Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application Minimization on Riemannian manifolds and the application to Cosserat models Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Faculty of Mathematics Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 15th April 2005 Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application Infinitesimal Cosserat Model Compute displacement u and infinitesimal rotations id +A with T A = −A, such that Z W (u, A) − `(u) = min where the stored energy is λ tr(sym(∇u))2 2 + µc k skew(∇u) − Ak2 + µL2c k∇Ak2 . W (u, A) = µ k sym(∇u)k2 + Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application Finite Cosserat Model T Compute displacement u and rotations R with R R = id, such that Z W (u, R) − `(u) = min where the stored energy is λ T tr(sym(R F − id))2 2 q/2 T T + µc k skew(R F )k2 + µ 1 + L2c kR DRk2 T W (u, R) = µ k sym(R F − id)k2 + depending on the deformation gradient F = id +∇u. Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application Simplified Cosserat Model T For given u : [0, 1] −→ R3 compute rotations R with R R = id, such that Z f (R) := W (u, R) − `(u) = min where for F = id +∇u λ T tr(sym(R F − id))2 2 q/2 T T , + µc k skew(R F )k2 + µ 1 + L2c kR DRk2 T W (u, R) = µ k sym(R F − id)k2 + T Goal: Minimize f (R) on the manifold M = {R : R R = id} . Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application The Newton method for minimization on manifolds Let M be a Riemannian manifold with metric h·, ·i, and let f : M → R be a smooth functional on M. We consider the minimization problem p ∈ M: f (p) = min! For the definition of the Newton algorithm, we linearize the problem in the tangent space Tp M. Therefore, for a vector v ∈ Tp M, let γv : [0, T ] −→ M be the geodesic curve starting at p = γv (0) with γ̇v (0) = v . This defines expp (v ) := γv (1) on Dp = {v ∈ Tp M : γv is defined at least for t ∈ [0, 1]}. Furthermore, we set Vp = expp (Dp ) ⊂ M. Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application The Newton method for minimization on manifolds Starting at p0 ∈ M, in every step n = 0, 1, 2, ... we consider the local problem v ∈ Dpn : f (exppn (v )) = min! For the computation of the Newton increment, we define fpn : Dpn −→ R by fpn (v ) := f (exppn (v )), consider the Taylor expansion 1 (2) (0) (1) fpn (v ) = fpn + fpn [v ] + fpn [v , v ] + · · · 2 and solve the linear problem vn ∈ Tpn M : (2) (1) fpn [vn , w ] = −fpn [w ] , w ∈ Tpn M . If vn ∈ Dpn , this gives the new iterate pn+1 = exppn (vn ) . Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application The theorem of Newton-Kantorovich on manifolds Assume that for p0 ∈ M holds: a) |hgrad f (p0 ), w ip0 | ≤ η kw kp0 for w ∈ Tp0 M ; b) hHess f (p0 )w , w ip0 ≥ β kw k2p0 for w ∈ Tp0 M ; c) K ⊂ Vp for p ∈ K , where K := {p ∈ M : d(p, p0 ) ≤ r } and r = 2η/β ; d) Hess f is locally Lipschitz in the following sense: for any geodesic curve γ : [a, b] −→ K with γ(a) = p and γ(b) = q we have for all w , w 0 ∈ Tp M hHess f (q)Pγ,a,b w , Pγ,a,b w 0 iq − hHess f (p)w , w 0 ip ≤ λ kw kp kw 0 kp d(p, q) ; e) 2ηλ ≤ β 2 . Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application The theorem of Newton-Kantorovich on manifolds Then, we have: the Newton sequence pn builds a well defined Cauchy sequence in K with limit p ∗ ∈ K , and we have the estimate d(p ∗ , p0 ) ≤ 2η β+ p β 2 − 2ηλ ≤r and d(p ∗ , pn ) ≤ β 2λη 2n . λ β2 Moreover, we have hHess f (p ∗ )w , w ip∗ ≥ β − λ d(p ∗ , p0 ) kw k2p∗ for w ∈ Tp∗ M . If, in addition, 2ηλ < β 2 , Newton’s method converges quadratically and p ∗ is a isolated local minimum of f in K . Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application Application to the manifold SO(3)N We compute R 0 = Ra , R 1 , ..., R N = Rb at prescribed points ϕ(z0 ), ..., ϕ(zN ) ∈ R3 with a = z0 < z1 < · · · < zN = b. Replacing ∂z R by a difference quotient in the interior respectively a simple one at the boundary. Using trapezoidal rule, we obtain the minimization problem f (R 1 , ..., R N−1 ) = min! depending on R 0 , R N and F 0 = ∇ϕ(z0 ), ..., F N = ∇ϕ(zN ): f (R 1 , ..., R N−1 ) = N−1 2 λX hm−1/2 tr((R m )T F m ) − 3 2 m=1 +µ N−1 X m T hm−1/2 k sym((R ) F m 2 − I )k + µL2c m=1 N−1 X m=0 1 kR m+1 − R m k2 hm (hm = zm+1 − zm , hm−1/2 = (hm−1 + hm )/2). Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application Numerical experiment (Globalized Newton method) Newton defect number of steps Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds 5e02 0 ... ... 1e-01 54 1e-05 55 1e-12 56 Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Elastic Cosserat Models Newton Application Summary, outlook and future work Already realized: I Finite element implementation for linear infinitesimal Cosserat models in 2D and 3D I Nonlinear Newton analysis for minimization problems on Riemannian manifolds (e. g., Cosserat rotations) Next steps: I Multigrid methods for Cosserat models I Elasto-plastic Cosserat models I Full nonlinear Cosserat models Wolfgang Müller and Christian Wieners Minimization on Riemannian manifolds Universität Karlsruhe (TH)