Fr. Leo Patalinghug `88 helps bring families back to the dinner table

fa l l 2 0 07
Fr. Leo Patalinghug ’88
helps bring families
back to the dinner
table to eat, talk,
and grow together!
Photo courtesy of Grace Before Meals
Story on Page 4.
Message From Brother James Kelly
My Dear Alumni, Parents
and Friends of the Mount:
If you have
passed the school
recently, you
have seen the
chaos on our
playing field and
the new stadium
rising from the
incredible dust
created during this dry weather from
our construction. I find the construction very noisy but very exciting. It is
a new phase in the one hundred and
thirty-one year history of Mount
Saint Joseph. The Mount campus
has changed radically from the day
the Brothers opened the school in 1876
to the present, and more changes are
under way as we complete Phase I of
our new campus Master Plan. I think
the whole school joins me in longing
for the completion of this phase. It has
been difficult for the kids not to have
a “home field” on which to play our
games. This has been particularly
difficult, of course, for the senior class.
There are some sacrifices that have
to be made by everyone as this new
phase in the Mount’s history comes
into existence.
Obviously, we would not be able to
complete such a project without the
incredible generosity of the many
friends and alumni of the school. This
edition of The Mount lists all of the
donors to the school from July 1, 2006
to June 30, 2007. Words cannot begin
to express my gratitude, the gratitude of
the Xaverian Brothers and the gratitude
of the school for the generosity of the
alumni and friends of the school who
have provided us with the financial aid
we award to 25% of the student body
and for the wonderful new facilities
which are now under construction.
As I look out the window of my office
and watch the construction, I am very
acutely aware that it could not possibly
happen without the support of the
Mount’s alumni and friends.
This is the first time that Brother Bob
will actually be teaching the sons of his
former students. I always love Mount
reunions. The spirit of the school and
its traditions are almost palpable as the
alumni gather. And I love to hear the
stories! Of course, some of those stories
I would not repeat to the current student body. I don’t want to give them
any ideas!
I am happy to announce that we have
seven seniors named National Merit
Commended students in the National
Merit Scholarship competition. I’m
grateful to these young men for upholding the Mount’s tradition of academic
excellence. In August we had fiftytwo seniors on the Senior Leadership
Retreat at the Trinitarian Monastery in
Pikesville. These young men will work
in our Campus Ministry programs, as
Big Brothers for the freshman class and
in other service work at the school. I
was delighted to see that many seniors
willing to give up one of the last weekends of their summer to help prepare
for their senior year.
You perhaps remember the story of
how the Mount was founded. Brother
Bernadine was sent to find the land for
a new school and Motherhouse for the
Brothers. He found the Mount property, but it was not for sale. He prayed to
Saint Joseph, “Saint Joseph, get us this
property, and it will be named after you
and your statue will always grace the
grounds.” Saint Joseph came through.
The school once again is interceding
fervently with Saint Joseph to provide
us with the funds to complete our athletic renovations. I’ve told all the boys
to say a silent prayer to Saint Joseph
every day as they pass his statue. I am
amazed at how many of them tell me
that they actually do that! Please join
the school community in praying to
Saint Joseph so that we may complete
the renovations which were begun by
Brother Pastor in 1962.
By the time this newsletter is published,
we will have completed the “reunion
season,” and I will be “all reunioned
out.” We began the reunion season this
year with the classes of 1967 and 1977.
We had 13 reunions of the classes ending in “two” and “seven” with a highlight being the Golden Gaels of the
Class of 1957. Since Brother Bob
Flaherty ’64 taught so many of the
alumni of the 1970s and 1980s, I asked
him to accompany me this year to all of
the reunions. He was delighted to see so
many of his old boys, and they seemed
delighted as well to see him.
Please remember that you are always
most welcome at Mount Saint Joseph
and also remember, every day, to say a
prayer for the Mount.
Brother James M. Kelly, C.F.X.
The Mount is published quarterly by the Mount Saint Joseph Development Office.
Brother James M. Kelly, C.F.X. President
Barry J. Fitzpatrick Principal
Emily Wilson Rollins Executive Director
of Development
Joseph L. Schuberth ’00 Director of Alumni
Relations & Annual Giving
Cathy Steffe Development
Office Manager
James A. Poisal ’03 Director of Communications
and Events, Editor, The Mount
Brandy Fefel Development
Office Assistant
The Mount
Letters in the Mount Mailbag tell the story of
Mount Saint Joseph according to you, the
Mount community. If you would like to
submit a letter that could possibly appear
in the Mount Mailbag, please e-mail it to or mail it to
Mount Saint Joseph at 4403 Frederick
Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21229, care
of James Poisal ’03. Letters may be edited
for clarity and space.
Dear Mount Saint Joseph,
Mount Saint Joseph High School or as we Mount Men call it “St. Joe” along
with our parents, gave us the values and educational tools necessary to achieve
our dreams. The excellent curriculum and teachers encouraged us to strive for
golas in our lives with a positive attitude. We were not just students, we were
friends. Mount Saint Joseph High School created an atmosphere of “Esprit de
corps” encouraging each other to accomplish purpose and help each other
throughout life. Once a Mount Man…always a Mount Man.
My classmates from the class of 1966: Jim Happel, Tom Holmes, Steve Quinn
and Bill Fields are friends to this day, forty-one years later.
Thank you St. Joe for giving me the education and values to compete in life
with a positive attitude, while helping others along the way.
-Mike Luby ’66
Someone for an Alumni
here are three Alumni Association Awards
for which you can nominate others. Think
about some good candidates and e-mail
Joe Schuberth ’00 at jschuberth@admin.msjnet.
edu with the candidate’s name, class year, and
why they deserve to win the award by January 31,
2007. The winners will be honored at the Alumni
Association Communion Breakfast in March.
Here are the descriptions of the awards:
Knight of the Tower Award – Given to alumni
for their service and dedication to the Alumni
Association Board of Directors.
Al Shields Service Award – Given to someone
who has given an exceptional amount of service
to the Mount.
Alumnus of the Year Award – Given to an
alumnus who performs an outstanding deed or
service in the past year.
Former Mount Teachers Celebrate Jubilees as Xaverian Brothers
In June of 2007 four Xaverian Brothers, who once taught at
Mount Saint Joseph, celebrated significant milestones in their lives
as Xaverian Brothers.
Brother Aubin Hart, who was stationed at Mount Saint Joseph
from 1950 until 1958, celebrated the 70th Anniversary of his
entrance into the Xaverian Brothers. During his years at the
Mount, Brother Aubin taught Math and was the Moderator for
the Cheerleaders and the Photography Club. After leaving the
Mount he was stationed in Saint Xavier in Louisville, Flaget High
School in Louisville where he was the Principal and the Superior,
and Nazareth High School.
Brother Thomas Murphy (Brother Gavin) celebrated his Diamond
Jubilee, sixty years as a Xaverian Brother. Brother Thomas was stationed at the Mount from 1953 until 1958. During his years at the
Mount, he taught Religion, Latin and History, was the Director of
Religious Activities and coached Cross Country. After leaving the
Mount, Brother Gavin was stationed at Flaget in Louisville,
Kentucky, Our Lady of Good Counsel High School in Wheaton,
Maryland, and Xaverian High School in Brooklyn, New York. After
retiring from high school teaching in 1998, he took on an entirely
new ministry as a missionary in Kenya where he served as the
Novice Master for young Xaverians in formation. While the
Xaverian Brothers had been in Kenya since 1947, we had not
accepted candidates into the order since the late 1960s when we
closed our formation program there. No young Brother remained
from that era in Kenya. Brother Thomas Murphy began a new era of
Xaverian formation in Kenya where we now have young Brothers
completing their college degrees. Returning from Africa in 2006,
Brother Thomas lives in Brooklyn, and does volunteer work at Saint
Andrew’s parish.
Brother Blaise Rooney also celebrated his Diamond Jubilee.
Brother Blaise taught French and Religion at the Mount from 1966
until 1974. He also moderated the Book Store. After leaving Mount
Saint Joseph, Brother Blaise was stationed at Xaverian High School
in Brooklyn, New York, where he is now living in retirement.
Brother Daniel O’Brien (Brother Pacificus) spent one year at the
Mount during the 1956-1957 school year. He is also celebrating his
Diamond Jubilee. After leaving the Mount, he spent four years in
England and many years in Leonardtown working with young
Brothers in formation. During those years he taught Philosophy to
our Mr. Fitzpatrick. The 1970s found him at Our Lady of Good
Counsel. Beginning in 1986 he began doing pastoral ministry in the
state of Tennessee where he is now retired.
Celebrating his Golden Jubilee, fifty years as a Brother, is Brother
Daniel Conaghan. Brother Dan taught at the Mount and worked in
the Business Office from 1980 until 1984. Since that time, he has
been a missionary in both Bolivia and Kenya. He will be returning
to the United States in January after serving for twenty-one years on
the Xaverian Missions.
The Xaverian word for congratulations is Proficiat. We wish a
hearty Proficiat to these Brothers who together celebrate three hundred years of service to God and the Church as Xaverian Brothers.
Fall 2007
–Brother James Kelly, C.F.X., President
News From Alumni Relations
Upcoming Alumni Events
Wednesday, November 21, 2007,
7:00 p.m. in the Mount cafeteria
This night is becoming a tradition for both young and old
alumni, so call up your fellow Mount men while everyone
is home for the Thanksgiving holiday and enjoy some good
company, delicious food and ice cold beverages. You could
even win some money at money wheels! Cost is $25 per
person. Call Joe Schuberth ’00 at 410-646-4700 for ticket
Saturday, December 15, 2007, 4:15 at the Mount’s
home rink, The Gardens Ice House in Laurel, MD
Talent is never sparse at the annual Alumni Ice Hockey Game.
This is always an entertaining event to play in or just to watch
and socialize with your fellow alumni, Be on the lookout for
registration forms mailed to you soon. For more information,
call James Poisal ’03 at 410-646-4700.
Saturday, February 23, 2007
6:00 p.m. in the Memorial Gymnasium
Lucky Family wins Ravens Raffle
Record Amount of Tickets Sold
The 2007 Ravens Raffle was a huge success; the
raffle sold over 4,000 tickets which rose over
$17,000 for Mount Saint Joseph. Teri Irwin-Gilbert,
mother of Alumnus, Brandon Irwin, and her family
won four tickets to every Ravens home game this
season. The winning ticket was picked by President
Br. James Kelly, C.F.X., at the Alumni Association’s
annual picnic to kick off the new school year.
Members of the Alumni Association along with
Joe Schuberth ’00, Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving,
and James Poisalt ’03, Director of Communications and Events,
present President Brother James Kelly, C.F.X. with a check for $87,000,
the amount they raised during the 2006-2007 school year.
The Mount
Teri Irwin-Gilbert
and son, Anthony,
happily pose with
the four Ravens
season tickets she
and her family won
as a result of the
Ravens Season
Tickets Raffle
Fr. Leo Patalinghug ’88 Helps Bring Back Grace Before Meals!
n today’s busy world the family meal is, to many people, conFr. Leo has always enjoyed cooking. While in Rome, he became
sidered an inconvenience. It is often times easier to “eat and
friendly with several Italian restaurant owners and would often invite
run” than it is to take the time to make a family dinner and
them back to the student kitchen to trade cooking secrets. They
have “family time.” With this habit becoming a constant, families lose
would teach him about rigatoni and lasagna; he would show them
the personal connection that they would have experienced at the dinhow to make hamburgers and ribs. Whenever family or friends would
ner table, which was, in the past, held as sacred as saying Grace Before
get together, he would try out new recipes. A few years ago, several
Meals. Father Leo Patalinghug ’88, through his experiences as a
priests from the Archdiocese of Baltimore encouraged him to film
Catholic priest, fully understands the problem that families face in trysome of his culinary experiences. Fr. Leo began to realize a Godly
ing to make time in their busy lives to talk, pray and grow together as
“purpose” for food: that “the simple act of creating and sharing a meal
a family.
could strengthen all kinds of relationships. After all, Jesus used the
After graduating from the Mount in 1988, Fr. Leo Patalinghug
meal to teach His most powerful lessons and invites each of us to
enrolled in English and journalism classes at the University of
share in His Feast!”
Maryland, Baltimore County. Since he
Sharing a family meal can do more than
was very involved with speech and debate
strengthen relationships. It can reduce
in high school, it was no surprise that his
addictive behaviors in teenagers. Research
career goal was to become a lawyer.
conducted by the National Center on
During his freshman year at UMBC, the
Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA)
young Fr. Leo attended a Mass where the
at Columbia University consistently finds
celebrating priest asked any parishioners
that the more often children eat dinner
who were “going to Mass and didn’t know
with their families, the less likely they are
why” to come to a mission the following
to smoke, drink, or use drugs.
weekend. Not being totally certain why he
Those memorable and unstructured
was going to Mass, Fr. Leo attended the
times spent making a meal together with
mission which included a theological disfamilies and friends provided the inspiracussion and a Mass. During the celebration for his simple idea that grew into a
tion, Fr. Leo “saw God” and “knew God
movement, producing a book, Grace
was present.” He began to read and reflect
Before Meals: Recipes for Family Life, an
more about theology and the Church and
interactive website, and even a pilot for a
started going to daily Mass. Two years
TV show under the same moniker as his
after he graduated from college, Fr. Leo
book, which PBS has enthusiastically
decided that he wanted to be a priest.
endorsed. One of Fr. Leo’s ideas for the
Fr. Leo studied philosophy at the
book was “to make theology bite-sizeable,”
Fr. Leo Patalinghug ’88 helps bring families
closer together through his book and new
Theological College at Catholic University
by including family-friendly recipes,
show that has been picked up by PBS.
in Washington, D.C., and then attended
essays, scripture, prayers, and thoughtthe North American College in Rome. He
provoking questions in each chapter.
was ordained in 1999 and has been using his talents to bring families
Writing books and creating television episodes are not Fr. Leo’s fullcloser together and closer to God ever since. Fr. Leo’s first assignment
time job. He currently spends most of his time as the Director of
was as a parish priest at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in Essex,
Pastoral Field Education at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in
Maryland. He then served as a parish priest for five years at St. John’s
Emmitsburg, Maryland. In this position, Fr. Leo trains, evaluates and
Church in Westminster, Maryland, where he was often invited to his
directs men in pastoral work and all practical areas of priestly life.
parishioners’ homes for dinner, which according to Fr. Leo, usually
Through his work, he helps the Church decide which men are fit to
meant that they wanted to talk to him about something in the combecome a priest. Today he is a skilled cook who still enjoys learning
fort of their own home. He would intentionally show up to the famihow to make new dishes and loves the process of making a meal as
ly’s home early “to get a real picture of the family, not just how they
much as sharing it at a table full of friends.
act at the table.” To his host’s surprise, he would turn the table and
When asked if he had any thoughts or comments to share with his
cook for them, inviting the family to help with the meal, using these
fellow alumni, Fr. Leo asked that you “consider the role of St. Joseph
opportunities to build friendships and engage in relaxed conversations
when praying. He is such a good role model for Mount men, for he
in the kitchen. Fr. Leo proposes that “as people are called around the
fed the Bread of Life. As such, we must feed the minds and souls of
Lord’s table, in the Lord’s house, families are called around the table,
our children with the love of God, as the Brothers and teachers have
in their ‘domestic church.’” A family meal provides many temporal
fed us.” Fr. Leo also invites any and all alumni to sign up for his weekand spiritual benefits, however “the fast food mentality is robbing our
ly email blast at, which gives a glimpse of
families of it.”
what Grace Before Meals has to offer.
–James Poisal ’03
Fall 2007
The 25th Annual Alumni Association Golf Outing
eptember 24, 2007 marked the 25th Annual Alumni Association
Golf Outing which was held at the Rolling Road Country Club
in Catonsville, Md. Twenty five years ago, in 1982, Hugh Brown
’55 founded the Mount Saint Joseph Annual Alumni Association Golf
Outing. In appreciation of his vision, passion, leadership and generosity
to Mount Saint Joseph High School and the Alumni Golf Outing, the
Mount Saint Joseph Alumni Association recognized Hugh Brown ’55
as the founder of the tournament and Honorary Chairman of the 25th
Alumni Association Golf Outing with a plaque in his honor.
Due to the tireless efforts of the Golf Outing committee, chaired by
Charles Gilbert ’07, the outing was a big success, raising more than
$30,000. The Alumni Association, being ever dedicated to supporting
Mount Saint Joseph High School, announced that all proceeds from
the Golf Outing will go to the Alumni Association Endowment Fund
which provides tuition assistance to students who would otherwise not
be able to afford a Mount education.
The winning team of the 25th Annual Alumni Association
Golf Outing poses for a quick photo. From left: Jack Miller ’55,
Terrry Scerba ’64, Denny Reitz ’64 and Kevin Michno ’78
President Br. James Kelly, C.F.X, and Hugh M.
Brown ’55, the Honorary Chairman of the 25th
Annual Alumni Golf Outing.
This year, the Mount Saint Joseph faculty team broke their
two-year winning streak, but had fun nevertheless. From left:
Jody Harris ’79, Mike St. Martin, Br. James Kelly, C.F.X., Tom
Hughes, and Bob Lilley ’69.
Five Mount Saint Joseph Varisty Golf players were in
attendance. From left: Matt Bednar, Greg Morgan,
John Thomas, Danny Michalek, Greg Schneider
The Mount
Many Thanks to Our Tee & Green Sponsors!
The Basslers / Billy ’69, Matthew ’04, Michael ’06
Bruce McDonald
Chef Paolino’s / 410-747-4949
Chessie Sales Group, Inc. / 410-737-9300
The Class Produce Group / 410-799-5700
Councilman Sam Moxley ’77
Donio Produce / 800-257-8534
Drake & Miller CPA / 410-252-8471
G.L. Shack’s / Catonsville
Great Moments, Inc. / 410-876-6906
Matthew Hall ’03, James S. Moore ’03, James Poisal ’03, Craig Radoci ’03
Hearn Kirkwood / 410-712-6000
Holly Poultry / 410-727-6210
J.B.A. Chevrolet / 410-766-6300
Jiffy Lube – Clarksville / 443-535-9218
Kelsey’s Restaurant / 410-549-8767
Kunzler Meats / 800-233-0203
L&M Transportation Services, Inc. / 800-632-3030
Fall 2007
Leslie M. Londeree, D.D.S. / 410-823-5010
M&T Bank / 410-964-6821
Marlin Moon Grille / 410-213-1618
Merritt Properties / 410-298-2600
Mike Mastracci ’82 /
MSJ Alumni Association
Nick’s of Calvert / 301-927-5388
Overhead Door Co. of Baltimore Inc. / 410-636-6300
Plano-Coudon, LLC / 410-837-2570
In Memory of Ron Melvin ’69 from Jim Lancelotta, Sr. ’69
Rossman-Hurt-Hoffman / 410-465-4300
St. Agnes Health Care / 410-368-6000
Sun Rich Products / 443-577-1200
Superior Dairy / 800-683-2479
TA Engineering, Inc. / 410-747-9606
Dr. Terry Scerba, D.D.S. ’64
Trinity Homes, LLC /
Wolfe ’83 & Fiedler ’93, CPAs / 410-747-0789
The Reunion Season Has Begun!
The Class of 1952’s 55-year Reunion
The Class of 1967’s 40-year Reunion
Emmett McGee ’53 returns the favor...
hen Emmett McGee was about to begin high school in
1949, he wanted to attend the Mount, but unfortunately, his parents could not afford the school’s tuition
at the time. Emmett came with his parents to meet with Brother
Bartholomew, the Headmaster, who told his parents that he would
put Emmett to work at the Mount to defray the cost of his tuition.
Emmett began working for Brother Dominic for fifty cents an
hour. At the end of each week, Brother Dominic would give
Emmett a slip which he would bring to Brother Casimir in the
Business Office. Brother Casimir would credit Emmett’s tuition
with the work he had done during the week, and by the end of the
year, his tuition was paid. This practice continued through his four
years at the Mount.
Now in gratitude to the Xaverian Brothers and to the Mount,
Emmett has established and fully-funded a need based scholarship
for young men at the Mount. His incredibly generous gift of
$250,000 to the school’s Endowment will provide a Mount education to a boy who would not otherwise be able to afford it, a boy
in the same position that Emmett was in back in 1949.
No doubt Brother Bartholomew, Brother Dominic and Brother
Casimir are smiling in heaven at Emmett’s generosity. In 1949 the
Xaverian Brothers staffed the school almost completely and provided the economic engine which made the school go. With only
three Brothers on the faculty this year, we are certainly no longer
the economic engine. To provide financial aid, the Mount relies on
the gratitude and the generosity of alumni like Emmett McGee.
Thanks, Emmett!
–Brother James Kelly, C.F.X., President
The Mount
Class of 1972’s 35-year Reunion
The Class of 1977’s 30-year Reunion $250,000 toward endowment
Brother James Kelly, C.F.X.,
welcomes Emmett F. McGee, Sr.’s generous donation to Mount Saint Joseph.
From left: Brother James
Kelly, C.F.X., President,
Brother Arthur Caliman,
C.F.X., Emmett F. McGee,
Jr., Emmett F. McGee, Sr.
’53 and Kevin Kearney ’94
Fall 2007
Class Notes
For more Class Notes, visit
Class of 1947
Class of 1952
Irv Buppert had a “great summer!” He
took 9 days to sail from Bradenton, Fl. to
the Dry Tortugas. Skippered a boat for a
week in the British Virgin Islands and just
returned from a three week trip to Hawaii
with his daughters. He says, “I am truly
blessed to have the health to be able to
pursue the activities that I enjoy so much.”
Joe Coughlin retired
from U.S. Air Force in
1978, after 26 years. He
still keeps in touch with
a few of his ol’ buddies
from St. Dominic’s and
St. Joe. He is involved
Joe Coughlin ’5
with genealogy and
domestic engineering. Joe says, “thanks to
Brother Marcellus, I’m still licensed in
Amateur Radio, advanced class. He is currently living in Colorado Springs, CO. and
is glad to see Mark T. with the Braves.
Class of 1948
Frances Kelly is enjoying
retirement. He still lives in
Catonsville and just celebrated his 57th wedding
anniversary with his wife,
Dolores. He loves spending
time with his 3 children,
5 grandchildren, and great
grand daughter, Madisyn.
Class of 1949
Walter Hook has been retired from
Baltimore County for the past 12 years. He
would like to say hi to his fellow classmates
and that he is looking forward to his 60th
George Panzer and his wife, Marge, will
celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this
November. They will be sharing the happy
event with their 4 married daughters and 9
Class of 1950
Dr. Ray O’Donnell and wife, Marylan, will
celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this
Gus Panuska and wife, Joan, celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary with a three
day party at their home in Reynolds
Plantation on Lake Oconee, GA, June 22
thru 24. Friends and family from across the
country were in attendance. Bill Sneeringer
’50, was the MC at of the event. A great
time was had by all!
Class of 1953
Joseph L. McCormick enjoys retirement
with his wife of 40 years, Carol, and his
immediate family of 23. He also enjoys gettogethers with the OCGAELS. The rest of
his time is spent traveling, volunteering and
Class of 1954
Bernie O’Donnell lives in The Villages,
Florida with his wife, Mary, for the past 9
years. He is enjoying an active lifestyle playing softball, water volleyball, and pickleball.
He and his wife sing in The Villages
Christian Chorale. He also sings with the
Heart of Florida Barbershop Chorus, and
has performed in a number of musical theater performances. He has 3 children and 5
Maurice wanted his classmates to know that
Brother Dismas is doing well in retirement.
Alumni can reach Brother Dismas at the
following address:
Brother Dismas McAuliffe
Xaverian House
50 Spring Street
Danvers, MA 01923-1545
Charles Michael Cook, Capt. USAF
(Ret.) has been elected to serve as Recorder
by the Saint Monica’s Knights of Columbus
Council 9681 in Converse, Texas.
Class of 1959
Charles A. Jednorski continues to practice
law in Towson, MD, and completed 25
years as a volunteer in emergency medical
services and rescue. He hopes to see all of
his classmates at the big 50 in two years.
Class of 1960
George W. Lipa and his wife, Mary, were
invited by and accompanied John Hart
and his wife, Sue, on a tour of the UK,
France, Germany and Italy last May. Fifteen
1960 grads live in Florida. Brailsford, Lipa,
Voith and Waller live in Palm Coast, Fl.
George’s new e-mail address is glipa@cfl.rr.
Class of 1961
Ray Klimovitz is currently the President of
Klimovitz Brewing Consultants, Inc. and
Technical Director of the Master Brewers
Association of the Americas. He has also
been elected to Fellow Membership in the
Institute of Brewing and Distilling,
London, U.K.
Dennis Keating stepped down after 13
years as Associate Dean of the College of
Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University.
He will direct the graduate program in
Urban Planning, which he initiated in
1990. He and his wife, Kay Martin, had
their first grandchild born in April. He will
be participating in the annual Urban Affairs
Association conference in Baltimore in
April, 2008.
Class of 1956
Class of 1962
Maurice Bursey visited
Brother Dismas McAuliffe
in Danvers, MA, on a trip
to Boston with his
daughter, who is in
graduate school there.
They spent the afternoon
talking about old times.
The Mount
Wally Burnotes created his
own internet travel store and
would appreciate you booking
your travel through him.
Wally Burnote
s ’62
Class Notes
For more Class Notes, visit
Class of 1963
Robert Bushnell completed his Air Force
service at Higashi Fuchu, Japan in 1968,
after having met two classmates during his
service. For the last 18 years he has been at
15th & K, District of Columbia, practicing
patent and trade-mark law. Harry Purnell is an attoney with Rutledge,
Ecenia and Purnell, PA. He specializes in
administrative law and will celebrate his
40th wedding anniversary to wife, Suzie,
this December. He has 3 grandchildren.
Class of 1964
Jerry Gietka can be
heard every Saturday
evening on WCBM talk
radio from 6:10 pm to
7:00 pm, a program
about local arts and
entertainment. Jerry
is now retired from
Jerry Gietka ’6
government service and
from teaching at the University of
Maryland and keeps busy acting, writing,
directing, and producing in the local area.
Class of 1965
Ken Klasmeier has retired after 38
years with the Anne Arundel County Fire
Department. He is now selling boats at the
Hanover Outdoor World/Bass Pro Shop to
support his fishing habit.
Bill Jackson is now the Director of
Facilities Planning and Design at the
University of Miami School of Medicine in
Miami, FLA. He can be reached at 305243-6942.
Mike Healy recently launched Balycastle
Enterprises, an Irish family document
retrieval service business to help Irish
Americans find their ancestor’s birth,
baptism, and marriage certificates for
their family genealogy records; essentially
“connecting the past with the present.”
See for yourself:
Paul F. Nagengast spent 23 years as a
commissioned officer in the U.S. Army.
In 1992 Paul retired as a Lieutenant
Colonel and started his second career as a
Program Manager He has worked in the
Crusader Howitzer Program, then in the
Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle Program,
and now he works in the Future Combat
System Manned Ground Vehicle Program.
Class of 1973
Joseph Herbert is proud of his son,
Andrew Herbert’07, for continuing the
family tradition of attending and graduating
from the Mount.
Class of 1966
John Martellini is currently living in Lake
Suzy, Fl. He is married and has three
Class of 1968
James P. Taylorson ’68, alive and well
in Seale, Alabama, with wife of 38 years
enjoying our 17 grandchildren.
Class of 1969
John Cahill retired from the Federal
Government three years ago. He lives in the
Washington, DC area and leads tours of the
National Zoo, the Hirshhorn Museum, and
the Music Center at Strathmore. He has
just finished writing Chronicles of the Realm,
a three-part adventure for young adults.
Class of 1970
Bernie Zentgraf recently
moved to Ocean Pines,
MD. He spends his free
time fishing. He has been
married to Mary for 31
years and has 3 grown
Bernie Ze
Class of 1972
Gary Brown joined Force 3, a Crofton,
Md. based information solutions provider
to both commercial and federal customers,
in early 1997, as their Director of Sales. He
became one of three owners in 1999 and
currently employs over 300 people. In
December 2006, he was promoted from
Senior Vice President of Sales to Executive
Vice President of the Company. Gary is
expecting his 1st Grandchild to enter this
world in November of this year.
Fall 2007
Sitting, from left: John F. Herbert, Jr. ’45 and Donald H.
Herbert ’50. First row standing, from left: Jeffrey L. Herbert
’72, John F. Herbert, IV ’98, Donald H. Herbert, Jr. ’72 and
John F. Herbert, ’67. Back row, from left: Matthew J. Herbert
’99, Andrew J. Herbert ’07 and Joseph M. Herbert ’73
John P. Plevyak wanted to let his
classmates know that after 13 years at
McDaniel College as Men’s Soccer Coach,
he resigned to become the head coach at
Villa Julie College. He is currently coaching
the son’s of two alumni brothers, Nello ’76
and Carmen ’81 Caltabiano. The Mount is
playing their home games at VJC this fall
while Plevyak Field is renovated. John says,
“I look forward to watching and rooting for
the Mount this season on our fields.”
Michael Molley wants to congratulate his
oldest son, Leo ’07, and wish the best to his
youngest, Davies ’09. He says, “It was great
to catch up with some old classmates at the
graduation. I finally got to put my name in
the Tower after 30 years. Go Gaels!”
Class of 1974
Charles Ritrivi currently works
with the Space Shuttle Program
at NASA, Houston. He looks
forward to completing the last
shuttle flight in 2010 and early
Charles Ritrivi
Chris Tabb and wife, Tammy, have
six children and live in Jarrettsville, Maryland.
He and his wife own a real estate title
processing company in Bel Air, Maryland.
Chris is a faculty member of the College of
Notre Dame as a graduate and under-graduate
business teacher. He says, “I wish all of my
fellow Mount associates a huge Howdy!!”
Class Notes
For more Class Notes, visit
Class of 1975
Class of 1981
Bob Moylan recently opened his Real
Estate Brokerage Firm, Moylan Realty, LLC
in Lake Mary, Florida after five years in the
industry. Bob invites all alumni to contact
him for Florida real estate investment,
retirement, or just to stop by and say hello.
Michael Kelly and wife, Fran, reside in
Ocean City, MD. Mike says, “We love
being grandparents.”
Brian Kelly lives in Atlanta and recently
celebrated his 10 year wedding anniversary
with his wife Stephanie. He still enjoys
those Baltimore Orioles, no matter what
kind of season they are having.
Class of 1983
Class of 1985
Bob Henstrand returned
in March from a year in
Baghdad and is now
serving at the National
Defense University at Ft.
McNair in Washington,
D.C. Bob is Lieutenant
Bob Henstrand
Colonel in the Army
and has spent ten out of
the last twenty years in overseas
assignments. He and his wife, Margarette,
and future Mount Men, Zachary and
Gabriel, live in Severn, MD.
Chris Staiger and family live in
Emmitsburg, MD. He works at Evapco, Inc
in Taneytown and ran for municipal office
in 2005, and was elected Commissioner.
Chris now serves as President of the Town
Council. Thanks Mr. Roche, Mr.
Laverghetta, and Mr. Morgan!
Mike Uttenreither and wife, Dianna, are
proud to announce the birth of their first
grandson, Lennon Malone White on
August 18, 2007.
Class of 1976
Glenn Kehs moved back to Maryland from
Virginia in 2006 and lives in Annapolis
with his wife, Liz of 25 years, and their two
children. He is now the Director of the
Stroke Rehabilitation Unit at Kernan
Hospital in Baltimore. He enjoys his time
as Folk Group director at Our Lady of the
Fields Church in Millersville.
Class of 1977
Steve Awalt recently got together with
classmates Dan Kane, Joe Murtha, and Bob
Callens to have dinner with their former
teacher, Br. Joe Glebas ’63.
James K. Sparks, Jr. has been living
in Frederick, MD for 11 years. He and
his French wife, Pascale, have 2 boys,
Brandan and William. He works for the
National Education Association in
Washington, DC and can be reached at
Class of 1984
Tom Hofmeister and wife, Donna, are
expecting their ninth child in November.
His two oldest boys currently attend the
Mount, Chas and Kirk. The Hofmeister’s
live in Westminster and Tom works in
Bethesda as Chief Accounting Officer for
Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc.
From left: Brother Joseph Glebas ’63, Steve Awalt ’77,
Dan Kane ’77, Joe Murtha ’77 and Bob Callens ’77
Class of 1979
Michael Cecil moved to Stilwell, Kansas
in August, 2006 with his wife Christine
and daughter Samantha. Mike sends
greetings to all of his friends from the class
of ’79 and if anyone is stuck in the Kansas
airport, give him a call; he will be glad to
tap some homebrew which he claims is
most excellent. He says, “It’s definitely
different here in the Midwest—sure do miss
‘the land of pleasant living’, natty boh,
steamed crabs and the ocean, hon.”
Scott Bergman is pleased
to announce that he and
his wife, Sandi, have coauthored a book entitled
“Haunted Richmond, The
Shadows of Shockoe.” The
book is a collection of local
4 Richmond ghost stories
and legends based on the
popular “Shadows of Shockoe” walking
ghost tour of downtown Richmond that the
Bergmans have been operating since 2005.
The book is being published in September
by History Press.
The Mount
John Zuhowski graduated from the Naval
War College with a Master’s Degree in
National Security Affairs and Strategic
Studies and was also promoted to
Commander. John is scheduled to take
Command of USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49);
home ported in Sasebo, Japan. John and his
family currently live in Gloucester VA. in a
250 year old house on 15 acres. John says,
“If anyone gets down to the area feel free
to call or drop a line: 757-869-7747,”
Class of 1986
John K. Hoover is Adjunct Professor of
Philosophy at Cecil College, and is
planning a second career as a public school
teacher in the near future. In addition, he
wishes to begin his PhD in Education at the
College of Notre Dame.
Please pray for our
sick Mount men
To submit the name of a sick student
or alumnus to the prayer list, e-mail
James Poisal ’03 at jpoisal@admin. or call 410-646-4700.
Brother Dismas, C.F.X.
Rev. Milton Hipsley ’56
Ron Linder ’54
Charles Jones ’57
Class Notes
For more Class Notes, visit
Class of 1987
Brian Scheihing and wife, Sharon, are
proud to announce the birth of their second
son Owen. Both mother and son are doing
well. Go Gaels.
Class of 1988
Mike Holland recently moved to North
East, MD from Germantown, MD. He has
been happily married to his wife, Christine
for 8 years. Mike enjoys every moment with
his three sons, Robert, Joseph and Mitchell.
Michel Brudzinski recently entered the
Cognitive Science Phd program at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI),
where he will be concentrating on
computational cognitive modeling.
Chris Guest and wife, Rae Lynn, are proud
to announce the birth of their daughter,
Cameron Rose, on May 7, 2007. Chris
recently started his own company that
focuses on counseling attorneys on meeting
career goals and also aids law firms in
meeting their professional human resource
Bill Kuhleman and wife, Amy, announce
the birth of their second son, Christian
William. Christian was born on December
14, 2006. Bill and family reside in
Sykesville, MD. Bill is an Associate Director
with Harte-Hanks Data Services where he
has worked for the past 11 years.
Mike Holland ’88, his wife, Christine, and his three sons,
Robert, Joseph and Mitchell.
Class of 1989
Paul German was married to Heather
Cohill in Saint Lucia on May 22, 2007.
Class of 1990
Paul Coates and wife, Connie, live in
Richmond Va. They are proud to announce
the birth of their son, Reece Matthew
Coates. Paul can be reached by email:
Class of 1991
Karl Magenhofer was elected president of
the Virginia Associated Press Broadcasters.
Karl is also the news director of VerStandig
Boradcasting, which operates five Virginia
Radio stations on which he also anchors
morning news.
Justin Ories is currently engaged to
Theresa Heston. He works in sales for the
Diamond Tool Company, selling
construction equipment. He currently
resides in Catonsville, MD, and is in the
process of remodeling his entire house.
Class of 1994
Dean Caruso was recently named the
General Manager of the Ritz-Carlton
property in Baltimore.
Class of 1995
Pat Simon and wife, Kara, proudly
announce the birth of their second
daughter, Isabelle Kathleen, on Feb 25,
2007. Patrick, Kara, Grace and Isabelle
reside in the Catonsville area.
Class of 1996
Maurice Adams was married in August.
For more information please call 410-9226180. His brother, Matthew Adams ’00,
also was in the wedding.
Don Ayers was a producer for WBAL
radio. He is now the morning drive
producer for KOGO-AM 600 in San
Diego, California. He produces the Chip
Franklin Show.
Christopher Whitt recently relocated from
Milwaukee, where he was employed in the
Political Science Department at Marquette
University, to Rock Island, Illinois. He
recently began his first tenure-track faculty
position in the Political Science Department
at Augustana College.
Andrew Schneider
and wife, Shannon,
are happy to
announce the
birth of their first
child, Jack Andrew
Schneider, on May
17, 2007. The
Schneider’s are
doing well.
Jack Andrew Schneider
Class of 1997
Robert J. McCormick and wife, Rebecca,
are proud to announce the birth of their
baby girl, Kathleen Mae. Robert is a
Corporal in the Maryland State Police as
well as a Realtor with his wife at Long and
Foster in Westminster, MD.
Class of 1992
Matthew Scott Bohn and wife, Stephanie,
welcomed their third child into the world
on July 17, 2007. Mike and Stephanie
celebrated their ninth anniversary in April
and plan on going to Ireland for their 10th.
Steven English wishes everyone in the
Mount community the best. Steve is VicePresident of Retirement Plan Sales with
local wealth management firm, PSA
Financial. He and wife, Kate, are busy with
4 year old daughter, Grace, 2 year-old son,
Bennett, and keeping up with Steve’s
brother, Aloe Bach ‘05, who attends
Roanoke College.
Christopher Suit and wife, Amy, welcomed
their second son, Trevor Louis Suit, into
this world on July 18, 2007. Mom and
baby are doing great!
The Simon’s two daughters, Isabelle and Grace.
Fall 2007
Class Notes
For more Class Notes, visit
Nick Austin spent two months this
summer working with handicapped
children at a Nature Camp in Ithaca NY.
Nick said, “It was a wonderfully rewarding
experience for me and it really helped put
some things into perspective for me.”
Tony Hess was
recently married
on June 21, 2007
at Swan Harbor
Farm in Harford
County, MD.
Class of 1998
Class of 2002
David Reisz graduated this past January
from Towson University after earning his
Masters degree in Applied Information
Technology. Additionally, he and his new
wife, Amanda, were married on June 30th
in Westminister, MD. The Reisz’s currently
reside in Pikesville, MD.
Nick Barrick graduated from the University
of Maryland in December 2006 with a
Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering. He
currently works for KCI Technologies as a
Sr. Design Engineer. Nick was married on
April 21, 2007 to Amanda Dutrow. They
recently bought a new house in Arbutus,
and are expecting their first child in late
Kyle Lott is
to announce
the birth of his
son, Xavier
James Lott,
born September
7, 2006.
Kyle Lott ’98 and
his son, Xavier.
Deceased Alumni
and Friends
Please remember in your prayers
the souls of all our faithfully departed,
especially our recently deceased alumni
and friends and their families.
Blase Cooke ’03 (Honorary)
Brother John Edward Larkin, C.F.X
William E Harrigan ’39
James N. Neville ’39
Joseph Francis Velenovksy, Jr. ’44
Norbert J. Cecil ’46
Salvatore Gallina ’47
John Geppi ’47
Richard D. Kuczak ’47
Roosevelt D. D’Alesandro ’51
Joseph D. Kvarda ’51
Mariano Quintana ‘47
Richard A. Piniecki ’51
Anthony B. Oleszczuk ’51
Bernard Campbell ‘53
Chester Bower ’57
Robert W. Lansinger ’57
Claude J. Mascari ’59
Lawrence Kueberth ’61
Paul Hester ’63
Bob Fronckoski ’72
Brian Hamilton graduated from the
University of Delaware in 2006 with a
degree in business administration, Magna
Cum Laude. Brian works for Ernst &
Young as an IT Auditor. He was married on
September 9, 2007 to Kerrie Lorch. Brian’s
Best Man was fellow classmate, Michael
Class of 2003
Class of 1999
John Ryan Gregoire-Cope would like to
announce his marriage to Kimberly Anne
Preshoot on June 7, 2007. John currently
lives in Sykesville, MD, and works as an
Employee Benefits Broker.
Class of 2000
John Melka and wife, Kerry, are proud to
announce the birth of their second child,
Charlotte Emilie Melka on September 2,
2007. This is John’s fourth year with SSA
and he is completing his Masters Degree in
Advanced Information Technology at Villa
Julie College.
John and Kerry Melka with son, Kevin,
and daughter, Charlotte.
The Mount
Patrick Barbee graduated
from Colorado State
University with a degree in
Health and Exercise Science
with a concentration in
Sports Medicine. He will be
attending Johns Hopkins
Echocardiography program
Patrick Barbee
next year.
Narbeh Yousefian graduated from the
University of Maryland, College Park in
May 2007. He is currently working as a
software engineer at Northrop Grumman. Class of 2005
Brendan Hart is in his third year at the
University of Virginia studying chemical
engineering and business. This past summer
he spent time exploring the tradition and
modernization of Japan, China and Tibet
and went backpacking through Europe.
Brendan says, “I hope all the ’05 grads are
enjoying college and enjoying life!”
Mount News Briefs
Seven Mount
Seniors Named National
Merit Commended Students
Mount Saint Joseph is happy to announce that this year seven
seniors were named National Merit Commended Students in the
National Merit Scholarship competition.
Mount Saint Joseph Welcomes
Andrew Wolfe ’11,
The second St. Giles Program
student with Down syndrome
President Brother James Kelly, C.F.X. remarked, “I’m grateful to
these young men for upholding the Mount’s tradition of academic
excellence.” This year about 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic
promise. Commended Students placed among the top five percent
of more than one million students who entered the competition by
taking the 2006 Preliminary SAT/ National Merit Scholarship
Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®).
Andrew Wolfe ’11 comes to St. Joe from Catonsville
Middle School where he was in a special education
program. His mother heard about the St. Giles program from a friend who gave her the summer 2006
issue of The Mount magazine, which showcased Ben
Stevick and his acceptance into the newly created
St. Giles Program. Andrew has been able to join the
Mount community because of the generosity of the
Catholic Coalition for Special Education and Jerry
Dotterweich ’47 who fund the Saint Giles program.
Front row, from left: Pat Gorman ’08, Chris Henry ’08,
Mark Law ’08, Ryan Button ’08.
Back row, from left: Principal Barry Fitzpatrick,
James Paul ’08, Colin Leach ’08 and Tom Conley ’08
and President Brother James Kelly, C.F.X.
Xaverian Brothers Elect New General Administration
The Xaverian Brothers have elected a new General Administration. The new
General Administration was installed on August 2, 2007, which is, coincidentally, the
traditional Xaverian foundation day in America. Congratulations to Brother Lawrence
Harvey, C.F.X., for his appointment as General Superior and to Brother James Kelly,
C.F.X., for his appointment as a General Council member.
From left: Brothers Daniel Skala, Francois Musongo
Kafindo, James Kelly, Paul Murray and John Hamilton
Fall 2007
Mount Saint Joseph
Senior makes Team USA
Being visually impaired has never stopped Markeith Price from participating in track & field with Mount Saint Joe or his summer track team,
Team Maryland Track Club. Over the summer Markeith, a senior at the
Mount, competed in the International Blind Sports Association (IBSA)
Federation World Championships and Games in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
He was one of seven track & field athletes on Team USA and the only
athlete under 20 years of age. Jack Peach, a history teacher at the
Mount, coaches Markeith. He remarked, “It is rare to coach a student
who has made it to a national team.” All the athletes that he competed against had vision disabilities similar to his own. Those athletes
are classified as either being totally blind, visually impaired or partially
blind but may need a guide runner. During the IBSA games, Markeith
competed in the long jump placing 7th, the 800m run placing 5th and
the triple jump winning 2nd place.
Also, in July Markeith
competed in the IBSA
World Youth & Student
Games in Colorado
Springs, CO., where he
won the gold medal in
the 800m run, silver in
the long jump and
bronze in the 400m
dash. Markeith’s parents
are truly proud of his
Now, Markeith has his eyes set on running track & field in college
and representing the USA in the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing, China.
The Paralympic Games will follow the Olympic Games taking place
September 6 through September 17, 2008. The Paralympics began
in Rome in 1960; they are an Olympic style game for athletes who
have disabilities.
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The Mount
Alumni Association
Board of Directors
Jack Pundt, III, ’71, President
Charles Gilbert ’70, Vice President
Mike von Paris ’70, Secretary
Eric Schneider ’71, Treasurer
Pat Hall ’74, Past President
Kevin Connelly ’84
Joe Cremen ’95
Frank Del Gavio ’62
John Denhardt ’82
Mike Dooley ’66
Ryan Greer ’98
Paul Harris ’66
Ron Isaacs ’91
John McKenna ’48
B. J. Romanoski ’98
Craig Sigismondi ’81
John Weber ’56
Nick Zohdi ’97