508 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 19, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2004 Operating Principles of a Novel Multiphase Multimotor Vector-Controlled Drive Emil Levi, Senior Member, IEEE, Martin Jones, Slobodan N. Vukosavic, Member, IEEE, and Hamid A. Toliyat, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Independent flux and torque control of an ac machine can be achieved by means of vector control, utilizing only two stator - current components. Consequently, in ac machines with a phase number greater than three, there exist additional degrees of freedom. Although they can be used to enhance the torque production of a multiphase machine through injection of higher stator current harmonics, an entirely different purpose is possible as well. The additional degrees of freedom can be utilized to control independently other machines within a multimotor drive system. In order to do so, it is necessary to connect stator windings of all the multiphase machines in series, with an appropriate phase transposition, apply a vector control algorithm to each machine separately, and supply the stator windings of the multi-machine system from a single current controlled voltage source inverter (VSI). Inverter current control is performed in the stationary reference frame, using inverter phase currents. The foundations of the concept are set forth in the paper, for an arbitrary odd -phase case, using the general theory of electrical machines. Further analysis is performed for all the theoretically possible odd phase numbers and it is shown that the number of machines connectable in series depends on the properties of the phase number. Connection diagrams are illustrated next for some selected phase numbers and vector control, including the inverter reference current generation, is detailed for the multimotor drive system. The main advantages and drawbacks of the concept are discussed and verification is provided by simulation of a nine-phase four-motor drive system. Index Terms—Multimotor drives, multiphase machines, vector control. I. INTRODUCTION A PPLICATION of inverters in variable speed electric drives enables to dispense with the standard three-phase configuration and use a multiphase ( -phase) configuration instead. Ever since the inception of the first multiphase (five-phase) inverter-fed induction motor drive [1], the interest in multiphase drive systems has been steadily increasing [2]. Major advantages of using a multiphase machine instead of a three-phase machine are detailed in [3] and are higher torque density, greater efficiency, reduced torque pulsations, greater fault tolerance, and reduction in the required rating per inverter leg (and therefore simpler and more reliable power conditioning Manuscript received March 3, 2003. Paper no. TEC-00054-2003. This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under Grant GR/R64452/01, and in part by Semikron Ltd. equipment). Additionally, noise characteristics of the drive improve as well [4]. Basic vector control scheme of a multiphase machine, which utilizes only fundamental field component for the torque creation, is essentially the same as for its three-phase counterpart, regardless of whether the machine is five-phase, nine-phase of fifteen-phase [3], [5]–[9]. Higher torque density in a multiphase machine is possible since, apart from the fundamental spatial field harmonic, space harmonic fields can be used to contribute to the total torque production [3], [5]–[8]. This advantage stems from the fact that vector control of the machine’s flux and torque, produced by the interaction of the fundamental field component and the fundamental stator current component, requires only two stator currents ( - current components). In a multiphase machine, with at least five phases or more, there are therefore additional degrees of freedom, which can be utilized to enhance the torque production through injection of higher order current harmonics. In a five-phase machine third harmonic current injection can be used [5], [6], [8], while in a nine-phase machine it is possible to use injection of the third, the fifth and the seventh stator current harmonics [7]. Since vector control of a multiphase machine requires only two currents if only the fundamental of the field is utilized, the remaining degrees of freedom can be used in an entirely different manner, as the basis for a multimotor multiphase drive system development. This constitutes the subject this paper is discussed, deals with. An -phase drive system which can be composed of induction and/or permanent magnet synchronous and/or synchronous reluctance motors. The supply of the system comes from a single current controlled PWM VSI and a vector control algorithm is applied in conjunction with each machine in order to generate individual machine phase current references. These are further summed in an appropriate way and overall inverter phase current references are obtained. It is shown that, by connecting the multiphase stator windings of all the machines in series, with an appropriate phase transposition, it becomes possible to realize a completely independent vector control of all the machines in the system although only one inverter is used. The roots of this idea can be found in [10], where the notion of an -dimensional space for an -phase machine [11] was applied in the analysis and a two-motor, five-phase system was examined. The concept is investigated here using the general theory of electrical machines [12] for an -phase multimotor drive system with an arbitrary number of phases. All the possible odd phase numbers are studied and it is shown that the maximum number of connectable machines depends on the properties of the system phase number. Rules for connecting the machines 0885-8969/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE LEVI et al.: OPERATING PRINCIPLES OF A NOVEL MULTIPHASE MULTIMOTOR VECTOR-CONTROLLED DRIVE in series are established by introducing so-called connectivity matrix and connection diagrams are illustrated for some phase numbers. Vector control algorithm and inverter phase current reference generation are elaborated and the concept is verified by simulating a nine-phase four-motor drive system. Major benefits of the proposed multiphase multimotor drive system are finally addressed. II. MODELLING OF AN -PHASE MACHINE A. General Remarks An -phase machine, such that the spatial displacement beand is tween any consecutive two stator phases is an odd number, is considered. The type of the machine is irrelevant and the machine can be induction or synchronous (of any type). It is assumed that the distribution of the mmf around the air-gap is sinusoidal, since the intention is to control torque production due to fundamental field harmonic only. All the other standard assumptions of the general theory of electrical machines apply. 509 number of phases will lead to the possibility of connecting at most the same number of machines in series. Utilization of machines with an odd phase number is therefore advantageous and this is the reason why the analysis is here restricted to odd phase numbers. Equations for pairs of - components are completely decoupled from all the other components and stator to rotor coupling does not appear either. These components do not contribute to torque production when sinusoidal distribution of the mmf around the air-gap is assumed. Zero-sequence component will not exist in any star-connected multiphase system. This means machines (for an odd phase number) that at most can be connected in series. If the control is to be independent, flux/torque producing currents of one machine must not produce flux and torque in all the other machines of the group. This cannot be achieved by a simple direct series connection of stator windings and an appropriate phase transposition is therefore required when connecting the windings in series, as discussed shortly. C. Rotational Transformation B. Decoupling Transformation Decoupling transformation matrix for an arbitrary odd phase number is, according to [12], given with the expression (1) at the bottom of the page. Decoupling transformation substitutes the original set of phase currents with a new set of transformed currents. The first two rows in (1) define stator current components that will lead to fundamental flux and torque production ( - components; stator to rotor coupling appears only in the equations for - components), while the last row defines the pairs zero-sequence component. In between, there are pairs of stator current compoof rows, which define nents, called further on - components. If the number of phases is an even number, there is one additional zero-sequence component [12]. Hence the number of - pairs of current components is the same for an odd number of phases and the subsequent . As will be shown shortly, even number of phases pairs of current components will be used in the series machine connection for independent vector control. This immediately indicates that an odd number of phases and the subsequent even Since stator-to-rotor coupling appears only in the equations for - components regardless of the machine type, and since the torque production due to fundamental field component is entirely governed by - components only, rotational transformation is applied to - equations only [12]. Assuming transformation into an arbitrary common reference frame , the transformation matrix for stator is given with (2) Application of (2) in conjunction with an appropriate model, obtained for the given machine type by utilizing (1), leads to the transformation of the first two stator - equations into corresponding - equations. Equations for - components remain unchanged and are for any pair of - components of the form (1) 510 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 19, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2004 given for the first pair with (index stands for stator and all the other symbols have the usual meaning) (3) Stator resistance and stator leakage inductance are the only machine parameters that appear in - equations. The resulting - axis equations and the torque equation are identical to those of a corresponding three-phase machine. Hence the basic vector control scheme will remain the same as for a three-phase machine of the same type. III. SERIES CONNECTION OF MULTI-PHASE STATOR WINDINGS - current components is As only one pair of stator required for the flux and torque control in one machine, the repairs of stator maining degrees of freedom ( current components) can be used for control of other machines connected in series with the first machine. If the control of the machines is to be decoupled one from the other, flux/torque producing currents of one machine must not produce flux and torque in all the other machines in the group. This means that multiphase the connection of stator windings of machines must be such that what one machine sees as the axis stator current components the other machines see as current components, and vice versa. It then becomes possible to completely independently control the machines while supplying the drive system from a single current-controlled voltage source inverter. This can be achieved by introducing an appropriate phase transposition when connecting the stator windings in series. The necessary phase transposition follows directly from the decoupling transformation matrix (1) and is discussed shortly. In the general case a set of -phase stator windings is supplied from a single -phase current-controlled (CC) voltage source by connecting the stator windings in series and using the phase transposition, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Phase transposition means shift in connection of the phases of one machine to the phases of the second machine, etc., where is the flux/torque producing phase sequence of the given machine according to the spatial distribution of the phases within the stator winding. The phase transposition is governed by the requirement that flux/torque producing currents of one machine ( - or - currents) appear as currents that do not contribute to the flux and torque production in all the other machines. Transformation matrix (1) provides an answer as to how this can be achieved. According to (1), phases ’1’ of all the machines will be connected directly in series (the first column in (1)). The phase transposition for phase ’1’ is therefore 0 degrees and the phase step is zero. However, phase ’2’ of the first machine will be connected to phase ’3’ of the second machine, which will be further connected to phase ’4’ of the third machine and so on. The phase transposition moving from one machine to the other is the spatial angle and the phase step is 1. This follows from the second column of the transformation matrix. In a similar manner phase ’3’ of the first machine (the third element in the first row of (1) 0 Fig. 1. Supply of (n 1)=2 machine stator windings, connected in series, from an n-phase current-controlled voltage source (odd phase number assumed). with spatial displacement of ) is connected to the phase ’5’ of the second machine, which further gets connected to phase ’7’ of the third machine, and so on. The phase transposition is , and the phase step is 2. This follows from the third column of (1). Further, phase ’4’ of the first machine needs to be connected to the phase ’7’ of the second machine which gets connected to the phase ’10’ of the third machine and so on. Here the phase step is 3 and the phases are transposed by . This corresponds to the fourth column in (1). For phase ’5’ of the first machine the phase transposition equals and phase step is 4, and so on. This explanation enables construction of a connection table, which is further called connectivity matrix. In the general case of an -phase system connectivity matrix of Table I results. Flux/torque producing phase sequence for any particular . rather machine is denoted in Table I with symbols than with numbers (both notations are used further on, depending on which one is more convenient for the given purpose). Double-line in Table I encircles the seven-phase case, while the bold box applies to the five-phase case. Dashed line encircles eleven-phase case, while solid line is the box for the thirteenphase case. If a number in the table, obtained by substituting , , , , etc., is greater than the number of phases , resetting is performed by deducting from the number so that the resulting number belongs to the set . IV. CONNECTION DIAGRAMS AND CONNECTIVITY MATRICES FOR SELECTED PHASE NUMBERS Using the connectivity matrix and the connection diagram for the general -phase case, given in Fig. 1 and Table I, corresponding diagrams and matrices are obtained for any specified number of phases. A couple of cases are selected here, with the aim of facilitating the discussion of the number of connectable machines in Section V. Connectivity matrix and the connection diagram for the five-phase case are given in Table II and Fig. 2, respectively. It is possible to use two machines connected in series and supply them using five inverter legs, instead of six required in a customary two-motor three-phase drive system. The seven-phase case is illustrated in Table III and Fig. 3. Three machines can now be controlled with a seven-phase inverter, enabling a saving of two inverter legs with respect to the standard three-phase three-motor system. LEVI et al.: OPERATING PRINCIPLES OF A NOVEL MULTIPHASE MULTIMOTOR VECTOR-CONTROLLED DRIVE 511 TABLE I CONNECTIVITY MATRIX FOR THE GENERAL n-PHASE CASE Fig. 2. Connection diagram for two five-phase machines. Connection diagram is shown in Fig. 4. It is important to note that a re-ordering of the machines has to be done if series connection comprises machines of different phase numbers, as shown in Fig. 4. All the machines with the highest phase number have to be connected at first in series to the source, respecting the required phase transposition. They are followed by all the machines with the second highest phase number, and so on. The group is completed with the machine(s) having the smallest phase number. This is so since, taking the nine-phase case as the example, the three flux/torque producing currents of a nine-phase machine which enter any given phase of the three-phase machine sum to zero in any instant in time. This simultaneously indicates that the three-phase machine will not suffer any adverse effects due to the series connection with three nine-phase machines. V. MACHINE CONNECTIVITY Fig. 3. Connection diagram for three seven-phase machines. TABLE II CONNECTIVITY MATRIX, FIVE-PHASE CASE The number of connectable machines and their individual phase numbers are governed by the system number of phases . All the possible system phase numbers will belong to one of the three categories detailed in what follows. i) The number of phases is a prime number. In this case the number of machines that can be connected in series with phase transposition equals (4) TABLE III CONNECTIVITY MATRIX, SEVEN-PHASE CASE The two considered phase numbers are both prime numbers and the situation is simple. If the number of the source phases is not a prime number the situation becomes more interesting. Connectivity matrix for the nine-phase case, obtained from Table I, is shown in Table IV. As can be seen in Table IV, only phases 1, 4 and 7 of machine M3 (encircled with a dotted box) are utilized in the series connection. Since the spatial displacement between these phases is 120 degrees, the machine M3 is actually a three-phase rather than a nine-phase machine. pairs of current components that since there are can be used for independent flux and torque control in this multiphase machine set. All the machines are of the same number of phases equal to . The phase numbers , 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, belonging to this category are etc. ii) The number of phases is not a prime number, but it satisfies the condition (5) The number of connectable machines is still given . However, not all mawith (4), i.e., chines are now of the phase number equal to . For example, in the considered case of a total of machines can be connected in series: there is one three-phase machine, and three nine-phase the phase machines. Hence for the general case of 512 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 19, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2004 Fig. 4. Connection diagram for the nine-phase case, comprising three nine-phase machines and one three-phase machine. However, in general, numbers equal to the group will be composed of machines with the phase and one of the prime numbers numbers equal to TABLE IV CONNECTIVITY MATRIX, NINE-PHASE CASE (8) numbers of the machines that can be connected in series are (6) Phase numbers in this category are: , 25, 27, 49, 81, etc. iii) System phase number is not a prime number and is not equal to . However, is divisible by two or more prime numbers. Let these prime numbers be denoted as , , , etc. The number of machines that can be connected is now (7) Ordering rules require that all the -phase machines are at first connected in series to the source, with phase transposition. The machines with the largest prime (say, ) follow number value out of next. This should be followed by connection of all the machines with the second largest prime number, say , etc. This rule has to be observed, since its violation makes operation of a higher phase number machine, connected after a lower phase number machine, impossible. phase machine One thus reaches the stage where one is to be connected to a machine with phases. This is is not an integer. An not possible since the ratio attempt to connect machines of phase numbers equal to different prime numbers leads to the short-circuiting of terminals. Among these machines only a certain number will be with phases. The other machines that should be connectable in the multi-drive system will have phase where . This class of odd phase numbers encompasses the situmay ation where some of the numbers be the same prime number, but there is at least one other prime number in the sequence. That is, , . is included. The phase numbers belonging to this category are 15, 21, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 55, 57, 63, 65, 69, 75, 77, etc. Categories ii) and iii) can be regarded as sub-categories of a more general case for which is not a prime number. Their common feature is that two or more phase numbers appear in the series connection with phase transposition of the multiphase machines. However, the total number of connectable machines is not the same, as given by (4) and (7). A summary of all possible situations that can arise for odd number of phases is given in Table V. VI. VECTOR CONTROL OF AN -PHASE -MOTOR SYSTEM A. Vector Control of an -Phase Machine The simplest method of rotor flux oriented control of a current-fed ac machine is considered. The vector controller is in principal the same as for a three-phase machine of the same type. The only difference is in the coordinate transformation, where phase current references are generated by means of (1) and (2), instead of three. The vector controller is illustrated in Fig. 5 for an -phase induction, permanent magnet synchronous and synchronous reluctance motor. Operation in the base speed (constant flux) region is considered. B. Generation of Inverter Current References Phase current references are built for each individual machine first, using Fig. 5. Taking the phase number as an odd LEVI et al.: OPERATING PRINCIPLES OF A NOVEL MULTIPHASE MULTIMOTOR VECTOR-CONTROLLED DRIVE 513 TABLE V POSSIBLE SITUATIONS WITH ODD PHASE NUMBERS Inverter reference currents are further built, on the basis of the connection diagram for the given number of inverter phases. Taking as an example the nine-phase case of Fig. 4 and Table IV, the inverter current references are built according to (10) Fig. 5. Indirect vector controller for an n-phase induction and an n-phase synchronous motor (for permanent magnet machine with surface mounted magnets i = 0; for synchronous reluctance machine, using constant current along d-axis control, i = i ), respectively. Index n denotes rated values. C. Inverter Output Phase Voltages number and denoting with superscript the machine under consideration , the phase current references for any mutli-phase machine can be given with the expressions (9) at the bottom of the page. Since current control is applied in the stationary reference frame using total inverter phase currents, inverter output phase voltages will be of the form required to minimize the phase current errors. Inverter output phase voltages are governed with the (9) 514 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 19, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2004 appropriate connection diagram. For the nine-phase case the inverter output phase voltages are TABLE VI APPLIED SPEED COMMANDS (11) VII. SIMULATION OF A NINE-PHASE FOUR-MOTOR DRIVE The concept is verified by simulating the operation of the nine-phase four-motor drive system of Fig. 4, using indirect rotor flux oriented controllers of Fig. 5. The four machines are all induction motors. Per-phase parameters and per-phase ratings of the three-phase machine and the nine-phase machines are the same and are given in Appendix. The current controlled VSI is assumed to behave as an ideal current source, so that the generated inverter current references of (10) are equal to the inverter output currents. Closed-loop speed control is analyzed and torque limit is set to twice the rated torque (30 Nm and 10 Nm for nine-phase and three-phase machines, respectively). The excitation transient takes place first. Stator -axis current reference is ramped to twice the rated value from 0 to 0.01 s. It is kept at this value until 0.05 s and is then ramped down to the rated value between 0.05 s and 0.06 s (since RMS value of the rotor flux is the same for both three-phase and nine-phase machines, peak values after the transformation, to be shown in results, are different). After completion of the excitation transient, speed commands, of different values, are applied to the four machines in different time instants (all with a ramp of 0.01 s). The schedule is given in Table VI. The first set of results, comprising rotor flux, torque response and speed, is shown in Fig. 6. As can be seen from Fig. 6, forced excitation takes place in all the four machines independently and the rotor flux settles to the reference value. There are not any rotor flux variations in any of the four machines during the subsequent acceleration transients, meaning that the flux and torque control of each of the four machines is completely decoupled not only one from the other but from the rest of the system (other three machines) as well. Torque responses follow the reference torques without any deviation due to the ideal current feeding and the obtained speed responses are the fastest possible. Fig. 7 illustrates stator phase ‘a’ current reference of the first two machines and the inverter currents for the first two phases. While current references are essentially sinusoidal during acceleration and in final steady state, inverter currents are, being an appropriate summation of the four machine currents, highly distorted. Very much the same applies to the stator phase voltages of the nine-phase machines, which are illustrated in Fig. 8, together with the overall inverter output phase voltages for the first two phases. Due to the series connection of the stator windings, - voltage components exist in the three nine-phase machines, leading to the distortion of the waveforms. The worst level of distortion appears in Fig. 6. Excitation and acceleration transients: rotor flux, torque response and speed of the four machines. machine 3, due to the lowest speed of rotation. It should however be noted that the three-phase machine is not affected in any adverse manner by the series connection of this four-motor set, since all the torque and flux producing currents of the nine-phase machines mutually cancel at the point of connection with the three phase machine. LEVI et al.: OPERATING PRINCIPLES OF A NOVEL MULTIPHASE MULTIMOTOR VECTOR-CONTROLLED DRIVE 515 Fig. 7. Stator phase ‘a’ current references of the first two machines and inverter output currents for the first two phases. VIII. DISCUSSION Some advantages of a multiphase machine do not exist in the proposed multimotor multiphase system. Torque production cannot be enhanced by the stator current harmonic injection, as the existing degrees of freedom are used to control other machines in the group. Fault tolerance, an important feature of multiphase single-motor drives, is substantially reduced for the same reason. In principle, there remains only one degree of freedom that can be used for this purpose if the number of connected machines is the one of (4). If the number of connected machines is smaller than the maximum, there are more remaining degrees of freedom for fault tolerant operation but the reduction in the required number of inverter legs is smaller or nonexistent. However, the situation is no worse than in any multimotor three-phase system. Therefore these features do not represent a drawback when compared to the existing technology. The concept of the multiphase multimotor drive system, developed in this paper, offers two important advantages when compared to an equivalent three-phase multimotor system with common dc link and a separate three-phase VSI for each machine. The first one is the potential for saving in the number of inverter legs. The saving exists for the five-phase system and for all the phase numbers greater than or equal to seven. In general, higher the phase number is, greater the saved number of inverter legs is. For example, the analyzed nine-phase system enables series connection of four machines, while asking for nine inverter legs. An equivalent three-phase system would require twelve legs, so that the net saving is three legs. Saving in the number of inverter legs translates into application of a Fig. 8. Stator phase ‘a’ voltages of the four machines (a.) and inverter output phase voltages for the first two phases (b). smaller number of semiconductors and associated components (protection circuits, drivers, etc.). Due to the smaller overall count of components, a multiphase multimotor drive system will have a better reliability than the equivalent three-phase system. The second excellent feature of the proposed drive configuration is the easiness of the implementation of the vector control algorithm for all the machines of the group within a single DSP. If there are series connected machines the DSP needs to execute individual vector control algorithms in parallel, giving at the output, after appropriate summation, the references for the inverter phase currents. The only drawback of the concept is an increase in the stator winding losses due to the flow of the flux/torque producing currents of all the machines through stator windings of the other machines (the increase in stator core losses, caused by the appearance of additional voltage drops in stator windings, is negligible). This will decrease somewhat the efficiency of the 516 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 19, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2004 multimotor drive, when compared to an equivalent three-phase counterpart. It is believed that the advantages outweigh this shortcoming and that the proposed multiphase multimotor drives will become a viable commercial solution in the future. IX. CONCLUSION The paper sets forth foundations of a novel concept for a multiphase multimotor drive system, which enables independent vector control of all the machines within the group although only a single current-controlled voltage source multiphase inverter is used. The stator multiphase windings have to be connected in series with an appropriate phase transposition, in order to achieve the independent control of the individual machines in the system. The concept is developed in a systematic manner, using general theory of electrical machines, and is valid regardless of the type of the ac machine, so that different machine types can be used within the same multimotor drive system. The necessary pre- requisite for the application of the concept in presented form is that the inverter current control is performed in the stationary reference frame, using total inverter phase currents and an appropriate current control method. The concept is in general applicable to any phase number greater than or equal to five. Classification of all the possible odd phase numbers is performed, with regard to the maximum number of machines that can be connected in series and phase numbers of individual machines (the physical limitations with respect to the maximum possible phase number are completely ignored throughout the paper). A couple of characteristic phase numbers ( , 7 and 9) are illustrated with appropriate connection diagrams and a vector control algorithm is presented for the general -phase case. The concept is verified by simulating a nine-phase fourmotor drive system with indirect rotor flux oriented control. Finally, the main advantages of the concept are outlined, when compared to an equivalent three-phase multimotor drive system. APPENDIX Per-phase equivalent circuit parameters of the 4-pole, 50 Hz nine-phase and three-phase induction motors Per-phase ratings of the nine-phase and three-phase motors: 220 V, 2.1 A, 1.667 Nm, rotor flux (rms) 0.5863 Wb. Inertia: . Total rated torque is 15 Nm and 5 Nm for the nine-phase and the three-phase machines, respectively. REFERENCES [1] E. E. Ward and H. Härer, “Preliminary investigation of an invertor-fed 5-phase induction motor,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., vol. 116, no. 6, pp. 980–984, 1969. [2] G. K. Singh, “Multi-phase induction machine drive research—A survey,” Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol. 61, pp. 139–147, 2002. [3] C. Hodge, S. Williamson, and S. Smith, “Direct drive propulsion motors,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Electrical Machines, Bruges, Belgium, 2002, Paper no. 087. [4] A. N. Golubev and S. V. Ignatenko, “Influence of number of statorwinding phases on the noise characteristics of an asynchronous motor,” Russian Elect. Eng., vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 41–46, 2000. [5] H. A. Toliyat, M. M. Rahimian, and T. A. Lipo, “A five phase reluctance motor with high specific torque,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 28, pp. 659–667, May/June 1992. [6] H. Xu, H. A. Toliyat, and L. J. 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Lipo, “A Cartesian vector approach to reference frame theory of AC machines,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Electrical Machines, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1984, pp. 239–242. [12] D. C. White and H. H. Woodson, Electromechanical Energy Conversion. New York: Wiley, 1959. Emil Levi (S’89–M’92–SM’99) was born in 1958 in Zrenjanin, Yugoslavia. He received the Dipl. Ing. degree from the University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, and the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degrees from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in 1982, 1986, and 1990, respectively. Currently, he is Professor of Electric Machines and Drives at Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, U.K., where he has been since 1992. From 1982 to 1992, he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Novi Sad. He has published many papers in major journals and is an Associate Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. Martin Jones was born in 1970 in Liverpool, U.K. He received the B.Eng. degree (Hons.) from the Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, U.K., in 2001, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. His areas of research interest include vector control of ac machines and power electronics. Mr. Jones is a recipient of the IEE Robinson Research Scholarship for his Ph.D. studies. Slobodan N. Vukosavic (M’93) was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Yugoslavia, in 1962. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in 1985, 1987, and 1989, respectively. Currently, he is a Professor at the Belgrade University. He was with the Nikola Tesla Institute, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, until 1988, when he joined the ESCD Laboratory of Emerson Electric, St. Louis, MO. Since 1991, he has been the project leader with the Vickers Co., Milano, Italy. He has published extensively and has completed more than 40 large R/D and industrial projects. LEVI et al.: OPERATING PRINCIPLES OF A NOVEL MULTIPHASE MULTIMOTOR VECTOR-CONTROLLED DRIVE Hamid A. Toliyat (S’87–M’91–SM’96) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1991. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station. He is an Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, an Associate Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS on POWER ELECTRONICS, and a member of the Editorial Board of Electric Power Components and Systems Journal. His main research interests and experience include multiphase variable speed drives, fault diagnosis of electric machinery, analysis and design of electrical machines, and sensorless variable speed drives. He has published many technical papers in these fields. Dr. Toliyat received the Texas A&M Select Young Investigator Award in 1999, the Eugene Webb Faculty Fellow Award in 2000, NASA Space Act Award in 1999, and the Schlumberger Foundation Technical Award in 2000 and 2001. He is also Vice-Chairman of IEEE-IAS Electric Machines Committee, and is a member of Sigma Xi. He is the recipient of the 1996 IEEE Power Engineering Society Prize Paper Award. 517