JORDAN: Humanitarian Fund (JHF) 1 Jan - 30 Jun 2016 The Jordan Humanitarian Fund (JHF) mobilizes and channels resources to humanitarian partners to respond to urgent needs for Syrian refugees in Jordan, as well as vulnerable Jordanians affected by the Syrian crisis. The fund operates within the frame of the Jordan Response Plan and the UNSC resolutions 2165, 2191 and 2258. To date the Fund has allocated US $5.75 Million to a total of 16 projects in host communities and camps, of which five projects support the needs of vulnerable Syrians in Southern Syria. Carry over from 2015 Total number of beneficiaries US$1.2 million 374,261 Total funding received in 2016 170,086 Male Beneficiaries 204,175 Female Beneficiaries 47% US$11 million Total funding allocated Disaggregated beneficiaries Allocated US$5.7 million Total balance Men 62,889 US$6.4 million FUNDS AND BENEFICARIES BY SECTORS FOR JORDAN Beneficiaries Sectors 17,505 Funding (US$ million) 2,189 1.2 6 NNGO 16 Projects 10 Partners Quneitra 1.78m FUNDING CONTRIBUTION BY DONOR IN 2016 (US$ MILLION) Sweden 1.19 Netherlands 1.13 Carry forward from 2015 Al Mafraq ! ! ! Zarqa Madaba Amman Number of Projects by Governorate JORDAN 6-7 Projects Al Tafilah 2.86 UK IRAQ As-Sweida ! Ajloun Jarash WEST WEST Al Balqa Al Karak 5.77 Dara Irbid ! BANK BANK Belgium 0.11 SYRIAN ARAB Rural REPUBLIC Damascus LEBANON ISRAEL 9 Nutrition NUMBER OF PROJECTS BY GOVERNORATE Funding allocated 3.97m 13 0.87 Health 2,600 US$5.75 million 4 0.37 Food 112,533 NUMBER OF PROJECTS BY PARTNERS INGO 232,500 0.38 Protection Girls 116,773 Beneficiaries Sectors Funding (US$ million) 2.8 Health Boys 107,197 FUNDS AND BENEFICARIES BY SECTORS FOR SOUTHERN SYRIA Shelter & NFI 6,934 Women 87,402 4-5 Projects Ma'an 1-3 Projects None 1.25 SAUDI ARABIA Al Aqaba Camps in Jordan ! Operational Camp CUMMULATIVE SNAPSHOT FROM 1 DEC 2014 TO 30 JUN 2016 Total funding received US$24 million Total funding allocated US$17.6 million For feedback contact: OCHA Jordan ( Number of funded projects 54 Number of beneficiaries reached 799,067 Creation date: 14 July 2016