Time variable transformers operating at a near-unity transfer ratio and some possible applications D. Shmilovitz Abstract: Time variable transformer network elements are reviewed. Four special topologies are presented which are of benefit, especially in the vicinity of a unity overall transfer ratio. Analytical expressions are derived which indicate the resulting improvements in terms of energy conversion efficiency and systems power density (as well as expected cost). It is shown, that the use of the proposed topologies may, in some cases, improve these figures of merit by a factor of two or more. Additionally, when the time variable transformer realisation is achieved by means of switched mode converters, the dynamic characteristics, and consequently, the dynamic load regulation will improve significantly. Application of the resulting topology in an active ripple cancellation stage of a unity-power-factor rectifier clearly validates the proposed approach. 1 Introduction Time variable transformers (TVTs) have been desirable network elements for many years. Such elements offer significant advantages in the controll, manipulation, and processing of signals with significant power content. Similar to conventional transformers, TVTs are two-port power conservative network elements which couple two subnetworks, N1 and N2 as shown in Fig. 1. The waveforms and component values within the subnetwork are scaled with respect to each other by a scaling factor, defined by the transformers transfer ratio. However, the transfer ratio, k(t), of TVTs is time dependent: kðtÞ 0 v1 ðtÞ v2 ðtÞ ¼ ð1Þ i2 ðtÞ 0 kðtÞ1 i1 ðtÞ i1 1 1:k (t ) i2 + N1 Fig. 1 v1 + v2 N2 A TVT coupling two subnetworks Magnetically coupled variable transformers in which the effective turns ratio is tap varied are well known and widely used. However, for our purposes a TVT is taken to refer to a conceptual network element whose transfer ratio is continuously (often, periodically) varied over a wide range at a relatively high rate. This calls for an all-electronic realisation of the TVT. In addition, TVTs have no r IEE, 2004 IEE Proceedings online no. 20040360 doi:10.1049/ip-epa:20040360 Paper first received 4th February 2003 and in revised form 24th September 2003 The author is with the Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 151, No. 2, March 2004 saturation, thus they may operate with DC signal components. Other means of TVT realisation include a saturated core in which the magnetic operation point is controlled by an auxiliary bias current, varying the incremental permeability [1, 2] or a thermoelectric-thermomagnetic coupling in which the transfer ratio is controlled via the applied magnetic field [3]. These variable transformers have a limited variation range of their transfer ratio and imply power investment at the control input. Apparently, circuits that involve the operation of semiconductors in a linear mode are power dissipative and are therefore unsuitable for TVT realisation. Thus, even though the concept of TVTs was introduced for the first time in 1965 [4], practical realisation became possible only in the 1970s, with the development of efficient switched mode conversion circuits. To a large extent, modern switching DC/DC converters may be regarded as DC transformers. This is due to their high efficiency which implies energy conservation in addition to the fact that their output voltage is proportional to their input voltage and vice versa, i.e. their input current is proportional to their output current [4–8]. Since switched mode converters contain some energy storage components, they can be modelled as transformers on an average basis only. The averaging time window is commonly chosen to be equal to a converter’s switching period, TS [5–8]. All DC/DC converters operated with a negative feedback control loop may be viewed as being a DC/DC transformer whose transfer ratio is being slightly tuned in order to provide output voltage regulation against source and load variations. However, TVTs are characterised by the wide variation range of their transfer ratio, implying large signal models and challenging control schemes to ensure stability, [8–9]. The TVT concept is attractive due to the fact that this special family of transformers exhibits a highly desirable feature: the, so-called ‘controllable transfer ratio’. This feature provides an important means for the improvement of the system’s performance (through the application of various control schemes to continuously tune the converter’s transfer ratio). Among the practical circuits, that can be modelled by the TVT (all of which are based on switched mode circuits) are: 161 1. Maximum power point tracking networks which couple dynamic loads (such as a DC motor during acceleration) to a photovoltaic generator, while conditioning maximum power to the motor [10]. 2. Switched mode power amplifiers and inverters [11], in which the duty ratio is controlled forcing the output voltage (large signal) to follow a small reference signal. 3. Switched-mode unity-power-factor rectifiers in which the input current is forced to follow a small reference sinusoidal signal, via the continuous tuning of the converter’s transfer ratio [8]. TVTs operating at a near-unity transfer ratio will now be investigated. Topologies will be are derived using theoretical analysis and some possible realisations indicated. Four basic schematic topologies will be derived which can be applied in power converters there by yielding an improved power density and overall efficiency. The theoretical derivations are meant to indicate the upper bounds for improvement in the overall efficiency and power density in power electronics circuits due to the use of the proposed topologies, depending on voltage levels. Once these principles are set, different realisations may be derived, depending on the particular case requirements. A switched-mode unitypower-factor rectifier system is chosen as an experimental test bed to validate the theoretical derivations. 2 Consider a TVT with a transfer ratio, k(t), similar to the one shown in Fig. 1. Its transfer matrix may be written in terms of its deviation from unity, dk(t): v1 ðtÞ v2 ðtÞ ¼ KðtÞ i2 ðtÞ i1 ðtÞ " # ð2Þ 1 þ dkðtÞ 0 KðtÞ ¼ 0 ð1 þ dkðtÞÞ1 The transfer matrix, K(t), may be viewed as describing the combined operation of two transformers: the first one having a transfer ratio of 1:1 (with a transfer matrix I) and the second one with a transfer matrix dK(t). As indicated by K(t), (2), these two transformers should be connected in series at one side, and in parallel at the other, as shown in Fig. 2. 1:1 i11 i12 + + + v11 v1 i21 1:k(t) v21 Fig. 2 + − + − i2 v12 − − i22 v2 Efficiency considerations Like any power processing network, physical TVTs have a less then unity energy conversion efficiency. Some of the losses are dependent on the current throughput of the TVT. Examples of this include inductor copper losses and conduction losses of semiconductor devices in switched mode converters. Some of the losses are governed by the voltage (a small part in switched mode converter implemented TVTs), while others are governed by both voltage and current eg semiconductor switching losses. In addition, the percentage loss may depend on operation frequency and operation point (such as duty ratio and load). Different models and expressions can be derived for the efficiency that account for the loss mechanism associated with the actual TVT realisation. With out loss of generality, a simplified model for losses will be adopted in the present analysis. Assume that in a given operation range the overall TVT efficiency may be approximated by a constant value, Z. Current-dependent losses are manifested in a reduction of the TVT’s effective voltage transfer ratio with respect to an ideal TVT and vice versa, losses generated by the voltage cause a current transfer ratio which is lower than the one of an ideal TVT. Thus, a possible way of describing a TVT with an efficiency of Z, like the one depicted in Fig. 3a is: vin ðtÞ vout ðtÞ ¼KðtÞg iout ðtÞ iin ðtÞ ð4Þ a Z 0 g¼ ; 0 Z 1; 0 a 1 0 Z1a + v22 = v − − The two-transformer topology The symbol ‘‘C’’ in this Figure indicates that these conceptual TVTs may operate with both, AC and DC signals. The upper 1:1 transformer operation is given by its 162 Equations (2) and (3) are correct independent of the dk value, however, we will concentrate on the cases in which 7dk7 is significantly smaller than one. It will be shown that identifying such cases yields special power electronics topologies that will improve the power density of a converter. dk may be either positive or negative, which would result in either an increase (v2 ¼ v1+7dv7) or decrease (v2 ¼ v17dv7) of the voltage v2 with respect to v1. Also, the source and the load may connect to either side of the topology. If isolation is not required, the 1:1 upper transformer may be omitted, shorting its input and output terminals (which, in a way, resembles an autotransformer). The lower transformer power throughput with respect to the upper ones power throughput is proportional to dv/v1. Therefore, the volume, weight and cost of the whole system will be significantly reduced. In addition, the power conversion efficiency is expected to increase, since part of it will be transferred directly from the source to the load. Efficiency issues are analysed in detail in the following section. 3 TVTs at a near-unity transfer ratio i1 transfer matrix I, whereas the operation of the second transformer is described by the transfer matrix dK. dkðtÞ 0 1 0 ð3Þ dKðtÞ ¼ I¼ 0 1 0 dkðtÞ1 where the subscripts ‘in’ and ‘out’ indicate the direction of power flow with respect to the TVT system. The value of a depends on the loss mechanism of the actual TVT; in magnetic-coupling-based transformers it would be around one-half since core losses and copper losses are about equal. In piezoelectric transformers in which most of the losses are dielectric losses a would be close to ‘zero’ while in switched mode converters, where most of the losses are generated by the current, a would be between one-half and one. Under this representation, losses may be viewed as if IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 151, No. 2, March 2004 iin 1:k(t ) iin iout + vin + vout − − + vin − iout + vout − p p a Fig. 3 loss network 1:k(t) b . For a negative dk, the overall efficiency, m, is higher than the TVTs’ efficiency Z, if: Za ð12Þ dkðtÞ4 1þZ At dk ¼ Za the output power is equal to zero as is the overall efficiency. Plots of the overall efficiency against the transfer ratio of the lower TVT are provided in Fig. 4, for three values of the efficiency of the TVT. a Lossy TVT b Loss mechanism modelled as a cascade loss network 1 1 =0.9 0.8 In addition, the 1:1 TVT obeys: v12 ðtÞ v ðtÞ ¼ I 11 i12 ðtÞ i11 ðtÞ ð6Þ Also, the lower TVT, incorporating the loss model obeys: v22 ðtÞ v ðtÞ ¼ dK ðtÞg 21 ð7Þ i22 ðtÞ i21 ðtÞ 0.6 0.4 pout v2 i2 ¼ pin v1 i 1 ð8Þ Substituting (5), (6) and (7) into (8) yields: m¼ 1 þ Za dk dk40 1 þ Za1 dk ð9Þ It should be noted that the overall efficiency, m, is higher than the TVT’s efficiency g, for all positive values of the transfer ratio, dk. For negative values of dk, the polarity of dv inverses, which reverses the power flow direction through the 1: dk lower TVT (Fig. 2). In this case (7) is replaced by: v ðtÞ v22 ðtÞ ¼ dK ðtÞg1 21 ð10Þ i22 ðtÞ i21 ðtÞ Other than that, (5) and (6) are valid. Substituting (5), (6) and (10) into (8) yields: m¼ 1 þ Za dk Za dk 0 1 þ Z1a dk IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 151, No. 2, March 2004 ð11Þ 0.8 =0.7 =0.7 0.2 0 −1 0 1 2 k a 3 4 0.7 −1 5 0 1 2 k b 3 4 5 Fig. 4 a The overall efficiency against the TVT’s transfer ratio dk b An expande view Case 2: TVTs connected in parallel at the load side and in series at power input port. In this case the source and load are interchanged with respect to case 1, which yields: 8 vin ¼ v2 > > > > vout ¼ v1 > > > > < iin ¼ i2 ð13Þ iout ¼ i1 > > > dv ¼ v21 > > > > v ¼ v21 ¼ v1 > : 11 i12 ¼ i22 ¼ i2 The overall power flow direction is now from right to left (Fig. 2), hence: Where I and g are defined in (3) and (4). The overall efficiency, m, is defined as: m¼ =0.8 =0.9 =0.8 being generated by a loss network applied in cascade with the ideal TVT as is shown in Fig. 3b. This loss model is applied to the lower TVT in the configuration of Fig. 2. Since the upper, 1:1 TVT will eventually be omitted, and its input and output ports will connect directly, its efficiency is assumed to be 100%. Case 1: TVTs connected in parallel at the power input port and in series at the load side. In this case the power source is applied at the part of the parallel connected TVTs and the load is fed from the series connected side of the TVTs: 8 vin ¼ v1 > > >v ¼ v > > out 2 > > > < iin ¼ i1 ð5Þ iout ¼ i2 > > dv ¼ v > 22 > > > > > v11 ¼ v21 ¼ v1 : i12 ¼ i22 ¼ i2 0.9 m¼ pout v1 i1 ¼ pin v2 i2 ð14Þ For positive values of the transfer ratio dk, the polarity of i21 inverses which reverses the direction of the power flow through the lower TVT, which yields: v21 ðtÞ v ðtÞ ¼ dK 1 ðtÞg 22 ð15Þ i21 ðtÞ i22 ðtÞ Substitution of (6), (13) and (15) into (14) yields: m¼ 1 þ Z1a dk 1 þ Za dk 0 dk ð16Þ Which is greater than Z for all positive transfer ratios. For negative values of dk the polarity of i21 inverses which reverses the direction of the power flow through the lower TVT, hence: m¼ 1 þ Za1 dk 1 þ Za dk Z1a dko0 Zþ1 ð17Þ Generally the behaviour of m in both cases is similar: see a comparison in Fig. 5, for a ¼ 0.7. 163 1 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.9 =0.9 =0.8 =0.7 0.8 0.7 increasing 0.7 case 1 0.6 case 2 0.5 cf 0.6 0.4 cf2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 −1 k Fig. 5 4 The overall efficiency in cases 1 and 2, a ¼ 0.7 Fig. 6 Power rating reduction As shown in the preceeding section, power conversion efficiency improvement (in a certain range of dk) is achieved by the application of the proposed topology. Additionally, it will be shown that under the proposed topology the power rating of the TVTs is significantly reduced. In practical implementations this reduction of power rating should translate into volume, weight, and cost reductions. Let us define a compactness factor, cf, as the ratio of the system rated power when the dual TVT topology is employed to that of a conventional, single TVT system supplying the same load power. pdualTVT ð18Þ cf ¼ psingleTVT Improved compactness factor implies cfo1. To have a notion of the cf behaviour, a naive assumption is made; that the power conversion system’s size is proportional to the power dissipated in this system [6], i.e.: lossesdualTVT ð19Þ cf ’ lossessingleTVT Thus: cf ’ ð1=m 1Þ=pload ð1=Z 1Þ=pload ð20Þ Substituting (9), (11), (16) and (17), yields the compactness factors: 8 Za dk > > dk40 < 1 þ Za dk ð21Þ cf1 ¼ Z1a dk > a > : Z dk 0 1 þ Za dk 8 Z1a dk > > dk40 < 1 þ Z1a dk cf2 ¼ ð22Þ a 1a Z dk Z > > : dk 0 Zþ1 1 þ Za1 dk Compactness factors are plotted in Fig. 6 for a ¼ 0.8 and Z ¼ 0.8, 0.7 and 0.6. 5 DC-DC converters at a near-unity transfer ratio Many DC applications involve voltage conversion at a near-unity transfer ratio, for instance, the converters used in the conversion of an automotive source (at about 10 to 15 V) to a high-quality power with low ripple content 164 cf1 0.4 0.3 0 −1 0.5 0 1 2 k 3 4 5 Compactness factors for a ¼ 0.8 and Z ¼ 0.8, 0.7 and 0.6 suitable for consumer electronics such as camcorders (which typically requires 10 V 72%) or laptop computers (16 V) may be viewed as near-unity transfer ratio TVTs. Other examples include voltage conversion for digital loads such as 5 V DC to 3.3 V DC. In a conventional power converter configuration (see Fig. 7) all the load power is processed by the converter, which must be rated accordingly. Pconverter Pload _ ∆v ð23Þ + 1:k(t ) + + vg + _ v1 _ Fig. 7 DC/DC converter v2 _ + load vload _ Conventional DC/DC conversion In the case in which the output voltage is not significantly different from the input voltage the near-unity transfer ratio TVT model applies. Let us denote the voltage difference between the source and the load voltages by Dv: Dv ¼ vload vg ð24Þ The proposed approach may be applied only if isolation between source and load is not required. In this case, we suggest the generation of a voltage difference at one of the converter ports rather than the generation of the load voltage. This port will be connected in series with the load and the source. Without loss of generality, let us assume that the source and load voltages are positive as marked in Fig. 7. Also, it will be assumed that a practical switched mode realisation of the TVT can handle only unipolar voltages at its input and output ports. In the configuration proposed herein, the converter is connected so as to draw its input power, p1, either from the source, from the load side or from the voltage difference Dv. For each of which, it may inject its output power, p2, at either one of the other two point. This approach appears to result in six possible topologies, however, the cases in which the source is applied to one of the converter ports and the load to the other implies a converter power throughput equal to that of the load (which is the conventional configuration). Thus, four IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 151, No. 2, March 2004 possible topologies are left; depending on whether Dv is generated at the converter input or output port and on whether the second port is connected in parallel with either the source or the load, see Fig. 8. − v + ig vg + + − i load p2 p1 v1 − + − v2 + 1:k (t ) DC/DC converter load v load − a 6 − v + ig vg + − i load p1 + v2 p2 − + k (t ):1 + v1 − DC/DC converter load v load − b − v + ig + vg i load p2 + v2 − − k (t ):1 DC/DC converter + + v1 − p1 load v load − c − v + ig + vg − i load p1 k (t ):1 + DC/DC v2 p2 converter − − v1 + transformer topology (Fig. 2) with dko0, while Fig. 8d arises from the same case with dko0. Thus, similar advantages in terms of efficiency improvement and compactness may be expected. Practical realisations of the converter must comply with the voltage and current polarities as denoted in Fig. 8. When the converter’s actual realisation is an isolated one, its application in the proposed topologies is straightforward. Non-isolated converters are more difficult to apply since the proposed topologies imply a common point between the converter input and output, which must not violate the actual converter realisation. One such example is shown in the following Section. + load Experimental results A second stage post regulator of a unity-power-factor rectification system was chosen as the experimental example. The proposed scheme, depicted in Fig. 9a, employs two blocks, connected in series at the output rather than cascaded as in a conventional two-stage switched mode rectifier. The main stage is responsible for current shaping and therefore it generates a large ripple at its output [8]. This stage is rated to the total APFC’s power throughput. The load is fed by the main stage in series with a second block, which is solely responsible for output regulation. The output of this block varies over a wide range so as to cancel the output ripple of the main stage and is rated only to the ripple power (less than 10% of the total APFC’s power throughput), see Fig. 9b. Thus, although the system is composed of two blocks, the total system’s size and cost is not significantly larger than that of a single stage scheme. However, the second block facilitates the tight, wideband output regulation. In the scheme depicted in Fig. 9a the post-regulator (second stage) may be identified as a case 1 TVT configuration with a positive transfer ratio (Fig. 8a). The load, fed by the main stage in series with a second block, sees very little ripple due to the ripple cancellation action of v load − _ Fig. 8 Four possible topologies for the converters connected in an autotransformer configuration + + current shaping Cdc AC/DC Similar to (9), if the converter is viewed as a TVT, the topology of Fig. 8a arises from case 1 of the twotransformer topology (Fig. 2) with dk40, while Fig. 8b arises from the same case with dko0. Similarly, the topology of Fig. 8c arises from case 2 of the twoIEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 151, No. 2, March 2004 − + ripple cancellation vac The convention in this representation is that the converter input is represented by the subscript ‘1’ and its output by a ‘2’. The direction of power flow is also marked. In all of these topologies, only part of the source power is processed by the converter, while the rest is transferred directly to the load. The closer nload is to ng the smaller is this portion. The converter’s rated-power reduction is achieved for all of the topologies of Fig. 8. The topology shown in Fig. 8a where the converter draws its input power from the source and its output voltage appears in series with the load and source is an example. The converters’ rating is reduced in this topology in comparison to that of the conventional conversion of Fig. 7 by a factor of: p2 Dv ¼ ð25Þ pload vload v + P2 iac d vdc−link load v load _ + P1 − − converter control a v Vload Vdc−link ∆V T/ 2 t b Fig. 9 APFC with active ripple cancellation a The scheme b The schematic waveforms 165 the second stage. The output of this block varies through a wide range so as to cancel the main stage is output ripple and is rated only to the ripple power (less than 10% of the total APFC’s power throughput). Figure 9b shows (schematically only) how the second stage generates a ripple component, Dv opposite to that of the current shaping stage (plus a small DC component). So, the load, which sees the sum of Vdc-link and Dv, experiences a considerably reduced ripple component. A 200 W unitypower-factor rectifier was build incorporating the proposed scheme. It has been designed for a telecom voltage level of 48 V DC. The pre-regulator stage has been implemented by a single ended primary inductance (SEPIC) topology [8]. The details of the current shaping pre-regulator are beyond of the scope of the current discussion, however, it may be said that the SEPIC presents several advantages over the conventionally employed boost topology. In particular, a high output voltage can be avoided, making this converter very suitable for use as a power factor pre-regulator for telecom voltage levels (which are lower than the input), [12]. The postregulator is the focus of this experiment (see Fig. 10). It extracts power in parallel with the DC link capacitor Cdc and outputs power across C2. The polarities are such that v1 and v2 are positive. Thus: vload ¼ v1 þ v2 Fig. 11 Pre-regulator input voltage (channel 1, 50 V/div) and current (channel 2, 1 A/div) ð26Þ Relating the experimental circuit to the schematic topologies (Fig. 8) it can be seen this topology is actually similar to the one in Fig. 8a, i.e. power is absorbed in parallel and injected in series. v1 and v2 represent the post-regulator input and output voltages respectively, in both Fig. 8 and Fig. 10. current shaping pre-regulator ripple cancellation post-regulator 2 ac 1 C2 L1 L2 load load Cdc Fig. 12 Fig. 10 Experimental setup: L1 ¼ L2 ¼ 20 mH, Cdc ¼ 940 mF (100 V), C2 ¼ 167 mF (16 V), switching frequency 160 kHz (i) The pre-regulator output voltage (channel 1, 10 V/div) (ii) the load voltage (channel 2, 10 V/div). Both traces have the same reference ground and a time base of 4 ms/div The PFC pre-regulator input current and voltage are shown in Fig. 11. The quality of the rectification is beyond the scope of this experiment and harmonic analysis was not performed. Yet it can be seen that the current shape tracks the voltage shape pretty well, yielding a unity-power-factor rectification. The small active ripple cancellation stage is based on a variation of the flyback topology, as depicted in Fig. 10. The DC-link capacitor voltage is the pre-regulators output voltage and the second stage input voltage, v1. As it can be seen, the ripple cancellation stage output voltage v2 connects in series with the input voltage v1, to form the load voltage. Exactly as in the configuration depicted in Fig. 8a. A tapped-inductor is used in order to avoid operation at very low duty ratios. The pre-regulator output voltage v1, and the load voltage vload, are shown in Fig. 12. It can be seen that the circuit operates as predicted (comparing to Fig. 9b). The ripple cancellation stage output voltage, v2 had to vary in the wide range of 1.2–5.7 V in order to compensate for the intentionally exaggerated ripple across the DC-link capacitor. Therefore, its average efficiency was quite low (about 60% on average). However, since it processed only about 3% of the load power, the second stage losses were less than 2% of the total power and the overall efficiency from AC mains to the regulated DC load reached up to 92% at nominal load. The efficiency exceeds 90% in the range of 160–200 W load power. The ripple decreased from 4.4 V p-p on the DC-link capacitor to less than 30 mV p-p across the load. In fact almost all of the low frequency ripple has been removed and the reminding 30 mV is mainly at the switching frequency (160 kHz). This ripple can be easily removed by a small filter. The ripples before and after the active ripple cancellation stage are shown in Fig. 13. The power MOSFET in the second stage is rated at 5 A, 20 V (Rdson ¼ 33 mO), in a SOT 23 package whereas the switching device in the pre-regulator was an IRF720 power MOSFET (400 V, 10 A, 55 mO) in a TO-220 package, the size difference is evident from Fig. 14. Alhough a power MOSFET with a lower rated current could be used in the pre-regulator, it would not have decreased the package size since it must withstand a high drain-source breakdown voltage. The SEPIC pre-regulator stage consists of two inductors La with an inductance of 600 mH at the AC side and 166 IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 151, No. 2, March 2004 with a value of 20 mH, and a saturation current of 4 A. The difference in size can be seen in Fig. 15 where L1&L2 is the post-regulator taped inductor. Other components show a similar size reduction, for instance Cdc would have to be very big and bulky if it is to accomplish the same ripple across the load without the second post-regulator stage. 7 Fig. 13 (i) Ripple content in the post-regulator input voltage (ii) Ripple content in the load voltage, Note the vertical gain is 1 V/ dov, the time base is 4 ms/div, both with the same reference grand Fig. 14 The difference in size of the active switching devices Lb with an inductance of 400 mH at the pre-regulator output. These inductors were designed for a 1.5 A saturation current. The taped post-regulator inductor (L1, and L2 in Fig. 10) was designed so that L1 was equal to L2 Fig. 15 Discussion A rather efficient configuration incorporating TVTs was presented, analysed and experimentally implemented. Four basic topologies were derived in which switched mode converters (or other types of TVT) may be applied. Expressions for the overall energy conversion efficiency and relative power density have been derived which indicate that a substantial improvement in these figures of merit can be obtained, especially when a near-unity transfer ratio is needed. One of the proposed topologies was incorporated as a ripple cancellation stage in a unity-power-factor switched-mode rectifier. In addition to the high efficiency of up to 98% (a 92% overall efficiency) and reduced power rating, this stage provides an excellent ripple cancellation of 43 dB. The effective ripple cancellation results from the small values of the capacitance and the inductance in the post-regulator stage, which facilitates a considerably improved dynamic response of this stage. Although the efficiency varies with the load, an overall efficiency above 90% is maintained in the range of 160 – 200 W load power. Further research will be conducted in order to determine the improvement of the dynamics quantitatively and to find other transformed and non-transformed topologies. Also an optimisation procedure is being developed with regard to the optimal topologies and optimal range of operation. For instance, in the experimental example, the post-regulator’s efficiency would increase if it were to generate a higher voltage at its output. However, this would require more power. Thus there must be a point of maximum overall power efficiency. Similar considerations apply regarding power density. These issues should be approached employing detailed loss models for the converters. The difference in size of the inductors. La and Lb belonging to the pre-regulator stage and L1&L2 belonging to the pre-regulator stage IEE Proc.-Electr. 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