2%] 1126277? fl? 7773772115072

Jan- 28, 1969
Filed June 18, 1965
of 5
2%] 1126277? fl? 7773772115072
Jan. 28, 1969
vFiled June 18, 1965
\ubw. ..\
-Q. H-,. l.“ _
Jan. 28, 1969
Filed June 18, 1965
wz'lzlz'czm?. 17741222415022
United States Patent Office
Patented Jan. 28, 1969
tank 1 rectangular in plan and having an end extension
2. The tank 1 is, in general, of known type, except as to
those features having to do with my invention. The lower
portion of the tank 1 provides a sump adapted to contain
a bath or body of a treating solution and is provided with
William R. Hamilton, Western Springs, Ill., assignor to
Baron-Blakeslee Incorporated, Chicago, 11]., a corpora
tion of Illinois
Filed June 18, 1965, Ser. No. 465,106
5 Claims
US. Cl. 134—96
Int. Cl. B08b 3/04; B01d 3/00; C23f 7/08
heating means, conveniently steam coils 3, as is known.
An exterior cooling water jacket 4 extends about the
upper portion of tank 1, above end extension 2 thereof,
and an interior cooling coil 5 extends about the interior
10 of tank 1 in the zone of jacket 4 and extending above and
below the latter. An interior condensate trough 6 under
lies coil 5 and delivers condensate to a well 7 at one
Apparatus for degreasing, phosphatizing and removing
corner of tank 1, trough 6 being appropriately disposed
acid from treated article has a main tank including
and inclined to that end. The well 7 is connected by a
short conduit 8 to the inlet of a Water separator 9. The
solvent outlet of separator 9 is connected by a conduit
vertically spaced heater, imperforate tray, article sup
porter, sprayers, trough and cooler. The tank contains a
treating bath including a volatile solvent. Trough con
veys solvent condensate to ?rst supplementary tank. Im
perforate tray conveys solvent oil condensate to second
10 to a distillate or pure solvent storage tank 11 in ex
tension 2 and in part formed thereby, which storage tank
is closed to tank 1. The water separator 9 may be of any
suitable known type, such as that disclosed in the patent
supplemental tank. Pump and conduit means sequentially
deliver treating bath and then solvent condensate from
main tank and ?rst supplemental tank, respectively, to
to Edward L. Blakeslee, No. 2,223,595, and is provided
adjacent its top with a water discharge conduit 12 for
conducting the water to a suitable location.
The solvent of the bath, to be referred to more fully
This invention relates to machines for treatment of 25 presently, is a chlorinated hydrocarbon, preferably tri
chlorethylene, which is heavier than water. The distillate
articles to be painted or coated, and has to do with ap
paratus and a method for conditioning metal articles for
that purpose.
Metal articles which are to be painted or otherwise
which enters the water separator 9 sinks below the water
therein and ?ows into tank 11, the water being discharged
from separator 9 adjacent the top thereof. The water
present in the distillate is due to moisture absorbed by the
coated should be in a thoroughly clean condition, free of
grease and other foreign substances, and preferably
solvent vapor from the atmosphere and should be re
moved to assure ef?cient operation of the machine or
apparatus, as is known.
should be provided with a conditioned surface of a char
acter to assure adherence of the coating material. It is
known to subject such articles to the action of a bath of a
An imperforate ?at tray 15 is removably supported
degreasing solvent, such as trichlvorethylene, containing
on cross rods 16 extending between the side walls of
tank 1 and is inclined downwardly toward [an open top
phosphoric acid and heated to the boiling point, at atmos
pheric pressure, of the solvent. In such treatment the
articles are effectively cleaned and degreased and the sur
satisfactory coating thereon. That necessitates further
tank 17 in extension 2 and underlying tank 11 in spaced
relation thereto. The tray 15 is of slightly less length and
width than the interior of tank 1, is provided with up
wardly extending side ?anges 15a and an upwardly ex
tending end ?ange 15b and its other end is open and
spaced inwardly a short distance from and above the inner
treatment of the articles to assure that they are completely
side wall of tank 17. A gate valve or de?ector member
faces thereof are conditioned by the bath to assure ad
herence of the coating material. The presence of any acid
on the treated articles renders it di?’icult to obtain a
free of acid, which results in delay and increased cost.
18, of elongated U-shape, extends across the interior of
My invention is directed to a treating apparatus or ma
tank 1 between the inner side of tank 17 and the adjacent
chine by which articles to be coated may be effectively 45 end of tray 15, the latter being restrained against move
cleaned and degreased and phosphatized, and all traces of
the acid are effectively removed, in a single operation,
ment toward tank 17 by abutment elements 16a on the
under face of tray 15 disposed to contact cross rods 16.
without objectionable delay and at minimum cost. It is a
The gate valve 18 is secured at its midwidth to a cross rod
further object of my invention to provide a machine which
18a pivoted in brackets 18b ?xed to the side walls of tank
may be used for degreasing purposes only, or for both 50 1, for adjust-ment to either one of two positions optionally.
degreasing and phosphatizing with complete removal of
In one of its positions, indicated in broken lines in
acid from the treated articles.
FIGURE 2, it underlies the adjacent end of tray 15 and
Another object of my invention is to provide a treating
overlies the inner portion of tank 17 and is then effective
apparatus whereby the degreasing and surface condition
for directing ‘liquid into the latter ‘from tray 15. In its
ing of the articles may be performed in a single sub
other position, shown in full lines, de?ector 18 extends
stantially continuous operation. Further objects and ad
downward across the end of tray 15 and is then effective
vantages of my invention will appear from the detail
for directing liquid therefrom into the sump of tank 1
underlying tray 15.
In the drawings:
FIGURE 1 is a top plan view of degreasing and
The desired adjustment of de?ector 18 may be effected
in any suitable manner. Conveniently a crank handle 19
is secured on the outer end of a stub shaft 19a rockably
mounted through side wall 1a of tank 1 and is held in ad
phosphatizing machine embodying my invention;
FIGURE 2 is a side view, partly broken away and in
section, of the machine of FIGURE 1;
FIGURE 3 is an end view of the machine of FIGURE
1; and
just-ment by a cooperating rack 20 secured to that wall. An
FIGURE 4 is a fragmentary sectional view, taken sub
stantially on line 4-—4 of FIGURE 2, with the de?ector
The machine of my invention comprises an open top
connected by a rod 22 to an arm 23 fixed on cross shaft
18a between de?ector 18 and side wall 1a. The crank
handle 19 and ‘associated parts provide convenient means
for adjusting de?ector 18 to either of its two positions
member in substantially vertical position and partly
broken away, the side walls of the tank being also broken
arm‘ 21, secured on the inner end of stub shaft 19a, is
and holding it in adjusted position, as will be understoood.
Suitable heating means, conveniently steam coils 24, is
mounted in tank 17. I also provide suitable means for
circulating steam through the coils 3 and 24 and coolant,
usually cold water or brine, through the water jacket 4
and the cooling coil 5, as is known.
In practice the sump of tank 1 contains a body or
bath of a suitable phosphatizing solution. The bath pref
vent. The article is then in a thoroughly cleaned condi
tion with an etched surface to which a coating of paint or
other suitable material will readily adhere. When the pure
solvent distillate from tank 11 is not being sprayed upon
the articles, any excess distillate in tank 11 is returned
erably comprises the following ingredients in the propor
to the sump in main tank 1 through a valve controlled
tions stated—approximately 920 pounds of a product
conduit 35. In that manner the solvent of the bath is re
sold under the trade name of “Triclene-L,” approximately
160 pounds of a product sold under the trade name of
plenished and the distillate in tank 11 is maintained at
a substantially constant level when the articles are not
“Triclene-R” and approximately 1.5% by Weight of a phos 10 being sprayed therewith.
As previously noted the constituents of the bath
other than trichlorethylene are not volatile. Also, the
by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, of Wilming~
grease and oil and other substances removed from the
ton, Delaware, under the trade names stated, and are
articles by the solvent vapor and directed into the tank
Well known and extensively used in phosphatizing opera
17 are not volatile. Accordingly, heating of the solvent-oil
tions. Each of such products is comprised largely of tri~
solution or mixture in tank 17 produces solvent vapor
chlorethylene. In practice “Triclene-L" is added to the
which is substantially pure and does not contain foreign
bath to replace ev-aporative losses and phosphoric acid
substances in objectionable amount, and the heating of the
solution is added, as required, to maintain the con-cen
bath likewise produces pure solvent vapor. Assurance is
trati-on thereof at the desired value. The relative amounts
thus had that the vapor zone, between tray 15 and the
of the constituents of the bath may be varied, within per
cooling coil 5 and water jacket 4 is maintained ?lled with
phoric acid solution known as 85 % N.F. The two products
“Triclene-L” and “Triclene-R” are produced and sold
missible limits, as will be understood.
In operation the bath is heated to the boiling point of
the solvent thereof, ‘assumed to be trichlorethylene, ap
proximately 1880 F. at atmospheric pressure. The other
constituents of the bath are not volatile and the space
pure solvent vapor containing no impurities in amount to
adversely affect treatment of the articles in the manner
above stated. The oil and other impurities which may col
lect in the lower portion of tank 17 may be removed there
from as required, in any suitable ‘manner, conveniently
‘between the surface of the bath and the cooling coil 5 be
through a valve controlled drain pipe 36 opening into the
bottom of that tank.
which is determined by the cooling coil 5 and water jacket
The machine of my invention may be provided with
4, which preclude escape of the vapor to atmosphere 30 the usual accessories including thermometers, gauge
through the open top of the tank 1. The articles to be
glasses etc., as is known, which need not be described
treated are immersed, at room temperature, in the rela
here. Also, if desired, the gate valve 18 may be power
tively hot solvent vapor of the vapor zone above the tray
operated and automatically controlled by suitable known
comes ?lled with pure solvent vapor the upper surface of
15. Conveniently the ‘articles rest upon cross rods 13 or
other suitable supporting means spaced above tray 15,
means and the pumps 27 and 30 may be automatically
controlled by timers of suitable type, in a known manner.
but may be supported in any suitable manner. The solvent
Further, by providing appropriately arranged conduiting
vapor condenses on the relatively cold article and dissolves
and valving, the pumps 27 and 30 may be replaced by a
any oil or grease present thereon, the resultant solvent
single pump, in a known manner.
oil solution dripping from the article onto the tray 15 and
While the machine of my invention is primarily in
carrying off with it any particles of insoluble materials 4-0 tended to be used for phosphatizing articles preparatory
which may be present on the articles. The solvent oil solu
to coating them, it may also be used for degreasing and
tion is directed from the tray 15 into tank 17 by the gate
cleaning articles without phosphatizing. When it is to
valve or de?ector 18, then in its broken line position of
be used for that purpose, the bath may be a chlorinated
FIGURE 2. The articles are then in a thoroughly clean
hydrocarbon, such as trichlorethylene without the addi
and oil free condition. The “articles are then sprayed with
tives hereinbefore mentioned. The articles to be degreased
the bath solution projected from upper and lower spray
and cleaned are held in the vapor zone until thoroughly
pipes 25 mounted within tank 1, at the sides thereof
cleaned, and the solvent-oil mixture is directed into the
between cooling coil 5 and tray 15. The pipes 25 are
tank 17 as before, the distillate from the cooling coil being
connected by valve controlled conduits 26 to the dis
directed into the water separator 9 and the solvent from
charge of a rotary pump 27, driven by an electric motor 50 the latter ?owing into tank 11. Solvent vapor from the
28 and having its intake connected by a valve controlled
sump of tank 1 and from tank 17 maintains the vapor zone
conduit 28a to the ‘bath in the sump of tank 1. At the
?lled with pure solvent vapor. After the articles have re
start of such spraying operation the gate valve 18 is turned
mained in the vapor zone an appropriate length of time
to its full line position of FIGURE 2, and the solution flows
they may be removed without further treatment, if de
back into the sump of tank 1. The spraying of the solu 55 sired. In order to assure that all foreign particles are re
tion onto the articles continues ‘for a predetermined time,
moved from the articles, they may also be subjected to
usually rather short, until the surface of the article has
solvent sprays projected from the pipes 25 or 29, or from
been properly conditioned. The time required for that
varies, depending upon the material and condition of the
article, but is readily determined by experience. When
the article has been sprayed su?‘iciently with solution taken
from the sump of tank 1 the pump 27 is stopped. The
article is then sprayed with the pure solvent, projected
from spray pipes 29 mounted in tank 1 ‘at the sides there
of, between the bath solution spray pipes 25, with the
gate valve 18 remaining in its full line position effective
for directing the solvent into the sump of tank 1. The
pure solvent is delivered to spray pipes 29 by a rotary
both. Also, instead of holding the articles in the vapor
zone, they may be sprayed immediately with solvent from
the pipes 25 or 29, or both and then removed from tank
1 or, if desired, retained in the vapor zone for a short
time after spraying and then removed.
As above indicated my invention is directed to surface
conditioning of articles formed of various metals or other
65 materials analogous to metals in respect to surface con
ditioning preliminary to application of a coating of paint
or other suitable substance. It will be also understood
that the phosphatizing solutions above described are by
pump 30 driven by an electric motor 31 and having its
way of example only and that any suitable known phos
intake connected by a valve controlled conduit 32 to 70 phatizing solution may be used. It may be assumed, for
the pure solvent or distillate tank 11 and its discharge
example, that the article to be surface conditioned, is
connected by valve controlled conduits 33 to spray pipes
formed of steel and that the phosphatizing solution used
29. The pure solvent spray removes all traces of phos
is “Triclene~L.” The treated article will have a surface
phoric acid from the articles which are then withdrawn
?lm of iron-phosphate which is etched by the phosphoric
from the tank 1 and rapidly dry by evaporation of the sol 75 acid to an extent providing “teeth,” i.e., a roughened
said ?rst supplementary tank, a second supplementary
tank opening into said main tank through said one end
surface. The coating of paint or analogous material will
adhere tightly to the iron-phosphate and to the roughened
surface thereof provided by the etching effect of the phos
wall thereof, means for conveying solvent oil condensate
liquid from said tray into said second supplementary tank
and said sump optionally, means for heating the liquid
contents of said second tank to approximately the boiling
point of the solvent at atmospheric pressure, and means
for selectively delivering liquid bath from said sump and
phoric acid. It the article to be surface conditioned
is formed of zinc or has a zinc covering, resulting
from galvanizing for example, the phosphatizing solu
tion will produce on the treated article a ?lm of zinc
phosphate which is etched by the acid and to which a
solvent condensate from said ?rst supplementary tank to
coating of material will tightly adhere. In its broader
aspects, my invention comprehends the treatment of 10 said spray means under pressure.
4. In article treating apparatus, a main tank substan
articles formed of any suitable material and the use of
tially rectangular in plan and providing at its lower portion
any suitable known phosphatizing solution or the equiv
a sump for a treating liquid bath containing a volatile
alent thereof.
solvent, means for heating the bath to approximately the
As above indicated, and as well be understood, changes
in detail may be resorted to without departing from the 15 boiling point of the solvent at atmospheric pressure, an
imperforate tray in said tank spaced from the walls
?eld and scope of my invention, and I intend to include
thereof and inclined downwardly toward one end wall of
all such variations, as fall within the scope of the ap
said main tank with its lower end spaced from said one
pended claims, in this application in which the preferred
end wall, spray means opening into said tank above said
form only of my invention is disclosed.
20 tray, cooling means extending into said tank above said
I claim:
spray means, a ?rst supplementary tank, means for con
1. In article treating apparatus, a main tank substan
veying solvent condensate from said cooling means to
tially rectangular in plan and providing at its lower por
said ?rst supplementary tank, a second supplementary tank
tion a sump for a treating liquid bath containing a volatile
opening into said main tank through said one end wall
solvent, means for heating the bath to approximately the
boiling point of the solvent at atmospheric pressure, an 25 thereof and adjacent the lower end of said tray, de
?ector means adjacent the lower end of said tray adjustable
imperforate tray in said tank spaced from the walls there
to direct solvent oil condensate liquid from said tray into
of, spray means in said tank above said tray, cooling
said sump and into said second supplementary tank
means extending into said tank above said spray means,
optionally, means for heating the liquid contents of said
a ?rst supplementary tank, means for conveying solvent
condensate from said cooling means to said supplemen 30 second tank to approximately the boiling point of the
solvent at atmospheric pressure, and means for selectively
tary tank, a second supplementary tank opening into said
delivering liquid bath from said sump and solvent con
main tank, means for conveying solvent oil condensate
densate from said ?rst supplementary tank to said spray
liquid from said tray into said second supplementary tank
means under pressure.
and said sump optionally, means for heating the liquid
5. In article treating apparatus, a main tank substan
contents of said second tank to approximately the boil 35
tially rectangular in plan and providing at its lower portion
ing point of the solvent at atmospheric pressure, and
a sump for a treating liquid bath containing a volatile
means for selectively delivering liquid bath from said
solvent, means for heating the bath to approximately the
sump and solvent condensate from said ?rst supplemen
boiling point of the solvent at atmospheric pressure, an
tary tank to said spray means under pressure.
2. In article treating apparatus, a main tank substan 40 irnperforate tray in said tank spaced from the Walls thereof
and inclined downwardly toward one end wall of said
tially rectangular in plan and providing at its lower por
main tank with its lower end spaced from said one end
tion a sump for a treating liquid bath containing a volatile
wall, spray means opening into said tank above said
solvent, means for heating the bath to approximately the
tray, cooling means extending into said tank above said
boiling point of the solvent at atmospheric pressure, an
spray means, said main tank having an end extension
imperforate tray in said tank spaced from the walls there
from said one end wall, a ?rst supplementary tank in
of and inclined downwardly toward one end wall of said
said end extension, a second supplementary tank in said
main tank, spray means opening into said tank above said
end extension underlying said ?rst supplementary tank
tray, cooling means extending into said tank above said
and opening into said main tank through said one end wall
spray means, a ?rst supplementary tank, means for con
and adjacent the lower end of said tray, de?ector means
veying solvent condensate from said cooling means to said
adjacent the lower end of said tray adjustable to direct
?rst supplementary tank, a second supplementary tank
solvent oil condensate liquid from said tray into said
opening into said main tank adjacent said one- end wall
sump and into said second supplementary tank optionally,
thereof, means for conveying solvent oil condensate liquid
means for heating the liquid contents of said second tank
from said tray into said second supplementary tank and
to approximately the boiling point of the solvent at atmos
said sump optionally, means for heating the liquid con
pheric pressure, and means for selectively delivering liquid
tents of said second tank to approximately the boiling
bath from said sump and solvent condensate from said
point of the solvent at atmospheric pressure, and means
?rst supplementary tank to said spray means under
for selectively delivering liquid bath from said sump and
solvent condensate from said ?rst supplementary tank to
said spray means under pressure.
3. In article treating apparatus, a main tank substan
tially rectangular in plan and providing at its lower por
tion a sump for a treating liquid bath containing a volatile
solvent, means for heating the bath to approximately the
boiling point of the solvent at atmospheric pressure, an
imperforate tray in said tank spaced from the Walls thereof
and inclined downwardly toward gne end wall of said
main tank, spray means opening into said tank above said
tray, cooling means extending into said tank above said
spray means, a ?rst supplementary tank, means for con 70
veying solvent condensate from said cooling means to
References Cited
3,356,540 ‘12/1967
Vullo ___________ __ 148—6.15
Pokorny __________ __ 148—-6.15
FRANK W. LUTTER, Primary Examiner.
l18—603; 134-108, 11, 31; l48—6\.l5; 202——l69, 170