Student performance criteria entering grade 5 accelerated

Student performance criteria entering grade 5 accelerated mathematics 5/6 .Compacted Course Our fifth grade mathematics program includes a math course, ​
5/6 Compacted​
, to meet the needs of high­ability mathematics students in the New Canaan Public Schools. Fifth grade students in this accelerated mathematics course use sixth grade units as the core of their program, with necessary fifth grade resources to help provide a foundation. Students are expected to apply higher­level thinking skills in order to engage in elevated levels of mathematical discourse. They are also expected to demonstrate strong organizational skills in mathematics, an ability to grasp new concepts at a faster pace, and independent, responsible work habits. Prior to the beginning of fifth grade, a team consisting of the district math coordinator, principals, and elementary math specialists reviews students’ quantitative and qualitative mathematics assessment data, in consultation with classroom teachers, to determine placement in this 5/6 Compacted math course. This includes a review of students’ performance on district assessments and standardized test scores. The following criteria are used as a guideline for consideration in the 5/6 Compacted course: District Grade 4 ​
Concepts and Skills​
Benchmark Assessment 90% or above (Fall, winter and spring) ​
District Grade 4 Addendum Assessments ​
80% or above th​
(5​ grade concepts and skills) District Grade 4 Performance Task ​
(spring) ​
Rubric score​
: 3 District Grade 4 Basic Fact Checkpoints ​
: 20/20 ​
(multiplication) ​
(division) District Grade 4 Excursion Task(​
: 14/17
ERB Quantitative Reasoning Suburban Stanine ​
(grade 3) 7, 8, or 9 In addition,​
and ​
narrative comments​
regarding a student’s mathematics ​
problem solving, communication, computational fluency​
, and ​
independent work habits, persistence,​
and risk­taking​
in the classroom are also gathered from classroom teachers to inform placement decisions. Student work samples​
are collected and examined for evidence of the consistently exceptional mathematics performance required for advanced class placement. Additional NCPS assessment data across the grade 4 year, including district benchmark assessments and computation sets, may be considered as well to develop a full mathematics profile of a student. Students must meet a preponderance of the criteria for placement in the 5/6 Compacted math course. Because some students may demonstrate extraordinary growth and performance in the on­grade level fourth grade classes, profiles of students in both the on­grade level fourth grade classes and the fourth grade advanced math classes, are reviewed for 5/6 Compacted consideration. ​
It is important to note that although a student may be in an accelerated math class in fourth grade, continued participation in accelerated mathematics classes is contingent upon students meeting performance expectations in their current accelerated class throughout the school year and meeting placement criteria. It is important to remember that children develop at different rates and that strengths emerge at different times and points during a student’s school career. For this reason, we provide rigorous on­grade level mathematics classes designed to foster the mathematical thinking and skills of a range of students, ​
and we offer multiple entry points into accelerated classes over the course of a student’s K­12 mathematics experience in the New Canaan Public Schools. 