Use of random noise for on-line transducer modeling in an adaptive active attenuation systema) L.J. Eriksson and M.C. Allie Corporate Research Department, NelsonIndustries, Inc.,P.O. Box600,$toughton, Wisconsin 53589-0600 (Received9 January1987;accepted forpublication 26 October1988) Activesoundattenuationsystems maybedescribed usinga systemidentification frameworkin whichan adaptivefilter is usedto modelthe performanceof an unknownacousticalplant.An errorsignalmaybeobtainedfroma locationfollowingan acoustical summing junctionwhere the undesired noiseiscombinedwith theoutputof a secondary soundsource.For themodel outputto properlyconverge to a valuethat will minimizetheerrorsignal,it is frequently necessary to determinethetransferfunctionof thesecondary soundsourceandthepathto the errorsignalmeasurement. Sincethesetransferfunctionsareunknownandcontinuously changingin a real system,it is desirable to performcontinuous on-linemodelingof theoutput transducer anderrorpath.In thisarticle,theuseof an auxiliaryrandomnoisegenerator for thismodelingisdescribed. Basedon a Galoissequence, thistechniqueiseasyto implement, provides continuous on-linemodeling, andhasminimaleffectonthefinalvalueof theerror signal. PACS numbers:43.60.Gk, 43.50.Ki INTRODUCTION Although this systemidentificationproblemhas been intensively studiedin thecontrolandsignal-processing literActivesoundattenuationis a relativelyold ideathat has ature, the active attenuation application is complicated by receivedconsiderable attentionin recentyears.This is prithe presence of acoustic feedback from the loudspeaker to marily due to the developmentof improvedsignal-processthe input microphone. In the past, a variety of solutions to ing theoryand hardwarethat enablemoresophisticated apthis problem have been proposed that utilize either direcproachesto thisproblem.Many of the traditionalproblems arraysor incorporatea compensating fixed with this technologycan now bc treated more effectively tionaltransducer with propersignalprocessing rather than with the direct acousticalapproaches of the past. INPUT ERROR This articledescribes a completeactiveattenuationsysMICROPHONE MICROPHONE temthat functionscorrectlyin the presence of acousticfeed<") PLANT • ERROR back as well as nonidealinput microphone,error micro- phone,loudspeaker, anderror pathtransferfunctions.It is completelyadaptiveandresponds automaticallyto changes in input signal,acousticplant, error plant, microphone,and loudspeakercharacteristics. I. SYSTEM ACOUSTIC FEEDBACK ' •SPEAKER IDENTIFICATION Activesoundattenuationsystemsmaybe describedusinga systemidentification frameworkin whichan adaptive filterisusedto modeltheperformance of anunknownacous- ticalplant,asshown inFig.1(a). 1-sAninputmicrophone is usedto measuretheundesirednoiseupstreamof theacousti- 03) + + calplant.Thissignalisusedastheinputto anadaptive filter that generates an outputto a loudspeaker whichis usedto producea secondarysoundthat is acousticallycombined with the undesirednoise.An error signalmeasureddownstream from the acousticalsummingjunction is used to adaptthe coefficients of the adaptivefilter to minimizethe residualnoise.When fully adapted,the adaptivefilter response in serieswith the response of the inputmicrophone and loudspeakermatchesthe responseof the acoustical plant. '• Anearlierversion of thisarticlewaspresented at the112thMeetingof the AcousticalSocietyof America,8-12 December1986in Anaheim,CA [J. Acoust.Soc.Am. Suppl.I 80, SII (1986)]. 797 J. Acoust. Sec. Am. 85 (2), February 1989 FIG. 1. (a) Schematicdiagramof activeattenuationproblem.(b) Block diagramof activeattenuationproblemshowinggeneralsolutionto compensationfor transferfunctions dueto loudspeaker SanderrorpathE through the additionof duplicatetransferfunctionsor inversetransferfunctions. 0001-4966/89/020797-06500.80 •) 1989 Acoustical Society of America 797 feedback paththatisdetermined onanoff-linebasisthrough calculationsor useof a trainingsignal. LMS algorithmwhenboth auxiliarypath and error path transfer functions arepresent. •0A transfer function isadded Erikssonhas presenteda new techniquefor active atto the input to the error correlators,whichrepresents the tenuationthat effectivelyutilizesadaptivesignalprocessing productof the auxiliarypathanderrorpathtransferfuncto solvetheproblemof acousticfeedbackfromthesecondary tions.WidrowandStearns ••.•2havesimilarlydiscussed the soundsource to theinputmicrophone. 6Thistechnique uti- "filtered-X"LMS algorithmfor usewitha plantin theauxillizesa recursive-least-mean-squares (RLMS) algorithmdeiarypath.••.•2 veloped byFeintuch 7to provide a complete pole-zero model Theseresultshavebeenextendedto an infiniteimpulse of the acousticalplant. The acousticfeedbackis considered response(IIR) adaptivefilter usingthe RLMS algorithmby part of the adaptivemodel usedto model the plant. From Eriksson.• The speaker transferfunctionS anderrorpath thisperspective, the acousticfeedbackintroducesfixedpoles transferfunctionE mustbe knownto compensate for their into the overall responseof the model, which may be reeffecton the convergence of both the directand recursire movedwith the pole-zeroresponseof the RLMS algorithm. elementsof the IIR filter. This can be donethrougheither Using the configurationshown in Fig. l(b), the direct theadditionors andEinto theinputlinesto theerrorcorreacoustical pathP andfeedbackacoustical pathFare simulta- latorsor the additionof the inversetransferfunctions,S- • neouslymodeledby the RLMS modelusingadaptivefilters andE-•, into the errorpath,as shownin Fig. 1(b). •As A andB, in serieswith the loudspeaker S. Perfectcancella- discussed above,theformertechniquehasbeendescribedby tion is obtainedwhen the overall model responsematches WidrowaandBurgess •øfor theLMS algorithmandassures the response of the plantor usingz transforms: that the error signaland input signalwill have the same relationshipin time.The lattertechniquehasbeendescribed M r = MS/( 1 + FMS) = AS/( 1 -- B + FAS) = P, byMorgan 9fortheLMS algorithm andeliminates theneed (1) for a modificationto the input signalin principle,but, in practice,the lack of causalityfor the inversetransferfunc- tions,S- • andE- •, requires compensation of theinputsig- where M r = overallmodelresponse, M = responseof pole-zero recursive filter structure usedin RLMS algorithm, A = response of all-zeroleast-mean-squares (LMS) elementusedin directpath of pole-zerostructure, B = response of all-zeroLMS elementusedin recursive path of pole-zerostructure, P = directpath acousticplant, F--- feedbackpath acousticplant,and S = response of loudspeaker. One solution to this equation is for •4 = P/S and B = PF. However,the actualmodelresponseis a complex functionof thespectralcontentof thesourceandtheacousti- nal to the error correlatorsby delay,as will be discussed in the following. Unfortunately,bothS and E are unknownand are time varyingdue to effectssuchas heat and agingon the loudspeakerand dueto changesin temperatureand flowin the error path. Thus it is necessaryto obtain either direct or inverse models ofS andE onanon-linebasis.Althoughthey arenot shownexplicitlyin Fig. 1(b), the errormicrophone maybeconsidered aspartof theerrorpathtransferfunction E, and the input microphonesimplyaddsan additional transfer function in series with the RLMS model and loud- speakerS. Sincethe inputmicrophone occursprior to the adaptivemodel,it doesnotneedto becompensated for in the same manner as S and E. Pooleet al.•3havedescribed a system usingtheLMS cal plant of the system.The RLMS algorithmprovidesa fully adaptivemeansto simultaneouslymodel the direct plantandfeedback plantwitha givensourcein sucha wayas algorithmin which a fixedcompensating inversetransfer functionisaddedto theerrorpath.However,sinceS- • and to minimize the residual noise. E- • arenoncausal, an off-linemodelof a delayedinverse II. TRANSDUCER MODELING One of the problemswith this techniqueis that the RLMS algorithmrequiresknowledge of thespeakertransfer function and error path transfer function for proper conver- gence. • WidrowshasshownthattheLMS algorithm canbe usedwith a delayederror signalif the input to the error correlatorsis alsodelayedby the sameamount.Similarly, Morgan hasstatedthat, with propercompensation, the LMS algorithmcanalsobe usedifa transferfunction,suchasthat dueto the loudspeaker,is in the auxiliarypath followingthe adaptivefilter. Propercompensation requiresthe additionof a transferfunctionin theinputto theerrorcorrelatorsor the addition of an inverse transfer function in series with the errorpath.9 Burgess hasdiscussed similarresultsfor the 798 J. Acoust.Soc. Am.,Vol. 85, No. 2, February1989 modelof theloudspeaker anderrorpathAS- ]E- I is determinedwhere A is the delay necessary to make the inverse modelcausal. •4The useof thisdelayedinversemodelreducestheerrorpathtransferfunctionto a fixedpuredelayA. As notedabove,thisapproachthenrequiresthe additionof the samedelayA to the input to the error correlatorsof the LMS algorithmasdescribed by Widrow.8The primarydisadvantageof thistechniqueis that it doesnot usean on-line, continuously adaptivemodelof the loudspeaker and error path. Eriksson • hasdescribed a three-microphone system usingtheRLMS algorithmin whichtheerrorplantismodeled on line using either a direct or inverse model while the speakeris modeledoff line. However, there have not been any previousapproaches describedthat providean on-line model of the speakerand the error path that respondsto changesin their response overtime. L.J. Erikssonand M. C. Allie:Randomnoisefor on-linemodeling 798 III. MODELING The traditional solution is then to use either the direct or APPROACHES inversemodelingapproachshownin Fig. 2(a) and (b), reThere are two basictechniques availablefor usein sysonanoff-linebasiswitha broadband noisesource tem modelingusingadaptivefilters.The directapproach spectively, N. Sinceit isanoff-lineprocess, theplantoutputyandmodel placesthemodelin parallelwiththeunknownplantandis output.• arenotpresent.The noisesourceN thusallowsa adaptedsuchthatthedifference between theoutputsof the plantandmodelis minimizedfor thesamesignal.The inverseapproachplacesthemodelin serieswith theunknown plantsuchthatthedifference betweentheoutputof thisseriescombinationanda delayedversionof the input signalis minimized.In thiscase,the response of the adaptivemodel becomesa delayedversionof the inverseof the unknown plant response. As shownin Fig. 2(a), to determinethe speakerand errorpathresponse, the directmodelapproachplacesthe precise determination of eitherthespeakeranderrorpath response, ,fiE,or the delayedinversemodelof the speaker anderrorpath,AS- •E •. In the directapproach of Fig. 2(a), the response SE is fixedafter convergence and then usedin the inputsto the error correlatorsof the LMS or RLMS algorithms.In the inverseapproachof Fig. 2(b), the adaptivemodelin parallelwiththespeaker anderrorpath. An errorsignalformedby subtracting the adaptivemodel outputfromthemicrophone outputismultipliedby theinputsignalto formtheupdatetermsfor thecoefficients of the adaptivemodel.The inversemodelapproachplacesthe adaptivemodelin serieswith thespeakeranderrorpath,as shownin Fig. 2(b). In thiscase,the errorsignalformedby subtractingthe adaptivemodeloutputfrom a delayedversionof the noiseinputismultipliedby the inputto theadaptivemodelto formtheupdatetermsforthecoefficients of the adaptivemodel.Thusthe adaptivemodelformsa delayed inversemodelof the speakerand the error path while attemptingto matchthe response of thedelayednoiseinput. response AS- •E- • is alsofixedafterconvergence, andthe modeling delayA isusedin theinputsto theerrorcorrelators of the LMS or RLMS algorithms.Bothtechniques assume the useof a large-amplitude, broadband noisesourceon an off-linebasisto avoidcontaminationof the modelingprocess byy or.• andto avoidtheadditionof undesired noiseduring on-lineoperationby the noisesourceN. IV. CONTINUOUS MODELING SYSTEM A new approachto the on-linemodelingof S andE is shownin Fig. 3. An uncorrelatedrandomnoisesourceis usedto excitethe seriescombinationof the speakerfollowed by the error plant as well as adaptivemodelC while the system is operating. '5 Thisrandomnoisesource will ultimatelybecomethesourceof theresidualnoiseof thesystem. The directadaptivemodelC is usedto obtaincoefficients describing the response of $ andE that canbeusedin the input linesto the error correlatorsfor the primaryRLMS algorithm.The generalized modeloutputandweightupdate equationsfor the recursiveadaptivefilter may be written following thenotation ofWidrowandStearns j2as T Yk •_ WkUk , (2) Wk+• = W• + 2MU;•ek , (3) U•= [u•,u•_, ....] , =cuk , (4) (5) where ^ + RANDOM ' )+ N FIG. 2. (a) Directmodelingapproachfor thedetermination of thetransfer functionofthespeaker anderrorpathwithadaptive modelSE. (b) Inverse modelingapproach for the determination of the delayedinversetransfer FIG. 3. Newapproach to on-linemodeling of speaker S anderrorpathE andusingresults in RLMS modelwithacoustic feedback to forma fully function ofthespeaker anderrorpathwithadaptive modelA(SE) adaptiveactiveattenuation system. 799 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 85, No. 2, February 1989 L.J. Erikssonand M. C. Allie:Random noisefor on-linemodeling 799 Yk = scalarmodeloutputat discretetime k, Wk = generalizedweight vector (includesdirect and V. RESULTS recursire coefficients), W •r= transpose of Wk+ • = updatedgeneralized weightvector, M = convergence factormatrix, e• = scalarerror signal, U• = generalized input vector(includesdirectand recursiveinput vectors), U •, = compensated generalized inputvector, u;, = firstcomponent of compensated inputvector,and C •r= transpose of weightvectorof modelassociated with transferfunctionsin auxiliarypath. The weightvectorof the adaptivemodelC is obtained on an on-linebasisusingan adaptivealgorithmsuchas the LMS or RLMS algorithm with the independentrandom noisesourceasaninputandtheerrorsignalasshownin Fig. 3. The amplitudeof thenoisesourceis keptverylow sothat the finaleffecton the residualnoiseis small.The plantnoise y and model output• are not presentat the input to the adaptivemodelC andsowill not affectthe finalvaluesof the modelweights. The use of an uncorrelated random noise source that is independentof the input signalensuresthat the speakerand error path will be correctlymodeled.The signalsfrom the The resultsof a computersimulationof the system shownin Fig. 3 confirmedthat the algorithmproperlyconvergesfor either narrow-bandor broadbandinput signals. The coefficientsof the SE model properly describethe SE plant,andthe coefficients of the overallsystemmodelproperly describeP, F, and S. The approachshownin Fig. 3 hasalsobeenimplementedoncompleteacoustical systems usingtheTMS320 family of digitalsignalprocessing microprocessors, with inputmicrophones,canceling loudspeakers,and error micro- phones."•?'•a Initially,oneof thesesystems wasutilizedto cancelelectroacoustically generatednoisein a 12-in.-diam circular duct. The duct was about 25 ft long and unlined exceptfor a short4-ft-longadsorptivesilencernear the primary noise source. Typical results after adaptation are shownin Fig. 4. The noisereductionobtainedwith the system operatingfor a broadbandnoiseinput is shownin Fig. 4(a). This curvewasobtainedby subtractingthe canceled spectrumfrom the uncanceled spectrum.The maximaand minima in the spectrumare due to acousticalresonances. The convergedweightstructurefor the•4,B, and C elements of Fig. 3 is shownin Fig. 4 (b). The decayof the coefficients confirmsthat the filter lengthchosenwasadequate.The system is effective on broadband plant (y) andmodel(.•) represent noiseon the "plant"side of the speaker/errorpath modelingprocessthat will not affect the weightsof the direct model C usedto determine SE.•2Thismodelisthencopied totheinputlinesoftheerror correlatorsof the RLMS algorithm. It shouldbe notedthat, althoughthe delayedadaptive inversemodelshownin Fig. 2(b) couldbe usedin a similar fashion,this will resultin decreasedperformancesincethe "noise"in the auxiliary path and error path due to y and also appearsat the input of the adaptivefilter due to the seriesarrangement. Thusthe autocorrelation functionof the filter input is adverselyaffected,and the filter weightsare as well as narrow-band noise and requiresno calibrationor trainingof any kind. Performance in an actualindustrialfanor heating,ventilating,and air conditioningductis mademuchmoredifficult by the turbulentairflowandlargeductdimensions that areusuallyrequired.Goodsystemperformance requiresantiturbulencemicrophones as well as large,powerful,low- frequency sources. •9Typicalresultsobtained areshownin Fig. 5. The uncanceled autospectrum in a linedsupplyduct (34 X 44 in.) approximately40 ft from a centrifugalfan is (a) modifiedas described by Widrow and Stearns. •2 If this "noise"is largeenough,the adaptivemodelmayfail to converge.Thusthedelayedadaptiveinverseapproachrequiresa much largeramplituderandomnoisesourcethat increases the residualnoiseand decreasesoverall systemquieting. In the directmodelsystem,shownin Fig. 3, the "noise" duetoy and.• doesnot affectthe final weightsin the adaptive model.In addition,the convergence of the SE model is assuredaslongastheinitialamplitudesarewithinthedynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio constraintsof the system. Thus, with $E accurately determined, the overall system -10 0 HZ 2OO (•) model will converge,resultingin minimum residual noise. The randomnoisesourceusedto modelSE may be read- ily obtainedthroughthe useof a varietyof methods.One simple approach is to generatea Galois sequenceusing methods described by Schroeder. •6A Galoissequence is a pseudorandomsequencethat repeats after 2'"- A 1 points, wherernisthenumberof stages in a shiftregister.It iseasyto calculateandcaneasilyhavea periodmuchlongerthanthe response time of the System.In this'study,31 stages (m = 31 } were used. 800 J.Acoust. Sec.Am.,Vol.85,No.2,February 1989 B C FIG. 4. (a) Noisereductionwith activeattenuationsystemon for bandlimited (15-200 Hz) pink noiseinput signal(no flow--128 averages).(b) Filter coefficients usedto obtaintheresultsshownin (a) for adaptivefilters .4 (32 taps),B (64 taps), and C (64 taps). L.J.Eriksson andM.C.Allio: Random noise foron-line modeling 800 - 40 (' 20 (< WV VTM -90 -10 o HZ 200 0 -40 HZ 200 HZ 200 1.00 (d) -90 t 0 HZ 200 0.80 ....... 0 FIG. 5. (a) Relativesound-pressure spectrumin discharge duct of centrifugalfan with activeattenuationsystemoff [Mach number(M): 0.04-128 averages].(b) Relativesound-pressure spectrumin discharge ductof centrifugalfanwith activeattenuationsystemon (M = 0.04-128averages ). (c) Noise reductionobtainedfromFig. 5(a) and (b). (d) Typicalcoherence betweeninputmicrophone and errormicrophonebeforethe cancellation usedto obtain the resultsof Fig. 5(c) (M = 0.04-128 averages). shownin Fig. 5(a). In additionto a very-low-frequency peak at about8 Hz, there is a broadpeakof noisefrom about40 is essentially no noiseaddedat any frequency.Additional Hz to about 140 Hz. With the active soundcontrol system, Although theseresultsare substantiallybetter than typicalpassivesilencers, theredo not appearto beany reasonswhy the performanceof this systemcannotbe increased.The primaryareasof potentialimprovementare to obtainbettercoherencebetweenthe input and error microphonesthroughthe useof improvedantiturbulence microphones andto increase thespeed ofcomputation throughthe useof more powerfulmicroprocessors. this broadpeak was reduced,as shownin Fig. 5(b). The noisereductionisplottedin Fig. 5(c). Thereisa broadrange of attenuationfrom about40 to 140 Hz peakingat about 18 dB. Systemperformance is limitedby theeffectiveness of the antiturbulencemicrophones.There is minimal attenuation in the8- to 40-Hz rangeduetOthelackof coherence between the input and error microphonesat thesefrequencies,as shownin Fig. 5(d). It shouldbenotedthat it hasbeenfound that themagnitudeof the coherence mustbeon the orderof 0.95 or greaterfor cancellationto beeffective.The excellent coherence from about 40-140 Hz is consistent with the at- noise and narrow-band electronic tone is shown in Fig. 6. The tone is reducedabout 30 dB, while the broadband noise is reducedabout 15 dB. It is importantto note alsothat, in additionto the attenuationshownin Figs. 5(c) and 6, there J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 85, No. 2, February 1989 Vl. CONCLUSIONS A completeactive attenuationsystemhas been describedin which acousticfeedbackis modeledas part of an tenuationshownin Fig. 5(c). It wouldbe difficultto obtain this performanceusinga conventionalpassivesilencer.In addition,the activeattenuationsystemresultsin essentially no restrictionto the flow, thus avoidingthe needto modify thefandrive.As before,thesystemis fully adaptive,andthe resultsshownwere obtainedwith no training or calibration beforeoperatingthe system. To demonstratethe effectiveness of the systemon narrow-bandaswell asbroadbandnoise,an electronictonegenerator was usedwith a loudspeakerto introducea tone at about70 Hz at the fan while the HVAC systemwasoperating. The noisereductionon this combinedbroadbandfan 801 performance results havebeenpresented elsewhere. 3'2ø 40 -1 0 HZ 200 FIG. 6. Noisereductionfor an input signalconsistingof broadbandnoise from a centrifugalfan combinedwith a tone generatedby a speaker (M = 0.04-128 averages). L.J. Erikssonand M. C. Allie: Random noisefor on-linemodeling 801 7p.L. Feintuch, "An adaptive recursive LMS filter,"Proc.IEEE 64 ( 11), adaptive filterbasedontheRLMS algorithm.Theeffects of soundsourceanderrorpathtransferfunctionsareadaptively determined onlinethroughtheuseof a secondLMS algorithm that usesan independentlow-level random noise sourceto modelthe soundsourceand error path while the systemis operating.The combinedsystemis fully adaptive, compensates for changesin all transducers, the source,and acousticalelements,is effectiveon broadbandas well asnar- 1622-1624 (1976). 8B.Widrow,"Adaptivefilters,"in Aspects ofNetworkandSystemTheory, editedby R. E. Kalman and N. Declaris(Holt, Rinehart,and Winston, New York, 1971). 9D.R. Morgan,"Analysis ofmultiplecorrelation cancellation loopwitha filter in the auxiliarypath," IEEE Trans.Acoust.SpeechSignalProcess. ASSP-28 (4), 454-467 (1980). toj.C.Burgess, "Activeadaptive sound controlinaduct:A computer simulation," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 70, 715-726 (1981). •B. Widrow, D. Shur,and S. Shaffer,"On adaptiveinversecontrol,"in Proceedings of the 15th ,4silomarConference on Circuits,Systems and Computers, 9-11 Nov. 1981,PacificGrove,CA, pp. 185-189. row-bandnoise,and requiresno calibrationor trainingpro- ceduresprior to operation. •2B.WidrowandS.D. Stearns, •4daptiue SignalProcessing (Prentice-Hall, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS EnglewoodCliffs,NJ, 1985), p. 288. •3L.A. Poole,G. E. Warnaka,andR. C. Cutter,"The implementation of digitalfiltersusinga modifiedWidrow-Hoffalgorithmfor the adaptive The authorsgratefullyacknowledgethe assistance of Cary Bremigan,JamesGilbert, andPatriciaSteaffens of the NelsonIndustries,Inc. CorporateResearchDepartment. cancellationof acousticnoise,"Proc. IEEE ICASSP 84, SanDiego, Vol. 2, pp. 21.7.1-21.7.4. 14]].Widrow,J. M. McCool,and B. P. Medoff,"Adaptivecontrolby inversemodeling,"in Proceedings of the12thAsilomarConference on Circuits,Systems, and Computers, 6-8 November1978,PacificGrove, CA, •L. J. Eriksson,"Activesoundattenuationusingadaptivedigitalsignal processing techniques," Ph.D. thesis,Universityof Wisconsin--Madison June 1987). (August 1985). 2L.J. Eriksson, M. C. AIlie,andR. A. Greiner,"Theselection andapplication of an IIR adaptivefilter for usein activesoundattention,"IEEE Trans.Acoust.SpeechSignalProcess. ASSP-35(4), 433-437 (1987). 3L.J. Eriksson andM. C. Allie, "A practicalsystem for activeattenuation in ducts," Sound Vib. 22(2), 30-34 (1988). pp. 90-94. •SL. J. Eriksson,"Active attenuationsystemwith on-line modellingof speaker,errorpath,andfeedbackpath,"U.S. PatentNo. 4,677,676(30 •6M. R. Schroeder,Number Theoryin Scienceand Communications (Springer,Berlin, 1984). t7M.C. Allie,C. D. Bremigan, L. J. Eriksson, andR. A. Greiner,"Hardware and software considerationsfor active noise control," Proc. IEEE ICASSP 88, New York, Vol. V, PaperA3.6, pp. 2598-2601. 4L. J. Eriksson,M. C. Allie, C. D. Bremigan,and R. A. Greiner,"Active noisecontrol usingadaptivedigital signalprocessing,"Proc. IEEE ICASSP 88, New York, Vol. V, PaperA3.5, pp. 259•--2597. •DigisonixDivision,NelsonIndustries, Inc.,"Digisonix digitalsoundcan- SL.J. Eriksson andM. C. Allie,"System considerations for adaptive modellingappliedto activenoisecontrol,"Proc.IEEE ISCAS88,Espoo,Fin- turbulent flows," Proceedings NOISE-CON 87, State College, PA, pp. land, Vol. 3, pp. 2387-2390. 6L. J. Eriksson,"Active soundattenuationsystemwith on-lineadaptive :øL.J.Eriksson, M. C. Allie,C. D. Bremigan, andJ.A. Gilbert,"Theuseof feedbackcancellation," U.S. Patent No. 4,677,677 (30 June 1987). 802 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 85, No. 2, February1989 cellationsystemsfor activenoisecontrol,"Pub.No. DX-DS-1/987. •9L.J. Eriksson andM. C. Allie,"A digitalsoundcontrolsystem for usein 365-370. activenoisecontrolfor industrialfan noise,"presentedat the 1988ASME Winter Annual Meeting,Chicago,IL, Paper88-WA/NCA-4. L.J. Erikssonand M. C. 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