Saturday Nite Ignite at 7pm

THANK YOU to all the volunteers that helped donate for, set up, and
work the ARK event on June 18th! 129 kids and 54 families were
impacted. THANK YOU for helping bless our community!
THANK YOU to all the volunteers and leaders of the BIG GOD STORY
KIDS CAMP this week! What an amazing week it has been ministering
to nearly 100 kids and sharing the love of Christ. THANK YOU for
making a difference and pouring out your love to these kids!
Fresh, delicious, hand-picked, straight from Michigan blueberries are
being sold by Lake View Camp as a fundraiser for their summer camping
ministry. Have your orders in by July 15 for the delivery (Sat, July 23).
The order form can be downloaded from their website, or call their office at 641-628-2160.
(You can also call or stop by the church office to place an order.)
Enjoy your delicious blueberries!
Judie Butin: Park Centre
Betty Dop: Baxter Care Center
Maureen McRoberts: Montezuma Rehab Center
Gertrude Van Sickel: Nelson Manor
Our Missionaries: Jeremy & Susan Beebout (Niger)
and John & Lori Havenga (Solomon Islands)
Josh Kriegel, grandson of Linda Olson and nephew of
Michelle Dodd, is in the Marines back in the U.S.
Meliek Meyer, son of Mike & Barb Meyer, is a Marine stationed in California.
Nichole Stilwell, daughter of Leslie Ross, is a T-38 Aggressor pilot stationed at
the Lanley Air Force Base.
Trenton Ratcliff, grandson of John & Kim Guthrie and nephew of Jeff & Sara
Guthrie, is stationed in the U.S. for the Air Force.
Gabe Wright, son of Steve & Cami Wright, U.S. Marine Corp in San Diego.
Prayer… Do you need prayer? Please fill out a Prayer Request card, located in the seat pockets. You can also receive prayer from the Prayer
Team at the front of the church during the message response time.
Prayer and Meeting Appointments can be scheduled by contacting the
Office. or 641-792-7300.
Contact Information:
Steve Heerema, Senior Pastor 641.204.1831
Mike Sereg, Associate Pastor 641.792.7300
Matt Hugg
Betty Samson
Tricia Groves
Marcy Milburn
Jim Samson
Newton Church of The Way
2306 S 3rd Ave E
Newton IA 50208
Office: 2306 S 3rd Ave E Phone: (641) 792-7300
Web Site:
Sunday Morning Summer Hours
Classic 7:45 am to 8:30am
The Way Café—8:30-10:30am
Ignite I
9:00am to 10:00am
J252 is on break for the Summer.
Ignite II 10:30am to 11:30am
Little Sparks is coming in July!
Saturday Nite Ignite at 7pm
Every Tuesday: Weekly Staff Meeting from 2:00 to 4:00.
Check out the website:
Check out The Way on Facebook!
Celebration Sunday - July 10 - Aurora Heights Park! - 10am
Nursery is available for newborn - 2 years.
Located at the north end of the hall past the restrooms.
The Way Softball Game—Monday, June 20 7:45pm
Come to the North field and cheer on The Way team!
Facilitators: Jason Price at 515-865-0609
Lunch after the service - Bring a dessert or salad if you can!
LAST CHANCE TO GET INVOLVED! We will celebrate what God
is doing here at The Way by Baptisms, Confession’s of Faith,
Believer's Rededication and Stories of Faith. If you are interested, please contact the office THIS WEEK!
The office # is (641) 792-7300, email: Invite others!
Anyone is welcome! Don’t forget your lawn chair or blanket!
There will be NO Saturday Nite Ignite Service on July 9th.
Discover Hope 517— Are you ready to break free from
addiction? Anyone over 18, join us TUESDAYS 6-7pm at
219 N 2nd Ave W. Discover Hope Office: 641-841-0598
Join us in the 4th of July Parade!
The parade is Monday, July 4th at 9:30am.
How can you help get involved?
Float Building! 9a-3p, Sat June 25th at 1417 N 15th Ave E Warehouse.
Walking in the parade! Monday, July 4th – be there at 7:30am for
lineup! Participants: wear red or blue. Bring candy if you can!
Donating candy! (NO CHOCOLATE, individually wrapped) There will
be a collection box in The Way Café for all donations.
THANKS FOR GETTING INVOLVED! Contact the Office with questions!
Attention Covenant Partners! As we become a commissioned
church, we will be updating all Covenant Partnership into
Membership of The Way. If you plan to renew your commitment
and become a Member of The Way, we will have a table at the
Celebration Service on July 10th to sign membership forms.
Please visit this table or contact the Office if you cannot attend.
If you have NOT been a Covenant Partner at The Way and are
interested in being a Member, you can also sign at the table on
Celebration Sunday and we will have a required membership class
in the Fall and meeting with the Pastor for all new members.
Please contact the Office with questions or if you are unable to attend that service but want to commit to a membership.
The Way Commissioning Service
YOUTH, join us Wed, July 6th Frisbee Golf at
Maytag Park! Please see the Bulletin Board and
continue watching bulletins and Facebook for
many more events to come this Summer!
The walls are poured and complete and this week the contractors
will start the rough in process.
We will be losing the North parking lot on June 27th as the steel
building comes in. Add more time to your travel for parking.
If you are able to park further away, please do so for those that
can’t walk as far. Thank you for your patience and generosity
during the progress of our new building and parking lot!
Motorcycles: please park by the orange fence in the North lot.
An orange fence is up and anything inside the fence will be considered a DANGER ZONE! Please keep all kids away from this area! will continue to give details about the project!
JUNE OUTREACH IDEA: Organize a garage sale, but
make everything FREE! Prepare scripture or an encouraging
word for the inside of the bags to bless your customers!
If you have more Outreach ideas, please email Jeff &
Denell Holschuh:
Encourage our youth on the mission trip! Please consider signing
up in The Way Café to commit to pray and write an encouraging letter
for the youth/leaders heading out to Washingtion, DC in a few weeks!
Save the date! REACH OUT DAY
Sunday, September 25th More details to come!
Sunday, July 10th - Afternoon (time TBD)- Worship Center
The Way Pastors, Elders, and Deacons will be commissioned as a new church
within the RCA denomination. Please join us if you can!
Be sure to fill out a Scripture –Prayer Tag for the new building!
All filled out tags can be dropped off in the basket at the back of the
Worship Center OR at the Info desk downstairs. Thank you!
Community Service Needs? Route 146 Youth are
FREE Outreach Car Wash! Saturday—July 9th
Parking lot of Hendrickson Greenhouse (900 W 3rd St S)
We will be offering a free carwash to our community! If you
are interested in getting involved, please contact Jeff & Denell Holschuh
at Thanks for getting involved!
looking for community service ideas or people/members in need…
If you know of volunteer opportunities for them this fall,
please contact Jen Wright at Thank you!
“Mainly Music” is launching this fall! Children (birthBuilding Campaign Donations can go in the offering or in the back drop
box of the Worship Center. If you are writing a check, the memo must
say “Building Campaign” or cash must be in an envelope with your
name and “Building Fund” on the envelope. THANKS!
preschool) and their parent/caregiver can enjoy music, movement,
snacks, and more. We need volunteers of any age! If you have
interest in being part of a planning team, please contact Danielle
Barnes or Marcy Milburn
Financial Stewardship Update
General Fund
Last Week
Year-to-date (beginning 7/1/15) $498,870 $479,400
Variance to YTD budget
+$19,470 or +4.1%
Building Fund project-to-date = $940,214