Informacao Publica Inicial Estado de Mato Grosso 27 de agosto de

Informacao Publica Inicial
Estado de Mato Grosso
27 de agosto de 2012
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Exportacao Brasileira, ranking por Estados entre 2008 e 2011
Comercio Exterior Mato-Grossense
Evolucao das Exportacoes do Estado de Mato Grosso 2001-2010
No Final dos anos da decada de 80, o Estado de Mato Grosso se firmou na 10ª. Posicao entre os
estados exportadores, ocupando a primeira posicao no contexto do Centro-Oeste. Em 2003 as
exportacoes mato-grossenses alcancaram cerca de US$ 2,186 bilhoes, com crescimento de 21,4%
em relacao ao ano anterior, quando somaram US$ 1,796 bilhoes. Ainda a partir de 2003, com
uma trajetoria de constantes incrementos apresentando uma taxa media de crescimento de
aproximadamente 22,15% ao ano, as exportacoes totaliazaram em 2008, um montante de US$
7,812 bilhoes, com variacao de 52%, sende esta a maior variacao positiva apresentada no periodo
em analise.
A crise economica reduziu bruscamente o ritmo de crescimento das economias desenvolvidas
entre o periodo de 2008 e 2009 afetando, tambem, as economias em desenvolvimento.
As economias desenvolvidas apresentaram crescimento medio de 0,5% em 2008, e de -3,2% em
2009, enquanto as economias dos paises em desenvolvimento cresceram 6,1% em 2008 e 2,4%
em 2009. O crescimento dos paises em desenvolvimento, em 2009, ocorreu, sobretudo, pelo forte
ritmo de expansao da Asia. A China cresceu 8,7% em 2009 e as exportacoes mato-grossenses
para o pais asiatico cresceram 52,97%, alcancando a cifra de US$ 2,360 bilhoes com uma
participacao de 28% sobre as exportacoes totais de Mato grosso no periodo. Considerando-se coo
base o anos de 2001, o grafico mostra que as exportacoes totais do Estado aumentaram 505% no
Tradicionalmente ocupando a 10ª. posicao, o Estado evoluiu em 2009 para a 6ª. posicao no
ranking nacional.
Fonte: MDIC-SECEX-Sistema Alice - SICME
Item 4
Item 5
Evolucao do PIB do Estado do mato Grosso de 1006 a 2011 a precos de mercado corrente
Fonte: Secretaria de Estado de Fazenda - Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8
Item 9
Item 10
Item 11
Estado de Mato Grosso
Fonte: Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 12
Item 13
Item 14
Item 15
Receita Tributaria, por imposto
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 16
Balanco Financeiro
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 17
Balanco Orcamentario
Fonte: Governo de Estado do Mato Grosso
Item 18
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 19
Variacoes Patrimoniais
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 20
Item 21
Resultado Orcamentario Consolidado - 2009
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 22
Resuultado Orcamentario, excluidas as duplicidades - 2009
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 23
Resulado Orcamentario Consolidado - 2010
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 24
Resultado Orcamentario, excluidas as duplicidades - 2010
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 25
Composicao da Despesa por tipo de credito - 2009
Fonte: Governo do Estado do Mato Grosso
Item 26
Composicao da despesa por tipo de credito - 2010
Fonte: Govero do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 27
Item 28
Resultado primario - 2011
Item 29
Item 30
Fonte: Banco Central do Brasil
Item 31
Resultado nominal da divida - 2009 e 2010
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 32
Resultado nominal da divida - 2010 e 2011
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 33
Total da divida do Estado de Mato Grosso - 2008 a 2010
Item 34
Total da divida do Estado de Mato Grosso com a Uniao - 2008 a 2010
Item 35
Resultado nominal especificado
Fonte: Governo de Estado do Mato Grosso
Item 36
Divida consolidada com deducoes
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 37
Despesa com pessoal - 2009
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 38
Divida Consolidada Liquida - 3º. Quadrimestre de 2010
Item 39
Divida Consolidada Liquida, em 31 de Dezembo de 2011
Item 40
PIB real e variacao em relacao ao ano anterior - Brasil - 2009-2011
Economic Indicators dating August 8, 2012:
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Economic Indicators dated August 8, 2012
ZIP- 2,378 Kb
Chapter I - Economic outlook
Price indices estimates
XLS -33 Kb
Price indices
XLS -38 Kb
General and wholesale price indices
XLS -35 Kb
Consumer price indices
XLS -34 Kb
Consumer price index (IPC-Fipe) - Monthly percentage change
XLS - 37 Kb
Consumer price index (IPC-Fipe) - Percentage change in 12 months
XLS - 35 Kb
IPC-Fipe - Tradable, nontradable and monitored prices
XLS - 34 Kb
IPCA - Growth in tradable, nontradable and monitored price growth
XLS - 31 Kb
National Consumer Price Index - extended (IPCA) - Monthly percentage change
XLS - 33 Kb
National Consumer Price Index - extended (IPCA) - Percentage change in 12 months
XLS - 34 Kb
IPCA - Durables, semidurables and nondurables goods, services and monitored prices
XLS - 33 Kb
IPCA - core
XLS - 32 Kb
Construction sector costs
XLS - 30 Kb
Exchange rate/Wholesale price index (industrial products)
XLS - 32 Kb
Exchange rate/Consumer price index
XLS - 34 Kb
Exchange rate (efective rate)/Consumer price index
XLS - 32 Kb
Staple basket - São Paulo metropolitan region
XLS - 46 Kb
Staple basket in 16 state capitals (municipalities)
XLS - 41 Kb
Oil and livestock prices
XLS -99 Kb
Agricultural products - average prices - Most important producer regions in São Paulo
XLS - 122 Kb
Economic outlook indicators
XLS - 118 Kb
Economic outlook indicators - Seasonally adjusted data
XLS - 255 Kb
Capacity utilization - FGV
XLS - 61 Kb
Industrial production (general and by category of use)
XLS - 39 Kb
Capital goods production - Selected itens
XLS -51Kb
Industrial production by regions
XLS - 31 Kb
Oil and fuel alcohol
XLS - 48 Kb
Automotive industry and vehicle imports
XLS - 102 Kb
Vehicle production
XLS - 115 Kb
Production of farm machines
XLS - 34 Kb
Sales of factory authorized vehicle outlets in Brazil
XLS - 46 Kb
Supermarkets sales
XLS - 42 Kb
Consumer expectation and business confidence indexes
XLS - 33 Kb
Credit cards and balanced checks - Brazil
XLS - 31 Kb
Sales volume index in the retail sector
XLS - 33 Kb
Sales volume index in the retail sector - seasonally adjusted data
XLS - 32 Kb
Sales volume index in the retail sector - Brazil
XLS - 33 Kb
Retail trade indicators in São Paulo
XLS - 39 Kb
Default indicators
XLS - 34 Kb
Average price of used cars in the São Paulo metropolitan region
XLS - 74 Kb
Investment indicators
XLS - 42 Kb
BNDES system disbursements (BNDES, Finame and BNDESpar)
XLS - 32 Kb
Formal employment index - Brazil
XLS - 34 Kb
Occupied people in the industrial sector
XLS - 40 Kb
Economically active population (PEA) and other related indicators
XLS - 34 Kb
Occupied people - by different types of employment and by private sector
XLS - 33 Kb
Unemployment rate - by metropolitan region
XLS 31 Kb
Real average earnings - by different types of employment and by sector
XLS 32 Kb
Real average earnings - total
XLS 32 Kb
Occupied people and level of earnings
XLS 42 Kb
Gross Domestic Product
XLS 36 Kb
Quarterly national accounts
XLS 44 Kb
Quarterly GDP
XLS 37 Kb
Index of Economic Activity of the Central Bank (IBC-Br)
XLS 32 Kb
Chapter II - Currency and credit
Summarized balance sheet of the BCB - Assets
XLS 43 Kb
Summarized balance sheet of the BCB - Liabilities
XLS 41 Kb
Monetary base and components - End-of-period balances
XLS 35 Kb
Monetary base and its components - Working day average balance
XLS 32 Kb
Factors affecting the monetary base - Flows accumulated in the month
XLS 35 Kb
Monetary base - B1 concept
XLS 34 Kb
Expanded monetary base - End-of-period balances
XLS 33 Kb
Factors affecting the extended monetary base - Flows accumulated in the month
XLS 38 Kb
Money supply and components - End-of-period balances
XLS 36 Kb
Money supply and components - Working day average balance
XLS 37 Kb
Multiplier and monetary behavior coefficients - Working day average balance
XLS 55 Kb
Broad money supply - End-of-period balances
XLS 39 Kb
Expanded monetary base - M4 and multipliers - End-of-period balances
XLS 40 Kb
Monetary base and money supply - Monetary program and effective values
XLS 69 Kb
Reserve requirements of financial institutions - End-of-period balances
XLS 56 Kb
Maturing date of federal securities in the market
XLS 30 Kb
Federal public securities auction - Volumes and rates
XLS 31 Kb
Open market operations - Net financing position of the federal public securities
XLS 42 Kb
Major monetary aggregates indicators - Percentage share on GDP
XLS 29 Kb
Financial system credit operations - Credit balance with earmarked and non-earmarked
XLS 48 Kb
Financial system credit operations - Balance by economic activity
XLS 34 Kb
Public financial system credit operations - Balance by economic activity
XLS 34 Kb
National private financial system credit operations - Balance by economic activity
XLS 34 Kb
Foreign financial system credit operations - Balance by economic activity
XLS 34 Kb
Financial system credit operations - Risk classification and provisions
XLS 77 Kb
Public financial system credit operations - Risk classification and provisions
XLS 79 Kb
National private financial system credit operations - Risk classification and provisions
XLS 78 Kb
Foreign financial system credit operations - Risk classification and provisions
XLS 79 Kb
Financial system credit operations - As percentage of GDP
XLS 32 Kb
Credit operations with non-earmarked resources - Summary
XLS 35 Kb
Credit operations with non-earmarked resources - Interest rates and spread
XLS 31 Kb
Credit operations with non-earmarked resources - Interest rate
XLS 30 Kb
Credit operations with non-earmarked resources - Interest rate - Fixed operations
XLS 37 Kb
Credit operations with non-earmarked resources - Spread - Fixed operations
XLS 34 Kb
Chapter III - Financial and capital markets
Effective interest rates
XLS 26 Kb
Copom’s decisions on interest rates
XLS 49 Kb
Swaps reference rates - DI x pre
XLS 62 Kb
Swaps x BM&F
XLS 31 Kb
Futures market - BM&F
XLS 34 Kb
1 Day DI Futures Contracts
XLS 33 Kb
Dollar Futures Contracts
XLS 30 Kb
Futures Contracts of FRA Exchange Coupon
XLS 33 Kb
Gross nominal earnings of the major financial investments
XLS 30 Kb
Financial investments
XLS 27 Kb
Investments funds
XLS 45 Kb
Capital markets - Securities primary issue
XLS 28 Kb
Capital markets - Secondary market indicators
XLS 66Kb
Market value - Corporations - Bovespa exchange
XLS 24 Kb
Chapter IV - Public finance
Primary result of the central government
XLS 26 Kb
Central government primary result - Above the line concept - Nominal value
XLS 35 Kb
Central government primary result - Above the line concept - % GDP
XLS 33 Kb
National Treasury expenditures - Above the line concept - R$ million and % GDP
XLS 38 Kb
National Treasury expenditures - Constitutional transfers - R$ million and % GDP
XLS 40 Kb
Expenditures with the federal government personel by job position - Paid
XLS 32 Kb
Expenditures with the federal government personel by branch - Resources available
XLS 27 Kb
Gross inflow of federal revenues - Accrual basis
XLS 33 Kb
Income tax inflow by sectors - Accrual basis
XLS 31 Kb
IPI inflow by sectors - Accrual basis
XLS - 29 Kb
Social security - Cash flow
XLS - 31 Kb
Major collecting states of tax on circulation of goods and services (ICMS)
XLS - 33 Kb
Major states benefiting from constitutional onlendings
XLS - 33 Kb
Major sources of funding of states and municipalities
XLS - 29 Kb
Federal securities - Portfolio position
XLS - 41 Kb
Federal domestic securities - Percentage share by indexing factor
XLS - 37 Kb
Federal public securities - Securities by indexing factor
XLS -58 Kb
State and municipal securities
XLS - 38 Kb
State and municipal securities - Total issued
XLS - 37 Kb
Real cost of the non-monetary debt
XLS - 30 Kb
Banco Central do Brasil - Median cost of funding
XLS - 30 Kb
Banco Central do Brasil - Compulsory deposits earning costs
XLS - 30 Kb
Public sector net debt
XLS - 67 Kb
Public sector net debt - Asset adjustment
XLS - 27 Kb
Public sector net debt - Implicit interest rate
XLS - 30 Kb
Public sector borrowing requirements - Monthly flows
XLS - 34 Kb
Public sector borrowing requirements - % of GDP
XLS - 35 Kb
Public sector borrowing requirements - Flow in 12 months
XLS - 35 Kb
Gross Tax Burden - GTB - R$ million, % of GDP and % Participation
XLS - 46 Kb
Chapter V - Balance of payments
Balance of payments
Balance of current transactions and external financing requirements
XLS - 28 Kb
XLS - 143 Kb
Trade balance - FOB
XLS - 35 Kb
Brazilian exports - FOB - By aggregate factor
XLS - 36 Kb
Brazilian imports - FOB - By end-use category
XLS - 35 Kb
Brazilian imports - FOB - By end-use category
XLS - 35 Kb
Trade balance - FOB - 4 month moving average annualized
XLS - 34 Kb
Trade balance - FOB - 4 month moving average seasonally adjusted and annuallized
XLS - 70 Kb
Brazilian trade by area - FOB
XLS- 33 Kb
Balance on goods - exchange contracts
XLS - 32 Kb
Trade balance - Exchange contracts and actual
XLS - 36 Kb
Trade balance - Exchange contracts and actual - Accumulated in 12 months
XLS - 85 Kb
Trade balance - Exchange contracts and actual - Weekly and daily average during the week
XLS - 94 Kb
XLS - 29 Kb
XLS - 29 Kb
Direct investments abroad
XLS - 25 Kb
Foreign direct investments
XLS - 25 Kb
Portfolio investments - assets
XLS - 28 Kb
Portfolio investments - liabilities
XLS -50 Kb
Other investments - assets
XLS - 27 Kb
Other investments - liabilities
XLS - 28 Kb
Foreign exchange transactions
XLS - 35 Kb
Foreign currency position in Banks
XLS - 27 Kb
International reserves in the Banco Central do Brasil
XLS - 28 Kb
External indebtedness indicators
XLS - 30 Kb
Issuance of Brazilian Sovereign Bonds
XLS - 38 Kb
Foreign exchange rate
XLS - 35 Kb
Real exchange rate index (IPCA)
XLS - 29 Kb
Real exchange rate index (IPA-DI)
XLS - 29 Kb
Real exchange rate index (IPC-Fipe)
XLS - 31 Kb
Real exchange rate index (INPC)
XLS- 27 Kb
Real exchange rate index - Real/Euro
XLS - 26 Kb
Nominal exchange rate and real exchange rate index (IPCA and IPA-DI)
XLS - 326 Kb
Real exchange rate index (IPC-Fipe and INPC) and Real/Euro
XLS - 141 Kb
Foreign exchange and wage indicators
XLS - 28 Kb
International investment position
XLS - 36 Kb
Chapter VI — International economy
I.1 - Gold and major commodities - End-of-period prices
XLS - 32 Kb
I.2 - Major commodities - End-of-period prices
XLS - 73 Kb
I.3 - Commodity indexes
XLS - 30 Kb
I.4 - Commodity indexes - Graphs
XLS - 47 Kb
I.5 - Interest rates
XLS - 32 Kb
I.6 - Interest rates - Libor US Dollar (6 months); Prime and Federal funds
XLS - 47 Kb
I.7 - Prices of Brazilian external debt securities - Secondary market
XLS - 28 Kb
I.8 - Prices and yields of Brazilian external debt securities - Secondary market
XLS - 243 Kb
I.9 - External debt securities - Secondary market
XLS - 181 Kb
I.10 - Exchange rates per US Dollar
XLS - 33 Kb
I.11 - Exchange rate against the US dollar
XLS -55 Kb
I.12 - Inflation rates - Year: average rate. Month: 12 month variation
XLS - 31 Kb
I.13 - Inflation rates - consumer prices - percentage 12 month variation
XLS - 64 Kb
I.14 - Economic indicators - U. S. economy
XLS - 29 Kb
I.15 - Economic indicators - International economy
XLS - 32 Kb
I.16 - Economic indicators - United States, Japan and Euro Area
XLS - 31 Kb
I.17 - Economic indicators - Selected countries - 2006
XLS - 28 Kb
I.18 - Economic indicators - Selected countries - Nominal GDP
XLS - 30 Kb
I.19 - Economic indicators - Selected countries - Total external debt
XLS - 29 Kb
I.20 - Economic indicators - Selected countries - Balance on current account
XLS - 29 Kb
I.21 - Economic indicators - Selected countries - Balance on current account, % of GDP
XLS - 30 Kb
Item 41
Indice Geral de precos - IGP-DI
Continuacao abaixo - Tabela simplificada
Fonte: Fundacao Getulio Vargas
Item 42
Sumario de Receita total, depesa total, resultado primario e resultado nominal - 2011
Item 43
Dados populacionais de Mato Grosso e Brasil - 2008 a 2010
Item 44
Pricipais setores economicos do Estado
Item 45
Item 46
Balanca comercial do Estado de Mato Grosso - 2000 a 2009
O Estado de Mato Grosso exportou US$ 7,81 bilhoes em 2008, o que representou um
crescimento de 52,26% em relacao ao valor do ano anterior. O saldo comercial gerado foi de
US$ 6,5 bilhoes, valor 35,4% superior ao saldo de 2007 e correspondente a 26,3% do saldo
comercial brasileiro. A Uniao Europeia foi o principal destino dos embarques estaduais em 2008,
somando US$ 3,14 bilhoes, ou 42,42% de participacao. Aasia paricipou com a compra de 35%
das exportacoes do Estado, ou US$ 2,73 bilhoes. Este valor representa um crescimento de
88,7% sobre o ano anterior.
A soja e seus derivados, com US$ 5,49 bilhoes, foram responsavies por aproximadamente 70%
da pauta de exportacao mato-grossense. Ems eguida, as exportacoes de carnes totalizaram US$
941,6 milhoes, ou 12% de participacao, o milho US$ 666,4 milhoes (7,25%) e o algodado US$
435,7 milhoes (5,56%). Em 2009, as exportacoes brasileiras cairam 22,7% em relacao a 2008.
Em direcao contraria, Mato grosso apresentou um crescimento no valor exportado de 8,74%
sobre o ano anterior e contavilizou US$ 8,49 bilhoes. Porem, na analise da quantidade fisica
exportada, percebe-se que o crescimento foi de 29,5% no mesmo periodo. Isso significa dizer
que houve queda no prexo internacional dos produtos exportados comparadas ao preco do ano
anterior e, consequentemente, uma dimibnuicao na renda liquida do produtor.
Fonte: Ministerio do Desenvolvimento, Industria e Comercio Exterior
Item 47
Mato Grosso - Principais produtos exportados - 2009
As importacoes de Mato Grosso recuaram 38% em 2009, totalizando US$ 792 milhoes contra
US$ 1,3 bilhoes no ano anterior. Isto contribuiu para que seu saldo comercial fosse ampliado em
18% e atingisse US$ 7.7 bilhoes, ou 30% do saldo comercial do Brasil.
A Asia, com 3,83 bilhoes, tornou0-se o principal destino das exportacoes de Mato Grosso com
45% dos embarques. Praticamente nao sofreu com a crise internacional, e neste ano aampliaram
em 40% suas importacoes do estado quando comparado com 2008. A Uniao Europeia,
fortemente atingida pela crise mundial, apresentou queda de 15,3% nas importacoes matogrossenses e neste ano participou com 33% ou US$ 2,8 bilhoes em compras.
Fonte: Ministerio do Desenvolvimento, Industria e Comercio Exterior
Item 48
Principais destinos das exportacoes do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 49
Item 50
Item 51
Lista de Secretario Auditor Geral do Estado, de 1983 a 2010
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 52
Item 53
Item 54
Item 55
Item 56
Item 57
Item 58
Item 59
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 60
Fonte: Governo do Estado do Mato Grosso
Item 61
Item 62
Balanco Orcamentario
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 63
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 64
Resultado Primario - 2008
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 65
Resultado Primario - 2009
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 66
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 67
Despesas primarias do Estado de Mato Grosso - concessoes de emprestimo - 2009
Item 68
Resultado primario; Receita primaria - 2010
De acordo com os dados acima, verifica-se que as receitas primarias totalizam R$ 9,59 bilhoes e
as despesas primarias atingiram a importancia de R$ 8,87 bilhoes. Dessa forma o Re3sultado
Primario apurado no periodo e um superavit de R$ 721,3 milhoes.
A meta de Resultado Primario fixada no anexo de Metas Fiscais constantes da LDO para o
exercicio de 2010 foi de 788,6 milhoes.
Item 69
Resultado Nominal - 2008
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 70
Item 71
Evolucao da divida consolidada em relacao a arrecadacao - 2006 a 2011
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Fonte: Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso
Item 72
Item 73
Fonte: Governo do Esado de Mato Grosso
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