U: Medication Administration - College of Licensed Practical Nurses

U: Medication
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, Competency Profile for LPNs, 3rd Ed.
Major Competency Area: U
Medication Administration
Competency: U-1
Date: June 1, 2015
Principles of Pharmacology
A Licensed Practical Nurse will:
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to apply critical thinking and critical
inquiry throughout the nursing process related to pharmacology and
medication administration.
Demonstrate knowledge of chemical drug classifications:
 animal (hormones, enzymes)
 chemical synthesis (antibiotics, steroidal, radioactive)
 natural (plant, mineral, herbal remedies)
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of pharmacological principles
 pharmacokinetics
o absorption
o distribution
o metabolism
o excretion
 pharmacodynamics
o adverse effect
o anaphylactic/allergic reaction
o antagonistic effect
o complementary and alternative therapy interactions
o desired effect
o drug interactions
o drug toxicity
o duration of action
o idiosyncratic reactions
o synergistic effect
o therapeutic duration
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, Competency Profile for LPNs, 3rd Ed.
Competency: U-1
Page: 2
Principles of Pharmacology
A Licensed Practical Nurse will:
Demonstrate knowledge of routes for medication administration including:
 gastrointestinal (oral, orogastric/gastric, nasogastric, rectal)
 inhalational
 intra-arterial
 intracerebral
 intradermal/epicutaneous
 intramuscular
 intraosseous
 intrathecal
 intravenous
 intravesical
 mucous membranes (sublingual, buccal, nasal, optic, otic)
 percutaneous (topical)
 subcutaneous
 vaginal
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of medication action and effect
for client across the lifespan identifying:
 contraindications
 lab values
 nursing implications
 risk factors
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to access credible resources for
information and research related to medications prior to administration.
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to apply infection prevention and control
standards in safe storage, handling, removal and disposal of medications
according to agency policy including:
 antineoplastic
 autoimmune
 cytotoxic
 hormones
 insulin
 narcotics
 non-cytotoxic hazardous
 vasodilators, bronchodilators
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, Competency Profile for LPNs, 3rd Ed.
Competency: U-1
Page: 3
Principles of Pharmacology
A Licensed Practical Nurse will:
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to perform drug counts on controlled
medications according to agency policy including:
 maintain accurate record
 accurately record addition and/or removal
 participate in shift count and accurately record inventory
 co-sign waste of controlled medication
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to provide health teaching and coaching
related to medications and medication administration.
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to communicate and collaborate with
inter-professional team.
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, Competency Profile for LPNs, 3rd Ed.
Major Competency Area: U
Medication Administration
Competency: U-2
Medication Preparation
and Administration
Date: June 1, 2015
A Licensed Practical Nurse will:
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to accept, process, verify and initiate
written, verbal, telephone or electronic medication orders based on:
 date and time
 client name
 medication name
 dose, route, frequency, duration
 authorized prescriber (name, signature, designation)
 order is accurate, appropriate and complete
 follow-up with authorized prescriber as necessary
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to accurately calculate dosages,
concentrations, rates and volumes using formulas and standards of
measurement associated with medication administration.
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to perform additional client assessment
prior to medication administration.
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to appropriately prepare medications for
administration according to agency policy.
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to apply the “rights” and “checks” of
medication administration to reduce risk of medication error and ensure
client safety.
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, Competency Profile for LPNs, 3rd Ed.
Competency: U-2
Medication Preparation
and Administration
Page: 2
A Licensed Practical Nurse will:
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to adhere to agency policy and procedure
for safe administration of medication by:
 gastrointestinal (oral, orogastric/gastric, nasogastric, rectal)
 inhalational
 intradermal/epicutaneous
 intramuscular
 intravenous - continuous, intermittent, direct
 mucous membranes (sublingual, buccal, nasal, optic, otic)
 subcutaneous
 percutaneous (topical)
 vaginal
 intravesicular (bladder instillation
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to adhere to agency policy when
monitoring client receiving medication administration by:
 intraosseous
 intrathecal
 intra-arterial
 intracerebral
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to provide ongoing assessment,
monitoring and evaluation of medication effectiveness.
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to recognize and manage adverse
medication reaction and anaphylaxis including:
 identify signs and symptoms
 implement protocol according to agency policy
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, Competency Profile for LPNs, 3rd Ed.
Major Competency Area: U
Medication Administration
Competency: U-3
Date: June 1, 2015
Nitrous Oxide
A Licensed Practical Nurse will:
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to administer nitrous oxide:
 identify risks and precautions
 manage adverse reactions
 provide ongoing monitoring
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, Competency Profile for LPNs, 3rd Ed.
Major Competency Area: U
Medication Administration
Competency: U-4
Date: June 1, 2015
Contrast Agents
A Licensed Practical Nurse will:
Demonstrate knowledge of diagnostic imaging contrast agents.
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to administer diagnostic imaging
contrast agents:
 identify the different types
 identify risks and precautions
 manage adverse reactions
 provide ongoing monitoring
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, Competency Profile for LPNs, 3rd Ed.
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