Revised Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Ltd. Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company for control period from FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 Business Plan prepared as a part of regulatory filing under MYT framework of BERC. November, 2012 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company THIS SPACE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 5 Background ......................................................................................................................... 5 STU Scope/ Duties ............................................................................................................. 6 Unbundling of BSEB .......................................................................................................... 6 Approach to Development of Business Plan ................................................................... 6 PROFILE OF BIHAR STATE POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY ......................... 8 TRANSMISSION BUSINESS – ISSUES AND CHALLENGES .................................. 11 Demand-Supply Projections ............................................................................................ 11 Transmission & Distribution (T&D) Losses .................................................................... 13 Financial health of Power Sector in Bihar ...................................................................... 13 Other Key Challenges ...................................................................................................... 14 BUSINESS PLAN FOR BIHAR STATE POWER TRANSMISSION COMPNAY ..... 16 Key Objectives .................................................................................................................. 16 Proposed Capital Expenditure ........................................................................................ 17 Capitalisation Schedule ................................................................................................... 23 Funding of Capex ............................................................................................................. 23 ANNEXURES ................................................................................................................... 25 Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 3 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company List of Tables TABLE 1: TRANSMISSION - EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................. 8 TABLE 2: PROJECTED POWER AVAILABILITY (MW) ..................................................................................... 11 TABLE 3: 18TH ELECTRIC POWER SURVEY PROJECTIONS (MW) .................................................................. 12 TABLE 4: TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION (T&D) LOSSES ........................................................................... 13 TABLE 5: CASE-2 IPP PROJECTS ................................................................................................................... 17 TABLE 6: YEAR WISE CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLANNED FOR TRANSMISSION FUNCTION ............................... 18 TABLE 7: BSEB TRANSMISSION - CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLAN..................................................................... 18 TABLE 8: REQUIREMENT RELATED TO TRANSMISSION SYSTEM DURING 12TH PLAN TO MEET LOAD DEMAND PROJECTED IN 18TH EPS AND TO EVACUATE POWER FROM PROPOSED NEW TPS. (BRGF) .................. 19 TABLE 9: IMMEDIATE REMOVAL OF EXISTING TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS, TO BE IMPLEMENTED DURING 2012-13 AND 2013-14 (BRGF) .............................................................................................................. 21 TABLE 10: ON-GOING ADB FUNDED SCHEME TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY FY 2014-15 ..................................... 22 TABLE 11: CAPITALISATION SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................ 23 TABLE 12: SCHEME WISE C APITALISATION ................................................................................................... 23 TABLE 13: FUNDING OF CAPEX...................................................................................................................... 23 TABLE 14: LENGTH OF TRANSMISSION LINES (CKM) TO BE ADDED ............................................................. 24 TABLE 15: NO. OF SUBSTATION TO BE ADDED................................................................................................ 24 TABLE 16: 400 K V SUBSTATIONS ................................................................................................................... 25 TABLE 17: 220 K V SUBSTATIONS ................................................................................................................... 25 TABLE 18: 132 K V SUBSTATIONS ................................................................................................................... 25 TABLE 19: 400 K V LINES ............................................................................................................................... 26 TABLE 20: 220 K V LINES ............................................................................................................................... 26 TABLE 21: 132 K V LINES ............................................................................................................................... 26 TABLE 22: 33 KV LINES ................................................................................................................................. 27 TABLE 23: PLANNED AUGMENTATION/ REPLACEMENT/ R&M....................................................................... 28 Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 4 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company 1 Introduction Background 1.1 Bihar State Electricity Board (“Board” or “BSEB”) originally constituted on 1st April 1958 under Section 5 of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 and was engaged in the management of electricity generation, transmission, distribution and related activities in the State of Bihar. 1.2 Under the new 'Bihar State Electricity Reforms Transfer Scheme 2012', the BSEB has been unbundled into five companies: Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited (Holding company), Bihar State Power Transmission Company, Bihar State Power Generation Company, South Bihar Power Distribution Company and North Bihar Power Distribution Company with effect from 1st November’ 2012 vide notification no: iz0@cksM Z iqu0Z la0&31@2008 ¼[kaM&1½ 17 a) “Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited” means the Company that will own shares of newly incorporated reorganized four companies i.e. Bihar State Power Generation Company Limited, Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited, South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited, and North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited b) “Bihar State Power Generation Company Limited” means the Generating Company to which the Generating Undertakings of the Board c) “Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited” means the Transmission Company to which the Transmission Undertakings of the Board d) “South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited”, “North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited”, collectively mean the Distribution Companies, to which the Distribution Undertakings of the Board. 1.3 The BERC in exercise of power vested in it section 62(1) (d) read with section 62(3) and section 64(3) (a) of the Electricity Act 2003 and the BERC Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff Regulations, 2007 and other enabling provision in this behalf, issued Tariff order for FY 2012-13 for the supply of electricity by erstwhile BSEB in the state of Bihar. In this Order, the BERC also issued directions to erstwhile BSEB to prepare separate Business Plans for Generation, Transmission and Distribution functions and submit Multi Year Tariff petition for Three years commencing from FY 2013-14. 1.4 Accordingly, the erstwhile BSEB, in compliance with the BERC Terms and Conditions of Tariff Regulations, 2007 has prepared a separate Business Plan for Transmission function for the three year control period beginning with FY 2013-14. With unbundling of erstwhile BSEB from 1st November, 2012 the Holding Company (on behalf of Bihar State Power Transmission Company) has prepared Business plan for the three years control period (from FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16) for the Transmission Company (Transco).The objective of the Business Plan is to project the Capital Investments, Financing costs, various expenses and performance of the Transmission function of BSEB during the MYT control period. Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 5 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company STU Scope/ Duties 1.5 The Electricity Act, 2003 under Section 39 mandates following duties to be discharged by the State Transmission Utility (STU). • • • • 1.6 Transmission of Electricity through intra-state transmission system Planning and Co-ordination relating to intra-state transmission with CTU, State Government, Generators, Regional Power Committees, Authority and Licensees. Ensure development of an efficient, co-ordinated and economical system of intra-State transmission lines for smooth flow of electricity from a generating station to the load centres Provide non-discriminatory Open Access to its transmission system for use by any licensee, generating company or consumer at specified charges approved by the state commission. Considering the above stated duties of STU, business scope for Transmission Company essentially covers the following: • • • • Planning and development of a properly co-ordinated intra-state transmission system in its Capital Investment Plan. Provide access to Transmission facilities to the State distribution utilities and any other user of the Transmission system, on payment of transmission charges. Provide long-term and short-term open access to consumers on payment of requisite transmission and other charges approved by the State commission. Explore and develop the new dimensions of business from growth perspective and enhance value. Unbundling of BSEB 1.7 As a result of the adoption of Electricity Act 2003, the Board has been unbundled into one holding company, one Generation Company, one Transmission Company and two Distribution Companies. These companies will maintain separate books of accounts and will be exclusively responsible for their own revenue generation/ financial viability. Unbundling of BSEB Approach to Development of Business Plan 1.8 The Business Plan for the Transmission Company is prepared based on the review of Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 6 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company erstwhile BSEB’s Transmission profile, challenges faced in intra-state transmission and operational performance. While preparing the Business Plan, past trends of various parameters has been considered so as to project the same appropriately for the years covered under the control period. 1.9 Broadly, the capital investment is determined based on the analysis of projected demand growth in electricity distribution sector commensurate with the economic growth in the state, and generation capacity additions/ increased evacuation requirement vis-à-vis the available transmission capacity. Further, based on these growth projections, requirement of additional transmission lines and substations or augmentation of existing transmission capacity and replacement of transmission lines are planned. 1.10 Accordingly, the Transmission Business Plan for the control period would include following: 1.11 • Capital Investment Plan: Capital investments in the transmission function are required for both, addition of new lines and substations necessary for allowing flow of increased power onwards to the distribution utilities as well as system strengthening and improvement schemes for increased reliability and grid stability. The planning of Capital Investment is essentially commensurate with the anticipated load growth and quality improvement measures. The Capital Investment Plan broadly includes the proposed year wise Capital Investment towards new assets to be added and R&M at different transmission voltages. • Capitalisation schedule and Funding of Capex: The Business Plan also includes the schedule of capitalisation for the proposed investments, separately for the new schemes and for R&M works. Considering the year wise amount envisaged under BRGF, the funding of Capital Investment has been proposed. • Major Transmission Assets: The major Transmission Lines and Substations proposed to be added, R&M and augmentation works along with capacity additions have also been summarised in this Business Plan. Each of the above mentioned components of the Business Plan has been detailed out in subsequent chapters. The Business Plan has been prepared according to the BERC Terms and Conditions of Tariff Regulations, 2007, the Electricity Act, 2003 and applicable rules/ regulations/ provision of the law, Standard Accounting Practices and generally accepted O&M norms etc. Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 7 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Profile of Bihar State Power Transmission Company 2.1 BSEB was originally operating as an integrated utility and a deemed State Transmission Utility (STU) taking care of intra-state transmission of power in the State of Bihar. After unbundling, the entire transmission assets of the erstwhile BSEB were transferred to the new Transmission Company Main functions and duties of Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited: a) The Company shall be primarily in the business of transmission of electricity and it shall be vested with the transmission assets, interest in property, rights and liabilities of the Bihar State Electricity Board (The “Board”) necessary for the business of transmission, as per decision of the Government of Bihar to reorganize the Board under the provisions of Part-XIII (Reorganization of Board) of the Electricity Act, 2003 (and the transfer schemes notified thereunder) and the resolutions, circulars, ordinances and notifications issued in this regard. The company shall act as Transmission License under the Provisions of Section 14 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and the company shall also act as State Transmission Utility if notified by the State Government under the provisions of Section 39 of Electricity Act, 2003. b) To undertake planning and coordination activities in regard to intra-State Transmission, works connected with the intra-State Transmission in the State of Bihar, to introduce open access in transmission on payment of transmission charges and such other functions as may be assigned to the company by law or otherwise by Government or Government Authority concerning the operation of the Power System and to ensure development of an efficient, coordinated and economical system of intra-State Transmission lines for smooth flow of electricity from a generating station to load centers and to provide nondiscriminatory open access to its transmission system as per the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003. c) To plan, acquire, develop, establish, construct, take over, erect, lay, operate, run, manage, hire, lease, buy, lease, buy, sell, maintain, enlarge, alter, work and use, renovate, modernize, electrical transmission lines and / or net works through various voltage lines and associated sub-stations, including cables, wires, accumulators plants, motors, meters, apparatus, computers and materials connected with transmission, ancillary services, telecommunication and tele-metering equipment. d) Load dispatch function. e) CRITL function. f) 2.2 Any other function as assigned by the holding company Primarily, the transmission of power in Bihar takes place at 400 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV voltage levels. The transmission network of Transco consists of 85 substations and approximately 6,400 Circuit Kilometres (CKM) long transmission lines. The transmission system is capable of transmitting 5418.5 MVA of power. The details of existing transmission st infrastructures on 31 March, 2012 are tabulated below for reference: Table 1: Transmission - Existing Infrastructure Voltage 400 kV No. of Substations - Line Length (CKM) 75 Transformer Capacity (MVA) - 220 kV 9 1,147 2450 132 kV 76 5,178 4588 Total 85 6,400 Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 8 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Energy Scenario 2.3 The power supply position in the State of Bihar remained very poor and consequently the peak demand deficit in the State has comparatively remained worse than the national average for the country. The deficits in terms of energy availability and peak demand for Bihar in FY 2010-11 were 13% and 22.5%; whereas the same at national level were 8.5% and 9.8% respectively. As per CEA’s report, the peak deficit was around 14.4% and energy requirement deficit was 21.3% for FY 2011-12. The details are represented in the charts below: 15000 21.3% 14000 20% 16.4% 13000 12000 24% 14.4% 13.3% 16% 13.0% 11000 12% 10000 8% 9000 4% 8000 7000 0% 2007-08 2008-09 Requirement (MU) 2009-10 2010-11 Availability (MU) 2011-12 Deficit Source:- CEA 40% 2500 34.0% 2000 32.9% 27.6% 30% 22.5% 1500 14.4% 1000 10% 500 0 0% 2007-08 2008-09 Peak Demand (MW) 2.4 20% 2009-10 2010-11 Peak Met (MW) 2011-12 Peak Deficit Bihar has witnessed sharp increase in the economic growth during 11th plan period mainly on account of the developments in the secondary sector which has led to a sharp rise in the percapita income. However, the same is yet to reflect in the energy/ power sector growth, as evident from the per capita energy consumption of state, which is very low at 122 kWh in comparison to the national average of 780 units. The centrally sponsored schemes like Restructured-Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) and Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna (RGGVY) are being implemented in the state with specific focus on distribution sector improvement. Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 9 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company 2.5 South and North Discoms mainly relies for its energy requirement on Central Sector Generating Stations viz. NTPC, NHPC, PTC and others as the State generating capacity is not adequate to meet the supply needs. Presently, the overall Transmission & Distribution losses being incurred by two Discoms are around 41%. The transmission system needs to be strengthened suitably for smooth interface with the inter-state network in the country and for meeting requirement of wheeling the power. 2.6 In order to strengthen the transmission network, the erstwhile BSEB has undertaken various transmission network capacity addition, augmentation and improvement projects for achieving its objective of making available reliable power across the State. The Central Government promoted initiative – Rastriya Sam Vikas Yojana (RSVY) is one such scheme focussed on strengthening the Transmission and Distribution network and reduction of T&D losses. 2.7 The Transco is also implementing various capacity addition schemes funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) proposed under Central Government sponsored Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF) programme. Further, the Company had been taking assistance from Bihar Government out of the allocated Five Year Plan fund for energy sector. Economic Growth in Bihar 2.8 The State of Bihar has experienced tremendous economic growth since the last few years. The developmental activities in the various sectors in the state have resulted in impressive th growth rate of the state. During the 11 plan period against the all India growth rate of 7.94%, Bihar achieved a growth rate of 12.08% at constant prices. The per capita income of Bihar grew at 10.47% during the 11th plan, which is 4% higher than the same for the country. The primary sector of the state is experiencing a decline in the share of state’s domestic product – from 37.49% in 2000-01 to 18.12% in 2011-12 (Adv.). This is due to the increased pace of developments in the secondary sector. Twelfth plan objectives for growth trends 2.9 The State Government of Bihar has set following objectives to meet 12-13% growth rate during the twelfth plan period: • • • • • • • 2.10 To attempt for a high growth rate (7%) in Agriculture and allied sectors by adopting the strategy of the Rainbow Revolution; To develop infrastructure at a much higher pace; To focus on industrialization; To emphasize the development of the social sector further, particularly education and health; To make a sustained effort for reduction in poverty; To make a substantial increase in the income level of the lowest strata of society; and To make an attempt at equitable regional development. Due to rapid growth in Bihar, the current level of demand is anticipated to increase drastically from current level of 2000 MW to 6000 MW in near future. To facilitate the growth of the State and in order to meet the increasing demand for power, the state Government of Bihar has planned various power generation capacity addition programmes and allocation of fresh/ increased power from upcoming Central and Private sector projects. With the materialisation of these capacities, the Transmission system needs to be adequately enhanced and strengthened so as the power from various new/ additional generating sources is evacuated efficiently for further transmission and supply to the consumers at distribution end in the State. Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 10 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Transmission Business – Issues and challenges 3.1 Transmission network serves as an important link between the Generation and Distribution segments of electricity supply business. The issues and challenges pertaining to the Transmission business are mostly in terms of keeping up with the growth needs of the other two segments. While the growth in the demand along with increasing electrification end drive the need to meet the peak demand and energy requirement by arranging supply from internal and external generation sources, the transmission system has to be strengthened adequately and timely for maintaining grid stability and supply quality. Demand-Supply Projections 3.2 Post separation from Jharkhand, Bihar is left with only BTPS, MTPS and Koshi Hydro Power Stations which is very limited power generating capacity in view of the requirements of the State. The State Government has taken several initiatives in order to fulfil the supply needs of the State in terms of setting up Independent Private Projects (IPPs) and State Sector projects and arranging share from central sector projects. The total power available including the private and central allocations to the state of Bihar is going to touch around 5300 MW in FY 2015-16 from current level of around 2300 MW. Table 2: Projected Power Availability (MW) 2012-13 (RE) NTPC MW MU MW 2014-15 (P) MYT Control Period MU MW MU NTPC a) Farakka 1, 2 and 3 b) Talchar c) Kahalgaon 1 and 2 Barh -Stg 2 #1 Barh -Stg 2 #2 Barh Stg 1 Unit 1 Barh Stg 1 Unit 2 Barh Stg 1 Unit 3 NTPC Total MW MU MW MU MW MU MW MU 528 2,834 528 2,889 528 2,889 528 2,889 528 2,585 398 2,449 398 2,449 398 2,449 528 2,662 438 2,670 438 2,670 438 2,670 330 1,638 330 330 175 2,457 2,048 977 1,694 9,646 2,199 13,490 330 330 175 175 175 2,549 2,457 2,457 1,303 1,194 109 15,528 25 25 186 186 50 372 21 108 129 78 404 482 1,694 8,081 2013-14 (P) Railway & BSEB Nabinagar -I Nabinagar -II Nabinagar - III Nabinagar - IV Total Nabinagar NHPC a) Rangit b) Teesta Total NHPC 21 108 129 136.88 726.20 863.08 Bihar State Power Holding Company 21 108 129 78 404 482 21 108 129 78 404 482 2015-16 (P) MW MU Page 11 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company PTC Chukka Tala Total PTC 80 260 340 580.03 1,122 1,702 80 260 340 298 968 1,266 80 260 340 298 968 1,266 80 260 340 298 968 1,266 100 100 745 745 100 100 745 745 100 100 745 745 1,254 1,518 200 1,752 50 2,772 200 1,802 200 450 650 1,752 50 2,957 4,759 200 450 300 260 1,283 1,314 50 3,942 1,314 949 7,569 (1.2) 110 110 136 461 110 110 594 594 56.75 53.66 53 45 80 53 45 80 110 110 250 53 594 594 673 45 80 110 573 110 607 110 607 110 477 110 607 110 607 132 363 5,243 93 29,617 DVC DVC Total DVC Others Adani NEA+Short Term Essar Essar 2 GMR Total Others State BTPS BTPS BTPS Stg 2 BSHPC Sugar Mills KBUNL #1 (MTPS Stg 1) KBUNL # 2 (MTPS Stg 1) KBUNL # 3 (MTPS Stg 2) UI Sales Solar RPO Total Availability 3.3 200 105 105 0 2,573 (1069) 0 12,459 2,916 19 15,732 3,921 49 23,317 th On the demand side, the peak demand is going to rise as also projected by CEA in its 18 Electric Power Survey (EPS). According to the survey, following are projected to be achieved by Bihar. • • • A per-capita electricity consumption of level 770 kWh; Electrification of additional 17,000 villages; and Capacity addition programme of 6600 MW up to FY 2015-16 and 14000 MW by FY 2016-17. Table 3: 18th Electric Power Survey Projections (MW) 18th EPS Projections 3.4 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2017-18 Peak Demand (MW) 2642 3194 3873 4472 5108 Energy requirement (MU) 16389 19478 23214 26330 29539 The retail sales for Bihar is projected to grow from 6694 MU in FY 2011-12 to 9298 MU in FY 2015-16 at a CAGR of 8.96%. Based on the projections of Peak demand, Energy Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 12 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Requirement and the Availability of power, the demand-supply gap is envisaged to be reduced and the state would be able to meet its peak demand by FY 2015-16. 3.5 Therefore, the Transmission network requirements for the period FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 have to be strategically planned so as to meet the demand growth envisaged. The challenge for BSEB is be able to put up adequate evacuation facilities for upcoming generation capacity and augmentation/ replacement of transmission elements to accommodate the bulk power from internal and external sources without congestion. Transmission & Distribution (T&D) Losses 3.6 The transmission losses in the system is projected as in the following table Table 4: Transmission Loss Projections FY 2009-10 Fy 2010-11 FY2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 6.52% 4.33% *4.07% 4.02% 5.7% FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 3.97% 3.92% *6 months data 3.7 The T&D losses in the state of Bihar have remained on the higher side mainly on account of lack of resources and the old and ageing infrastructure. The T&D loss level trend for BSEB is tabulated below for reference: Table 5: Transmission & Distribution (T&D) Losses 3.8 FY 2006-07 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 42.61% 39.06% 37.98% 38.32% 43.59% FY 2011-12 44.05% The Commercial losses on account of theft and pilferage are major components of the losses. With the increasing electrification initiatives at distribution end, certain portion of energy is pilfered through unauthorised means. Though, it’s a challenge for Distribution Function to reduce the losses, the Transmission system has to accommodate the loss component as well along with legitimate retail sales so far as the transmission infrastructure requirement is concerned. Financial health of Power Sector in Bihar 3.9 The erstwhile BSEB has not added much generation capacity since 2002-03. Major portion of bulk power purchased by two Discoms is from Central Sector Generating Stations and other sources. Further, T&D loss component is in the range of 40%. Erstwhile BSEB on one hand buys costly power from spot market in order to try and bridge the demand supply gap, the higher T&D losses on the other hand lead to insufficient recovery. This restricts erstwhile BSEBs ability to meet its payment obligations including power purchase bills. 3.10 It has become a challenge to balance the increasing tariff in consumer interest against the revenue requirement essential for sustainability of the business, which has been bridged through government support to a certain extent in the past. The approved tariff increase during past have however remained insufficient to cover the cost that erstwhile BSEB has incurred and has thus rendered it financially strained. 3.11 From the trend of power purchase costs, it is observed that the costs have risen by almost double in FY 2011-12 from the FY 2005-06 levels. During the same period, the Average Billing Rate for the retail categories of consumers has increased only by 87%. Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 13 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Financial Loss 2006-07 2007-08 (856) (851) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 (1,623) (1,618) (300) (600) (900) (1,200) (1,102) (1,500) (1,496) (1,800) 3.12 The increasing loss levels are a major cause of concern as the losses further raise the debt burden on erstwhile BSEB for meeting its working capital requirements which in turn increases the interest and finance costs. The recovery of the high losses is not practically feasible as it will result in huge tariff shock for consumers. Overall the financial health of BSEB is poor which is a big challenge for all the functions including Transmission. 3.13 With the increasing quantum of power to be transmitted through its existing network, available margins/ space in the receiving substations and capacity for augmentation are constraints for further expansion. Other Key Challenges 3.14 The growth of Transmission Lines and Substations additions over the past few years is represented in following chart. Line Length (CKM) Transformer Capacity (MVA) 5000 5000 4000 4000 3000 3000 2000 2000 1000 1000 0 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 400 kV 3.15 220 kV 132 kV 0 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 220 kV 132 kV Observing the past trend shows that the length of 400 kV Transmission line remained at 75 CKM level, whereas it has grown at minimal 0.4% CAGR for 220 kV and 4.4% CAGR for 132 kV level during five years. Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 14 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company 3.16 Similarly, the number of 220 kV substations grew at 3% and 132 kV substations increased at 5.65% CAGR during this period. The 220 kV Transformer capacity increased at 8.8% CAGR and that for 132 kV increased at 13% CAGR. 3.17 Taking into account the tremendous growth that is expected to take place during the ensuing MYT control period in terms of power availability and retail sales, the Transmission segment has to cope up by suitably enhancing the growth rate of infrastructure additions and undertaking appropriate R&M schemes. Thus, keeping pace with the ever increasing power requirements would be a major business challenge for the Transmission Company during the ensuing MYT control period. 3.18 The Open Access regulations were issued by BERC in 2006 according to which the eligible person (Licensee, Generating Company, Consumer etc.) is allowed for non-discriminatory open access to the intra-state transmission system subject to availability of adequate transmission capacity. With the growth of the power market, the open access consumers may put a challenge before the Transco in terms of providing access to transmission facilities. Transmission Company has to take care of additional capacity that might be required to accommodate such needs as such open access consumers may not necessarily be existing customers. 3.19 At execution level, the key challenge for Transmission Company shall be to manage the multiple clearances related to projects and land – right of way issues efficiently to ensure that all the schemes are approved and implemented without any time and cost overrun. 3.20 Replacement of ageing assets is necessary to maintain reliability of supply. Further, to maintain safety and reliability in operation of transmission system, it’s important to improve the condition monitoring and augment or refurbish the network and control/ switchgear equipment. Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 15 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Compnay 4.1 The Business Plan for the Transmission Company has been prepared according to the direction given by the Hon`ble Commission (BERC) in the latest Tariff order for FY 2012-13. The relevant Para containing the direction is reproduced below for reference: “The Commission directs the Board or its successor restructured companies to submit the business plan for generation, transmission and distribution functions separately for a period of three years, i.e. FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 by September, 2012.” Key Objectives 4.2 Broadly, the following key objectives were kept in mind while preparing the Business Plan. • Strategic Planning: The primary objective of the Business Plan is to analyse and anticipate the future requirements in advance and strategically plan for the capital investments, related means of financing and various associated costs and document them which would serve as an effective tool for monitoring and execution of future works. With the level of economic growth the state of Bihar is experiencing, it becomes utmost important to project the growth in transmission network infrastructure commensurate with the energy demand required for fuelling the economic growth targets of the State. • Regulatory Compliance: As highlighted in aforesaid Para 4.1, the direction issued by the Hon`ble commission entails submission of function wise separate Business Plan. Thus it is an essential part of the regulatory compliance for the Company. • Better Operational Efficiency: The Business Plan is prepared so as to be useful for the Managing Board, associated stakeholders, the Hon’ble Commission and various government bodies. The future projections in the Plan would help the Transco in decision making and taking proactive actions, and thus improving the overall operational efficiency of the transmission network infrastructure. 4.3 In order to meet the growing demand for power by the two distribution companies, its diversity in terms of geography and evacuating the power expected to be available from upcoming intra/ inter-state generating stations, Bihar State Power Holding Company (BSPHC) has prepared a comprehensive business plan to expand the transmission network in the State of Bihar through various network/ system improvement measures, capacity augmentation and adding new substations and transmission lines. 4.4 The erstwhile BSEB had signed MoU with some of the upcoming Independent Power Projects (IPP). Out of these projects, 2x660 MW generation project of Jas infrastructure Capital Pvt. Limited at Banka is progressing towards commissioning. The necessary evacuation of power at Banka has been planned in FY 2012-13. 4.5 The Government of Bihar has set up a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to establish three IPPs under tariff based competitive bidding (Case-2) route, which are also expected to be th commissioned is during the 12 plan period. Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 16 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Table 6: Case-2 IPP Projects S. No. 1. Project Capacity (MW) Buxar Thermal Power Station at Chausa, Buxar 2x660 = 1200 2. Lakhisarai Thermal Power Station at Kajara, Lakhisarai. 2x660 = 1200 3. Pirpainti Thermal Power Station at Pirpainti, Bhagalpur 2x660 = 1200 4.6 Although the implementation of transmission system for evacuation of power from Lakhisarai, Pirpainti & Buxar generation projects is planned from FY 2016-17, there are associated schemes for system strengthening at 220 kV and 132 kV voltage levels proposed during the MYT control period so as to accommodate the projected peak demand on commissioning of the projects 4.7 In order to draw additional power from the northern part of the Bihar, Transmission system for evacuation of power from Darbhanga & Motihari 400 kV sub-stations is proposed to be implemented from FY 2014-15 onwards. 4.8 At number of places of 132/33 kV substations, transformer capacity augmentation is proposed including Karmanasa, Sonenagar, Pandaul, Chandauti, Hathidah, Lakhisarai, Muzaffarpur, Ara, Kataiya and Sabour. 4.9 The Transmission lines at Lakhisarai, Jamui, Purnea, Dehri, Sonenagar, and Gaya are either heavily loaded or old and dilapidated and therefore are required to be strengthened. Accordingly, planning has been done to re-conductor these lines. 4.10 The Transmission network in the Capital of Bihar is adequate to take care of present level of demand. However, the future growth in demand necessitates strengthening of transmission system at 220 kV and 132 kV voltage levels for supplying power to Bihar and surrounding load centres. 4.11 The proposed Transmission system for Patna city includes 400 kV substations at Bihta, Gaighat and Fatuha and 220 kV substations Jakkanpur, Mithapur, and Gaighat along with associated 400-220 kV interconnecting lines. 4.12 Apart from the future planning of the transmission works mentioned above, BSEB has also planned for immediate removal of existing transmission constraints, to be implemented during 2012-13 at Fatuah, Begusarai, Bodh Gaya, Darbhanga, Gopalganj, Khagaul, Bihta, Sitamarhi, Ara, Nawadah, Sabour, Naugachia etc. 4.13 The Transco has further provisioned for procurement of critical network equipment viz. Circuit Breakers, Current Transformers etc. for meeting the medium term needs and procurement of Emergency Restoration System. 4.14 From the Central Government’s BRGF programme funded by ADB, the BSEB would be implementing 132/33 kV Grid Substations at Dhanha, Gangwara, and a 220/132 kV Grid Substation at Pusauli. Under this programme, new 132 kV transmission lines are also planned. Proposed Capital Expenditure 4.15 For improvement in the transmission network availability and to strengthen the transmission network, Transco has planned Capital Expenditure for installation of new transmission lines Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 17 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company and substations as well as augmentation and R&M works. The Transco has planned for Capital Investment of Rs. 6845 Cr. by FY 2016-17, out of which Rs. 3957 Crore is to be invested during FY 2012-13 up to FY 2015-16. This includes ADB funded new project schemes worth Rs. 197 Crore and immediate removal of existing Transmission constraints during FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 worth Rs. 310 Crore. Table 7: Year Wise Capital Investment Planned for Transmission Function (Rs. Crore) S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4.16 Planned Scheme Total Cost 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 TOTAL MYT Remaining (2016-17) 12th Plan_18th EPS (BRGF) Immediate removal of transmission constraints ADB Funded Scheme 6338 437 210 844 1960 3450 2888 310 201 109 - - 310 - 197 197 - - - 197 - Grand Total 6845 835 319 844 1960 3957 2888 The detailed voltage wise break up of proposed capital expenditure during the next MYT control period is tabulated below. Table 8: BSEB Transmission - Capital Investment Plan (Rs. Crore) Particulars FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 Total 400 kV Substations - - - 540 540 400 kV Lines - - - 281 281 220 kV Substation 48 - 384 401 833 220 kV Line 42 - 243 571 856 132 kV Substation 49 - - - 49 132 kV Line 49 161 217 166 593 33 kV Line 10 - - - 10 Total 197 161 844 1,960 3,162 400 kV Substations - - - - - 400 kV Lines - - - - - 220 kV Substation 45 45 - - 91 220 kV Line 11 11 - - 22 132 kV Substation 25 74 - - 99 132 kV Line 27 28 - - 55 33 kV Line - - - - - Total 109 158 - - 267 Grand Total 306 319 844 1960 3428 New Projects R&M Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 18 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company 4.17 Following table contains the detailed scheme wise Capital Investment Plan proposed by BSPHC for Transmission Company Table 9: Requirement related to transmission system during 12th plan to meet load demand projected in 18th EPS and to evacuate power from proposed new TPS. (BRGF) (Rs. Crore) S. No. Year Work Total Cost Transmission system for evacuation of power from Banka 400/132 KV Sub-Station. 1 2013-14 Banka (PG) – Sultanganj 132 kV D/c 2 2013-14 Stringing of 2nd circuit of Banka – Sabour 132 kV D/c line 3 2013-14 49 6 LILO of both circuits of Banka – Sabour 132 kV D/c line at Banka substation of POWERGRID Additional strengthening in Intra-State Transmission System 4 Re-conductoring of Purnea (PG) - Purnea (BSEB) 132 kV line (3 ckts.) by high capacity conductor 5 2013-14 R&M of Grid Sub-Station, Karmanasa, Sonenagar, Pandaul, Chandauti, Hathidah, Lakhisarai, Muzaffarpur, Ara, Kataiya and Sabour. Transmission system for evacuation of power from Lakhisarai 400/132 KV Sub-Station. 21 2013-14 0.27 48 6 2013-14 Lakhisarai (PG) – Lakhisarai 132 kV D/c 21 7 2013-14 Lakhisarai (PG) – Jamui 132 kV D/c 28 Additional Strengthening in Intra-State Transmission System 8 2013-14 2nd circuit stringing of Kishanganj – Forbesganj 132 kV D/c line 9 2013-14 2nd circuit stringing of Forbesganj - Kataiya132 kV D/c line 10 2013-14 11 2013-14 LILO of Saharsa(New) – Sonbarsha 132 kV S/c (on D/c Tower) at Saharsa (existing) 2nd circuit stringing of Muzaffarpur (Bhikhanpura) - Vaishali 132 kV D/c line Sub-total 2013-14 15 17 5 210 Transmission system for evacuation of power from Darbhanga & Motihari 400 kV sub-stations 12 2014-15 Darbhanga 400/220 kV - Darbhanga (BSEB) 220kV D/c line 35 13 2014-15 Darbhanga 400/220 kV - Bhikhanpura 220kV D/c line 80 14 2014-15 120 15 2014-15 2x160 MVA, 220/132kV sub-station at Samastipur by LILO of 220kV Begusarai(BSEB) - KTPS D/c line Darbhanga – Samastipur 220kV D/c line (S/c strung) 16 2014-15 2x160 MVA, 220/132kV sub-station at Supaul 60 17 2014-15 Darbhanga – Supaul 220kV D/c line 70 18 2014-15 Motihari 400/132 kV - Motihari (BSEB) 132 kV D/C line 14 19 2014-15 Motihari 400/132 kV - Betiah 132kV D/C line 38 20 2014-15 Motihari 400/132 kV – Raxaul 132kV D/C line 59 30 Additional Strengthening in Intra-State Transmission System 21 2014-15 Stringing 2nd circuit of Darbhanga-Phulparas 132 kV Bihar State Power Holding Company 8 Page 19 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Year Work 22 2014-15 LILO of Darbhanga-Phulparas 132 kV D/c line at Pandaul 21 23 2014-15 110 24 2014-15 25 2014-15 2X160MVA 220/132 kV sub-station at SKMCH , with LILO of Darbhanga Kanti 220 kV D/c line 2X160MVA 220/132 kV sub-station at Bhikhanpura, with LILO of Darbhanga - Kanti 220 kV D/c line SKMCH – Bhikhanpura 220 kV D/c 26 2014-15 SKMCH-Sitamarhi 132 kV D/c line 42 27 2014-15 2nd circuit stringing of Motihari - Daka - Sitamarhi 132 kV D/c line 30 28 2014-15 2nd circuit stringing of Betiah - Raxaul 132 kV D/c line 6 2014-15 Sub-total S. No. Total Cost 95 30 844 Additional Strengthening in Intra-State Transmission System 29 2015-16 LILO of Purnea-Naugachia/Khagaria 132 kV D/c at Katihar 35 30 2015-16 LILO of Purnea-Khagaria 132 kV circuit at Naugachia 17 31 2015-16 LILO of Barauni-Naugachia 132 kV circuit at Khagaria 10 32 2015-16 2X160MVA 220/132 kV sub-station at Chhapra 60 33 2015-16 192 34 2015-16 Creation of 2X500MVA, 400/220 kV New Sub-station at Hazipur with LILO of Biharshariff - Muzffarpur 400 kV D/c Hazipur 400/220 kV - Chhapra 220 kV D/c 35 2015-16 Chhapra-Siwan 132 kV D/c line 56 36 2015-16 Creation of 2X160MVA 220/132 kV sub-station at Sonenagar 60 37 2015-16 Gaya(POWERGRID) - Sonenagar220 kV D/c line 90 38 2015-16 Charging of Dehri - Sonenagar 220 kV D/c at rated voltage (220 kV) 39 2015-16 100 40 2015-16 Creation of 2X160MVA, 220/132 kV Substation at Gaya , with LILO of both Ckt. of Biharsharif-Bodhgaya220 kV D/c line Gaya 220 KV-Hulaganj 132 kV S/c on D/c tower 41 2015-16 2X500MVA, 400/220 kV New Sub-station near Gaighat 116 42 2015-16 2X500MVA, 400/220 kV New Sub-station at Fatuha 116 43 2015-16 Bihta - Patna (PG) - Fatuha - Gaighat 400 kV D/c line 281 44 2015-16 Bihta-Digha 132 kV D/c line 28 45 2015-16 Bihta-Khagaul 220 kV D/c line 30 46 2015-16 2x500 MVA, 400/220 KV Sub-Station at Bihta 116 47 2015-16 Bihta-Sipara 220 kV D/c line 65 48 2015-16 Patna(PG) - Khagaul 220 kV D/c line 40 49 2015-16 Creation of 3X160MVA, 220/132 kV Substation at Jakkanpur 61 50 2015-16 Creation of 3X160MVA, 220/132 kV Substation at Mithapur 61 51 2015-16 Creation of 2X160MVA, 220/132 kV Substation at Gaighat 60 52 2015-16 Jakkanpur -Khagaul 220 kV D/c line 30 53 2015-16 Gaighat(New 400/220 kV sub-station) – Gaighat 220 kV D/c line 25 54 2015-16 Gaighat(New 400/220 kV sub-station) – Mithapur 220 kV D/c line 25 55 2015-16 Gaighat(New 400/220 kV sub-station) – Jakkanpur 220 kV D/c line 35 56 2015-16 Patna (PG) – Mithapur 220 kV line 40 57 2015-16 Fatuha - Gaighat 220 kV D/c line 35 Bihar State Power Holding Company 80 - 21 Page 20 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company S. No. 58 Year Work 2015-16 Gaighat(New 400/220 kV sub-station) – Hazipur 400 kV line 2015-16 Sub-total Total Cost 80 1,960 Grand Total 3,013.45 Table 10: Immediate removal of existing transmission constraints, to be implemented during 2012-13 and 2013-14 (Rs. Crore) S. No. 1 Planning for removal of the constraint Augmentation of 220/132 KV G.S.S., Fatuha by additional 150 MVA 220/132 KV transformer. Cost 12 2 220 KV BSF-Fatuha transmission line reconductoring. 3 (a) The transformer is under repair at Marson's works at Kolkata. 4 (b) One stand by 150 MVA 220/132 KV transformer has also been proposed to procure for immediate replacement of any of the transformers (i.e. transformer 1 & 2) fails. 5 One additional 150 MVA 220/132 KV transformer has been proposed to be procured for G.S.S., Begusarai. 7 6 One additional 150 MVA 220/132 KV transformer has been proposed to be procured at G.S.S., Bodh Gaya for breakdown maintenance. 12 7 After completion of LILO work of 220 KV Dehri-Bodh Gaya transmission line with 765 / 400 / 220 KV G.S.S., Bodh Gaya, reconductoring of 220 KV Bodh Gaya-BSF line is easily possible as there will be no problem in allowing shutdown. 14 8 Two additional 220/132 KV 150 MVA transformer will be required for G.S.S., Darbhanga and Gopalganj. 25 9 Fourth 50 MVA 132/33 KV will be required at G.S.S., Khagaul 5 10 One 50 MVA 132/33 KV transformer is required at G.S.S., Bihta. 5 11 4 Nos. 50 MVA 132/33 KV transformers will be required at G.S.S., Sitamarhi, Ara, Nawadah, and Sabour. 12 One 20 MVA 132/33 KV transformer is required at Naugachia. 13 5 Nos. 20 MVA 132/33 KV transformers will be required Jainagar, Phulparas, Supaul, Dhaka and Belaganj. And also construction of 132 KV and 33 KV bay is needed for installing additional 20 MVA transformer. 20 14 1x150 MVA transformer at Sipara (BSEB) and 01 No. 220 KV Bay, each at Sipara (BSEB) and Sampatchak (PG). 14 15 After commissioning of G.S.S., Sipara this line will off loaded and reconductoring between Fatuha-Harnaut & Harnaut-Bari Pahari may be taken in phased manner. 5 16 As the reconductoring of 132 KV Purnea-Naugachia section of L/16 (Ckt.-I) and BTPS-Khagaria of L/23 (Ckt.-II) has been completed therefore the reconductoring of remaining section i.e. 132 KV BTPS-Naugachia (Ckt.-I L/16) and 132 KV PurneaKhagaria (Ckt.-II L/23) is to be completed. Bihar State Power Holding Company 7 10 14 2 19 Page 21 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company S. No. 17 Planning for removal of the constraint Cost Completion of 132 KV Darbhanga-Phulparas line covered under RSVY Phase-2 Part-II will offload this line but reconductoring will be still required. 1 18 Reconductoring of 132 KV S/C Chapra-Siwan transmission line. 5 19 After construction of 132 KV Biharsharif-Sheikhpura, 132KV Sheikhpura-Jamui and 132KV Sheikhpura-Lakhisarai these lines will be offloaded but its reconductoring will still be required. 4 20 Reconductoring of these lines are required immediately as these lines are not being loaded to its full capacity. 21 21 Provision of procurement of critical equipment viz the breaker, CT’s and other critical items etc. is to be made for meeting the requirement on medium term basis. 5 22 Procurement of one set of emergency restoration system. 10 218 The amount of Rs. 218 Crore is proposed to be spent equally during FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14. Table 11: On-going ADB funded Scheme to be implemented by FY 2014-15 (Rs. Crore) Package G H I S. No. Work i. Construction of 2x50 MVA, 132/33 KV Grid Subs-station at Dhanha (West Champaran) on turnkey basis ii. Construction of 2x50 MVA, 132/33 KV Grid Sub-Station at Gangwara (Darbhanga) on turnkey basis iii. Construction of 132 KV bay one each at Bettiah, Sasaram, Mohnia, Dinara, Lakhisarai and Seikhpura G.S.S. iv. Construction of 4 no. 33 KV bay at remote end 33/11 KV Power substations for down linking i. Construction of 2x150 MVA 220/132 KV Grid Sub-Station at Pusauli (Kaimur) ii. 2 nos. 220 KV bay extensions at 220/132 KV Dehri Grid sub station 132 KV line (202 KM) Total Cost 49.15 47.98 i. LILO of 132 kV Pandaul Line at Gangwara - 10 KMs (approx.) 2.41 ii. Pusauli (New) - Sasaram DCCS line -50 KMs (approx.) 12.03 iii. Pusauli (New) - Bhabhua DCCS line -15 KMs (approx.) 3.61 iv. Pusauli (New) - Dinara DCCS line -45 KMs (approx.) 10.83 v. Lakhisarai - Shekhpura DCCS line-32 KMs (approx.) 7.70 vi. Bettiah - Dhanha DCCS line-50 KMs (approx.) 12.03 48.61 33 KV line (40 KM) vii viii New Line from132 kV Sub Station Dhanha (New) - 20 KMs (approx.) New Line from132 kV Sub Station Gangwara (New) - 20 KMs (approx.) Bihar State Power Holding Company 4.81 4.81 Page 22 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Package S. No. Work Total Cost 9.63 J i. i. LILO of both ckts of Sasaram (PGCIL)- Ara (PGCIL) 220 KV D/C line at New Sub Station at Pusauli (New)- 6 KM ii. Pusauli (New)-Dehri (BSEB) 220 KV D/C line - 8 KM Grand Total 41.53 196.89 Capitalisation Schedule 4.18 While preparing the Business Plan, BSPHC has considered Capitalisation Schedule in following manner for new schemes and for R&M works. Table 12: Capitalisation Schedule Capitalisation Schedule 4.19 Year 1 Year 2 For New Schemes 40% 40% For R&M 60% 40% Year 3 20% Based on the above capitalisation schedule, following would be the scheme wise Capitalisation. Out of total Capital expenditure of Rs. 3957 Crore planned, the capitalised assets would be Rs. 2732 Crore during MYT period . Table 13: Scheme wise Capitalisation (Rs. Crore) S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Planned Scheme 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 TOTAL MYT Remaining 12th Plan_18th EPS (BRGF) Immediate removal of transmission constraints ADB Funded Scheme 175 269 490 1154 2087 1364 121 146 44 - 310 - 79 79 39 - 197 - Opening Capitalised Grand Total 41 41 55 - 138 - 416 535 628 1154 2732 1364 CWIP Funding of Capex 4.20 Funding of Capital Expenditure: Based on the Capital Investment Plan, BSPHC has projected to fund the same with Grant and Loan in following manner. Table 14: Funding of Capex Opening Balance Add: new Investment Total Bihar State Power Holding Company FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 138 557 342 558 835 319 844 1960 973 876 1186 2518 Page 23 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 Less: Investment Capitalised 374 493 572 1154 Less: Opening CWIP Capitalised 41 41 55 - 557 342 558 1364 Closing Balance Funding of Capex Capitalisation 416 535 628 1154 Add: IDC 15 16 8 - Less: Grants 192 285 512 1154 239 265 123 - Balance Capitalisation 4.21 The following table summarises the Transmission Lines and Substations proposed to be added based on the Capitalisation schedule. Table 15: Length of Transmission Lines (CKM) to be added Voltage Level FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 Total Remaining - 104 104 156 239 608 858 676 506 1,296 390 400kV - - 220kV 6 6 132kV 81 257 453 33kV 16 16 8 - 40 - Total 102 278 700 1,218 2,298 1,222 Table 16: No. of Substation to be added Voltage Level FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 Total Remaining 400 kV - - - 1 1 3 220 kV - - 2 4 6 5 132 kV - 1 1 - 2 0 Total - 1 3 5 9 8 Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 24 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Annexures Annexure 1: Major Substations proposed to be constructed Table 17: 400 kV Substations S. No. Details of 400 kV Substation 1. 2X500MVA, 400/220 kV New Sub-station at Hazipur 2. 3. 2X500MVA, 400/220 kV New Sub-station near Gaighat 2X500MVA, 400/220 kV New Sub-station at Fatuha 4. 2x500 MVA, 400/220 KV Sub-Station at Bihta Table 18: 220 kV Substations S. No. Details of 220 kV Substation 1. 2x160 MVA, 220/132kV sub-station at Samastipur 2. 2x160 MVA, 220/132kV sub-station at Supaul 3. 2X160MVA 220/132 kV sub-station at SKMCH 4. 2X160MVA 220/132 kV sub-station at Bhikhanpura 5. 2X160MVA 220/132 kV sub-station at Chhapra 6. 2X160MVA 220/132 kV sub-station at Sonenagar 7. 2X160MVA, 220/132 kV Substation at Gaya 8. 3X160MVA, 220/132 kV Substation at Jakkanpur 9. 3X160MVA, 220/132 kV Substation at Mithapur 10. 2X160MVA, 220/132 kV Substation at Gaighat 11. 2x150 MVA 220/132 KV Grid Sub-Station at Pusauli (Kaimur) Table 19: 132 kV Substations S. No. Details of 132 kV Substation 1. 2x50 MVA, 132/33 KV Grid Subs-station at Dhanha (West Champaran) on turnkey basis 2. 2x50 MVA, 132/33 KV Grid Sub-Station at Gangwara (Darbhanga) on turnkey basis Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 25 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Annexure 2: Major Transmission Lines proposed to be constructed Table 20: 400 kV Lines S. No. Details of 400 kV Lines 1. LILO of Biharshariff - Muzffarpur 400 kV D/c at 400 kV Hazipur Substation 2. Bihta - Patna (PG) - Fatuha - Gaighat 400 kV D/c line Table 21: 220 kV Lines S. No. Details of 220 kV Lines 1. Darbhanga 400/220 kV - Darbhanga (BSEB) 220kV D/c line 2. Darbhanga 400/220 kV - Bhikhanpura 220kV D/c line 3. LILO of 220kV Begusarai(BSEB) - KTPS D/c line at Samastipur sub-station 4. Darbhanga – Samastipur 220kV D/c line (S/c strung) 5. Darbhanga – Supaul 220kV D/c line 6. LILO of Darbhanga - Kanti 220 kV D/c line at 220/132 kV SKMCH sub-station 7. LILO of Darbhanga - Kanti 220 kV D/c line at 220/132 kV Bhikhanpura sub-station 8. SKMCH – Bhikhanpura 220 kV D/c 9. Hazipur 400/220 kV - Chhapra 220 kV D/c 10. Gaya(POWERGRID) - Sonenagar220 kV D/c line 11. Charging of Dehri - Sonenagar 220 kV D/c at rated voltage (220 kV) 12. LILO of both Ckt. of Biharsharif-Bodhgaya220 kV D/c line at 220/132 kV Gaya Substation 13. Bihta-Khagaul 220 kV D/c line 14. Bihta-Sipara 220 kV D/c line 15. Patna(PG) - Khagaul 220 kV D/c line 16. Jakkanpur -Khagaul 220 kV D/c line 17. Gaighat(New 400/220 kV sub-station) – Gaighat 220 kV D/c line 18. Gaighat(New 400/220 kV sub-station) – Mithapur 220 kV D/c line 19. Gaighat(New 400/220 kV sub-station) – Jakkanpur 220 kV D/c line 20. Patna (PG) – Mithapur 220 kV line 21. Fatuha - Gaighat 220 kV D/c line 22. 23. Gaighat(New 400/220 kV sub-station) – Hazipur 400 kV line LILO of both ckts of Sasaram (PGCIL)- Ara (PGCIL) 220 KV D/C line at New Sub Station at Pusauli (New)- 6 KM 24. Pusauli (New)-Dehri (BSEB) 220 KV D/C line - 8 KM Table 22: 132 kV Lines S. No. Details of 132 kV Lines 1. Banka (PG) – Sultanganj 132 kV D/c 2. 3. 2 circuit of Banka – Sabour 132 kV D/c line LILO of both circuits of Banka – Sabour 132 kV D/c line at Banka substation of POWERGRID 4. Lakhisarai (PG) – Lakhisarai 132 kV D/c 5. Lakhisarai (PG) – Jamui 132 kV D/c 6. 2nd circuit stringing of Kishanganj – Forbesganj 132 kV D/c line nd Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 26 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company S. No. Details of 132 kV Lines 7. 2nd circuit stringing of Forbesganj - Kataiya132 kV D/c line 8. LILO of Saharsa(New) – Sonbarsha 132 kV S/c (on D/c Tower) at Saharsa (existing) 9. 2nd circuit stringing of Muzaffarpur (Bhikhanpura) - Vaishali 132 kV D/c line 10. Motihari 400/132 kV - Motihari (BSEB) 132 kV D/C line 11. Motihari 400/132 kV - Betiah 132kV D/C line 12. Motihari 400/132 kV – Raxaul 132kV D/C line 13. Stringing 2nd circuit of Darbhanga-Phulparas 132 kV 14. LILO of Darbhanga-Phulparas 132 kV D/c line at Pandaul 15. SKMCH-Sitamarhi 132 kV D/c line 16. 2nd circuit stringing of Motihari - Daka - Sitamarhi 132 kV D/c line 17. 2nd circuit stringing of Betiah - Raxaul 132 kV D/c line 18. LILO of Purnea-Naugachia/Khagaria 132 kV D/c at Katihar 19. LILO of Purnea-Khagaria 132 kV circuit at Naugachia 20. LILO of Barauni-Naugachia 132 kV circuit at Khagaria 21. Chhapra-Siwan 132 kV D/c line 22. Gaya 220 KV-Hulaganj 132 kV S/c on D/c tower 23. Bihta-Digha 132 kV D/c line 24. LILO of 132 kV Pandaul Line at Gangwara - 10 KMs 25. Pusauli (New) - Sasaram DCCS line -50 KMs 26. Pusauli (New) - Bhabhua DCCS line -15 KMs 27. Pusauli (New) - Dinara DCCS line -45 KMs 28. Lakhisarai - Shekhpura DCCS line-32 KMs 29. Bettiah - Dhanha DCCS line-50 KMs Table 23: 33 kV Lines S. No. Details of 33 kV Lines 1. New Line from132 kV Sub Station Dhanha (New) - 20 KMs 2. New Line from132 kV Sub Station Gangwara (New) - 20 KMs Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 27 Business Plan for Bihar State Power Transmission Company Annexure 2: Planned augmentation/ replacement/ R&M of substations and transmission lines Table 24: Planned augmentation/ replacement/ R&M S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Particulars Re-conductoring of Purnea (PG) - Purnea (BSEB) 132 kV line (3 ckts.) by high capacity conductor R&M of Grid Sub-Station, Karmanasa, Sonenagar, Pandaul, Chandauti, Hathidah, Lakhisarai, Muzaffarpur, Ara, Kataiya and Sabour. Augmentation of 220/132 KV G.S.S., Fatuha by additional 150 MVA 220/132 KV transformer. 220 KV BSF-Fatuha transmission line reconductoring. One stand by 150 MVA 220/132 KV transformer for immediate replacement, if any of the transformers (i.e. transformer 1 & 2) fails. One additional 150 MVA 220/132 KV transformer for G.S.S., Begusarai. One additional 150 MVA 220/132 KV transformer at G.S.S., Bodh Gaya for breakdown maintenance. Reconductoring of 220 KV Bodh Gaya-BSF line as it is unable to bear maximum load due to its longevity and wears & tear. 9. Two additional 220/132 KV 150 MVA transformer for G.S.S., Darbhanga and Gopalganj. 10. Fourth 50 MVA 132/33 KV transformer at G.S.S., Khagaul 11. One 50 MVA 132/33 KV transformer at G.S.S., Bihta. 12. 4 Nos. 50 MVA 132/33 KV transformers at G.S.S., Sitamarhi, Ara, Nawadah, Sabour. 13. One 20 MVA 132/33 KV transformer at Naugachia. 5 Nos. 20 MVA 132/33 KV transformers at Jainagar, Phulparas, Supaul, Dhaka and Belaganj and construction of 132 KV and 33 KV bays for installing additional 20 MVA transformer. 1x150 MVA transformer at Sipara (BSEB) and 01 No. 220 KV Bay, each at Sipara (BSEB) and Sampatchak (PG). After commissioning of G.S.S., Sipara this line will off loaded and reconductoring between Fatuha-Harnaut & Harnaut-Bari Pahari may be taken in phased manner. As completion of reconductoring of 132 KV Purnea-Naugachia section of L/16 (Ckt.-I) and BTPS-Khagaria of L/23 (Ckt.-II), reconductoring of remaining section i.e. 132 KV BTPSNaugachia (Ckt.-I L/16) and 132 KV Purnea-Khagaria (Ckt.-II L/23) is to be completed. Completion of 132 KV Darbhanga-Phulparas line covered under RSVY Phase-2 Part-II will offload this line but reconductoring will be still required. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Reconductoring of 132 KV S/C Chapra-Siwan transmission line. After construction of 132 KV Biharsharif-Sheikhpura, 132KV Sheikhpura-Jamui and 132KV Sheikhpura-Lakhisarai these lines will be offloaded but its reconductoring will still be required. Reconductoring of (a) 132 KV S/C Samastipur-Darbhanga. (b) 132 KV D/C MTPS-Muzaffarpur. (c) 132 KV Lalmatia-Sabour. (d) 132 KV S/C MTPS-Motihari. (e) 132 KV S/C Purnea-Dalkola. (f) 132 KV Bettiah-Ramnagar. Bihar State Power Holding Company Page 28