Inter‐American Accreditation Cooperation UNECE – IEC – IECEx ‐ Cobei WORKSHOP Regulations‐Explosive Atmospheres Fortaleza September 18th, 2013 Eng. BEATRIZ L. GARCIA IAAC past Chair IAAC Evaluation of Conformity Multilateral Arrangements (MLAs) IAF, ILAC, IAAC Accreditation Bodies Certification of products, quality and environmental management systems, persons Testing, medical/clinical testing, calibration, inspections Standards, technical specifications and regulations Confidence/ Reliability Accreditation and the market Peer Evaluation Accreditation Competencia técnica, transparenci Technical Competence, imparcialidad transparency, impartiality Conformity Assessment Standards/ Regulatory requirements Providers of Products and Services TRUST GOVERNMENTS CREDIBILITY USERS SAFETY BUYERS Added value National Production Regulation / Standards • to national production • to quality of life Accreditation IAAC • Created in 1996 • Established in Mexico as a Non Profit Organization in 2001 • Member of IAF and ILAC. Signatory to the Multi‐lateral Recognition Arrangements MLA/MRA since 2006 IAAC Members: 44 Full 23 Associate 6 Stakeholders 15 IAAC –Regional Cooperation Accreditation Bodies of: Testing, Calibr. and medical Laboratories Certification Bodies Inspection Bodies Stakeholders : Conformity assessment bodies, business sector, regional bodies, standards organizations and others. IAAC Goals International acceptance of its members’ accreditations. International acceptance of the certificates and results of the conformity assessment activities. Equivalence and confidence. Facilitate trade in the Americas and the world through a regional system which provides trust in goods and services. Act as the Americas forum which brings together the accreditation bodies and the stakeholders. IAAC Activities Maintain and expand regional multi‐lateral recognition arrangements. Harmonize the accreditation practices of its members. Support its members in the development of its accreditation systems. Promote and coordinate cooperation among accreditation bodies and other institutions in the Americas and the world. Represent the Americas at international and regional accreditation organizations and fora, and others. Organizational Structure General Assembly Executive Committee Technical Committee MLA Committee Management Committee Steps for Recognition Develop and implement accreditation programs for laboratories, certification bodies and/or inspection bodies. Receive a peer evaluation by IAAC in order to demonstrate that the AB is competent and complies with international standards and other relevant guidance. Re‐evaluation every 4 years. IAAC MLA Signatories • Testing Laboratories 18 ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189 • Calibration Laboratories 13 ISO/IEC 17025 • QMS Certification Bodies 10 ISO/IEC 17021 • EMS Certification Bodies 8 ISO/IEC 17021 • Product Certification Bodies 9 ISO/IEC 17065 • Inspection Bodies ISO/IEC 17020 10 14 countries with signatory bodies IAAC MLAs: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, United States and Uruguay. IAAC MLA Signatories Jamaica Paraguay Ecuador Uruguay Chile Guatemala Costa Rica 2002 2005 2006 2008 2010 2011 Peru Cuba Argentina USA Mexico Canada Brazil 2013 International Accreditation Fora International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation International Accreditation Forum Accreditation Body IAAC MLA scopes recognized by IAF and ILAC 9 Testing and Calibration Laboratories 2006 9 QMS Certification 9 EMS Certification 9 Product Certification 2006 2011 2011 9 Inspection Bodies 2012 International Arena ILAC – International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation • 140 members • 80 members that are Signatories to the Multilateral Recognition Arrangements. IAF – International Accreditation Forum • 86 members • 55 members that are Signatories to the Multilateral Recognition Arrangements. IAAC – Inter‐American Accreditation Cooperation • 44 members • 18 members that are Signatories of the Multilateral Recognition Arrangements Actualizado a agosto 2013 Regions – Global Level ILAC - IAF EA IAAC SADCA – AFRAC ARAC APLAC-PAC IAF ILAC IAAC EA APLAC PAC SADCA AFRAC ARAC International Accreditation Forum International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Inter American Accreditation Cooperation European Cooperation for Accreditation Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation Southern African Development Community Accreditation African Accreditation Cooperation Arab Accreditation Cooperation MOU IEC – ILAC – IAF MOU • • • IEC Conformity Assessment Systems, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation‐ ILAC ‐ and the International Accreditation Forum‐ IAF‐. Shanghai, on 28 October 2010. STEERING COMMITTEE most important outcome of the Tripartite MoU: a single‐unified assessment can be conducted and the outcome will be accepted by all three organisations. IECEE‐ILAC‐IAF Guidance for the Conduct of Unified Assessments in the Electrotechnical Sector Explosive atmospheres Accredited Conformity assessment. America •Product Cert. BRASIL CGCRE Bodies 9 •Testing labs. CANADA MEXICO SCC ema Portaría INMETRO N° 179 18/05/2010 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IN COMBUSTIBLE GASES, VAPORS AND DUSTS Canadian Electrical Code •Product Cert. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Bodies 9 USED IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS •Testing Labs. Flammable gases, vapors or liquids ‐ Combustible dusts ‐ Ignitable fibers or flyings •Inspection Bodies 1 Modification of Official Mexican Norm NOM‐032‐STPS‐2008 SAFETY IN UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Technical Cooperation Strengthen the technical competence of IAAC and its members PHYSIKALISCH TECHNISCHE BUNDESANSTALT (PTB) Quality Infrastructure for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean 2011 ‐2015 Quality Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean 2013‐2015 IAF – ILAC DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT COMMITTEE (JDSC) Goal Tested, inspected or certified once, Accepted worldwide Benefits of accreditation For Governments and Regulators •Facilitate trade and growth •Basis for developing national regulations and legislation / Health, Safety and Environment •Effective market surveillance tool •Strengthening of technical‐scientific activities For Businesses • • • • Greater acceptance of products and services, opening access to markets More competitiveness Avoid costs associated to multiple tests, inspections or certifications Basis for the selection of trustworthy suppliers For Persons • Confidence in goods and services • Minimize product deficiencies • Improve the quality of life Benefits for society Improve health and safety Enhance the quality of life and environment Generate growth in the economy ‐ Create employment Thank you very much!