ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNDERGRADUATE SEMESTER 6 2106610 COURSE TITLE ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS INDEPENDENT TEACHING ACTIVITIES if credits are awarded for separate components of the course, e.g. lectures, laboratory exercises, etc. If the credits are awarded for the whole of the course, give the weekly teaching hours and the total credits
Laboratory Add rows if necessary. The organisation of teaching and the teaching methods used are described in detail at (d). COURSE TYPE general background, special background, specialised general knowledge, skills development Specialization Course PREREQUISITE COURSES: LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION and Greek
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(2) LEARNING OUTCOMES Learning outcomes The course learning outcomes, specific knowledge, skills and competences of an appropriate level, which the students will acquire with the successful completion of the course are described. Consult Appendix A • Description of the level of learning outcomes for each qualifications cycle, according to the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area • Descriptors for Levels 6, 7 & 8 of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning and Appendix B • Guidelines for writing Learning Outcomes The objective of the course is to make the student familiar with the transmission and distribution of electrical energy from the places of production to consumer areas and isolated consumers in order to be able to appreciate the relative procedures from the technical, economic and social point of view. Targets of the course are the students to be able : 1. to understand all the specialized knowledge concerning any aspect of transmission and distribution procedures and thus to work efficiently in relative positions. General Competences Taking into consideration the general competences that the degree‐holder must acquire (as these appear in the Diploma Supplement and appear below), at which of the following does the course aim? Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology Adapting to new situations Decision‐making Working independently Team work Working in an international environment Working in an interdisciplinary environment Production of new research ideas Project planning and management Respect for difference and multiculturalism Respect for the natural environment Showing social, professional and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues Criticism and self‐criticism Production of free, creative and inductive thinking …… Others… …….
The course aims at developing the following abilities : 1. Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology 2. Decision‐making 3. Working independently 4. Team work (3) SYLLABUS THEORY Introductory elements of sinusoidal voltage circuits, voltage, current, resistance, inductance capacitance, Chirchoff’s laws, Ohm’s law, power, real power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor, inductance and capacitance under dynamic and static state, impedance and admittance under static state, distribution systems, computer use in power systems, power system equipment, aerial transmission lines, inductance of aerial transmission lines, capacitance of aerial transmission lines, short length transmission line, medium length transmission line, great length transmission line, presentation of aerial transmission line under steady state in the form of divided elements, electric equivalent circuit of aerial transmission line under steady state in the form of divided elements, development of the mathematical equations of line voltage and current as a function of distance, theoretical interpretation of the previous mathematical equations of line voltage and current, wave behaviour of line voltage and current, estimation and interpretation of line voltage and current equations parameters (line characteristic resistance, transmission co‐efficient, decrement co‐efficient, phase co‐efficient, line wave length, line voltage and current refraction co‐efficient, wave transmission velocity, wave travelling time, etc.), line special cases (line without losses, line without deformation, normal line), exponential form of line equations, hyperbolic form of line equations, typical line terminations (open line, Ferranti phenomenon, short circuit line, line with terminal resistance equivalent to line characteristic resistance), estimation of apparent resistance at the beginning and the end of line, relationship between them, π and τ equivalent line circuit, applications, introduction to per unit system, using the per unit system in transmission line studies and calculations, aerial line statics, estimation of line conductor curve, length and height, approximate equations of line conductor curve, length and height, wind and ice influence on line conductor, suspension of line conductor on inclined ground, calculations, applications. LABORATORY Estimation of phase succession in 3‐phase line Parameters estimation of 3‐phase transmission line Real and reactive power measurement of 3‐phase consumer Short length 3‐phase transmission line Medium length 3‐phase transmission line Ferranti phenomenon in 3‐phase transmission line 3‐phase transmission line in the form of 4‐pole circuit Voltage fluctuation of 3‐phase transmission line (4) TEACHING and LEARNING METHODS ‐ EVALUATION DELIVERY In the classroom with the physical presence of Face‐to‐face, Distance learning, etc. students USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Use of I.C.T. for communication with students Use of ICT in teaching, laboratory education, communication with students TEACHING METHODS Activity
The manner and methods of teaching are described in detail. Lectures, seminars, laboratory practice, fieldwork, study and analysis of bibliography, tutorials, placements, clinical practice, art workshop, interactive teaching, educational visits, project, essay writing, artistic creativity, etc. The student's study hours for each learning activity are given as well as the hours of non‐
directed study according to the principles of the ECTS Lectures Laboratories Independent study Course total STUDENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Description of the evaluation procedure Language of evaluation, methods of evaluation, summative or conclusive, multiple choice Written examination: 60% Laboratory exercise: 40% Semester workload 52 26 72 150 questionnaires, short‐answer questions, open‐
ended questions, problem solving, written work, essay/report, oral examination, public presentation, laboratory work, clinical examination of patient, art interpretation, other Specifically‐defined evaluation criteria are given, and if and where they are accessible to students. (5) ATTACHED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) «Economic operation of electric power systems», Bakirtzis A., Ziti Publ., 2001 (in Greek). 2) «Economic analysis of electric systems», Lekatsas E., ΤΕΕ Publ., 1996 (in Greek). 3) «Generation, transmission, distribution, measurement and economy of electric energy», Xanthos B., Ziti Publ., 2006 (in Greek). 4) «Introduction to electric power systems», Giannakopoulos G., Vovos N., Ziti Publ., 2008 (in Greek). 5) «Electric power transmission lines», Papadias B., Symmetria Publ., 2008 (in Greek). 6) «Introduction to electric power systems», Dokopoulos P., Paratiritis Publ.,1986 (in Greek). 7) «Power Systems Analysis», Grainger J., Stevenson W., McGraw‐Hill,1994. 8) «Electric Power Systems», Weedy B., John Wiley and Sons, 2002. 9) «Electric Energy Systems», Elgerd O., McGraw‐Hill,2004. 10) «The Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy», Cotton H., Barber H., The English University Press,1970. 11) «Theory and Problems of Transmission Lines», Chipman R., McGraw‐Hill,1968. 12) «Fault calculations of industrial commercial power systems», IEEE, 1994. 13) «Electric energy systems : An Introduction», O.I. Elgerd, McGraw‐Hill,1982. 14) «Engineering in safety maintenance and operation of lines», IEEE,1993 . 15) «IEEE Standards collection of power energy substations», IEEE,1998. 16) «Power system control and stability» , P. Anderson , A. Fouad, IEEE,1995. 17) «Computer modelling of electrical power systems», J. Arrilaga et al, John Wiley,1983. 18) «Transmission and distribution , Electrical engineering», C.R. Bayliss, Newnes ,1999. 19) «lntroduction to electrical power system technology», T.R. Bosela , Prentice Hall,1997. 20) «Elements of power systems analysis», W. Stevenson, McGraw‐Hill,1982. 21) «Electric power systems», B.M. Weedy, B.S. Cory, John Wiley,1998. 22) «AC power systems handbook», J. Whitaker, CRC Press,1999. 23) «Electrical power system design», M. Deshpande, McGraw‐Hill,1984. 24) «Electrical power system quality», R.C. Dugan et al, McGraw‐Hill,1996. 25) «Electrical power systems», M. El‐Hawary, IEEE, 1983. 26) «Electrical power distribution and transmission», L. Faulkenberry, W. Coffer, Prentice Hall,1996. 27) «Modern power system analysis», T. Gonen, John Wiley, 1987. 28) «Power system analysis», J. Grainger, W. Stevenson , McGraw‐Hill,1994. 29) «Power system analysis», C.A. Gross, John Wiley, 1986. 30) «Power system stability», E. Kimbark, IEEE,1995. 31) «Simulation and control of electrical power systems», J.B. Knowles, Research Studies Press, 1990. 32) «Power system operation», B. Miller, J. Malinowski, McGraw‐Hill,1994. 33) «Direct energy conversion: Fundamentals of electric power production», R. Decher, Oxford Univ. Press, 1997. 34) «Electric energy systems», S.A. Nasar et al, Prentice Hall,1996. 35) «Power generation operation and control», A. Wood , B. Wolenberg , John Wiley,1996. 36) «Computer methods in power systems analysis», G.W. Stagg , A.H. El‐Abiad, McGraw‐Hill,1986. 37) «Electrical Energy Systems», M. Hawary, CRC Press, 2000. 38) «Electrical Power Systems Design and Analysis», M. Hawary, IEEE Press, 1996. 39) «Power System Analysis and Design», J. Glover, PWS Publishing Company, 1994. 40) «Electric Power Distribution Systems Engineering», T. Gönen, McGraw‐Hill, 1986. 