1 j. • Reprinted From: BIOFLUID MECHANICS, Volume 2.1980 Plenum Press, N. Y: HYDRODYNAMICS OF PREY CAPTURE BY TELEOST FISHES GeorgeV. Lauder The ~seum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 SUMMARY The dominant mode of prey capture in teleost fishes is inertial suction: rapid expansion of the mouth cavity creates apegative (suctioq) pressure relative to the surrounding water. This pressure differential results in a flow of water into the mouth cavity carrying in the prey • Previous models of the suction feeding process have predicted the pattern and magni~ude of pressure change in the mouth cavity based ori kinematic profiles of jaw bone movement and the application of the Bernoulli equation and the Hagen-Poiseuille relation. These models predict similar pressure magnitudes and waveforms in both the buccal and opercular cavities, and rely on the assumption of a unidirectional steady flow. In vivo simultaneous measurement of buccal and opercular cavity pressures during feeding in sunfishes shows that (1) opercular cavity pressures average one-fifth buccal pressures (which may reach -650 cm "2°),(2) the opercular and buccal cavities are functionally -separate with distinct pressure waveforms, (3) a flow reversal (opercular to buccal flow) probably occurs d~ring mouth opening. and (4) the kinetic energy of the water and inertial effects must be considered in hydrodynamic models of suction feeding. INTRODUCTION Despite the dramatic advances in our understanding of the hydrodynamic~ of fish locomotion in the last decade (Llghthill, 1969; Webb, 1975; Weihs, 1972, 1973), very 1~! 162 "GEORGE V. lAUDER ~ little work has been done on the hydrodynamics of fish prey capture. T~is may in part bedu¢ to experimental difficulties involved in studying feeding behavior. Water-tunnel respirometersal1ow the study_ of locomotion under controlled circumstances in a fixed location. The process of locomotion is cyclical and allows repeated measurements over an experimental trial. Investigators of fish locomotion have also greatly benefited from the input of hydrodynamic engineers and theoretical physicists who have applied a large body of relevant experimental and theoretical work to problems of fish locomotion. In contrast, prey capture by teleost fishes occurs extremely rapidly (often within 50 ms), is not cyclical, 1980; Liem.1978). and this expansion results in the creation of water the head trapping out over In apite of these formidable problems; a number of of prey capture using simple hydrodynamic equations and the kinematics of jaw bone movement to predict the pattern of pressure change in the mouth cavity. In this paper I will review these models and examine the few experimental studies-with actual pressure measurements from the mouth cavity during feeding. I will then present new experimental data on the suc~ion feeding mechanism-in sunfishes and propose a: new model of fluid flow and pressure change in the teleost mouth cavity. iriv~stigators have modeled the process II. ANATOMICAL BASIS OF THESUCTIQN FEEDING MECHANISM Prey capture in most teleost fishes occurs by inertial suction feeding. Mouth cavity volume is rapidly expanded by the contraction of certain jaw muscles (see La~der and Liem, into the mouth from the region directly in front bf and draws the prey in. The jaws are then closed the prey in the mouth cavity while the water flows the gills. The mouth cavt"ty may be divided into an anterior buccal cavity and two posterolateral opercular cavities (Fig. lB), separated from the buccal cavity by the gill curtain. The gills are supported on four gill arches and form a resistance to fluid flow within the mouth cavity. Changes in volume -of the buccal and opercular cavities f9r the most part dQ not.occur ind~pendently: anatomically they ate coupled. E~pansion of the buccal cavity may occur by elevation of the neurocranium, opening of the front jaws, depr~ssion of the hyoid apparatus, andla~eral expansion of the suspensory apparatus (Fig. 1; also see Lauder and L!em, 1980; Liem, 1970, for a more detailed account of anatomical couplings). These movements may also effect opercular cavity expansion. However, some bone movements (such as opercular adduction) (Fig. 1) do predominantly affect only one ~avity. In general, the dorsal, ventral, and lateral walls of the mouth cavity all rapidly expand to create a low pressure center during the attack at a prey item. in fishes have been ably of the prey capture event. 163 of a negative pressure (relative to the surrounding water) in the -mouth cavity. This-pressure differential creates a flow and the fish cannot be excessively restrained or subjected to experimental trauma without eliminating the feeding response. The difficulties of studying the hydrodynamics of feeding summatiz~d by Roleton and Jones (1975: 547) (in the context of respiration). " The analysis of the bteathing mechanics of fish is difficult because it involves the measurement of an unsteady flow of a dense fluid through a non-uniform system which is ill-defined. The compliance of the respiratory tract is variable, both spatially and temporally» and certain resistive elements (such as the gill filaments) are mobile, both actively and passively, throughout a breathing cycle." these difficulties are all "compounded during feeding by the extremely short duration HYDRODYNAMICS OF PREY CAPTURE BY TElEOST FISHES , " The role of the gills as a resistant element separating the buccal and opercular cavities waS fiFat recognized by Woskoboinikoff and Balabal(1937) and van Dam (1938), and the concept of gill resistance to water flow has received consi~ derable attention in recent studies of fish respiration (Ballintijn, 1972; Hughes and Morgan, 1973; Hughes and Shelton, 1958; Jones and Schwarzfeld,1974; Pasztor and Kleerekoper, 1962; Shelton, 1970). The resistance of the gills to flow is not equal in both directions: flow directed anteroposteriorly (i.e., from the buccal to opercular cavity) encounters less resistance than reverse flow from the opercular cavity into the buccal cavity due to the orientation of the gill filaments (Fig. 1). While several attempts have been made to measure gill resistance to anteroposterior flow (e.g., Brown and Muir, 1970; Davis and Randall, 1973; Hughes and Umezawa, 1968; Jones and Schwanfeld, 1974), no data exist on the values of gill resistance to reverse flow. It is well established, however, that gill configuration (and thus resistance) may be ac-tively modified by intrinsic gill 1.:_. 164 GEORGE V. LAUOER .;- HYDRODYNAMICS OF PREY CAPTURE BY TELEOST FISHES 165 srch musculature (Pasztor and Kleerekoper, 1962). Other resistance to flow occurs at the mouth opening and at the opercular and branchiostegal valves where water exits through a narrow slit of high resistance. Osse (1969, 371) and Alexander (1967) have suggested that gill resistance is very low during feeding. A III. RESPIRATORY HYDRODYNAMICS <=8 1 B BUCCAL CAVITY MOUTH .J. peak, (p.~t-I r'~ 'OPERCULAR I ... CAVITY l' c ~II -- Research on respiratory hydrodynamics has provided the conceptual basis for current models of fluid flow during feeding. The early work of Hughes (1960), Hughes and Shelton (1958), and Saunders (1961) established that water flow through the teleost mouth cavity is unidirectional and is regulated by two "pumpS .·tt An opercular suction .Pl:!!!!.2. draws water through the gill resistance by lateral expansion of the operculum which creates a pr~ssuredifferential from the b~ccal to the opercular cavities. Shortly after opercular expansion has reached its the buccal pressure ~ is initiated hy jaw closure and suspensorial adduction (Ballintijn and Hughes, 1965). This creates a posttive buccal pressure (of 1-2 cm H20) which drives water through the gills and into the opercular cavity where it exits to the outside. Throughout this process buccal pressure is nearly alw~ys positive with respect to opercular pressure. \loA BUCCAL CAVITY ~\~/tf ~ ..\. Fig. 1. Diagrammatic view of the head of an advanced teleost fish with protrusible jaws. Band C represent sections of the head at the level indicated in A. Arrows indicate major bony movements during prey capture. Key: white = neurocranium; vertical lines = hyoid apparatus; horizontal lines = pectoral girdle; dense stipple = opercular apparatus; fine stipple = suspensorium; large stipple = jaw apparatus. The key points established by studies of respiratory hydrodynamics are (1) that the gill cover functions as a fundamental element of the "opercular suction pump," drawing water over the gills, (2) that pressures in the opercular cavity are negative with respect to buccal cavity pressures, (3) ~hat this pressure differential must exist if water is to flow unidirectionally through the mouth cavity (Saunders, 1961). Holeton and Jones (1975) provided ~he first velocity measurements of flow during respiration and noted that water velocity varied within the buccal c~vity. Velocities of up to 38 em/sec were recorded during normoxic respiration. IV. PREVIOUS MODELS OF SUCTION FEEDING IN FISHES A. Pressure Waveforms and Magnitudes: Predictions Osse (1969) first attempted to predict the magnitude of mouth cavity pressures in fishes using simple hydrodynamic .' 166 GeORGe V.LAUOER relationships between velocity and pressure. PI pg + l:iV 2 -g a The equation Po pg ,-"-- HYOROOYNAMICSOF PREY CAPTURE BY TELEOST FISHES of expansion of both the anterior and posterior bases of the cone can be varied to simulate the timing of mouth opening and opercular expansion respectively. Flo~ velocity is obtained from the equation of continuity au (where PI is th.e pressure near the mouth within the mouth cavity~ Po the pressure of the surrounding water,_ V the velocity of water entering the mouth, p the density of the liquid., and g the acce1<,ration due to gravity) was applied to the fish head with Va 200 cm/sec, and a buccal pressure of -:-20 cm litO was calculated. Velocity of water flow was calculated from the estimated change in buccal volume, the esJ=imated rate 0'£ volume change, and the mean cross-sectional area of the mouth during mouth op~ning. This approach was indicated as a first approximation to problems of fluid flow in the mouth cavity and involved a number of assumptions. The most important of these.is the assumption of steady flow in the Bernoulli equation, a condition that is certainly not met during feeding. Lauder (1979) also assumed steady flow conditions during his consideration of the effect of mouth . geometry on flow rate. Osse (1969: 37i) concluded that expansion of both the buccal and opercular cavities contributes to suction feeding: "The suction force due to. enlargement of the opercular cavity is directly applied to the water ~ntering the buccal cavity, thus increasing the quantity of water and the velocity of-the current." More recently, Pietsch (1978) has applied the Bernoulli equation and the Hagen-Poiseuille relation to the! tubular mouth of Stylephorus to calculate the buccalcavi~y pressure and flow velocity during feeding. Assumptions· of! the. HagenPoiseuille relation, none of widch apply to fishe~, include (1) a small pipe diameter, (2) steady flow, (3) absence of .particles (i.e., prey) in the flow, and (4) that ~he relationship is not valid near the pipe ·entrance (see Pra~dtl, 1949; Streeter and Wylie, 1979). The predicted buccal pressure was -53 cm HZO with a flow velocity of 325 cm/seci Muller and Osse (1978) and Osse and Muller (in press) have developed an elegant hydrodynamic modeltoptedict the pattern of pressure and velocity change with timeldurlng feeding. The fish head is modeled as a radially! symmetrical cone that expands to reduce the pressure inside. the. timing 161 ax + a(vr) _1_ a ar 'r o where u is the component of velocity along the body axis, x the distance along the body axis, v is the velocity component perpendicular to the body axis ( along the radius of the . cone), and r is the radius of the cone at the point of interest. By solving this equation for velocity and substituting into the equation of motion (Navier-Stokes, for frictionless flow), ~ at + u~­ -=L ax p -1L ax where p is pressure and p is densltYt the pressures generated by the expanding cone can be calculated. This procedure does ~ assume steady fluid flow through the mouth cavity • Three major hydrodynamic assumptions have been made (MUller and Osse, 1978): (1) friction is neglected, (2) the fish head is assumed to J>e tadially symmetrical, and (3) the prey is assumed to behave as an element of the water. Elshoud-Oldenhave and Osse (1976: 411-412) have made the most specific predictions of pressure waveform in the teleost mouth cavity and correlated the hypothesized pressure changes with kinematic events to produce a theoretical model of s~ction 'feeding. Figure two Bumm~rizes the present hypothesis of pressure chang~ in the J>uccal and opercular cavities and is drawn from discussions in Alexander (1969, 1970), Elshoud-Oldenhave and Osse (1976), Lauder (1979), Nyberg (1971), and Liem (1978). A preparatory·phase occurs first as the fish approaches the prey (Fig. Z:P). The volumes of both the buccal and opercular cavities are reduced and the-pressure goes positive relative to the surrounding water. The mQuth cavity tben begins to expand (Fig. 2:mce) while the front jaws remain closed, and this results in a pressure, decrease in both cavities. The mouth then opens (Fig. 2: mo), pressures reach their peak negative value, arid compression of the 168 GEORGE V. LAUDER mre pIT I bucpal cavity pressure + ~ I -UT 111I ! I I : I I I I I~I I I II [ opercular cavity presSure 169 B. Experimental Data Alexander (1969, 1970) provided the first direct measurements of pressures in the teleost mouth cavity. He used a pressure transducer attached to a nylon tube which was fixed in the aquarium. A small piece of food was attached' to the tube and the fishea were trained to suck off the food by placing their mouths around- the tube. Pressures were measured during the feeding act. + [ opercular valve HYDRODYNAMicS OF PREY CAPTURE BY TELEOST FISHES The key elements pf this model are (1) the close similarity between buccal and opercular pressure waveforms and magnitudes, (2) the role of opercular abduction in the--generation of a negative opercular cavity pressure, (3) pressure decrease before the mouth begins to open, and (4) unidirectional flow through the mouth cavity~ O'Brien (1979:579) has also emphasized the importance of opercular expansion in contributing to the unidirectional floW of fluid through the mouth. ' s,g~ II ~ ___ closed I open TIME Fig. 2. Current model of buccal and opercular cavity pressure change with ~ime during suction feeding. Phases P, I, II, and III are defined after Elshoud-Oldenhave and Osse (1976), as are the kinematic correlates of pressure change:mce, mouth cavity expansion; mo, mouth opening; soa •.·suspensorial and opercular adduction; -~c,moQto closing. Note the close simi~arity in both w~veformandmagnitude (6eearbi~rary scale bar on left) between buccal and opercular cavity pressures. mouth cavity occurs~ Finally, aathe buccal pressure reaches zero, suspensoria! and opercular adductio~ commences and the mouth closes (Fig. 2: soa, mc), resulting in a positive pressure asw~ter ieforeed out the opercular sllt~ A survey of nine different species showed that the maximum negative pressure varied from ~~O cmH20 to -400 cm H20 in the buccal cavity. Pressure waveforms typically showed a sharp negative pressure drop shortly after the mouth opened and a slight positive pressure pulse of +1 to 9 cm H20 as II water which has been sucked in with the food is ... driven out tbrough the opercular openings" (Alexander, 1969). These pressure traces agree well with the pattern of buccal pressure change hypothesized from kinematic analyses (Fig. 2), although data on the occurrence of a preparatory phase were not available since the fish had to open its mouth before pressures could be recorded. Casinos (1977) using similar equipment recorded pressurea of -150 cm H 0 2 in cod (Gadus). Qsse (~976) presented preliminary pressure measurements from the buccal and opercular cavities of Amia calva and reported pressures as low aa -170 em H20 and -9~H20 respectively. Most recently, Liem (1978) measured buccal pressure profiles in two cichlid fishes and found a preparatory pressure pulse corresponding to phase P in Fig. 2. , GEORGE V. LAUDER' 170 HYDRODYNAMrCSOF PREY CAPTURE BY TELEOST FISHES 171 the simukaneous recording of buccal and opercular cavity pressures together with a high-speed film (200 frames per second) of jaw movements. A detailed description of the recording. apparatus and calibration techpique maybe found in Lauder (1980). Briefly,. plastic cannulae (0. d. 1. 52 mm, 'i.d. 0.86 mm) were chronically implanted in the buccal and opercular cavities (see Fig. 3) and attached to Statham P23 Gb pressure transducers filled with a mixture of 53% boiled (degassed) glyc~rine and 47% boiled distilled water. This mixture resulted in a transducer damping factor of 0.65 and a frequency response of 75 Hz. Films were then taken of the fish feeding over a mirr6r .to allow accurate measurement of kinematic events. The fishes wer,e fed a variety of prey types, from live goldfish (Carassius anratus) to earthworms and mealworms. B. ResultsThe patterns 'of buccal and opercular cavity pressure recorded during feeding are shown in Fig. 4 and typical jaw movements occurring during capture of a goldfish in Fig. 3. There is tremendous variability in the pressure waveform· between d~fferent £eeding events and these variations correlate with specific kinematic patterns (Lauder, 1980). a Fig. 3. Representative frames from high-speed film (200 frames per second) of the bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) capturin8 a goldfish. Note the plastic cannula leading into the buccal cavity and the attachment of the cannula to' the clamp. Also note abduction of the gill filaments as Seen in the ventral view of frameE. Frames A, B, C,D, and E correspond to. frames 1, 4, 6, 8, and 15 from the film. V.EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF FEEDING IN SUNFISHES A. Materials and Methods The suction feeding mechanism in the bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus (Faml1yCentrarchidae) was studied by Buccal pressures very -rareiy exhibit a preparatory phase. A pressure drop is recorded immediately after the mouth begins to open and peak gape occurs before the maximum negative pressure. The maximum recorded- buccal cavity pres~ sute was -650cm H20. Pressure ma~nitu4es correlat~with prey type (goldfish elicit the greatest negative pressures, mealwormsthe least), and pressure varies ~nver~ely with the degree of satiation (Lauder, 1980). The most common buccal pressure waveform contains an initial large negative peak followed by a smaller positive pressure pul~e and then by a final negative phase (see Fig. 4A: I, 5, 7, 9). Occasionally the positive pulse: or the second negative is absent (Fig. 4, 2, 10). Oper~ular pressure waveforms exhibit an inItial sharp positive phase which is followed by a negative pressure peak that may reach a maximum of about -130 em H20 (Fig. 4B). A poaitivepulse may follow the negative (Fig. 4B: I, 2, 4,5, 7) or it may be absent (Fig. 4B, 3, 8. 9). Feeding on stationary prey produced opercular pressures in .the -10 to -40 .. GEORGE V. LAUDER 172 HYDRODYNAMICS OF PREY CAPTURE BY TELEOST FISHES starts to open (Fig. 5A: to to tl)' 1 A 200Q1T H20 l ~ ---v---- -y6 5 ~ 8 4 3 2 9 ~ 7 tv- 173 During this same time interval, the operculum is adducted and opercular cavity pressure actually rises. Buccal pressure reaches its peak (usually 5 times the peak opercular pressure) 5 to 10 rns prior to the opercular pressure peak although the two peaks are occasionally temporally .coincident. Buccal pressure then starts to rise and passe~ through zero while the opercular cavi~y pressure is still negative. The positive phase of the buccal waveform (Fig. 5: phase IV) occurs while the 10 ---..J'--- opercular cavity pressure is negative. In phase V, opercular pre~sure goes positive as the second negative buccal pressure pulse occurs. Opercular abduction is initiated at the peak in opercular cavity pressure (Fig. 5: oa); throughout the first third of the feeding sequence the operculum exhibits no lateral movement (see ventral view in Fig. 3B). Considerable opercular abduction occurs before the opercular and branchiostegal valves open (Figs. 3B; 5:om). B 1 ~ ~ 1~${ 4 V 7 -----J"- 3 2 5 ~ 8 ----------- ~ 6 -1,r9 -v- 4. Representative t~aces of pressure change in the buccal cavity (A) and the opercular cavity (B) in bluegill (Lepomis Fig. macrochirus) during feeding. Note the differing scales and the variation in pressure waveform and magnitude. See text for discussio~. Mouth closure, usually against partially protruded premaxillae, occurs before opercular pressure passes zero and at or near the peak of the positive buccal pressure pulse (Fig. 5:mc). (Fig. 5: t7. tS)' At this point the gill filaments from adjacent arches are clearly seen to be abducted (Fig. 3E: ventral view) and gill resistance is.presumably low. C. New Model of Fluid Flow in the Mouth Cavity A comparison of simUltaneously recorded buccal and opercular cavity pressure waveforms and magnitudes (Fig. 5A) strongly suggests the hypothesis that flow is not unidirectionalin the mouth cavity. Figure 5B illustrates the hypothesizedflow pattern at repr~sentative stages of the feeding cycle. During phase I, the period when opercular cavity pressure is positive (Fig. SA), buccal cavity pressures may reach -150 em H20. Between tland t2 (Fig. 5A) the ratio of buccal to opercular cavity pressure is about 8. em H 0 range and tended to flatten out the pressure profil¢ 2 (Fig. 4B: 3. S). The operculum often remains abducted after the mouth has closed and the pressures have returned to their ambient values This large pressure differential and the lack of opercular abduction indicate a reverse flow from the opercular to buccal cavity b~tween to and t2 (Fig. 5). After the end of phase II, opercular abduction occurs and the direction of flow is The temporal relationship between the buccal and opercular pressures is shown in Fig. 5A~ Buccal cavity pressure begins to decrease immediately after the mouth hypothesized to be from the buccal into the opercular cavity. This change is due both to opercular cavity volume increase GEORGE V. LAUDER 174 HYDRODYNAMICS OF PREY CAPTURE BY TELEOSt FISHES and the momentum of water entering the mouth. The branchiostegal membraQeopens at t4and this allows flow between the opercular cavity and the exterior. If opercular abduction were delayed beyond t , then the anteroposterior flow pattern would likely not ~e established by t4' aQd opeQiQg of the branchiostegal valve (by the hyohyoideus iQferioris muscle) should actually result in wate~ flow iQto the opercular cavity from the outside. This aQterior flow would be temporary because by t5 (Fig, 58) .the aQteroposterior flow is well established as buccal pressure becomes posittve with respect to that of .the opercular cavity. At this point, PEe A PHASE i 'p 'I n' '" I~ ii. i V j opercular cavity , pressore + , - . ~': jf1 " ',I [ ':'. buc~1 pre ure cav~ + " " """ " --"" [ , I 175 resistance of the opercular slit is high because of its small cross-sectional area. The mouth closes during the buccal positive pulse (phase IV) and this event is followed by a rapid pressure decrease in the early part of phase V. This second buccal negative pressure is hypothesized to be due to the water hammer effect. Rapid closing of the mouth acts like the closing of a valve in a pipeline during flow. On the upstream side of the valve the pressure rapidly increases and, a high pressure wave is 'propagated upstream. On the downstream side, the pressure is rapidly reduced (a cavity forms and the fluid returns with the same velocity) and a low pressure wave travels downstteasn. "This tend~ to reduce ,the . velocity of fluid flow and to cOQtract the pipe downstream of the valve. The 8Qalagous situation during feeding is depicted in Fig. 58: t6)' The mouth rapidly closes, water tends to continue flowing posteriorly causing a pressure reduction just inside the mouth (early phase V). Positive pressures are often recorded as water flows anteriorly after the pressure reduction (Fig. 4A: I, 7,.9, 10). This phenomenon is analagous to events causing the dichrotic notch in the mammalian cardiac pressure waveform. Finally, by tg both the ,buccal and opercular cavities 'have returned to ambient pressure. 50ms m1~JaT.k ao om ~ B ts ~ . .. 5':'1' t-:] ~ gilfs t2 ~ f r-- ~! ... "'>0<' '~ -,~ - ~' ~~ ta ... ~ •. ~ ~'~ I. ~'~ Fig. 5. A. simultaneous recordings of buccal and ,opercular cavity pressuresd~ring a typical strike at a goldfish. Scsle bar equals 100 cm "20. P, E. and C refer· to the preparatory, expansive, and compressive phases of the strike as conventionally defined (see Liem, 1978). Phases below are those proposed in this paper. Note the dissimilarity of pressure waveforms and magnitudes in the t~o cavities: e.g., the lack of a preparatory phase and the two negative phases in ,the buccal waveform. B, proposed pattern of fluid floW through the mouth ·cavity during feeding. to, t2' t s ' ·and t6correspond to the times in A. Small arrows Indicate movements of the mouth cavity. Note the hypothesized reverse flow between tl and t2. Kinematic events are: mo; mouth opening; ao. opercular adduction; pg, peak gape; oat opercular abduction; om; branchiostegal valve opens; met mouth closure. GEORGE V. LAUDER 176 VI. DISCUSSION The assumptions and predictions of previollsmodels of pressure change and fluid flow in ~he teleost mouth cavity during feeding are not supported by the experimental analysis of suction feeding in sunfishes presented herej no previous simultaneous buccal and opercular cavity pressure measurements exist. Current conceptions of the hydrodynamics of teleost feeding have been framed by the large body of data on respiratory mechanics and hydrodynamics. Thus, flow is assumed to be unidirectional, inertial effects have been generally neglected (but see Holeton and Jones. 1975; Muller and Osse, 1978), and the process of creating suction during feeding is viewed as a modification of the respiratory two-pump system. In<particular, the operculum is suggested to be of key importance in creating negative mouth cavity pressures (Alexander, 1967; Muller and Osse, 1978; Nyberg, 1971; O'Brien, 1979; Osse, 1969). in a manner analagous to the opercular suction pump during respiration. Additional elements of current concepts of· feeding hydrodynamics are the close similarity between buccal and opercular cavity pressure waveforms and magnitudes, the cOrrelated view that the buccal and opercular cavities ar~ afunctional unit, and the assump~ion ~hat gill resistance is low during feeding. None of these assumptions appear to be true. Buccal cavity pressures in sunfishes consistently average five times the opercular pressures (Fig. 5). In addition, pressure waveforms from the two cavities differ significantly and do no~ agree with expected patterns (Fig. 2). Flow reversal also appears to occur while the mouth is opening. Inertial effects play a fundamen~al role in the hydrodynamics of feeding. The process of creating suction is best viewed as being composed of a powerful bu~cal suction ~ that draws water into the buccal cavity fro~ both the area in front of the mouth and from the opercul~r cavity. The operculum functions only as a passive element at this stage, preventing water influx from' the outside. Flow from in fron~ of the mouth is ~uch greater than from the opercular cavity bec~use the mouth opening is much less resistant to flow than the gill curtain. The inertia of the water drawn in through the mouth is primarily responsible for the transition to the anteroposterior flow pattern and the exit of water out over the gills to the exterior. Opercular abduction appears to contribute relatively little HYDRODYNAMICS OF PAEY CAPnJRE BY TELEOST FISHES 177 to the direction of fluid flow! the magnitude of opercular cavity negative pressure, or f ow velocity. The asymmetry of gill resistance plays a key role in this model. In the early stages of feeding, the drop in opercular cavity pressure is due both to the buccal cavity pressure reduction and perhaps also tq expansion of opercular cavity volume as a result of anatomical couplings between the two cavities~ not to opercular abduction. Opercular-cavity pressures do not equal those in the buccal cavity because of gill resist~nce, ~nd the filaments of adjacent arches may be adducted. As the inertia of water sucked in through the mouth results in flow into the opercular cavity, the gill filaments are abducted and resistanc~ becomes low. Based on the synchronously recorded buccal and opercular cavity pressures and the hydrodynamic considerations outlined· above, a number of kinematic correlates of pressure waveform attributes may be predict~d (Table I). The correspondence between the occurrence of different kinematic patterns and variations in pressure waveform willb~ considered in detail elsewhere (Lauder, 1980). but variations during phases IV and V (Figs. 4. 5A) may be ~orrelated with the timing of opercular abduction and mouth closing. The large negative pressures recorded in the mouth cavity (up to -650 cm H20) invite considerations of the structural demands imposed on the teleost head. Lauder and Lanyon (1979) have considered the morphology of the sunfish operculum to be primarily a response to defOrmation induced by negative opercular cavity pressures. Two prominent orthogonal bony struts on the operculum were 'hypothesized to resist bending and twisting moments imposed by the pressure reduction. This view of the role of the operculum is consistent withthe.model of suction feeding presented here; the gill cover acts primarily as a passive element preventing fluid influx from the exterior. A number of clearly defined areas may now be outlined for future work. Of particular interest is a characterization of the velocity field, both anterior to the mouth in the vicinity of the prey, and within the buccal and opercular cavities. Opercular cavity flow velocity determinations would provide a test of the reverse flow hypothesis. The pressure -- velocity relationship during feeding is also of importance. Because of the prominence of inertial effects ~< GEORGE V. LAUOER 178 ~ ....t"J Q -< e .... 0 "~ ~ "~ "" ."".. I-< ~ >. til o.:c ::I 0 ~"r'i -0.... J.4 0 Q Q,l Po (I) ;:l (I) " " ttlu"tJ ."".. .......u ... "oM o .u... U s:: u '"....."".. "d rl .... "o~ ttl r-t""tj (lJ.c m ...." . tool ." "rim ... O,..,f OJ -tIS Q-n Q.lk POO tI) til Q ."u.. (l}Q1 ." s:: ::s ::J .... .~ to ott .... 0 >. ,;d~ 0 u Po'" Cl'J ttl 'OO.iJ .&-l" U ~~ .... 00> f:!-nro .$oJ U "d .u au ::t.c ..... 4J "tJ ::I p.ti:I 0 a ..... .$.Jr-l cG·nJO ........... OJk ... 0 Q.t 00 > l:::l 1::-"1"1 OQ,l,p orf Po Cd 4Jw .... U::J.QJ ;tWk "d ,.c .. tJ) ro't:1-~ I-f "I"'fllS 0 "1""') >. ~cng(J)c:i~.c~e J": ,rtI ..... ::::o ~- yield satisfactory results. ~ ..... u .gttl ~ri 4;J ~ U ::J 't1 til oM .0 I-t otJ) tU r-I Q as GI, p.. oM hi 0 0). ::t t:I CfJ~ ~ ·.. ...,.eu ttl 0 til "o u "'" ..... k oM .u .u "" related taxa, may provide insights into the evolutionary tlO tID r:: r:: ' • .... "riI:2t:1 rn tJ) -0 0 OO orf r-lr-t '''"' U U U u :;;S:S ,.C,t::'t1"tJ .J.J.IJ"tJ"d aa't;f~ .... ~.,.. .... 0 " 0 0 " 0 " ::s r:: ..., "Ii " rn, (fJ .u Q C oUuQ.lW oo ...... (I) p'O"dUti:lorf-tluQl .. oC""",o"tJr-lrli'dnJ ,., .. "'" .. <1l"" .... ....... Q)"I"'fCJp..oj.f· .... 0 (I) UJ ttl OQ,lQ-O"d oop. ""'" .... . " " ........ ,, '"0 .d ....0 ..... ..... .""<1l.. =:>l 0::1 "'0 .c .u ::t 0 :>l ~ ru r-l " Q -d .... 0. .. t<: ... 0 kCll,p.. k.f.I."O "tf ij k ,.:..p k BB1-1 -a 8'~ 8'8' ~ B.r: Q,lQ,lp 8' teleost fishes. ACKNOWLEDGMllNTS 00 s:: '11""""''''''''' ,l:::l--f.4- en ::s 0 0·" . 0 btl to - tllI oM k, tlO bO-r+ mechanisms governing changes of shape and 'function in ::I::.tnJtO .a;J -u Finally, correlation of attrib- utes of the suction f~eding mechanism (such as volume flow rate, pressure, velocity) with morphological features, feeding efficiency, and prey type in a number of closely i "0 ." u of flow velocity from measured pressures is unlikely to uat) ;::I ""'.::s ... .,..,.J:'::Jp..p.. "d Ii.. "d bO to "d "t:I mlll "d "dJ;lO'J'o~::S::S ttI"tftll'rtQJttlttlWtl) ..... ~ k u ........."' 179 and changing gill resistance during the strike, calculation >. ,.d HYOROOYNAMICS OF PREY CAPTURE BY TELEOST FISHES .QJdI .... 0 I was supported during the preparation of this paper by an NIH Predoctoral Fellowship in Musculoskeletal Biology (5T32GM077l17) and by a Junior Fellowship in the Society of Fel~ows, Harvard University~ A grant from the Bache Fund of the National Academ~ of Sciences provided the research funds. Preliminary work was partially supported by a Raney Fund Award from the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Professor F.A. Jenkins very kindlY supplied funds for a pressure transducer. I ,thank K.. Hartel. N. Bigelow, S. Norton, T. Chisholm, and especially Marty Fitzpatrick and Charlie Gougeon for their help with experiments. K.F. Liem, T. McMahon,». Patterson, and P. Elias kindly reviewed the manuscript • .... " " u" 0 . u .... 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