer used to apply the voltage is connected to FURNAS power grid that feeds CEPEL’s high power laboratory. Based on analysis of the arc current and arc voltage arguments and magnitudes, it was concluded that after about 500 ms the metallic vapor due to the fuse wire burning has completely disappeared. After this time, the arc can be considered “clean”. The adequate fuse wire diameter and material were selected based on this analysis. Generation of current impulses with suitable shapes and amplitudes: An impulse generator was implemented to provide impulses with different front times, peak values and polarities, injecting a sequence of five impulses into the sustained arc at each test, during the last 500 ms of current circulation. A multi-terminal instant switch, based on compressed air actuated components, was developed to provide the conditions to inject five controlled current impulses into the sustained arc. A digital time programmer device automatically controls the operation of this switch, as well other test circuit switches. The switching mechanism is such that each branch of the impulse generator is put in contact with the arc terminals just during each current impulse injection. A double loop circuit was used to generate very low impulse currents under high voltage. Measurement of electrical magnitudes, including low and high frequency components: To minimize electromagnetic interferences, optical fibers for signal transmission systems were used and the optical transmitters located on site were adequately shielded. A non-ordinary four-channel data acquisition system capable of acquiring, storing and processing more than 10 million points per second for each measurement was developed, based on commercial available hardware. This system is capable of acquiring, storing and processing more than 10 millions of samples per second for each measurement. The four channels are independent and each of them can be set to acquire 10 million samples at each test. One test consists of generating a sustained arc at a given power frequency current amplitude during one second and injecting into it a sequence of five current impulses of a given waveform, peak value and polarity. Arc movies for high current values: A power arc is a strong light source that creates difficulties to make movies focusing its nucleus with ordinary cameras. A high-speed camera with maximum rate of 10.000 frames/s was used to record very clear dynamic images showing the arc behavior during all its duration. Such movies have been very useful to study the arc elongation and are well correlated to arc voltages and current variations. E. Data analysis processes Experimental data reflects not only the phenomena under study but also other effects, including the measurement apparatus influence. To identify noise, or other undesirable effects, and to distinguish among available data the information to be really considered (according to the kind of analysis in course), it is necessary to have in mind not only a previous theory basis knowledge but also a perspective of facing some unpredicted facts. Working under such ideas and considering experimental limitations on tests’ uncertainties, the number of tests must be enough to, by statistical and other types validity analysis, support conclusions. Besides, in order to produce a robust, general and reliable model it is necessary to have a large spectrum of data. So, despite the great number of data, it is necessary to implement some kind of pre-processing, in order to identify the quality of the measurements, to filter data, and to discriminate the desired information. For example, for steady-state analysis (arc stationary characteristic), impulses region and effects are not so important, and data filtration can be more comfortably applied than when it concerns dynamic arc response. Basically, when data measurement is available, the whole data pre-processing involves: 1. To verify if data registers are complete and properly synchronized (voltage at insulator string top, voltage at tower, current impulse, total current (power frequency + impulse), wind and visual records (from two cameras)). 2. To identify, according to data quality available for all variables, whether it is appropriate or not to perform stationary and/or dynamic arc analysis. 492 3. To establish a reliable data filtering, taking into account the domain under analysis (steady-state or transient). After these three basic steps, data are analyzed and manipulated considering the gray-box adopted model, with parameters’ identification and adjustment. IV. SOME RESEARCH RESULTS The results already available are related to tests developed over “I” insulators string, from 10A to 3kA. They lead to some partial conclusions: A. Steady-State Arc behavior Steady-state arc analysis is basically related to two main arc behavior characteristics: arc elongation and stationary characteristic. A.1 Arc elongation Arc length variation is a slow phenomenon (and visible), related directly to arc extinction process. It reflects the influence of many macroscopic environmental factors like wind, thermal convection, air humidity, pressure and etc, in ionization and recombination processes of the arc plasma particles, becoming an indirect and simple way to consider together environment global effects. Arc elongation information is very useful for dynamic response as well for transient arc processes analyses. It allows making use of some simplifications/approximations, according to the model adopted, for analyses with incremental variation of arc conductance, or current, or voltage or electric field. From arc voltage and current measurements, it is possible to estimate a time function for arc elongation (l(t)). Visual and wind records are important tools to support the l(t) definition. Figure 5 – Stationary Arc Characteristic for a 150 A arc current test Some interesting statements could be confirmed by visual recordings, such as: (1) arc elongation easily reaches many times the initial arc length during the arc process, with a nonmonotonic time variation, with loops formation (Fig.4); (2) a kind of arc anomalous contraction-seeming behavior during some milliseconds after arc initiation was observed; it is due to insulators-arc contact cooling. B. Dynamic Electric Arc behavior The dynamic electric arc behavior analysis is the culminant point of SPAR electrical studies, since at this stage secondary arc extinction is directly avaliated facing the “dead time” question. The large variety of impulses applied is motivated by parameters adjusting that are strongly related to that domain of analysis. The arc is treated like a conductance vayring in time g(t) associated to arc elongation l(t). The function g(t) x l(t) = gu(t), which is less irregular than g(t) due to to l(t) effect, is related to the fact that calculations are developed at one point surround or a small arc fraction as function of electric field (e(t)): g(t) = i(t)/u(t) = i(t) / (e(t) x l(t)) => g(t) x l(t) = i(t) / e(t) = gu(t). Partial results point out at least two ranges of time constants very different from each other (100 µs and between 101µs and 102 µs order of magnitude). V. CONCLUSIONS The partial results reached up to now suggest that a robust arc model will be available as soon as the Phase II of this project is completed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Figure 4 – Arc Elongation of a 150 A current test (1s) As l(t) is a slow phenomenon, associated only to steady-state variables, an easy way found to overcome noise problems was to work with the “pseudo-harmonics” of the first order of arc voltage and current. The expression “pseudo” translates the fact that current and voltage are not exactly periodic functions at ∞<t<∞. Fig. 4 presents an example of arc elongation, during test of a 150A arc current (1 second), where arc elongation reached five times the reference/initial arc length. A.2. Static Arc Characteristic Static arc characteristic is the stationary relation of arc voltage and current (Fig.5), being an important tool for studies in steady-state domain (arc stability analysis, in incremental basis), or, as starting point for arc dynamic behavior analysis, in transient basis. The authors recognize the efforts of CEPEL’s laboratory staff and their contribution to the success of a crucial part of this project. REFERENCE [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 493 Portela, C. – “Some methods of behavior analysis of electric arcs in air. Application examples” - VIII SNPTEE, São Paulo, 1986, art. 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