CDP Guide to Supplying Artwork If you want to supply us with artwork, but are unsure of the best way to go about it, please ring us and ask to speak to the artroom. We are always pleased to give advice. Tel: 0151 724 7000 • Fax: 0151 724 6478 ARTWORK GUIDELINES PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Following these guidelines will mean better quality print and improved turn-around times. Before you submit your files to us please make sure that your work is thoroughly checked and prepared correctly for output. N.B. WHEN SUPPLYING ARTWORK VIA EMAIL OR THE INTERNET, PLEASE USE “STUFFIT” IF ARTWORK HAS BEEN GENERATED ON A MAC OR IN ZIP FILES, IF IT HAS BEEN CREATED ON A PC. THIS HELPS PREVENT CORRUPTION OR INCORRECT ENCODING OF FILES WHEN SENT VIA EMAIL OR TRANSFERRING USING FTP. IF THERE ARE ANY AMENDS TO BE MADE ON ARTWORK SENT TO US, ITS PREFERABLE IF THE CUSTOMER MAKES THE AMENDS AND RESENDS ONLY THE MODIFIED ARTWORK. IF YOU REQUIRE CDP TO AMEND ANY ARTWORK WE WILL SUPPLY A PROOF THAT SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY CHECKED. What File types we accept: All in order of preference: 1. Quark Xpress (all versions upto 8.0) – This is the ideal format for artwork. 2. Adobe Indesign (all versions upto CS5) 3. Adobe Illustrator If you cannot provide above formats, other limited formats we can accept: 1. EPS – Lots of software available can output this format vectored where possible. 2. Acrobat Print Ready PDF - Fine for artwork that requires no amendment and is either black or four colour process, but we prefer original format the artwork was set in. 3. Microsoft Word, and Excel – We are limited in how we can use these files. Usually only suitable if Black only. We can extract text from these files for use in resetting in Quark, so saves us time retyping. 4. Microsoft Publisher - we now have Markzware conversion software that allows us to convert Publisher files to Adobe Indesign. While this gives us a lot more control over dealing with the file it doesn’t always fully convert properly so there may still be an element of work required when dealing with Publisher files. For Graphics and logos to use in artwork: 1. Vectored Illustrator or Freehand EPS – Ideal. 2. Tiff – Most suitable for Photographic Images 3. Hi Res Jpegs – Suitable for Photographic images. 4. PDF – We can sometimes extract logos and graphics from these but it is not ideal. 5. Gif and other formats – We can accept most types of graphic formats, but of limited use. We consider them a last resort if no other format available. We can accept artwork via: Internet This site is very useful: (As email, compress before sending, suitable for larger files). Email Please Compress files before sending, using stuffit or zip (suitable for files below 2MB size) Disks CD and DVD. If preferred we can accept files via ftp or sftp please contact us for login details. Any Questions? Contact Us Tel: 0151 724 7000 • Fax: 0151 724 6478 • Please follow the guidelines below: QUARK XPRESS • Documents which include all elements (fonts, images etc.) need to be collected for output. • All colours need to be spot colour (pantone colours specified) or CMYK (Convert any RGB colours). • Colour and greyscale bitmaps should have at least a resolution of 300dpi at printed size. • Monochrome bitmaps (linework) should have at least a resolution of 1200 dpi at printed size. • 3mm bleed should be added where necessary (when colour or an image runs right to the edge of the page). • Ensure your trapping is set to ‘Knockout all’. • Make sure any clipping paths are created in Photoshop and exported into Quark as an EPS file with the background in Quark set to none. • Ensure any logos etc. created in any other software package have the fonts outlined. • Ensure image files are supplied as TIFF or EPS files. ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR • Illustrator files need to be supplied with fonts outlined or embedded, and if not embedded, then supplied with the file. • Any imported graphics need to be spot (Pantone colours only) or CMYK (Convert any RGB colours). • Include all linked files. • All colours in your colour palette need to be Pantone Spot colours or CMYK (Convert any RGB colours) • Colour and greyscale bitmaps should have at least a resolution of 300dpi at printed size. • Monochrome bitmaps (linework) should have at least a resolution of 1200 dpi at printed size. • 3mm bleed should be added where necessary (when colour or an image runs right to the edge of the page). EPS • EPS files should have a Macintosh preview. • All fonts should be outlined. • All colours need to be spot (Pantone colours only) or CMYK (Convert any RGB colours). • Colour and greyscale bitmaps should have at least a resolution of 300dpi at printed size. • Monochrome bitmaps (Linework) should have at least a resolution of 1200 dpi at printed size. • 3mm bleed should be added where necessary (when colour or an image runs right to the edge of the page). PDF • Composite PDFs should be supplied with fonts embedded. • Colour and greyscale bitmaps should be at least a resolution of 300dpi at printed size. • Monochrome bitmaps (linework) should be at least a resolution of 1200 dpi at printed size. • At least 3mm bleed should be added where necessary (when colour or an image runs right to the edge of the page). • Ensure the document contains crop marks if necessary with even spacing all round. In-Design and Pagemaker • Ensure your file is set up correctly (as previous, in Quark). Layout • Please supply everything ‘one up’. Please allow our system to sort out the impositioning and printers pairs etc. Text only • If you are just supplying us with raw text to set, then we can accept it in Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, Powerpoint, Publisher and Microsoft Excel. Any Questions? Contact Us Tel: 0151 724 7000 • Fax: 0151 724 6478 • General Information Colour Your computer, scanner, digital camera and monitor will create images using combinations of three colours: Red; Green and Blue (RGB). Printing presses use four different colours to reproduce these images: Cyan; Magenta; Yellow and Black (CMYK). It is best to convert images to CMYK before sending your file to us, this is best done in a package such as Photoshop. If we perform the conversion for you, we will apply a standard conversion which may result in the colours appearing washed out, and you may incur additional costs to your job. If your job is a process colour job, ensure that there are no RGB or SPOT colours in your document ( if you want to use a specific PANTONE reference, make sure it is separated to CMYK, then matched to the original colour). If you want your job printed in one or more specific pantone colours please specify actual colour, red/brown/green is insufficient. Images Save your images as CMYK in EPS or TIFF Format. This will preserve the colour and clarity of your image. GIF and JPEG formats compress the image and actually discard information, causing colour imbalance and loss of quality in some cases. Resolution Pictures should be scanned at 300dpi and at the size you intend using them or bigger- never smaller. Please note the quality of the finished result will be limited by the resolution of the images. Images downloaded from the internet are rarely an acceptable resolution for print. Linked File Names Please ensure file names are kept as short as possible and under no circumstance use the same name more than once or placed in a different folder. It is possible that when we upload your files onto our system, files with the same name may be linked to the wrong position in your document. Fonts Ensure that you send complete Apple Mac font suitcases with your work, not just screen fonts. (We and most of the printers we use are Apple Mac based and PC fonts are not compatible with Apple Macintosh) Margins If an item (text/image) is not intended to bleed off the page, please make sure it is at least 4mm from the edge. Clipping Paths If you are working in layers, using clipping paths, it is better that you create your clipping path in Photoshop and import the image into Quark as an EPS, making sure that your background is set to none. Alternatively, you can erase the background of the image in photoshop and export the image as a Transparent EPS, before placing it into Quark. Hard Copy Please remember to supply us with a full colour hard copy of your work if possible. Even a black and white copy will help us to identify any inconsistencies resulting from file transfer from your system to ours. Mark the proof with any special requirements you might have. Proofs In most cases we will provide colour proofs of your file before we go to print, but please remember this is not 100% colour accurate. The proof only acts as a guide as to how the finished print will look.When any prepress proof, don't forget to verify the size of the piece, the paper stock, the quantity, and the ink colours. These fundamental specs are often overlooked during the proofing process. However, mistakes are easily made. For instance, a PMS number could be transposed or a cover weight stock could be used instead of text stock. What is more often the case, your project may have undergone one or more quantity or paper stock changes since the job handed off. It is your responsibility to make sure these specs are correct when you sign off your proofs. On approval of your proof, it is vital that you return it to us with each individual page initialled by yourself, as we will check the printing plates against these proofs. Once we have your signed approval that the layout and content is correct, we will proceed to print Author’s Amendments Any amendments or corrections to material supplied by yourself undertaken by CDP, may incur additional costs to your original quotation. CDP August 2012.