Financial Indicators in the NFCI and ANFCI Notes: All of the financial indicators are in basis points or percentages. *The weights have been scaled to have a standard deviation of one for ease of presentation. Financial Indicator Repo Market Volume (Repurchases+Reverse Repurchases of primary dealers) 10-year/2-year Treasury yield spread Commercial Paper Outstanding 2-year/3-month Treasury yield spread 3-month/1-week Treasury Repo spread FDIC Volatile Bank Liabilities Fed Funds/Overnight MBS Repo rate spread Corporate Securities Repo Delivery Failures Rate Trade-weighted US Dollar Value Index Agency Repo Delivery Failures Rate Fed Funds/Overnight Agency Repo rate spread Total Money Market Mutual Fund Assets/Total Long-term Fund Assets Treasury Repo Delivery Fails Rate 3-month Overnight Indexed Swap (OIS)/Treasury yield spread Agency MBS Repo Delivery Failures Rate Fed Funds/Overnight Treasury Repo rate spread 1-year/1-month LIBOR spread 3-month Financial commercial paper/Treasury bill spread 10-year Interest Rate Swap/Treasury yield spread Citigroup Global Markets MBS/10-year Treasury yield spread Citigroup Global Markets Financial/Corporate Credit bond spread Counterparty Risk Index (constructed based on index formerly maintained by Credit Derivatives Research) On-the-run vs. Off-the-run 10-year Treasury liquidity premium 3-month Eurodollar spread (LIBID-Treasury) 1-month Asset-backed/Financial commercial paper spread 3-month/1-week AA Financial commercial paper spread 3-month TED spread (LIBOR-Treasury) 3-month Merrill Lynch Swaption Volatility Expectations (SMOVE) 1-month Merrill Lynch Options Volatility Expectations (MOVE) Bank of America/Merrill Lynch Home Equity ABS/MBS yield spread 2-year Interest Rate Swap/Treasury yield spread CBOE S&P 500 Volatility Index (VIX) Bank of America/Merrill Lynch 3-5 year AAA CMBS OAS spread Citigroup Global Markets ABS/5-year Treasury yield spread Transformations LV: Level LVMA: Level relative to moving average DLV: First Difference DLN: Log First Difference DLNQ: 13-week Log First Difference Transformation DLNQ LV DLN LV LV DLN LV DLNQ DLN DLNQ LV LV DLNQ LV DLNQ LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV Frequency W W W W W Q W W W W W M W W W W W W W M M W W W W W W W W M W W W M Haver/Bloomberg*/Call Report^ Mnemonic FDFR+FDFV FYCEPA-FYCEP2 FCPT FYCEP2-FTBS3 USRGCGC*-USRGCGA * RCON2604^+RCFN2200^+RCFD2800^+MAX(RCFD2890^,RCFD3190^)+RCFD3548^ R111RD-RPMB01D* FDDC/(FDDC+FDTC) FXTWM FDDS/(FDDS+FDTS) R111RD-RPAG01D* ICABAAAA/ICAAAAAA FDDG/(FDDG+FDTG) T111W3M-R111G3M FDDM/(FDDM+FDTM) R111RD-RPGT01D* FLOD1Y-FLOD1 FFP3-FTBS3 T111WA-R111GA SYMT-FCM10 SYCF-SYCT Various series from Bloomberg* FYCEPA-FCM10 FDB3-FTBS3 FAB1M-FFP1M FFP3M-FFP7D FLOD3-FTBS3 SPMLSV3 SPMLV1 FMLSHM-FMLMGM T111W2-R111G2 SPVIX CB12* SYCAAB-FCM5 Weights* Start Date Subindex Category NFCI ANFCI 1994w40 Risk -1.130 -0.505 1971w33 Risk -0.663 -1.074 1995w45 Risk -0.366 -0.115 1971w1 Risk -0.155 0.253 1991w22 Risk -0.164 0.568 1978w40 Risk 0.004 0.027 1991w22 Risk 0.045 0.329 2001w40 Risk 0.028 0.166 1973w2 Risk 0.073 0.116 1994w40 Risk 0.216 0.094 1991w22 Risk 0.035 0.507 1984w52 Risk 0.290 0.159 1994w40 Risk 0.182 0.405 2003w38 Risk 0.497 1.937 1994w40 Risk 0.437 0.243 1991w22 Risk 0.375 1.077 1986w2 Risk 0.459 0.095 1971w1 Risk 0.506 1.709 1987w13 Risk 0.792 1.572 1979w52 Risk 0.745 1.617 1979w52 Risk 1.002 1.440 2005w2 Risk 1.204 -0.220 1985w1 Risk 1.197 1.173 1971w1 Risk 1.324 2.914 2001w1 Risk 1.477 2.359 1997w2 Risk 1.528 1.833 1980w23 Risk 1.614 3.530 1996w49 Risk 1.824 0.983 1988w14 Risk 1.840 1.712 1991w27 Risk 1.978 0.742 1987w13 Risk 2.112 3.089 1990w1 Risk 2.232 1.759 1997w53 Risk 2.423 1.485 1989w52 Risk 2.609 2.745 Financial Indicators in the NFCI and ANFCI Notes: All of the financial indicators are in basis points or percentages. *The weights have been scaled to have a standard deviation of one for ease of presentation. Transformations LV: Level LVMA: Level relative to moving average DLV: First Difference DLN: Log First Difference DLNQ: 13-week Log First Difference Financial Indicator National Association of Credit Managers Index UM Household Survey: Durable Goods Credit Conditions Good/Bad spread UM Household Survey: Mortgage Credit Conditions Good/Bad spread UM Household Survey: Auto Credit Conditions Good/Bad spread Commercial Bank 24-month Personal Loan/2-year Treasury yield spread Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey: Willingness to Lend to Consumers Commercial Bank 48-month New Car Loan/2-year Treasury yield spread Finance Company Receivables Outstanding S&P US Credit Card Quality Index Receivables Outstanding S&P US Credit Card Quality Index Excess Rate Spread Consumer Credit Outstanding MZM Money Supply Mortgage Bankers Association Serious Delinquencies S&P US Credit Card Quality Index 3-month Delinquency Rate American Bankers Association Value of Delinquent Noncard Revolving Credit Loans/Total Loans Commercial Bank Noncurrent/Total Loans American Bankers Association Value of Delinquent Consumer Loans/Total Loans American Bankers Association Value of Delinquent Credit Card Loans/Total Loans American Bankers Association Value of Delinquent Home Equity Loans/Total Loans Moody's Baa corporate bond/10-year Treasury yield spread 20-year Treasury/State & Local Government 20-year General Obligation Bond yield spread Bond Market Association Municipal Swap/20-year Treasury yield spread 30-year Conforming Mortgage/10-year Treasury yield spread National Federation of Independent Business Survey: Credit Harder to Get Markit Investment Grade (IG) 5-yr Senior CDS Index Markit High Yield (HY) 5-yr Senior CDS Index Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey: Increasing spreads on Large C&I Loans Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey: Tightening Standards on Large C&I Loans Merrill Lynch High Yield/Moody's Baa corporate bond yield spread Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey: Tightening Standards on RRE Loans Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey: Increasing spreads on Small C&I Loans Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey: Tightening Standards on CRE Loans 30-year Jumbo/Conforming fixed rate mortgage spread 1-month Nonfinancial commercial paper A2P2/AA credit spread Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey: Tightening Standards on Small C&I Loans Transformation LV LV LV LV LV LV LV DLN DLN LV DLN DLN DLV DLV DLV DLN DLV DLV DLV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV Frequency M M M M Q Q Q M M M M M Q M M Q M M M W W W W M W W Q Q W Q Q Q W W Q Haver/Bloomberg*/Call Report^ Mnemonic CMI Staff calculations based on data from the University of Michigan Survey of Consumers Staff calculations based on data from the University of Michigan Survey of Consumers Staff calculations based on data from the University of Michigan Survey of Consumers FK24P-FYCEP2 FWILL FK48NC-FYCEP2 FROT CCQIO CCQIX FOTA FMZM USL14FA+USL149A CCQID3 USREVDA (RCFD1407^+RCFD1403^)/RCFD2122^ USSUMDA USBKCDA USHQODA FBAA-FCM10 FSLB-FCM20 SBMAS-FCM20 FRM30F-FCM10 NFIB20 Various series from Bloomberg* Various series from Bloomberg* FSCIL FTCIL FMLPHM-FBAA FTCNMH FSCIS FTCREH ILMJNAVG*-ILM3NAVG* FAP1M-FCP1M FTCIS Start 2002w9 1978w9 1978w9 1978w9 1972w5 1971w25 1972w5 1985w31 1992w9 1992w5 1971w25 1974w9 1972w26 1992w9 1999w8 1984w40 1999w8 1999w8 1999w8 1971w1 1971w1 1989w27 1971w13 1973w44 2005w2 2005w2 1990w13 1990w13 1986w45 1990w26 1990w13 1990w26 1998w24 1997w2 1990w13 Start Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Weights* NFCI ANFCI -2.084 -0.661 -1.335 -1.279 -1.309 -1.629 -1.184 -1.127 -0.851 -1.495 -0.614 -0.556 -0.340 -0.992 -0.171 0.089 -0.084 0.045 -0.467 -0.672 -0.037 0.049 -0.023 -0.067 0.028 0.063 0.132 0.076 0.128 0.202 0.147 0.155 0.212 0.140 0.213 0.135 0.241 0.161 0.190 0.629 0.572 0.209 0.533 1.494 0.628 0.929 1.121 0.371 1.945 0.021 1.965 0.099 2.066 1.430 2.113 1.604 2.146 1.101 2.163 1.979 2.154 1.522 2.162 1.719 2.262 1.454 2.140 2.304 2.263 1.617 Financial Indicators in the NFCI and ANFCI Notes: All of the financial indicators are in basis points or percentages. *The weights have been scaled to have a standard deviation of one for ease of presentation. Financial Indicator S&P 500 Financials/S&P 500 Price Index (Relative to 2-year MA) 3-month Eurodollar, 10-year/3-month swap, 2-year and 10-year Treasury Options and Futures Open Interest Net Notional Value of Credit Derivatives New US Corporate Debt Issuance (Relative to 12-month MA) S&P 500, S&P 500 mini, NASDAQ 100, NASDAQ mini Options and Futures Open Interest CMBS Issuance (Relative to 12-month MA) Nonmortgage ABS Issuance (Relative to 12-month MA) Broker-dealer Debit Balances in Margin Accounts Federal Reserve Board Commercial Property Price Index New State & Local Government Debt Issues (Relative to 12-month MA) Total Assets of ABS issuers/GDP Commercial Bank Consumer Loans/Total Assets New US Corporate Equity Issuance (Relative to 12-month MA) Loan Performance Home Price Index Wilshire 5000 Stock Price Index Commercial Bank Securities in Bank Credit/Total Assets S&P 500, NASDAQ, and NYSE Market Capitalization/GDP 10-year Constant Maturity Treasury yield Total MBS Issuance (Relative to 12-month MA) Total Assets of Insurance Companies/GDP Commercial Bank Real Estate Loans/Total Assets Total Assets of Pension Funds/GDP Total Assets of Broker-dealers/GDP Total REIT Assets/GDP Fed funds and Reverse Repurchase Agreements w/ Nonbanks and Interbank Loans/Total Assets of Commercial Banks Commercial Bank Total Unused C&I Loan Commitments/Total Assets Total Assets of Finance Companies/GDP Federal, state, and local debt outstanding/GDP Total Assets of Funding Corporations/GDP Nonfinancial business debt outstanding/GDP Household Mortgage and Consumer Credit Oustanding/PCE Durables and Residential Investment Total Agency and GSE Assets/GDP Commercial Bank C&I Loans/Total Assets CME Eurodollar/CBOT T-Note Futures Market Depth CME E-mini S&P Futures Market Depth COMEX Gold/NYMEX WTI Futures Market Depth Transformations LV: Level LVMA: Level relative to moving average DLV: First Difference DLN: Log First Difference DLNQ: 13-week Log First Difference Transformation LVMA DLNQ DLN LVMA DLNQ LVMA LVMA DLN DLN LV DLN DLN LVMA DLN DLN DLN DLN DLV LVMA DLN DLN DLN DLN DLN DLN DLN DLN DLN DLN DLN LV DLN DLN LV LV LV Frequency W W W M W M M M Q M Q M M M M M Q W M Q M Q Q Q M Q Q Q Q Q M Q M W W W Haver/Bloomberg*/Call Report^ Mnemonic S5N40I/SPN5COM COPED3P+COPTN2P+COPT10P D001TOTH FNSIPB COPSPMP+COPSP5P+COPNAMP+(pre-6/10 COPNASP, post-6/10 COPCNAP) Staff calculations based on data from CRE Finance Council and Inside Mortgage Finance Staff calculations based on data from Inside Mortgage Finance SPMD FRBCREPI FNSIS (OA67TAO5-OA67AGI3+OA61CNC5+OA76CNC0)/GDP FABWQA/FAA FNSIPS USLPHPIS SPWIE FABYA/FAA (SPSP5CAP+SPNYCAPH+SPNACAP)/GDP FCM10 Staff calcuations based on data from Inside Mortgage Finance (OA51TAO5+OA54TAO5)/GDP FABWRA/FAA OA57TAO5/GDP OA66TAO5/GDP OA64TAO5/GDP (FAIFFA+FABWORA)/FAA RCON3423^/RCON2170^ (OA61TAO5-OA61CNC5)/GDP (XL31CRE5+XL21TCR5)/GDP OA50TAO5/GDP XL14TCRE5/GDP (XL15HOM5+XL15CNC0)/(CD+FR) (OA40MOR5+OA41MOR5+OA67AGI3)/GDP FABWCA/FAA Staff calculations based on data provided by the CME Staff calculations based on data provided by the CME Staff calculations based on data provided by the CME Start 1989w37 1995w25 2008w45 1987w52 1999w38 1990w52 2000w52 1971w21 1971w25 2004w8 1983w52 1973w13 1987w52 1976w13 1971w4 1973w13 1971w12 1971w1 2000w52 1971w12 1973w13 1971w12 1971w12 1971w25 1973w13 1984w40 1971w12 1971w25 1971w12 1971w12 1971w25 1983w52 1973w13 2008w5 2008w1 2008w1 Subindex Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Weights* NFCI ANFCI -2.058 -1.826 -0.910 -0.791 -0.125 -0.304 -0.155 -0.217 -0.054 -0.069 -0.161 -0.176 -0.109 -0.002 -0.090 -0.174 0.000 -0.016 -0.062 -0.080 -0.020 0.018 -0.062 -0.067 -0.050 0.017 -0.053 -0.162 -0.045 -0.100 -0.040 -0.123 -0.032 -0.069 -0.020 -0.181 0.003 -0.186 -0.020 -0.051 -0.006 0.007 -0.003 -0.019 -0.007 -0.027 -0.010 0.060 -0.006 -0.063 -0.010 -0.007 -0.001 0.013 0.010 -0.009 0.019 0.018 0.021 0.090 0.032 0.010 0.043 0.088 0.046 0.181 1.483 1.361 0.932 1.282 1.703 1.157