Jordan: Humanitarian Fund (JHF) As of 31 March 2016 The Jordan Humanitarian Fund (JHF) mobilizes and channels resources to humanitarian partners to respond to urgent needs for Syrian refugees in Jordan, as well as vulnerable Jordanians affected by the Syrian crisis. The fund operates within the frame of the Jordan Response Plan and the UNSC resolutions 2165, 2191 and 2258. To date the Fund has allocated US $12.08 Million to a total of 39 projects in host communities and camps, of which eight projects support the needs of vulnerable Syrians in Southern Syria. Total funding received Total number of beneficiaries 498,775 US$20.07 million 237,609 Male Beneficiaries 261,166 Female Beneficiaries 60% Total funding allocated US$12.08 million Disaggregated beneficiaries Allocated Total balance US$7.99 million Men FUNDS AND BENEFICARIES BY SECTORS/CLUSTER FOR JORDAN Beneficiaries 48,736 Sectors Funding (US$ million) 83,690 WASH 11,605 Education 115,640 Protection Beneficiaries 5.6 8 INGO 12 39 NNGO 5 25 Projects Partners 28 17 3,400 50 0.56 Lebanon ISRAEL 9.4m Dara 0.49m 0.4m Ajloun Jarash West Al Balqa Bank Al Karak 2016 Pledged Al Mafraq ! Zarqa Amman JORDAN Number of Projects by Governorate Al Tafilah Netherlands 5.77 5.77 0 0.66 1.75 1.19 0 0 3.17 0 Ma'an India For feedback contact : OCHA Jordan ( 17-23 Projects 8-16 Projects 1-7 Projects 0 0 Germany 1.25 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 IRAQ ! ! FUNDING CONTRIBUTION BY DONOR (US$ million) Sweden 0.23 As-Sweida ! 0 0.40 Cross Border Task Force Irbid ! Madaba Belgium 0.63 Syrian Arab Rural Republic Damascus Quneitra Funding allocated 2015 0.80 NUMBER OF PROJECTS BY GOVERNORATE US$12.08 million 1.79m Funding (US$ million) Food 0.69 2014 Girls 155,485 Health 0.79 Red Cross/Crescent 1 2 Boys 158,442 Shelter & NFI 114,816 NUMBER OF PROJECTS BY PARTNERS UN Sectors 9,081 2.39 Health 105,681 FUNDS AND BENEFICARIES BY SECTORS/CLUSTER FOR SOUTHERN SYRIA Shelter & NFI 111,757 Women 79,167 None 100000020000003000000400000050000006000000 Al Aqaba Saudi Arabia Camps in Jordan ! Operational Camp Creation date: 28 Mar 2016