Microscopic view of electric current in a metallic wire, the Drude model. – – – – When no electric or magnetic field is applied, these electrons move along straight lines, until they undergo a collision (with impurity atoms, defects, …). – – In a metal, the valence electrons, typically one per atom, are free to move. The direction of the electron’s movement after a collision is random, it has nothing to do with the direction before the collision. – The speed of an electron after a collision depends only on the temperature. What is the average velocity of the electrons? The average velocity v0 is zero, since the 1. zero electrons move equally in all directions. 2. depends – – The acceleration changes the velocity of the electrons between collisions. G G G G G eE v = v0 + at = v0 − t me What is the average velocity of the electrons? 1. still zero 2. depends on the electric field The average or drift velocity vd is the acceleration times the average time τ between collisions. – – G An applied electric field exerts a E force on the electrons, which accelerates the electrons between G G collisions. G G F = − e E G F = −eE ⎫ eE G G G⎬ ⇒ a = − m F = me a ⎭ e – – G eE G vd = − τ me Typically, random speed v0 ~ 106 m/s , collision time = τ ~ 10-14 s, mean free path l0 = v0τ ~ 10-8 m, drift speed = vd ~ 10-5 – 10-3 m/s Relation between drift velocity and current in a wire. Pick a time interval Δt. In this time, the electrons travel on average a distance l = vdΔt . In the time interval Δt, all electrons in the cylinder of length l will cross the (pink) cross sectional area that bounds the cylinder on the left, and no electrons outside the cylinder will cross this area. What is the number of conduction electrons in the cylinder, if their number density is n = N/V ? 1. N = nAl 2. N = nA/l 3. N = nl/A Remember, the current is the flow of charge through the cross section: V = Al I= N ΔQ N (−e) = = −e Δt Δt Δt Finally: I = −e nAl = −e nAvd Δt = −enAvd Δt Δt ⇒ Macroscopic form of Ohm’s law V = RI Resistance of a cylindrical wire R=ρ Electric field due to a voltage V across a straight wire of length l E= Electrical current density, σ = 1/ρ is the conductivity j= Microscopic form of Ohm’s law V l j= I = − nevd A ⇒ I= V R l A ⇒ V = El I V El/ El 1 = = = = E ≡ σE A RA RA ρ l/ A / ρ / A j = σE = 1 ρ E ne 2τ ⇒ j= E We found before j = -nevd and vd = -eEτ/me me m ne 2τ 1 Microscopic expression j= E = E ⇒ ρ = 2e for the resistivity me ρ ne τ