Date: Name: Applying Newton's Laws of Motion READ ffi In the second column of the table below, write each of Newton's three laws of motion. Use your own wording. In the third column of the table, describe an example of each law. To find examples of Newton's laws, think about all the activities you do in one day. PRAGTIGeD.<-1. When Jane drives to work, she always places her purse on the passenger's seat. By the time she gets to work, her purse has fallen on the floor in front of the passenger seat. One day, she asks you to explain why this happens in terrns of physics. What do you say? 2. You are waiting in line to use the diving board at your local pool. While watching people dive into the pool from the board, you realize that using a diving board to spring into the air before a dive is a good example of Newton's third law of motion. Explain how a diving board illustates Newton's third law of motion. J. You know the mass of an object and the force applied to the object to make it move. Which ofNewton's laws of motion will help you calculate the acceleration of the object? 4. How many newtons of force are represented by the following amount: 3 kg'rn/sec2 Select the correct ailswer (a, b, or c) and justifu your answer. a.6 nevrtons b- 3 newtons c. 1 ? newton 5. Your shopping cart has a mass of 65 kilograms, In order to accelerate the shopping cart down an aisle at 0.3 m/sec2, what force would you need to use or apply to the cart? 6. A small child 7. You dribble a basketball while walking on a basketball court. List and describe the pairs of action-reaction forces in this situation. kilograms. The child pulls on the wagon with a force of 2 newtons. What is the acceleration of the wagon? has a wagon with a mass of 10 Name: Date: Newton's Second Law REA0 ffi Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly related to the force on it, and inversely related to the mass of the object. You need more force to move or stop an object with a lot of mass (or inertia) than you need for an object with less mass. . The formula for the second law of motion (first row below) can be rearanged to solve for mass and force. acceleration (a) force (F) and mass (z) acceleration acceleration (a) and force - force mass ("F) acceleration (a) and mass (m) EXAHPLE$ Dl How much force is needed to accelerate a truck with a mass of 2,000 kilograms at a rate of 3m/secz? F = mxa:2,000kg.+ = sec 6,000 te.*: 6,000N sec What is the mass of an object that requires 15 N to accelerate it at a rate of 1.5 m/sec2? 15 -^^ - F - 15N m:-:a 1.5m 22 sec PnAcTlCf ks-m ,".' -luKg l.Sm sec p+--l 1. What is the rate of acceleration of a 2,O0O-kilogram truck moving forward? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is the acceleration of a 0.30 kilogram ball that is hit with a force of 25 N? if a force of 4,200 N is used to make it start How much force is needed to accelerate a 68 kilogram-skier atarate of 1,.Zmlsecz? What is the mass of an object that requires a force of 30 N to accelerate Lt arate of 5 nlsec2? What is the force on a 1,000 kilogram-elevator that is falling freely under the acceleration of gravity only? What is the mass of an object that needs a force of 4,500 N to accelerateit at arate of 5 mlsec2? What is the acceleration of a 6.4 kilogram bowling ball if a force of 12 N is applied to it? Date: Name: Momentum READ -f, Which is more difEcult to stop: A tractor-trailer truck barreling down the highway at 35 meters per second, or a small two-seater sports car traveling the same speed? You probably guessed that it takes more force to stop a large truck than a small car. ln physics terms, we say that the tuck has gteater momentum. We can find momentum using this equation: : momentum mass of object x velocity of object Velocity is a term that refers to both speed and direction. For our pu{poses we will assume that the vehicles are traveling in a straight line. In that case, velocity and speed are the same. The equation for momentum is abbreviated like this: p = nx x u . Momentum, symbolized with ap,is expressed in units of kg'm/sec; m is the mass ofthe object, in kilograms; and v is the velocity of the object in ur/sec. PRAGTtcaft--u Use your knowledge about solving equations to work out the following problems: 1. 2. 3. If the car has a mass of 4. A beach ball is rolling in a straight line toward you at a speed of 0.5 m/sec. Its momentum is 0.25 kg'm/sec. If the tuck has a mass of 2,000 kilograms, what is its momentum? Express your answer in kg'm/sec. 1,000 kilograms, what is its momentum? An 8-kilogram bowling ball is rolling in is it taveling? a straight line toward you. If its momentum is 16 kg'm/sec, how fast What is the mass of the beach ball? 5. A 4,O00-kilogram truck tavels in a straight line at 10.0 rnlsec. What is its momentum? 6. A 1,4O0-kilogram car is also traveling in a sfiaight line. Its momentum is equal to that of the truck in the previous question. What is the velocity of the car? 7. Which would take more force to stop in 10 seconds: an 8.O-kilogram ball rolling in a staight line at a speed af A.2 m/sec or a 4.0-kilogram ball rolling along the same path at a speed of 1.0 nn/sec? 8. The momentum of a car traveling in a straight line at 20 m/sec is 24,500 kg'mlsec. What is the car's mass? 9. A 0.14-kilogram baseball is thrown in a straight line at a velocity of 30 m/sec. What is the momentum of the baseball? 10. Another pitcher throws the same baseball in a straight line. Its momentum is 2.1 kg'm/sec. What is the velocity of the ball? 11. A l.kilogmm turtle crawls in a staight line at a speed of 0.01 m/sec. What is the turtle's momentum? Date: 's Law$ of Motion Applying READ ffi In the second column ofthe table below, write each of Newton's three laws of motion. Use your own wording. In the third column of the table, describe an example of each law. To find examples of Newton's laws, think about all the activities you do in one day. everL{ t. acfion +WLYL When Jane drives to worlg she always places her purse on the passenger's seat. By the time she gets to work, her purse has fallen on the floor in front of the passenger seat. One day, she asks you to explain why this happens in terms of physics. What do you say? OS t'ne,rtiCu 6eff,lff5( 2. You are waiting in line to use the diving board at your local pool. While watching people dive into the pool from the board, you realize that using a diving board to spring into the air before a dive is a good example of Newton's third law of motion. Exolain how a divine board illusfrates Newton's third law of motion. €4ur-l- ilnA J. dPPear-Q-. -falLch on You know the mass of an object and thb force applied to the object to make it move. Which ofNewton's laws ofmotionwillhelp youcalculate the acceleration ofthe object? La,W Ol nOh;An Lhd 4. How many newtons of force are represented by the following amount: 3 kg'rn/sec2 Select the correct answer (a, b, or c) and justifu your answer. a. 6 newtons b. 3 newtons iN= lY.*'/* c. l f= mfu ? newton 5. Your shopping cart has a mass of 65 kilograms. In order to accelerate the shopping cart down an aisle at 0.3 rn/sec2, what force would you need to use or apply to the cart? 6. A small child has a wagon with a mass of F= bSL Z) = lg, S N l0 kilograms. The child pulls on the wagon with a force of 2newtons.Whatistheaccelerationofthewagon? lOCt- L=%O= 4= O, a b/5, ien fereerirthis$+ua+ioa. Date: Name: Newton's Second Law READ ffi Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly related to the force on it, and inversely related to the mass of the object. You need more force to move or stop an object with a lot of mass (or inertia) than you need for an object with less mass. The formula for the second law of motion (first row below) can be rearranged to solve for mass and force. force (F) and mass (m) acceleration (a) acceleration - force mass acceleration (a) and force (F) acceleration (a) and mass ExAilPLE$ (z) Dl How much force is needed to accelerate a truck with a mass of 2,000 kilograrns at a rate of 3mlsec2? F = mxa = 2,000kg What is the mass of an object that requires "4: sec 6,000 kg l5 N to accelerate it +: sec at a rate 6,000N of 1.5 m/sec2? ls l(g-+ --.-Fm: -: a 15N- 1.5m -sec22 ,".' 1.5m :-,n,ruiig sec PRAGTIGefu--^ l.Whatistherateofacceleratiooor(,-.,-'_tirod1,.!^if,u,o,".o@usedtomakeitstan \yjo= laaofrnmTr*. Dfi/r" 2.WhatistheacceIeratio,,oru@Euuthatishit;;;;,,"I@,n,';'ffiu=f;3..3^/sz moving rorward? 3.Howmuchforceisneededtoaccelerate"ffi;d!ketatao.,o@PF,bgiuz),8l.bN !.2mlseczl 4.Whatisthemassofanobjectthatrequiresaforce"6E6acce1erateat^rate,@.2=--@, tn= 3Dl5= ltt K4 5'W-hatistheforce*@,g)evatorthatisfall'ingfr-eeIyundqtneffi"d,',J .--.- Lr4'goYt @QSooN 6 what is the mass or* ouj"":;lu'l ffiaql $*Hw= g@ kg ld ilo*: "fff:.y: ball ir" ro.J.#qt#Hfii; 7. what is the acceleratio, orr6f,:tldfowhng Date: Name: Momentum READ A tractor-trailer truck barreling down the or a small two-seater sports car Whichis highway traveling the same You probably guessed that it takes small car.ln physics terms, we say force to stop a large truck than a the truck has greater momentum. We can find momentumusing this mass of object x velocity of object Velocity is a tenn that refers to both traveling in a staight line. In that and direction. For olr purposes we locity and speed are the same. will assume that the vehicles are P = mxu. The equation for momentum is ethrs: Momentum, symbolized with a p, is v is the velocity of the object in in units of kg'm/sec; ru is the mass of the object, in kilograms; and PBACTIC=ft'-z^ 35*/s ch- ueloul!'-35-/t veloc.r {'1= Use your knowledge about solving equations to work out the following problems: 1.Ifthetrrrckhasu*u,s"fdwhatirits.momentum?Expressyouranswerinkg.m/sec. ? cr;r-rc Yg I s f_=}y*!jlf): ^ fuhat is its momentum? 2. If the car has a mass of Dz 3. is 4. itffiElins3 lb= Bv V= lblg lOoo = i L35)= Z-ls "@d Its momentum i fn("5) n-fi5 = _5 kg -:# travels in a straight rine a(olGYwhrt is its momentum? A beach ball is rolling in a staight line towld you a sped "t What is the mass of the beach batt? n/$= 5. "@ck 6. a6@qffi* .,-----m pre@i. \.---:--l ?il#"r fne"rns tr'.q 8. *" is also traveling in a straight line. Its What is the velocrtr 9f$3 carr ,{@ P=.*mm$ilr/s ,"*ffii,,TffJ.,"y;m#tolrfron^eLnastraightrine.atalpr ffi ilosam S€oil'nllbN utffiJ;;-ft-;q, 'rf')TldLz)';\'''"r't tl prring ffiil:'ffi'fr re'"ffi'- along the "ffipcJ s[, ffifrlQ:Tryfttr^ p= O.rt{(ao); qr7kj^/s "ilpp baseban? -"V:A,ob*fi)l'+pogo rghA -o*"or* [-drir L t["t orini truct iir ttre sam. e ,o' = {2"4-t\-'ztxl T, r4!ryrgwnatlstneca.smass, -"^"isthemomentumorthe (\|.,tl,tl0.Anotherpitcherthrowsthetrme&seLall'inastaight1ine.Itsmomentum,@,oatisthe ,tSvelocity of the ball? ll'1: gulLl 2, I -- 0" fl A- A.= 2.Yrq = lS n lS" rr. e@.E#.rtre crawls in a sraight line at a speed or@oau, is the turtle's momentum? ("or) , ,ol -l U^fu f