To: IO Vendor and Subcontractor Corporate Security Officers Re: New Security Screening Process effective November 30, 2013 The Ministry of Government Services (MGS) has revised the Contractor Security Screening Operating Policy (CSSOP) in the Ontario Public Service (OPS) to provide contractors with improved service through a more efficient and streamlined process. Preliminary details of the new process have just been received by Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and we are sharing with you the information that we have available at this time. In short, contractors who will be engaged in a contractual relationship with the OPS to supply goods or services to IO or its Service Providers will now be required to obtain their own general screening check (criminal record (CPIC) check) when/if security screening is required. Through the new process, contractors may now obtain a general screening electronically using a secure online system accessible 24/7 through the OPS Vendor of Record (VOR) for screening checks or they may obtain their own general screening check from a local police service/Ontario Provincial Police or third party RCMP accredited agency where available. According to MGS, contractors will be provided with improved service through the use of the new electronic process as well as guaranteed cost and service times. The new policy does not impact existing security clearances but will be required on all net new clearances and any renewals after November 30, 2013. • IMPORTANT NOTE regarding program transition: Screening forms under the current (soon to expire) process that are received by an IO Program Area Manager (PAM) after November 28, 2013 will be returned un-opened and the corresponding vendor Corporate Security Officer (CSO) will be advised that they must wait and utilize the new process effective November 30, 2013. We appreciate the successful working relationship that we have collectively established and remain committed to assisting all of our stakeholders through these changes. Moving forward, on each project, an IO representative responsible for managing the OPS contract will determine and advise the contractor and subcontractor if security screening is required and will provide further details on how to obtain a general screening check through the new process. Attached please find an outline of how the new MGS security screening process will be implemented by IO, a list of IO contacts who will continue to work with you through this transition, as well as some initial questions and answers on the new security screening process. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause and request your patience as we work through this transition. Your understanding is appreciated. Yours truly, Gavin Maher Manager, Building and Energy Services P.S. We will try to keep you informed as more information becomes available in the future and encourage you to contact your appropriate service provider Corporate Security Officer for the revised procedures. You can also monitor the MGS website ( where we anticipate more information and details on this change will be available in the future. How to obtain a General Screening Check • OPS Vendor of Record for Screening Checks o Beginning November 30th, contractors may obtain a general screening check (criminal record (CPIC)) electronically using a secure online system accessible 24/7 through the OPS Vendor of Record (VOR) for screening checks. o Contractor Corporate Security Officers must identify those employees (along with their corresponding email address) requiring security screening to their local IO Program Area Manager (PAMs listed below) via email. o The IO PAM will verify any existing valid clearances. For those individuals who require security screening, the IO PAM will request the security check online and an email will be sent to the individual to initiate the process. o The Contractor CSO will initiate and coordinate the process including identity verification and payment. o Once a security check is conducted by the OPS Vendor of Record for screening checks, the CPIC results will be sent to the Ministry of Government Services (MGS) for review and evaluation. MGS will inform the IO PAM of the clearance decision and the IO PAM will in turn notify the Contractor CSO. In addition, where required, an out of country police check and a driver’s record check can also be conveniently obtained through the OPS VOR Record. Screening checks obtained through the new process will also provide guaranteed cost and service times. • Other Options Contractors may obtain their own general screening check from a local police service/Ontario Provincial Police or third party RCMP accredited agency where available. o As part of the OPS security screening process, contractors (and their employees) must obtain a CPIC. Contractors are advised to call in advance to make an appointment and to obtain instructions on how to obtain a CPIC check. Costs and processing timelines of this option cannot be guaranteed and vary by police service and agency. o If an out of country police check and/or a driver’s record check are required in addition to a CPIC, contractors will need to obtain those checks directly through other service providers. o • All checks obtained are to be provided in original hard copy, issued within the last 90 days. The CSO should seal the CPIC check and Declaration form in an envelope and print the individual’s name on the outside of the envelope. The completed forms are to be submitted to the appropriate IO representative, who will submit to MGS for review and evaluation. Important General Information o Note that all applications must be associated with an existing IO contract for tracking purposes (A Reference Number will be provided by IO). If unknown the Contractor CSO will have to identify the company they are working for as a subcontractor to the IO PAM. Individuals must submit a screening application to the IO PAM through their Corporate Security Officer. • Infrastructure Ontario PAM and Screening Program Contacts General Screening Program Questions Contact Jyoti Pereira, A/Regional Information Coordinator 900 Bay Street, Suite M1-34i, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N3 1. AFP, GC and Central Region PAM Melissa Bremang 900 Bay Street, Suite M1-34i, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N3 2. Eastern Region PAM (Ottawa) - Katia Bello 333 Preston Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5N4 3. Eastern Region PAM (Kingston) - Leslie Frise , 14 Gable Lane, Main Floor, Kingston, Ontario, K7M 9A7 4. South West Region PAM - Teresa Morrow 1 Stone Road West 4th Floor, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 4Y2 - 5. North Region PAM (Sudbury) - Andrea Zanette 3767 Highway 69 South, Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 4N1 New Security Screening Process Questions and Answers 1. What is the purpose of this notice? To provide contractors with advance notice about the new process for contractor security screening that will become effective on November 30, 2013. All contractors that are currently engaged or that may be engaged in a contractual relationship with Infrastructure Ontario (IO) or its Service Providers will be required to obtain and pay for their own general screening check (criminal record check – CPIC) when security screening is required. The IO PAM representative responsible for managing the contractual relationship will determine and advise the contractor if security screening is required and will provide details on how to obtain a screening check. 2. What are the benefits of the new security screening process for the contractor? The revised contractor security screening process will provide greater flexibility by allowing contractors who require security screening to obtain their own general screening check (criminal record check – CPIC) through an OPS Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangement, a local police service/Ontario Provincial Police, or an RCMP accredited third-party agency. When using the new OPS VOR, contractors will be provided with improved service through the use of a new electronic process and guaranteed cost and service times. Alternatively, individuals choosing to obtain a general screening check (criminal record check – CPIC) from local police/OPP or a RCMP accredited third-party agency can submit the police record check report along with completed security screening forms to an IO PAM representative. 3. Why does the government require contractor security screening? The Ontario Government is committed to protecting the safety and security of its employees, clients, the visiting public, government assets and information. The OPS currently conducts security checks on contractors in certain areas of the OPS, and the requirement of a security check is based on risk assessment. The Contractor Security Screening Operating Policy (CSSOP) ensures there is a consistent practice in screening all contractors and that the OPS is consistent with actions taken by other Canadian governments and large private sector organizations. In addition, the policy ensures an enhanced protection of the public interest, and public confidence in the ability of the Ontario Government to protect their interests. 4. Who is subject to the revised contractor security screening process? All OPS contracts are subject to the Contractor Security Screening Operating Policy. The policy applies to all ministries and IO but only with respect to those activities formerly carried out by the Ontario Realty Corporation. A contractor is defined as: • • • a company (corporation, partnership), or a sole proprietorship; an individual, including employees and subcontractors, engaged in a contractual relationship to supply goods or services, directly or indirectly; non-OPS individuals employed in a public body (pursuant to the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006) and that is engaged in a contractual relationship to supply goods or services to a ministry or IO. Contractor includes consultants, professionals (e.g., engineers, accountants, lawyers) and service providers (e.g., temporary help agency staff). 5. How will the new process impact my organization? All contractors requiring security screening will be required to obtain and pay for a general screening check (criminal record check – CPIC) effective November 30, 2013. The IO PAM representative will work with the contractor to provide information on obtaining a security screening check, where required, during the procurement process. When using the new OPS VOR for security screening, contractors will be provided with improved service through the use of a new electronic process, as well as guaranteed cost and service times. Alternatively, individuals choosing to obtain a general screening check (criminal record check – CPIC) from local police/OPP or a RCMP accredited third-party agency can submit the police record check report along with completed security screening forms to the IO PAM representative. 6. Where can a contractor obtain a CPIC check? Contractors who are required to undergo a general screening check (criminal record check – CPIC) have the option of obtaining it from the following: • • • OPS VORfor security screening services Local police service/Ontario Provincial Police RCMP accredited third-party agency Individuals accessing screening services through the OPS VOR for security screening have guaranteed cost and service times and are able to obtain the general screening check (criminal record check – CPIC) through the use of a secure online system accessible 24/7. Individuals choosing to obtain a general screening check (criminal record check – CPIC) from local police/Ontario Provincial Police or an RCMP accredited third-party agency can submit the general screening check report along with completed security screening forms to the ministry /IO contract representative. The general screening check (criminal record check – CPIC) must be: • • • Recent (issued within the last 90 calendar days); An original hard copy on police service letterhead or certified by a police service if obtained through an RCMP accredited third-party agency (photocopies/scans will not be accepted); and Accompanied by completed contractor security screening forms 7. Are security clearances issued by other organizations transferable? Yes. Security clearances issued by other Canadian governments or organizations can be accepted if they meet the requirements set out in the Contractor Security Screening Operating Policy. 8. How long are security clearances valid for? A security clearance can be valid for up to a maximum of five years from the date of issuance. Provided that a security clearance is not issued with a restriction and/or condition, a contractor may enter into multiple contracts without the requirement of being re-screened during the time in which the clearance is valid. 9. How can a contractor being screened obtain more information about contractor security screening? Where security screening is required, the IO PAM representative will provide details to the vendor on how to obtain a security screening check. Further general information about contractor security screening can be obtained by contacting the Ministry of Government Services at