arXiv:cond-mat/0407321v1 [cond-mat.other] 13 Jul 2004 FNT/T 2004/12 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach G Bormetti†‡, G Montagna†‡k, N Moreni§† and O Nicrosini‡† † Dipartimento di Fisica Nucleare e Teorica, Università di Pavia, Via A. Bassi 6, 27100, Pavia, Italy ‡ Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pavia, Via A. Bassi 6, 27100, Pavia, Italy § CERMICS - ENPC, 6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal, Cité Descartes, Champs sur Marne, 77455, Marne la Vallée, Cedex 2, France Abstract. In the framework of Black-Scholes-Merton model of financial derivatives, a path integral approach to option pricing is presented. A general formula to price path dependent options on multidimensional and correlated underlying asset is obtained and implemented by means of various flexible and efficient algorithms. As example, we detail the cases of Asian, Barrier Knock Out, Reverse Cliquet and Basket call options, evaluating prices and Greeks. The numerical results are compared with those obtained with other procedures used in quantitative finance and are found to be in good agreement. In particular, when pricing At the money and Out of the money options, path integral exhibits very competitive performances. PACS numbers: 89.65.Gh, 02.50.Ey, 05.10.Ln E-mail: and k Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed. Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach 2 1. Introduction and motivation A central problem in quantitative finance is the development of efficient methods for pricing and hedging derivative securities [1, 2, 3]. Although the classical Black&Scholes and Merton model of financial derivatives [4] provides an elegant framework to price financial derivatives, the level of analytical tractability of the model is limited to Plain Vanilla call and put options and few other cases. If we are interested to price more sophisticated financial instruments, such as options whose payoff at the expiry date is some known function of the path that the underlying asset follows before the maturity (i.e. path dependent options), appropriate numerical techniques have to be applied. Although for the price of some of these instruments there exist closed-form solutions or particular procedures [5], the specifications of the contracts that are traded in practice or the dependence on multiple assets require in general flexible and fast numerical algorithms to be available. There is a wide literature on the subject and many approaches have been proposed. The standard numerical procedures adopted in financial engineering involve the use of binomial or trinomial trees, Monte Carlo simulations and finite difference methods [1, 2, 3]. Alternative and more recent algorithms are described, for example, in Ref. [6], which the reader is addressed to for quite a comprehensive bibliography. In this paper we extend the path integral approach to option pricing developed for unidimensional assets in Ref. [7]. We generalize the original formulation in order to price a variety of commonly traded exotic options. First, we obtain a pricing formula for path dependent options based on multiple correlated underlying assets; second, we improve the related numerical algorithms. Comparisons with standard Monte Carlo simulations, as well as with the results of other numerical techniques known in the literature, are presented. Related attempts to price exotic options using the path integral method can be found in Ref. [8]. The structure of the article is as follows. In section 2 we review and generalize the path integral approach to option pricing, to arrive at a general formula to price exotic options with path dependent features, also for options depending on multiple and correlated underlying assets. Section 3 is dedicated to describe the details of the computational algorithms, which are used to obtain the numerical results discussed in section 4. The latter section shows how the approach can be efficiently implemented to price a large class of exotic options: Asian, Barrier Knock Out, Reverse Cliquet and Basket options. Results for the Greek letters relative to the considered options are given in section 5. Conclusions and possible perspectives are drawn in section 6. 2. Path integral Path integral techniques, widely used in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, can be useful to describe the dynamics of a Markov stochastic process [9]. In our case, we are interested in a multidimensional stochastic process S (corresponding to the price Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach 3 of a set of given underlying assets) which satisfies a stochastic differential equation (SDE) describing geometric Brownian motion. It is common practice to consider a D dimensional asset S such that, ∀i, j, k = 1 to D, ( dS k /S k = µk dt + σ k dW̄ k (1) < dW̄ i, dW̄ j > = ρij dt where µk are the mean returns (under the objective measure), σ k the volatilities and ρij the correlations between the Wiener processes W̄ (ρii = 1), all of them being constant. The ρij and σ k can be computed, for example, by analyzing the time series of the correlations between different assets returns: ( < dS i , dS i > = (S i σ i )2 dt (2) . < dS i, dS j > = S i S j σ i σ j ρi,j dt = S i S j Σ̄i,j dt i 6= j where we introduced the Variance-Covariance matrix Σ̄. It is however convenient to write (1) in terms of the square root Σ of Σ̄ and of a standard D-dimensional Wiener process W . The square root Σ is defined by relation ΣΣT = Σ̄ and can be chosen to be a lower triangular matrix. Consequently, under risk neutral . measure, the stochastic variable z = (log S1 , . . . , log SD ) satisfies the following equation dz = Adt + ΣdW, (3) where the k th entry of A is Ak = r − 1≤i≤k Σ2ki , with r risk-free interest rate. Equation (3) means that z is normally distributed with mean A and Variance-Covariance matrix Σ̄. Solutions of (3) are known to be Markov processes and therefore it is possible to describe their time evolution via a path integral formulation [7]. Moreover an important feature of (3) is that the conditional probability density p(z, t|z ′ , t′ ) is known and given by D/2 1 1 1 −1 ′ ′ 2 ′ ′ exp − ||Σ (z − z − A(t − t ))|| , (4) p(z, t|z , t ) = 2π(t − t′ ) |detΣ| 2(t − t′ ) P where || means standard Euclidean norm. Equation (4) together with the Markov property is indeed what we need to derive path integral formulation: it holds for any arbitrary time t and, in particular, we are interested in the limit t − t′ → 0. Moreover, the transition probability density p satisfies the so-called ChapmanKolmogorov equation Z ′′ ′ p(z |z ) = dz p(z ′′ |z) p(z|z ′ ), (5) where we have omitted the explicit dependence on t, for the sake of simplicity. Hence, if we consider a finite time interval [t′ , t′′ ] and we divide it in n + 1 subintervals of lenght ∆t = (t′′ − t′ )/(n + 1), we obtain, by iteration of (5), Z +∞ Z +∞ ′′ ′ p(z |z ) = ··· dz1 · · · dzn p(z ′′ |zn )p(zn |zn−1 ) · · · p(z1 |z ′ ) (6) −∞ −∞ Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach 4 D(n+1)/2 n+1 Z +∞ Z +∞ 1 1 × = ··· dz1 · · · dzn 2π∆t |detΣ| −∞ −∞ ( ) n+1 1 X −1 × exp − ||Σ [zk − (zk−1 + A∆t)]||2 , 2∆t k=1 . . where zn+1 = z ′′ and z0 = z ′ . Usual “path integral interpretation” of equation (6) is that, in the limit ∆t → 0, n → ∞, n × ∆t = t′′ − t′ , the transition probability density equals the functional integration over all the paths starting from z ′ and arriving at z ′′ . Our first aim is to rewrite (6) as an integral over some independent standard gaussian variables through some rotations and translations. First of all we set ηi = Σ−1 (zi − Ai∆t), thus obtaining Z +∞ Z +∞ D n+1 Y Y 1 1 1 k k 2 √ × exp − ··· (ηi − ηi−1 ) . dη1 · · · dηn p(zn+1 |z0 ) = |detΣ| −∞ 2∆t 2π∆t −∞ k=1 i=1 Then we introduce the n × n matrix 2 −1 0 −1 2 −1 −1 2 0 M = 0 · · · −1 0 ··· ··· 0 ··· ··· M ··· 0 −1 2 −1 ··· ··· ··· ··· −1 2 −1 0 0 0 0 −1 2 , such that equation (6) rewrites ! Z +∞ Z +∞ Y D n Y 1 1 p ··· p(zn+1 |z0 ) = dhki ρki (hki ) |detΣ| −∞ 2π∆tdet(M ) −∞ k=1 i=1 n k k X (η0 O1i + ηn+1 Oni )2 1 k 2 k 2 (η ) + (ηn+1 ) − , × exp − 2∆t 0 mi i=1 (7) (8) where O is the orthogonal matrix that diagonalizes M , the mi , i = 1, . . . , n, are the P eigenvalues of M and ηik = nj=1 Oij hkj . The ρki (·) are Gaussian probability density k functions (pdfs) with mean (η0k O1i + ηn+1 Oni )/mi and variance ∆t/mi . The details for the no correlation case can be found in Ref. [7]. It is worth noticing that, once z0 and zn+1 (and consequently η0 and ηn+1 ) are fixed, one Monte Carlo call of the hki ’s (seen as random variables with pdf ρki ), is equivalent to the the simulation of a price path, by virtue of the relation ! n X zi = Σ Oij hj + iA∆t. (9) j=1 When we price path dependent options by arbitrage arguments, we are interested in calculating mathematical expectations of the form E[f (zn+1 , zn , . . . , z0 )] = Z +∞ Z dz0 −∞ +∞ −∞ dzn+1 Z Y n i=1 dzi p(zn+1 , zn , . . . , z0 ) × f (zn+1 , zn , . . . , z0 ), (10) Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach 5 where f is a given payoff function. The Markov nature of the price dynamics allows us to write p(zn+1 , zn , . . . , z0 ) = p(zn+1 |zn )p(zn |zn−1 ) · · · p(z1 |z0 )p(z0 ), and therefore, thanks to (8), (10) becomes Z +∞ Z +∞ E[f (zn+1 , zn , . . . , z0 )] = dz0 p(z0 ) dzn+1 1 |detΣ| −∞ −∞ Z n D Y Y g k (z0 , zn+1 ) p × dhi ρki (hki )f (zn+1 , zn , . . . , z0 ). 2π∆tdet(M ) i=1 k=1 where . g k (z0 , zn+1 ) = (11) (12) exp − 1 k (η k )2 + (ηn+1 )2 − 2∆t 0 n X i=1 k (η0k O1i + ηn+1 Oni )2 . mi It is sometimes convenient to write down above formulae in terms of standard Ddimensional Gaussian variables ǫj , and this can be easily done by means of the linear transformation # " 1 n X η0 O1j + ηn+1 Onj ∆t 2 ǫj + . (13) zi = iA∆t + Σ Oij m m j j j=1 Typically, p(z0 ) is a Dirac delta distribution centered at the logarithm of the spot price S0 , and the pricing formula becomes Z +∞ . ˜ n+1 ) = E[f (zn+1 , zn , . . . , z0 )] = dzn+1 I(z −∞ = Z +∞ dzn+1 −∞ Z Y n i=1 dǫi I[zn+1 , zn (ǫ, zn+1 , z0 ), · · · , z1 (ǫ, zn+1 , z0 ), z0 ], (14) i.e. we splitted the n + 1 dimensional integration into an external integration over the final price value zn+1 and n internal integrations over the Gaussian variables ǫi . 3. Computational algorithms Formulae obtained in the previous section are suitable tools to price path dependent options: what we have to do is to numerically compute integrals in (14). We can do this in at least two ways: 1. we can “separate” the internal D × n-dimensional integration and the external D-dimensional one, performing the former via Monte Carlo and the latter with a method to be specified. We shall call this method path integral with external integration. This method is particularly performing with unidimesional asset, as it will be shown in the following. 2. We can, instead, perform a pure D × (n + 1)-dimensional Monte Carlo integration. This method will be called pure Monte Carlo and will be of use when considering multidimensional assets. 6 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach 3.1. Path integral with external integration This method corresponds to a very precise evaluation of the integrand function I˜ for some fixed values of zn+1 . Actually, we want to approximate the external integral with a formula like Z nint X (i) ˜ ˜ n+1 dzn+1 I(zn+1 ) ≈ I(z )wi (15) i=1 (i) with a suitable choice of the integration weights wi and of the integration points zn+1 . ˜ we can evaluate it via Monte Since in our case we have not an explicit expression for I, (i) Carlo integration, that is, for each zn+1 we generate m ∈ N sequences of n Gaussian variables, thus simulating m possible paths with fixed starting and ending points. In ˜ (i) ), i = 1, . . . , nint , with their associated this way we get Monte Carlo estimators for I(z n+1 error vi . By virtue of the Central Limit Theorem (CLT), vi ’s scale with the square root ˜ As of m, so the bigger is m the smaller is the error and more precise the valuation of I. said before, this procedure together with a sufficient number of Monte Carlo calls (m) (i) allows us to have good estimates of I˜ for every zn+1 . Of course, the choice of the zn+1 ’s influences the final result and has to be done carefully. We implemented a deterministic method to integrate over the zn+1 , by performing a trapezoidal integration with equispaced abscissa [10]. The corresponding numerical results are shown in the next session. Then, by using independent calls for each ending point, we estimate (14) as v u nint nint X uX (i) ˜ wi2 vi2 . (16) wi I(zn+1 ) ± t i=1 i=1 It is worth noticing that such an error does not include the effect of finiteness of nint . In the next session we shall discuss numerical results that provide us reasons to consider the error due to finite nint as negligible. The above procedure is similar, for the separation of the integrals and the way it generates paths once ending point is fixed, to a variance reduction technique known as stratified sampling Monte Carlo [11, 12]. In order to test whether the good numerical results were related or not to this prior integration, we implemented a stratificationlike algorithm based on Lévy recursive construction of Brownian motion, the so called Brownian bridge. Details about this testing algorithm can be found in Appendix A while we give numerical results in the next section. 3.2. Pure Monte Carlo We will show in the next section that when we price unidimensional assets according to (16), a deterministic choice of final integration points works better than a Monte Carlo one. However, deterministic approach looses its competitivity when we consider multidimensional underlying assets. As an alternative, we propose a method based on a pure Monte Carlo integration coupled with path integral. 7 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach We approximate (14) by letting zn+1 ∈ [zmin , zmax ], thus obtaining E[f (zn+1 , zn , . . . , z0 )] = E[f˜(zn+1 , ǫ1 , . . . , ǫn )] Z zmax ≈ ||zmax − zmin || zmin dzn+1 ||zmax − zmin || Z Y n dǫi ρi (ǫi )I ′ [zn+1 , ǫ1 , . . . , ǫn ]. i=1 (17) In other words, we read the pricing formula as the mathematical expectation of a function of n+1 independent variables, the first, zn+1 , being uniformely distributed over [zmin , zmax ] and the others, the ǫi ’s, which have a standard Gaussian pdf. Our algorithm evaluates (17) by a pure Monte Carlo methods extracting m random independendent k and identically distributed arrays (zn+1 , ǫk1 , . . . , ǫkn )k=1,...,m . It is also possible to implement an importance sampling with a truncated Cauchy pdf normalized to 1 on an given interval [a, b]. The particular choice of a Cauchy function is suggested by the idea that the integrand is given by the product of Gaussian functions and of something like a max(·, ·). Thus, in a first rough approximation, we consider the resulting function to be slightly wider than a Gaussian one. Moreover, we verified that an integration performed with a Gaussian distribution underestimated the effects of the tails. Reasonable values for a, b, as well as for the mean z n+1 of the Cauchy pdf, depend on the values of the strike, the spot, the volatility etc. This method could look like a standard Monte Carlo simulation of a random walk, but there are some slight differencies. First of all, in the standard case we simulate each path recursively by throwing n + 1 gaussian variables, while here we want to construct paths that lead to a given zn+1 , Then, we introduce an asymmetry between zn+1 and the ǫi ’s in the sense that zn+1 plays a crucial role and we give to it the possibility of being thrown by a pdf which is not gaussian by means of importance sampling. This reveals to be very useful when we price Out of The Money options and the Monte Carlo random walk is not efficient. 4. Numerical results and discussion In this section we apply the methods discussed in the previous section to price different kinds of path dependent options: Asian and Up-Out Barrier Unidimensional call, Unidimensional Reverse Cliquet and Asian Basket call. The dynamics of the underlying assets is supposed to follow equation (3) and we place ourselves under the (martingale) risk free measure. 4.1. Unidimensional asset 4.1.1. Asian option The fair price for a discretly sampled Asian call option on an unidimensional asset is ( OA (z0 ) = e−rT E[hA (z0 , . . . , zn+1 )] P n+1 z (18) i e i=0 − K, 0 , hA (z0 , . . . , zn+1 ) = max n+2 8 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach where K is the strike price and T the maturity. The parameters used in the numerical simulation are: z0 = log 100, r = 0.095, σ = 0.2, t = 0, T = 1 year and n + 1 = 100. Moreover, we consider K = 60, 100, 150 in order to study the behavior of our algorithm when the option is In The Money (ITM), At The Money (ATM) and Out The Money (OTM), respectively. 100 100 80 80 ˜ n+1 ] I[z ˜ n+1 ] I[z ˜ n+1 ] of equation (14) for an Asian Figure 1. Shape of the integrand function I[z call option, showing how the support and the value of the maximum change when considering In The Money (Top Left), At The Money (Top Right) and Out The Money (Bottom Left) options. 60 40 20 60 40 20 0 0 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 zn+1 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 zn+1 0.1 ˜ n+1 ] I[z 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 zn+1 Before reporting variance reduction results, it is useful to proceed as in section 3.1 ˜ n+1 ) in (14) for in order to approximatively trace the shape of the integrand function I(z the case of Asian call options. In figure 1 we report the results obtained for ATM, ITM and OTM option. Errorbars are Monte Carlo ones. There are at least two features to be noticed: the location of its support and the value of its maximum. For ITM and ATM options the values of zn+1 for which the function is considerably different from zero are more or less centered at z0 + (r − σ 2 /2)T . On the other hand, for OTM options, the lower bound is ≈ log K. We can use these features to 6 9 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach Table 1. Numerical values for an Asian call option price obtained via different algorithms for the parameters S0 = 100, r = 0.095, σ = 0.2, T = 1 year and n+1 = 100. Errors represent one standard deviation. ITMa ATMb OTMc Price Error Price Error Price Error MCRW BBST PITP PICH PIFL 40.830 40.824 40.811 40.767 40.758 0.025 0.018 0.019 0.040 0.105 6.899 6.886 6.876 6.873 6.880 0.019 0.015 0.015 0.019 0.026 0.0054 0.0058 0.0057 0.0059 0.0057 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 AT-MCRW AT-PITP AT-PICH 40.836 40.832 40.775 0.002 0.004 0.031 6.909 6.901 6.878 0.008 0.004 0.008 0.0053 0.0060 0.0058 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 a b c In The Money, K = 60. At The Money, K = 100. Out The Money, K = 150. reduce the external integration on a finite interval which really contribute to the integral and eventually to perform importance sampling with an appropriate pdf. In table 1 we present our results together with the ones considered as benchmark and obtained with a Monte Carlo random walk (MCRW) and the Brownian Bridge with stratification (BBST). In the case of path integral with external integration, the number of integration points is set to 200 and for each point we generate 1000 random paths. As anticipated in section 3.1, we use an algorithm with deterministic trapezoidal integration (PITP). In these√case, as well integration over √ as in the BBST, we limit the 2 zn+1 to the interval [z̄ − 4σ T , z̄ + 4σ T ], where z̄ = z0 + (r − σ /2)T for ITM and ATM options and z̄ = log(K) for OTM ones. In the cases of MCRW and of pure Monte Carlo path integral with flat (PIFL) or Cauchy (PICH) sampling, the total number of paths is 200.000, such that we compare results obtained with the same number of call of the random number generator and the comparison does make sense. In the second part of the table, we present the results improved by the implementation of the antithetic variables technique (AT). This technique is a well known method [2] to reduce the variance of random walk based simulations and here is adapted to our algorithms. In table 1 we can notice that all path integral prices are in very good agreement with the ones obtained via random walks and BBST. We further performed a tuned comparison with the results quoted in Ref. [6] finding perfect agreement. From the point of view of variance reduction, the PITP algorithm turns out to be the most performing method, especially when we want to price ATM/OTM options. This means that when the integrand is non-zero only in a region far from z0 + (r − σ 2 /2)T , simple MCRW generates paths which are not relevant for the mathematical expectation. Furthermore, 10 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach the PITP and the BBST give essentially the same results, thus confirming our hint that the fact of fixing the ending point before generating paths plays the crucial role in the variance reduction. Let us stress that the flat integration gives bad variance results and that PICH and PIFL algorithms are performing only out of the money. Some comments about the numerical errors are in order here. For MCRW, PICH and PIFL, they derive directly from the CLT. The error estimation for PITP and BBST is more tricky, because they share deterministic and random features. Errors in the formula (16) result from the combination of the Monte Carlo errors on each ending point, zn+1 . To estimate the error associated to the finiteness of nint , we analysed the stability of price with respect to the number of integration points. In figure 2 we show the prices thus obtained. Figure 2. Prices and error bars for an In The Money Asian call option vs nint , the number of points to perform external integration. As nint increases, the error bars decrease (∼ n−0.5 int ), while the fluctuation of prices reduces. 7 Price 6.95 6.9 6.85 6.8 50 100 150 200 250 300 nint It can be seen that the fluctuations of the price value due to the choice of nint become negligible with respect to the width of the errorbars. This is why we consider the relevant error as related to the Monte Carlo part of integration and we set nint = 200. 4.1.2. Up-Out Barrier options In this section we consider Barrier options of European style, i.e. whose exercise is possible only at the maturity. In particular, we price so called Knock-out Up options. The payoff is a functional of all the path and has the following espression: hU [z] = e−rT max(ez(T ) − K, 0)1τ >T + e−r(τ −t) R1τ ≤T , (19) where τ = inf(s > t; z(s) ≥ log U), U is the upper barrier, R is a fixed cash rebate and 1A is the characteristic function of the set A. In our simulation we set R = 0. It is known [11] that, whenever we discretize this continuous time problem, setting −rT hU (z0 , . . . , zT ) = e z(T ) max(e − K, 0) n+1 Y i=0 1zi <logU , (20) 11 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach Table 2. Numerical values for the price of Up-Out Barrier call option obtained via different algorithms for the parameters S0 = 100, r = 0.095, σ = 0.2, T = 1 year and n + 1 = 100. K = 100 U = 150 AT-MCRW AT-PITP AT-PICH K = 130 U = 200 U = 150 U = 200 Price Error Price Error Price Error Price Error 9.087 9.088 9.099 0.012 0.008 0.016 12.853 12.830 12.815 0.015 0.001 0.014 0.647 0.638 0.647 0.004 0.002 0.002 2.353 2.336 2.333 0.011 0.001 0.003 we overestimate the price of Up-Out options. Actually, we do not take into account the possibility that the asset price could have crossed the barrier for some t ∈]ti , ti + 1[ and some i = 0 to n + 1. One way to have a better approximation is to proceed as follows: we define h = T /(n + 1), so zi = z(t + ih), with i = 0, . . . , n + 1. Firstly we check if ezi has reached the barrier U. If not, we compute the value 2 . (21) pi = exp − 2 (U − zi−1 )(U − zi ) σ h and we extract a random variable from a Bernoulli distribution with parameter pi . If the results is 1, the barrier value has been reached and the simulation is stopped, otherwise the simulation is carried on. This technique is largely discussed in literature [11, 13, 14]. In table 2 we report the numerical results for z0 , r, σ, t, T , n + 1 = 100 and the number of Monte Carlo calls fixed as in the previous section. We price an ATM option, K = 100, and an OTM option, K = 130, with U = 150 and U = 200. It is particularly evident the computational gain associated with the AT-PITP algorithm, i.e. a path integral with external trapezoidal integration improved by antithetic variables technique. 4.1.3. Reverse Cliquet options The last one-dimensional case we consider is represented by the so called Reverse Cliquet option, whose payoff function is given by the following: " zi+1 # n X e − ezi hRC [z] = max F, C + min ,0 . (22) ezi i=0 The option is characterized by the number of periods, n, the minimum amount, the floor F , and the maximum coupon, the cap C, payable. Because the value of the contract increases when positive performances are more probable, i.e. the skewness increases, the owner of the option goes long the skew. We have tested our algorithms by choosing numerical values for the parameters in order to perform a comparison with the results quoted in Ref. [6] and which are reported in table 3 for completeness. The floor F has been fixed equal to zero, while the cap C = nc, with c = 0.04, S0 = 100, r = 0.09 and σ = 0.3. The T /n ratio value 12 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach Table 3. Reverse Cliquet option fair price for S0 = 100, r = 0.09, σ = 0.3 and T /n = 1/12 year. n=4 AT-MCRW AT-PITP AT-PICH Ref. [6] n = 12 n = 24 n = 36 Price Error Price Error Price Error Price Error 0.0574 0.0572 0.0572 0.0574 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.1223 0.1225 0.1218 0.1222 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002 0.1993 0.1992 0.1990 0.1990 0.0002 0.0003 0.0002 0.2611 0.2611 0.2606 0.2609 0.0002 0.0003 0.0003 is 1/12 year and n = 4, 12, 24, 36. In table 3 we report the values corresponding to the different values of n. Again we observe a good agreement between the results of the various algorithms. 4.2. Multidimensional assets In this section we report the performances of path integral pricing in the case of options on multidimensional assets S = (S1 , S2 , . . . , SD ). As example, we price an Asian call option on the basket X whose value at time t is obtained by linearly combining the values of the components of S: PD i P Xt = i=1 αi St D (23) i=1 αi = 1 α >0 ∀i = 1 to D i Consequently, no-arbitrage price of this option at time t = 0 is !# " n+1 X D X 1 αi Sji − K, 0 . OAD (S0 ) = e−rT E max n + 2 j=0 i=1 (24) In order to compare multidimensional performances of all the algorithms introduced in section 3, we need to choose D such that it still makes sense to perform a deterministic integration over zT = ln ST . However, we expect a gain in competitivity of pure Monte Carlo integration (PIFL, PICH), as the deterministic one gradually loses its attractive features when dimension increases. That is why we choose a three-dimensional correlated asset. All tests are performed by setting r = 0.095, by considering a maturity of T = 1 year with a time discretization of 100 time steps (n + 1 = 100) and, when not stated otherwise, ρ = 0.6 and σ k = 0.2, k = 1 to D = 3. As in the previous sections,√path integral integration is limited, on each dimension to an interval of amplitude 8σ k T . In the special case of PITP, for each ending point we have 1000 Monte Carlo calls and it is worth noticing that if we choose n1 integration values for each dimension, the total number of deterministic integration points grows exponentially as nD 1 . Thus, a poor-quality unidimensional integration with n1 = 10 consists indeed in evaluating the 13 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach Table 4. Prices, Monte Carlo (MC) errors (95% confidence interval), percentage errors and percentage prices differences of an Asian Basket call option, according to the multidimensional PITP algorithm, with K = 120. Reference for percentage is Price(n1 = 10). n1 Price MC error MC error/Price(n1 = 10) Price difference/ Price(n1 = 10) 10 8 6 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.01 0.01 0.02 1.9% 3.2% 6.5% – 1.3% 4.5% Table 5. Prices and errors for Asian Basket call options according to the algorithms PIFL, PICH, MCRW with 104 Monte Carlo calls. Errors are given at one standard deviation. ATM OTM C=(105,110,115) C=(100,120,115) C=(110,110,110) C=(120,120,110) MCRW PIFL PICH Price Error Price Error Price Error Price Error 7.5 6.3 6.8 0.1 0.5 0.4 7.5 7.8 8.1 0.1 0.6 0.4 0.83 0.77 0.80 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.83 0.78 0.56 0.03 0.08 0.07 integrand function on 103 points. The first test is about the convergence of deterministic integration: we set K = 120, S0 = (100, 90, 105) and we compare prices obtained with n1 = 6, 8, 10, i.e. with 216 · 103, 512 · 103 , 106 total calls. In table 4 we report the prices thus obtained with their Monte Carlo errors at two standard deviations (confidence interval of 95%) toghether with two significant ratios. The first, in column four, is the ratio between Monte Carlo error and price at n1 = 10; the second, in the fifth column, is the difference between the price and the price when n1 = 10 divided by the latter. As in the unidimensional case, changes in prices due to the number of deterministic integration points are well included in the Monte Carlo confidence interval. Let us remark that when we perform a pure Monte Carlo (PIFL, PICH, MCRW) computation with a small number of Monte Carlo calls, say 104 , we find that MCRW is “highly recommended”, as path integral fails to efficiently explore the support of the integrand function. Results corresponding to ρ = 0.8, K = 110, σ k = 0.2 + 0.02 · (k − 1) and obtained with two different choices for the center of the integration cube C and two different spot S0 are reported in table 5. The case S0 = (100, 95, 80) corresponds to an OTM case, while when S0 = (105, 110, 115), corresponds to ATM. In this case we have bad convergence results as the central value depends on the integration region and the Monte Carlo error is therefore large. 14 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach Table 6. Prices and errors for Asian Basket call options according to the algorithms PITP, PIFL, PICH, MCRW with n1 = 6 and 216000 total Monte Carlo calls. S0 = (100, 90, 105), ATM case is with K = 100, OTM with K = 140. Errors are given at one standard deviation. ATM K = 100 OTM K = 140 C=(110,100,110) C=(100,100,100) C=(140,140,140) C=(130,130,130) MCRW PITP PIFL PICH Price Error Price Error Price Error Price Error 5.29 5.33 5.37 5.26 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.03 5.29 5.28 5.41 5.28 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.0049 0.0051 0.0048 0.0048 0.0004 0.0003 0.0003 0.0001 0.0049 0.0049 0.0048 0.0050 0.0004 0.0003 0.0002 0.0001 Once we take care of chosing a sufficient number of Monte Carlo calls (just take as reference deterministic integration with the rule of thumb of setting at least 6 integration points for each dimension and 1000 calls for each ending point, that is 6D · 103 total calls), we compare the behavior of our algorithms in the cases OTM and ATM. We report them in table 6 where we fix spot price to S0 = (100, 90, 105) and we change the strike to have ITM/ATM (K = 100) and OTM (K = 140) pricing. Once again we report results obtained with two different integration intervals in order to show that the chosen number of calls is enough to guarantee stability of integration to (relatively small) changes of integration hypercube¶. As in the unidimensional case, we use the rules of thumb of centering integration for zT on ln K when we are OTM and on ln S0 erT when we are ATM. When compared to table 1, these results present some analogies and some differences. It is clear that, as it was for the unidimensional case, path integral is still a good choice to price OTM options, prices being in agreement with the benchmark MCRW and errors smaller, especially with a Cauchy pdf sampling (PICH). On the other side, when dimension increases, path integral ATM performance worsens. Even if we perform tests with 5 · 105 and 106 Monte Carlo calls, whenever we are ITM/ATM, path integral fails to give a small error, central value being however compatible with benchmark. Moreover, we remark that deterministic integration has effectively lost its attractive properties, PIFL and PICH giving more precise confidence intervals. 5. Greek letters In the present section, we give the results, obtained for Asian and Barrier Knock Out options, concerning the so-called Greek letters. It is interesting to compare the numerical values with those obtained with the analytical formulae for Plain Vanilla call options, ¶ It is only important to recall that, if we perform integration on an interval whose spots value are too low, we will have an under-estimation of the price. Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach 15 which we report here for completeness: O(S) = SN(d1 ) − K exp[−r(T − t)]N(d2 ), (25) ∆ = N(d1 ), (26) N ′ (d1 ) √ , Sσ T − t √ V = S T − tN ′ (d1 ), Γ= SN ′ (d1 )σ − rK exp[−r(T − t)]N(d2 ), Θ=− √ 2 T −t (27) (28) (29) . where N is the cumulative of a standardized Gaussian distribution, d1 = [ln(S/K) + √ √ . (r + σ 2 /2)(T − t)]/(σ T − t) and d2 = d1 − σ T − t. The values of the parameters are K = 100, r = 0.095, σ = 0.2, T = 1 year and n + 1 = 100, while for the barrier we choose U = 150. The error bars represent one standard deviation numerical errors. In figure 3 we show the price of the option and the Delta, Gamma, Vega and Theta versus S. As expected, the qualitative behaviour of prices and Greeks for Asian call options does not differ significantly from Plain Vanilla one. The shift in prices is due to the fact that in the Asian payoff the role of S(T ) is played by the mean value of S along the path. A lower price is therefore a straightforward consequence. The Greeks do not coincide exactly, but the relevant features, such as the sign of the derivative, are preserved. The situation is completely different for the barrier options. First of all, we expect that for small values of S and with our choice for the max barrier value, U = 150, the results overlap the European ones. This can be easily verified from the figures and considered as a check for the consistency of the data. The profile of the price graph is characterised by changes both of the monotonic properties and of the concavity, as shown in figure 3. This reflects in the change of sign of the Delta and Gamma. The behaviour of the Vega can be explained by noticing that, for S << U, an increase of the σ means an increase in the width of the distribution of S(T ), that reaches higher values without reaching the barrier, so ∂O/∂σ > 0. Contrarily, when S and σ grow S(T ) reaches the barrier more frequently and option loses value. Analogously for the Theta, i.e. −∂O/∂T , where the role of σ is played by the maturity T . However, in this case, the presence of the minus sign in the definition implies Θ < 0 for S << U and Θ > 0 otherwise. 6. Conclusions and outlook In this paper we have shown how the path integral approach to stochastic processes can be successfully applied to the problem of pricing exotic derivative contracts. Numerical results for the fair price and the Greek letters of a variety of options have been presented and carefully compared with those obtained by means of other procedures used in quantitative finance. With respect to the original formulation of Ref. [7] the method has been generalized in order to cope with options depending on multiple and correlated 16 Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach Figure 3. Option Price and Greek letters for Plain Vanilla (——), Asian () and Barrier Knock Out ( ) call options. ◦ 30 1 . ∆ = ∂O/∂S Option Price 25 20 15 0.8 0.6 0.4 10 0.2 5 0 0 -0.2 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 70 75 80 85 90 S 0.06 . Γ = ∂ 2 O/∂S 2 95 100 105 110 115 120 100 105 110 115 120 S 50 . V = ∂O/∂σ 0.04 0.02 25 0 -25 0 -50 -0.02 -75 -0.04 -100 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 S 70 75 80 85 90 95 S . Θ = −∂O/∂T 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 S underlying assets. Concerning options depending on a single asset, it has been shown that the algorithm can provide very precise results, especially for pricing ATM and OTM options, by virtue of an appropriate separation of the integrals entering the path integral formula and, more importantly, of a careful simulation of random paths arriving at some fixed ending points, in order to probe the relevant regions of the payoff functions. As far Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach 17 as Basket options are concerned, while in general the standard Monte Carlo simulation turns out to be more efficient, our approach exhibits best performances for OTM option. The algorithm is general and could be extended to price other types of exotic contracts. A possible perspective would be to use the results here as a benchmark to train neural networks, along the lines described in Ref. [15]. A further important development concerns the application of the method to more realistic models of the financial dynamics, beyond the log-normal assumption and including power law tails [16]. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Bernard Lapeyre for suggesting a comparison with the Brownian Bridge and stratification technique. We acknowledge partial collaboration with Francesca Rossi at the early stage of this work. We wish to thank Carlo Carloni Calame for helpful assistance with software installation. The work of G.B. is partially supported by STMicroelectronics. Appendix A. Stratification and Brownian Bridge We present here the algorithm used to test our hints about the reasons of the good performances of path integral with deterministic integration when pricing path dependent options on unidimensional assets. If we want to have a good Monte Carlo error, it is necessary to lead the testing paths to the region in which the payoff function is non-zero. This is the advantage of performing the external integral in (14) in a clever way and to drive path toward some fixed ending points. The algorithm we present exploits this idea by means of a backward construction of the underlying process instead of using a path integral method. First of all we want to describe the law of zt , with t ∈ [0, T ], once we have fixed z0 and zT . It is then easy to find out that, if we write zT − z0 t + ǫt , (A.1) zt = z0 + T then ǫt is gaussian with zero mean and variance t(T − t)σ 2 /T . Moreover, its law does not depend on the values taken by the starting and ending points. Once z0 and zT are given, we can thus obtain the Monte Carlo path z0 , z1 , . . . , zn , zT by applying recursively relation (A.1). As for the path integral and for a standard Euler discretization scheme, simulating a path is equivalent to generate n standard Gaussian variables. The main difference with path integral is that here, once we have the {ǫti }i=1,...,n , we are however forced to simulate the path recursively that is, we cannot simulate zi if we have not obtained zi−1 and zi+1 . In the path integral case, instead, extraction is straightforward using (13). Let consider a mathematical expectation in the form E[F (z0 , zn+1 , ǫ)] with ǫ = (ǫ1 , . . . , ǫn ). By definition of conditional expectation we rewrite it as Z E[F (zn+1 , ǫ)] = E[E[F (zn+1 , ǫ) | zn+1 ]] = dx G(x)ρ(x); (A.2) R Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach 18 . where G is defined as G(x) = E[F (zn+1 , ǫ) | zn+1 = x] and ρ is the pdf of zn+1 . In this way we stratify the domain of the random variable zn+1 and force it to take values into fixed closed sub-sets of it (here the sub-sets reduce to the points x ∈ R). It is possible to show [11] that this procedure may lead to a variance reduction. We then approximate integration over x as in (15) and evaluate via Monte Carlo G(x), by generating backward paths as in (A.1). This way of proceeding has the same qualities and the same limitations as the PITP, that is: whenever we switch to multidimensional assets, the deterministic integral becomes less and less accurate. References [1] Hull J 1997 Options, Futures and Other Derivatives (New Jersey: Prentice Hall) [2] Clewlow L and Strickland C 1998 Implementing Derivative Models (Wiley) [3] Wilmott P, Dewynne J and Howinson S 1993 Option Pricing: Mathematical Models and Computation (Oxford: Oxford Financial Press) [4] Black F and Scholes M 1973 J. Polit. Econ. 72 637 Merton R 1973 J. Econ. Managem. Sci. 4 141 [5] Lo C F, Lee H C and Hui C H 2003 Quant. Finance 3 98 Vecer J and Xu M 2004 Quant. 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