TANZANIA BUREAU OF STANDARDS DRAFT TANZANIA STANDARD EEDC 3(3700) P3 Aluminium conductor, galvanized steel reinforced for overhead power transmission Specification. (Draft for comments only) 0. FOREWORD Overhead lines are the commonly means of transmitting and distributing power from generating stations which are normally far from utilization point. Aluminium conductors provides comparable cheap alternative for transmission than many other available conductors and hence the most used conductor for transmission and distribution of power. This draft Tanzania Standard is intended mainly to cover the technical requirements relating to aluminium conductors steel-reinforced (ACSR) used for overhead transmission purposes. This draft Tanzania Standard specifies requirements for aluminium and steel materials used to manufacture ACSR conductor. It also specifies requirements for construction, packing and marking sampling, inspection and testing. 1. SCOPE This draft Tanzania Standard specifies the requirements for uninsulated stranded hard-drawn aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced (ACSR) for overhead power transmission purposes. 2. REFERENCE The following referenced document is indispensable for application of this draft standard. TSZ 8:1979 – Specification for reels and drums for bare wires 3. TERMINOLOGY For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions shall apply: 3.1 Aluminium conductor steel-reinforced A conductor consisting of seven or more aluminium and galvanized steel wires built up in concentric layers. The centre wire or wires are of galvanized steel and the outer layer or layers of aluminium. 3.2 Diameter The mean of two measurements at right angles taken at the same cross-section. 3.3 Direction of lay The lateral direction of inclination to the axis, either right hand or left hand, of the receding helix formed by a wire of a stranded conductor. NOTE - With right-hand lay, the wires conform to the direction of the central part of the letter Z when the conductor is held vertically. With left-hand lay, the wires conform to the direction of the central part of the letter S when the conductor is held vertically. 1 3.4 Defective A reel or drum of stranded conductor that fails in one or more respects to comply with the relevant requirements of the specification. 3.5 Lay ratio The ratio of the axial length of a complete turn of the helix formed by an individual wire in a stranded conductor to the external diameter of the helix. 3.6 Lot Not more than 3 000 reels or drums of stranded aluminium conductor, steel reinforced, of the same reference area, from one manufacturer, submitted at any one time for inspection and testing. 3.7 Reference area The cross-sectional area to be used for designation and purchasing purposes. 3.8 Standard diameter of wire The wire diameter on which the requirements for the mass and resistance per unit length and the breaking strength of the wire are based. 3.9 Wire Aluminium or steel of uniform diameter and circular in cross-section produced by drawing. 4. MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 Aluminium The conductors shall be of aluminium. Aluminium from which the wires are drawn shall be in the H9 condition and shall comply with the requirements given in table 1 and its volume resistivity, density, coefficient of linear expansion, and coefficient of variation of resistance with temperature shall conform clause 4.1.1 to 4.1.4 4.1.1 Volume resistivity The resistivity of aluminum wire depends upon its purity and its physical condition. For this standard maximum permitted value is 2.8264 micro-ohm. cm at 20°C and this value has been used as the standard resistivity for the purposes of calculation. 4.1.2 Density 3 At a temperature of 20°C the density of hard-drawn aluminum wire is to be taken as 2.703 g/cm 4.1.3 Coefficient of linear expansion The coefficient of linear expansion of hard-drawn aluminum is to be taken as 23.0 x is applicable over the range of temperatures from 0°C to 30°C /°C. This value 4.1.4 Coefficient of variation of resistance with temperature The coefficient of variation of the resistance with temperature, when measured between two potential points rigidly fixed to the wire, the metal being allowed to expand freely: 0.00403 per °C; 2 TABLE 1 - Chemical composition of aluminium EN AW-1350 (99.5) Content % Element minimum Aluminium 99.5 * Maximum. – Copper – 0.05 Silicon – 0.10 Iron – 0.40 Zinc – 0.05 Manganese – 0.01 Chromium – 0.01 – 0.03 Gallium Impurities max. + * The aluminium content of unalloyed aluminium not made by a refining process is the difference between 100.00 % and the sum of all other metallic elements present in amounts of 0.010 % or more each, expressed to the second decimal place before determining the sum. + Except that in aluminums of designation other than EN AW-1350 other impurities shall be permitted provided that the content of an individual impurity does not exceed 0.03 %. In addition, in none of the aluminium shall any impurity that is not specifically limited be present in an amount that is generally accepted as having an adverse effect on the product. 4.2 STEEL WIRE FOR REINFORCING The steel wires for reinforcing shall be galvanized. The galvanized steel wires shall have density and coefficient of linear expansion as given in 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 respectively, and the mechanical properties as given in table 4, appropriate to the standard diameter of the wire. The quality of the galvanizing shall be such that: 1) the mass of the zinc coating, determined in accordance with G.1, shall conform to the appropriate value given in table 2, 2) the wire, when tested in accordance with G.2, shall withstand the appropriate number of dips in the copper sulphate solution given in table 2 without showing adherent red copper deposits on the base metal, and 3) the coating, when tested in accordance with G.3, shall show no sign of flaking or cracking. 4.2.1 Density 3 At a temperature of 20°C the density of galvanized steel wire is to be taken as 7.85 g/cm . 4.2.2 Coefficient of linear expansion In order to obtain uniformity in calculations, the coefficient of linear expansion of galvanized steel wires used for the cores of aluminum conductors, steel-reinforced is to be taken as 11.5 x /°C. 3 TABLE 2 - Minimum mass of zinc coating and number and duration of dips. Standard diameter of wire Mass of zinc 2 coating, g/m Number of dips in copper sulphate solution at 20 ± 2 °C mm 1.57 (minimum) 1-minute dips ½ -minute dips 195 2 - 2.36 2.59 2.79 230 245 245 2 2 2 1 1 1 3.00 3.18 255 255 3 3 - 3.35 3.66 265 265 3 3 - 4.72 280 3 1 5. DIMENSIONS AND CONSTRUCTION 5.1 Wire The wires that form a stranded conductor shall, before stranding, comply with the following requirements: a) Diameter. The diameter of a single wire, measured in accordance with A.1.1, shall i) in the case of aluminium wire, be within the appropriate limits given in table 3, and ii) in the case of galvanized steel wire (measured over the zinc coating and subject to a tolerance of ± 2 %) conform to the appropriate value given in table 4 b) Freedom from defects. The wires shall be smooth, uniform in quality, free from spills, splits, and other defects, and any departure from circularity of the cross-section shall not exceed 1 % of the mean diameter. c) Physical properties. Aluminium wire shall be hard-drawn, and aluminium and galvanized steel wire shall, except as allowed in terms of 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, comply with the relevant of the following requirements: i) Resistance. The resistance of aluminium wire, determined in accordance with Annex B, shall not exceed the appropriate maximum given in table 3. ii) Breaking strength. The breaking strength, determined in accordance with C.1, shall be at least equal to the appropriate minimum given in table 3 for aluminium wire and the appropriate minimum given in table 4 for galvanized steel wire. Note – Table 3 and 4 gives the breaking strength based on standard diameter, therefore the breaking strength so determined by Annex C shall not be below the minimum breaking strength for diameter range within which the measured diameter lie. iii) Elongation at break or ductility when twisted of galvanized steel wire. Galvanized steel wire shall comply with one of the following requirements: 4 a) the elongation at break, determined in accordance with C.3.1, shall be at least 4 % or, alternatively b) when tested in accordance with E.1, the wire shall withstand at least 18 twists in a gauge length of 100 times its standard diameter. iv) Ductility when lapped. Ductility shall be such that when the wire is tested in accordance with Annex D, it shows no signs of cracks (when examined by unaided normal vision) or of breaking in the case of galvanized steel wire. v) Load at 1 % elongation. The load at 1 % elongation for galvanized steel wire, determined in accordance with Annex F shall be at least equal to the appropriate minimum given in table 4. TABLE 3 - Hard-drawn circular aluminium wires for aluminium, steel-reinforced, overhead conductors Nominal mass 1 per km Wire diameter mm Standard Maximum Minimum 1 2 3 kg Resistance per km at 20 °C Breaking 1 strength Ohms 3 2 Standard Maximum N. min. 2.36 2.59 2.384 2.616 2.336 2.564 11.82 14.24 6.461 5.365 6.600 5.474 770 906 2.79 3.00 3.18 2.818 3.030 3.212 2.762 2.970 3.148 16.53 19.11 21.47 4.623 3.999 3.559 4.717 4.080 3.631 1030 1190 1310 3.35 3.66 3.95 4.72 3.384 3.697 3.990 4.767 3.317 3.623 3.911 4.673 23.82 28.44 33.12 47.30 3.207 2.686 2.306 1.615 3.271 2.742 2.353 1.648 1450 1750 2035 2780 Based on standard diameters. These resistances are based on standard diameters and a volume Resistivity of 2.826 4 micro-ohm. cm at 20 °C. These resistances are based on minimum diameters. 5 TABLE 4 - Mechanical properties of circular galvanized steel wires for aluminium, steel-reinforced, overhead conductors Standard diameter of wire mm Nominal mass per km Load at 1 % elongation Breaking strength for for standard wires standard diameter wire kg kN, min. kN, min. 1.57 15.10 2.28 2.55 2.36 2.59 34.12 41.09 4.99 6.01 5.78 6.95 2.79 3.00 3.18 47.69 55.13 61.95 6.97 8.06 8.74 8.06 9.30 10.47 3.35 3.66 4.72 68.75 82.06 136.48 9.70 12.00 19.86 11.62 13.87 23.07 5.2 Joints in wire strands. 5.2.1 Aluminium wires In aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced containing any number of aluminium wires, joints in individual aluminium wires are permitted in addition to those made in the base rod or wire before final drawing provided that there are no more than four joints per 1000 m and, no two such joints shall be less than 15 m apart in the complete stranded conductor. Such joints shall be made by resistance or cold-pressure butt-welding. Joints shall, subsequent to welding, be annealed over a distance of at least 200 mm on each side of the joint. The joint shall not increase diameter of the stranded conductor. The section of wire containing a joint shall be exempt from the requirements given in table 3. 5.2.2 Galvanized steel wires There shall be no joints, except those made in the base rod or wire before final drawing, in steel wires forming the core of an aluminium conductor, steel-reinforced, unless the core consists of seven or more galvanized steel wires. In the latter case joints in individual wire are permitted, in addition to those made in the base rod or wire before final drawing, but no two such joints shall be less than 15 m apart in the complete steel core. Joints in the wires shall be made by resistance butt-welding and shall be protected against corrosion by re-galvanizing. The joint shall not increase diameter of the stranded conductor. The section of wire containing a joint shall be exempt from the requirements given in table 4. 5.3 Stranding 5.3.1 General The number and diameter of the wires in a steel reinforced aluminium conductor shall conform to the values given in table 7 appropriate to the reference area specified by the purchaser. The wires in each layer shall be evenly and closely stranded and, when so specified by the purchaser, a suitable corrosion inhibitor shall be applied, evenly throughout the length of the conductor, to the centre wire and to the wires in specified layers. The stranding shall be such that: a) the overall diameter of the stranded conductor complies with the requirements of 5.4.1. 6 b) the diameter, determined in accordance with A.1.2 of individual wires taken from the stranded conductor does not differ by more than 1 % from the appropriate values given in table 3 and table 4. c) the mean and the minimum breaking strengths, determined in accordance with C.2 of individual wires taken from the stranded conductor are at least 95 % and 90 % respectively of the appropriate minimum value given in table 3 or table 4, as relevant d) the elongation at break, determined in accordance with C.3.2, of individual galvanized steel wires taken from the stranded conductor, is at least 3.5 %; and e) when tested in accordance with E.2, individual galvanized steel wires taken from the stranded conductor will withstand at least 16 complete twists on a length equal to 100 times the diameter of the wire before breaking occurs.. Note – Stranding / configuration other than those specified in table 7 are allowed subject to purchaser order, such configuration shall conform to relevant requirements of this draft standard 5.3.2 In all constructions, successive layers of a stranded conductor shall have opposite directions of lay, the outermost layer being right-handed. The wires in each layer shall be evenly and closely stranded. 5.3.3 The lay ratio of the different layers shall be within the limits given in table 5. In aluminium stranded conductors having multiple layers of wires, the lay ratio of any layer shall not be greater than the lay ratio of the layer immediately beneath it. 5.3.4 Steel wires shall be formed during stranding so that they remain inert when the conductor is cut. TABLE 5 — Lay ratios for aluminium conductors, steel reinforced Lay ratios for steel cores Number of wires in conductor Aluminium 6 6 30 54 Steel 1 7 7 7 Lay ratios for aluminium layers 6-wire layer 6-wire layer 12-wire layer 18-wire layer 24-wire layer Max. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 14 14 – – 10 10 – – – – 16 17 – – 10 10 – – 14 16 – – 10 10 – – – 14 – 28 28 28 Min. – 13 13 13 Min. – – – 10 5.4 Completed conductor The completed conductor shall be free from dirt, grit, excessive amounts of drawing oil and other foreign deposits having the properties given in table 7: 5.4.1 Overall diameter The overall diameter of a conductor, determined in accordance with A.2 shall not exceed the appropriate maximum given in table 7. 7 5.4.2 Resistance The overall resistance of a conductor, determined in accordance with Annex B using a single aluminium wire to be used in the constructing the stranded conductor and multiplied by the appropriate constant given in table 6 shall not exceed the appropriate maximum value given in table 7. 5.4.3 Breaking strength The overall breaking strength of a conductor, determined in accordance with H.4 of Annex H shall not exceed the appropriate minimum value given in table 7. TABLE 6 — Stranding constants for aluminium, steel reinforced, overhead conductors Stranding constants Number of wires in conductor Mass Aluminium Steel 6 6 30 54 1 7 7 7 Aluminium 6.091 6.091 30.67 55.23 Electrical resistance Steel 1.000 7.032 7.032 7.032 0.1692 0.1692 0.03408 0.01894 TABLE 7 — Hard-drawn aluminium, steel reinforced, overhead conductors Stranding and wire diameter Calculated breaking load Calculated d.c resistance at 20°C per km aluminium only kN, Min. Ω, Max. Aluminium Steel Approximate overall diameter mm mm mm, Max. mm 25 30 40 6/2.36 6/2.59 6/3.00 1/2.36 1/2.59 1/3.00 7.08 7.77 9.00 30.62 36.88 49.48 106 128 172 9.61 11.4 15.2 1.093 0.9077 0.6766 50 60 100 6/3.35 6/3.66 6/4.72 1/3.35 1/3.66 7/1.57 10.05 11.09 14.15 61.70 73.65 118.5 214 255 394 18.4 22.50 32.7 0.5426 0.4639 0.2733 150 175 30/2.59 30/2.79 7/2.59 7/2.79 18.13 19.53 194.9 226.2 726 842 69.2 79.8 0.1828 0.1576 200 260 400 30/3.00 30/3.35 54/3.18 7/3.00 7/3.35 7/3.18 21.00 23.69 28.62 261.5 326.1 484.5 974 1214 1621 92.2 111.4 131.9 0.1363 0.1115 0.06740 Reference area mm 2 Total sectional area 2 Approximate mass per km, kg NOTES - The sectional area is the sum of the cross-sectional areas of the relevant individual wires. 8 5.5 Lengths and variations in lengths Unless otherwise agreed between purchaser and manufacturer conductors shall be supplied in the manufacturer's usual production lengths and with a permitted variation of five per cent in the length of any one conductor lengths. Additionally, it shall be permissible to supply not more than five per cent of the length on any one order in random length provided that no random length is shorter than one-third of the appropriate production length. The actual length of the conductor on a drum or reel shall not differ from the nominal length by more than 1 %. 6. PACKING AND MARKING 6.1 Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser the conductor shall be wound in reels or drums conforming to TZS 8 legibly and indelibly marked with the following: a) Trade name, if any, a) Name of manufacturer, b) Size and type of conductor, c) Length of conductor, d) Country of origin, e) Gross mass in kg, and f) Year of manufacture. Unless otherwise acceptable, each continuous length of a stranded conductor shall be packed individually. The conductor may also be marked with TBS Certification Mark. NOTE— The TBS Certification Mark may be used by manufacturers only under license from TBS. 7. SAMPLING, INSPECTION AND TESTING. 7.1 Sampling The following sampling procedure shall be applied in determining whether a lot complies with the appropriate requirements of the specification. The samples so drawn shall be deemed to represent the lot for the respective properties. 7.1.1 Sample for inspection From the lot take at random a sample of the size given in table 8 7.1.2 Sample for testing After inspection (see 7.2) of the sample taken in accordance with 7.1.1 cut off and discard the first 300 mm length of the outer end of the wire or conductor on each reel or drum and then cut the length required for the test pieces. Table 8 — Sample sizes for stranded conductors Lot size, coils, reels or drums 1 – 30 31 – 500 501 – 800 801 – 1 300 1 301 – 3 000 Sample size, coils reels or drums Number of defectives All 30 0 40 55 2 2 75 3 1 Note - This section applies to the sampling for inspection and testing before acceptance or rejection of single lots (consignments) in cases where no information about the implementation of quality control or testing during manufacture is available to help in assessing the quality of the lot. It is also used as the procedure for adjudicating in 9 cases of dispute. The cost of sampling, inspection and testing is a matter for agreement between manufacturer and purchaser. 7.2 Inspection Inspect the sample taken in accordance with 7.1.1 for compliance with the requirements of 5.5 and section 6. 7.3 Testing Before testing the sample taken in accordance with 7.1.1 check each length for compliance with the requirements of 5.3 and 5.4 The test samples shall then be subjected to the tests for compliance with the requirements of 5.4.1 to 5.4.3 7.4 Place of testing Unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer at the time of ordering, all tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment.. 7.5 Compliance If after inspection and testing of the samples taken in accordance with 7.1.1 the number of defectives found does not exceed the appropriate number given in table 8, the lot shall be deemed to comply with the relevant requirements of the specification. 8. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE The manufacturer shall, if requested, furnish the purchaser with a certificate giving the results of the tests made on samples taken in accordance with 7.1.1 10 ANNEX A Normative Measurement of Diameter A.1 Measurement of wire diameter. A.1.1 Measurement of wire diameter before stranding. Take at random, about 10% of the total number of wires (300 mm long) to be used to construct the conductor and determine the diameter of each wire with a micrometer by taking two measurements at right angles to each other at the center of the wire. Take the average of all the measurements as the wire diameter. A.1.2 Measurement of wire diameter after stranding From each sample, take at random wire specimens (300 mm long each) as given in table A. Careful straightens them not to stretch and determine the diameter of each specimen with a micrometer by taking two measurements at right angles to each other at the center of the wire. Take the average of all the measurements as the wire diameter. TABLE A – Selection of test specimens Number of wires in conductor, aluminium/steel 6/1 30/7 54/7 number of specimens per layer of completed conductor Centre 1 1 1 st 1 layer 2 3 1* 1* nd rd th layer 3 layer 4 layer – 2 2 – 3 3 – – 4 * Steel wires. A.2 Measurement of overall diameter of a conductor From each sample, cut a 300 mm long test specimen and careful straightens them not to stretch. Determine the diameter of each specimen with a micrometer by taking two measurements at right angles to each other at the center and near each end of the specimen. All measurements of a stranded conductor shall be made over the strands and not at the interstices. The overall diameter of a conductor shall be the average of the six measurements Note – The micrometer used for diameter measurement should have flat surfaces on both the anvil and the end of the spindle, with a resolution of 0.01 mm or better. 11 ANNEX B Normative Resistance measurement Take at random, about 10% of the total number of wires to be used to construct the conductor. , the wires shall be kept in the test area for sufficient time to ensure that its temperature has reached a level which permits an accurate determination of resistance using the correction factors provided. Measure and record the d.c. resistance of each wire together with the ambient air temperature. Convert the measured values to standard values, in ohms per kilometre, using the equation Rs = R × 1 000 kt /L Where Rs is the standard value of resistance, in ohms per kilometre; R is the measured resistance, in ohms; kt is the temperature correction factor given by the exact formula L the temperature of the wire at the time of measurement in is the measured length of the wire in metres. Take the average of all the measurements as the resistance of a wire. 12 . Where t refers to ANNEX C Normative Measurement of Breaking Strength C.1 Measurement of breaking strength of the wire before stranding C.1.1 Take at random, about 10 % of the total number of wires to be used to construct the conductor (350 mm each). Measure and record diameter of each wire (see A.1.1) and make two thin gauge marks symmetrically about the mid-point and 250 mm ± 1.0 mm apart. C.1.2 Clamp each wire in turn in the tensile testing machine that the gauge marks are between, but just clear of, the jaws. The load shall be applied gradually and the rate of separation of the jaws of the testing machine shall be not less than 25 mm/min and not greater than 100 mm/min. C.1.3 Elongate the specimen until it breaks. If a break occurs outside the gauge length or within 25 mm of either gauge mark, discard the result and repeat as above until the specified number of breaks is obtained within the prescribed portion. C.1.4 Record the force required for breakage. The average of all the measurements shall be taken as being the breaking strength of the wire. C.2 Measurement of breaking strength of the wire after stranding C.2.1 Stress wire as in C.1.2 to C.1.4 above to determine the breaking strength of wires taken in accordance with table A above from each stranded conductor. The wire specimens shall not be straightened other than as needed to ensure a materially straight pull between clamps. C.2.3 Discard the lowest result, and record the mean and the lowest of the remaining results as the mean and the minimum individual breaking strengths respectively of the wires of the stranded conductor. C.3 Measurement of elongation at break of steel wire C.3.1 Measurement of elongation at break of steel wire before stranding C.3.1.1 Take at random, about 10 % of the wire to be used to construct the conductor (350 mm each) and proceed as in C.1.2 to C.1.3 above. C.3.1.2 Lay the broken specimen on a smooth flat surface. Fit the fractured ends together as close as possible and in a straight line. Measure the distance between the gauge marks to the nearest 0.5 mm. C.3.1.2 Calculate the percentage elongation at break (E) for each specimen from the equation bellow [( )] Where E is the percentage elongation at break; L1 is the gauge length after testing, in millimetres; Lo is the gauge length before testing, in millimetres. 13 C.3.1.3 The average of all the measurements shall be taken as being the percentage elongation of the steel wire before stranding. C.3.2 Measurement of elongation at break of steel wire after stranding C.3.2.1 Elongate the wire as in C.3.1.1 to C.3.1.2 above to determine the percentage elongation of steel wires (350 mm each) taken in accordance with table A above from each stranded conductor. The wire specimens shall not be straightened other than as needed to ensure a materially straight pull between clamps. C.3.2.2 The average of all the measurements shall be taken as being the percentage elongation of the steel wire after stranding NOTE - The elongation at break can also be determined by means of an automatic recording device attached to, or supplied as an integral part of, the testing machine. 14 ANNEX D Normative Lapping Test D.1 Take at random, about 10 % of the total number of wires (each 500 mm long) to be used to construct the conductor. D.2 Tightly wind each wire at a time, nine turns round a mandrel of diameter equal to wire diameter to form a close helix. Unwind six turns and again wind these six turns closely in the same direction as in the first winding. Wind and unwind the wire at a rate of approximately one turn per second. Keep the portion that is being winded or unwinded under uniform tension, especially during unwinding, and at approximately 90° to the longitudinal axis of the mandrel on to which it is being winded. D.3 The wire shall not show any signs of cracks or of breaking. 15 ANNEX E Normative Twisting Test E.1 Twisting test of the steel wire before stranding E.1.1 Take at random, about 10 % of the total number of wires (150 mm each) to be used to construct the conductor and make two thin gauge marks symmetrically about the mid-point and 100 mm ± 1.0 mm apart. E.1.2 Mount each wire in turn on two chucks, with their axes in the horizontal plane, the first axis being free to rotate, and the second axis being fixed but able to slide backwards and forwards along the common axis. E.1.3 Grip the wire in the chucks such that the gauge marks are between, but just clear of, the jaws. Apply an axial load to the second chuck; the load shall be just sufficient to prevent the specimen from kinking. E.1.4 Rotate the free chuck at a speed not exceeding one revolution per second until the number of turns required are reached or until the specimen breaks. All wires shall withstand the required turns. See 5.1 c (iii (b)) and 5.3.1 e E.2 Twisting test of the steel wire after stranding Twist the wire as in E.1.1 to E.1.4 above for steel wires taken in accordance with table A above from each sample of a stranded conductor (150 mm each). 16 ANNEX F Normative Load at 1 % elongation Take at random, about 10 % of the total number of wires to be used to construct the conductor (350 mm each). Measure and record diameter of each wire (see A.1.1) and make two thin gauge marks symmetrically about the mid-point and 250 mm ± 1.0 mm apart.. Clamp each wire in turn in the tensile testing machine such that the gauge marks are between, but just clear of, the jaws. Apply the initial load given in table F appropriate to the standard diameter of the wire and attach the extensometer, adjusted to the appropriate initial setting as given in table F. Then increase the load uniformly until the extensometer indicates an extension of 2.50 mm and note the load Lo. Calculate the corrected load, L, as follows: The mean value of all measurement shall not be less than the appropriate value given in table 4. Note - An extensometer shall be designed to measure the extension of small round wires. TABLE F — Initial load and extensometer settings for determination of load at 1 % elongation Standard diameter of wire mm Initial load Initial setting of extensometer 2.36 2.59 0.86 1.03 0.125 0.250 2.79 3.00 3.18 1.20 1.39 2.03 0.250 0.250 0.375 3.35 3.66 4.72 2.60 3.09 5.14 0.375 0.375 0.375 1.57 2.37 0.19 0.86 0.125 0.125 kN (mm) 17 ANNEX G Normative Mass, uniformity and adhesion of zinc coating. G.1 Mass zinc coating G.1.1 Take at random, about 10 % of the steel wire (100 mm) to be used to construct a stranded conductor, straighten the specimens to a reasonable extent by hand. Ensure that the zinc coating is not damaged in any way G.1.2 Prepare a stripping solution of hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 1.13 g/ml to 1.19 g/ml by density. Then dissolve 3.5 g of hexamethylene-tetramine (C6H12N4) in 500 mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid ( =1.19 g/ml). Dilute this solution to 1000 ml with distilled water. G.1.3 Clean each specimen by dipping them into a paraffinic hydrocarbon solution or other suitable organic solvent then rinse with alcohol. Remove the specimens from the solution and dry them thoroughly with a clean, soft cloth or tissue. G.1.4 Determine the mass of the test specimen to the nearest 0.01 g. G.1.5 Strip the zinc coating by immersing the test specimen completely in the stripping solution at ambient temperature and left until the coating dissolves completely. A sufficient quantity of solution shall be used to limit any changes in the composition of the stripping solution. After stripping, the test piece shall be rinsed under running water and, if necessary, brushed to remove any loose substances which may be adhering to the surface. It shall then be plunged into alcohol or any other appropriate solvent and rapidly dried. G.1.6 Determine the mass of the stripped specimen, to the nearest 0.01 g. G.1.7 Measure the diameter d (in millimetres) of the stripped wire to the nearest 0.01 mm, by taking the average of two or more readings. G.1.8 Calculate the mass of the zinc coating, in grams per square metre using the following formula: Where 2 is the coating mass per unit area, in grams per square metre (g/m ) is the mass loss of the sample by the chemical stripping, in grams (g) is the mass of the sample before chemical stripping, in grams (g); is the mass of the sample after chemical stripping, in grams (g); 2 is the coated surface area of the sample, in square millimeter (mm ) given by 18 Where d is the diameter of the chemically stripped wire in millimeter (mm) l is the length of the sample, in millimetres (mm) Mass of the sample after stripping can be expressed as ( ) which gives where is the density of steel wire Thus may be written as Substituting the value of density of steel then 1.9625 -3 10 g/mm 3 2 Converting to gram per square metre (g/m ),, it become; 1962.5 (g/m2) G.1.9 The average of all the measurements shall be taken as being the mass of the zinc coating of the steel wire. Note - The same solution may be used repeatedly until the time required for stripping becomes inconveniently long. G.2 Uniformity of zinc coating G.2.1 Prepare a saturated copper sulphate solution by dissolving 360 g of copper sulphate crystals . (CuSO4 5H2O) in 1 litre of distilled water at a temperature of 23 . The solution shall under no circumstance be heated. To prevent the reaction from taking too long, partition and crush the crystals to be dissolved and then reduce bit by bit by successive amount of water to be used. Once the crystals have dissolved completely the various solutions which have been prepared separately are mixed together and stirred. Small amount of crystals shall remain undissolved at the bottom of the container as the proof of saturation. G.2.1 Neutralize the solution by adding 1 g of pure copper oxide or copper hydroxide in 1 litre of the solution. Shake well and allow the solution to stand for at least 24 h before it is filtered or decanted for use. G.2.2 Do not test more than six specimens with the same solution. G.2.3 Take at random, about 10 % of the steel wire (250 mm) to be used to construct a stranded conductor, straightened them ensuring the coating is not damaged in any way. Clean the specimens by dipping them into a paraffinic hydrocarbon solution or other suitable organic solvent then rinse with alcohol. Remove the specimens from the solution and dry them thoroughly with a clean, soft cloth or tissue. After cleaning the specimen shall only be touched at the end which is not to be dipped. G.2.4 Pour the copper sulfate solution into the container (having internal diameter at least 60 mm) to a depth of 200 mm and maintain the temperature of the solution at 23 °C ± 2 °C. 19 Subject the specimen to the relevant number of successive dips of exactly one minute or half a minute as detailed table 2. Immerse only one specimen at a time. Do not disturb the specimen or agitate the solution during the immersion. Withdraw the specimen after each dip, rinse it in clean, running water, wipe it dry with a clean, soft cloth, and proceed immediately with the next dip. Carry out the one minute dip first then half minute dip. After final rinsing and drying, examine the specimen for any adherent red deposits of metallic copper on the base metal. Disregard any deposits that have formed on the edges or within 25 mm of the end of any specimen. All wires shall not form any red deposits. See 4.21(b) G.3 Adhesion of zinc coating Take at random, about 10 % of the steel wire to be used to construct a stranded conductor. Wrap each wire specimen in turn round the mandrel to form six tight helical turns. The mandrel shall have diameter of four times the nominal diameter of the wire specimen in the case of wires of diameter up to and including 3.8 mm and five times the nominal diameter of the wire specimen in the case of wires of larger sizes. Examine the zinc coating for flaking and cracking and note whether any zinc can be removed by rubbing with the bare fingers. All wires shall not show sign of flaking and cracking. See 4.2 (c) Note - The specimen shall be selected such that its length is enough to make six helical turns depending on the size of the mandrel used. 20 ANNEX H Informative NOTES ON THE CALCULATION OF CONDUCTOR PROPERTIES H.1 Effect of lay ratio on stranding When straightened out, each wire (other than the central wire of the conductor) in any particular layer of a stranded conductor is longer than the stranded conductor by an amount depending on the lay ratio of that layer. This has a corresponding effect on the resistance and mass of the conductor. In calculating the constants in table 6, the mean lay ratio, i.e. the arithmetic mean of the relevant maximum and minimum values given in table 5, has been assumed for each layer. H.2 Resistance of a stranded conductor In aluminium conductors, steel reinforced, the conductivity of the steel core is neglected and the resistance of the conductor is calculated with reference to the resistance of the aluminium wires only. The resistance of any length of stranded conductor is the resistance of the same length of any one aluminium wire multiplied by the appropriate constant given in table 6. H.3 Mass of a stranded conductor The mass of each wire (other than the central wire) in a length of stranded conductor will be greater than that of an equal length of straight wire by an amount depending on the lay ratio of the particular layer. The total mass of any length of conductor is obtained by multiplying the mass of an equal length of straight wire by 1) the appropriate constant for aluminium given in table 6; and 2) the appropriate constant for steel given in table 6 and then adding the masses of the aluminium wires and the steel core so calculated. H.4 Calculated breaking strength of a stranded conductor The breaking strength of a stranded aluminium conductor, steel reinforced, in terms of the strengths of the individual component wires, is the sum of the strengths of the aluminium wires before stranding , plus the sum of the strengths of the steel wires calculated from the appropriate value of the minimum load at 1 % elongation . 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY BS 215-2:1970 -:Specification for aluminium conductors and aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced for overhead power transmission. Aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced SANS 182-3:2003 - Conductors for overhead electrical transmission lines, Part 3: Aluminium conductors, steel reinforced ISO 7989-1:2006 - Steel wire and wire products — Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire — Part 1: General principles ISO 7989-2:2007 - Steel wire and wire products — Nonferrous metallic coatings on steel wire — Part 2: Zinc or zinc-alloy coating 22